Adiabatic and Semi-Adiabatic Calorimetry To

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Materials and Structures/Matériaux et Constructions, Vol.

30, October 1997, pp 451-464





The texts presented hereunder are drafts for general consideration. Comments should be sent to the TC Chairman, Professor
R. Springenschmid, Institute for Construction Materials, Technical University of Munich, Baumbachstr. 7,
D-81245 Munich, Germany, before 1st February 1998.

TC Membership: Chairman: R. Springenschmid, Germany; Secretary: M. Plannerer, Germany; Editorial Secretary: J.-L. Bostvironnois,
Germany; Members: P. Acker, France; S. Bernander, Sweden; R. Breitenbücher, Germany; K. van Breugel, Netherland; M.J. Coole, Great
Britain; M. Emborg, Sweden; H. Grube, Germany; H. Hamfler, Germany; M.J. Hammons, USA; H. Huber, Austria; C. Jaegermann, Israel;
F. Jung, Austria; M. Mangold, Germany; P. Morabito, Italy; P.K. Mukherjee, Canada; F.S. Rostásy, Germany; A.R. Solovjantchik, Russia;
T. Tanabe, Japan; P.J. Wainwright, Great Britain.

TCE1: Adiabatic and semi-adiabatic calorimetry to

determine the temperature increase in concrete due to
hydration heat of the cement
Foreword The present recommendation gives details of the appa-
ratus and describes the procedure to determine the evolu-
This Technical Recommendation was drafted by P. Morabito, tion of the adiabatic temperature in a specific concrete.
Italy, and revised after discussion in Technical Committee 119-
TCE and its subcommittee on hydration heat.
1. SCOPE Adiabatic calorimeter: a calorimeter is considered to
be adiabatic if the temperature loss of the sample is not
One of the most important factors associated with greater than 0.02 K/h.
thermal cracking in concrete is the evolution and distrib- Semi-adiabatic calorimeter: a calorimeter where the
ution of the temperature increase throughout the section maximum heat losses are less than 100 J/(h·K).
at any time after casting. The temperature increase is a Coefficient of temperature loss a [K/h]: Decrease in
direct result of the heat evolved from the hydration of temperature of the sample for unit time.
the cement. Time constant τ [h]: Parameter of the exponential
The majority of standard tests currently in use for mea- cooling curve.
suring the heat of hydration of cement are carried out at a Coefficient of heat loss α [J/(h·K)]: Quantity of heat
constant temperature. The prediction of the temperature lost from the sample for unit of time and for a unit tem-
increase of concrete from these results can be difficult, perature difference between sample and environment.
because these isothermal tests do not take account of the Temperature increase of the concrete sample θs [K]:
change in reactivity of the cement with changing tempera- Temperature increase of the sample measured during
ture and therefore do not reflect the conditions in the real hydration in a calorimeter.
structure where the temperature changes continually. Adiabatic temperature increase θad [K]: True adia-
The alternative approach is to use adiabatic or semi- batic temperature increase of concrete.
adiabatic calorimeters in which are tested concrete speci- Temperature increase θHH [K]: Intrinsic temperature
mens of the same mix as will be used on site. increase calculated from tests in a semi-adiabatic
Such methods aim at determining the evolution of the calorimeter.
adiabatic temperature increase under conditions which are Temperature Ts [°C]: Temperature of the sample.
very similar to those at the centre of a large pour.

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Materials and Structures/Matériaux et Constructions, Vol. 30, October 1997

