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MRP - Format For Detail

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Fomat of UGC Major Research Project

Note: The space provided against each item is suggestive, so

you can use the space whatever is required by you.
Subject Applied:
Research Project

Broad Subject
Areas of Specialization
Upload Declaration Certificate
Principal Investigator :
Date of Birth
Upload Passport Size Photo:
Educational Qualification (like
Msc, MA, Phd.etc .. )
Whether Principal Investigator
is appointed on regular basis?:
Correspondence Address:
Is Principal Investigator
Date of Superannuation
Age at the time .. of
Is Principal Investigator re-
employed after
Is Principal Investigator
involved as Co-Investigator in
any MRP at present?:~~
Please provide details
(Including title of project,
funding agency, file no and
year of completion) of the
Major/Minor Research Project
completed or ongoing with the
Investigator funded from UGC
or any other agency: Note: All
the fields are compulsory.

Co- Investigator
Date of Birth
Educational Qualification (like
r.1sc,MA,Phd,etc .. ):
whether Co- Investigator is
appointed on regular basis?
Correspondence Address:
Is Co-Investigator involved as
Principal Investigator in any
Major/Minor Research Project
at present?:~
Please provide details
(Including title of project,
funding agency, file no and
veer of completion) of the
Major/Minor Research Project
completed or ongoing with the
Correspondence Address:
Investigator funded from UGC
or any other agency: Note: All
the fields are compulsory.
Experience Details :
Teaching Experience
Research Experience:
Year of Award of Doctoral
Title of Thesis of Doctoral
Publication Details with impact
Factor(only for Science

Papers Published: Accepted :_____________ Communicated: ____________

Books Published Accepted :_____________ Communicated: ____________
1. Research Papers/Review Articles/Conference Proceedings (during last 5 years):

Title with page nos Publication Type Journal Refereed or Not Sole/Co-Author

2. Research Publications-Books, Chapters, Edited work, Articles etc. (during last 5 years):

Title with page nos Publication Type Journal Refereed or Not Sole/Co-Author

Please enclose a list of papers and books published and/or accepted during the last five years:

Project Applied:

Name of the Institute where the project will

be undertaken (Name of Institute as mention
in the list of 2(f) & 12Bof UGC Act 1956)
Institute Address
A. Department:
B. University / College
Name of the University
Whether the college is located in
rural/backward area:

Proposed Research Work (Max. 2500 words)

Project Title
Introduction : ( Including Original of the
research problem, Inter disciplinary
relevance ,Review of Research and
Development in the Subject: 1 International
Status, 2. National Status, 3. Significance of
the study, 4 Its potential contribution to
knowledge in the field of social relevance or
national Importance)
Year wise plan of work and targets to be
Details of collaboration, If Needed :

Financial Assistance:

Res e arch Personnel (Select Anyone of the

Item Estimate-d Expenditure (Rupees)

Hiring Services
Field work and Travel
Chemicals and Glassware
Contingency (including special needs)
Honorius to retired teacher
@12000/- P.M.
Book and Journals
Equipment if needed
Please specify name and approx costing
along with the quotation you can copy and
paste your quotation into given box
Whether teacher has received for the
research project from the UGC under Major
Scheme of support for research or from any
other agency? If so Pls. indicate :
Details of The project scheme complete or
ongoing with the P.I.
Institute and Department facilities available
for the proposed work:
Other Infrastructural facilities
Any other information which the
investigator may like to give in support of
this proposal which may be helpful in

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