9 Growth and Trade With Capital and Knowledge
9 Growth and Trade With Capital and Knowledge
9 Growth and Trade With Capital and Knowledge
Adam Smith held that the large gains in the productivity of labor have their
origins in the large part of the skill, dexterity, and judgment, which are
consequences of the division of labor. The opportunities and incentives to
which workers respond in their investment in human capital are not seri-
ously considered by classical economists such as Smith, Ricardo, and
Marx. The omission was perhaps not so much misleading as it might ap-
pear, given the role of innovation and education in economic development
when the classical economists were constructing their theories. Neverthe-
less, to understand contemporary world economies, it is essential to exam-
ine possible effects of trade upon personal income distribution in a global-
izing world economy. It has been argued that productivity differences
explain much of the variation in incomes across countries, and technology
plays a key role in determining productivity.1 The pattern of worldwide
technical change is determined largely by international technology diffu-
sion because a few rich countries account for most of the world’s creation
of new technology. As globalization is deepening, it is important to pro-
vide analytical frameworks for analyzing global economic interactions. For
instance, it is important to examine how a developing economy like India
or China may affect different economies as its technology is improved or
population is increased; or how trade patterns may be affected as technolo-
gies are further improved or propensities to save are reduced in developed
economies like the US or Japan.
One of the first seminal attempts to render technical progress endoge-
nous in growth models was initiated by Arrow in 1962. He emphasized
one aspect of knowledge accumulation - learning by doing. In 1965 Uzawa
introduced a sector specifying in creating knowledge into growth theory.
The knowledge sector utilizes labor and the existing stock of knowledge to
produce new knowledge, which enhances productivity of the production
sector. Another approach is taken by, for instance, Kennedy in 1964,
Weizsäcker in 1966 and Samuelson in 1965, who took account of the as-
1 Different channels of inequalities are modeled by, for instance, Krugman and
Venables (1995), Manasse and Turrini (2001), Nakajima (2003), and Agénor
324 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
(1991), Rauch (1991a), Stokey (1991), Nardini (2001), Martin and Ottaviano (2001),
Brecher et al. (2002), and Nocco (2005).
9.1 A National Growth Model 325
spread around the world through imitation and exports of capital goods
that embody new technology. It is argued that a country’s productivity de-
pends on its access to capital goods from around the world and its willing-
ness and ability to utilize them. Eaton and Kortum develop a model of
trade in capital goods to take account of this view. The theoretical frame-
work is a combination of the neoclassical growth model of technological
change embodied in new capital goods and a model of Ricardian trade. A
main purpose of the model is to link productivity to imports of capital
goods. The model also tries to discuss impact of trade barriers measured in
costs arising from factors such as marketing overseas, negotiating a foreign
purchase, transporting goods to foreign location, tariffs, non-tariff barriers,
distributing goods in foreign markets, installation in foreign production fa-
cilities, training foreign workers to use the equipment, and providing parts,
maintenance, and customer service from abroad.
This chapter examines interactions between growth, trade, knowledge
utilization, and creativity within a compact analytical framework. We con-
sider knowledge as an international public good in the sense that all coun-
tries access knowledge and the utilization of knowledge by one country
does not affect that by others. Section 9.1 introduces a growth model with
endogenous human capital accumulation for a national economy. Section 9.2
proposes a multi-country model with capital accumulation and knowledge
creation. This section assumes that knowledge creation is through learning by
doing and research. This section simulates the model to see how the system
moves over time and how the motion of the system is affected when some
parameters are changed. This section is organized as follows. Section 9.2.1
defines the multi-country model with capital accumulation and knowledge
creation. Section 9.2.2 examines the case when all the countries have the
same preference. We show that the motion of the global economy can be ex-
pressed by a two-dimensional differential equations system and we can ex-
plicitly determine the dynamic properties of the global economy. Section
9.2.3 shows that the dynamics of the world economy with J countries can be
described by ( J + 1) -dimensional differential equations. As mathematical
analysis of the system is too complicated, we demonstrate some of the dy-
namic properties by simulation when the world economy consists of three
countries. Sections 9.2.4 – 9.2.7 examine respectively effects of changes in
each country’s knowledge utilization efficiency and creativity, research pol-
icy, the propensity to save, and the population. The analytical results in Sect.
9.2.3 are proved in Appendix A.9.1.
326 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
The economy has one production sector and one education sector. The lat-
ter is called the university. We assume a homogenous and fixed national
labor force, N . The labor force is distributed between economic activities,
teaching and studying. We select commodity to serve as numeraire, with
all the other prices being measured relative to its price. We assume that
wage rates are identical among all professions. We introduce
5 The model is proposed by Zhang (2005a). See also Zhang (2006a: Sect. 3.2).
It should be noted that in Zhang (2007d) the time for education is an endogenous
6 There are a large number of the literature on economic growth with bifurcations
and chaos (for instance, Day, 1984; Hommes, 1991, 1998; Zhang, 1990, 1991; Azari-
adis, 1993; Boldrin, et al. 2001; Matsuyama, 1991, 2001; Shone, 2002). Zhang
(2005b, 2006b) introduces contemporary theories of differential and difference equa-
tions and their applications to economics.
9.1 A National Growth Model 327
F (t ) = AK iα (t )(H m (t )N i (t )) , A, α , β > 0 , α + β = 1.
We now study the behavior of the university. We assume that there are
two sources of improving human capital, through education and learning
by producing. Arrow first introduced learning by doing into growth theory;
328 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
υ K α e (H m N v ) v (H m N e ) e (9.1.4)
β β
H& = e e + i π − δhH ,
where δ h (> 0) is the depreciation rate of human capital, υ e , υi , α e , β v ,
and β e are non-negative parameters. The above equation is a synthesis
and generalization of Arrow’s and Uzawa’s ideas about human capital ac-
cumulation. The term, υ e K eα e (H m N v ) v (H m N e ) e , describes the contribu-
β β
7 Arrow (1962) and Uzawa (1965). Learning by doing has been introduced into
growth theory in different ways. For instance, Chari and Hopenhayn (1991), Par-
ente (1994), and Stokey (1988) study learning by doing as a force for sustained
growth; Brezis et al. (1993), Krusell and Rios-Rull (1996), and Jovanovic and
Nyarko (1996) show that learning by doing can give rise to the overtaking; Karp
and Lee (2001) examined learning by doing and the choice of technology; and
Liso et al. (2001) examine the implications of learning by doing for division of la-
9.1 A National Growth Model 329
fixed available time, Ti is the work time and Te is the time as a student.