Boundary temperature Ta [°C]: Temperature of the 4. APPARATUS

sample surroundings.
Apparent heat capacity of calorimeter Ccal [J/K]: Heat 4.1 Adiabatic calorimeter
capacity exhibited from the calorimeter.
Heat capacity of the sample Cs [J/K]: Specific heat of Fig. 1 shows a schematic view of an adiabatic
concrete multiplied by the mass of the sample. calorimeter.
Total heat capacity CT [J/h]: Amount of the total heat The sample is cast in a cylindrical container fitted
capacity exhibited from the calorimeter and the sample with a cover. The container should be tight against water
(CT = Ccal + Cs). vapour, which will be checked by weighing the sample
before and after the test. The reduction of mass of the
sample should be less than 0.1%.
3. PRINCIPLE OF MEASUREMENT The dimensions of the container should take into
account the thermal capacity effects of a maximum aggre-
The measurement method consists of introducing gate size of around 32 mm. To incorporate this aggregate
into the calorimeter a sample of fresh concrete just after size, the volume of the sample must be about 4,000 cm3
the mixing and measuring the temperature of the speci- and the smallest dimension of the sample must be at least
men. Adiabatic calorimeters rely on the principle that, at three times the maximum size of the aggregate. The ratio
any time during the test, the temperature of the sample between the apparent heat capacity of the calorimeter to
surroundings must be equal to the temperature of the the heat capacity of the sample must be limited to 0.1; such
concrete. This condition requires that additional heat be a condition is achieved by performing tests on large vol-
supplied from outside. ume samples using thin containers. If the condition
Semi-adiabatic calorimeters rely only on some form Ccal/Cs ≤ 0.1 is not satisfied, a thermal compensation
of insulation around the sample to slow down the rate of should be adopted (see Appendix 1), otherwise the test
heat loss. method should be considered as semi-adiabatic.
The hydration heat of the tested concrete will be
divided into three parts:
– heating of the specimen
– heating of the calorimeter
– heat loss.
The heating of the calorimeter must be
regarded as an apparent heat capacity of the appa-
ratus, including the sample container, and has to
be determined for each type of calorimeter.
The heat losses play a different role for the
two kinds of equipment. In adiabatic calorime-
ters, they are usually small and almost constant
throughout the duration of the test and give rise
to a residual correction to determine the adia-
batic temperature from the measured one. In
semi-adiabatic calorimeters, they are not con-
stant throughout the run time of the test, as they
increase with the increasing temperature of the
sample and provide the major contribution to the
calculation of the adiabatic temperature increase
of the specimen. Fig. 1 – Sketch of a typical adiabatic calorimeter.
From the point of view of the reliability in
determining the adiabatic temperature increase, the
main difference between the two measurement methods The casing of the sample container should have a suf-
is that the temperature of the sample in an adiabatic ficiently wide base to ensure good stability against falling
calorimeter is at any time very close to the adiabatic tem- over. It is advisable to provide the base with an electric
perature, so the influence of the change in reactivity of heater to supply external heat for purposes of calibration
the cement with the temperature is directly taken into or thermal compensation of the calorimeter.
account. In a semi-adiabatic calorimeter, the heat losses The temperature of the specimen is measured with a
give rise to a temperature of the sample lower than the PT100 resistance thermometer or a thermistor inside a
adiabatic temperature and a maturity function must tube placed along the axis of the sample. To ensure good
therefore be assumed in order to take account of the thermal contact the tube should be filled with oil.
change in reactivity of the cement. This can give rise to The temperature of the calorimeter is controlled by a
some approximation in determining the adiabatic tem- thermal jacket which should be capable of producing an
perature increase of the tested concrete. isothermal surface around the sample whose temperature
must follow the sample temperature. The thermal jacket

TC 119-TCE

will have the same cylindrical shape as the sample and be The dimensions of the sample and the method of
made of steel or aluminium (the latter is to be preferred measuring the temperature are the same as for an adia-
because of its lower unit weight). Inside the jacket, water batic calorimeter. The ambient temperature where the
is circulated, the temperature of which is controlled by an vessel is placed is fixed at 20°C ± 1°C. The coefficient of
auxiliary thermal conditioning unit whose working tem- total heat loss shall not exceed 100 J/h/K. The vessel
perature should range from 5°C up to 80°C in order to be should be placed away from any heat sources and strong
able to simulate the hydration of concrete with the same air currents. The speed of the ventilation air around the
initial temperature as on site. Some form of insulation, calorimeter should be less than 0.5 m/s. When several
such as a flexible foamed polyurethane sheet 3 cm thick, tests are being carried out simultaneously, the minimum
should be provided between the sample and the thermal distance between vessels should be over 10 cm.
jacket; this improves the equalisation of the temperature
around the sample, will minimise the accidental risk of
supplying heat directly to the sample and will make the 5. CALIBRATION
degree of sensitivity of the temperature controller less crit-
ical. A second layer of thermal insulation inserted between The calculation of the adiabatic temperature increase
the jacket and the external shell will minimise any effects from the measured curves is given in Appendix 2 and
that the environmental temperature might have on the requires the knowledge of Cs, α, t and Ccal; the last three
test. The temperature of the jacket shall be regulated by a coeff icients depend on the characteristics of the
controller whose sensitivity inf luences the amount by calorimeter and therefore must be determined through a
which the temperature of the jacket cycles around the set calibration.
point, and consequently will affect the amount of heat The calibration sample shall be of distilled water (spe-
that is lost or gained. Since the temperature of the jacket cific heat equal to 4,186 J/kg/K in the range from 0°C to
must never be allowed to exceed the temperature of the 100°C) which is to be subjected to the following steps:
sample under test, the temperature of the jacket is set – heating of the sample
slightly lower than the sample temperature and the differ- – spontaneous cooling of the sample.
ence between the two is carefully controlled. A small
amount of heat loss is thus unavoidable.
The temperature difference must be such that the 5.1 Adiabatic calorimeter
temperature loss of the sample is less than 0.02 K/h and
to achieve this, temperature sensors having a sensitivity First, the total thermal capacity CT of the calorimeter
of ± 0.01 K should be used (PT100 or thermistors). containing the calibration sample is determined; then
that of the calorimeter alone is deduced.
The sample container is filled with distilled water and
left for a period of about 10 hours to stabilise the system.
After this time, the sample is heated at constant power
P [W] under adiabatic conditions for a time t- of about
20 h. The level of power should be such as to give a rise in
temperature θs equal to 30-40°C, the rate of temperature
increase should be maintained constant (α = const.). After
this time, the power is switched off and the sample is kept
under adiabatic conditions for 10 h to stabilise the system.
The power supplied is expressed as:
 ( )
Ts − Ta 
( )
P ⋅ t = C T ϑ s + a ⋅ t = C T ϑ s +
⋅ t
 
In order to determine τ, the temperature of the ther-
mal jacket is lowered to a temperature Tjo of about 10-
20°C; the sample will then cool spontaneously according
to the following expression:
Fig. 2 – Example of a semi-adiabatic calorimeter using a commer-
cial thermos vessel.

d Tjo − Ts t( )] = dt
Tjo − T (t)

4.2 Semi-adiabatic calorimeter whence:

τ= t
A semi-adiabatic calorimeter is essentially made up of Tj0 − Ts0
an insulating vessel filled with foam rubber and of an ln
external shell to protect the thermos vessel from damage Tj0 − Tst
(Fig. 2).

