BSR Electrical 2017

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ITEM Description Mat. Units Qty. Rate Ammount

Electrical Installation
Point wiring to be carried out with 2x1mm 2
Cu/PVC/PVC + 2.5mm2 Cu/PVC earth cable
terminated in a 3 terminal ceiling rose and sunk
switch, wired in concealed conduit in wall and
above ceiling to be supplied and installed to
working order.

T001 Lamp point wiring

150001 1 sq. mm wire LM 25 23 575.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 8 69 552.00
150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 10 37 370.00
150004 20 mm conduit bend No. 2 21 42.00
150005 20mm conduit junction box No. 1 23 23.00
150006 One gang sunk switch No. 1 147 147.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
150008 Plastic Round block No. 1 36 36.00
150009 Ceiling rose 3 terminal No. 1 126 126.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.3 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.3 750 225.00
Material cost 1,934.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 9%
of material cost 174.06
Basic Rate 2,648.06

T002 Water tight lamp point wiring

150001 1 sq. mm wire LM 28 23 644.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 10 69 690.00
150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 10 37 370.00
150004 20 mm conduit bend No. 2 21 42.00
150005 20mm conduit junction box No. 1 23 23.00
150006 One gang sunk switch No. 1 147 147.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.3 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.3 750 225.00
Material cost 1,979.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 9%
of material cost 178.11
Basic Rate 2,697.11

T003 Indoor Braacket lamp point wiring

150001 1 sq. mm wire LM 25 23 575.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 10 69 690.00
150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 10 37 370.00
150004 20 mm conduit bend No. 2 21 42.00
150005 20mm conduit junction box No. 1 23 23.00
150006 One gang sunk switch No. 1 147 147.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.3 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.3 750 225.00
Material cost 1,910.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 9%
of material cost 171.90
Basic Rate 2,621.90
T004 Stair way lamp point wiring controlled

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by 2 No. two way switches

150001 1 sq. mm wire LM 40 23 920.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 15 69 1,035.00
150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 15 37 555.00
150004 20 mm conduit bend No. 3 21 63.00
150005 20mm conduit junction box No. 2 23 46.00
150010 One gang two way switch No. 2 262 524.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 2 63 126.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.4 1050 420.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.4 750 300.00
Material cost 3,269.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 9%
of material cost 294.21
Basic Rate 4,283.21

T005 Ceiling fan point wiring complete with hook

and sunk switch

150001 1 sq. mm wire LM 25 23 575.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 8 69 552.00
150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 10 37 370.00
150004 20 mm conduit bend No. 2 21 42.00
150005 20mm conduit junction box No. 1 23 23.00
150006 One gang sunk switch No. 1 147 147.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
150011 Fan Hook No. 1 210 210.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.3 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.3 750 225.00
Material cost 1,982.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 9%
of material cost 178.38
Basic Rate 2,700.38

T006 5 AMP switch socket outlet

150001 1 sq. mm wire LM 25 23 575.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 10 69 690.00
150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 10 37 370.00
150004 20 mm conduit bend No. 2 21 42.00
150005 20mm conduit junction box No. 1 23 23.00
150012 5 AMP switch socket outlet No. 1 472 472.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.3 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.3 750 225.00
Material cost 2,235.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)6%
of material cost 134.10
Basic Rate 2,909.10

Wiring to be carried out with 2x2.5mm2

Cu/PVC/PVC+ 2.5mm2 PVC/CU earth cable
wired in concealed conduit in wall and above
ceiling to be supplied and installed to working

T007 13 AMP switch socket outlet

150154 2x 2.5 sq. mm wire LM 10 151 1,510.00

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150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 10 69 690.00

150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 10 37 370.00
150004 20 mm conduit bend No. 2 21 42.00
150005 20mm conduit junction box No. 1 23 23.00
150013 13 AMP switch socket outlet No. 1 504 504.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.33 1050 346.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.33 750 247.50
Material cost 3,202.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 6%
of material cost 192.12
Basic Rate 3,988.12

T008 15 AMP switch socket outlet

150154 2x 2.5 sq. mm wire LM 12.5 151 1,887.50

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 12 69 828.00
150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 12 37 444.00
150004 20 mm conduit bend No. 2 21 42.00
150005 20mm conduit junction box No. 1 23 23.00
150014 15 AMP switch socket outlet No. 1 567 567.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.33 1050 346.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.33 750 247.50
Material cost 3,854.50
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 6%
of material cost 231.27
Basic Rate 4,679.77

T009 15 AMP switch socket outlet c/w 20A DP

Switch with Neon Indicator Lamp

150154 2x 2.5 sq. mm wire LM 15 151 2,265.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 12 69 828.00
150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 15 37 555.00
150004 20 mm conduit bend No. 2 21 42.00
150005 20mm conduit junction box No. 2 23 46.00
150014 15 AMP switch socket outlet No. 1 567 567.00
150016 20 AMP DP switch No. 1 1250 1,250.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 2 63 126.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.4 1050 420.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.4 750 300.00
Material cost 5,679.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 6%
of material cost 340.74
Basic Rate 6,739.74

IN PVC Casing

point wiring to be carried out with 2x1mm 2 +

Cu/PVC/PVC + 2.5 mm2 Cu/PVC earth cable
terminated in a 3 terminal ceiling rose and sunk
switch, wired with PVC casing on wall and on soffit
to be supplied and installed to working order.

T010 Lamp point wiring

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150001 1 sq. mm wire LM 25 23 575.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 8 69 552.00
150017 14mm x 24mm PVC Casing LM 10 74 740.00
150006 One gang sunk switch No. 1 147 147.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
150008 Plastic Round block No. 1 36 36.00
150009 Ceiling rose 3 terminal No. 1 126 126.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.25 1050 262.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.25 750 187.50
Material cost 2,239.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 9%
of material cost 201.51
Basic Rate 2,890.51

T011 Water tight lamp point wiring

150001 1 sq. mm wire LM 28 23 644.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 10 69 690.00
150017 14mm x 24mm PVC Casing LM 10 74 740.00
150006 One gang sunk switch No. 1 147 147.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.25 1050 262.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.25 750 187.50
Material cost 2,284.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 9%
of material cost 205.56
Basic Rate 2,939.56

T012 Indoor Bracket lamp point wiring

150001 1 sq. mm wire LM 25.00 23 575.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 10.00 69 690.00
150017 14mm x 24mm PVC Casing LM 10.00 74 740.00
150006 One gang sunk switch No. 1.00 147 147.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1.00 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.25 1050 262.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.25 750 187.50
material cost 2,215.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 9%
of material cost 199.35
Basic Rate 2,864.35

T013 Stair way Lamp point wiring controlled

by 2 No. two way switches.