The student gets free education but does not receive any wage. It can be
seen that the conclusions will not be different in the two cases and the
model is still analytically tractable. The budget for paying teachers and the
capital stocks of the university is given by
w(t )N v (t ) + r (t )K e (t ) = τF (t ) − w(t )N e . (9.1.5)
Max υ e K eα e (H m N v ) v (H m N e ) e ,
β β
N − N e + β v N e / (α e + β v )
Ni = τ 0β ,
τ 0 β + τβ v
As ki = K i / H m N i , we obtain
k (t ) (9.1.11)
ki (t ) = ni ,
H m (t )
Lemma 9.1.1
For any given levels of wealth and human capital, k (t ) and H (t ), all the
other variables in the system are uniquely determined at any point of time.
The values of the variables are given as functions of k (t ) and H (t ) by the
following procedure: N i and N v by Eqs. (9.1.9) → K i (t ) and K e (t ) by
Eqs. (9.1.10) → ki (t ) by Eq. (9.1.11) → f = Akiα and F = N i H m f →
9.1 A National Growth Model 331
λ* ≡ λA(1 − τ )(αni− β + βniα ),
aN υ e N vβ v N eβ e υ Anα N
υ ≡
, υi* ≡ i i i .
1 + a N N
Substituting this equation into the second equation in Eqs. (9.1.13) yields
Φ( H ) ≡ Φ e ( H ) + Φ i ( H ) − δ h = 0 , (9.1.14)
αe / β α /β
λ* λ*
Φ e (H ) ≡ υ H , Φ i (H ) ≡
* xe
υ i* H xi ,
ξ ξ
xe ≡ (α e + β v + β e )m − 1, xi ≡ m − π − 1.
332 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
Fig. 9.1.1. The two sectors exhibit different returns to scale effects
Proposition 9.1.18
(1) If xe < 0 and xi < 0, the system has a unique stable equilibrium; (2) If
xe > 0 and xi > 0 , the system has a unique unstable equilibrium; and (3)
If xe > 0 and xi < 0 ( xe < 0 and xi > 0 ), the system has either no equi-
librium, one equilibrium or two equilibrium points. When the system has
two equilibrium points, the equilibrium with low (high) level of H is sta-
ble (unstable).
We only interpret the stability condition, xe < 0 and xi < 0. From the
definitions of xe and xi , we may interpret xe and xi respectively as
measurements of returns to scale of the university and the industrial sector
in the dynamic system. When xe (< (>) 0, we say that the university dis-
plays decreasing (increasing) returns to scale in the dynamic economy. We
conclude that if both the university and the production sector display de-
creasing returns, then the dynamic system has a unique stable equilibrium.
If the two sectors exhibit decreasing returns to scale, the system will ap-
proach to its equilibrium in the long term. In a traditional society like the
one constructed by Adam Smith where increases in human capital mainly
come from division of labor and traditional education, the economic sys-
tem tends to be dominated by stability. In a newly industrializing econ-
omy, education may exhibit increasing returns to scale and learning by do-
ing may not be effective in improving human capital. The economy may
have multiple equilibrium points. If the society fails to explore increasing
returns effects from education, it may not achieve rapid industrialization.
We now demonstrate dynamics of the nonlinear system with multiple equi-
librium points.
We stimulate the model with two equilibrium points. We specify the pa-
rameters as follows
α = 0.35, N = 1, A = 2, N e = 0.06, τ = 0.08, λ = 0.7,
α e = 0.7, β e = 0.7, β v = 0.7, ν e = 1.8, ν i = 0.02,
δ h = 0.08, π = 0.3, m = 0.8.
(1835-1901) is exceptional.
9.1 A National Growth Model 335
20 40 60 80 100 120
We first examine effects of tax on the dynamic system. In our system, the
tax income is totally spent on education. We may thus interpret increases
in the tax rate as the promotion policy taken by the government. We may
simulate the model again. Here, we are interested in the path-dependent
case. We still specify the parameter values as in (9.1.15) except the tax
rate, τ . We reduce the resource for education. Let us consider the case that
the expenditure on education is reduced from 8 percent of the GDP to 7
percent, that is
τ : 0.08 ⇒ 0.07.
Figure 9.1.3 shows the simulation results – the points with larger sizes is
the new steady states and the other two points with smaller sizes are the
old steady states. The two steady states shift as follows:
(k1 , H1 ) : (17.858, 2.226) ⇒ (14.758, 1.718),
(k 2 , H 2 ) : (101.401, 19.509) ⇒ (230.783, 53.417 ).
We see that the new stable steady state has lower levels of human capi-
tal and per capita wealth; but the new unstable steady states have much
higher levels of k and H . It seems promising with the new education pol-
icy because the new unstable steady state of higher k and H is much bet-
ter than the old unstable one. Nevertheless, the economy with the discour-
aging policy has more chances to the traditional trap than to the economic
miracle. For instance, if we start from the following three points as in the
previous example in Fig. 9.1.2:
(k0 , H 0 ) = (1.5, 10), (k0 , H 0 ) = (115, 12), (k0 , H 0 ) = (70, 23).