Materials and Structures/Matériaux et Constructions, Vol. 30, October 1997

where: t = elapsed time mined according to the same procedures used to deter-
Tso = temperature of the sample at starting time mine CT, with the difference that the calibration sample
of cooling is replaced by a concrete sample which has been allowed
Tst = temperature of the sample at point in time t to completely hydrate; so:
ln = natural logarithm.
Cs = CT – Ccal
If the temperature controller does not allow a steep
descent of the temperature of the jacket to be achieved,
an alternative way is to remove the sample from the 6.2 Calculated evaluation
calorimeter and keep it at about 50°C in an oven, reduce
the temperature of the jacket to Tjo and, when this tem- The heat capacity of concrete is temperature-dependent
perature is reached, replace the sample in the calorime- and also depends on the hydration rate during the adiabatic
ter. The cooling period should run for about 30 h. or semi-adiabatic tests. Consequently, the experimental val-
The apparent heat capacity is given by: ues are not better than the calculated values obtained from a
knowledge of the composition of concrete and the specific
Ccal = CT - 4186 ⋅ mw [J / K] heat of the components.
mw being the mass in kg of the water sample. Calculation of the heat capacity of the sample is per-
formed according to the following formula:
Cs = ms  gi⋅ci
5.2 Semi-adiabatic calorimeter
with: ms = mass of the concrete sample in kg
The coefficient α is determined by measuring in steady gi = content by mass of mix components
state conditions the equilibrium temperature Ts for differ- ci = specific heat of mix components:
ent levels of constant electrical power P provided to the aggregate: ca = 0.7-0.9 kJ/kg/K
calibration sample. When stable conditions are achieved, cement: cce = 0.84 kJ/kg/K
the heat supplied is completely dissipated into the environ- water: cw = 4.186 kJ/kg/K
ment. The equation for the losses is expressed as:
P = α ⋅ ϑs
α should be independent of the temperature; however,
this should be checked at 5 points in the temperature The testing procedure is performed through the fol-
range observed during the hydration tests (for example, lowing two steps:
for temperature increases of 10, 17, 24, 31, 38 K) and a – hydration of the concrete sample;
mean constant value will be assumed. – calculation of τ.
The measurement of the thermal capacity Ccal is car- The volume of the batch should be more than the
ried out by the method of spontaneous cooling of the volume of the sample to be tested and all the con-
water sample. For this purpose, the sample is discon- stituents will be kept at the constant starting temperature
nected from the electrical power supply after reaching for one day prior to mixing. The temperature of the
the steady state condition for the last point of calibration fresh concrete should differ not more than ± 2 K from
to determine α. During cooling, the heat exchange the temperature of the calorimeter. The concrete is
equation is expressed as: placed inside the container, vibrated and weighed. The
measurement of the temperature increase starts no later
–CT ⋅dϑ = α ⋅ϑ⋅dt
than 10-15 minutes from the start of the mixing. The
whence: measuring period is usually over seven days and calcula-
tion of τ is carried out for each concrete sample tested by
CT = α ⋅ t spontaneous cooling at the end of the hydration period.
ln o Finally, data reduction is performed according to the
procedure given in Appendix 2.
with: t = elapsed time since disconnecting the power
θo = temperature increase at starting time 7.1 Adiabatic test
θt = temperature increase at point in time t.
The difference Ts - Tj is set to a value such that the
coefficient of the temperature loss is less than 0.02 K/h.
6. EVALUATION OF THE HEAT CAPACITY The temperature of the thermal jacket is regulated con-
OF CONCRETE tinuously or at a rate of no more than every 30 s. Over
the whole period of hydration, data recording of Ts and
6.1 Experimental evaluation Tj is performed; the experimental evaluation of τ is car-
ried out as described in 5.1.
After the heat capacity of the calorimeter is known,
the heat capacity of the concrete specimen can be deter-

