Sms Code 1811a

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RELEASED 01/09/2008

Newly supported features and functions for Version 1811/A

1 750GB SATA drives support

Contents 750GB SATA drives support

Improvements for Version 1811/A


The change of contents for Version 1811/A

1 Maximum port performance may decrease - ISCSI port 0A and 1A

Contents An incorrect value to the register that adjusts the read maximum port performance for the ISCSI
port was set by microcode.
When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) ISCSI port
B) Port 0A or 1A
C) Read I/O
D) This may occur when any of the following (1) or (2) is met
1. The IP address of the port or other is set
2. Link down occurs

2 Microcode error occurs by Non-stop firmware exchange process

Contents When cache access is executed from CTL0/CTL1 at the same time, the controlled information
of cache becomes illegal. Controller block may occur, after firmware exchange.
When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) Dual Controller
B) Following firmware exchange to 1810/N from previous
C) Before the next PS OFF/ON or reboot

3 Controller block can occur when shutdown operation is performed during online
firmware upgrade
Contents The messages are listed below:
"HG0100 CTL communication send time-out :CTL /CTR"
"W01100 CTL alarm(CTL-0) :CTL /CTR"
When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) Online firmware upgrade
B) System is shutdown

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4 Illegal SSB code of the check condition for the online firmware upgrade command
Contents Illegal SSB code check conditions for the online firmware upgrade command. Check condition
response is correct, but SSB code is incorrect. Then, Host I/O error is occurs and Web
connection is not executed. SSB code shows that "Check condition status has been received, but
can not be analyzed." When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) LU change is occurred
B) Online firmware upgrade command is issued

5 Controller is blocked in boot process

Contents Warning Information "W01101 CTL alarm(CTL-1)"

6 HDD is not blocked when a solid failure occurs on both paths of HDD during
formatting process
Contents When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) "go to mode" from maintenance mode is executed
B) Solid failure occurs on both paths of HDD during formatting process

7 Controller is blocked in boot process

Contents Controller is blocked in boot process with the message
"The PCI root complex error was detected"

8 Subsystem doesn't become ready in single controller configuration

This is due to a microcode bug in the backend device discover process.

9 ISCSI port editing does not complete in single controller configuration

Contents The process cannot be performed during the maintenance LAN setting. This is due to the
microcode bug in the ISCSI port information changing with single controller configuration.
When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) Single Controller configuration
B) ISCSI port editing is executed For example, IP address changing setting

10 Warning information is indicated on the display of Storage Navigator Modular 2

Contents When an HDD is blocked and no repair HDD insertion is requested, Warning information is
indicated on the summary information display of SNM2. This is an incorrect indication.
This is due to the microcode specification bug in the notification process to SNM2 when an
HDD is blocked. When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) HDD is blocked
B) SMS100 has spare HDD in it (No repair HDD insertion is requested)

11 With pair create operation, illegal message displayed during data migration
Contents When pair create operation is executed, illegal message is displayed during data migration
When pair create operation is executed, illegal message is displayed during data migration.
Illegal message includes the word "Shadow Image" even though data migration process is being
The example of messages are below:
"DMER080009: The P-VOL is a volume of Shadow Image and in the status other than Simplex
Check the pair status of the LU "
"DMER03006D: The specified P-VOL is a Shadow Image pair. Check the attribute of the LU."
When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) Auto-Migration copy is executed
B) "Pair create" of Shadow Image or Snapshot is tried for any LU in the system

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12 Host I/O halts during data migration
Contents The problem may occur when host I/O is executed during data migration.

13 Copy status of Shadow Image, issuing “pairsplit” command causes PSUE condition
Contents This is a Shadow Image problem. When pair status is sync-copy or resync-copy, issuing
“pairsplit” command will cause PSUE status.
When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) Pair status is sync-copy or resync-copy
B) "pairsplit" command is issued

14 Waiting status of “eventwait” is complete in incorrect timing

Contents This is a COW - Snapshot or Shadow Image problem. In case that CTG group has two or more
LU pairs, waiting status of “eventwait” (CLI command) is complete before status of all pairs in
CTG group is "paired".
When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) CTG group has two or more LU pairs
B) LU pair of last number in CTG group becomes "paired" status before one of another LU pairs
becomes "paired" status

15 Controller is blocked when a simple trace is captured by Web

Contents The message is below:
"W01100 CTL alarm(CTL-0) :CTL /CTRC"
"H90210 CTL failure :CTL /CTRC"
When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) Directory has PIN data. And then, the directory change is executed
B) LU that has PIN data is deleted
C) After the LU is deleted, no shutdown occurs
D) Simple trace is captured by Web

16 Parameters are cleared unexpectedly in the parameter initialization process of

Storage Navigator Modular 2
Contents In case of editing email alert parameters, if parameter initialization is executed the email
sending address for maintenance and added information are cleared unexpectedly.

