Intelligent Chat Bot For Banking System
Intelligent Chat Bot For Banking System
Intelligent Chat Bot For Banking System
Abstract: An intelligent chat bot will be used to give information or answers to any question asked by user related to bank. Our
Intelligent system will first take input from bank customer. This input will be taken as voice or written format. According to
input, intelligent system will processes the query and give response to user. An artificial intelligence is most important and
helpful part of our project. Intelligent system is automation of activities associated with human thinking, decision making, and
problem solving process. Questions asked to the bot, which will not be understood, are further processed using a third-party
expert system, and the response will be archived, improving the artificial brain capabilities for future generation of responses.
Keywords - ICB (Intelligent Chat Bot), AIML (Artificial Intelligent Markup Language), AI (Artificial Intelligent)
This banking bot project is built using artificial algorithms that analyses user’s queries and understand user’s message. We are going
to design system for banks where users can ask any bank related questions like loan, account, policy etc. This application will be
developed for web users. The system will recognizes user’s query and understands what he wants to convey and simultaneously
answers them appropriately. Even if the user does not frame sentence properly system will understands the query and answer
accordingly. There is no specific format the user must follow to ask questions. The built in artificial intelligence system realizes
users requirements and provides suitable answers to the user.
©IJRASET : All Rights are Reserved Volume 4 Issue IV, April 2016
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
chatter bot. They tested their system [10].
A. Voice to text
The main component of speech recognition framework contains the system.speech.recognition. The windows desktop application
technology types for implementing speech recognition.
-System Speech.Recognition
Can use SpeechRecognitionEngine have to set up several properties and invoke some methods.
1) SpeechRecognitionEngine(): Initializer a new instance using the default Speech recognition for the system.
2) SpeechRecognitionEngine(CultureInfo): Initializes a new instance using the default speech Recognizer for a specified locale.
3) SpeechRecognitionEngine(RecognitionInfo): Initializes a new instance using the information in a Recognition in a
RecognizerInfo object to specify to use.
4) SpeechRecognitionEngine(String): Initializes a ne instance of the class with a string parameters that specifies the name of the
©IJRASET : All Rights are Reserved Volume 4 Issue IV, April 2016
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
to change the topic or send a general statements. This is considered a trick for inadequate knowledge but is a first step for any chat
bot. An Implementation of ALICE bot engine uses the algorithm to generate a response using its library for pattern assimilation,
namely AIML files[11].
C. Text to Speech
In C# language using System build function Speech Synthesizer to convert text to speech. SpeakAsync method is to speak word.
There are two properties used here one is volume, another one is rate.voice genders also one of the properties. It is used to select
voice gender (enum Notset , Male, Female ,Neutral).
We are going to implement an intelligent chat bot system for bank, which will gives an appropriate response to user’s query. It is an
intelligent system which will think like human beings. This system will be helpful in reducing workload of employees. Due to an
AIML files accurate and quick answers will be given to user. ICB system will take both voice as well as text as an input. If person is
not having knowledge about the typing of particular language the system provides voice input facility.The core use of threads allows
multiple processing of incoming and outgoing messages to occur without having to create a waiting scenario or unavailable server
due to over use or possible congestion. ICB will be having effective GUI and animation, so that the user feels that he will talking
with another person.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude towards my guide, Prof. Mane M.A., for the help, guidance and encouragement, he
provided during the BE Project-II. This work would have not been possible without his valuable time, patience and motivation. We
thank his for making our stint thoroughly pleasant and enriching. It was great learning and an honour being his students. We are
deeply indebted to Prof. Naik L. S. (Head of Department) and Prof. More V. S. (Project Coordinator) and the entire team in the
Computer Department. They supported us with scientific guidance, advice and encouragement, they were always helpful and
enthusiastic and this inspired us in our work. We take the privilege to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Bhagawat M. M., our
Principal for providing the encouragement and much support throughout our work.
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