As demonstrated in Fig. 9.1.3, all the paths with these initial condi-
tions end up in the poverty trap. But in Fig. 9.1.2, the path with
(k 0 , H 0 ) = (70, 23) exhibits the economic miracle. This example shows
that the discouraging policy deprives the society from development oppor-
tunity. The “chance” for development is loss due to the new policy. As
shown in Fig. 9.1.3, for the economy to experience sustained growth, the
economy must have a much higher initial level of human capital than in
the case of τ = 0.08 . Hence, if the society reduces its investment in educa-
tion, it will have much less opportunities to experience sustained economic
growth, even though heavy investment in education will not guarantee sus-
tainable development of the nonlinear system in certainty.
20 40 60 80 100 120
ous studies. Moreover, the previous studies were only concerned with ex-
amining equilibrium and comparative statics analysis. As no simulation
was provided in the previous studies, it is almost impossible to see how the
multi-country system moves over time. This section simulates the model to
see how the system moves over time and how the motion of the system is
affected when some parameters are changed. This section is organized as
follows. Section 9.2.1 defines the multi-country model with capital accu-
mulation and knowledge creation. Section 9.2.2 examines the case when
all the countries have the same preference. We show that the motion of the
global economy can be expressed by a two-dimensional differential equa-
tions system and we can explicitly determine the dynamic properties of the
global economy. Section 9.2.3 shows that the dynamics of the world econ-
omy with J countries can be described by ( J + 1) -dimensional differential
equations. As mathematical analysis of the system is too complicated, we
demonstrate some of the dynamic properties by simulation when the world
economy consists of three countries. Sections 9.2.4 – 9.2.7 examine re-
spectively effects of changes in each country’s knowledge utilization effi-
ciency and creativity, research policy, the propensity to save, and the
population. The analytical results in Sect. 9.2.3 are proved in Appendix
Each country has one production sector and one university. The university
is financially supported by the government through taxing the production
sector. Knowledge growth is through learning by doing by the production
sector and R&D activities by the university. In describing the production
sector, we follow the neoclassical trade framework. It is assumed that the
countries produce a homogenous commodity.12 Most aspects of production
sectors in our model are similar to the neo-classical one-sector growth
model.13 There is only one (durable) good in the global economy under
consideration. Households own assets of the economy and distribute their
incomes to consume and save. Production sectors or firms use capital and
labor. Exchanges take place in perfectly competitive markets. Production
sectors sell their product to households or to other sectors and households
sell their labor and assets to production sectors. Factor markets work well;
12 This follows the Oniki-Uzawa trade model and its various extensions with one
capital goods.
13 Burmeister and Dobell (1970).
340 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
factors are inelastically supplied and the available factors are fully utilized
at every moment. Saving is undertaken only by households, which implies
that all earnings of firms are distributed in the form of payments to factors
of production. We omit the possibility of hoarding of output in the form of
non-productive inventories held by households. All savings volunteered by
households are absorbed by firms. We require savings and investment to
be equal at any point of time. The system consists of multiple countries,
indexed by j = 1, ..., J . Each country has a fixed labor force, N j ,
( j = 1, ..., J ). Let prices be measured in terms of the commodity and the
price of the commodity be unity. We denote wage and interest rates by
w j (t ) and r j (t ) , respectively, in the j th country. In the free trade system,
the interest rate is identical throughout the world economy, i.e.,
r (t ) = rj (t ).
For convenience, we term the people working in the production sector
as workers and the people working in the university as scientists. The
population is classified into workers and scientists. We introduce
Behavior of producers
First, we describe behavior of the production sections. We assume that
there are three factors, physical capital, labor, and knowledge at each point
of time t . The production functions are given by
F j (t ) = A j Z (t )K ijα (t )N ijβ (t ),
mj j j
A j > 0 , α j + β j = 1, α j , β j > 0 , j = 1 , L , J ,
9.2 Trade and Growth with Learning-by-Doing and Research 341
K ij (t )
k j (t ) ≡ , τˆ j ≡ 1 − τ j ,
N ij (t )
Behavior of consumers
Each worker may get income from wealth ownership and wages. Con-
sumers make decisions on consumption levels of goods as well as on how
much to save. Let kˆ (t ) stand for the per capita wealth in country j . Each
y j (t ) = r (t )kˆ j (t ) + w j (t ), j = 1, L, J , (9.2.2)
from the interest payment rkˆ j and the wage payment w j . The disposable
income is equal to
yˆ j (t ) = y j (t ) + kˆ j (t ). (9.2.3)
c j (t ) + s j (t ) = yˆ j (t ) = rkˆ j (t ) + w j (t ) + kˆ j (t ). (9.2.4)
U j (t ) = c j 0 j (t )s j 0 j (t ), ξ 0 j , λ0 j > 0 , (9.2.5)
ξ λ
c j (t ) = ξ j yˆ j (t ), s j (t ) = λ j yˆ j (t ), (9.2.6)
in which
ξ0 j λ0 j
ξj ≡ , λj ≡ .
ξ 0 j + λ0 j ξ 0 j + λ0 j
j =1 Z (t )
in which δ z (≥ 0) is the depreciation rate of knowledge, and ε qj , τ qj , α rj
and β rj are parameters. We require τ qj , α rj , and β rj to be non-negative.
14 In some studies it is assumed that the research sector consists of two sub-
sectors: a private research sector and a government research sector, for instance,
Park (1998). In Park’s model, the government may create knowledge useful for
defense, space, and environment and the private sector for industrial, agricultural,
and consumption goods. Some overlapping knowledge, like mathematical and sci-
entific knowledge, may be tailored for research as particular activities.
344 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
To interpret Eq. (9.2.8), first let us consider a special case that knowl-
edge accumulation is through learning by doing. The parameters τ ij and
ε ij
δ z are non-negative. We interpret τ ij F / Z as the contribution to knowl-
edge accumulation through learning by doing by country j ' s production
sector. To see how learning by doing occurs, assume that knowledge is a
function of country j ' s total industrial output during some period
Z (t ) = a1 F j (θ ) dθ a2 + a3 ,
in which a1 ,a2 and a3 are positive parameters. The above equation implies
that the knowledge accumulation through learning by doing exhibits de-
creasing (increasing) returns to scale in the case of a2 < (>) 1 . We inter-
pret a1 and a3 as the measurements of the efficiency of learning by doing
by the production sector. Taking the derivatives of the equation yields
τ ij F j
Z& = ε ij
ε α β
in which τ ij ≡ a1a2 and ε ij ≡ 1 − a2 . The term, τ rj Z rj K rj rj N rj rj , is the con-
tribution to knowledge growth by country j ' s university. It means that
knowledge production of the university is positively related to the capital
stocks, K rj , employed by the university and the number of scientists, N rj .
