Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F2408 – 09
3.1.10 weathering resistance—the ability of an organically 5.2.1 Powder coatings applied to the exterior surface of
coated metal product to resist loss of coating gloss or color fence components shall be polymer material: polyester or
change due to excessive humidity or ultra-violet (UV) sunlight epoxy and polyester combinations having a minimum thick-
exposure. ness of 3 mils; polyolefin elastomer having a minimum
thickness of 7 mils; or PVC having a minimum thickness of 10
4. Significance and Use mils.
4.1 The purpose of this specification is to define minimum 5.2.2 Wet coating applied to the exterior surface of fence
selection criteria and test procedures to ensure product users components shall be a two-coat paint application system (one
that a tubular picket ornamental metal fence system has the coat of epoxy, polyester or polyurethane primer; one coat of
strength necessary to withstand reasonable loads and penetra- polyester, polyurethane, or acrylic liquid) with the total com-
tion forces, and has the appropriate combination of material bined coating having a minimum thickness of 2 mils.
and surface protection to withstand the harmful effects of 5.3 Fittings, fasteners, and decorative accessories for orna-
corrosion and weathering for an extended period of time. mental steel fence systems shall be manufactured with a
material and finish coating that meets the same protective
5. Materials and Manufacture coating performance requirements as required for panels and
5.1 Steel material for tubular picket ornamental fence sys- posts.
tem structural components shall be galvanized by the hot-dip
process, either after forming (in accordance with 5.1.1), or 6. Physical Dimensions
prior to forming (in accordance with 5.1.2). 6.1 Cross-section and thickness dimensional requirements
5.1.1 Steel material for fence structural components (that is, for ornamental metal fence structural components shall be as
tubular pickets, rails, and posts), when galvanized after form- specified by the manufacturer, provided that the performance
ing, shall conform to the requirements of Specification A1008/ criteria of Section 8 are met. Table 1 is provided as a guideline
A1008M or Specification A1011/A1011M, with a minimum to show nominal values typically used for residential, light
yield strength of 45 000 psi (310 MPa). The exterior shall be industrial (commercial) and industrial applications.
hot-dip galvanized with a 0.3 oz/ft2 (92 g/m2) minimum zinc 6.2 Fence height and space between rails may vary in
weight. The exterior galvanized surface shall be chemical accordance with manufacturer’s standards, provided local or-
treated or conversion coated to adhere a polymeric coating. A dinances and building codes do not limit these dimensions for
polymeric coating shall be applied and provide a minimum of a specific application, such as might be the case for pool safety,
95 % surface coverage as disclosed by Practice A239, Proce- gate safety, or structural wind load bearing capacity. No
dure 7.1. The interior surface shall be coated with a thermo- sharply pointed picket tops shall be used on fences less than
setting coating containing zinc or other rust inhibitors and have four ft (1.22 m) in height.
0.3 mils (0.0076 mm) minimum thickness.
NOTE 1—Fence height is a nominal value and is typically the distance
5.1.2 Steel material for fence structural components (that is, from grade to the top of the fence.
tubular pickets, rails, and posts), when galvanized prior to
forming, shall conform to the requirements of Specification 6.3 The spacing between pickets shall be four in. (101.6
A653/A653M, with a minimum yield strength of 45 000 psi mm) or less; however, if applicable local regulations (such as
(310 MPa). For Industrial applications (see Table 1), the steel may be applied to pool fencing, child care facility fencing,
shall be hot-dip galvanized to meet Specification A653/A653M public railing systems, or fencing adjacent to automated gates,
with a minimum zinc coating weight of 0.9 oz/ft2(276 g/m2), and so forth) have more restrictive spacing requirements, then
Coating Designation G-90. For Light Industrial and Residential those local regulations shall govern.
applications (see Table 1), the steel shall be hot-dip galvanized
to meet Specification A653/A653M with a minimum zinc 7. Workmanship
coating weight of 0.6 oz/ft2 (184 g/m2), Coating Designation 7.1 All ornamental metal fence system components shall be
G-60. produced using materials and finishes specified in Section 5,
5.2 Organic Coating Materials: and shall be free from defects in workmanship.
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8. Testing—Structural These devices shall have sufficient measurement capability to
8.1 Structural Test Method A—Application of Horizontal indicate the displacement throughout the test range.
Concentrated Load: 8.1.3 Procedure:
8.1.1 Installation of Test Specimen—One line of fence with Positioning—Position the test stand in such a way
a minimum of three panels of the fence system to be tested that the load is applied, as shown in Fig. 1, to the structural
shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s speci- member perpendicular to the plane of the fence system without
fications and drawings. Selection of the test specimen should causing any local failure at the point of load application.
