Section Five
Section Five
Section Five
Section Five: Teacher Candidate Reflection Guidelines
Section five I will reflect on what I have completed in terms of this portfolio project, my
experiences at Medaille College, and prior experiences related to the field of education. I will
Along with this, I will continually and throughout this section, will be making references
Preparation (TEAC/CAEP) claims. Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject
matter in their certification area(s). Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of
diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best teaching practices. Claim 3:
This section has four components to it, within it, it has the introduction, portfolio
conclusion. The introduction introduces the section and what you can expect as the reader. The
portfolio project/teacher education learning experiences will outline what I have done thus far
from this portfolio to this program, M.S. Ed at Medaille College. I will be reflecting on the
various experiences throughout the program from the school observations to the work I have
compiled together such as and not limited to the artifacts listed in section three. Readiness to
become a teacher will outline what makes me ready to become a teacher today and into the
future. I will explain further with my artifacts assisting me to persuade to you that I am ready to
make that leap to become a professional teacher. The conclusion will close up section five and
I never thought I would be here right now, in the M.S Ed program at Medaille College
preparing myself to be a professional teacher. As mentioned in section two, my family are all
teachers and I felt like I needed to do something else and took a different route. Ten years later, I
have come to realize that my calling is to become a teacher. My passion is to teach. I have
always loved that aspect of my job where I am currently working. Teaching fulfils me and gives
After deciding to make the leap to teaching, I applied to Medaille College and started out
on another journey. Medaille College and their professors have instilled in me and enabled me
with the tools and knowledge to teach. They did not just teach me to teach but in a culturally
responsive way that promotes healthy learning and interactive and engaging environments
(TEAC/CAEP Claim 1: knowledge of subject matter, Claim 2: effective pedagogy and best
starting with my very first course, Early Field Experience, which brought me to the classroom to
make observations and to learn about the many theorists that have had a great impact on the field
of education in the past to present. I have found, since the beginning of my journey at Medaille
College, that each professor and teacher I have come across knew their content, ensured their
best practices were used, and they conducted themselves in a caring way towards us. These
qualities aligned with what TEAC/CAEP stands for (TEAC/CAEP Claim 1: knowledge of
subject matter, Claim 2: effective pedagogy and best practices, and Claim 3: caring educator).
for teaching continues to grow. The students I have come into contact with have the desire to
learn and the sparkle in their eyes when you teach a new concept or work on an experiment
cannot be replaced with anything. The teachers have a way with themselves from
professionalism to carefree spirit engages the students will to learn. I have not seen a teacher that
could not get their students to learn one way or another. These teachers know their content,
applied best practice, and care about their students (TEAC/CAEP Claim 1: knowledge of subject
matter, Claim 2: effective pedagogy and best practices, and Claim 3: caring educator).
Prior to my observations, I have taught at my agency where we have a school on site for
the clients we have that could not attend school for any numbers of reasons. Although it was not
direct curriculum and more of a home school style type education, the clients were nonetheless
engaged as would they have been in a normal school classroom. These clients responded to the
same practices and were just as engaged. If you teach them in a manner that showed you cared
about them while applying best practices, the clients would want to learn and be excited about
learning. I was surprised that I had applied the TEAC/CAEP claims without knowing
(TEAC/CAEP Claim 1: knowledge of subject matter, Claim 2: effective pedagogy and best
teaching. Culturally responsive teaching is when the teacher considers all of the students
regarding their culture, race, ethnicity, sex, and background within the lessons being taught.
Teachers are to incorporate students’ cultural references in all aspects of learning. Being taught
this and having applied this to all lesson plans I have made including the math unit to which I
have included as an artifact shows that I have directly applied the TEAC.CAEP claims
(TEAC/CAEP Claim 1: knowledge of subject matter, Claim 2: effective pedagogy and best
was allowed to teach my staff. I had to find what out for myself what would work and what I
needed to teach to maximize the staffs’ learning so they can take the learning and apply it to the
clients we worked with. Once content was established and the best practice was ironed out, I
taught my staff on how we are to deal with our clients. One way was to be caring. When the
clients feel like they are being heard and respected, they typically respond better. This applies to
all situations such as when they are doing well to when situations are difficult. Being a caring
staff will go a long way. Being a CPI instructor, I have touched on the TEAC/CAEP claims
(TEAC/CAEP Claim 1: knowledge of subject matter, Claim 2: effective pedagogy and best
Section two I mentioned that prior to coming to Medaille College, I had learned how to
multi-task and time management. At Medaille College, I have honed in and enhanced these skills
because this program is a Master’s degree which require significant work to get assignments
completed for each class. I work full time, have a family that rely on me, and attend school.
Multi-tasking and time management are skills required that have helped me keep on task and get
things done.