To interpret the parameter, ε rj , we notice that on the one hand, as the
knowledge stock is increased, the university may more effectively utilize
traditional knowledge to discover new theorems, but on the other hand, a
large stock of knowledge may make discovery of new knowledge difficult.
This implies that ε rj may be either positive or negative. It is reasonable to
assume that the more equipments, books, and buildings, and scientists the
university employs, the more productive it becomes. That is, α rj and β rj ,
are positive.
The universities are financially supported by the governments. In this
model, the governments collect taxes to support the universities. As tax in-
come are used only for supporting the utilities, we have
(r (t ) + δ )K (t ) + w (t )N (t ) = τ F (t ),
kj rj j rj j j j = 1, ... , J . (9.2.9)
9.2 Trade and Growth with Learning-by-Doing and Research 345
s.t.: (r (t ) + δ kj )K rj (t ) + w j (t )N rj (t ) = τ j F j (t ).
α jτ j F j (t ) β jτ j F j (t ) (9.2.10)
K rj (t ) = , N rj (t ) = ,
r (t ) + δ kj w j (t )
α rj β rj
αj ≡ , βj ≡ .
α rj + β jr α rj + β rj
If the other conditions remain the same, an increase in the tax rate or
output enables the university to utilize more equipments and to employ
more people. An increase in factor price will reduce the employment level
of the factor.
The total capital stocks employed by the world is equal to the wealth
owned by the world. That is
K (t ) = ∑ K (t ) j = ∑ kˆ (t )N
j j .
j =1 j =1
346 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
The world production is equal to the world consumption and world net
savings. That is
C (t ) + S (t ) − K (t ) + ∑δ kj K j (t ) = F (t ),
j =1
C (t ) ≡ ∑ c j (t )N j , S (t ) ≡ ∑ s j (t )N j , F (t ) ≡ ∑ F j (t ).
j =1 j =1 j =1
We have thus built the model with trade, economic growth, capital ac-
cumulation, knowledge creation and utilization in the world economy in
which the domestic markets of each country are perfectly competitive, in-
ternational product and capital markets are freely mobile and labor is in-
ternationally immobile.
9.2.2 The Dynamics when the World Has the Same Preference
This section examines a special case when the households in the world
have the identical preference and the depreciation rates are the same
among the economies. We are interested in this case because we can ex-
plicitly determine dynamic properties of the system as shown below. We
ξ = ξ j , λ = λ j , δ k = δ kj , α = α j , j = 1, ...., J .
We now show that all the variables in the dynamic system can be ex-
pressed as functions of k1 (t ) and Z (t ) at any point. First, from Eqs. (9.2.1)
we obtain
k j = M j Z j k1 , j = 1, ... , J , (9.2.13)
in which
1/ β
A jτ j m j − m1
M j ≡ , mj ≡ .
A1τ 1 β
Country j' s capital intensity of the production function can be ex-
pressed as a unique function of the knowledge and country 1' s capital in-
tensity of the production function. The ratio between any two countries’
capital intensities is related to the two countries’ tax rates and the level of
9.2 Trade and Growth with Learning-by-Doing and Research 347
the knowledge. We determine the rate of interest and the wage rates as
functions of k1 (t ) and Z (t ) as follows
α jτ j τˆ jα j
arj ≡ , aij ≡ ,
α jτ j + τˆ jα α jτ j + τˆ jα
β jτ j τˆ j β
brj ≡ , bij ≡ .
β jτ j + τˆ j β β jτ j + τˆ j β
The labor distribution is constant as it is determined by the tax rate and
capital distribution is proportional to the total capital stocks employed by
the country. By k j = K ij / N ij and Eqs. (9.2.16) and (9.2.13), we have
K j = M j Z j k1 , j = 1, ..., J , (9.2.17)
K = k1Λ 0 (Z ), (9.2.18)
where we use K = j =1
K j and
Λ 0 (Z ) ≡ ∑ M j Z
j =1
From F j = A j Z j K ijα N ijβ and Eqs. (9.2.16) and (9.2.17), we have
F j = aijα A j N ijβ M αj Z
m j +αm j
k1α . (9.2.19)
348 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
∑ {τ }
m j + αm j − ε ij α α β α rj m j + ε rj α
ij aijα Aj N ijβ M αj Z k1α + τ rj arj rj M j rj N rj rj Z k1 rj − δ z Z . (9.2.20)
j =1
& (9.2.21)
kˆ j = λw j − (1 − λ − λr )kˆ j .
( ) (9.2.22)
K& = λβ k1α ∑τˆ j A jα jα Z j j − λ − τ 1 A1αλ Z m1 k1− β K ,
αm + m
j =1
∑ kˆ j N j and λ ≡ 1 − λ + λδ k .
where we use Eqs. (9.2.14) and K = j =1
Kk&1 J m −1
K& = + k1 ∑ m1 M j Z j Z& .
k1 j =1
Substituting Eqs. (9.2.22), (9.2.18) and (9.2.22) into Eq. (9.2.23) yields
λβ k1α
( )
∑τˆ A α
αm j + m j
k&1 = j j
j Z − λ − τˆ1 A1αλZ m1 k1− β k1
Λ0 j =1
J m −1 Λ
− k1 ∑ m1 M j Z j .
j =1 Λ0
Summarizing the above results, we obtain the following lemma.
