Northern Valley Regional HS District Lawsuit
Northern Valley Regional HS District Lawsuit
Northern Valley Regional HS District Lawsuit
Demarest, Harrington Park, Haworth, Northvale, Norwood, and Old Tappan, in Bergen County,
New Jersey, whose children will be denied access to free, public education in their local school
because of their parents’ immigration status. It is part of the American Civil Liberties Union of
New Jersey’s mission to ensure that the constitutional and statutory rights of children of
immigrants to obtain an education are not infringed. Over the past decade-and-a-half, Plaintiff has
dedicated extensive resources to ensuring that New Jersey school districts’ adhere to the mandates
of Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202, 228 (1982), N.J.S.A. 18A:38-1 and N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.4(d).
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which are permissible), the Northern Valley Regional High School District (hereinafter “the
registration hurdle: a requirement that parents provide a valid driver’s license or photo
identification issued by the New Jersey motor Vehicles Commission (hereinafter “MVC ID”). It
is not possible for immigrants who lack Social Security numbers or a valid immigration status to
obtain such identification. Therefore, these residents and their children are prevented from
registering for school and are denied equal protection of the laws.
3. Plaintiff brings this action to enjoin Defendant and to end this policy, which violates
4. Venue is proper in Bergen County pursuant to R. 4:3-2(a) because Defendant is
5. The American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey ("ACLU-NJ") is a private, non-
embodied in the Constitution. Founded in 1960, the ACLU-NJ has more than 30,000 members
and donors in New Jersey and tens of thousands of supporters across the state. Its primary office
is in Newark, New Jersey. The ACLU-NJ is the state affiliate of the American Civil Liberties
Union, which was founded in 1920 for identical purposes, and is composed of approximately
1,750,000 members and supporters nationwide. Among the organizational interests of the ACLU-
NJ is insuring access to education for all New Jerseyans, regardless of immigration status.
6. The ACLU-NJ has expended significant resources advocating for equal educational
opportunities for immigrant students and students who are the children of immigrant parents. On
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several occasions the ACLU-NJ has conducted statewide surveys of school districts to determine
compliance with regulations ensuring access to education. See Press Release, ACLU-NJ, Survey:
children; Press Release, ACLU-NJ, ACLU-NJ Warns Schools Statewide to Stop Discriminatory
the State Department of Education. See Letter from Ed Barocas, Legal Director, ACLU-NJ, to The
Hon. Lucille E. Davy, Acting Commissioner, Dep’t of Educ. (August 29, 2006),
NJ, to The Hon. Lucille E. Davis, Commissioner, Dep’t of Educ. (August 29, 2008),
Executive Director, ACLU-NJ, to Chris Cerf, Acting Commissioner, Dep’t of Educ. (May 6,
advocacy to ensure access to primary, secondary and higher education for children of immigrants.
See A.Z. v. Higher Educ. Student Assistance Auth., 427 N.J. Super. 389 (App. Div. 2012)
(challenge to denial of state financial aid to citizen students of undocumented parents); ACLU-NJ,
Press Release, ACLU-NJ, School District Drops Discriminatory Policy Upon ACLU-NJ
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Districts Whose Forms Hindered Immigrant Students (November 21, 2016), The
ACLU-NJ has also been actively involved in legislative efforts to ensure access to education for
immigrant youth. See Press Release, ACLU-NJ, ACLU-NJ Statement on NJ Dream Act
dream-act-agreement; In 2014, the ACLU-NJ sued the Butler School District (Morris County)
for similar violations. Naomi Nix, ACLU sues Butler School District alleging discrimination
districts explaining that their registration policies violated constitutional and statutory law and
controlling regulations. Diane D’Amico, ACLU warns 138 N.J. school districts against policies
that discourage immigrant enrollment, The Press of Atlantic City (April 2, 2014),
0019bb2963f4.html). The ACLU-NJ sued seven additional districts that had failed to change their
policies. Press Release, ACLU-NJ, ACLU-NJ Files Seven Lawsuits Against School Districts’
suits settled after the districts agreed to change their policies. Press Release, ACLU-NJ, ACLU-
district-su. In 2016, the ACLU-NJ sued an additional five school districts that failed to change its
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problematic policies. Press Release, ACLU, ACLU-NJ Sues 5 School Districts that Discriminate
regional public high school district composed of two public high schools serving students in ninth
through twelfth grades from Closter, Demarest, Harrington Park, Haworth, Northvale, Norwood,
and Old Tappan, in Bergen County, New Jersey. Its mailing address is 162 Knickerbocker Road,
8. Defendant, at all relevant times and as to all relevant actions described herein, was
9. The School District notifies parents seeking to register their children or school that
they must present certain documents before a registration appointment can be scheduled.
