A Study To Understand Differential Equations Applied To Aerodynamics Using CFD Technique

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017

ISSN 2229-5518


A study to understand differential equations

applied to aerodynamics using CFD Technique
Zoya. A. Rizvi

Abstract— The purpose of this paper is to study the methodology involved in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique of fluid
flow.Computational fluid dynamic results are directly analogous to wind tunnel results obtained in a laboratory they both represent sets of data for given
flow configuration at different Mach numbers, Reynold numbers, etc. The cornerstone of computational fluid dynamics is the fu ndamental governing
equations of fluid dynamics i.e. the continuity, momentum and energy equations. These equations speak physics. The purpose of this study is to discuss
these equations for aerodynamics. In CFD the fundamental physical principles applied to a model of flow can be expressed in t erms of basic mathemati-
cal equation which are either Integral equation or partial differential equation. In the world of CFD, the various forms of the equations are of vital interest.
In turn, it is important to derive these equations in order to point out their differences and similarities, and to reflect on possible implications in their appli-
cation to CFD. An example of application of CFD to aerodynamics is discussed in this paper. Finally, post-processing and interpreting the result com-
pletes the methodology.

Index Terms— Partial Differential equations, Fluid flow, Finite control volume, Substantial derivative, Aerodynamics, CFD , Navier-stokes

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C OMPUTATIONAL fluid dynamics (CFD) is the branch of is in motion the velocity may be different at each location in

fluid dynamics providing a cost-effective means of simu- the fluid. How then do we visualize a moving fluid so as to
lating real flows by the numerical solution of the governing apply to it the fundamental physical principles?
For a continumm fluid, the answer is to construct the follow-
equations.The governing equations for Newtonian fluid dy-
ing models:
namics, namely the Navier- Stokes equations, have been
1. Finite Control Volume & Infinitesimal Fluid Element
known for over 150 years. However, the development of re- 2. Substantial Derivative & Physical meaning of .V
duced forms of these equations is still an active area of re- 3. Navier-Stokes Equation
search, in particular, the turbulent closure problem of Rey-
nolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations [2]. 2.1 Finite Control Volume & Infinitesimal Fluid Element
Consider a general flow field as represented by the stream-
2 FLUID FLOW EQUATIONS lines[1] in Fig. 1. The control volume (C.V) is represented by V
and control surface is represented by S. The C.V may be fixed
In obtaining the basic equations of fluid motion, the follow- in space with the fluid moving through it as shown in Fig. 1a.
ing philosophy is always followed: Alternatively the C.V may be moving with the fluid such that
(1) Choose the appropriate fundamental physical principles the same fluid particles are always inside it as in Fig. 1b.
from the laws of physics, such as
(a) Mass is conserved
(b) F = ma (Newtons 2nd Law).
(c) Energy is conserved.
(2) Apply these physical principles to a suitable model of
the flow.
(3) From this application, extract the mathematical equa-
tions which embody such physical principles.

A solid body is rather easy to see and define; on the other

hand, a fluid is a squishy substance that is hard to grab hold
of. If a solid body is in translational motion, the velocity of Fig. 2. Fluid element moving in the flow fieldillustration for
each part of the body is the same; on the other hand, if a fluid thesubstantial derivative

 Zoya A Rizvi is currently working as Assistant Professor in The equations are obtained from the finite control volume
MPSTME(Mechanical Department), NMIMS University, Vile Parle, Mumbai, fixed in space in either integral or partial differential form and
Maharashtra, India, PH – 02249330534. E-mail: [email protected]
are called the conservation form of the governing equations.
The equations obtained from the finite control volume moving
with the fluid in either integral or partial differential form are

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

called the non-conservation form of the governing equations. The left side of equation (4) is the average time-rate of change
Let us imagine an infinitesimally small element in the flow, in density from point 1 to point 2. By taking limits as t 2 ap-
with a differential volume, dV. The fluid may be fixed in space proaches t1 this term becomes,
with the fluid moving through it and alternatively it may be
moving along a streamline with a vector velocity v equal to
the flow of velocity at each point. Again, instead of looking at If we take the derivative of equation (4) we get the following :
the whole flow field at once the fundamental equation are ap- (6)
plied to just the fluid element itself. This application leads di-
rectly to the fundamental equations in partial differential
equation form. So in general we will be dealing with conserva- The above equation can be written in cartesian cordinate form
tion type of partial differential equations in this study. which is the substantial derivative form:
2.2. Substantial Derivative & physical meaning of V
Before deriving the governing equations, we need to establish
From equation (2) & (7) we get the substantial derivative
a notation which is common in aerodynamics that of the sub-
stantial derivative[2]. Let us consider a small fluid element (8)
moving with the flow as shown in Fig. 2. We once again we once again emphasize that D/Dt is the
substantial derivative, which is physically the time rate of
change following a moving fluid element; is called the local
derivative, which is physically the time rate of change at a
fixed point; is called the convective derivative, which is
physically the time rate of change due to the movement of the

fluid element from one location to another in the flow field
where the flow properties are spatially different. The
substantial derivative applies to any flow-field variable, for
example, Dp/Dt, DT/Dt, Du/Dt, etc., where p and T are the
static pressure and temperature respectively[3]. For example:


Fig. 2. Fluid element moving in the flow fieldillustration for

thesubstantial derivative
2.3 Navier-Stokes Equation
The Navier-Stokes equations, developed by Claude-Louis
Navier and George Gabriel Stokes in 1822, are equations
Here, the fluid element is moving through Cartesian space.
which can be used to determine the velocity vector feild that
The unit vectors along x,y and z axes are , j and k respective-
applies to a fluid given some initial conditions[3]. They arise
ly. The vector velocity field in this Cartesian space is given by
from the application of Newton's second law in combination
equation (1)
with a fluid stress (due to viscosity) and a pressure term.
Note that we are considering in general an unsteady flow,
where u, v, and w are functions of both space and time, t. In
addition, the scalar density field is given by
where denotes the density of the fluid and is equivalent to
Furthermore, in Cartesian coordinate the vector operator is mass, / + ∙ is the acceleration and u is velocity, and
∙ + is the total force, with ∙ being the shear stress and f
defined as in equation (2)
being all other forces. We may also write this as
Taylor series expansion from point 1 to point 2 can be given as [ / + . ]= − +μ 2 + (11)
in equation (3)
The term on the LHS are often referred as inertial terms, and
arise from the momentum changes. These are countered by
(3) the pressure gradient, viscous forces and body forces. μ is dy-
Dividing by t2 – t1 and ignoring higher order terms we get namic viscosity.
The Navier–Stokes equations dictate not position but rather
velocity. A solution of the Navier–Stokes equations is called a
(4) velocity field or flow field, which is a description of the veloci-
ty of the fluid at a given point in space and time as in equation
(6), if velocity is considered in place of density.

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

flux components and Pr is the Prandtl number which is a simi-
Finally, by dividing out and subtracting ∙ , we obtain the larity parameter that is the ratio of the viscous stresses to the
traditional form of the Navier-Stokes equation below thermal stresses. The variables are components of the stress
(12) tensor. A tensor is generated when you multiply two vectors
in a certain way. Our velocity vector has three components;
the stress tensor has nine components. Each component of the
stress tensor is itself a second derivative of the velocity com-
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a branch of fluid me- ponents.
chanics that uses numerical analysis and algorithms to solve
and analyze problems that involve fluid flows. The fundamen- The terms on the left hand side of the momentum equations
tal basis of almost all CFD problems is the Navier–Stokes are called the convection terms of the equations. Convection is
equations. The Navier-Stokes equations consists of a time- a physical process that occurs in a flow of gas in which some
dependent continuity equation for conservation of mass, three property is transported by the ordered motion of the flow. The
time-dependent conservation of momentum equations and a terms on the right hand side of the momentum equations that
time-dependent conservation of energy equation. There are are multiplied by the inverse Reynolds number are called the
four independent variables in the problem, the x, y, and z spa- diffusion terms. Diffusion is a physical process that occurs in a
tial coordinates of some domain, and the time t. There are six flow of gas in which some property is transported by the ran-
dependent variables; the pressure p, density r, and tempera- dom motion of the molecules of the gas. Diffusion is related to
ture T (which is contained in the energy equation through the the stress tensor and to the viscosity of the gas. Turbulence,
total energy Et) and three components of the velocity vector; and the generation of boundary layers, are the result of diffu-
the u component is in the x direction, the v component is in sion in the flow. The Euler equations contain only the convec-

the y direction, and the w component is in the z direction, All tion terms of the Navier-Stokes equations and can not, there-
of the dependent variables are functions of all four independ- fore, model boundary layers. There is a special simplification
ent variables. The differential equations are therefore partial of the Navier-Stokes equations that describe boundary layer
differential equations and not the ordinary differential equa- flows.
tions that you study in a beginning calculus class. Notice that all of the dependent variables appear in each equa-
You will notice that the differential symbol is different than tion. To solve a flow problem, you have to solve all five equa-
the usual "d /dt" or "d /dx" that you see for ordinary differen- tions simultaneously; that is why we call this a coupled system
tial equations. The symbol "partial" is is used to indicate par- of equations. There are actually some other equation that are
tial derivatives. The symbol indicates that we are to hold all of required to solve this system. We only show five equations for
the independent variables fixed, except the variable next to six unknowns. An equation of state relates the pressure, tem-
symbol, when computing a derivative. The set of equations perature, and density of the gas. And we need to specify all of
are[6]: the terms of the stress tensor. In CFD the stress tensor terms
Continuity: are often approximated by a turbulence model[7].


