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Reductionsm: The Philosophy of Science

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Paul Churchland and Clifford Hooker (eds.), Images of ——— (ed.) (1997b), ‘‘The Underdetermination of Total
Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Theories,’’ Erkenntnis 47: 203–215.
Earman, John (1993), ‘‘Underdetermination, Realism and Leplin, Jarrett, and Larry Laudan (1993), ‘‘Determination
Reason,’’ Midwest Studies in Philosophy 18: 19–38. Underdeterred,’’ Analysis 53: 8–15.
Fine, Arthur (1984), ‘‘The Natural Ontological Attitude,’’ Levin, Michael (1984), ‘‘What Kind of Explanation Is
in J. Leplin (ed.), Scientific Realism. Berkeley and Los Truth?’’ in J. Leplin (ed.), Scientific Realism. Berkeley
Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 83–108. and LA: University of California Press, 124–140.
Giere, Ron (1983), ‘‘Testing Theoretical Hypotheses,’’ in Maxwell, Grover (1962), ‘‘The Ontological Status of The-
John Earman (ed.), Testing Scientific Theories: Minne- oretical Entities,’’ in Herbert Feigl and Grover Max-
sota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 10. Min- well (eds.), Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of
neapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Science, Volume III: Scientific Explanation, Space and
Hacking, Ian (1983), Representing and Intervening: Intro- Time. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
ductory Topics in the Philosophy of Science. Cambridge: 3–27.
Cambridge University Press. Psillos, Stathis (1999), Scientific Realism: How Science
Hempel, Carl (1965), Aspects of Scientific Explanation. New Tracks Truth. New York: Routledge.
York: Free Press. Putnam, Hilary (1978), Meaning and the Moral Sciences.
Kitcher, Philip (1993), The Advancement of Science. New London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, lecture II.
York: Oxford University Press. Shapere, Dudley (1982), ‘‘The Concept of Observation in
Kripke, Saul (1980), Naming and Necessity. Oxford: Black- Science,’’ Philosophy of Science 49: 485–525.
well. Scerri, Eric (2001), ‘‘The Recently Claimed Observation of
Kuhn, Thomas (1962), The Structure of Scientific Revolu- Atomic Orbitals and Some Related Philosophical
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Kukla, André (1998), Studies in Scientific Realism. New (eds.), PSA00, Part I, Contributed Papers. East Lansing,
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Lakatos, Imre (1970), ‘‘Falsification and the Methodology Stanford, Kyle (2001), ‘‘Refusing the Devil’s Bargain: What
of Scientific Research Programs,’’ in Imre Lakatos and Kind of Underdetermination Should We Take Serious-
Alan Musgrave (eds.), Criticism and the Growth of Knowl- ly?’’ in Jeffrey Barrett and J. McKenzie Alexander (eds.),
edge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 91–196. PSA00, Part I, Contributed Papers. East Lansing, MI:
Laudan, Larry (1981), ‘‘A Confutation of Convergent Re- Philosophy of Science Association, 76–89.
alism,’’ Philosophy of Science 48: 19–49. van Fraassen, Bas C (1980), The Scientific Image. Oxford:
Laudan, Larry, and Jarrett Leplin (1991), ‘‘Underdetermi- Clarendon Press.
nation and the Empirical Equivalence of Theories,’’ ——— (1989), Laws and Symmetry. Oxford: Clarendon
Journal of Philosophy 88: 449–472. Press.
Leplin, Jarrett (ed.) (1984a), Scientific Realism. Berkeley
and LA: University of California Press. See also Abduction; Empiricism; Instrumentalism;
——— (ed.) (1984b). ‘‘Truth and Scientific Progress,’’ in
J. Leplin (ed.), Scientific Realism. Berkeley and Los Observation; Scientific Models; Scientific Progress;
Angeles: University of California Press, 193–218. Theories; Underdetermination of Theories


Reductionism is the thesis that the results of inquiry genetics (see Genetics; Molecular Biology); and so
in one domain—be they concepts, heuristics, laws, on. Reductionism can be viewed both as describing
or theories—can be understood or are explained by a research strategy or heuristic (how research
the conceptual resources of another, more funda- should be pursued) and as a claim that the results
mental domain (Nagel 1961; Sarkar 1998). Thus of such research justify the assertion that one do-
chemistry is supposed to be reducible to physics main is being reduced to another. This article will
(see Chemistry, Philosophy of ); within physics, concern both these aspects.
thermodynamics is supposed to be reducible to the From the mid-1930s to the mid-1970s, philoso-
kinetic theory (see Kinetic Theory); Mendelian ge- phers commonly regarded reduction as a relation
netics is supposed to be reducible to molecular among theories, theoretical vocabularies, and laws.


