Assembly Language and Microprocessor Outline
Assembly Language and Microprocessor Outline
Assembly Language and Microprocessor Outline
Faculty of Engineering
Computer Engineering Department
Course Syllabus
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Topics covered:
• Introduction to Microprocessors and
Microcomputers: Introduction and history of
Chapter 1 (1 Week)
80x86 microprocessor group development.
• Software Architecture:
o Software Architecture of the 8088 &
8086 Microprocessors Chapter 2 (1 Week)
• Programming:
o Assembly Language Programming Chapter 3 (1 Week)
o Machine Language Coding and the
Debug Software Development Program
Chapter 4 (1 Week)
of the IBM PC
Review and First Exam (1 Week)
o 8088/8086 Programming – Integer
Instructions and Computations Chapter 5 (1 Week)
o 8088/8086 Programming – Control
Flow Instructions and Programming Chapter 6 (1 Week)
• Applications:
o Assembly Language Program
Development with MASM Chapter 7 (1 Week)
Review and Second Exam (1 Week)
• Hardware Architecture:
o The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors
and Their Memory and Input/Output Chapter 8 (1 Week)
o Memory Devices, Circuits, and Chapter 9 (1 1/2 Week)
Subsystem Design
o Input/Output Interface Circuits and LSI Chapter 10 (1 1/2 Week)
Peripheral Devices
Review and Final Exam (1/2 Week)
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The course will follow selected subjects as listed on the course schedule. Additional lecture notes and
examples will be given and discussed in class as much as time permits.
• Students are responsible for the reading assignments from the text and handouts
• Students are responsible for following up the lecture materials
• Students are responsible for reading additional information and examples in order to understand
the materials discussed in the lectures.
Laboratory Assignments
• The lab score will be 10% of the total course grade and will be assigned by the laboratory
instructor. The lab score will be combined with the lecture part to make up the final grade.
There will be two short exams will be announced in class, and one comprehensive final exam will
be held at the end of the semester as scheduled by the University for the lecture:
• All exams are CLOSED-BOOK exams.
• Exams will cover the assigned reading materials and discussed materials in the lectures.
• There will be no make-up exams (in very special circumstances, written excuse and official
proofs are required for making-up exams).
• Exam solutions will be discussed in class. Written solutions will NOT be distributed.
• The final exam will be held during the examination period. The exam will include questions from
all the topics discussed in class, and in the lab. The final exam must be written in pen, closed-
book, no calculators, no electronic translators, and no scrap paper.
• You are training to be a professional engineer. Consequently, we expect you to behave like a
professional. A professional engineer is polite, considerate and respectful of others. It is rude,
inconsiderate, and disrespectful to your fellow students and to the professor to talk in class. No
one can learn if you are chatting to your neighbor!
Homework Assignments
Homework assignments will be given periodically and will be due one week from the assigned date.
• NO late submission will be accepted (absolutely!).
• There is no make-up homework.
• To get credit for the homework assignments, submissions must be neat, clean, and must be done
professionally and seriously (as judged by the grader). Official name (not nickname), course #,
section #, and homework # must be visibly shown on the homework.
Class Participations
Students are required to attend the class lectures. Attendant sheets will be circulated for signatures at the
beginning of each lecture. Coming to the lecture late and leaving the lecture early are NOT allowed.
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Course contribution: State the contribution of course to meeting the professional component
Professional Component Course Contribution
General Education Introduction to Intel’s 80x86 microprocessor:
architecture and assembly language.
Basic Science and Mathematics Discrete math and number systems.
Engineering Science Understanding the 8086/8088 structure.
Engineering Design Programming using 8086 assembly language and
constructing the interfacing between
microprocessor and computer.
Design of a microcomputer’s basic hardware
system to control output peripherals.
Relationship to program outcomes: State the relationship of course to program outcomes
ABET a-m √ CPE Program Outcomes
Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
a √ science, and engineering.
Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well
b √ as to analyze and interpret data
Ability to design, develops, implement, and
improve a component, process, or integrated
c √ systems to meet desired.
d √ Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
Ability to identify, formulate, and solve
e √ engineering problems.
Understanding of professional and ethical
f responsibility.
g √ Ability to communicate effectively.
The broad education necessary to understand the
impact of engineering solutions in a global,
h economic, and societal context.
Recognition of the need for, and an ability to
i engage in life-long learning.
j √ Knowledge of contemporary issues.
Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern
k √ engineering tools for engineering practice.
Knowledge of in-depth instruction to accomplish
the integration of systems using appropriate
l analytical, computational, and experimental
The ability to use a debug tool (MASM) for
exploring microprocessor architecture, software
m √ and hardware development.
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