10. The School District requires parents to produce proofs of residency and identity.
The School District provides a list of documents that must be presented prior to scheduling a
registration appointment. According to the School District’s website, parents are required to
provide a “New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles Photo Driver’s License/ Identification.”
Exhibit A.
11. New Jersey Administrative Code prohibits such a requirement. N.J.A.C. 6A:22-
3.3(b) provides that immigration status does not impact eligibility to attend school; N.J.A.C.
6A:22-3.4(c) requires districts to consider the totality of the evidence presented in determining
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documents “pertaining to criteria that are not a legitimate basis for determining eligibility to attend
school.” Parents also have the right to appeal a residency determination to the New Jersey
12. The School District does not advise parents that it will consider the totality of
evidence presented in determining residency nor does it advise parents of their right to appeal a
13. To get a driver’s license or MVC ID, a person must meet the six-point identification
verification requirements. That system allows a person to bring in several documents, each of
which is assigned a point value, the total of which must meet or exceed six points. N.J.A.C. 13:21-
14. To satisfy the six point requirements, a person must possess at least one primary
document, at least one secondary document, a verifiable social security number or a valid
15. Despite the barriers required to obtain such identification, Northern Valley
Regional High School District still requires a driver’s license or MVC ID.
16. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated as if fully set forth
17. The actions of Defendant described herein violated the right of the American Civil
Liberties Union of New Jersey, its members, and the communities for which the ACLU-NJ
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advocates and has dedicated resources, to equal protection of the law, in violation of the Fourteenth
Amendment to the United States Constitution, which forbids a state to “deny to any person within
18. School districts may not deny students an education based on their immigration
19. By requiring a form of identification that is only available to residents who have
Social Security Numbers or a valid immigration status to register a child for school, the School
District denies an education to students with parents who are undocumented immigrants. It also
discourages immigrants from attempting to enroll their children in the school district.
parents and their children will suffer irreparable harm. The ACLU-NJ’s institutional mission of
21. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated as if fully set forth
22. The actions of Defendant described herein violated the right of the American Civil
Liberties Union of New Jersey, its members, and the communities for which the ACLU-NJ
advocates to equal protection of the law, in violation of Article I, paragraph 1 of the New Jersey
Constitution, which states that “[a]ll persons are by nature free and independent, and have certain
natural and unalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty,
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of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and of pursuing and obtaining safety and
23. School districts may not deny students an education based on their immigration
24. By requiring a form of identification that is only available to residents who have
Social Security Numbers or a valid immigration status in order to register a child for school, the
School District denies an education to students with parents who are undocumented immigrants.
It also discourages immigrants from attempting to enroll their children in the school district.
parents and their children will suffer irreparable harm. The ACLU-NJ’s institutional mission of
26. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated as if fully set forth
27. The actions of Defendant described herein violate the right of the American Civil
Liberties Union of New Jersey, its members’ children, and the communities for which the ACLU-
NJ advocates to receive a thorough and efficient education, in violation of Article VIII, Section
IV, paragraph 1 of the New Jersey Constitution, which provides that “[t]he Legislature shall
provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of free public schools
for the instruction of all the children in the State between the ages of five and eighteen years.”
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28. School districts may not deny students an education based on their immigration
29. By requiring a form of identification that is only available to residents who have
Social Security Numbers or a valid immigration status in order to register a child for school, the
School District denies an education to students with parents who are undocumented immigrants.