Nagel’s (1961) influential analysis reflected the then intended to extend to mechanistic explanations
contemporary linguistic orientations: One theory throughout the cognitive, social, and physical
reduced to another if the theoretical vocabulary re- sciences (see Explanation; Mechanism).
ferring to its entities and properties were definable, The perceived unity of the Nagel-Schaffner ac-
and its laws (logically) derivable, from that of the count was an artifact of the focus on structural or
other—connected by empirical identifications, cor- logical rather than functional features, when interest
relations, or reconstructive definitions (see Nagel, in reduction served foundationalist aims of increas-
Ernest). Essentially this model of reduction extends ing philosophical rigor, epistemological certainty,
the deductive-nomological model of explanation to and ontological economy. These philosophical
the situation in which the explanandum is itself a law goals seldom matched the goals of scientific research
(of the reduced theory) (see Explanation; Hempel, even within contexts in which that research explicitly
Carl Gustav). Nagel also added ‘‘nonformal,’’ or involved the pursuit of reductions (Schaffner 1974;
pragmatic, conditions that had to be satisfied for a Wimsatt 1976). Sarkar (1998) distinguished three
reduction to be scientifically valuable. These condi- important types of scientific reductions (see also
tions are perhaps the most lasting contributions of Nickles 1973):
Nagel’s account, but in the 1960s and 1970s, they . Intralevel reduction, including successional re-
were seldom noted—the formal properties were of
duction (Wimsatt 1976), the type of reduction
central concern.
involved in theory succession;
Schaffner (1967) extended Nagel’s account to . Abstract interlevel reduction, in which levels of
allow approximations and ‘‘strong analogies’’ in
organization are distinguished, and upper-level
connecting theories—situations in which theories
features explained, using lower-level ones;
did not match exactly after a putative reduction,
agreeing in some predictions but diverging in . Spatial interlevel or strong reduction, in which
others: when one theory succeeded another, or a
the levels of organization are defined compo-
higher-level theory was explained and corrected
sitionally in physical space.
by a more exact lower-level account. Theories at
different levels of phenomena could supposedly Prior formal accounts commonly conflated these
thereby be successively reduced to those of the three different types of reduction. Scientific reduc-
lowest compositional level or most fundamental tions of any of these sorts are not the global and
theory, indicating the derivative character and the complete systematizations traditionally envisioned
in principle dispensability of the things reduced. by philosophers. They are usually partial, local,
This familiar philosophical gambit should invite conditional, and context dependent—that is, de-
suspicion: Whatever else it accomplishes, an in prin- pendent on the specific mechanisms involved,
ciple claim reliably indicates that it has not yet been and their associated ceteris paribus conditions (for
achieved in practice. Should science be satisfied with interlevel reductions), or on the character and
such in principle claims? If so, how are these ever to conditions of approximation used (for intralevel
be established? If not, what alternatives should be reductions). Thus, reductions do not necessarily
explored (Wimsatt 1976)? Typically, ‘‘methodologi- lead to the unification of the sciences into a whole
cal’’ reductionists urge the superiority of reduction- that satisfies traditional philosophical criteria for
ist aims but seldom discuss methods—no practical coherence and unity (see Unity and Disunity of
reductionist problem-solving heuristic, or anything Science).
from the supposedly irrelevant ‘‘context of discov- Intralevel reductions are common in mathemati-
ery.’’ These are bothersome lacunae: If scientific cally expressed theories and models. The most im-
work is reductionist, it should be discernible in the portant type of intralevel reductions are successional
practice of science. reductions (see below under ‘‘Intralevel Reduc-
This unitary account of reduction has long dis- tions’’). These typically localize formal similarities
solved, leaving a polyphonic disunity. Wimsatt and differences between earlier and later, or more
(1979), Hooker (1981), and Sarkar (1998) review approximate and exact, theories of the same phe-
the relevant literature. On the one hand, studies nomena through mathematical transformations,
from different sciences have become needlessly thereby aiding succession and elaboration of the
decoupled, seldom citing one another; on the later theory and delimiting conditions for safe and
other, they have become more responsive to actual effective heuristic use of the former.
scientific practice—especially in biology. This arti- In abstract interlevel reductions, levels of orga-
cle concentrates on biology, but the analysis is nization are distinguished in an abstract space. For


instance, in classical genetics before the molecular Intralevel Reduction

era (see Genetics), the genome was represented
hierarchically from a single allele to multiple alleles In intralevel reductions, the representation of the
at a single locus, to linkage groups, and finally system being investigated is not assumed to be
to the entire multilocus genotype (Sarkar 1998, hierarchical or otherwise organized into levels.