17 Performance monitor shows illegal value

Contents Performance monitor shows illegal value. For example, drive usage rate, response time.

18 Controller is blocked with "Micro program error[ISM]" in heat run

Contents Controller is blocked with "Micro program error[ISM]" in heat run. The message "Micro
program error[ISM]" is displayed. This can occur when the Host transfer length is over 4080
KB. This is due to the microcode bug in the ISCSI command transaction.

19 Controller is blocked with "Micro program error[ISM]" in heat run

Contents Controller is blocked with "Micro program error[ISM]" in heat run. The message "Micro
program error[ISM]" is displayed. The problem may occur when host command multiplex
number is very high. This is due to the microcode bug in the ISCSI command transaction.

20 Controller is blocked with Watchdog Timer timeout

Contents When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) Host interface is connected with Switch device
B) (Many hosts (more than 12 hosts)
C) Command multiplex number is very high
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21 Controller is blocked with "Micro program error [DSC]" in heat run
Contents Controller is blocked with "Micro program error [DSC]" in heat run. The message "Micro
program error [DSC]" is displayed.
When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) Host I/O is executed
B) HDD PDEV Timeout

22 Controller is blocked with "Micro program error [DMA]"

Contents Controller is blocked with "Micro program error [DMA]" when check1 reset occurs. The
message "Micro program error [DMA]" is displayed. The problem may occur when “check1”
reset occurs. This is due to the microcode bug in the controller reset process.

23 Illegal HDD number is displayed when media error of HDD occurs

Contents Illegal HDD number is displayed when media error of HDD occurs. For example, the message
of "I30100 HDU error (Unit-00, HDU-238)” is displayed even when HDU-238 doesn't exist

24 Subsystem down with Micro program HSC when DCTL LSI is failed
Contents Subsystem down with Micro program HSC when DCTL LSI is failed. The message "Micro
program error [HSC]" is displayed. With all the following conditions met, problem may occur:
A) Controller is blocked by DCTL LSI failure
B) Host I/O is executed

25 Illegal controller number is displayed when “MDMA “error occurs

Contents Illegal controller number is displayed when MDMA error occurs. MDMA is DMA logic for
cache memory in DCTL LSI. The problem can occur when a controller is blocked by failure
during MDMA transfer
The examples of illegal message are below:
"M-DMA transfer time-out was detected(CTL-48)"
"M-DMA retry error was detected(CTL-48)"
"M-DMA multiple run error was detected(CTL-48)"

26 Controller doesn't reboot when system HDD blocked during online firmware
Contents Controller does not reboot when system HDD is blocked during online firmware upgrade. The
problem can occur when system HDD is blocked during online firmware upgrade.
The message is below:
"DMES01EA05: The firmware has been downloaded to the system drives, but some system
drives could not be used. The subsystem can be used."

27 Illegal interface number and illegal message is displayed when controller is blocked
by host interface failure
Contents - Different interface number is displayed. "I/F-1" is displayed even though the SMS100 does not
have I/F-1 board.
The message is below:
"W3R1F1 Interface Board alarm(CTL-1,I/F-1) "
A) Interface warning on Web does not clear after controller auto-reboot

28 Illegal message is displayed when backend diagnostic result is timeout

Contents The message is Micro program error [BKW] (code-21). This is due to a microcode bug in
backend diagnostic process.

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29 Subsystem down when migration cable is pulled during data migration
Contents The problem may occur when migration cable is pulled during data migration.

30 HDD are blocked when SCSI error (0b/47-03) occurs

Contents HDD are blocked when SCSI error (0b/47-03) occurs. The SCSI error (0b/47-03) is caused by
ENC, not by HDD.

31 System copy doesn't finished when two system HDD are blocked
Contents This is due to the microcode bug in the system HDD recovery process.

32 Controller is blocked and PIN over is occurs when a solid failure exists between
SAS controller chip and Expander chip
Contents Controller is blockaded and PIN over is occurred when solid failure exists between SAS
controller chip and Expander chip.
The examples of messages are below:
"W3J000 PIN is over partition threshold[write through](DIR-0,PTT-00)"
"W3M000 PIN is over RAID group threshold[write will not run](DIR-0,RG-00)"
"W3L000 PIN is over RAID group threshold[write through](DIR-0,RG-00)"
When all of the following conditions are met, the problem may occur:
A) Solid failure between SAS controller chip and Expander chip
B) A controller with solid failure is blocked

33 HDD is blocked, Warning LED is blinking even after shutdown and rebooting
Contents This is incorrect indications after shutdown and reboot

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