Cad Lab Manual 2018-19

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1. Students should report to the labs concerned as per the timetable.

2. Record should be updated from time to time and the previous experiment must be
signed by the faculty in charge concerned before attending the lab.

3. Students who turn up late to the labs will in no case be permitted to perform the
experiment scheduled for the day.

4. After completion of the experiment, certification of the staff in-charge concerned in

the observation book is necessary.

5. Students should bring a notebook of about 100 pages and should enter the
readings/observations/results into the notebook while performing the experiment.

6. The record of observations along with the detailed experimental procedure of the
experiment performed in the immediate previous session should be submitted and
certified by the staff member in-charge.

7. Not more than FIVE students in a group are permitted to perform the experiment on
a set up.

8. The group-wise division made in the beginning should be adhered to, and no mix up
of student among different groups will be permitted later.

9. The components required pertaining to the experiment should be collected from Lab-
in-charge after duly filling in the requisition form.

10. When the experiment is completed, students should disconnect the setup made by
them, and should return all the components/instruments taken for the purpose.

11. Any damage of the equipment or burnout of components will be viewed seriously
either by putting penalty or by dismissing the total group of students from the lab for
the semester/year.

12. Students should be present in the labs for the total scheduled duration.

13. Students are expected to prepare thoroughly to perform the experiment before
coming to Laboratory.

14. Procedure sheets/data sheets provided to the students groups should be maintained
neatly and are to be returned after the experiment.


1. Boys - Formal dress with tuck in and shoes.

2. Girls - Formal dress (salwarkameez).

3. Wearing of jeans is strictly prohibited



1 Introduction to computer aided drafting
2 Software for CAD- Introduction to different
3 Practice exercises on CAD software
4 Drawing of plans of buildings using software

a) Single storeyed

b) Multi storeyed

5 Developing sections and elevations for
a) Single storeyed

b) Multi storeyed

6 Detailing of building components like doors,
windows, roof trusses etc. using CAD software’s

7 Exercises on development of working of buildings.

Computer Aided Drafting is a process of preparing a drawing of an object on the screen of a

computer. There are various types of drawings in different fields of engineering and sciences. In
the fields of mechanical or aeronautical engineering, the drawings of machine components and
the layouts of them are prepared. In the field of civil engineering, plans and layouts of the
buildings are prepared. In the field of electrical engineering, the layouts of power distribution
system are prepared. In all fields of engineering use of computer is made for drawing and

The use of CAD process provides enhanced graphics capabilities which allows any designer to

Conceptualize his ideas

Modify the design very easily

Perform animation

Make design calculations

Use colors, fonts and other aesthetic features.


1. Increases the productivity of the designer: CAD improves the productivity of the
designer to visualize the product and its component, parts and reduces the time required
in synthesizing, analyzing and documenting the design

2. Improves the quality of the design: CAD system improves the quality of the design.
A CAD system permits a more detailed engineering analysis and a larger number of
design alternatives can be investigated. The design errors are also reduced because of
the greater accuracy provided by the system

3. Improves communication: It improves the communication in design. The use of a

CAD system provides better engineering drawings, more standardization in the drawing,
and better documentation of the design, few drawing errors and legibility.

4. Create data base for manufacturing: In the process of creating the documentation
for these products, much of the required data base to manufacture the products is also

5. Improves the efficiency of the design: It improves the efficiency of the design
process and the wastage at the design stage can be reduced


There are various processes which can be performed by use of computer in the drafting

1. Automated drafting: This involves the creation of hard copy engineering drawings
directly from CAD data base. Drafting also includes features like automatic
dimensioning, generation of cross – hatched areas, scaling of the drawing and the
capability to develop sectional views and enlarged views in detail. It has ability to
perform transformations of images and prepare 3D drawings like isometric views,
perspective views etc.,

2. Geometric modeling: concerned with the computer compatible mathematical

description of the geometry of an object. The mathematical description allows the image
of an object to be displayed and manipulated on a graphics terminal through signals
from the CPU of the CAD system. The software that provides geometric modeling
capabilities must be designed for efficient use both by computer and the human


The implementation of the CAD system provides variety of benefits to the industries in
design and production as given below:

1. Improved productivity in drafting

2. Shorter preparation time for drawing
3. Reduced man power requirement
4. Customer modifications in drawing are easier
5. More efficient operation in drafting
6. Low wastage in drafting
7. Minimized transcription errors in drawing
8. Improved accuracy of drawing
9. Assistance in preparation of documentation
10. Better designs can be evolved
11. Revisions are possible

12. Colors can be used to customize the product

13. Production of orthographic projections with dimensions and tolerances
14. Hatching of all sections with different filling patterns


1. 32 – bit word computer is necessary because of large amount of computer memory and
2. The size of the software package is large
3. Skill and judgment are required to prepare the drawing
4. Large investment.