Ch. 5). Properties of the entire multilocus genotype For instance, in biology, during heritability analy-
(that is, the whole organism) were supposed to be sis (Sarkar 1998, Ch. 4), phenotypic variation in
reducible to those at lower levels of this hierarchy. populations is presumed to be at least partly ex-
In condensed matter physics (Batterman 2002), hi- plainable by, or reducible to, genotypic variation:
erarchical models of physical systems in phase No assumption is made about the structure and
space provide another potential example of such organization of the genotype. The reduction of
reductions. In biology, abstract interlevel reduction geometrical optics to physical optics similarly
is typically a prelude to spatial interlevel reduc- involves no claim about organization (see Schaff-
tion (for instance, from classical genetics to molec- ner 1967); the reduction of Newtonian gravitation
ular biology). However, in physics, these abstract to general relativity concerns all of space-time and
reductions often occur in phase-space representa- makes no claim about hierarchical organization
tions and, thus, do not show the same pattern. (see Space-Time).
This type of reduction does not raise any unique The most interesting type of intralevel reduction
significant philosophical concerns not shared by is successional reduction, where one theory suc-
the spatial type of interlevel reduction and will ceeds another and the earlier theory gets reduced
not be discussed further here (for more discussion, to the later one. These reductions relate theories or
see Sarkar 1998, Chs. 3 and 5); from here on, in- models of entities at the same level of organization
terlevel reduction will be taken to mean spatial or theories that are not level specific. They are
interlevel reduction. relationships between theoretical structures where
Spatial interlevel reductions are compositional— one theory or model is transformed into another
localizing, identifying, and articulating mech- (often via limiting approximations) to localize simi-
anisms that explain upper-level phenomena and larities and differences between them. Since such
entities, all represented as entities in physical derivations involve approximations, they are not
space. Reductionist accounts in complex sciences truth-preserving deductions (see Approximation).
are commonly interlevel—for instance, explaining ‘Derivations’ in this context is not the logical no-
Mach bands in terms of lateral inhibition in neural tion of deduction: In one sense, it is weaker insofar
networks (von Bekesy 1967), behavior of genes in as it requires weaker formal assumptions; in anoth-
terms of DNA (Sarkar 1998), or gases in terms of er sense, it is stronger because the approximations
clouds of molecules (see Kinetic Theory). Reduc- and idealizations involved typically make impli-
tions of this sort have also traditionally been called cit empirical assumptions (Leggett 1987 provides
mechanistic explanations in the literature (Nagel a discussion, though limited to the context of
1961) (see Mechanism). Aggregativity, the claim physics).
that the whole is nothing more than the sum of A terminological issue about the use of ‘reduc-
its parts, is also commonly associated with such tion’ in contexts of theory succession should be
interlevel reductions. It is the proper opposite to noted: Sometimes, it is said that the later, more
emergence (see Emergence). Like interlevel reduc- exact, or more complete theory reduces in the limit
tions, aggregative relations are compositional. But to the other (Nickles 1973). Thus, special relativity
aggregativity requires more. System properties that ‘reduces’ to classical mechanics in the limit as v/c !