150001 1 sq. mm wire LM 40 23 920.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 15 69 1,035.00
150017 14mm x 24mm PVC Casing LM 15 74 1,110.00
150010 One gang two way switch No. 2 262 524.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 2 63 126.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.35 1050 367.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.35 750 262.50
Material cost 3,715.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 9%
of material cost 334.35
Basic Rate 4,679.35

T014 Ceiling fan point wiring complete with

fan hook and sunk switch

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150001 1 sq. mm wire LM 25.00 23 575.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 8.00 69 552.00
150017 14mm x 24mm PVC Casing LM 10.00 74 740.00
150006 One gang sunk switch No. 1.00 147 147.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1.00 63 63.00
150011 Fan hook No. 1.00 210 210.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.25 1050 262.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.25 750 187.50
Material cost 2,287.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 9%
of material cost 205.83
Basic Rate 2,942.83

T015 5 AMP switch socket outlet

150001 1 sq. mm wire LM 25 23 575.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 10 69 690.00
150017 14mm x 24mm PVC Casing LM 10 74 740.00
150012 5 AMP switch socket outlet No. 1 472 472.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.25 1050 262.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.25 750 187.50
Material cost 2,540.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 6%
of material cost 152.40
Basic Rate 3,142.40

In PVC Casing
Wiring to be carried out with 2x2.5mm2
Cu/PVC/PVC + 2.5mm2 Cu/PVC earth cable
wired in PVC casing on wall, soffit and above
ceiling to be supplied and installed to working

T016 13 AMP switch socket outlet (Radial Circuit)

150154 2x2.5 sq. mm wire LM 10.00 151 1,510.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 10.00 69 690.00
150017 14mm x 24mm PVC Casing LM 10.00 74 740.00
150013 13 AMP switch socket outlet No. 1.00 504 504.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1.00 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.30 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.30 750 225.00
Material cost 3,507.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 6%
of material cost 210.42
Basic Rate 4,257.42

T017 15 AMP switch socket outlet

150154 2x2.5 sq. mm wire LM 12.50 151 1,887.50

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 12.00 69 828.00
150017 14mm x 24mm PVC Casing LM 12.00 74 888.00
150014 15 AMP switch socket outlet No. 1.00 567 567.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1.00 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.30 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.30 750 225.00

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Material cost 4,233.50

Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 6%
of material cost 254.01
Basic Rate 5,027.51

T018 15 AMP switch socket outlet c/w 20A DP

switch with Neon Indicator Lamp

150154 2C, 2.5 sq. mm wire LM 15.00 151 2,265.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 12.00 69 828.00
150017 14mm x 24mm PVC Casing LM 15.00 74 1,110.00
150014 15 AMP switch socket outlet No. 1.00 567 567.00
150016 20 AMP DP switch No. 1.00 1250 1,250.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 2.00 63 126.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.85 1050 892.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.85 750 637.50
Material cost 6,146.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.) 6%
of material cost 368.76
Basic Rate 8,044.76

Supply, Wiring and Installation of distribution

board in surface mount plastic enclosure with
the undermentioned switch gears to working

T019 2 way SP & N Distribution board

complete with 30AMP 2P MCB and 40AMP 2P
RCD(30 mA)

150020 30 AMP 2P MCB No. 1 1417 1,417.00

150021 40 AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 3045 3,045.00
150022 6A-32A 1P MCB No. 2 640 1,280.00
150118 Plastic enclosure No. 1 918 918.00
150024 Comb bus bar Way 2 52 104.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.5 1050 525.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.5 750 375.00
Material cost 6,764.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 67.64
Basic Rate 7,731.64

T020 4 way SP & N Distribution board

complete with 30AMP 2P MCB and 40AMP 2P
RCD(30 mA)

150020 30 AMP 2P MCB No. 1 1417 1,417.00

150021 40 AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 3045 3,045.00
150022 6A-32A 1P MCB No. 4 640 2,560.00
150118 Plastic enclosure No. 1 918 918.00
150024 Comb bus bar Way 4 52 208.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.5 1050 525.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.5 750 375.00
Material cost 8,148.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 81.48
Basic Rate 9,129.48

T021 6 way SP & N Distribution board

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complete with 30AMP 2P MCB and 40AMP 2P

RCD(30 mA)

150020 30 AMP 2P MCB No. 1 1417 1,417.00

150021 40 AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 3045 3,045.00
150022 6A-32A 1P MCB No. 6 640 3,840.00
150118 Plastic enclosure No. 1 918 918.00
150024 Comb bus bar Way 6 52 312.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.75 1050 787.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.75 750 562.50
Material cost 9,532.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 95.32
Basic Rate 10,977.32

T022 8 way SP & N Distribution board

complete with 30AMP 2P MCB and 40AMP 2P
RCD(30 mA)

150020 30 AMP 2P MCB No. 1 1417 1,417.00

150021 40 AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 3045 3,045.00
150022 6A-32A 1P MCB No. 8 640 5,120.00
150119 Plastic enclosure No. 1 1286 1,286.00
150024 Comb bus bar Way 8 52 416.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.75 1050 787.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.75 750 562.50
Material cost 11,284.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 112.84
Basic Rate 12,746.84

T023 10 way SP & N Distribution board

complete with 30AMP 2P MCB and 40AMP 2P
RCD(30 mA)

150020 30 AMP 2P MCB No. 1 1417 1,417.00

150021 40 AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 3045 3,045.00
150022 6A-32A 1P MCB No. 10 640 6,400.00
150120 Plastic enclosure No. 1 1418 1,418.00
150024 Comb bus bar Way 10 52 520.00
10005 Electrician Day 1 1050 1,050.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 1 750 750.00
Material cost 12,800.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 128.00
Basic Rate 14,728.00

T024 12 way SP & N Distribution board

complete with 30AMP 2P MCB and 40AMP 2P
RCD(30 mA)

150020 30 AMP 2P MCB No. 1 1417 1,417.00

150021 40 AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 3045 3,045.00
150022 6A-32A 1P MCB No. 12 640 7,680.00
150121 Plastic enclosure No. 1 1654 1,654.00
150024 Comb bus bar Way 12 52 624.00
10005 Electrician Day 1 1050 1,050.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 1 750 750.00
Material cost 14,420.00

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Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%

of material cost 144.20
Basic Rate 16,364.20

T025 2 way SP & N Distribution board

complete with 60AMP 2P MCB and 60AMP 2P
150025 60 AMP 2P MCB No. 1 1995 1,995.00
150026 60 AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 4725 4,725.00
150022 6A-32A 1P MCB No. 2 640 1,280.00
150118 Plastic enclosure No. 1 918 918.00
150024 Comb bus bar Way 2 52 104.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.5 1050 525.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.5 750 375.00
Material cost 9,022.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 90.22
Basic Rate 10,012.22

T026 4 way SP & N Distribution board

complete with 60AMP 2P MCB and 60AMP 2P

150025 60 AMP 2P MCB No. 1 1995 1,995.00

150026 60 AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 4725 4,725.00
150022 6A-32A 1P MCB No. 4 640 2,560.00
150118 Plastic enclosure No. 1 918 918.00
150024 Comb bus bar Way 4 52 208.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.5 1050 525.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.5 750 375.00
Material cost 10,406.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 104.06
Basic Rate 11,410.06

T027 6 way SP & N Distribution board

complete with 60AMP 2P MCB and 60AMP 2P

150025 60 AMP 2P MCB No. 1 1995 1,995.00

150026 60 AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 4725 4,725.00
150022 6A-32A 1P MCB No. 6 640 3,840.00
150119 Plastic enclosure No. 1 1286 1,286.00
150024 Comb bus bar Way 6 52 312.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.75 1050 787.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.75 750 562.50
Material cost 12,158.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 121.58
Basic Rate 13,629.58