1.4 Pre-lab questions:
1. What
1. is the full form of AUTOCAD?
2. What
1. are
form of AUTO
benefits CAD
3. what are the limitations of AUTOCAD?
4. What2. are
What are the benefits
the applications of CAD? of auto cad?
5. Who created the AUTOCAD?
3. What are the reasons for implementing of auto cad?
6. Who is the father of AUTOCAD?
is thelabowner of AUTOCAD?
8. Who was discovered AUTOCAD?
9. What1. isBriefly
the difference
explainbetween AUTOCAD
application and
of auto AUTODESK?
10. Give a reason why the name AUTOCAD is given to the software why not CAD?
2. 10
11. Give What arehistory
release the benefits of auto cad in civil engineering point of view?
12. what are the types of AUTOCAD Softwares?
3. 5What
13. Give drawingarefile
the limitations
(DWG of auto cad?
file) history.
14. What are the difference between AUTOCAD and invertor?
15. Give a brief history about AUTOCAD.



The software is an interpreter or translator which allows the user to perform specific
type of application or job related to CAD. The following software’s are available for drafting


2. Pro – E 8. IDEAS





The above software’s are used depending upon their application.


Auto CAD package is suitable for accurate and perfect drawings of engineering designs.
The drawing of machine parts, isometric views and assembly drawings are possible in AutoCAD.
The package is suitable for 2D and 3D drawings.


CAD uses four basic elements for preparation of any drawing:

1. Line 3. Text

2. Curves 4. Filling point.

Computer Aided Drafting is done by the operator by placing the mouse pointer by placing
the mouse pointer at the desired location and then executing the command to draw the graphic
elements using different methods.

Advanced computer aided drafting packages utilize four areas on the screen.

1. Drawing Area
2. Command Area

3. Menu Area
4. Tool Boxes.

2.2 Layout and Sketching

The package provides various facilities for layout, sketching and borders for
preparing a drawing. It provides facilities for display co-ordinates and measurement

a. Units: The format for display co – ordinates and measurement can be selected
according to the requirement.

Several measurement styles are available in ACAD. The main methods are engineering
and architectural, having specific base unit assigned to them.
i. Decimal: select to enter and display measurements in decimal notation
ii. Engineering: Display measurements in feet and decimal inches.
iii. Architectural: Display measurements in feet, inches and fractional inches
iv. Fractional: Display measurements in mixed numbers notation
v. Scientific: Display measurements in scientific notation.

The precision that is specified controls the number of decimal places or fractional size to
which we want linear measurements displayed.

b. Angles: Select the format in which we want to enter and display angles.
i. Decimal Degrees: Display partial degrees as decimals
ii. Deg/Min/Sec: Display partial degrees as minutes and seconds.
iii. Grades: Display Angles as grades
iv. Radians: Display angles as radians.
v. Surveyor: Displays angles in surveyor units.

c. Angle measure: Select the direction of the zero angle for the entry of angles:
i. East: Select to specify the compass direction east as the zero angles.
ii. North: Select to specify the compass direction north as the zero angles.
iii. West: Select to specify the compass direction west as the zero angles.
iv. South: Select to specify the compass direction south as the zero angles.
v. Other: Select to specify a direction different from the points of the compass as
the zero angles.
d. Area: Enter the approximate width and length which is planned to draw in full scale
units. This limits the area of the drawing covered by grid dots when the grid is turned
on. It also adjusts several default settings, such as text height, line type scaling and

snap distance to convenient values. It is possible to adjust these settings.

e. Title block: Select the description of an ACAD drawing file of a title block to insert as a
symbol in the new drawing. It can add or remove drawing files of title blocks from the
list with the Add or Remove buttons

f. Layout: Paper space is often used to create complex multiple view drawings. There are
three types of paper spaces:
1. Work on the drawing while viewing the layout.
2. Work on the drawing without the layout visible
3. Work on the layout of the drawing.