TC 119-TCE

7.2 Semi-adiabatic test For each test the following data will be documented:
– concrete composition
The temperature of the thermos vessel is adjusted to – initial temperature of the mix
the ambient temperature. The temperature of the fresh – initial weight of the sample
concrete should be equal to the ambient temperature – duration of the measuring period
within ± 2 °C. After the measuring period, the specimen – time, temperature of the sample, ambient temperature
is removed from the vessel and stored to let hydration (for semi-adiabatic test), jacket temperature (for adiabatic
cease. Then the specimen in the closed container is test) at steps not greater than 0.5 h: these data can be tab-
heated up in an oven to about 50°C and inserted in the ulated or plotted
thermos vessel. By means of the measured temperature – final weight of the sample
loss the time constant τ is determined. – heat capacity of the sample (specify if calculated or
Because of the semi-adiabatic conditions, data reduc- measured)
tion leads to a temperature increase θHH which is a lower – time constant τ
estimate of the adiabatic temperature increase; an exam- – total heat quantity liberated by the unit weight of concrete.
ple of stepwise calculation is given in Appendix 3.
The estimate can be improved by considering the
influence of the temperature on the hydration by means 9. SOME REMARKS ON THE CHOICE OF
of a maturity function. In general, the temperature factor ADIABATIC OR SEMI-ADIABATIC TEST
kT of Arrhenius gives a good approximation for the tem-
perature dependence of the hydration of cement: Although both types of testing method make it possible
EA  1 
to determine the adiabatic temperature increase of a given
 − 1 
kT = e R  293 273 + T  concrete sample, semi-adiabatic tests are generally easier to
conduct. On the other hand, hydration curves from adia-
with:T temperature in °C batic calorimeters are determined quite accurately.
EA activation energy in J/mol The choice of the test type will depend on the degree
R universal gas constant = 8.314 J/(mol·K) of accuracy with which the laboratory test should simu-
late the hydration in the real structure. For thermal
E A  4000 for T ≥ 20°C  for Portland
=  analysis of mass concrete structures where the tempera-
R 4000 + 175 20 − T ( ) for T < 20°C  cements ture increase is expected to be almost adiabatic, or when
the true adiabatic temperature increase and heat of
= 6000 for slag cements hydration are required, the use of an adiabatic calorime-
R ter is recommended.
The assumed maturity function is: In structures of smaller size where heat losses are
t expected, greater precision in the prediction of the tem-

M = k T dt perature increase can only be achieved from a knowledge
0 or estimate of the expected temperature loss. This of
The correction is done stepwise according to the fol- course is an extremely difficult figure to calculate, but
lowing equations: assuming it to be possible, then either the calorimeter
could be designed to reproduce this loss or adjustments
ϑad(t) = ϑHH(M)
could be made to the measured curve. In both cases, a
semi-adiabatic test may be more favourable: the semi-
with time t = 1 dM
adiabatic hydration curve could be in relatively close
0 agreement already with the hydration process as it actu-
and Ts = To + ϑHH(M) = To + ϑad(t), To being the initial ally develops in the structure; inaccuracy of any adjust-
temperature of the specimen. An example for the calcu- ment that allows for minor deviations of the actual tem-
lation scheme is given in Appendix 4. perature in the structure from the semi-adiabatic curve
can be kept to a minimum.

The test report will document the characteristic para-
meters of the apparatus and the relevant data of the test. FOR THE APPARENT HEAT CAPACITY OF
For the apparatus the following data will be given: THE CALORIMETER
– working principle (adiabatic or semi-adiabatic)
– volume of the sample The thermal compensation technique consists of
– apparent heat capacity of the calorimeter supplying, by the electrical resistor, an external heat
– coefficient of heat losses α source equal to that accumulated from the apparent heat
– date of the last calibration capacity Ccal while the hydration test is in progress.
– ambient temperature Ta for semi-adiabatic calorimeter For this, the testing time is divided into intervals ∆ti
– the assigned value of Ts - Tj for adiabatic calorimeter. equal to 0.5 h. Starting from the second interval from

Materials and Structures/Matériaux et Constructions, Vol. 30, October 1997

the beginning of the hydration, the heat to be supplied environment in which the apparatus is placed; Ta shall be
in each interval ∆ti is calculated according to the follow- kept constant (20°C) so the difference Ts(t) – Ta(t) is
ing expression: equal to θs(t).
Ei = [Ts(ti-1) – Ts(ti-2)]⋅Ccal
The power to be supplied is given by: APPENDIX 3: EXAMPLE OF A STEPWISE
Pi =
The corresponding temperature increase at the end FROM A SEMI-ADIABATIC TEST
of the test is corrected for the apparent heat capacity of
the calorimeter, so data reduction will take into account The temperature θ HH of the concrete specimen
the heat losses alone. according to the defined semi-adiabatic conditions is
A check of the reliability of the thermal compensa- given by:
tion technique should be made at the end of the test
through the following verification:
 C 
ϑ HH =  1 + cal  ⋅ ϑ s +
 Cs  ∑ a ⋅ ∆t]
C cal ET
= Table 1 shows an example for the calculation scheme.
CT ϑs ⋅Cs + ET
being ET =  Ei the total heat supplied during the test. Cs = 4040 J/K Ccal = 800 J/K τ = 24.8h


The adiabatic temperature at point in time t is
expressed as:
C   

() Cs  
() ∫ ()
ϑ ad t =  1 + cal  ⋅ ϑ s t + a t ⋅ dt 
 0

The following relationships exist between the

coefficients of temperature loss a, heat loss α and
the time constant τ of the calorimeter with the sam-
ple to be tested inside it:

α Ts − Ta ) (2)

τ= (3)

Ts − Ta
a= (4)
Equation (1) can be written in terms of heat of
hydration Q given off by a unit weight of concrete:
CT ⋅ ϑs t ( )+C t

Qt =
ms ∫ ()
⋅ a t dt
∫ [ () ( )]
ms s
ϑ t + 1 α Ts t − Ta t dt
ms 0

where ms is the mass in kg of the tested sample.