Section three highlights my strengths within this portfolio project. I chose the best eight
artifacts that I have felt meant something to me and showcases that I possess what it takes to
become a professional teacher. Each artifact demonstrates that I have an understanding of the
standards I need to follow as a teacher. These standards are the Interstate New Teacher
Assessment Support Consortium (INTASC Standards), NYS Code of Ethics Standards for
Educators, NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standards, NYS Learning Standards, DOE
Claims & CAEP Standards, International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) Standards
for Teachers and/or Students, ILA International Literacy Association Professional Standards,
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Standards, Ontario Curriculum Standards, and Ontario
The one artifact I want to touch on a bit more is the math lesson unit. The math lesson
unit has four separate lessons touching on skip counting as its primary and reverse skip counting
as a secondary. The first lesson is the foundation and the lessons after builds on what was learned
from the first lesson working towards easy whole numbers to skip count by to more difficult
whole numbers to skip count by. I would assess the students in each lesson and have an
accumulative assessment in lesson three. After the assessment, I would plan to reteach the
This math lesson unit touches on eight of the ten standards. They are the Interstate New
Teacher Assessment Support Consortium (INTASC Standards), NYS Code of Ethics Standards
for Educators, NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standards, NYS Learning Standards, DOE
Claims & CAEP Standards, International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) Standards
for Teachers and/or Students, Ontario Curriculum Standards, and Ontario Teacher Ethical
Standards. I also want to stress that this math lesson unit not only touches on these standards but
also shows that I have nailed each TEAC/CAEP claim (TEAC/CAEP Claim 1: knowledge of
subject matter, Claim 2: effective pedagogy and best practices, and Claim 3: caring educator).
Readiness to Become a Teacher
College, M.S. Ed program at Medaille College itself, and the portfolio project. I have come to
realize that what I have done have all lead to the teaching profession. As mentioned in section
one of this portfolio project, this portfolio will demonstrate my abilities, preparedness, and
Section two I explained that I didn’t expect to be a teacher as my family are all teachers.
Instead, I became a social worker. But after ten years and enjoying the teaching aspect of my job,
I realized that teaching is in my blood and so researched the best path to getting my teachers
professional teacher. I made the best decision because I have learned so much from the
professors I have come into contact with and the cohort I have been assigned with are all positive
and want the same thing. This M.S. ED program at Medaille College has prepared me to be a
professional teacher and have also given me and mentored the skills and competencies required
program. Although these eight artifacts are only a small portion of what I was able to add to this
portfolio, these artifacts show my preparedness and readiness to become a professional teacher.
If asked today to cover for a teacher tomorrow, I would be able to work and excel because I have
the knowledge in the content I would have to deliver, the best practices learned at Medaille
College would be applied for an effective learning environment for the students, and the care I
would show to the students so they can effectively learn their content. Medaille College instilled
in me the TEAC/CAEP claims that I will never forget to apply to my future classroom
(TEAC/CAEP Claim 1: knowledge of subject matter, Claim 2: effective pedagogy and best
Section four gives a breakdown for you as the reader how the artifacts aligned with the
standards I would have to follow. Section four shows that I am able to articulate why each
artifact belongs to the standards. As a professional teacher, you are guided by the standards and
how you teach and conduct yourself. Without such guidance, you are lost and there would be no
order and the students would also be lost. This would do them a dis-service because children
deserve an education that is meaningful so they can be prepared for the future. Section four also
served another purpose. That purpose is to show you, the read that everything I do must align to
a standard. As a professional teacher, I cannot create a lesson plan and it does not match, align to
the grade level, or is off track because students need direction in their learning. The teacher is the
Section five is a reflection of myself and where I am now. Medaille College and the
faculty of education provided me with an education to not only teach me how to teach the
students but to also better myself. Education is about learning. The field of education always and
continues to evolve, we need to keep up or be lost. For example, technology. Most teachers today
are worried about it but they need to incorporate it because the students are living in the digital
world and teachers need to open the world to them so they can succeed. Teachers need to
continue their learning so when new material or changes in the curriculum occurs, we can be
As section five concludes, I continue to reflect on what teaching means to me and how I
can make connections to the TEAC/CAEP claims not only when in the classroom, but also in my
day to day life. These claims are not just for education but can be applied to almost every aspect
of the working sector. This experience at Medaille College and this portfolio project has taught
me that I have only scratched the surface in my learning. I can only improve and build on what I
know to better myself so my future students can benefit from. Although this portfolio is almost at
its end, I hope that you as the reader found that, throughout the sections, I am prepared and ready
Section six is the last section in this portfolio and will contain the introduction, a video of
myself answering potential questions that could be asked by an employer, the interview question