Narrative Report Teachers Day
Narrative Report Teachers Day
Narrative Report Teachers Day
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Capas West District
September 5 - October 5, 2016
GPTA Officers
SPG Officers
“ A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for
others.” For so many years, teaching profession has always been a human
service/mission rather than a job. Therefore, it is just right to give at least a day for
teachers to celebrate their worth.
e. Revitalize the image of and respect for teaching as a vocation by increasing public
awareness on the value of teachers in the Philippine society.
All public and private elementary and secondary schools including the
districts, divisions and regional offices are enjoined to follow the synchronized
programs, projects and activities.
Sta.Lucia Elementary School celebrated the Worlds Teachers’ Day on the 5th of
October, 2016 at the covered court. The event started at around 8:30 am was led by the
General Parent-Teacher Association (GPTA) officers lead by their president, Mr.
Christopher B. Zamora and the Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) with the guidance of
their adviser, Mrs. Rosalie Pineda as tribute to the teachers. The program started with a
prayer for the teachers headed by a grade IV pupil, Venus Joyce P. Sumawang, followed
by the National anthem led by Mrs. Corazon E. Mariano.
Our school principal Mr. Carlos A. Lapuz Jr. said the opening remarks followed
by a message of gratitude from Mr. Christopher B. Zamora, GPTA President which
inspired and lifted the teachers spirits more.
Selected pupils from different grade levels performed at the stage to showcase
their talents and dedicate it to their teachers. They sang their hearts out, dance with all
their might as tributes. Everyone greeted the teachers a very happy teachers’ day and
gave them letters, flowers, gifts and tokens of appreciation. To end the day right, the
teachers gathered in the school quadrangle. They send their hopes, dreams and wishes
for the teachers as well as their pupils. Everyone had high spirits and was very delighted
to become part of the celebration.