are aggregates of parts’ properties represent degen- 0 (where v is the velocity of a body and c is the
erate cases where the organization of parts does not velocity of light); either by letting velocity of the
matter: They are invariant over organizational moving entity, v ! 0 (a ‘‘real’’ engineering approx-
rearrangements. It is—roughly—a reduction with- imation for velocities much smaller than the speed
out a mediating mechanism. Mechanistic models of light, c) or by letting c ! 1 (a counterfactual
often start with many aggregative simplifying transformation yielding Newton’s conception of
assumptions but add organizational features as instantaneous action at a distance). This usage of
they develop. As with intralevel replacements, ‘reduction’ is nonstandard in scientific contexts and
some things (the aggregates) seem dispensable, parasitic on that of reduction in mathematics to
though for different reasons: They are not required indicate the specification of a particular value to a
in addition because they are ‘‘nothing more than’’ variable that can range over a set of values or some
the reducing things. other operation that shows that one problem is a


special case of another problem. There is obviously These identities or localizations comprise what
no question of the predecessor theory explaining its were called bridge laws or ‘‘reduction functions’’
successor. in traditional accounts of reduction. Darden and
Localizing similarities by successional reduction Maull (1977) envision the construction of a single
and differences between theories (in aspects not theory tying together two domains or levels but do
captured in the reduction and in the transforma- not require prior theories. Interlevel reductions ex-
tions used) serves multiple functions in the succes- plain phenomena (entities, relations, lawlike regu-
sion of the newer theory (Wimsatt 1976; Nickles larities) at one level through the operations of often
1973). It co-opts the evidence for, and legiti- qualitatively different mechanisms at a lower
mates the use of, the older theory where they level—such qualitative differences sometimes lead
agree (as v ! 0 in the case of Newtonian mechanics to claims of emergence (see Emergence).
and special relativity); may establish conceptual Such mechanistic (or ‘‘articulation-of-parts’’)
connections between them (as c ! 1 in the same explanations (Kauffman 1972) are paradigmatical-
case); and locates contexts to pursue confirmation, ly reductionist in biology (Wimsatt 1976; Glennan
testing, and elaboration of the newer theory where 1996; Sarkar 1998). They are compositional—
they disagree. Limiting conditions show where the upper- and lower-level accounts are supposed to
older theory is a valid approximation and how refer to the same thing. Unlike the similarity rela-
rapidly it breaks down. tions of successional reductions, these references
Finally, successional reduction is a kind of simi- are transitive across levels, though the explanations
larity relation. A series of pairwise successional may not be. Levels are defined by spatial inclusion
reductions will usually be intransitive: Differences of parts in a whole. For instance, Mendel’s factors
accumulate in theoretical successions because of were successively localized through mechanistic
approximations and idealizations, ultimately be- accounts
coming too great to manage. Also, reductionist
(a) in chromosomes by the Boveri-Sutton hy-
transformations involve scientific work, and are
pothesis (Wimsatt 1976; Darden 1991),
not achieved gratuitously. Since their scientific
(b) relative to other factors (now genes) in the
functions usually require relating the new theory
chromosomes by linkage mapping (Wimsatt
only to its immediate predecessor, one rarely goes
any further. (There is no scientific relevance
(c) to bands in the physical chromosomes by
in tracing special relativity back to Aristotelian
deletion mapping, and finally
physics!) Thus, successional reduction is often in-
(d) to specific sites in chromosomal DNA.
transitive by default, even when possible other-
wise—which it often is not, because of cumulative Identities and localizations are powerful hypoth-
differences. If mappings are too complex to con- esis generators in the reductionist’s heuristic
struct transformations relating immediate succes- toolkit, suggesting new predictions at one level
sors, then reduction fails, and the older theory and from properties or relationships at the other, with
its ontology may be discarded. Instead of reduc- ample cues for how to construct explanatory
tion, there is theory replacement. So this kind of accounts (Bechtel and Richardson 1993; Wimsatt
reduction can be eliminative—but characteristical- 1976). In contrast, more traditional ‘‘correspon-
ly only when it fails (Wimsatt 1976). Ramsey (1994) dence theories’’ (Kim 1966) lack these resources
and Batterman (2002) elaborate such reductions, and look ‘‘empirically equivalent’’ to identificatory
and Batterman’s discussion of the role of singu- theories only in static ad hoc comparisons made
larities shows another way in which reductions after the fact. (Work in scientific discovery moti-
can fail without being eliminative. Sarkar (1998) vates more realistic dynamical rather than merely
discusses approximations, and Wimsatt (1987) static accounts of these processes. They are often
connects these issues to related uses of false models. revealingly different.) When genes were tentati-
vely localized to positions on chromosomes, it
spawned a research program dedicated to the eluci-
Interlevel Reduction
dation of what different regions of chromosomes
By contrast, interlevel reductions generally do not did and consisted of. Subsequent identification of
relate theories (Sarkar 1992). They are driven by genetic specificity with DNA sequences led to pro-
referential identities (Schaffner 1967; Wimsatt jects of sequencing parts of and eventually the en-
1976) or localizations (Bechtel and Richardson tire genomes of organisms (see Molecular Biology).