Lemma 9.2.1
Assume that all the households in the world have the same preference. The
motion of the two variables, k1 (t ) and Z (t ), are given by two differential
Eqs., (9.2.20) and (9.2.24). For any given k1 (t ) and Z (t ), r (t ) and
9.2 Trade and Growth with Learning-by-Doing and Research 349
kˆ j (t ) = e ∫
− (1 − λ − λr ) d τ
h j + λ ∫ w j (τ ) e ∫
(1 − λ − λr )d τ
dτ , )
j = 1, L , J , (9.2.25)
where h j are constants to be determined by initial conditions. For any
given positive values of Z (t ), k1 (t ) and kˆ j (t ) at any point of time, the
other variables are uniquely determined by the following procedure:
k j (t ), j = 2, L, J by (9.2.13) → N qj , q = i , r , j = 1, L, J by (9.2.16)
→ K j (t ) by (9.2.17) → K qj (t ) by (9.2.16) → yˆ j = (1 + r )kˆ j + w j by
(9.2.20) → c j (t ) and s j (t ) by (9.2.6) → F j = Z j K ijα N ijβ .
∑ {τ }
m j +αm j −ε ij α α β α rj m j + ε rj α
ij aijα A j N ijβ M αj Z k1α + τ rj arj rj M j rj N rj rj Z k1 rj
j =1
= δzZ ,
( ) (9.2.26)
λβ k1α ∑τˆ j A jα jα Z
αm j + m j
− λ − τˆ1 A1αλZ m1 k1− β k1Λ 0 = 0 .
j =1
1/ β (9.2.27)
k1 = Ω10/ β ,
β J
Ω 0 (Z ) ≡ ∑τˆ A α
αm j + m j
j j
j Z + τˆ1 A1αZ m1 .
Λ0 j =1
Ω(Z ) ≡
∑ {τ }− δ
m j +αm j −ε ij −1 α rj m j + ε rj −1 α /β
ij Z Ωα0 / β + τ rj Z Ω 0 rj z = 0, (9.2.28)
j =1
α /β
τ ij ≡ τ ij aij A j N ij M j
α β α
> 0,
α rj / β
α α β λ
τ rj ≡ τ rj arj rj M j rj N rj rj > 0.
From Lemma 9.2.1 and the above discussions, we have the following
Corollary 9.2.1
The number of equilibrium points is the same as the number of solutions of
Ω(Z ) = 0 , for Z > 0 . For any solution Z > 0 , all the other variables are
uniquely determined by the following procedure: k1 by (9.2.27) → r and
w , j = 1, L, J , by (9.2.14) → kˆ = λw / (1 − λ − λr ) → k , j =
j j j j
2, L, J by (9.2.13) → N qj , q = i , r , j = 1, L, J by (9.2.16) → K j by
(9.2.17) → K qj by (9.2.16) → yˆ j = (1 + r )kˆ j + w j by (9.2.20) → c j and
s j by (9.2.6) → F j = A j Z j K ijα N ijβ .
m αrm
xi ≡ − ε i − 1, xr ≡ + ε r − 1,
β β
It can be shown that the dynamics in this case is the same as that of the
model in Sect.9.1. In this case, the dynamic properties of the model have
been examined. The properties are summarized in the following corollary.
Corollary 9.2.2
If xi < 0 and xr < 0 (or xi > 0 and xr < 0 ), the system has a unique sta-
ble (unstable) equilibrium point; and if xi < 0 and xr < 0 ( xi > 0 and
xr < 0 ), the system may have none, one, or two equilibrium points. When
the system has two equilibrium points, the one with higher value of Z is
stable and the other one is unstable.
The previous section examined the dynamic properties when the world
population has an identical preference. It is straightforward to carry out
dynamic analysis as the world economy is actually controlled only by two-
dimensional differential equations. We will not further examine the behav-
ior of the system because we will simulate the model when the households
have different preferences. This section shows that in general case the dy-
namics of the world economy can be expressed by a ( J + 1) − dimensional
differential equations system.
352 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
Lemma 9.2.2
The dynamics of the world economy is governed by the following
(J + 1) − dimensional differential equations system with Z (t ), k1 (t ) and
kˆ (t ), j = 2, L , J , as the variables
( )
Z& = Λ (k1 , Z ) ≡ ∑ τ ij Z j ij φ j j + τ rj Z rj φ j rj − δ z Z ,
m −ε α ε α
j =1
( {} )
k&1 = Λ1 k1 , kˆ j , Z ≡
∑ n j Λ j + λ1 w1 − n0 Rψ − R ∑ n j k j − n0ψ Z Λ
ˆ ,
j =2 j =2 n0ψ k1
( )
kˆ j = Λ j k1 , k j , Z ≡ λ j w j − (1 − λ j − λ j r )kˆ j , j = 2 , ... , J ,
We have the dynamic equations for the world economy with any num-
ber of countries. The system is nonlinear and is of high dimension. It is
difficult to generally analyze behavior of the system. We now solve equi-
librium problem. For simplicity, we require δ k = δ kj , j = 1, ..., J . Equa-
tions (A.9.1.1) and (A.9.1.2) now become
k j = φ j (k1 , Z ) = τ kj Z j k1 1
m β /β j
w j = φ j (k1 , Z ) = τ wj Z (9.2.29)
m0 j α
k1 wj , j = 1, L, J ,
9.2 Trade and Growth with Learning-by-Doing and Research 353
1/ β j
τˆ A α m j − m1 α
τ kj ≡ j j j , mj ≡ , τ wj ≡ τˆ j A j β jτ kj j
τˆ1 A1α1 βj
β1α j
m0 j ≡ m j + α j m j , α wj ≡ .
τ wj Z 0 j k1 wj
m α (9.2.32)
kˆ j = , j = 2 , ..., J ,
λuj − τˆ1α1 A1 Z m1 k1− β1
= 0,
1 1 1 1
∑ (τ τ )− δ
α ij β α j /βj α β α rj / β j (9.2.34)
+ τ rjτ kj rj Z rj k1 1
x x
ij kj Z ij k1 1 z = 0,
j =1
in which
xij ≡ m j − ε ij + α ij m j − 1, xrj ≡ ε rj + α rj m j − 1.