For adiabatic calorimeters, Ta is equal to the temper-
ature of the thermal jacket T j and the difference
Ts(t) – Ta(t) should be constant at any point during the
In semi-adiabatic tests, Ta is the temperature of the

TC 119-TCE



TCE2: Method for in situ measurement of thermal stress

in concrete using the stress meter
Foreword crete. The recommendation briefly describes the princi-
ple of the measurement, including the details of the
Thermal and other restraint stresses in young concrete cannot stress meter used and its installation.
be determined by the use of traditional methods based on a mea-
surement of deformations. The stress meter enables a good
approximation of thermal stresses in concrete. The design concept 2. PRINCIPLE OF MEASUREMENT
of the stress meter was developed by the Kajima Technical
Research Institute. The Technical Recommendation was drafted The measurement of thermal stresses in concrete at
by T. Tanabe, Japan. early ages cannot be easily carried out using the conven-
tional means of only monitoring the strains, mainly
because the other properties such as Young’s modulus,
1. SCOPE etc. are not accurately known.
The principle of measurement described in this rec-
This recommendation describes a method for in situ ommendation using the embedded stress meter is shown
measurement of thermal stresses during the hardening of schematically in Fig. 1.
concrete using a stress meter which was especially devel- The method uses essentially a load cell in series with
oped for this purpose and which is embedded in con- concrete cast in the stress meter (hereinafter referred to as a

Materials and Structures/Matériaux et Constructions, Vol. 30, October 1997

are directly obtained using the data from the load

The walls of the stress meter, including the lid,
are lined with blotting paper, pour sheet and felt.
This arrangement allows a free exchange of water
between the concrete within and outside the
device, ensures that there is no mechanical bond
between the concrete inside and outside the meter
along the four walls, and provides continuity
between the concrete prism and the surrounding
concrete through the anchors.
Fig. 1 – Basic structure of the stress meter. Thus, the properties of concrete within the
device, e.g. the Young’s modulus, creep coeffi-
concrete “prism”) at the time of casting the surrounding cient, etc., are almost the same as those of the bulk con-
mass concrete. There is no mechanical bond between the crete, and any thermal stresses can be accurately mea-
prism and the mass concrete along the four walls. sured.
The stress in the concrete prism is obtained
by dividing the force (as measured by the load
cell) by the cross-sectional area of the prism. Also,
since the length of the load cell (ls) is much
smaller compared to the length of the concrete
prism (lc), it can be assumed that the latter is
approximately equal to the gauge length (L = ls +
lc) of the surrounding concrete. Furthermore, the
method ensures that the properties of the prism,
such as the Young’s modulus, creep, etc. and
those of the surrounding concrete are similar, by
allowing a free exchange of water across the walls.
Essentially, the thermal stress in the sur-
rounding concrete is related to the stress in the
prism concrete (concrete within the stress
meter) as follows :

σc = 1 ⋅ σg
(K /K )
g c
(1) Fig. 2 – Schematic drawing of the stress meter.

where: Size of the typical stress meter

σc stress in the surrounding concrete (Exemplary valid for one specific type of stress meter)
σg stress in the concrete prism Length of the stress meter (L) 50 cm
Kg rigidity of the overall system comprising the load cell Length of the load cell (ls) 5 cm
Length of the concrete box (lc) 45 cm
and the prism Mean value of sectional area of the load cell (As) 15.3 cm2
Kc rigidity of the surrounding concrete. Sectional area of the concrete box (Ac) 25 cm2
Thus, in order to ensure accurate measurement of σc,
the rigidities of the stress meter system (load cell and
prism) and the surrounding concrete must have, in as far 4. IN SITU MEASUREMENT
as possible, the same value.
A more detailed discussion on the effect of the length 4.1 Parameters to be recorded
and stiffness of the load cell, etc. on the accuracy of the
measured thermal stresses is given in the Appendix. In addition to the stresses (actually strains) as mea-
sured by the embedded stress meter, the following mea-
surements may also be carried out to facilitate better
3. STRESS METER* analysis of the data.

Fig. 2 shows schematically the stress meter used. The 4.1.1 Variation of temperature within the concrete:
device consists of a load cell which is fixed at one end of This measurement should be carried out at a location
an open box made of wire mesh. The prism and the out- close to the one where the stress is being monitored.
side concrete are “monolithic” through the anchor that is
provided at one end. A similar anchor is provided at the (*) Addresses of suppliers of the stress meter may be obtained from the Institute
load cell. The lid of the box is also made of wire mesh and for Construction Materials, Technical University of Munich, Baumbachstr. 7,
is used to cover the concrete prism after casting. The ther- D-81245 Munich, Germany, Fax: +49 89 289-27064,
mal stresses generated in the concrete due to restraint, etc. E-Mail: [email protected]