T028 8 way SP & N Distribution board

complete with 60AMP 2P MCB and 60AMP 2P

150025 60 AMP 2P MCB No. 1 1995 1,995.00

150026 60 AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 4725 4,725.00
150022 6A-32A 1P MCB No. 8 640 5,120.00
150120 Plastic enclosure No. 1 1418 1,418.00

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150024 Comb bus bar Way 8 52 416.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.75 1050 787.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.75 750 562.50
Material cost 13,674.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 136.74
Basic Rate 15,160.74

T029 10 way SP & N Distribution board

complete with 60AMP 2P MCB and 60AMP 2P

150025 60 AMP 2P MCB No. 1 1995 1,995.00

150026 60 AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 4725 4,725.00
150022 6A-32A 1P MCB No. 10 640 6,400.00
150121 Plastic enclosure No. 1 1654 1,654.00
150024 Comb bus bar Way 10 52 520.00
10005 Electrician Day 1 1050 1,050.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 1 750 750.00
Material cost 15,294.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 152.94
Basic Rate 17,246.94

T030 12 way SP & N Distribution board

complete with 60AMP 2P MCB and 60AMP 2P

150025 60 AMP 2P MCB No. 1 1995 1,995.00

150026 60 AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 4725 4,725.00
150022 6A-32A 1P MCB No. 12 640 7,680.00
150121 Plastic enclosure No. 1 1654 1,654.00
150024 Comb bus bar Way 12 52 624.00
10005 Electrician Day 1 1050 1,050.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 1 750 750.00
Material cost 16,678.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 166.78
Basic Rate 18,644.78

T031 Suppling and Installation of 2 way TP &

N Distribution board complete with 60 A
4P MCB and 2 No. 32 A 3P MCB (10kA) in
surface mount plastic enclosure.

150027 60 AMP 4P MCB (10kA) No. 1 4410 4,410.00

150028 32 AMP 3P MCB (10kA) No. 2 2992 5,984.00
150029 3P comb bus bar No. 1 1995 1,995.00
150120 Plastic enclosure No. 1 1418 1,418.00
10005 Electrician Day 1 1050 1,050.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 1 750 750.00
Material cost 13,807.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 138.07
Basic Rate 15,745.07

T032 Suppling and Installation of 4 way TP &

N Distribution board complete with 60 A
4P MCCB and 4 No. 16 A 3P MCB type 3

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in surface mount metal enclosure.

150030 60 AMP 4P MCCB (25kA) No. 1 9608 9,608.00

150031 16 AMP 3P MCB (10kA) No. 4 2153 8,612.00
150029 3P comb bus bar No. 1 1995 1,995.00
150032 Metal enclosure with hinged door & finished with
powder coated 1 3675 3,675.00
10005 Electrician Day 1.5 1050 1,575.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 1.5 750 1,125.00
Material cost 23,890.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 238.90
Basic Rate 26,828.90

T033 Suppling and Installation of 2 way TP &

N Distribution board complete with 100 A
4P MCCB and 2 No. 30/60AMP 3P MCCB
in surface mount metal enclosure.

150033 100 AMP 4P MCCB (25kA) No. 1 13388 13,388.00

150034 30/60 AMP 3P MCB (25kA) No. 2 8400 16,800.00
150035 4P busbar with earth mounted on insulators Set 1 2900 2,900.00
150115 Metal enclosure with hinged door & finished with powder coated
No. 1 8100 8,100.00
10005 Electrician Day 1.5 1050 1,575.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 1.5 750 1,125.00
Material cost 41,188.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 411.88
Basic Rate 44,299.88

T034 Suppling and Installation of 4 way TP &

N Distribution board complete with 125 A
4P MCCB and 4 No. 30/60AMP 3P MCCB
in surface mount metal enclosure.

150036 125 AMP 4P MCCB (25kA) No. 1 11600 11,600.00

150034 30/60 AMP 3P MCB (25kA) No. 4 8400 33,600.00
150114 4P busbar with earth bar Set 1 3045 3,045.00
150116 Metal enclosure with hinged door & finished with powder coated
No. 1 12700 12,700.00
10005 Electrician Day 2 1050 2,100.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 2 750 1,500.00
Material cost 60,945.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 609.45
Basic Rate 65,154.45

T035 Suppling and Installation of 20-100AMP

4P MCCB in surface mount metal

150037 20-100 AMP 4P MCCB No. 1 10500 10,500.00

150038 Earth bar No. 1 280 280.00
150117 Metal enclosure with hinged door & finished with powder coated
No. 1 3900 3,900.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.5 1050 525.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.5 750 375.00
Material cost 14,680.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 146.80
Basic Rate 15,726.80

Page 10

T036 Suppling and Installation of 40AMP 2P

isolator complete with plastic enclosure.

150039 40AMP 2P Isolator No. 1 1240 1,240.00

150023 Plastic enclosure No. 1 367 367.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.3 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.3 750 225.00
Material cost 1,607.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 16.07
Basic Rate 2,163.07

T037 Suppling and Installation of 60AMP 2P

isolator complete with plastic enclosure.

150040 60AMP 2P Isolator No. 1 1640 1,640.00

150023 Plastic enclosure No. 1 367 367.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.3 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.3 750 225.00
Material cost 2,007.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 20.07
Basic Rate 2,567.07

T038 Suppling and Installation of 40AMP 4P

isolator complete with plastic enclosure.

150041 40AMP 4P Isolator No. 1 2740 2,740.00

150122 Plastic enclosure No. 1 550 550.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.5 1050 525.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.5 750 375.00
Material cost 3,290.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 32.90
Basic Rate 4,222.90

T039 Suppling and Installation of 60AMP 4P

isolator complete with plastic enclosure.

150042 60AMP 4P Isolator No. 1 3000 3,000.00

150122 Plastic enclosure No. 1 550 550.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.5 1050 525.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.5 750 375.00
Material cost 3,550.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 35.50
Basic Rate 4,485.50

T040 Suppling and Installation of 40AMP 2P

RCD (30mA) complete with plastic

150043 40AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 2470 2,470.00

150023 Plastic enclosure No. 1 367 367.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.3 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.3 750 225.00
Material cost 2,837.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%

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of material cost 28.37

Basic Rate 3,405.37

T041 Suppling and Installation of 60AMP 2P

RCD (30mA) complete with plastic

150026 60AMP 2P RCD (30mA) No. 1 4725 4,725.00

150023 Plastic enclosure No. 1 367 367.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.3 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.3 750 225.00
Material cost 5,092.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 50.92
Basic Rate 5,682.92

T042 Suppling and Installation of 40AMP 4P

RCD (30mA) complete with plastic

150044 40AMP 4P RCD (30mA) No. 1 6000 6,000.00

150122 Plastic enclosure No. 1 550 550.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.5 1050 525.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.5 750 375.00
Material cost 6,550.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 65.50
Basic Rate 7,515.50

T043 Suppling and Installation of 60AMP 4P

RCD (30mA) complete with plastic

150045 60AMP 4P RCD (30mA) No. 1 8000 8,000.00

150122 Plastic enclosure No. 1 550 550.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.5 1050 525.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.5 750 375.00
Material cost 8,550.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)1%
of material cost 85.50
Basic Rate 9,535.50