1993; Sarkar 1998) between entities at the reduced Localizations are not logically as strong as iden-
and reducing levels, and not theoretical similarities. tities: If two entities are identical, then any property


of one is a property of the other. But localizations and regularities (Wimsatt 1981) do not disappear
preserve all relevant spatiotemporal properties of wholesale in lower-level scientific revolutions. Con-
identities, and thus all of their local mechanisms. ceptions of them transmute, add (or occasionally
Consequently, contrary to Schaffner (1967), iden- subtract) dimensions, or turn up in different ways
tities are not required for successful reductions. For but do not disappear (Wimsatt 1994). In the case of
identities or localizations, interlevel reductions are interlevel reductions, claims of eliminativism rest
transitive when compositional claims preserve upon exaggerations of unrepresentative cases.
boundaries between entities, and functional locali- Importantly, reductionist explanatory mecha-
zation fallacies (attributing a system property to nisms are not themselves—nor directly legitimated
what is only a very important part of that system) by—exceptionless general laws. Exceptionless gen-
often result when they do not. Sarkar (1998) eralizations would be unmanageably complex. Use-
explicates this point about identities more formally, ful, simple, broadly applicable generalizations about
showing that claims incorporating localizations may composed systems are richly qualified with ceteris
have the form of conditional statements and yet paribus exceptions explicable in terms of mecha-
allow reductions to be achieved; they need not have nisms operating under an open-textured variety of
the form of biconditionals, which identities must. applicable conditions (Glennan 1996). Mecha-
Boundaries between entities sometimes change nisms are not pragmatically translatable into laws
for good reasons, and explanations may be intran- (Wimsatt 1976; Cartwright 1983) (see also Laws of
sitive for other reasons (e.g., different interests at Nature; Mechanism).
different levels). But transitivity of explanation How successful is interlevel reductionism? His-
(and its central connection to compositional rela- torically, as characterized here, it goes back to the
tions) is still reflected in the modus tollens form: mechanical philosophy of the seventeenth century,
Failures to explain upper-level phenomena in according to which properties of extended bodies
lower-level terms are inevitably blamed (by reduc- were to be explained by the contact interactions of
tionists) on incomplete or incorrect descriptions their constituent parts (Sarkar 1992). The mechan-
of the relevant system at one level or another, ical philosophy was recognized to have failed as a
generating expectable mismatches. universal epistemology for physics by the nine-
As noted earlier, failed successional reductions teenth century, but the reductionist program
may eliminate objects of an older theory, but fail- continued to be pursued, though only in a piece-
ures of interlevel reduction make upper-level meal fashion. Its major nineteenth-century achieve-
objects and theory indispensable—there is typically ment was the kinetic theory of matter (see Kinetic
no other way to organize the phenomena. Interlevel Theory), in particular, Boltzmann’s mechanical in-
reductionist explanation—successful or not—is terpretation of the second law of thermodynamics.
never eliminative. A mythical philosophical inven- Einstein’s kinetic account of Brownian motion in
tion, eliminative reduction, reflects older aims of 1905 was another major success (see Sarkar 2000).
ontological economies since abandoned (Wimsatt While details of these—and other—reductions in
1979). There is no evidence for such elimination in physics continue to be debated, the general philo-
the history of science, and there is no reason— sophical point, that reductions have been successful
in terms of scientific functions served—to expect in many areas of physics, remains correct.
it in the future. Claims to the contrary (see, e.g., The major success of interlevel reductionism
Churchland 1986) may arise through conflations of since the twentieth-century, as often alluded to
successional and interlevel reduction. Designers of earlier in this article, has been in biology, with the
optical instruments continue to use geometrical advent of molecular biology in the 1940s and 1950s
optics rather than physical optics, though they (see Molecular Biology). In chemistry, meanwhile,
may need to make corrections due to diffraction the putative reduction of chemistry to physics has
or exploit the phenomenon of polarization in some been both defended and challenged (see Chemistry,
contexts, for instance, to eliminate the effects Philosophy of). In the social sciences, interlevel
of glare (Batterman 2002). Engineers designing reductionism is usually called methodological indi-
combustion engines use thermodynamics, not the vidualism; it too has been both defended and
kinetic theory of matter. challenged (see Methodological Individualism).
