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1 Classification
1.1. Duct Jet Propulsion / 2
1.2. Rocket Propulsion / 4
1.3. Applications of Rocket Propulsion / 15
References / 25

2 Definitions and Fundamentals 27

2.1. Definition / 27
2.2. Thrust / 32
2.3. Exhaust Velocity / 34
2.4. Energy and Efficiencies / 36
2.5. Typical Performance Values / 39
Problems / 41
Symbols / 43
References / 44

3 Nozzle Theory and Thermodynamic Relations 45

3.1. Ideal Rocket / 46
3.2. Summary of Thermodynamic Relations / 47
3.3. Isentropic Flow through Nozzles / 52

3.4. Nozzle Configurations / 75

3.5. Real Nozzles / 85
3.6. Four Performance Parameters / 92
3.7. Nozzle Alignment / 94
3.8. Variable Thrust / 96
Problems / 97
Symbols / 99
References / 100

Flight Performance 102

4.1. Gravity-Free Drag-Free Space Flight / 102
4.2. Forces Acting on a Vehicle in the Atmosphere / 106
4.3. Basic Relations of Motion / 108
4.4. Effect of Propulsion System on Vehicle Performance / 115
4.5. Space Flight / 117
4.6. Flight Maneuvers / 132
4.7. Flight Vehicles / 139
4.8. Military Missiles / 149
4.9. Aerodynamic Effect of Exhaust Plumes / 152
4.10. Flight Stability / 153
Problems / 154
Symbols / 157
References / 159

Chemical Rocket Propellant Performance Analysis 160

5.1. Background and Fundamentals / 161
5.2. Analysis of Chamber or Motor Case Conditions / 169
5.3. Analysis of Nozzle Expansion Processes / 172
5.4. Computer Analysis / 179
5.5. Results of Thermochemical Calculations / 180
Problems / 189
Symbols / 193
References / 195

Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine Fundamentals 197

6.1. Propellants / 201
6.2. Propellant Feed Systems / 203
6.3. Gas Pressure Feed Systems / 205

6.4. Propellant Tanks / 211

6.5. Tank Pressurization / 218
6.6. Turbopump Feed Systems and Engine Cycles / 221
6.7. Flow and Pressure Balance / 227
6.8. Rocket Engines for Maneuvering, Orbit Adjustments, or Attitude
Control / 228
6.9. Valves and Pipe Lines / 232
6.10. Engine Support Structure / 235
Problems / 236
Symbols / 238
References / 239

7 Liquid Propellants 241

7.1. Propellant Properties / 242
7.2. Liquid Oxidizers / 251
7.3. Liquid Fuels / 255
7.4. Liquid Monopropellants / 259
7.5. Gelled Propellants / 261
7.6. Gaseous Propellants / 263
7.7. Safety and Environmental Concerns / 264
Problems / 265
Symbols / 266
References / 266

8 Thrust Chambers 268

8.1. Injectors / 271
8.2. Combustion Chamber and Nozzle / 282
8.3. Heat Transfer Analysis / 308
8.4. Starting and Ignition / 320
8.5. Variable Thrust / 323
8.6. Sample Thrust Chamber Design Analysis / 324
Problems / 335
Symbols / 338
References / 340

9 Combustion of Liquid Propellants 342

9.1. Combustion Process / 343
9.2. Analysis and Simulation / 346
9.3. Combustion Instability / 348

Problems / 360
References / 360

10 Turbopumps, Engine Design, Engine Controls, Calibration,

Integration, and Optimization 362
10.1. Turbopumps / 362
10.2. Performance of Complete or Multiple Rocket Propulsion
Systems / 384
10.3. Propellant Budget / 387
10.4. Engine Design / 389
10.5. Engine Controls / 396
10.6. Engine System Calibration / 405
10.7. System Integration and Engine Optimization / 411
Problems / 413
Symbols / 413
References / 415

11 Solid Propellant Rocket Fundamentals 417

11.1. Propellant Burning Rate / 419
11.2. Basic Performance Relations / 437
11.3. Propellant Grain and Grain Configuration / 444
11.4. Propellant Grain Stress and Strain / 453
11.5. Attitude Control and Side Maneuvers with Solid Propellant
Rocket Motors / 466
Problems / 467
Symbols / 470
References / 471

12 Solid Propellants 474

12.1. Classification / 474
12.2. Propellant Characteristics / 480
12.3. Hazards / 487
12.4. Propellant Ingredients / 494
12.5. Other Propellant Categories / 505
12.6. Liners, Insulators, and Inhibitors / 509
12.7. Propellant Processing and Manufacture / 511
Problems / 515
References / 518

13 Combustion of Solid Propellants 520

13.1. Physical and Chemical Processes / 520
13.2. Ignition Process / 524
13.3. Extinction or Thrust Termination / 526
13.4. Combustion Instability / 528
Problems / 537
References / 537

14 Solid Rocket Components and Motor Design 540

14.1. Motor Case / 540
14.2. Nozzle / 550
14.3. Igniter Hardware / 563
14.4. Rocket Motor Design Approach / 568
Problems / 575
References / 577

15 Hybrid Propellant Rockets 579

15.1. Applications and Propellants / 580
15.2. Performance Analysis and Grain Configuration / 585
15.3. Design Example / 593
15.4. Combustion Instability / 599
Symbols / 604
References / 606

16 Thrust Vector Control 608

16.1. TVC Mechanisms with a Single Nozzle / 609
16.2. TVC with Multiple Thrust Chambers or Nozzles / 620
16.3. Testing / 621
16.4. Integration with Vehicle / 621
References / 623

17 Selection of Rocket Propulsion Systems 624

17.1. Selection Process / 625
17.2. Criteria for Selection / 630
17.3. Interfaces / 634
References / 638

18 Rocket Exhaust Plumes 639

18.1. Plume Appearance and Flow Behavior / 641
18.2. Plume Effects / 652
18.3. Analysis and Mathematical Simulation / 657
Problems / 658
References / 658

19 Electric Propulsion 660

19.1. Ideal Flight Performance / 666
19.2. Electrothermal Thrusters / 670
19.3. Non-Thermal Electric Thrusters / 677
19.4. Optimum Flight Performance / 696
19.5. Mission Applications / 700
19.6. Electric Space-Power Supplies and Power-Conditioning
Systems / 701
Problems / 706
Symbols / 707
References / 709

20 Rocket Testing 711

20.1. Types of Tests / 711
20.2. Test Facilities and Safeguards / 713
20.3. Instrumentation and Data Management / 720
20.4. Flight Testing / 724
20.5. Postaccident Procedures / 725
References / 726

Appendix 1 Conversion Factors and Constants 727

Appendix 2 Properties of the Earth's Standard Atmosphere 730
Appendix 3 Summary of Key Equations for Ideal Chemical
Rockets 731
Appendix 4 Derivation of Hybrid Fuel Regression Rate
Equation in Chapter 15 733
Appendix 5 Alternative Interpretations of Boundary Layer
Blowing Coefficient in Chapter 15 737
Index 739

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