Cable shall be PVC/PVC/CU unless other

wise specified to be supplied and
installed in conduit to working order

T044 2x1 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable

150046 2x1 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable LM 1 116 116.00

150047 18 mm conduit pipe LM 1 31 31.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.01 1050 10.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.03 750 22.50
Material cost 147.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 11.03
Basic Rate 191.03

Page 12

T045 2x2.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable

150048 2x2.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable LM 1 227 227.00

150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 1 37 37.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.04 750 30.00
Material cost 264.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 19.80
Basic Rate 334.80

T046 2x4 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable

150049 2x4 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable LM 1 365 365.00

150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 1 37 37.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.04 750 30.00
Material cost 402.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 30.15
Basic Rate 483.15

T047 2x6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable

150050 2x6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable LM 1 530 530.00

150018 25 mm conduit pipe LM 1 42 42.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.03 1050 31.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.09 750 67.50
Material cost 572.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 42.90
Basic Rate 713.90

T048 2x10 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable

150051 2x10 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable LM 1 871 871.00

150018 25 mm conduit pipe LM 1 42 42.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.12 750 90.00
Material cost 913.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 68.48
Basic Rate 1,113.48

T049 2x16 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable

150052 2x16 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 1338 1,338.00

150019 30 mm conduit pipe LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.05 1050 52.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.14 750 105.00
Material cost 1,443.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 108.23
Basic Rate 1,708.73

T050 2x25 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable

150053 2x25 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 1987 1,987.00

150061 40 mm conduit pipe LM 1 155 155.00

Page 13

10005 Electrician Day 0.06 1050 63.00

10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.17 750 127.50
Material cost 2,142.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 160.65
Basic Rate 2,493.15

T051 4x2.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable

150054 4x2.5 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 386 386.00

150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 1 37 37.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.06 750 45.00
Material cost 423.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 31.73
Basic Rate 520.73

T052 4x4 sq. mm + 4 sq. mm E cable

150055 4x4 sq. mm + 4 sq. mm E cable LM 1 613 613.00

150018 25 mm conduit pipe LM 1 42 42.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.03 1050 31.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.07 750 52.50
Material cost 655.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 49.13
Basic Rate 788.13

T053 4x6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable

150056 4x6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable LM 1 888 888.00

150018 25 mm conduit pipe LM 1 42 42.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.11 750 82.50
Material cost 930.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 69.75
Basic Rate 1,124.25

T054 4x10 sq. mm +10 sq. mm E cable

150057 4x10 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable LM 1 1345 1,345.00

150019 30 mm conduit pipe LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.16 750 120.00
Material cost 1,450.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 108.75
Basic Rate 1,720.75

T055 4x16 sq. mm +16 sq. mm E cable

150058 4x16 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 2041 2,041.00

150061 40 mm conduit pipe LM 1 155 155.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.06 1050 63.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.17 750 127.50
Material cost 2,196.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%

Page 14

of material cost 54.90

Basic Rate 2,441.40

T056 4x25 sq. mm +16 sq. mm E cable

150059 4x25 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 3550 3,550.00

150062 50 mm conduit pipe LM 1 189 189.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.09 1050 94.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.23 750 172.50
Material cost 3,739.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 93.48
Basic Rate 4,099.48

T057 4x35 sq. mm +16 sq. mm E cable

150060 4x35 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 4466 4,466.00

150061 40 mm conduit pipe LM 2 155 310.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.14 1050 147.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.32 750 240.00
Material cost 4,776.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 119.40
Basic Rate 5,282.40

Unarmoured Cabling
Cable shall be Cu/PVC/PVC OR
Cu/XLPE/Cu supplied and installed in
conduit or presure pipe (type 1000) to
working order.
T058 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 1.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable

150141 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 1.5 sq. mm LM 1 310 310.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm E cable LM 1 69 69.00
150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 1 37 37.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.01 1050 10.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.03 750 22.50
Material cost 416.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 31.20
Basic Rate 480.20

T059 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 2.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable

150142 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 2.5 sq. mm LM 1 420 420.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm E cable LM 1 69 69.00
150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 1 37 37.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.04 750 30.00
Material cost 526.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 39.45
Basic Rate 616.45

T060 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 4 sq. mm + 4 sq. mm E cable

150143 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 4 sq. mm LM 1 840 840.00

150189 4 sq. mm E cable LM 1 118 118.00
150003 25 mm conduit pipe LM 1 37 37.00

Page 15

10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00

10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.04 750 30.00
Material cost 995.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 74.63
Basic Rate 1,120.63

T061 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable

150144 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 6 sq. mm LM 1 1050 1,050.00

150139 6 sq. mm E cable LM 1 170 170.00
150003 25 mm conduit pipe LM 1 37 37.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.03 1050 31.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.09 750 67.50
Material cost 1,257.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 94.28
Basic Rate 1,450.28

T062 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 10 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable

150145 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 10 sq. mm LM 1 1310 1,310.00

150140 10 sq. mm E cable LM 1 266 266.00
150019 30 mm conduit pipe LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.12 750 90.00
Material cost 1,681.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 126.08
Basic Rate 1,939.08

T063 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 16 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable

150190 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 16 sq. mm LM 1 1964 1,964.00

150191 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 433 433.00
150019 30 mm conduit pipe LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.05 1050 52.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.14 750 105.00
Material cost 2,502.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 187.65
Basic Rate 2,847.15

T064 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 25 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable

150192 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 25 sq. mm LM 1 2888 2,888.00

150191 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 433 433.00
150019 30 mm conduit pipe LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.06 1050 63.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.17 750 127.50
Material cost 3,426.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 256.95
Basic Rate 3,873.45

T065 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 10 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable

150193 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 10 sq. mm LM 1 2310 2,310.00

150194 10 sq. mm E cable LM 1 280 280.00

Page 16

150062 50 mm conduit pipe LM 1 189 189.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.16 750 120.00
Material cost 2,779.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 208.43
Basic Rate 3,149.43

T066 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 16 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable

150195 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 16 sq. mm LM 1 3045 3,045.00

150191 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 433 433.00
150062 50 mm conduit pipe LM 1 189 189.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.06 1050 63.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.17 750 127.50
Material cost 3,667.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 275.03
Basic Rate 4,132.53

T067 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 25 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable

150196 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 25 sq. mm LM 1 3150 3,150.00

150191 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 433 433.00
150062 50 mm conduit pipe LM 1 189 189.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.09 1050 94.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.23 750 172.50
Material cost 3,772.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 282.90
Basic Rate 4,321.90

T068 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 35 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable

150197 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 35 sq. mm LM 1 4830 4,830.00

150191 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 433 433.00
150019 30 mm conduit pipe LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.12 1050 126.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.3 750 225.00
Material cost 5,368.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 402.60
Basic Rate 6,121.60

T069 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 50 sq. mm + 25 sq. mm E cable

150198 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 50 sq. mm LM 1 6615 6,615.00

150151 25 sq. mm E cable LM 1 656 656.00
150062 50 mm conduit pipe LM 1 189 189.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.15 1050 157.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.35 750 262.50
Material cost 7,460.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 559.50
Basic Rate 8,439.50

T070 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 70 sq. mm + 35 sq. mm E cable

150199 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 70 sq. mm LM 1 8978 8,978.00

Page 17

150152 35 sq. mm E cable LM 1 904 904.00

80006 63 mm presure pipe (type 1000) LM 1 703 703.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.18 1050 189.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.4 750 300.00
Material cost 10,585.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 793.88
Basic Rate 11,867.88

Armoured Cabling
Cable shall be Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC (BS
5467 : 1997 600/1000V) supplied and
installed in cable tile with necessary
accessories & materials to working order.