Analyses of reduction presuppose (and should Unexpectedly, within physics, interlevel reduc-
provide) correlative analyses of levels whose tionism has become controversial, with quantum
objects, properties, and relationships are supposed entanglement often being interpreted as presenting
to be related. These typically show that robust a challenge to reductionism because it denies any
(multiply detectable) higher-level entities, relations, standard individuation of the parts (see Jaeger and


Sarkar 2003) (see Locality; Quantum Mechanics). intervention would act, but not possible to list sys-
(For more extended discussions of reductionism tematically all possible mechanistic interventions.
in contemporary physics, see Shimony 1987 and Claims of supervenience, roughly, hold that there
Batterman 2002.) can be no change at the upper, or macro, levelf
without a change at the lower, or micro, level but
that there is no other systematic relationship be-
Multiple Realizability and Supervenience tween levels. The intuitions driving supervenience
The concept of a level of organization figures cen- in interlevel cases are that there are multiply realiz-
trally in two concepts that have played a central able macro-level properties that have no systematic
role in discussions of reduction and reducibility in micro-level account, in part because it is thought
philosophy of psychology, and the lessons one that a micro-level account would be wildly disjunc-
would draw from case studies in biology or physics tive and that there would be an open-ended class of
run counter to the antireductionist views common- exceptions to any attempt at a lower-level unity (see
ly asserted there. The very stability of higher Supervenience). The characteristics of mechanisms
levels of organization, relative to the more rapidly described earlier appear to satisfy these conditions,
changing dynamics at the lower level, essentially but without denying reductionist explanations—
guarantee multiple realizability. The lower level and the dynamical autonomy of macro-level vari-
characteristically has many more variables and ex- ables gives even more of what is needed to justify
ponentially more possible states than the more the autonomy of the ‘‘special sciences.’’ It might be
macro level; so, there will inevitably be many-one that the search for the apocalyptic completeness
mappings between microstate and macrostate. that would eliminate exceptions has motivated the
But the relative stability of the macrostates gen- idea of supervenience (see below), but this is an
erates something even stronger, which Wimsatt artifact of thinking of reductions in terms of laws
(1981) calls ‘‘dynamical autonomy,’’ whereby the rather than in terms of mechanisms—at least in the
vast number of dynamical changes at the micro compositional sciences.
level map to the same or to neighboring macro- As used by philosophers of psychology, the for-
states, else macrostate fluctuations would be con- mulation of supervenience (whether interpreted on-
stantly observed—as they are in fact with tologically or epistemologically) commonly utilizes
‘‘between-level’’ phenomena like Brownian motion the relation between macro states and micro states
(Wimsatt 1994; Sarkar 2000). This means that the as revealed in terms of some future complete apoca-
most effective way of making a macro change in a lyptic physics and psychology (see Psychology, Phi-
system is virtually always to manipulate the macro losophy of; Supervenience). But this leaves the
variables. Thus macroscopic causality is safe in a discussion in an embarrassing situation: Can it
reductionist world, and multiple realizability is now even be said that anything is supervenient?
no argument against reduction, but a very robust Not having the future sciences, it would appear
feature of the natural world. that nothing can be said at all.
But it is characteristic of any interlevel composi- Interestingly, another concept and approach due
tional reductionist explanations that there are to Levins renders something like supervenience im-
exceptions to the upper-level regularities when mediately usable and widely applicable. Levins’
these are mapped in the most natural ways to the (1966) concept of a ‘‘sufficient parameter’’ was
micro level. (Note that there may be more than one originally elaborated for levels of organization but
such way.) For instance, fluctuation thermody- applies more broadly:
namics essentially concern continuous fluids, with It is an essential ingredient in the concept of levels of
exceptions having the right statistical character- phenomena that there exists a set of what, by analogy
istics. These upper-level exceptions may be negligi- with the sufficient statistic, we can call sufficient pa-
ble, as in statistical mechanics, or much more rameters defined on a given level . . . which are very
common, for instance, in relations between classical much fewer than the number of parameters on the lower
level and which among them contain most of the impor-
and molecular genetics. Even very reliable mecha-
tant information about events on that level. (428–429)
nisms have a fairly large and distinct number of
ways of breaking down (which grows with increas- He then provides an example of a causally potent
ing complexity and may also be open-ended). This robust property derived and caused in multiple
open-endedness arises naturally in a mechanistic ways. Levins’ approach avoids dubious, in-principle
perspective, since it is easy to conceptualize in a arguments and assumptions about future physics
systematic way how any proposed mechanistic and psychology and substitutes a thoroughly


heuristic methodology tolerant of approximations ontologically corrosive reputation of aggregativity.