It also discourages immigrants from attempting to enroll their children in the school district.
undocumented parents and their children will suffer irreparable harm. The ACLU-NJ’s
institutional mission of protecting access to education will also suffer irreparable harm.
(a) Declaratory relief, including but not limited to, a declaration that the Northern Valley
Regional High School District’s driver’s license or MVC ID requirement is unconstitutional;
(b) Immediate, preliminary and permanent injunctive relief, enjoining the Defendant’s driver’s
license or MVC ID requirement;
(c) Attorney’s fees and costs associated with this action, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:6-1 et seq.
and other relevant authority;
(d) Any further relief as this Court deems just and proper and any other relief as allowed by
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I, Amol Sinha, hereby affirm under the penalty of perjury that the factual statements
contained in the foregoing Verified Complaint are, to the best of recollection and belief, true and
Amol Sinha
Executive Director
American Civil Liberties Union
of New Jersey
89 Market Street, 7th Floor
P.O. Box 32159
Newark, NJ 07102
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Plaintiff, via counsel, hereby certifies that there are no other proceedings or pending related
cases arising from the same factual dispute described herein. The matter in controversy is not the
subject of any other action pending in any other court or a pending arbitration proceeding, and no
other action or arbitration proceeding is contemplated. Further, other than the parties set forth in
this complaint, the undersigned knows of no other parties that should be made a part of this lawsuit.
In addition, the undersigned recognizes the continuing obligation to file and serve on all parties
and the court an amended certification if there is a change in the facts stated in this original
several other districts throughout New Jersey. The other complaints – none of which have docket
numbers yet – are being filed in Camden, Essex, Hudson, Monmouth, Morris, Somerset, Sussex,
Union and Warren Counties. Plaintiff will provide docket numbers and additional information
upon request.
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Exhibit A
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Plaintiff, ) Docket No.
v. )
R. 4:52, based upon the facts set forth in the verified complaint
and show cause before the Superior Court at the Bergen County
and just.
this order to show cause and the request for entry of injunctive
df. You must also send a copy of your opposition papers directly
telephone call will not protect your rights; you must file your
opposition and pay the required fee of $175.00 and serve your
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the Clerk of the Superior Court in the county listed above and a
Judge Jerejian.
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of New Jersey.” You must also send a copy of your Answer to the
will not protect your rights; you must file and serve your Answer
Answer and you must file both. Please note further: if you do not
file and serve an Answer within 35 days of this Order, the Court
may enter a default against you for the relief plaintiff demands.
576-5529). If you do not have an attorney and are not eligible for
the return date of the order to show cause, unless the court and
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parties are advised to the contrary no later than _____ days before
Dated: Hon. Edward A. Jerejian, P.J.Ch.
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Re: American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey v. Northern Valley Regional High
School District
Civil Action No. ______
Pursuant to R. 2:6-2(b), please accept this letter brief in lieu of a more formal brief in
support of Plaintiff’s Order to Show Cause with Temporary Restraints which seeks to immediately
enjoin Defendant’s current school registration practices that discriminate against children with
Preliminary Statement...................................................................................................................2
Argument ........................................................................................................................................5
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Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................18
public education that is guaranteed through the State and Federal Constitutions and implemented
through New Jersey’s Administrative Code. However, New Jersey school districts have not always
abided by their legal obligations and instead have created impermissible barriers to school
registration for children of these immigrants. When the American Civil Liberties Union of New
Jersey surveyed many New Jersey school districts in 2008, it found that 139 school districts
unlawfully either required students or parents to produce Social Security numbers or to produce
Letter from Ed Barocas, Legal Director, ACLU-NJ, to the Hon. Lucille E. Davis, Commissioner,
Dep’t of Educ. (August 29, 2008),; Letter from Udi Ofer, Executive Director,
ACLU-NJ, to Chris Cerf, Acting Commissioner, Dep’t of Educ. (May 6, 2013),
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In the years since that study, the New Jersey Commissioner of Education has reminded
school districts about their obligations to ensure access to education for the children of
immigrants. 2 When districts have failed to heed these reminders, the ACLU has generally been
able to inform districts of the state of the law 3 and resolve disputes without the need to resort to
litigation. 4 In 2014, despite the unambiguous state of the law, a school district insisted that it could
exclude children – even citizen children – from access to a free, public education by imposing
barriers to registration that prevent immigrant parents from completing the registration process. 5
After the ACLU-NJ filed a lawsuit against the district, it relented and changed its policy to conform
to the law. 6
Later that year, Plaintiff again surveyed all New Jersey school districts; this time 136
districts violated clearly established law by requiring photo identification to register children for
school. 7 After the ACLU-NJ threatened suit, most of the school districts changed their policies.