TC 119-TCE

4.1.2 Variation of strain within the concrete: This Age after placing Frequency of collecting data
measurement should also be recorded at a location close
Up to 1 day Every hour
to the one where the stress is being monitored. 1-3 days Every 6 hours
3-7 days Every 24 hours
4.1.3 Variation of the atmospheric temperature: This After 7 days Every 48 hours
is an important parameter in determining the develop-
ment of thermal stresses in concrete and should be It is recommended that the measurements be contin-
recorded at 2 or 3 suitable locations in the neighbour- ued till the temperature of the concrete reaches the
hood of the structure. ambient temperature.
It may, however, be noted that the stresses can be
accurately measured only so far as no cracks are formed
4.2 Installation of stress meter in concrete in the neighbourhood of the stress meter.
The stress meter can be installed within concrete in a
horizontal, vertical or any other position, to measure the 5. RESULTS
thermal stresses in that direction. The stress meter needs to
be fixed rigidly in place for accurate measurement of the A typical example of the results obtained using the
stress in the desired direction. The steps in the installation stress meter, in terms of the stress history in a 1.5 m thick
of the stress meter can be briefly outlined as given below. concrete, is shown in Fig. 3. The variation of temperature
(1) Make a suitable holder which can be used to sup- recorded is also given in Fig. 4 for reference. The figures
port the stress meter. Reinforcing bars, or any other suit- show the initial compressive stresses generated during the
able material can be used for this purpose, provided the period when the internal temperature rises, and the subse-
meter can be securely held in place during concreting quent transition to tensile stresses on account of the “cool-
and that the stand provides the minimum restraint to the ing” of the concrete. A sudden change in the measured
movement of the concrete in the direction of measuring. stress values indicates possible formation of cracks in the
(2) Secure the holder within the formwork before neighbourhood of the meter and may be taken to mean
the concrete is cast. During casting, when the level of that subsequent the stress values recorded are not accurate.
concrete reaches the level at which it is desired to install
the stress meter, remove a sample of the concrete and fill
the stress meter with it. It must be established that the
following conditions are satisfied:
– the width of the stress meter is more than twice the
size of the maximum size of the aggregate,
– the blotting paper and the felt lining of the stress meter
have been moistened thoroughly before pouring con-
crete into it,
– the concrete placed in the meter (prism) should be
compacted using a tamping rod or by vibrating.
(3) Once the meter has been completely filled with
concrete, cover it with the upper lid and tie it securely
using binding wires.
(4) Wrap the assembly using cloth and moisten with
water until the stress meter is completely enclosed by Fig. 3 – Development of measured stress in concrete structure.
concrete. Secure it to the holder within the formwork.
(5) The vibration in the neighbourhood of the stress
meter may be carried out using mechanical needle vibra-
tors. Care should be taken not to disturb the stress meter
from its position.
Note: The above method for the installation of the
stress meter may be suitably modified depending upon
the type of the structure in question or the location cho-
sen for monitoring the thermal stresses.

4.3 Frequency of measurement

The interval and duration of measurement depend Fig. 4 – Development of temperature.
upon the aim of the measurement, the type of the struc-
ture, etc. The following may, however, be used as a gen-
eral guideline in conducting the measurements:

Materials and Structures/Matériaux et Constructions, Vol. 30, October 1997

A report giving the details of the measurement of
thermal stress, carried out as outlined in this recommen-
dation, must give the following details:

6.1 Basic information

– Details of the stress meter used, including the size and
type of model used, the range of the load cell and the
calibration constant
– Type of structure, including the size and details of the
– Location and direction of the embedded stress meter
– Method of fixing the stress meter within the concrete
– Exact mix design (including the type of cement,
Fig. A.1 – Effect of the rigidity of the stress meter and of the
cement content, maximum size of aggregate, etc.) Young’s modulus of concrete on Kg/Kc.
– Temperature of fresh concrete when placed
– Variation of the ambient temperature
From Fig. A.1, it can be seen that by having a large
enough lc compared to ls, the ratio Kg/Kc approaches
6.2 Additional information unity, a condition where the measurement ensures the
best results.
– Compressive strength development using laboratory
specimens, including the details of measurement
– Tensile strength development using laboratory speci- 7.2 Effect of creep and drying shrinkage
mens, including the details of measurement
– Variation of temperature of concrete at the location of Because of the special feature of the stress meter, in
stress monitoring which the prism is cast with the same concrete as the
– Variation of strain within concrete at the location stress surrounding concrete, drying shrinkage and creep char-
monitoring acteristics of the concrete in the stress meter are similar
to the surrounding concrete and therefore the effect of
these factors on the measured values of thermal stress is
7. APPENDIX insignificant.

7.1 Rigidity and error in measurement

7.3 Effect of temperature
From the schematic representation of the measure-
ment of thermal stresses as given in Fig. 1, the rigidities of The coeff icient of linear expansion of the stress
the stress meter and surrounding concrete depend upon meter (load-cell and the concrete prism) can be repre-
their length and the modulus of elasticity of the load cell, sented as follows :
etc. Their relationship can be expressed as follows: αs
l +l
Kg ls + lc αg αc s c
= (2) = (3)
Kc E c A αc ls + lc
⋅ c ⋅ ls + lc
Es As with:
with: αg coefficient of linear expansion of the stress meter
Kg rigidity of the load cell and the prism αs coefficient of linear expansion of the load cell
Kc rigidity of the surrounding concrete αc coefficient of linear expansion of the surrounding
Ec, Ac Young’s modulus and cross-sectional area of the concrete.
concrete prism This equation also suggests that more accurate results
Es, As Young’s modulus and the cross-sectional area of can be obtained by increasing the length of the prism in
the load cell relation to the length of the load cell. As an example, if
lc and ls lengths of the concrete prism and load cell (see αs is taken to be 10.10-6/K, ls/lc is assumed to be 0.1 and
Fig. 1). the range for αc is taken as 9-13.10-6/K, it is found that
Based on equation (1) and using the Young’s modu- αg/αc is in the range 1.01-0.98. Thus it can be seen that
lus of steel (210 GPa) for Es, the variation of Kg/Kc with the changes in temperature do not affect significantly the
the Young’s modulus of concrete for different values of measured thermal stresses.
ls, lc, As and Ac is given in Fig. A-1.