and exceptions and better fitting actual scientific Nevertheless, assumptions of aggregativity do play
practice (Wimsatt 1994). a role in initiating a reductionist research program;
this may account for the confusion of aggregativity
with reductionism.
Aggregativity and Emergence
Multiple conditions for aggregativity, each re-
Opponents of reductionism usually fear what quiring invariance of system properties under
Dennett (1995) calls ‘‘greedy reductionism’’: explai- different decompositions and operations on the
ning upper-level things in lower-level terms without system’s parts, make aggregativity a degree prop-
intervening mechanisms mediating emergence of erty. In developing explanations, one starts with
qualitatively different phenomena at higher levels simple models. Simpler theories—ignoring higher-
(as Dennett says, ‘‘without cranes’’). Greedy reduc- order interactions—typically look more aggregative.
tionism goes with ‘‘nothing but’’ talk, as reflected in Few properties are aggregative in all respects for all
Sperry’s (1976) worries that to reductionists ‘‘even- decompositions, but many are aggregative or ap-
tually everything is held to be explainable in terms proximately so for some. Such decompositions are
of essentially nothing.’’ But this does not happen in particularly simple and fruitful—more nearly fac-
an interlevel reduction. One moves to smaller and toring systems into modular parts with monadic,
smaller parts in successive reductions, but in each intrinsic, context-independent properties.
transition, much of the explanatory weight is borne Such decompositions show varying success
by the organization of those parts into a larger for different problems. Decompositions with more
mechanism that explains the behavior of the solutions get more attention, and it becomes tempt-
higher-level system. (Those parts’ properties explan- ing to accept ‘‘nothing but’’ statements that are
atorily relevant to the behavior of the larger mecha- really context bound and approximate, as if they
nism also provide the basis for judgments of multiple were truly general. Bad decompositions for a prob-
realizability and functional equivalence—roughly, lem produce functional localization fallacies, biases,
any part[s] realizing those properties will do.) and conceptual confusions (Bechtel and Richard-
But what if some properties of the parts were also son 1993). Powerful reductionist problem-solving
manifested by the system—and were invariant no heuristics can systematically lead to decisions to
matter how one cuts up or rearranges its parts? For ignore or underestimate context dependence (Wim-
such properties, organization would not matter. satt 1980). This is one bias that epistemologically
Such properties are picked out by the most general successful reductionist research must self-con-
conservation laws of physics but apparently not by sciously guard against. Analyzing complex systems
any other scientific generalizations. These proper- often requires simultaneous use of multiple decom-
ties meet very restrictive conditions: For any decom- positions, boundaries, and contexts—treacherous
positions of the system into parts, they are invariant fields for functional errors: Reductionist heuristics
over appropriate rearrangements, substitutions, must be deployed with special care in all such
and reaggregations, and their values scale appro- contexts (Wimsatt 1974 and 1994).
priately under additions or subtractions to the WILLIAM C. WIMSATT
system. For these aggregative properties, one is pre- SAHOTRA SARKAR
sumably willing to say that the mass of an animal
considered as a subject by an artist for an anatomi-
cal drawing is nothing more than the mass of its References
parts. And the blame is on the artist—not vanished Batterman, R. W. (2002), The Devil in the Details. Oxford:
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tory of Biology 7: 111–139. See also Approximation; Biological Information;
Shimony, A. (1987), ‘‘The Methodology of Synthesis: Parts Chemistry, Philosophy of; Biology, Philosophy of;
and Wholes in Low-Energy Physics,’’ in R. Kargon and Emergence; Explanation; Locality; Mechanism;
P. Achinstein (eds.), Kelvin’s Baltimore Lectures and Methodological Individualism; Molecular Biology;
Modern Theoretical Physics. Cambridge, MA: MIT
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Neurobiology; Psychology, Philosophy of; Quantum
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(26 September 1891–9 April 1953)

Hans Reichenbach was born in Hamburg, Ger- chiefly, mathematics, natural sciences, and modern
many, a seaport and open-minded commer- languages were taught. As a result of this school-
cial town. He went to the Oberrealschule, where, ing, in his later life he became more interested


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