Memorandum from Rochelle Hendricks, Acting Commissioner, Dep’t of Educ. (October 25,
See ACLU-NJ, Legal Backgrounder on Equal Access to Education in New Jersey (August 29,
See American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey Annual Report, 18-19 (2011),
Peggy McGlone, Facing lawsuit, Butler schools agree to stop discriminating against immigrant
parents The Star Ledger (March 11, 2014),
ACLU-NJ Press Release, ACLU-NJ, ACLU-NJ Warns Schools Statewide to Stop
Discriminatory ID Policies (April 1, 2014),
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The ACLU-NJ filed suit against seven districts to ensure access to education for the children of
immigrants. 8 Each of the cases settled after the districts agreed to change their restrictive policies. 9
After continuing to receive reports of restrictive policies, the ACLU-NJ, in 2016, again
expended its resources to survey each New Jersey school district, and once again found five school
districts in clear violation of the law. The ACLU-NJ filed suit, and, like before, settled each case
Two years later, several districts, including the Northern Valley Regional High School
District, are still enacting registration policies that unlawfully keep the children of immigrants
from registering for school. The ACLU-NJ brings this suit to vindicate the clear right of the
The published policy of the Northern Valley Regional High School District (hereinafter
“School District” or “Northern Valley”) requires parents who want to register their children for
“MVC ID”). Verified Complaint, ¶ 10. Undocumented immigrants are unable to obtain that form
of identification. Id. at ¶¶ 13-14. Without a change in policy, undocumented parents in the District
are unable to register their children for school. Id. at ¶¶ 20, 25, 30.
Peggy McGlone, ACLU sues 7 school districts for discriminating against immigrant families,
The Star Ledger (June 2, 2014),
Thomas Castles, Discrimination suits against school districts dropped, GM News (June 12, 2014),
Press Release, ACLU-NJ, ACLU-NJ Settles With 5 Districts Whose Forms Hindered Immigrant
Students (November 21, 2016),
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To be entitled to interim relief pursuant to Rule 4:52-1, a party must show (a) that the
restraint is necessary to prevent irreparable harm, i.e., that the injury suffered cannot be adequately
addressed by money damages, which may be inadequate because of the nature of the right affected;
(b) that the party seeking the injunction has a likelihood of success on the merits; (c) that the
relative hardship favors the party seeking the restraint; and (d) that the restraint does not alter the
status quo ante. Crowe v. DeGoia, 90 N.J. 126, 132-136 (1982). Plaintiff easily satisfies these
Federal constitutional law is neither new nor unsettled: the right to a free public education
cannot be conditioned on the immigration status of children or their parents. Plyler v. Doe, 457
U.S. 202, 228 (1982). The New Jersey Department of Education, in recognition of this bedrock
equal protection principle, has promulgated regulations addressing those documents which can be
required to register a child for public school. See N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.4(d). The School District’s
written policy, which effectively precludes undocumented immigrants from registering their
children for school, is directly counter to those regulations and violates principles of equal
In Plyler, the United States Supreme Court determined that a state can only “deny a discrete
group of innocent children the free public education that it offers to other children residing within
its borders,” 457 U.S. at 230, if the denial “furthers some substantial state interest.” Id. Such a
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standard is consistent with the Court’s recognition of the value of primary and secondary
Plyler simply reinforced that which the Court had previously noted in Brown v. Board of
Education about the importance of schooling: “education is perhaps the most important function
of state and local governments. . . . It is the very foundation of good citizenship. . . . [I]t is doubtful
that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an
education.” Id. at 222-23, (quoting Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483, 493 (1954)).