consider the maximum range of styles and sizes to be certified Mounting of Instruments—Mount the dial gage,
(see Section 10). measurement device, or sensor at the loading point as is shown
8.1.2 Apparatus: in Fig. 1. Place the sensing element of the instrument in contact Testing Machine—Any testing machine or loading with and normal to the surface or an extension of the surface of
device, capable of imposing forces accurate to within 1 % (plus the top rail of the fence system being tested in such a way as
or minus), when calibrated in accordance with Practices E4, is to measure displacement in the direction of the applied load.
suitable and may be used, provided the requirements of 8.1.4 Load Application:
specified rate of loading and unloading are met. The testing Initial Load Application—Apply an initial load cor-
device shall be of sufficient capacity to prevent yielding of its responding to 50 % of the required test load (see Table 2) for
various components and shall ensure that the applied load a minimum of two minutes in order to bring all members into
remains essentially parallel to the relevant axis of the assembly full bearing. Reduce load to 25 % of the required test load
during testing. (50 % of the preload), and observe the initial deflection. The Test System—A diagrammatic test set-up for apply- deflection at this initial test load shall be the base point for
ing horizontal tension forces to the assembly is shown in Fig. subsequent deflection readings.
1. The bearing plate, normally 6 in. (150 mm) long, shall be of Step Load Application—Once the initial deflection
sufficient size to prevent local failure of the surrounding point has been established, load application shall proceed at a
structural members or components. The loading device shall be uniform rate (see to the required test load and the final
attached to the assembly by means of pins or a swivel deflection shall be calculated (by subtracting the deflection
connector to prevent the direct transfer of any flexural forces reading at initial test load from the deflection reading at the
through the connection. required test load) for comparison with the maximum allow- Deflection Measurements—Dial gages, having a able deflection. If more detailed information on deformation
smallest division of not more than 0.01 in. (0.25 mm), or any rate versus load application is desired, the load may be applied
suitable measurement devices or calibrated sensors of at least in constant-level steps to the required test load instead of the
comparable accuracy and sensitivity shall be used to measure single step load application. For multiple step loads, each step
the horizontal displacements of the top rail relative to its (equal to approximately 15 % of the required test load) should
original location at each loading point prior to load application. be released to the initial test load for observation of the
F2408 – 09
TABLE 2 Required Test Load Capabilities
Required Test Load—Method A Required Test Load—Method B Required Test Load—Method C Required Test Load—Method D
Class (Based on Residual Deflection (Based on Residual Deflection (Based on Residual Deflection (Based on Residual Deflection
Less Than 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) Less Than 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) Less Than 1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm) Less Than 1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm)A
Industrial 300 lbf (1330 N) 400 lbf (1780 N) 100 lbf (440 N) 100 lbf (440 N)
Commercial 200 lbf (890 N) 300 lbf (1330 N) 75 lbf (330 N) 75 lbf (330 N)
Residential 100 lbf (440 N) 200 lbf (890 N) 50 lbf (220 N) 50 lbf (220 N)
Test Method D Capability also requires that the test cone never penetrates beyond the tapered portion during any step load increment including the required test load.
corresponding residual deflection. The initial and incremental Testing Machine—Any testing machine or loading
readings of the force and deflection gages at each load point device, capable of imposing forces accurate to within 1 % (plus
can then be recorded in the form of load-deformation curves. or minus), when calibrated in accordance with Practices E4, is Rate of Loading—The rate of loading to the required suitable and may be used, provided the requirements of
test load (or between increments if multiple steps are chosen) specified rate of loading and unloading are met. The testing
shall be uniform throughout the test and such that the load is device shall be of sufficient capacity to prevent yielding of its
applied at a constant rate of deformation of 0.20 in. 6 0.10 in. various components and shall ensure that the applied load
(5.0 mm 6 2.5 mm) per minute. If this rate of loading cannot remains essentially parallel to the relevant axis of the assembly
be achieved because of the type of testing machine used or the during testing.