TC 119-TCE

TCE3: Testing of the cracking tendency of concrete at

early ages using the cracking frame test
Foreword Maximum compressive stress σ c,max : Maximum
compressive stress under restrained conditions during
The cracking frame is a useful tool to assess thermal stresses in the temperature increase. Due to the high relaxation of
young concrete and to compare the cracking resistance of different the compressive stresses, σc,max will usually be reached
concrete mixes in the laboratory. This Technical Recommendation before the maximum temperature has occured.
was drafted by R. Breitenbücher, Germany. Maximum temperature Tmax: Maximum tempera-
ture of the concrete specimen during hardening under
semi-adiabatic conditions.
1. SCOPE 2nd Zero stress temperature TZ,2: Temperature at
which, during the cooling phase, the compressive
To prevent thermal cracking in restrained concrete stresses have decreased completely to zero and tensile
members at early ages, not only the temperature increase stresses start to develop. Due to the relatively high relax-
but also the stress development has to be considered. In ation at very early ages and the high modulus of elasticity
addition, the temperature development, the develop- on cooling down, TZ,2 normally is much higher than
ment of the modulus of elasticity and relaxation are of TZ,1 and only a few degrees below Tmax.
importance for the stress development. To judge the Cracking temperature Tc: Temperature at which the
cracking tendency, the development of tensile strength restrained specimen cracks, i.e. the tensile stresses have
must also be considered. In an adiabatic or semi-adia- exceeded the tensile strength. The cracking temperature
batic calorimeter, only the heat of hydration can be mea- characterizes the cracking tendency of the concrete
sured. In order to measure thermal stresses and deter- being tested: The tendency to thermal cracking at early
mine the cracking tendency, tests in a restraining ages is higher for higher cracking temperatures.
apparatus must be performed. The cracking frame has Tensile strength βt: Tensile stress at time of cracking.
proved to be a useful tool for this purpose. In this equip-
ment, a concrete beam hardens under semi-adiabatic
conditions and under restraint. Such tests are carried out 3. CRACKING FRAME*
to judge the cracking tendency of various concretes.
3.1 Apparatus
2. DEFINITIONS The rigid cracking frame consists of a frame with two
cross-heads and two massive steel bars (Fig. 1).
1 st Zero stress temperature T Z,1: Temperature at
which, under restrained conditions, compressive stresses
(*) Addresses of suppliers of the cracking frame may be obtained from the
during the generation of hydration heat first occur due Institute for Construction Materials, Technical University of Munich,
to the increasing modulus of elasticity. TZ,1 describes the Baumbachstr. 7, D-81245 Munich,Germany, Fax: +49 89 289-27064,
change from plastic to visco-elastic behaviour. E-Mail: [email protected]

Fig. 1 – Cracking frame.

Materials and Structures/Matériaux et Constructions, Vol. 30, October 1997

The longitudinal steel bars have a diameter of must be at least 40 kN. Thus, a displacement between
100 mm. To guarantee minimal thermal deformation of the bars and cross-heads during the change from com-
the steel bars, a special steel with a low coefficient of pression to tension will be prevented.
thermal expansion has to be used. For this purpose, steel The formwork is made using a thermal insulating
containing 36% nickel is suitable. The cross-heads con- material, e.g. polystyrene with a thickness of 50 mm and
sist of normal steel. A dovetailed opening is located in 24 mm thick wood as a stabilizing element (Fig. 3).
the centre of each cross-head to fix the specimen when Inside the formwork (next to the concrete specimen),
tensile stresses occur (Figs. 2a and 2b). a 0.2 mm thick copper plate is fixed on the polystyrene.
The cross-heads should be enlarged to the top by an This causes the heating of the specimen to be similiar to
angle of about 2°, to enable easy removal of the speci- that of a concrete member of about 50 cm in thickness
men. The two cross-heads must be fixed to the bars with and without any external heating. To enable additional
prestressed screws of at least 30 mm in diameter. heating or cooling within the thermal insulation, copper
Additionally, the steel bars must be prestressed against pipes (6 mm in diameter) are installed which are in con-
the cross-heads in the longitudinal direction by screws tact with the copper plates. Water can be pumped through
(16 mm in diameter) and springs; the prestressing force these pipes.

Fig. 2a – Cross-head: Detail plan.

Fig. 2b – Cross-head: Cross-section.

TC 119-TCE

Fig. 3 – Formwork.