4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 25 sq. mm

T071 150158 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 25 sq. mm LM 1 3990 3,990.00

150165 Cable tile LM 1 735 735.00
150166 Warning tape LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.09 1050 94.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.18 750 135.00
Material cost 4,830.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 434.70
Basic Rate 5,494.20

T072 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 35 sq. mm

150159 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 35 sq. mm LM 1 4830 4,830.00

150165 Cable tile LM 1 735 735.00
150166 Warning tape LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.12 1050 126.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.24 750 180.00
Material cost 5,670.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 510.30
Basic Rate 6,486.30

T073 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 50 sq. mm

150160 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 50 sq. mm LM 1 6615 6,615.00

150165 Cable tile LM 1 735 735.00
150166 Warning tape LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.15 1050 157.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.3 750 225.00
Material cost 7,455.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 670.95
Basic Rate 8,508.45

T074 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 70 sq. mm

150161 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 70 sq. mm LM 1 8978 8,978.00

150165 Cable tile LM 1 735 735.00
150166 Warning tape LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.18 1050 189.00

Page 18

10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.35 750 262.50

Material cost 9,818.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 883.62
Basic Rate 11,153.12

T075 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 95 sq. mm

150162 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 95 sq. mm LM 1 12390 12,390.00

150165 Cable tile LM 1 735 735.00
150166 Warning tape LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.2 1050 210.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.4 750 300.00
Material cost 13,230.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 1,190.70
Basic Rate 14,930.70

T076 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 120 sq. mm

150163 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 120 sq. mm LM 1 15068 15,068.00

150165 Cable tile LM 1 735 735.00
150166 Warning tape LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.25 1050 262.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.5 750 375.00
Material cost 15,908.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 1,431.72
Basic Rate 17,977.22

T077 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 150 sq. mm

150164 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 150 sq. mm LM 1 18848 18,848.00

150165 Cable tile LM 1 735 735.00
150166 Warning tape LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.3 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.5 750 375.00
Material cost 19,688.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 1,771.92
Basic Rate 22,149.92

In PVC Casing

T078 2x1 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable

150046 2x1 sq. mm + 2.5sq. mm E cable LM 1 116 116.00

150063 10mm x 20mm PVC Casing LM 1 52 52.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.02 750 15.00
Material cost 168.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 12.60
Basic Rate 216.60

T079 2x2.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable

150048 2x2.5 sq. mm + 2.5sq. mm E cable LM 1 227 227.00

Page 19

150063 10mm x 20mm PVC Casing LM 1 52 52.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.03 750 22.50
Material cost 279.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 20.93
Basic Rate 343.43

T080 2x4 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable

150049 2x4 sq. mm + 2.5sq. mm E cable LM 1 365 365.00

150017 14mm x 24mm PVC Casing LM 1 74 74.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.05 750 37.50
Material cost 439.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 32.93
Basic Rate 551.43

T081 2x6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable

150050 2x6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable LM 1 530 530.00

150064 16mm x 40mm PVC Casing LM 1 94 94.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.05 750 37.50
Material cost 624.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 46.80
Basic Rate 750.30

T082 2x10 sq. mm +10 sq. mm E cable

150051 2x10 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable LM 1 871 871.00

150064 16mm x 40mm PVC Casing LM 1 94 94.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.05 750 37.50
Material cost 965.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 72.38
Basic Rate 1,116.88

T083 2x16 sq. mm +16 sq. mm E cable

150052 2x16 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable LM 1 1338 1,338.00

150065 25mm x 40mm PVC Casing LM 1 131 131.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.05 1050 52.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.06 750 45.00
Material cost 1,469.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 110.18
Basic Rate 1,676.68

T084 2x25 sq. mm +16 sq. mm E cable

150053 2x25 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 1987 1,987.00

150067 50 mm x 50mm PVC Box Casing LM 1 344 344.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.11 1050 115.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.14 750 105.00
Material cost 2,331.00

Page 20

Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%

of material cost 174.83
Basic Rate 2,726.33

T085 4x2.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable

150054 4x2.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable LM 1 386 386.00

150017 14mm x 24mm PVC Casing LM 1 74 74.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.05 1050 52.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.05 750 37.50
Material cost 460.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 34.50
Basic Rate 584.50

T086 4x4 sq. mm + 4 sq. mm E cable

150055 4x4 sq. mm + 4 sq. mm E cable LM 1 613 613.00

150064 16mm x 40mm PVC Casing LM 1 94 94.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.06 1050 63.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.07 750 52.50
Material cost 707.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 53.03
Basic Rate 875.53
T087 4x6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable

150056 4x6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable LM 1 888 888.00

150065 25mm x 40mm PVC Casing LM 1 131 131.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.1 1050 105.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.12 750 90.00
Material cost 1,019.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 76.43
Basic Rate 1,290.43

T088 4x10 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable

150057 4x10 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable LM 1 1345 1,345.00

150067 50mm x 50mm PVC Box Casing LM 1 344 344.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.1 1050 105.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.13 750 97.50
Material cost 1,689.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 126.68
Basic Rate 2,018.18

T089 4x16 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable

150058 4x16 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 2041 2,041.00

150067 50mm x 50mm PVC Box Casing LM 1 344 344.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.15 1050 157.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.2 750 150.00
Material cost 2,385.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 59.63
Basic Rate 2,752.13

T090 4x25 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable

Page 21

150059 4x25 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 3550 3,550.00

150068 75mm x 50mm PVC Box Casing LM 1 363 363.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.15 1050 157.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.2 750 150.00
Material cost 3,913.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 97.83
Basic Rate 4,318.33

T091 4x35 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable

150060 4x35 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable LM 1 4466 4,466.00

150069 100mm x 50mm PVC Box Casing LM 1 434 434.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.19 1050 199.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.24 750 180.00
Material cost 4,900.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 122.50
Basic Rate 5,402.00

T092 Supplying and Installation of earth

Electrode 50 mm dia. Of 2 LM to working
order complete with forming of a gulley
around the pipe

150070 50 mm dia. Heavy guage G.I. Pipe of 2 LM No. 1 3150 3,150.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.3 1050 315.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 1 750 750.00
Material cost 3,465.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)8%
of material cost 277.20
Basic Rate 4,807.20

Supplying and Installation of Luminaire

and fixtures complete with all fixing
accessories, G.I. Chains cup hook, 2/3
core cable, conector suspension holder
etc. to working order.

