A Study On Customer Attitude Towards Mobile Banking With Special Reference To Erode District

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific

Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal
ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | www.ijtsrd.com | Volume - 2 | Issue – 1

A Study on Customer Attitude towards Mobile Banking with

Special Reference to Erode District
Mr. M. Mohanraj Dr. A. T. Jaganathan
Ph.D Research Scholar [Management], M.B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Head and Department of
K.S.R College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Business Administration, K.S.R College of Arts and
Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India Science (Autonomous), Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu

Mobile banking plays major roles in the ongoing Banking in India has been originated in the last decay
scenario, based on the up gradation of the technology of 18th century. The first banks are The General Bank
customer of the banks have started using the banking of India, which was started in the year 1786 and Bank
services through the use of mobile phones. Know-a- of Hindustan which was started in the year of 1790.
days mobile phones have become the basic need of The oldest bank of India was the State Bank of India
every one which helps the consumers to make various which was started in the year 1806.
kinds of activities. The activities that are done with
the help of mobile banking are online transfer of Mobile banking has changed the traditional way of
money, ticket reservation, transfer of funds, etc,. banking system that allows customers to do the
Consumers attitude towards mobile banking service is banking services like making deposits, withdraw,
base on the expectation of the consumers like send, receive and transfer funds from the mobile
communication has to be properly informed, the account with the help of mobile device. Mobile
transaction process ha s to be with limited duration, banking offers various types of information for the
need for interaction, ease to use, etc. Customer customers like
attitude has been varying frequently based the
changes in technology in banking system. Banking Paymants
service of consumers has been effective with the help
of mobile phones. Mobile Banking has been
efficiently use by the customers in order to save their ATM
time, money and effort. The sampling size of the Support
research is 200.The statistical tools used in the
research are percentage analysis, chi-square, Anova. MOBILE
The main aim of the study is to find customer attitude BANKIG
towards mobile baking and their change of behavior INFORMATION
with mobile banking services.

Investments Withdrawal
Keywords: Mobile Banking, Customer Attitude,
Mobile Phone, technology, consumer behavior.


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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

Nowadays consumers of banking has changed their OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY

attitude, that they don’t want to stand in the bank
queues ,no need of PC and laptop with the internet Primary objective:
connection just with the help of mobile phone all the
 To analyze the factors influencing the customer
activities are done with mobile banking system.
attitude towards Mobile Banking in Erode
Mobile banking has been effectively used by all
consumers because they don’t want wait for others,
Secondary objective:
they can transfer their amount at any time, they can
 To determine the customer mobile banking
carry mobiles any without any trouble.
 To determine the customer expected services in
Technology has been perfectly used by the banking
system, where updations of all the activities have been
 To analyze the effectiveness of advertisement and
implemented in banking system. Mobile Banking has
promotional activities.
helped the banks to improve the quality of services to
 To observe the overall customer satisfaction on
the customers and it has created the customer
mobile banking.
relationship management. Through Mobile banking
the banks can easily contact the group of customer
who are more valuable to the banks. Communication
of the banks with the customers helps the bank to sell Banks that is proving the various services for the
the financial products. customer’s in order to retain them, based on that the
expectation of the customer has to be found by the
Key features of mobile banking are banks to make their services better. The attitude of the
Check the account balances and various customers is varying form period to period based on
information of our account the up gradation of the technology. Mobile Banking
Customers can view their last 30 days transaction that helps the customer to make all the activities of the
from their history customer to easily done with in a fraction of a second
Transfer of funds from accounts without waiting for anyone, at the same time the
Balance availability banks have to be dynamic in their technology to
View the Payment of interest by the banks of satisfy the customers.
various types of accounts
Processing of cheque details RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
BPAY payments
Purchases that are made with credit card etc. It is the science which dealing with principles of
procedure in research and study. A detailed survey of
IMPORTANCE AND NEED OF THE STUDY: customers was carried out to find out their preferences
towards Srinivasa Corporation the details of the
Mobile banking makes the change in the traditional methodology are stated below.
processing of the Bank works. Customers of the bank RESEARCH DESIGN
moved according to the technology because of their
busy schedule of their work. During non-availability Research design is the arrangement of conditions for
of the banking service in holidays they are moving collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims
towards the internet services or other outlets to to combine relevance to the research purpose with
transfer the amount for their purpose, Where the economy in procedure.
mobile banking helps them to transfer and do all the
activities in the same place without moving anywhere. DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN
Based on the attitude of the customer there is a change
This study aims at describing the nature of
in the behavior banking process with the help of
respondent’s attitude towards Mobile Banking in
mobile banking which is more comfortable. Banks
Erode district. Therefore, this research is can be called
that are started to develop their activities with the help
as descriptive research. Descriptive research includes
of mobile banking which is effectively used by the
surveys and fact finding enquires of different kinds.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
The major purpose of descriptive research is REVIEW OF LITERATURE
description of the state of affairs as it exists at present.
A. Palani, P. Y. (2012) in his article” A Study On
DATA COLLECTION Customer Perception Towards Mobile Banking In
Indian Overseas Bank Chennai” his research , carried
There are two types of data collections.
out to confirm the model of mobile banking. The
 Primary data collection causes were identified and researched through
 Secondary data collection correcting the causative factors so that mobile
banking can be used by more people. This will help
Primary data the banking operations to be more cost effective. The
Primary data is first had information it was collected research is focused on what are the customer’s
from the respondent by using a structural perceptions about mobile banking offered by Indian
questionnaire. The researcher has got the primary Overseas Bank and what are the drivers that drive
data through survey method. consumers. He found that still the users face many
problems right from the telecom operator to banks,
Secondary data the handset to software application support for using
The secondary data was collected through the services.
secondary sources like company records, company
websites, magazine, and Newspaper. Amola bhatt, S. B. (2016) in his article”Factors
Affecting Customer’s Adoption of Mobile Banking
SAMPLING METHOD Services. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce”
he says demographic, attitudinal, and behavioural
Simple Random sampling refers to the collection of characteristics of mobile bank users were examined.
information from members of the population who are The infrastructural facility of updated user friendly
available to provide it. Random sampling is a technology and its availability was found to be the
probability method. most important factor that motivated consumers’
attitudes. This study identified two additional factors
Sample Unit i.e. infrastructural facility and customer service
Total sample unit is 150 relevant to mobile banking that were absent in
previous researches.
Chandran, R. (2014) in his article “ Pros and cons of
1. PERCENTAGE ANALYSIS Mobile banking. International Journal of Scientific
Percentage analysis is the method to represent raw and Research Publications” he says that Over the
streams of data as a percentage (a part in 100 - years, banking has transcended from a traditional
percent) for better understanding of collected data. brick-and mortar model of customers queuing for
services in the banks to modern day banking where
Number of respondent
banks can be reached at any point for their services. It
Percentage analysis = ………………………… X 100
is well recognized that mobile phones have immense
Total number of respondents
potential of conducting financial transactions thus
leading the financial growth with lot of convenience
and much reduced cost. For inclusive growth, the
Chi-square is a statistical test commonly used to
benefits of mobile banking should reach to the
compare observed data with data we would expect to
common man at the remotest locations in the country.
obtain according to a specific hypothesis.
This can be calculated using the formula
Chuchuen, C. (2016) in his article “The Perception of
Mobile Banking Adoption: The Study of Behavioral,
(O  E ) 2
 E
Security, and Trust in Thailand. International Journal
= of Social Science and Humanity” he says there are
Where many factors that relate in M-banking adoption
O = Observed frequency. process. This paper demonstrates a conceptual model
E = Expected frequency and propositions for identifying Thai adopter factors

