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Basf Mastertop 430 Tds

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MasterTop® 430

Premixed dry shake surface floor hardener

DESCRIPTION  Quick application and finishing results in

MasterTop 430 is a ready to use blend of a considerable time savings.
emery aggregate and cement which is applied  Ease of application.
as a dry shake to the surface of fresh concrete  Joints can be provided with better
or screeds. protection by addition of extra material at
edges of bays.
MasterTop 430 will provide continuous  Wear, abrasion and impact resistance are
protection to concrete floors against wear, superior to normal concrete.
impact, and abrasion and a high resistance to  Non-oxidising.
various industrial chemicals, oils, greases,  Slip-resistant finish can be obtained.
detergents and hydraulic fluids found in the  High impermeability compared to concrete
aviation industry. under the same conditions.
 MasterTop 430 forms an integral part of
PRIMARY USES the floor surface and will not delaminate or
MasterTop 430 is designed to ensure peel.
improved durability in applications where the  Non-dusting.
floor is subjected to medium and heavy traffic  For internal and external use.
and where a non-dusting surface is required. It  Easy to clean.
will improve and enhance performance of all  Economic installation.
concrete floors.  Maintenance free, long life performance.


 Workshops MasterTop 430 is available in 25kg bags.
 Power stations
 Car parks
 Warehouses Chemical resistance Resistant to motor
 Loading bays oils, mineral oils,
 Factories mild acids, salt
 Shipyards solutions 10%, sea
water, soda solution
 Aircraft hangars 25%, when cured as
 Traffic decking recommended.
 Car washes Abrasion resistance Applied at 5kg/m²
 Helicopter pads exhibited >300%
greater abrasion
resistance than
COMPOSITION control concrete
MasterTop 430 consists of non-metallic, inert
Taber Abraser Testing 1.34g
high quality aggregates, proprietary chemicals,
@ 7 days ASTM C1353
pigments and cement. 1998
Impact Resistance MIL 0.15mm - No sign of
ADVANTAGES - D – 3134 J (NAVY) crack or disbonding
 Premixed offering factory controlled quality was observed
 Applied monolithically to fresh concrete.
MasterTop® 430
APPLICATION 4. Apply the balance of material. Again wait until
In accordance with ACI 201 - 2R77 & ACI 302- material has obtained a darker colour before
1 R-89 a well proportioned Concrete Mix floating with a wooden float.
Design is essential. The concrete supplier 5. When surface is sufficiently firm enough to take
should ensure that cement contents, w:c ratio the weight of a man leaving only minor
and slump are generally in accordance with the indentations, MasterTop 430 should be
following minimum standard: finished off by means of a power trowel. A
Cement (SRC or OPC): Min 320 kg/m³ smooth slip resistant finish can be obtained,
W:C ratio: Max. 0.50 but the surface should not be overworked.
Min. 0.40 6. If manual finishing with steel trowels is to be
Slump: Ideally 75mm undertaken, this should take place before
Strength: Min 31 N/mm² concrete becomes firm enough to take foot
Concrete should not segregate and bleed or
contain more than 3% air. When applying to CURING
microsilica concrete special care must be taken to Curing should be carried out immediately after
ensure the dry shake is applied at the correct time. the final trowelling operation has been
MasterRheobuild or MasterPozzolith water completed. This can be done by either
reducing admixtures are recommended for covering with polyethylene sheets or by the
concrete placement and optimum performance. application of curing compound. The use of
Screeds to which MasterTop 430 is to be applied, MasterKure 181 at a rate of 1 litre per 5m² is
should have a minimum thickness of 75mm. recommended. Further advice on the correct
Following placement, concrete should be levelled selection of curing compounds will be provided
off with a straightedge and then vibrated. by BASF's Technical Services Department as
The surface is then floated with a wooden float these may differ depending on the type of
ensuring that it is not closed. Any bleed water subsequent treatment to be applied.
should be removed. (Avoid sponge type
absorbents). Thereafter sprinkle MasterTop 430 WATCHPOINTS
along edges of bays (approx. 80mm strips) where 1. Dry shake applications should not take
expansion and construction joints will be located. place in direct sunlight or when hot winds
Float into surface using a wooden float. are blowing. This will avoid "bread
MasterTop 430 is ideally applied to a surface crusting" occurring i.e. top 5-10mm of
which is neither too wet nor too dry. Ambient surface dries whilst concrete beneath is still
temperatures will dictate when the material is to be wet. This often results in tearing of the
applied. Generally in temperatures of 35-45°C a surface when trowelling.
waiting period of 30-40 mins is recommended. 2. As with any concrete slab or bay, curing is
This may need to be extended in temperatures of of paramount importance and should take
less than 35°C. place immediately upon completion of
Using a raised trestle which spans the slab, the 3. Subsequent coatings and finishes may be
material is broadcast by hand onto the wet applied but will depend on the curing
concrete surface. The application is carried out in compound, surface texture, etc. (refer to
two stages. BASF's Technical Services Department for
1. Apply two thirds of the required material to the
concrete ensuring uniform distribution.
2. Allow applied material to absorb moisture from
the concrete surface; a uniform darker colour
will be apparent.
3. Using a wooden float, float MasterTop 430 into
the concrete ensuring material becomes an
integral part of the surface.
MasterTop® 430
Typical applications can be from 3kg - 7kg/m², Field service, where provided, does not
however for most industrial applications 5kg/m² constitute supervisory responsibility. For
coverage is recommended. For more details, additional information contact your local BASF
please contact BASF’s Technical Services representative.
BASF reserves the right to have the true cause
STORAGE of any difficulty determined by accepted test
Store out of direct sunlight, clear of the ground methods.
on pallets protected from rainfall. Avoid
excessive compaction. Shelf life is 12 months QUALITY AND CARE
when stored as above. Failure to comply with All products originating from BASF’s Dubai, UAE
the recommended storage conditions may result facility are manufactured under a management
in premature deterioration of the product or system independently certified to conform to the
packaging. For specific storage advice consult requirements of the quality, environmental and
BASF's Technical Services Department. occupational health & safety standards ISO 9001,
ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
This product contains cement which may cause * Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.
irritation. Avoid contact with eyes and
® = Registered trademark of the BASF-Group in many countries.
prolonged contact with skin. If contact occurs
wash thoroughly with water and call a doctor.
Keep product out of reach of children.

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF either
NOTE orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not
BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC

Disclaimer: the LRQA mark relates
P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE to certified management system and
Tel: +971 4 8090800, Fax: +971 4 8851002 not to the product mentioned on this
www.master-builders-solutions.basf.ae datasheet

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