T093 Pendent Lamp C/W 250 mm dia. Conical

plastic shade and 15 W CFL Bulb
(4 star rating)

150071 250 mm dia. Plastic conical shade No. 1 131 131.00

150072 15 W CFL bulb No. 1 437 437.00
150073 B.C. Suspension holder No. 1 105 105.00
150074 0.5 mm2 core flexible cable LM 0.5 58 29.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.05 1050 52.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.1 750 75.00
Material cost 754.50
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 18.86
Basic Rate 900.86

T094 Pendent Lamp C/W 200 mm dia. Glass

globe and 15 W CFL bulb (4 star rating)

150075 200 mm dia. Glass globe No. 1 656 656.00

Page 22

150072 15 W CFL bulb No. 1 437 437.00

150073 B.C. Suspension holder No. 1 105 105.00
150074 0.5 mm2 core flexible cable LM 0.5 58 29.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.05 1050 52.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.1 750 75.00
Material cost 1,227.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 30.68
Basic Rate 1,385.18

T095 Indoor Bracket lamp C/W ornament shade

and 15 W CFL bulb(4 star rating)

150076 Bracket lamp No. 1 1780 1,780.00

150072 11 W CFL bulb No. 1 437 437.00
150078 5A wire connector Pair 1 9 9.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.06 1050 63.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.13 750 97.50
Material cost 2,226.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 55.65
Basic Rate 2,442.15

T096 Water tight Bracket lamp C/W Clear glass

ornament shade and 15W CFL bulb
(4 star rating)

150077 Water tight Bracket lamp No. 1 2074 2,074.00

150079 15W CFL bulb No. 1 436 436.00
150078 5A wire connector Pair 1 9 9.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.07 1050 73.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.14 750 105.00
Material cost 2,519.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 1.84
Basic Rate 2,699.34

T097 Recessed fluorescent lamp fitting

1200mm X 600mm complete with polished
Aluminium double parabolic louver,
electronic ballast and 2X36W bulb

150080 Recessed fluorescent lamp fiting c/w all (2 X 36W

bulb) No.
1 7151 7,151.00
150078 5A wire connector Pair 1 9 9.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.12 1050 126.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.24 750 180.00
Material cost 7,160.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 179.00
Basic Rate 7,645.00

T098 Recessed fluorescent lamp fitting

1200mm X 600mm complete with polished
Aluminium double parabolic louver,
electronic ballast and 3X36W bulb

150081 Recessed fluorescent lamp fiting c/w all (3 X 36W

bulb) No.
1 8935 8,935.00
150078 5A wire connector Pair 1 9 9.00

Page 23

10005 Electrician Day 0.12 1050 126.00

10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.24 750 180.00
Material cost 8,944.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 223.60
Basic Rate 9,473.60

T099 Recessed fluorescent lamp fitting

600mm X 600mm complete with polished
Aluminium double parabolic louver,
electronic ballast and 4 X 18W bulb

150082 Recessed fluorescent lamp fiting c/w all (4X18W

bulb) 1 7938 7,938.00
150078 5A wire connector Pair 1 9 9.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.12 1050 126.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.24 750 180.00
Material cost 7,947.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 198.68
Basic Rate 8,451.68

T100 Recessed fluorescent lamp fitting

600mm X 600mm complete with polished
Aluminium double parabolic louver,
electronic ballast and 3 X18W bulb

150083 Recessed fluorescent lamp fiting c/w all (3 X 18W

bulb) 1 7193 7,193.00
150078 5A wire connector Pair 1 9 9.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.12 1050 126.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.24 750 180.00
Material cost 7,202.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 180.05
Basic Rate 7,688.05

T101 Fluorescent lamp fitting 1200mm single

batten type with 1 X 36W bulb

150084 Fluorescent lamp fitting c/w all accessories single

batten type with 1 X 36W bulb No.
1 2205 2,205.00
150078 5A wire connector Pair 1 9 9.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.19 750 142.50
Material cost 2,214.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 55.35
Basic Rate 2,495.85

T102 Fluorescent lamp fitting 1200mm single

totally encased suspension type with
1 X 36W bulb

150085 Fluorescent lamp fitting c/w all accessories as

specified 1 3334 3,334.00
150090 G.I. Chain LM 1.5 22 33.00
150091 0.5 mm 3 core flexible LM 1 73 73.00
150078 5A wire connector Pair 1 9 9.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00

Page 24

10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.19 750 142.50

Material cost 3,449.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 86.23
Basic Rate 3,761.73

T103 Fluorescent lamp fitting 600mm single

totally encased suspension type with
1 X18W bulb

150086 Fluorescent lamp fitting c/w all accessories as

specified 1 1900 1,900.00
150090 G.I. Chain LM 1.5 22 33.00
150091 0.5 mm 3 core flexible LM 1 73 73.00
150078 5A wire connector Pair 1 9 9.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.19 750 142.50
Material cost 2,015.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 44.33
Basic Rate 2,285.83

T104 Fluorescent lamp fitting 1200mm single

complete with prismatic diffuser and
1 X 36W bulb suspension type

150087 Fluorescent lamp fitting c/w all accessories as

specified 1 3171 3,171.00
150090 G.I. Chain LM 1.5 22 33.00
150091 0.5 mm 3 core flexible LM 1 73 73.00
150078 5A wire connector Pair 1 9 9.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.19 750 142.50
Material cost 3,286.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 82.15
Basic Rate 3,594.65

T105 Fluorescent lamp fitting 600mm single

complete with prismatic diffuser and
1 X 18W bulb suspension type

150088 Fluorescent lamp fitting c/w all accessories as

specified 1 1176 1,176.00
150090 G.I. Chain LM 1.5 22 33.00
150078 5A wire connector Pair 1 9 9.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.19 750 142.50
Material cost 1,218.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 30.45
Basic Rate 1,474.95

T106 Fluorescent lamp fitting 1200mm twin

complete with prismatic diffuser and
2 X 36W bulb suspension type

150089 Fluorescent lamp fitting c/w all accessories as

specified 1 4877 4,877.00

Page 25

150090 G.I. Chain LM 1.5 22 33.00

150078 5A wire connector Pair 1 9 9.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.19 750 142.50
Material cost 4,919.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 122.98
Basic Rate 5,268.48

T107 Fluorescent lamp fitting 600mm single

industrial type c/w 1X18W bulb
(suspension type)

Rate same as at item T021/12 3,594.65

T108 Fluorescent lamp fitting 1200mm twin

industrial type c/w 2X36W bulb
(suspension type)
Rate same as at item T021/14 5,268.48

T109 Fluorescent lamp fitting 600mm single

industrial type c/w 1X18W bulb
(suspension type)

Rate same as at item T021/13 1,474.95

T110 Recessed Down light complete with

150mm dia. Polished Aluminium
reflector and 20W CFL bulb

150092 Down light fitting No. 1 1150 1,150.00

150095 20W CFL bulb No. 1 509 509.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.19 750 142.50
Material cost 1,659.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 41.48
Basic Rate 1,926.98

T111 Ceiling lamp fiting c/w 200mm dia. Half

spherical glass globe and 18W CFL bulb.