In assessing whether the state could demonstrate its substantial interest in denying an
education to immigrant children, the Plyler Court rejected the three proffered state interests. Id. at
228-230. First, a state cannot justify denial of education based upon a desire “to protect itself from
an influx of illegal immigrants.” Id. at 228. Second, there is no evidence that the “exclusion of
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undocumented children is likely to improve the overall quality of education in the State.” Id. at
229. Finally, the Court rejected the suggestion that exclusion was justified by the fact that
undocumented children’s “unlawful presence . . . within the United States renders them less likely
than other children to remain within the boundaries of the State, and to put their education to
productive social or political use within the State.” Id. at 229-230. As a result, the Court held that
“consistent with the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, [a state] may [not]
deny to undocumented school-age children the free public education that it provides to children
who are citizens of the United States or legally admitted aliens.” Id. at 205.
The State Department of Education is clear on what Plyler requires. In an October 25,
2010, memorandum to all chief school administrators and charter school leaders, Acting
undocumented children living in the United States could not be excluded from public elementary
and secondary schools based upon their immigration status.” Memorandum from Rochelle
making inquiries of students or parents that may expose their undocumented status or engaging in
any practices that ‘chill’ or hinder the right of access to public schools.” Id. This requirement is
documents “pertaining to criteria that are not a legitimate basis for determining eligibility to attend
That is exactly what is being done by the District. While the School District is not directly
requiring Social Security numbers, it is requiring forms of identification that require those numbers
and/or a valid immigration status. Because there is no way for a parent to obtain the required
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identification without a Social Security number or valid immigration status, the School District is
explicitly conditioning a child’s enrollment on the parents’ immigration status. 11 Plyler expressly
There is no dispute: Plyler is still good law. In 2012, on the 30th anniversary of the
decision, then-Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez remarked that “Plyler represents the
best of our collective ideals as a nation.” Remarks of Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez
at the American Civil Liberties Union’s Plyler v. Doe 30th Anniversary Event,
For the past three decades, Plyler has kept the door to opportunity
open for millions of children across America. Plyler has stood for
the proposition that public schools serve all children in this country,
no matter where they were born. Plyler has represented the promise
that the American dream should be accessible to all.
In recognition of the continued importance of Plyler, in 2011, the United States Department
of Justice, Civil Rights Division and the United States Department of Education, Office for Civil
Rights and Officer of the General Counsel issued guidance to local school districts reminding them
of their obligations under Plyler. See Joint Letter from U.S. Dep’t of Justice and Dep’t of Educ.
The guidance was explicit: “To comply with . . . the mandates of the Supreme Court, you must
ensure that . . . students are not barred from enrolling in public schools at the elementary and
secondary level on the basis of their own citizenship or immigration status or that of their parents
It is worth noting that in Plyler, the students were themselves undocumented. 457 U.S. at 206.
It is possible that the parents of American citizen children are being denied access to public schools
because of the parents’ immigration status.
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or guardians.” Id. at 1-2. To that end, “districts may not request information with the purpose or
result of denying access to public schools on the basis of race, color, or national origin.” Id. at 2
(emphasis added). While Northern Valley Regional’s policy may not have a purpose of barring
undocumented immigrants from school, it certainly has that result. As such, it violates Plyler and
must be enjoined.
If there was any doubt about the propriety of a Driver’s License requirement in March 2014
when the ACLU-NJ sued the Butler School District, the United States Department of Justice and
United States Department of Education resolved any uncertainty soon thereafter. In a publication
The United States Supreme Court reached its conclusion in Plyler even taking into account
that there is no right to public education found in the United States Constitution. Plyler, 457 U.S.
at 221; San Antonio Independent School Dist. v. Rodriguez, 411 U.S. 1, 35 (1973). The New
Jersey Constitution provides an affirmative right to public education. As such, while this court
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need not go beyond the clear and unambiguous precedent of Plyler, the State Constitution provides
even greater reason to strike down the District’s policies. See State v. Cooke, 163 N.J. 657, 666
(2000) (recognizing that the Court has interpreted our State Constitution as affording greater
protections than those afforded by its federal counterpart) (overruled on other grounds, State v.
