Integrated Strategy Optimsation For Complex Operations
Integrated Strategy Optimsation For Complex Operations
Integrated Strategy Optimsation For Complex Operations
B King1
Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning Perth, WA, 22 - 24 November 2004 391
Reproduced with the permission of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Although the ultimate objective is to maximise these and, if found, costly to turn into practical tools for the mining
discounted cash flows, they are manipulated through parameters industry.
such as production rate and cut-off grade (Roman, 1973). The For example, the dynamic programming based algorithms used
parameters may be divided into two categories: in the COMET software integrate pushback timing, cut-off
• Uncontrollable – A few of the parameters that impact on the grade, processing policies and financial analysis from the
annual cash flow are not under the control of the mine. These categories above (stages four to six above). This allows the
may include government royalties and the resource grade interaction between the policies to be exploited to maximise the
distributions. If there is no control over these parameters then project value. Further discussion of COMET is provided by
they are fixed for the study. Wooller (2004) and King (2004).
Because any ‘optimising’ tool only works on a limited model
• Controllable – Normally there are many parameters whose of reality, results should be reviewed to check that they are
impact on the cash flow and resulting NPV are controllable reasonable. When breaking the problem down into components,
throughout the mine life. These parameters may include the the resulting designs lose any guarantee of finding the maximum
production rates, excavation sequencing, cut-off grade and, to present value, they simply hope to be close to the maximum.
some degree, product recoveries. Controllable parameters are While this may be somewhat disappointing to management or
the focus of optimisation studies. investors, it is a sobering reminder of the complexity of mine
The definition of what issues are controllable may need to be planning and the need to appropriately resource this vital work.
defined for each study. For example, commodity prices are often
considered ‘uncontrollable’. In studies centred on a relatively Building model complexity
small copper producer, this may be a valid assumption. When a
relatively large proportion of market production for a particular Recognising that we are always working on a model
commodity is studied, the influence of the operating strategies on representation of reality, the quality of a scheduling model is
prices may be significant and to some extent may be considered paramount to the quality of the results. The amount of
‘controllable’. complexity that is warranted should be scoped with respect to the
questions to be answered and the time available. Short time
frames available for a study can have substantial constraints on
Optimal mine design the model complexity available. Even some simple models may
be good predictors of NPV and suitable for some relative ranking
Ideally, all possible decisions that could influence a mine’s value of strategic options.
should be considered to achieve designs which will result in the
maximum NPV. The number of combinations of these When a complex model is required, it is preferable to build it
parameters over the life of the mine is overwhelming for any up in stages. Start with the main constraints (say annual mining,
global optimisation technique unless several assumptions are processing and market capacities) and a simple model of cash
made. flow (say simple costs per unit mass mined and processed, an
average recovery and single metal price).
Until the entire mine design problems can be solved with one
By looking at the main components of the cash flow (ie costs
integrated algorithm, smaller components of the process are
and revenue streams), you may then decide to model part of the
often worked on sequentially, as indicated below:
operation in more detail. Ultimately, you are trying to produce a
1. Resource estimation – typically using a variety of good estimate of cash flow from the activities associated with
geostatistical techniques with assumptions about mine mining an increment of rock. There may be several ways to get
cut-off grades, spatial grade relationships and selective to this position, some with very complex models, and some with
mining unit (SMU) dimensions. quite simple models. By reviewing the accuracy of cash flow
2. Ultimate pit limits – often using the Lerchs and Grossmann results you may see a reducing benefit by making a model more
algorithm for determining the ultimate pit shell requires precise.
assumptions of ore and waste classification (and therefore Once you have a working model, you can do preliminary
cut-off grades), costs and grades that are independent of the sensitivity studies to see which are the strongest value drivers
block schedule (Lerchs and Grossmann, 1965; Whittle, and then focus further work in these areas. Sensitivity studies at
1988, 1989). parameter limits may help eliminate weak value drivers. For
example, you may try halving and doubling costs to see what
3. Pushback design – incorporating ramps, geotechnical slope impact each has on the project NPV and operating policies.
constraints, geometry and access constraints.