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2017 Page: 260
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
of M-banking adoption for improving the M-banking satisfaction showed that any customers have high
adoption process especially in term of M-banking expectations toward M-banking.
providers Finally, the relationship between M-banking
intention and M-banking adoption which refers to



Gender Male 50 33.3
Female 100 66.7
Total 150 100.0
Age Below 25 35 23.3
25-35 68 45.3
Above 35 47 31.3
Total 150 100.0
Educational Below SSLC 14 9.3
Qualification Higher Secondary 29 19.3
Under graduate 56 37.3
Post graduate 22 14.7
Above post graduate 29 19.3
Total 150 100.0
Occupation Govt employee 20 13.3
Private employee 36 24.0
Business 55 36.7
Labor 19 12.7
Student 20 13.3
Total 150 100.0
Income Below 1,00,000 38 25.3
1,00,000-3,00,000 76 50.7
Above 3,00,000 36 24.0
Total 150 100.0
Transfer of amount Below 500 22 14.7
500-1000 68 45.3
Above 1000 60 40.0
Total 150 100.0
Frequency of Mobile Occasionally 14 9.3
Banking Periodically 63 42.0
Monthly once 30 20.0
Yearly twice/trice 22 14.7
Yearly once 21 14.0
Total 150 100.0
Awareness of Mobile Advertisement through 33 22.0
Banking media
Advertisement through 58 38.7
Relatives and friends 31 20.7
Others 28 18.7
Total 150 100.0

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
Knowledge of Mobile Sufficient knowledge 28 18.7
Banking Average knowledge 98 65.3
Poor knowledge 24 16.0
Total 150 100.0
Satisfaction of Mobile Highly satisfied 13 8.7
Banking Satisfied 36 24.0
Neutral 47 31.3
Dissatisfied 30 20.0
Highly dissatisfied 24 16.0
Total 150 100.0

 Found that the 66.7 percent of the respondents are majority of the respondents are income group of
gender of male, 33.3percent of the respondents are 100000 to 300000.
gender of female. It is found that the majority of
the respondents are gender of female. 2. CHI-SQUARE TEST
 Found that the 45.3 percent of the respondents are
age of 25-35 years, 31.3 percent of the 1) EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION AND
respondents are age of above 35 years and 23.3 PREFER MOBILE BANKING
percent of the respondents are age of below 25. It
is found that the majority of the respondents are NULL HYPOTHESIS (H0)
age of 25-35 years. There is no significant difference between
Educational qualification and Prefer Mobile Banking
 Found that the 50.7 percent of the respondents are
income group of 100000 to 300000, 25.3 percent ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS (H1)
of the respondents are income group of below There is a significant difference between Educational
100000, 24 percent of the respondents are income qualification and Prefer Mobile Banking.
group of above 300000. It is found that the



Factors Value Df Asymp. Sig

Pearson chi- Square 312.861 16 .000
Likelihood Ratio 249.154 16 .000
Linear-by-linear association 38.395 1 .000
Since the ‘p’ value is less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected. So, there is a significant difference between
Educational qualification and Prefer Mobile Banking.

Mobile Banking has become one of the important funds, credit, debit, etc. Besides that, the findings of
factor that has been effectively used by the consumer, this study that will provide the knowledge of
based this the updations of Banks has to be done to behaviour towards the mobile banking. Banks has to
retain and satisfy the customers. Mobile Banking create certain programs to the customers regarding the
updates the knowledge of the behavioral intention to dynamic change in the mobile banking process, which
adopt mobile with the usage for transfer of amount, will make the customer to be satisfied with the service
of banks.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
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