150093 Ceiling lamp fiting No. 1 1418 1,418.00

150096 18W CFL bulb No. 1 437 437.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.19 750 142.50
Material cost 1,855.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 46.38
Basic Rate 2,127.88

T112 Bulk head lamp water tight C/W CFL

bulb (4 star rated)

150094 Bulk head lamp fitting (Polycarbenate) No. 1 1418 1,418.00

150096 18W CFL bulb No. 1 437 437.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.12 1050 126.00

Page 26

10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.24 750 180.00

Material cost 1,855.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 46.38
Basic Rate 2,207.38

Switch socket outlet 5AMP/13Amp/15AMP

to be supplied and installed complete
with screws etc. to working order.
( Excluding wires &conduits )

T113 5 AMP switch socket outlet

150012 5 AMP switch socket outlet No. 1 472 472.00

150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.15 1050 157.50
Material cost 535.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)6%
of material cost 32.10
Basic Rate 724.60

T114 13 AMP switch socket outlet

150013 13 AMP switch socket outlet No. 1 504 504.00

150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.15 1050 157.50
Material cost 567.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)6%
of material cost 34.02
Basic Rate 758.52

T115 15 AMP switch socket outlet

150014 15 AMP switch socket outlet No. 1 567 567.00

150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.15 1050 157.50
Material cost 630.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)6%
of material cost 37.80
Basic Rate 825.30

Replacing sunk switch complete with

plastic sunk box to be supplied and
installed to working order

T116 Replacing 1 gang sunk switch

150006 1 gang sunk switch No. 1 147 147.00

150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.06 1050 63.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.06 750 45.00
Material cost 210.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 18.90
Basic Rate 336.90

T117 Replacing 2 gang sunk switch

150097 2 gang sunk switch No. 1 262 262.00

Page 27

150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.06 1050 63.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.06 750 45.00
Material cost 325.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 29.25
Basic Rate 462.25

T118 Replacing 3 gang sunk switch

150098 3 gang sunk switch No. 1 357 357.00

150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.08 750 60.00
Material cost 420.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 37.80
Basic Rate 601.80

T119 Replacing 4 gang sunk switch

150099 4 gang sunk switch No. 1 472 472.00

150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.14 1050 147.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.14 750 105.00
Material cost 535.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 48.15
Basic Rate 835.15

T120 Replacing 5 gang sunk switch

150100 5 gang sunk switch No. 1 550 550.00

150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.17 1050 178.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.17 750 127.50
Material cost 613.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 55.17
Basic Rate 974.17

T121 Replacing fan regulator dimmer type

150101 Fan regulator dimmer type No. 1 718 718.00

150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.09 1050 94.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.09 750 67.50
Material cost 781.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 70.29
Basic Rate 1,013.29

T122 Replacing Ceiling fan regulator

150102 Fan regulator No. 1 820 820.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.14 1050 147.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.14 750 105.00
Material cost 820.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%

Page 28

of material cost 73.80

Basic Rate 1,145.80

T123 Replacing 20 AMP DP switch with Neon

150016 20 AMP DP switch No. 1 1250 1,250.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.24 1050 252.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.24 750 180.00
Material cost 1,313.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 118.17
Basic Rate 1,863.17

T124 Replacing sunk Bell push

150103 Bell Push No. 1 330 330.00
150007 Plastic sunk box No. 1 63 63.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.05 1050 52.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.05 750 37.50
Material cost 393.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 35.37
Basic Rate 518.37

T125 Replacing Cell Bell Ding Dong type

excluding wires

150104 Call Bell No. 1 470 470.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.14 1050 147.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.14 750 105.00
Material cost 470.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 42.30
Basic Rate 764.30

T126 Supply & Installation of Ceiling fan

1400mm dia. Complete with 3 speed
regulator (Excluding wiring)

150105 Ceiling fan 1400mm complete with regulator No. 1 8000 8,000.00
150091 0.5 mm2 3 core flexible LM 1 73 73.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.28 1050 294.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.28 750 210.00
Material cost 8,073.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 201.83
Basic Rate 8,778.83

T127 Supply & Installation of 200mm dia.

Exhaust fan with Auto shutter (K.D.K or
equvalent)(Excluding wiring)

150106 Exhaust fan 200mm dia. No. 1 5000 5,000.00

Allow 3% of material cost for civil work 150.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.57 1050 598.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.57 750 427.50
Material cost 5,000.00
Basic Rate 6,176.00

Page 29

T128 Supply & Installation of 250mm dia.

Exhaust fan with Auto shutter (K.D.K or
equvalent)(Excluding wiring)

150135 Exhaust fan 250mm dia. No. 1 5600 5,600.00

Allow 3% of material cost for civil work 168.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.57 1050 598.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.57 750 427.50
Material cost 5,600.00
Basic Rate 6,794.00

T129 Supply & Installation of 300mm dia.

Exhaust fan with Auto shutter (K.D.K or
equvalent)(Excluding wiring)

150136 Exhaust fan 300mm dia. No. 1 6300 6,300.00

Allow 3% of material cost for civil work 189.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.57 1050 598.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.57 750 427.50
Material cost 6,300.00
Basic Rate 7,515.00

T130 Supply & Installation of 450mm dia.

Exhaust fan with Auto shutter (K.D.K or
equvalent)(Excluding wiring)

150137 Exhaust fan 450mm dia. No. 1 7350 7,350.00

Allow 3% of material cost for civil work 220.50
10005 Electrician Day 0.57 1050 598.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.57 750 427.50
Material cost 7,350.00
Basic Rate 8,596.50

T131 Supply & Installation of wall fan

450mm dia. Complete with 3 speed
regulator (Excluding wiring)

150128 Wall fan 1400mm complete with regulator No. 1 8700 8,700.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.28 1050 294.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.28 750 210.00
Material cost 8,700.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 217.50
Basic Rate 9,421.50

Supply & Installation of fluorescent lamp

componants to working order
T132 20W/40W Choker

150107 20W/40W Choke No. 1 400 400.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.07 750 52.50
Material cost 400.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 10.00
Basic Rate 546.50

Page 30

T133 20W/40W startor

150108 20W/40W startor No. 1 69 69.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.05 1050 52.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.05 750 37.50
Material cost 69.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 1.73
Basic Rate 160.73

T134 Capacitor 2.5-3.5MF

150109 Capacitor 2.5-3.5MF No. 1 237 237.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.08 750 60.00
Material cost 237.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)2.5%
of material cost 5.93
Basic Rate 386.93

T135 Fluorescent bulb 36W

150110 Fluorescent bulb 36W No. 1 131 131.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.04 750 30.00

Basic Rate 203.00

Supplying & installation of conduit pipe

clipped in surface

T136 18mm conduit pipe

150047 18mm conduit pipe LM 1 31 31.00

150111 Saddle clip No. 2 10 20.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.01 1050 10.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.02 750 15.00
Material cost 51.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 4.59
Basic Rate 81.09

T137 20mm conduit pipe

150003 20mm conduit pipe LM 1 37 37.00

150123 Saddle clip No. 2 11 22.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.01 1050 10.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.02 750 15.00
Material cost 59.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 5.31
Basic Rate 89.81
T138 25mm conduit pipe

150018 25mm conduit pipe LM 1 42 42.00

150124 Saddle clip No. 2 11 22.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.01 1050 10.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.02 750 15.00
Material cost 64.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%

Page 31

of material cost 5.76

Basic Rate 95.26

T139 30mm conduit pipe

150019 30mm conduit pipe LM 1 105 105.00

150125 Saddle clip No. 2 11 22.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.01 1050 10.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.02 750 15.00
Material cost 127.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 11.43
Basic Rate 163.93