4. Scheduling timing of pushbacks – Figure 2 - Cut-off grade Taxation and cost considerations
policies for surface to underground transition, normally
with fixed cut-off grade, processing and mining policies. Government taxation requires a distinction between ‘Capital’
and ‘Operating’ costs but does not require a breakdown of
5. Cut-off grade and mining rates – for a fixed sequence of ‘Fixed’ and ‘Variable’ costs. ‘Capital’ costs are normally treated
mining as described by Lane (1964, 1988). differently for depreciation, a significant component of the
6. Comminution and process policies – such as grind size, taxation system. Tax calculations have been demonstrated to
reagent consumption, residence time. impact operating policies such as cut-off grade (Schaap, 1981;
Dowd and Xu, 1995, 1999). Despite this theoretical result, the
7. Financial analysis – based on various cost and revenue substantial complexity of calculating after-tax NPVs is beyond
time-dependent drivers. the capability of many optimisation algorithms and commercial
These subproblems normally form a sequential mine planning tools.
process that can be repeated iteratively. Higher value results are The simplification often assumed is that taxation makes all
expected as more of the subproblems are simultaneously cash flows proportionally smaller in a way that does not impact
considered in a single optimisation. Efficient algorithms are on operating policies. This means that operating policies are
required to ensure the solution times do not explode as the initially decided using NPVs based on cash flows without
complexity increases. These may be very expensive to look for taxation, depreciation and loan repayments. Although this is a
392 Perth, WA, 22 - 24 November 2004 Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning
welcome simplification to the mine planning process, plans PART II – OPTIMISING COMPLEX POLICIES
should be reviewed to see if this is a good approximation for the WITHOUT OPTIMISATION ALGORITHMS
business. The review process may utilise a more comprehensive
financial model (with tax considerations) to analyse selected Large operations with multiple orebodies, mining areas and
schedules. processing alternatives are often so complex that the feasible
While many inputs are required to calculate the cash flow and solutions make the number of neutrons in the universe seem
subsequent NPV, experience reveals costs are often poorly small (10128). This next part of the paper is about using available
defined for optimisation studies. Part of the reason for this may tools to solve some of these problems found in many large
lie in the different reporting required by government (primarily operations. The problems selected are those that are important to
for taxation) than is appropriate for optimisation. Optimisation many large operations and which don’t have integrated
studies often try to use the same accounting systems that optimisation algorithms to solve them.
generate the accounting information for the government reports.
It is worth remembering that these systems are normally Generic process
designed to track expenditure, not predict future costs and
The question to answer is: ‘How can I use the available tools to
optimise policies that are not optimised by these tools?’
To help clarify the distinction between the various costs, the
Let us assume we have policies A, B and C to determine,
following definitions are suggested to better define costs for
though only policies B and C can be simultaneously optimised
optimising a project. The terminology has deliberately not used
with available algorithms. This paper offers the following generic
commonly misunderstood words such as fixed, variable, capital
steps for approximating the optimal choice of policy A:
and operating.
1. Choose a tool that:
• Foundation costs – There are some costs that are incurred at
specific times regardless of how much material is processed a. Uses an objective that accurately reflects your business
and when the operation shuts down. Although these objectives (NPV is assumed in this paper).
irreversible outflows may be significant and impact the NPV b. Simultaneously optimises as many of the other key
of the project, they do not alter the decisions of how best to policies (policies B and C) as possible. (Sometimes
operate the business. Although many of these costs are multiple tools are required to model the process;
incurred prior to a planning study (eg feasibility study costs COMET software has been used for the problems
and purchased equipment), they may also be in the form of identified in this paper.)
future commitments (eg to clean a contaminated area over
the next five years). Exploration expenditure may also fall 2. Identify the broad options for policy A.
into this category when not related to improving the 3. For each policy A alternative, optimise the remaining
confidence of existing reserves. policies (B and C).