CFD simulates fluid (either liquid or gas) passing through or
around an object. The analysis can be very complex—for ex-
ample, containing in one calculation heat transfer, mixing, and
Y-Momentum unsteady and compressible flows. The ability to predict the
impact of such flows on your product performance is time
consuming and costly without some form of simulation tool.
The simulation is done in three steps[5]:
Z-Momentum 1. Preprocessing : Define geometry
2. Solver: Once the problem is set-up defining the bound-
ary conditions we solve it with the software on the
3. Postprocessing: Once we get the results as values at our
probe points we analyse them by means of color plots,
contour plots, appropriate graphical representations
can generate reports.
where Re is the Reynolds number which is a similarity pa-
3.1.1 Airfoil Analysis using ANSYS
rameter that is the ratio of the scaling of the inertia of the flow
to the viscous forces in the flow. The q variables are the heat Three airfoil shapes with high camber shown in Fig. 3 were

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

chosen from UIUC website [4] for designing wing of a 3.1.2 Airfoil Analysis using XFLR
UAV(Subsonic). A preliminary parameter study was per- For validation of results a another analysis technique was
formed manually to find the most suitable chord length for used to compare the results. This technique is software based
obtaining high L/D ratio. called XFLR Analysis. It is highly used software in aerodynam-
ic airfoil designing.

Fig. 3 Airfoil shapes. a) CH10 , b) E243 c) S1223

As one can interpret from the above graph that E423 is giv-
A grid was generated as shown in Fig. 4. for processing in ing the most stable CL/CD ratio. A better L/D ratio leads to
solver. The various boundary conditions were analysed be- better fuel economy, climb performance and glide ratio. The-
fore solving like Inlet, Outlet and walls for input to the se factors are important to obtain high aerodynamic efficien-
solver. cy.

Grid generation

The fluid flow equations of aerodynamics which form the ba-
sis of CFD were discussed in this paper. Navier stokes equa-
tion was derived by considering a small fluid element for a
unsteady flow and its various parts were discussed for inter-
pretation of its physical meaning in real life. Finally after in-
terpreting the meaning of fluid flow equations an experimen-
tation was conducted on airfoil for analyzing its Lift in ANSYS
software and its results were obtained by postprocessing
which were compared to XFLR results for validation. The
Fig. 4.Airfoil Grid generated in Gambit for processing in ANSYS
comparison has shown that E423 airfoil gives the desired high
L/D ratio and hence it was chosen for final design of wing of
The analysis gave the following results as shown in Fig5.
the UAV.
[1] John D. Anderson. JR., W. Daly Patrick, “Computational Fluid Dy-
namics The Basics with Applications”, published by McGraw-Hill
Inc (1995), ISBN 0-07-113210-4.
[2] Praveen Kumar kanti, Shyam chandran , “A review paper on basics
of CFD and its applications”, National conference on advances in
mechanical engineering science(NCAMES-2016).
[3] Anderson, John D., Jr., “Fundamentals of Aerodynamics”, 2nd Edi-
tion McGraw-Hill,New York, 1991.
Fig. 5.CFD Analysis showing pressure contour for airfoil [4] Prof. Michael Selig, David Ledniser (1995). UIUC Airfoil Coordinates
Database, http://aerospace.illinois.edu/m-selig/ads/coorddatabase
A similar analysis as shown in Fig. 5 were performed on html.
CH10 and S1223 and its results were interpreted which [5] Tutorial written by Rajesh Bhaskaran, Flow over airfoil : Gambit CFD
showed that best L/D ratio was given by E423 and hence it Processing, Aerodynamic Tutorial from BARC LAB
was chosen for the final design of UAV. [6] Navier-stoke-equations,
Airfoil L/D Ratio https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k12/airplane/nseqs.html
S1223 5.128 [7] Abdul Nasser Sayma “Computatinal Fluid Dynamics”, Ventus Pub
CH10 6.29 lishing, 2009, ISBN – 978-87-7681-430-4
E423 7.26

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