T140 40mm conduit pipe

150061 40mm conduit pipe LM 1 155 155.00

150126 Saddle clip No. 2 12 24.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.01 1050 10.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.02 750 15.00
Material cost 179.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 16.11
Basic Rate 220.61

T141 50mm conduit pipe

150062 50mm conduit pipe LM 1 189 189.00

150127 Saddle clip No. 2 18 36.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.03 750 22.50
Material cost 225.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 20.25
Basic Rate 288.75

Supplying and Installation of PVC casing

T142 10mmx20mm PVC Casing

150063 10mmx20mm PVC Casing LM 1 52 52.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.01 1050 10.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.02 750 15.00
Material cost 52.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 4.68
Basic Rate 82.18

T143 14mmx24mm PVC Casing

150112 14mmx24mm PVC Casing LM 1 33 33.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.01 1050 10.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.03 750 22.50
Material cost 33.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 2.97
Basic Rate 68.97

T144 16mmx40mm PVC Casing

150064 16mmx40mm PVC Casing LM 1 94 94.00

Page 32

10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00

10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.03 750 22.50
Material cost 94.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 8.46
Basic Rate 145.96

T145 25mmx40mm PVC Casing

150065 22mmx40mm PVC Casing LM 1 131 131.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.04 750 30.00
Material cost 131.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 11.79
Basic Rate 193.79

T146 50mmx25mm PVC Casing

150066 50mmx25mm PVC Casing LM 1 183 183.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.05 750 37.50
Material cost 183.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 16.47
Basic Rate 257.97

T147 50mmX50mm PVC Box Casing

150067 50mmX50mm PVC Box Casing LM 1 344 344.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.03 1050 31.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.07 750 52.50
Material cost 344.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 30.96
Basic Rate 458.96

T148 50mmX75mm PVC Box Casing

150068 50mmX75mm PVC Box Casing LM 1 363 363.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.08 750 60.00
Material cost 363.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 32.67
Basic Rate 497.67

T149 100mmX50mm PVC Box Casing

150069 100mmX50mm PVC Box Casing LM 1 434 434.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.05 1050 52.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.12 750 90.00
Material cost 434.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 39.06
Basic Rate 615.56

T150 100mmx27mm PVC Box Casing

Page 33

150068 100mmx27mm PVC Box Casing LM 1 363 363.00

10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.1 750 75.00
Material cost 363.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)9%
of material cost 32.67
Basic Rate 512.67

Supply and Installation of Main cables

T151 150180 2x1 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable LM 2 24 48.00

150047 18 mm conduit pipe LM 1 31 31.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.01 1050 10.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.03 750 22.50
Material cost 79.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 3.95
Basic Rate 115.95

T152 150181 2x2.5 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable LM 2 70 140.00

150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 1 37 37.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.04 750 30.00
Material cost 177.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 8.85
Basic Rate 236.85

T153 150182 2x4 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable LM 2 123 246.00

150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 1 37 37.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.04 750 30.00
Material cost 283.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 14.15
Basic Rate 348.15

T154 150183 2x6 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable LM 2 179 358.00

150018 25mm conduit pipe LM 1 42 42.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.03 1050 31.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.09 750 67.50
Material cost 400.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 20.00
Basic Rate 519.00

T155 150184 2x10 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable LM 2 296 592.00

150018 25mm conduit pipe LM 1 42 42.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.12 750 90.00
Material cost 634.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 31.70
Basic Rate 797.70

T156 150185 2x16 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable LM 2 451 902.00

150019 30 mm conduit pipe LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.05 1050 52.50

Page 34

10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.14 750 105.00

Material cost 1,007.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 50.35
Basic Rate 1,214.85

T157 150186 2 x 25sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable LM 2 725 1,450.00

150061 40mm conduit pipe LM 1 155 155.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.06 1050 63.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.17 750 127.50
Material cost 1,605.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 80.25
Basic Rate 1,875.75

T158 150187 2 x 35sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable LM 2 1008 2,016.00

150061 40mm conduit pipe LM 1 155 155.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.2 750 150.00
Material cost 2,171.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 108.55
Basic Rate 2,513.55

Earth Wires
T159 2.5 sq. mm Earth Wire

150002 2.5 sq. mm earth wire LM 1 69 69.00

150047 18mm conduit pipe LM 1 31 31.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.01 1050 10.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.01 750 7.50
Material cost 100.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 5.00
Basic Rate 123.00

T160 4 sq. mm Earth Wire

150189 4 sq. mm earth wire LM 1 118 118.00

150047 18 mm conduit pipe LM 1 31 31.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.02 1050 21.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.02 750 15.00
Material cost 149.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 7.45
Basic Rate 192.45

T161 6 sq. mm Earth Wire

150139 6 sq. mm earth wire LM 1 170 170.00

150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 1 37 37.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.03 1050 31.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.03 750 22.50
Material cost 207.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 10.35
Basic Rate 271.35

Page 35

T162 10 sq. mm Earth Wire

150140 10 sq. mm earth wire LM 1 266 266.00

150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 1 37 37.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.04 1050 42.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.04 750 30.00
Material cost 303.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 15.15
Basic Rate 390.15

T163 16 sq. mm Earth Wire

150150 16 sq. mm earth wire LM 1 413 413.00

150018 25 mm conduit pipe LM 1 42 42.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.05 1050 52.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.05 750 37.50
Material cost 455.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 22.75
Basic Rate 567.75

T164 25 sq. mm Earth Wire

150151 25 sq. mm earth wire LM 1 656 656.00

150019 30 mm conduit pipe LM 1 105 105.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.06 1050 63.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.06 750 45.00
Material cost 761.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 38.05
Basic Rate 907.05

T165 35 sq. mm Earth Wire

150152 35 sq. mm earth wire LM 1 904 904.00

150061 40 mm conduit pipe LM 1 155 155.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.07 1050 73.50
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.07 750 52.50
Material cost 1,059.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 52.95
Basic Rate 1,237.95

T166 50 sq. mm Earth Wire

150202 50 sq. mm earth wire LM 1 1275 1,275.00

150062 50 mm conduit pipe LM 1 189 189.00
10005 Electrician Day 0.08 1050 84.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 0.08 750 60.00
Material cost 1,464.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)5%
of material cost 73.20
Basic Rate 1,681.20


150155 5.5kW DOL starter single phase item 1 8870 8,870.00

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150154 2C, 2.5 sq. mm wire LM 25 151 3,775.00

150002 2.5 sq. mm E cable LM 10 69 690.00
150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 10 37 370.00
150004 20 mm conduit bend No. 2 21 42.00
10005 Electrician Day 1 1050 1,050.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 1 750 750.00
Material cost 13,747.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 1,031.03
Basic Rate 16,278.03


150156 5.5kW DOL starter three phase item 1 8870 8,870.00

150157 4 x 2.5 Cu/PVC/PVC cable LM 25 367 9,175.00
150002 2.5 sq. mm E cable LM 10 69 690.00
150003 20 mm conduit pipe LM 10 37 370.00
150004 20 mm conduit bend No. 2 21 42.00
10005 Electrician Day 1 1050 1,050.00
10035 Unskilled labour Day 1 750 750.00
Material cost 19,147.00
Sundries(viz. Screws cement sand etc.)7.5%
of material cost 1,436.03
Basic Rate 22,083.03

The End

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