15 The value is often used in empirical studies. For instance, Abel and Bernanke
356 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
ΩZ = 0
Ωk = 0
5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 9.2.1. Solutions of Eqs. (9.2.33) and (9.2.34)
As yˆ1 = λ1kˆ1 < 0 , we see that the disposable income is negative, which
means negative consumption in country 1.
We evaluate the other variables at the unique equilibrium point,
k1 = 20.567 and Z = 20.610 , as in Table 9.2.1. The global output is 46.2
and the interest rate is about 6.5 percent. The shares of the global outputs
by the DE, ID and UD are respectively 52 , 23.5 and 24.5 percent. The
population shares of the three economies are respectively 20 , 26.7 and
53.3 percent. The per-worker output levels of the DE, ID and UD are re-
spectively 8.31, 2.78 and 1.43. The differences in labor productivity are
mainly due to the differences in knowledge utilization efficiency. The table
also gives the labor and capital distributions between the sectors in each
country and the capital distribution among the three countries. More than
half of the global capital stocks is employed by the DE. The DE uses more
capital stocks in research than the IE, even though its number of scientists
9.2 Trade and Growth with Learning-by-Doing and Research 357
is less than the number in the IE. The wage rates in the DE, ID and UD are
respectively 5.53 , 1.82 and 0.97 .
Z K F r C
20.610 126.665 46.199 0.065 39.831
Country 1 Country 2 Country 3 National shares
F1 24.026 F2 10.848 F3 11.326 F1 / F 0.520
F1 / N i1 8.310 F2 / N i 2 2.783 F3 / N i 3 1.430 F2 / F 0.235
K1 64.681 K2 30.791 K3 31.193 F3 / F 0.245
K i1 59.465 Ki2 28.939 Ki3 29.881 K1 / K 0.511
K r1 5.216 Kr2 2.132 K r3 1.311 K2 / K 0.243
N i1 2.891 Ni2 3.898 N i3 7.922 K3 / K 0.246
N r1 0.109 Nr2 0.149 N r3 0.078 Kˆ / Kˆ
K̂1 82.265 K̂ 2 24.888 K̂ 3 19.511 Kˆ 2 / Kˆ 0.196
C1 21.937 C2 8.889 C3 9.001 Kˆ / Kˆ
w1 5.530 w2 1.817 w3 0.967 C1 / C 0.551
k̂1 27.422 k̂ 2 6.222 k̂3 2.439 C2 / C 0.223
ŷ1 34.734 ŷ 2 8.444 ŷ3 3.565 C3 / C 0.226
c1 7.313 c2 2.222 c3 1.126
This implies that the system is locally stable. In Fig. 9.2.2, we plot the mo-
tion of the system with the following initial conditions
C1 80
18 70 1
0.75 E1
16 60 K̂1 0.5
50 0.25
12 40 K̂ 2 -0.25 10 E2 30
20 40 50t
30 -0.5
C t t -0.75 E3
10 20C 30 340 50 10 20
2 K̂303 40 50
5 w1 25
6 c1
k̂1 5
3 15 4
2 w2 10 3 c2
k̂2 2
w3 t 10 20 30 40 50
t t
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
(g) w j (t ) (h) k̂ j (i) c j (t )
First, we examine the case that all the parameters, except country 1' s
knowledge utilization efficiency, m1 , are the same as in (9.2.35). We in-
crease the knowledge efficiency parameter, m1 , from 0.4 to 0.45. The
simulation results are demonstrated in Fig. 9.2.3. In the plots, a variable
∆x j (t ) stands for the change rate of the variable, x j (t ), in percentage due
to changes in the parameter value from m10 ( = 0.4 in this case) to m1
( = 0.45 ). That is
x j (t ; m1 ) − x j (t ; m10 ) (9.2.36)
∆x j (t ) ≡ ×100 ,
x j (t ; m10 )
where x j (t ; m1 ) stands for the value of the variable x j with the parameter
value m1 at time t and x j (t ; m10 ) stands for the value of the variable x j
with the parameter value m10 at time t . We will use the symbol ∆ with
the same meaning when we analyze other parameters.
As the DE improves its knowledge utilization efficiency, the knowledge
and capital of the global economy are increased; the output level of the
global economy falls initially and then rises. The DE’s output level rises;
the other two countries’ output levels fall initially and then rise. As the rate
of interest rises initially and knowledge rises but not much initially, we see
that the costs of production are high for the IE and UE and their productiv-
ities are not much improved, the two economies’ output levels fall initially.
As time passes, the world accumulates more knowledge and the rate of in-
terest falls, the IE’s and UE’s output levels are increased. We see that in
the long term the DE’s trade balance is improved and the other two
economies’ trade balances slightly deteriorate. In the long term the wage
rates and the levels of per capita consumptions and wealth in the three
economies are all improved. Hence, we conclude that as UE improves its
knowledge utilization efficiency, all the consumers in the globe benefit in
the long term.
We now examine effects of the underdeveloped economy’s knowledge
efficiency upon the global economy. We allow
m3 : 0.1 ⇒ 0.2 .
The effects of the UE’s improvement in knowledge utilization are pro-
vided in Fig. 9.2.3. As in the case when the DE improves its knowledge
utilization efficiency, the knowledge and capital of the global economy are
increased; different from the case when the DE improves its knowledge
utilization efficiency, output level of the global economy rises all the time.
360 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
The UE’s output level rises; the other two countries’ output levels are af-
fected slightly. The rate of interest rises over the time. The DE and IE’s
trade balances are improved and the UE’s trade balance deteriorates. In the
long term the wage rate, the per-capita wealth and consumption level are
increased; the the wage rate, the per-capita wealth and consumption level
of the DE and IE are effected slightly.