equipment available, the rate of loading shall be as near to that Test System—A diagrammatic test set-up for apply-
required in this subsection. ing vertical forces to the assembly is shown in Fig. 2. The
8.2 Structural Test Method B—Application of Vertical Con- bearing plate, normally 4 in. (101.6 mm) long, shall be of
centrated Load: sufficient size to prevent local failure of the surrounding
8.2.1 Installation of Test Specimen—A minimum of one structural members or components. The bearing plate shall be
panel of the fence system to be tested shall be installed in positioned flush to the top rail and shall have a hole at its center
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and draw- sufficiently sized to fit over a picket if the style being tested has
ings. Selection of the test specimen should consider the pickets that extend above the top rail. The loading device shall
maximum range of styles and sizes to be certified (see Section be attached to the assembly by means of pins or a swivel
10). The bottom of the fence panel shall be elevated by an connector to prevent the direct transfer of any flexural forces
offset distance of approximately 12 in. (305 mm) to allow for through the connection.
downward elastic deformation during test load application. Deflection Measurements—One dial gage, having a
8.2.2 Apparatus: smallest division of not more than 0.01 in. (0.25 mm), or any
F2408 – 09
suitable measurement device or calibrated sensor of at least and may be used, provided the requirements of specified rate of
comparable accuracy and sensitivity shall be used to measure loading and unloading are met. The testing device shall be of
the vertical displacements of the top rail relative to the original sufficient capacity to prevent yielding of its various compo-
location at the loading point after release of the preload. nents and shall ensure that the applied load remains essentially
8.2.3 Procedure: parallel to the relevant axis of the assembly during testing. Positioning—Position the test frame (or moveable Test System—The test system shall be in accordance
head of testing machine) in such a way that the load is applied, with except that the horizontal force shall be applied to
as shown in Fig. 2, to the structural member parallel to the the picket infill midway between top and bottom rails using a
plane of the fence system and normal to it without causing any round or square bearing plate 1 ft2 in area (see Fig. 3).
local failure at the point of load application. Deflection Measurements—One dial gage, having a Mounting of Instruments—Mount the dial gage, smallest division of not more than 0.01 in. (0.25 mm), or any
measurement device, or sensor at each loading point as is suitable measurement device or calibrated sensor of at least
shown in Fig. 2. Place the sensing element of the instruments comparable accuracy and sensitivity shall be used to measure
in contact with the surface or an extension of the surface of the the displacements of the fence pickets relative to the original
top rail of the fence panel being tested in such a way as to location at the loading point after release of the preload.
measure displacement in the direction of the applied load. 8.3.3 Procedure:
8.2.4 Load Application—Initial load application, step load Positioning—Position the bearing plate with respect
application and rate of loading shall be in accordance with
to the pickets in such a way that the load is applied horizon-
tally, as shown in Fig. 3, at the most critical location without
8.3 Structural Test Method C—Application of Horizontal
causing any local failure at the point of load application.
Thrust Load to Infill Areas:
8.3.1 Installation of Test Specimen—A minimum of one Mounting of Instruments—Mount the dial gage,
panel of the fence system to be tested shall be installed in measurement device, or sensor at each loading point as is
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and draw- shown in Fig. 3, in such a way as to permit measurement of the
ings. Selection of the test specimen should consider the maximum displacement which can be anticipated normal to the
maximum range of styles and sizes to be certified (see Section surface of the test specimen.
10). Test specimens used for Test Methods A or B may be used 8.3.4 Load Application—Initial load application, step load
again to perform Test Method C, provided the pickets have not application and rate of loading shall be in accordance with
been damaged during previous testing. 8.1.4.
8.3.2 Apparatus: 8.4 Structural Test Method D—Application of Horizontal Testing Machine—Any testing machine or loading Cone Penetration Load:
device, capable of imposing forces accurate to within 61 %, 8.4.1 Installation of Test Specimen—A minimum of one
when calibrated in accordance with Practices E4, is suitable panel of the fence system to be tested shall be installed in
F2408 – 09
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and draw- 8.5 Structural Test Performance Criteria—Required Perfor-
ings. Selection of the test specimen should consider the mance Test Load Capability shall be in accordance with the
maximum range of styles and sizes to be certified (see Section requirements of Table 2.