Witt, 223 N.J. 409, 450 (2015)). As the New Jersey Supreme Court has explained:
The New Jersey Constitution charges the State with the fundamental
responsibility to educate schoolchildren: “The Legislature shall
provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient
system of free public schools for the instruction of all the children
in the State between the ages of five and eighteen years.” N.J. Const.
art. VIII, § 4, ¶ 1. In Abbott v. Burke, 119 N.J. 287, 384–85 (1990)
(Abbott II), this Court held that students in the poorest urban
districts were deprived of their constitutional right to a thorough and
efficient education due to the State’s failure to provide adequate
financial resources for their educational programming.
[Abbott ex rel. Abbott v. Burke, 206 N.J. 332, 340 n.1 (2011).]
In this case, the court need not even reach the question of whether the education is “thorough and
efficient”; because of the School District’s photo identification policy, there is a total deprivation
for certain students. Such a denial of access to a public school education violates the State
Under both the State and Federal Constitutions, the law is clear: the children of immigrants
cannot be denied access to schools as a result of their parents’ immigration status. Because that is
exactly what is occurring in Northern Valley, Plaintiff is likely to succeed on the merits.
As explained above, the District’s policy prevents those without Social Security numbers
or valid immigration status from registering their children from school. There is simply no way
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that an undocumented person (who lacks a Social Security number and valid immigration status)
can obtain the form of identification that Northern Valley Regional High School District is
This injury is irreparable. Undocumented immigrant parents currently cannot register their
children for school. There is no doubt that a delayed start to school has serious long-term
implications. As President Obama has explained: “Study after study shows that the earlier a child
begins learning, the better he or she does down the road.” Barack Obama, Remarks by the
childhood-education-decatur-ga. If these children are kept out of school they will be forever
The Court should grant immediate temporary restraints because, as described above,
parents who lack state- or county-issued identification 12 will suffer a hardship, even if they are
ultimately allowed to register their children for school at some point in the future. Registration for
If the case is adjudicated in the normal course, without immediate injunctive relief, there
is no assurance that it will be complete – and certainly not that appeals will be complete – before
While undocumented immigrants are among those who lack these forms of identification, they
are not alone. As we have seen in the context of voter identification laws, many populations
(including the elderly, transgender people, students and the poor) have trouble obtaining these
g_Voter_ID.pdf (documenting instances where people were kept from the polls because of
insufficient identification).
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the start of the next school year. In addition to the immediate threat facing parents without the
required identification, it is impossible to overstate the harm suffered by children denied access to
an education to which they are entitled. The children will fall behind their peers in ways from
which they may never be able to recover. The data that supports the conclusion that children do
better the earlier they are exposed to school are overwhelming. Children who participated in New
Jersey’s Abbott Preschool program had improved achievement in language arts, literacy, math and
science, compared to children not in the Abbott program. Barnett, W. Steven, Kwanghee Jung,
Min-Jong Youn, Ellen C. Frede. Abbott Preschool Program Longitudinal Effects Study: Fifth
Grade Follow-Up National Institute for Early Education Research (2013),
study, children who had received comprehensive educational support services between the ages of
three and nine were less likely to have been arrested, have problems with substance abuse, and be
on food stamps. A.J. REYNOLDS ET AL. Age 26 Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Child-Parent Center
Early Education Program. CHILD DEV. (2011). Another study showed that children who attended
a high-quality preschool as three- and four-year-olds were more likely to graduate from high
school, earn higher wages and hold a job, and less likely to have committed a crime as adults.
Schweinhart, Lawrence J., Jeanne Montie, Zongping Xiang, W. Steven Barnett, Clive R. Belfield,
and Milagros Nores, The High/Scope Perry Preschool Study Through Age 40: Summary,
On the other side of the balance, the School District will face no hardship if it were forced
to simply abide by existing law. Plaintiff does not question Defendant’s right to require proof of
residency. N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.4(a); Martinez v. Bynum, 461 U.S. 321, 328 (1983). There are several
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categories of documents that are explicitly permitted to be considered for that purpose. N.J.A.C.