It should be noted that as the UE improves its knowledge utilization ef-
ficiency, the economic variables of the UE are improved, but some vari-
ables of the other economies might not be improved. For instance, Figure
9.2.5 illustrates the case that the wage rate and the output level in the IE
are actually reduced. This implies that, for instance, if India and China
more effectively apply knowledge, economies like Taiwan and Korea
might be hurt, even though the US and Japan may benefit
30 ∆F1 20
∆K 15
∆Z 20
t 10 ∆F2
10 20 30 40 50
-5 t t
-10 ∆F 10 20 30 40 ∆F503 10 20 30 40 50
30 ∆w1 20 ∆k̂1
20 10
∆k̂ 10 ∆c2
10 ∆w2 10 20 30 ∆k̂
40 350 t
-10 10 20 30 ∆c403 50 t
10 20 30
40 -20 -10
Fig. 9.2.3. The developed economy improves its knowledge utilization efficiency
9.2 Trade and Growth with Learning-by-Doing and Research 361
50 5
∆F 40 ∆F3 4 ∆r
8 ∆K 30 3
20 2
4 ∆Z 10
2 ∆F1 1
10 20 30 40 50 t 10 20 30 ∆F 50 t
40 10 20 30 40 50t
(a) ∆Z (t ), ∆K (t ) and ∆F (t ) (b) ∆F j (t ) (c) ∆r (t )
50 50
∆C 3 ∆K̂ 3
40 40
0.5 ∆E1
30 30 ∆E2
20 20 10 20 30 40 50 t
10 ∆C1 10 ∆K̂1 -0.5 ∆E3
t -1
10 20
∆C 2
30 40 50 10 20
∆K̂ 240
30 50
∆w3 50
∆k̂3 50 ∆c3
40 40 40
30 30 30
20 20 ∆k̂1 20
10 10 10 ∆c1
∆w1 t
10 20 30 40∆w50t 10 20 ∆k̂ 40
30 50 t 10 20 30∆c240 50
2 2
(g) ∆w j (t ) (h) ∆k̂ j (i) ∆c j (t )
10 20 30 40 50
-0.5 ∆F2 = ∆w2
wealth levels of the three economies are all increased. The trade balance of
the DE improves and the other two economies deteriorate. It can be seen
that the effects of change in other τ ij or any τ rj are similar.
10 ∆F1
15 ∆Z 8
∆F2 0.25
10 ∆K 6
-0.25 50 100 150 200
5 ∆F
∆F3 -0.5
2 -0.75
-1 ∆r
50 100 150 200
t 50 100 150 t
10 10
8 ∆C1 8 ∆K̂1 0.06
10 10
∆w1 8 8 ∆c1
∆k̂1 ∆k̂ 2 ∆c2
∆w2 6 6
4 4 4
2 ∆w3 2
∆k̂3 2
We now study how changes in the research policies affect the global econ-
omy. The DE increases its tax rate as follows: τ 1 : 0.05 ⇒ 0.07 . The DE’s
tax rate is increased from 5 percent to 7 percent. As the DE strengthens
its research policy, the knowledge, global wealth and output level are in-
creased. The rate of interest is reduced. The three economies’ output levels
are increased. The wage rate, total consumption and wealth levels, per-
capita wealth and consumption levels in each economy are increased. The
IE’s trade balance improves and the other two countries’ trade balances de-
teriorate. It should be remarked that the desirable results for the DE to in-
crease its tax for supporting research don’t hold if the tax rate is too high.
9.2 Trade and Growth with Learning-by-Doing and Research 363
For instance, if we increase the tax rate as follows: τ 1 : 0.05 ⇒ 0.5 , then
country 1' s consumption, output level and wealth will fall. Evidently, if
few workers are engaged in economic production, all the knowledge cre-
ated by the DE will only increase the output levels of the other two coun-
tries and the DE itself does not economically benefit.
14 5 ∆F1 1 ∆r
10 ∆Z 4
8 3
∆F2 -1
50 100 150 200
∆K 1
∆F3 t
50 100 150 200 -3
∆F 100
50 150 200
t -1
5 ∆C1 5 ∆K̂1
4 4 ∆K̂ 2 0.08
3 ∆C 2 3
0.04 ∆E2
2 2 0.02 ∆E3
1 ∆C3 1 ∆K̂ 3 50 100 150 200t
200 t 200 t
50 100 150 50 100 150
-1 -1
2 0.7
3 ∆Z ∆F1 0.6
1 0.5
∆K ∆F2 t
1 50 100 150 200
∆F -1 ∆F3 0.1
50 100 150 200 t -2 50 100 150
2 2
∆K̂1 0.04
1 1
0.02 ∆E1
∆C 2 ∆ K̂
50 100 150 200 t 50 100 150 2 200 t 50 100∆E
150 200t
-1 -1 2
∆C3 -2
∆K̂ 3 -0.04 ∆E3
2 2
∆k̂1 2 ∆c1
1 ∆w1 1 1
150 2 200 t ∆ k̂ t ∆c2 t
50 100 50 100 150 2 200 50 100 150 200
-1 -1 -1
∆w3 -2
∆k̂3 -2 ∆c3
4 t
∆K 3 ∆F1 ∆F2 -0.5 50 100 150 200
∆Z 2 -1
1 -2
∆F t -2.5
50 100 150 200 -3
-3.5 ∆r
50 100 150 200 t
∆F3 -2
4 8
3 ∆C1 ∆C2 6 ∆K̂1 0.1 ∆E1
4 0.05
t ∆K̂ 2
50 100 150 200
50 100 150
-2 50 100 150 200
t -0.05 ∆E2
-3 ∆C3 -2 ∆E3
∆K̂ 3
(d) ∆C j (t ) (e) ∆K̂ j (f) ∆E j (t )
4 4
3 ∆w1 8
∆k̂1 3 ∆c1
2 ∆w2 6
1 4
∆k̂ 2 1 ∆c2
50 100 150 200
t 2
50 100 150 200
-1 -1
-2 200 t -2
-3 ∆w3 -2
50 100 150
∆ kˆ3 -3 ∆c3
(g) ∆w j (t ) (h) ∆k̂ j (i) ∆c j (t )
4 ∆F1 200t
∆Z 2 -0.2 50 100 150
∆K 1 ∆F2 -0.4
2 -0.6
50 100 150
200 -0.8
∆F -1 -1
t ∆F3 -1.2
50 100 150 200 -2
2 ∆C1 6
5 ∆K̂ 3 0.06
50 100
∆C2 t
150 200 4
0.04 ∆E3
-2 3
∆C3 2 ∆K̂ 2 50 100 150 200t
-4 1 ∆K̂1 -0.02 ∆E2
50 100 150
-0.04 ∆E1
(d) ∆C j (t ) (e) ∆K̂ j (f) ∆E j (t )
2 ∆w1 6
∆k̂3 2 ∆c1
1 ∆w2 5
∆c2 t
50 100 150 200
200 t 3
50 100 150
2 ∆k̂1 -2
1 ∆k̂ 2 -4
∆w3 t
50 100 150 200
First, we are concerned with the effects of an increase in the DE’s popu-
lation as follows: N1 : 3 ⇒ 3.5 . The effects are plotted in Fig. 9.2.12. The
knowledge, global wealth and output levels are increased. The rate of in-
terest falls. The total output and consumption levels, total wealth, per cap-
ita consumption levels, and per capita wealth levels of the three economies
16 It has been observed that the effect of population growth varies with the level
of economic development and can be positive for some developed economies.
