Cataract Surgery Evolution
Cataract Surgery Evolution
Cataract Surgery Evolution
Many variants of the Gimbel1 divide-and-conquer Or would it be better located inside the operating
cataract nucleus disassembly have been described room, allowing the convenience of a single surgeon
since 1991dall variations of the same theme aimed to complete all aspects of the procedure? Would
to improve nucleus management in phacoemulsifica- productivity be enhanced by a 2-person team for the
tion surgery.2–8 The emergence of technical refine- surgery, 1 for the laser aspect and 1 for the lens aspira-
ments over the intervening years is symptomatic of tion, capsular bag cleansing, and IOL implantation?
the need to pursue safety in this critical aspect of cata- These are fascinating questions to be answered in the
ract surgery. light of practical experience with the current compet-
In this issue, Hwang et al. (pages 1627–1630) describe ing femtosecond cataract laser devices.
a new technique and its advantages for use in eyes with Cataract surgery involves more than the surgical
a very hard nucleus cataract, which demand a different aspect of the process; ie, preoperative evaluation of
approach than eyes with soft nuclei. They describe the indications for surgery and then documentation
a drill-and-crack technique, making a deep hole in the of the physical status of the eye as a whole; creation
central nucleus with the phaco tip and dividing the of the surgical plan, including biometry; the cataract
nucleus with a prechopper inside the hole. Disassembly and IOL surgery; postoperative management, includ-
of a cataract nucleus depends on its hardness and integ- ing complications if they occur. The whole process
rity. The prevention of posterior segment complications should be undertaken by trained surgeons to ensure
during cataract surgery relies on the maintenance of an maximum success and minimum deviation from the
intact lens capsule and zonular apparatus. Phacoemul- excellent outcomes that are expected with current
sification techniques are designed to minimize the risk surgical methods. Femtosecond technology should
for damage to the posterior capsule by maximizing add predictability in preparation of an eye for lens
control of nucleus disassembly and evacuation. evacuation and IOL implantation. A trained laser
The next major step in the evolution of cataract and technician under the overall control of the ophthalmic
intraocular lens (IOL) surgery must surely be the use surgeon could conceivably undertake this aspect of the
of femtosecond laser technology to automate several surgical process. Such teamwork could maximize
aspects of the process. We look forward to peer- productivity and make best use of trained personnel.
reviewed material verifying advances suggested by Many years ago, a financial journalist proposed
this adapted technology: repeatable clear corneal a law that stated ‘‘improvement means deterioration,’’
incisions of varied designs, dependable astigmatism- referring to new laws or regulations intended to make
neutralizing corneal/limbal incisions, capsulorhexis progress but often having the reverse effect. Cataract
of any design and dimension, nucleus fragmentation surgery, as any surgical process, should evolve and
to allow subsequent lens matter aspiration with or improve as innovative technology and methods
without minimal phacoemulsification. offer advantages. Our profession will adapt and
It is this latter aspect of cataract surgery that is a incorporate such opportunities if, in the end, they
particular challenge to femtosecond laser technology. help our patients by reducing risks and yielding
Nuclear fragmentation is possible but limited at this greater benefits of enhanced safety and efficiency.
stage by the hardness of the cataract nucleus. Soft nuclei
can be fragmented into various forms suitable for safer Emanuel S. Rosen, MD, FRCSEd
aspiration than that using phacoemulsification power.
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