The 1.65 m long specimen is fixed within the dove- Before a test is carried out in the cracking frame, the
tails of the cross-heads. To prevent notch stresses in the strain gauges have to be calibrated. This can be done
specimen near the cross-heads, the formwork must be with, for example, two steel bars between the two cross-
formed in a sector of 200 mm in front of the cross-heads heads which are connected with a loading cell and a
in such a way that the specimen is enlarged in a parabolic screw. With the latter, the frame can be loaded under
form continuously without any edge. Thus the specimen compression (i.e. tensile stress in the concrete beam).
has a constant cross-section of 150 × 150 mm2 over a
length of 0.85 m.
To prevent the specimen from drying out during the 4. PREPARATION OF THE CONCRETE
test, the formwork is wrapped additionally with a SPECIMEN
0.3 mm thick polyethylene foil.
Before the concrete is placed into the cracking frame,
the bottom and the two sides of the formwork must be
3.2 Measurements fixed at the frame. A joint of 2-3 mm between the cross-
heads and the formwork must be present on each side,
During the test, the temperature in the centre of the otherwise the deformations of the specimen are addition-
specimen and the stresses in the specimen have to be ally restrained in an uncontrolled way. These joints have to
measured continuously. be sealed with a plastic material, e.g. silicone. In the same
For temperature measurement, thermometers (e.g. way, the joints between the formwork elements have to be
PT 100) are installed in the specimen soon after casting sealed. The fresh concrete is placed directly into the crack-
and finishing of the fresh concrete. This requires only a ing frame. The temperature of the fresh concrete should be
small hole (maximum 3 mm in diameter) for the inser- 20 ± 1°C. After compaction with an internal vibrator, the
tion of the thermometer (otherwise an artificial failure surface is finished in the conventional manner. The surface
will be located). is covered by sticking a polyethylene sheet to the sides of
For the determination of the stress within the speci- the formwork and the cross-heads. The open ends of the
men, strain gauges must be fixed on both of the longitudi- dovetailed cross-heads are then connected with a steel plate
nal steel bars of the cracking frame in the form of a (40 × 10 mm2), each with screws on the upper surface.
Wheatstone bridge. The elastic deformations of the steel This prevents opening of the cross-heads due to tension in
bars due to the restraint force of the concrete specimen can the specimen. The same plates must be screwed onto the
then be measured. In view of the cross-section and the bottom of the cross-heads before the lower formwork is
stiffness (modulus of elasticity) of the steel bars, the actual fixed to the frame.
force (i.e. stress) in the specimen can be determined, The thermometer is then installed in the centre of
because the force in the specimen is of the same value as the specimen. Finally, the thermally-insulated upper
that in the steel bars, however with the opposite sign. formwork is fixed onto the specimen.

Materials and Structures/Matériaux et Constructions, Vol. 30, October 1997


The tests shall be performed at an ambient tempera-
ture of 20 ± 2°C and a relative humidity of 65 ± 5%. In some special cases, e.g. for the simulation of the
temperature in mass concrete members several meters
thick, it may be necessary to regulate the temperature in
6. PROCEDURE FOR THE STANDARD TEST the specimen. For this purpose, a separate calorimeter
test has to be carried out beforehand. With these results,
After casting, the specimen for the standard test the temperature behaviour within the simulated member
remains in the thermally-insulated formwork under semi- can be calculated. During the cracking test, the calcu-
adiabatic conditions for 96 hours without any artificial lated variation in temperature is applied to the specimen
thermal treatment. Thus the temperature increase in the using a thermostat. Apart from this, the test can be car-
concrete specimen is due only to the heat of hydration in ried out as in the standard test. However, in this case the
connection with the thermal insulation. During this temperature and stress curves, as well as the characteris-
period, the temperature and the restraint stresses in the tic values, e.g. the cracking temperature, are different
specimen have to be measured continuously. from the results obtained in standard tests.
After 96 hours, the specimen has cooled down close to For the comparison of different concrete mixes, the
the ambient temperature. If at this time the concrete has standard test gives a good indication even for mass con-
not yet been cracked, the specimen must be cooled down crete. This is because the development of elastic proper-
artificially. The cooling rate should be 1 ± 0.1 K/h. For this ties and of the relaxation on the first day is decisive for
purpose, cooling water is pumped through the pipes within thermal stresses. During the first day, the temperature in
the formwork. When the specimen has been cracked (this both tests differs only slightly.
can be established by the sudden drop of the measured
stresses to nearly zero), the test can be terminated.
With this standard test, the cracking tendency of var- 9. TEST RESULTS
ious concretes can be compared under identical thermal
and restraining conditions. From the recorded data the following characteristic val-
In order to remove the cracked specimen, the concrete ues should be extracted and documented in a test report:
is pulled out from the cross-heads using suitable hydraulic
equipment. Care must be taken that the frame is not exces- – Temperature of the fresh concrete
sively bent or twisted when pulling out the specimen. – First zero stress temperature
– Age at which the first zero stress temperature has been
7. CONCRETE MIX FOR STANDARD TEST – Maximum in compressive stress during heating
– Age at which the maximum compression has been
Normally, the cracking tendency of concretes has to reached
be assessed at the beginning of a concrete project, when – Maximum temperature
the exact mix composition is not yet known. Thus, the – Age at which the maximum temperature has been
cracking tendency of the individual components (e.g. reached
various cements) must be compared. For this purpose a – Second zero stress temperature
constant mix composition must be used. On the basis of – Age at which second zero stress temperature has been
present experience the following mix composition has reached
proved to be appropriate for standard tests: – Temperature at an age of 96 hours
– Stress at an age of 96 hours
Aggregate: A/B 32 mm according to DIN 1045 – Maximum tensile stress at the time of cracking
Cement: 340 kg/m3 1) – Temperature at the time of cracking
Water: 162 kg/m3 – Age at cracking.
Consistency: F 3 according to ENV 206 regulated by Additionally, it is recommended to plot the curves
the addition of superplasticizers for stress and temperature development.

1) The cement content has to be reduced appropriately when puzzolanic

admixtures are used.


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