• Activity costs – These costs include all elements that change 4. Choose the highest value options for some more detailed
as the amount of material mined, processed, metal analyses if the schedule values are close (within the
productions (most of the traditional ‘variable’ costs). These accuracy of the estimate).
costs are best described per truck hour operated ($/hr), mass
mined ($/t), processed ($/t), concentrated ($/t) and metal The option for policy A that gives the highest value is chosen
shipped ($/oz). When maintenance and replacement costs are to optimise this policy. This process often contains a substantial
strongly correlated to activity (such as truck replacement manual component, which is both expensive and
costs), these costs should also be expressed as activity costs. time-consuming. If this decision is to be evaluated often, then
some automation may be justified.
• Reserve timing costs – There are several costs that are The above process can also be used when several policies must
incurred as reserves are mined and may include
be chosen though not able to be simultaneously optimised with
infrastructure construction and decommissioning costs. For
the available technology. Policy A can be a complex policy, a
example, closure costs are dependent on the time when the
combination of several policies. If we have independent policies
operation processes the last ore. Typically these costs will
X and Y, both with three options (X1, X2 and Y1, Y2). Policy A
include decommissioning the mine workings, processing
can be defined as a set of four policies of X and Y (X1Y1, X1Y2,
plant, heap leach pads and infrastructure. These costs may be
incurred before the mine actually shuts down and may X2Y1, X2Yy). The number of options can rapidly approach the
continue many years afterwards. These costs are best number of neutrons in the universe again so some judgement
expressed in $M and may require discounting to bring them may be needed to consider only reasonably likely options.
to a cost at the time of closure. Dewatering costs may be While the above approach may be deduced by common sense,
appropriately modelled in this category. the key issue to recognise is that all combinations of policies A,
B and C do not have to be searched in order to find the highest
• Period costs – These costs are incurred annually while the value path. Only one path for each policy A alternative needs to
project operates. These costs do not vary if more (or less)
be valued. This can have enormous time saving benefits when
material is mined in a year, more material is treated in a year,
applied to many complex operations.
or more metals are produced. These costs stop as the last ore
is treated and mining ceases. The units of these costs are best The following examples have been used to illustrate how this
described as $/year and are incurred regardless of the process may be applied to a number of problems found in large
production rates until the mine is closed. complex mining projects.
Although many general and administration costs are put in the
Surface to underground interface
‘Period’ costs, each cost should be reviewed in light of the time
frame which is being planned. Staffing levels fixed for most daily Many large resources mined from the surface also have a
plans are considered largely ‘Activity’ costs for strategic analysis. potential resource that can be extracted from underground.
Equipment replacement ‘Capital’ is normally dependent on Although surface mining methods may be used to extract much
production and so should be included with the mining and of the resource, the highest value for the project should consider
processing ‘activity costs’. both underground and surface options.
Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning Perth, WA, 22 - 24 November 2004 393
There are many factors that impact the ideal transition from reference to the open pit, Option A (large underground) is
surface to underground operations. Some of these issues are chosen. If the open pit is evaluated without the underground
listed below: impact, Option C (large open pit) is selected.
• Surface For example, without an underground the open pit cut-off
grades will normally drop down close to break-even as the last
• cut-off grades, material is mined. With a highly profitable underground that
• waste stripping, and cannot start until the surface operation is complete, open pit
• stockpile generation and reclaim. cut-off grades will generally increase to bring forward the value
from the underground resource. Although specific policies are
• Underground very dependent on the particular project, Figure 2 shows the
• access to higher grades, change in cut-off grade for the three cases shown in Figure 1.
Each of these schedules was optimised using the COMET
• dilution, software using a successive approximation dynamic
• proportion of resource extracted (due sterilisation programming algorithm.
associated with the mining method), The changes in policies are very dependent on the constraints,
• production costs and capacities, and economics and resource mined. Figure 2 shows that the shorter
open pit options generally utilise lower cut-off grade strategies
• capital requirements. that have the result of extracting more value from the earlier
• Combined open pit phases. As is usually the case with optimised cut-off
grade policies, the policies rise as more high-grade material is
• tailings capacity, and reached and then generally decline with time. While the cut-off
• closure cost implications. grade policies are interesting, the most important number is the
NPV presented in Table 1. The highest value schedule was the
There is currently no algorithm (and therefore software
second option B with the medium surface and underground
product) for determining the best transition between surface and designs.
underground mining that will take into account all of the above
Of interest in Table 1 is the mine life, increasing with pit size.
issues. Where currently available software tools attempt to
The primary reason for this is the lower grade material that was
answer these questions, only a few of these aspects are processed in the larger pit options. The underground costs do not
considered. It is not the objective of this paper to list the justify the removal of all of this material and so larger
limitations of commercially available software tools, many of underground designs have smaller reserves.
which can still be profitably used despite these shortcomings.