Theoretical models with human capital predict situation-dependent interactions
between population and economic growth (see, Ehrlich and Lui, 1997; Galor and
Weil, 1999; and Boucekkine et al. 2002).
9.2 Trade and Growth with Learning-by-Doing and Research 367
are all increased in the long term. The trade balance of the DE improves
and the other two economies deteriorate.
25 ∆F1 -0.5 50 100 150 200
15 ∆F 20 -1
15 -1.5
10 ∆F2 -2
-2.5 ∆r
∆Z 5 ∆F3 t -3
50 100 150 200
t 50 100 150 200
25 ∆K̂1 0.15 ∆E1
20 ∆C1 20
15 15 0.05
10 ∆C2 10 ∆K̂ 2 t
5 5 -0.05
50 100
E2 200
12.5 ∆w1 12.5
∆k̂1 12.5 ∆c1
10 10
10 ∆k̂ 2
7.5 7.5 7.5
5 ∆w2 5
2.5 ∆k̂3
∆w3 t t ∆c3 t
-2.5 50 100 150 200 -2.5 50 100 150 200 -2.5 50 100 150 200
We now examine the case when the DE’s population changes as fol-
lows: N 3 : 8 ⇒ 9 . The effects are plotted in Fig. 9.2.12. The knowledge,
global wealth and output levels are increased. The rate of interest rises.
The total output, total consumption levels, and total wealth of each econ-
omy are all increased in the long term. The trade balance of the DE and IE
improve and the trade balance of the UE deteriorates.
In the DE and IE, the wage rates, per capita consumption levels and per
capita wealth are all increased; in the UE, the wage rate, per capita con-
sumption level and per capita wealth are all reduced.
368 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
5 10 2
4 ∆Z ∆F 8 ∆F3
1.5 ∆r
∆K 6
2 4
∆F1 0.5
1 2
t 50 100∆F2150 200
t 50 100 150
50 100 150 200
(a) ∆Z (t ), ∆K (t ) and ∆F (t ) (b) ∆F j (t ) (c) ∆r (t )
12 12
10 10 ∆K̂ 3 0.1 ∆E1
8 ∆C3 8 0.05 ∆E2
6 6
4 ∆C1 4 ∆K̂1 -0.05
50 100 150
2 2 -0.1 ∆E3
∆C ∆K̂ 2200 t
50 100 2
150 200 t 50 100 150
2 ∆w1
2 ∆k̂1
∆w2 1
∆k̂ 2
1 ∆c2
200 t t 200t
50 100 150
-1 50 100 150 200 50 100 150
-1 -1
-3 ∆w3 -2
∆k̂3 -2 ∆c3
-3 -3
9.3 Conclusions
α jτ j τˆ jα j β jτ j
arj ≡ , aij ≡ , brj ≡
α jτ j + τˆ jα j α jτ j + τˆ jα j β jτ j + τˆ j β j
τˆ j β j
bij ≡ .
β jτ j + τˆ j β j
We conclude that the labor distribution is constant as it is determined by
the tax rate and capital distribution is proportional to the total capital
stocks employed by the country.
By k j = K ij / N ij and Eqs. (A.9.1.4), we have
370 9 Growth and Trade with Capital and Knowledge
N ij k j (A.9.1.5)
Kj = , j = 1, ..., J .
Z& = Λ (k1 , Z ) ≡
∑ (τ )
β m j − ε ij α β ε α (A.9.1.6)
ij A j N ij j Z K ij j + τ rj N rj rj Z rj K rj rj − δ z Z .
j =1
in which
1 Nj
n0 ≡ , nj ≡ , j = 2 , ..., J .
N1 N1
{ } ( )
Introduce kˆ(t ) ≡ kˆ2 (t ), L, kˆJ (t ) . We see that country 1' s per capita
wealth, kˆ1 (t ), can be expressed as a unique function of the knowledge,
country 1 ’s capital intensity of production function and the other coun-
{ }
tries’ per capita wealth, kˆ(t ) , at any point of time.
From Eqs. (9.2.2) and (9.2.3), we have
yˆ j = (1 + r )kˆ j + w j . (A.9.1.8)
Appendix 371
( )
kˆ j = Λ j k1 , kˆ j , Z ≡ λ j w j − (1 − λ j − λ j r )kˆ j , j = 2 , ..., J ,
& (A.9.1.10)
( ) (A.9.1.13)
Z& = Λ(k1 , Z ) = ∑ τ ij Z j ij φ j j + τ rj Z rj φ j rj − δ z Z ,
m −ε α ε α
j =1
α −α β α
τ ij ≡ τ ij A j N ij , τ rj ≡ τ rj arj rj aij rj N rj rj N ij rj .