6A:22-3.4(a). There is also no doubt that the law forbids denial of “enrollment based on failure to
provide a particular form or subset of documents without regard to other evidence presented.”
N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.4(c). That is all that Plaintiff seeks to enjoin: Defendant’s policy requiring two
specific forms of identification, which requires a Social Security number and/or valid immigration
As noted, the status quo is that which is permitted by the United States Constitution, the
State Constitution, and New Jersey regulations. The Defendant’s policy alters the status quo, and
does so unlawfully.
It is frequently said that in determining whether to order immediate injunctive relief, the
public interest must be considered. Indeed, “courts, in the exercise of their equitable powers, ‘may,
and frequently do, go much farther both to give and withhold relief in furtherance of the public
interest than they are accustomed to go when only private interests are involved.’” Waste Mgmt.
of New Jersey, Inc. v. Union County Utilities Auth., 399 N.J. Super. 508, 520-21 (App. Div. 2008)
Here the public interest requires injunctive relief. Individual students and their families
have private interests in obtaining the education to which they are entitled. But, there is a societal
value in ensuring access to education for all. As the Court explained in Plyler:
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“New Jersey courts take a broad and liberal approach to standing.” NJ Citizen Action v.
Riviera Motel Corporation, 296 N.J. Super. 402, 415 (App. Div. 1997). The New Jersey Supreme
[Jen Elec., Inc. v. County of Essex, 197 N.J. 627, 645 (2009)
(internal quotations omitted)].
As a result, “where the plaintiff is not simply an interloper and the proceeding serves the
public interest, standing will be found.” In re Quinlan, 70 N.J. 10, 35 (1976). An organization such
as the ACLU-NJ can obtain standing where “it has a real stake in the outcome of the litigation,
there is a real adverseness in the proceeding, and the complaint ‘is confined strictly to matters of
common interest and does not include any individual grievance which might perhaps be dealt with
more appropriately in a proceeding between the individual [member] and the [defendant].’” NJ
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Citizen Action, 296 N.J. Super. at 416 (quoting Crescent Pk. Tenants Ass'n v. Realty Equities
In the pleadings before the court, the ACLU-NJ demonstrates that it meets New Jersey’s
approach to organizational standing: the organization itself is impacted in a real sense. First, it is
clear that the ACLU-NJ has a stake in the outcome of this litigation and has a long history of
advocating on behalf of immigrant communities. See State v. Rodriguez, 2017 N.J. Super. Unpub.,
LEXIS 1817 * (App. Div. 2017), certif. granted, in part 232 N.J. 299 (2018) (arguing that the lower
court erred in denying an evidentiary hearing for a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel where
criminal lawyers failed to advise their clients of immigration consequences of guilty pleas);
Pangemanan v. Tsoukaris, Dkt. No. 18-1510 (D.N.J. 2018) (challenging the detention and
deportation of a special visa recipient detained shortly after arriving in the United States); State v.
Gaitan, 209 N.J. 339 (2012) (addressing retroactive application of Nunez-Valdéz, see infra); State
v. Nuñez-Valdéz, 200 N.J. 129 (2009) (addressing impact of bad legal advice regarding
immigration consequences on the validity of a guilty plea); ACLU-NJ v. Hudson County, et al.,
352 N.J. Super. 44 (App. Div.), certif. denied 174 N.J. 190 (2002) (seeking information on
immigration detainees held in county jails so as to meet with detainees and offer legal assistance);
Riverside Coalition of Business Owners, et al. v. Township of Riverside, Dkt. No. BURL-L-2965-
06 (Law. Div. 2007) (challenge to local ordinance creating penalties for renting to or hiring
undocumented immigrants).