A second point to note in Table 1 is that all three cases yielded
The question becomes, 'How can we use the available tools to positive NPVs, some were just a little more positive than the
optimise the transition between surface and underground others! This should serve as a reminder that a high value
mining?' schedule does not necessarily mean that an even higher value
By applying the generic process suggested above the best schedule is not possible with a little more effort. Further
transition from surface mining to underground can be evaluated. information from the best case (Option B) is presented in
For the example illustrated in Figure 1 there are three different Figure 3.
options to evaluate. The underground mining options each have a
different designs, production schedules, capital requirements, life TABLE 1
and of course value. The open pit designs have several pushbacks Surface to underground transition summary results.
that extract different portions of the resource.
These underground alternatives impact on the opportunity Option A B C
costs for processing surface material since every day spent Open pit size Small Medium Large
processing surface ore could alternatively be spent processing Underground size Large Medium Small
underground ore. The surface policies, such as cut-off grade and
NPV ($M) 2287 2425 2410
ultimate pit limits, are dependent on the value of the remaining
underground resource. If the underground is considered without Life (years) 21 22 27
394 Perth, WA, 22 - 24 November 2004 Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning
FIG 2 - Cut-off grade policies for surface to underground transition.
100 10.0
90 9.0
80 8.0
70 7.0
50 5.0
30 3.0
20 2.0
Direct Pit Ore Feed Underground
10 Ore Feed 1.0
2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027
FIG 3 - Highest value integrated surface and underground schedule (Option B, $2425M) with variable cut-off grade
and pushback sequencing.
The low-grade stockpile is reclaimed once the open pit ore (cut-off grade and pushback sequencing). An outline of the
runs out and during the underground mining period. The theory of how to optimise multiple policies like these was
underground ore was higher grade than the stockpile but was not presented by King (2001). The same surface to underground
able to be mined at a sufficient rate to use the full mill capacity. transition was found to produce the highest value and all
Ideally, the mill throughput/recovery would be modelled to add schedules had higher values.
further value. The addition of grind to the optimisation is an example of
A new set of schedules was therefore undertaken to exploit a adding complexity as a model of the project is developed. As
time varying grind policy to maximise the project value. For the time is spent analysing and understanding the project value
purpose of this paper, a grind relationship was used in which the drivers, some areas are obvious candidates for greater model
mill could process up to ten per cent more material with the loss accuracy.
of five per cent in recovery, or processes 20 per cent less material It is important to review the sensitivity of these decisions to
and realise ten per cent higher recoveries. Figure 4 shows the price, cost and constraint variation. A low reserve schedule that
schedule when optimised with a variable throughput/recovery has the highest value at a low price may well be less than the best
policy optimised simultaneously with the cut-off grade and schedule at a higher price since more reserves can utilise the
pushback sequencing. higher prices). It is also important to recognise the different risk
A substantial increase in value (+4 per cent from $2425M to profiles of the resulting schedules. The risk is often a more
$2523M) was realised by simultaneously optimising the grind difficult property to measure; however, there are normally some
policy (throughput/recovery relationship) with the other policies parameters that reflect this risk.
Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning Perth, WA, 22 - 24 November 2004 395
100 10.0
90 9.0
80 8.0
70 7.0
50 5.0
30 3.0
20 2.0
Direct Pit Ore Feed Underground
10 Ore Feed 1.0
2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027
FIG 4 - Best integrated surface and underground schedule (Option B, $2523M) using variable grind (throughput/recovery),
cut-off grade and pushback sequencing.