10). Test specimens used for Test Methods A or B may be used 8.6 Structural Test Report:
again to perform Test Method D, provided the pickets have not 8.6.1 The following information shall be contained in the
been damaged during previous testing. test report for each test method conducted:
8.4.2 Apparatus: Relevant physical-strength properties of the rail Testing Machine—Any testing machine or loading material used for the test specimens,
device, capable of imposing forces accurate to within 61 %, Description of the procedure used for assembly and
when calibrated in accordance with Practices E4, is suitable installation of the fence system,
and may be used, provided the requirements of specified rate of Description of the anchoring system,
loading and unloading are met. The testing device shall be of Incremental rate of loading (if load was applied in
sufficient capacity to prevent yielding of its various compo- multiple steps), and
nents and shall ensure that the applied load remains essentially Load-deformation curves (if load was applied in
parallel to the relevant axis of the assembly during testing. multiple steps). Test System—– A diagrammatic test set-up for ap-
plying horizontal penetration forces to the assembly is shown 9. Testing—Surface Finish
in Fig. 4. This is for application of the static horizontal 9.1 Test Methods:
cone-penetration forces to the picket infill area at the most 9.1.1 Adhesion—Adhesion testing shall be in accordance
critical location. Cone diameter shall be 25 % larger than the with Test Method D3359, Method B, which describes an
maximum permissible spacing between pickets. eleven horizontal cut, eleven vertical cut penetration of the Deflection Measurements—One measurement de- coating film. The inspection procedure of Test Method D3359,
vice, having a smallest division of not more than 0.01 in. (0.25 subsection 7.7 shall be used for a scaled rating.
mm) shall be used to measure the separation spaces between 9.1.2 Corrosion Resistance—Corrosion resistance testing
pickets on both sides of the space being penetrated at the shall be conducted in accordance with Practice B117. The
loading point after release of the preload. prepared specimen shall be scribed as directed by Test Method
8.4.3 Procedure—Position the penetration cone with respect D1654.
to the pickets in such a way that the load is applied horizon- 9.1.3 Impact Resistance—Impact resistance testing shall be
tally, as shown in Fig. 3. Position at a height of 30 in. (762 mm) conducted in accordance with Test Method D2794. A 0.625 in.
above the bottom rail or halfway between the two consecutive (16 mm) diameter ball shall be dropped from scaled markings
rails with the greatest span, whichever is the lowest elevation. on the test apparatus.
8.4.4 Load Application—Initial load application, step load 9.1.4 Weathering Resistance—Accelerated weathering re-
application and rate of loading shall be in accordance with sistance testing shall be conducted using the method prescribed
8.1.4. in Practice D822. Prior to, during (at designated intervals), and
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TABLE 3 Coatings Performance Requirements
Quality ASTM
Minimum Performance Requirements
Characteristic Test Method
Adhesion D3359 Retention of film over 90 % of scribed surface.
Corrosion Resistance B117 1000 h without failure. Failure mode is defined as 1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm)
D714 coating loss from scribe or Medium #8 blisters.
Impact Resistance D2794 60 in.-lbf impact resistance. Forward impact when using a 0.625 in.
(16 mm) diameter ball. Testing to be performed on both 32°F
and 73°F substrate (6 4°F).
Weathering Resistance D822 1000 h test duration with gloss retention of 40 % and color
D523 maintenance within 3.0 delta E color units.
after exposure, the gloss shall be measured in accordance with the fence manufacturer’s standard colors, supplemented by the
Test Method D523, 60 degree angle method. Prior to, during coating material supplier’s published data or certified test
(at designated intervals), and after exposure, the color shall be reports showing that the coating material of the specified color
determined from instrumentally measured coordinates and has the capability to comply with the coating performance
color differences (from prior to start of testing) shall be requirements in Table 3. Structural performance certifications
calculated in accordance with Test Method D2244. are acceptable for any height, span, rail spacing, and picket
9.2 Performance Requirements—The requirements for per- spacing up to the maximum tested and certified in the inde-
formance of protective coatings for galvanized steel ornamen- pendent laboratory’s report.
tal fence systems shall conform to the requirements listed in NOTE 2—Since manufacturers have numerous size and style options, it
Table 3 for each quality characteristic shown. is recommended that certification testing be on the style that has the
minimum number of rails, the maximum vertical span between rails, and
10. Certification the maximum panel length between posts.
10.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, the 10.2 Recertification is required every six years or whenever
purchaser shall be provided with certification from an indepen- there is a change in the manufacturing process, material, color,
dent testing laboratory that a representative sample of the height, span, rail spacing, picket spacing, or component dimen-
manufacturer’s fence system of specified material, color, sions of the fence system being certified. When specified in the
height, span, rail spacing, picket spacing, and component purchase order or contract, a report of the independent test
dimensions has been tested in accordance with this standard results shall be furnished.
and the requirements have been met. Individual coating per-
formance certification is required for each color used. If the 11. Keywords
specifier requires a color other than one that the fence 11.1 architectural metal fence; iron fence; ornamental fence
manufacturer had previously tested and certified in accordance system; ornamental iron fence; ornamental metal fence; orna-
with this standard, the coating performance certification re- mental steel fence; picket fence; steel picket fence; tubular
quirement may be fulfilled by the certified test report for one of picket fence; vertical tube fence; wrought iron fence
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website