The ACLU-NJ has also been specifically involved in efforts to ensure access to education
for the children of immigrants. See Press Release, ACLU-NJ ACLU-NJ Settles With 5 Districts
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(describing settlement with five districts whose forms hindered immigrant students); Press
Release, ACLU-NJ ACLU-NJ Warns Schools Statewide to Stop Discriminatory ID Policies (April
1, 2014),
discriminatory registration policies); Peggy McGlone, Facing lawsuit, Butler schools agree to stop
discriminating against immigrant parents, The Star Ledger (March 11, 2014),
discriminatory identification policy); A.Z. v. Higher Education Assistance Authority, 427 N.J.
Super. 389, 398 (App. Div. 2012) (challenge to denial of state financial aid to citizen students of
Don't Deny Immigrant Kids An Education, The Star Ledger (September 8, 2004),
As described in great detail in Paragraph 6 of the Verified Complaint, the ACLU-NJ has
expended significant resources to advance its mission of protecting the rights of all New Jersey
children to obtain primary, secondary and higher education free from impermissible barriers such
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which the ACLU has done five times on a statewide basis 13 – is extremely time consuming and,
therefore, costly. The follow-up from these surveys also requires the expenditure of significant
resources. 14 At times, the ACLU-NJ has even dedicated litigation resources to ensuring access to
education for all New Jerseyans. 15 The investment of significant resources over a long period of
The ACLU-NJ conducted surveys in 2006, Press Release, ACLU-NJ, Survey: Immigrants Risk
Exclusion in 1 of 4 NJ Schools (August 29, 2006),; 2008, Press
Release, ACLU-NJ, 1 in 5 NJ Schools Puts up Barriers for Immigrant Children (September 2,
immigrant-children;; 2014, Press Release, ACLU-NJ, ACLU-NJ Warns Schools Statewide to Stop
Discriminatory ID Policies (April 1, 2014),
warns-schools-statewide-stop-discriminatory-id-polic; and 2016, Press Release, ACLU-NJ,
ACLU-NJ Settles with 5 Districts Whose Forms Hindered Immigrant Students (November 21,
hindered-immigrant-s; in advance of this lawsuit, the ACLU-NJ conducted another survey.
In 2006, the ACLU-NJ followed up with a letter to the Department of Education, Letter from
Ed Barocas, Legal Director, ACLU-NJ, to The Hon. Lucille E. Davy, Acting Commissioner, Dep’t
of Educ. (August 29, 2006),; in
2008, the ACLU-NJ sent letters to both the Department of Education and the 187 offending school
districts, Press Release, ACLU-NJ, 1 in 5 NJ Schools Puts up Barriers for Immigrant Children
(September 2, 2008),
barriers-for-immigrant-children; in 2014, the ACLU-NJ sent letters to 136 school districts and has
been in contact with the State Department of Education and the United States Department of
A.Z., 427 N.J. Super. at 398; ACLU-NJ, Annual Report, (2011), 18-19, (describing advocacy done on behalf of a parent
whose children were unlawfully excluded from school); Press Release, ACLU-NJ, School District
Drops Discriminatory Policy Upon ACLU-NJ Challenge (March 11, 2014),
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For the reasons set forth above, Plaintiff requests that its Order to Show Cause be granted,
including immediate restraints against further implementation of the Northern Valley Regional
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VALLEY REGI ONAL Document Type: Complaint
Case Initiation Date: 07/26/2018 Jury Demand: NONE
Attorney Name: ELYLA MERCEDES HUERTAS Hurricane Sandy related? NO
Firm Name: AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION OF NEW Is this a professional malpractice case? NO
JERSEY FOUNDATION Related cases pending: NO
Address: 89 MARKET STREET, 7TH FL PO BOX 32159 If yes, list docket numbers:
NEWARK NJ 071020000 Do you anticipate adding any parties (arising out of same
Phone: transaction or occurrence)? NO
Name of Party: PLAINTIFF : ACLU of New Jersey
Name of Defendant’s Primary Insurance Company
(if known): Unknown
I certify that confidential personal identifiers have been redacted from documents now submitted to the
court, and will be redacted from all documents submitted in the future in accordance with Rule 1:38-7(b)