Additional complex policies For example, increasing the flotation capacity would also
require increasing the SAG capacity, crushing and grinding
capacities, concentrate handling capacities and quite possibly the
Pushback designs tailings capacity. Once the entire processing system has been
Designing realistic pushbacks is a fundamental part of planning a upgraded and new cost and recovery functions implemented you
large surface mining operation. Many engineers use tools based may still see a negligible increase in value. The reason could
on the ultimate pit algorithms (LG or cone algorithms) to provide well be due to the operation being constrained by the mining
guidelines for creating intermediate pushbacks. These tools are equipment. When mining constrained, cut-off grades drop to
often run at lower than expected metal prices to determine a breakeven grades and very marginal material is processed. In
nested set of shells. While this approach does provide useful order to reveal the full value of a processing expansion it should
guides, there are a number of issues that arise in large operations be coupled with a mining capacity expansion.
that limit the usefulness of these guides: Although schedule optimisation tools may not directly provide
• mining and processing capacities are not considered; the optimum choice of mining or processing capacity, by
scheduling several options an engineer can rapidly determine the
• time dependent properties including prices and costs are not optimum choice of both mine equipment fleets and process
considered; capacities.
• operating policies such as cut-off grade are not considered; To evaluate all the possible options of just truck and shovel
• interaction between material mined and processed is not fleets would be an enormous and unnecessary task. Most of the
considered; options are able to be discarded as unlikely to achieve higher
value. For example, expanded truck fleets without associated
• shells may be much smaller or larger than can be practically shovel fleets are unlikely to reveal any further value unless the
mined; and operation was already truck constrained. By applying sensible
• ramp locations and some geotechnical constraints (such as boundaries to the options and reviewing results as they are
stress unloading) are not considered. generated, options for analysis can be greatly reduced.
The above issues may provide substantial uncertainty of the
best shape for intermediate pushbacks. Several options may need CONCLUSIONS
to be manually designed and scheduled to find the best designs
and maximum value. Strategic and long-term plans set the context for shorter term
decision making. Substantial value is realised by ensuring that
The ultimate pit size is also subject to the same assumptions
strategic and long-term planning follows the corporate
and therefore limitations as described above. For example, the
objectives, normally defined using the net present value.
location of the final pushback may need to be confirmed by
grouping shells into a realistic width and scheduling with all Many optimisation algorithms have been developed to solve
other policies (such as cut-off grade and stockpiling) optimised. parts of the planning problem. There are still important problems
that are not able to be automatically optimised with these
algorithms. This paper demonstrates that by using an efficient
Mine and process expansion optimisation schedule optimisation tool, many of these policies can be
Mine and processing expansions may provide the keys to unlock optimised to add substantial value to a project.
substantial additional project value. These capacities are not
automatically optimised by the currently available algorithms ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and software tools so we ask, ‘What is the optimum mining and
processing capacity for the project?’ Although a simple question, I am grateful for the opportunity and support to spend the last
the answer can involve a complex combination of policies decade researching optimal mine scheduling and developing
throughout the business. tools useful for engineers around the globe. Many professional
396 Perth, WA, 22 - 24 November 2004 Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning
engineers at Rio Tinto Technical Services and BHP Billiton have Lane, K F, 1964. Choosing the optimum cut-off grade, Colorado School
willingly given time and ideas to make sure that what was being of Mines Quarterly, 59(4):811-829.
developed would be useful to real world mining problems. Lane, K F, 1988. The Economic Definition of Ore (Mining Journal Books
Richard Wooller has been a tremendous sounding-board and Limited).
debating partner on many issues. Thanks also to Brian Baird for Lerchs, H and Grossmann, I F, 1965. Optimum design of open-pit mines,
his support and help getting these ideas implemented into major Trans CIM, LXVIII:17-24.
operations around the world. Roman, R J, 1973. The use of dynamic programming for determining
mine-mill production schedules, in Proceedings 10th Symposium on
Application of Computer Methods in the Mining Industry,
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(Ed: K Dagdelen), pp 385-392 (Colorado School of Mines). Whittle, J, 1989. The Facts and Fallacies of Open Pit Optimisation
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