The following procedure is used for this purpose

1. From the File menu or from the standard tool bar, choose New
2. In the startup dialog box, choose Use a wizard, and select Advanced wizard
3. Choose OK
4. In the Advanced Setup Dialog box, select Title Block.
5. Select Title Block Description and Title Block file Name from the lists and then choose
6. In the Select Title Block File dialog box, Select a title block, then choose open
7. In the Advanced Setup dialog box, a sample of that title is displayed.
8. Choose Done.


ACAD provides two drawing environments for creating and laying out the drawing.

i. Model Space
ii. Paper Space.
ACAD allows creating drawing, called a model, in full scale in an area known as model
space without regard to the final layout or size when the drawing is plotted on the paper.

In the space opened for the first time, it is possible to create floating viewports to contain
different views of the model. In the paper space, floating viewports are treated as objects which
can be moved and resized in order to create a suitable layout.


This sets and controls the drawing boundaries.

At the command prompt, enter limits

ON/OFF/<LOWER LEFT CORNER> <current>: Specify a point, enter on or off, or



This sets the line type scale factor. Use LTSCALE to change the relative length of the dash
– dot line types per drawing unit

At the Command prompt, enter ltscale

New scale factor <current>: Enter a positive real value or press enter

Changing the line type scale factor causes the drawing to regenerate.


This places point objects or blocks at measured intervals on an object.

At the command prompt, enter measure

Select object to measure: Use an object selection method <segment length> /

Block: Specify a distance.


This moves the drawing display in the current viewport.

At the command prompt, enter pan

Displacement: Specify a point (1)

The point which specify indicates the amount to move the drawing or the location of the
drawing to be moved.

Second point: Press or specify a point (2)

If pressed, ACAD moves the drawing by the amount which is specified in the

Displacement prompt. If we specify a point, ACAD moves the location of the drawing to
that point.




A line is specified by giving its two end points or first point and the distance of line along
with its angle of inclination. A line can be drawn by using two commands.

Command: line

Specify first point: Specify a point (1)

Specify next point or [Undo]: Specify a point (2)

The second point can be indicated by @d<a

Where d is the distance of line and a is the angle of inclination in degrees.


This is a poly line which allows continuous segment of the line and it is drawn similar to
the line command. The polyline allows changing the thickness of the line according to
the requirement.

From the Draw tool bar choose the Polyline flyout.

Draw pull down menu: Polyline

At the command prompt, enter pline


Specify start point: Specify a point (1)

Current line-width is <current>

Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Half width/Length/Undo/Width]: Specify a point (2) or

enter an option


Creates, loads, and sets line types. The LINETYPE command defines line
characteristics consisting of dashes, dots, and spaces.

Format menu: Line type or Command line: line type


Following are the various types of

i. Circle

ii. Ellipse

iii. Arc

iv. Regular or any other type.

i. Circle: The circle can be drawn by using two types of commands

a. Circle

b. Donut

a) CIRCLE: This command draws the circle by using four

methods: Center point and radius

Two point circle

Three point circle

Tangent circle

At the command prompt, enter circle

Specify center point for circle or [3P (Three Points)/2P (Two Points)/Ttr]: Specify
a point or enter an option

b) DONUT: This draws filled circles and rings.

Donuts are constructed of a closed polyline composed of wide arc

segments. At the command prompt, enter donut

Specify inside diameter of donut <current>: Specify a distance or press ENTER

If you specify an inside diameter of 0, the donut is a filled circle.

Specify outside diameter of donut <current>: Specify a distance or press ENTER

Specify center of donut or <exit>: Specify a point (1) or press ENTER to end the command

ii. ELLIPSE: It is a curve having major and minor axis with a center. The

ellipse can be prepared by four methods.


Creates an ellipse or an elliptic arc.

Axis end point: Defines the first axis by two specified endpoints. The angle of the first
axis determines the angle of the ellipse. The first axis can define either the major or the
minor axis of the ellipse.
Arc: Creates an elliptical arc. The angle of the first axis determines the angle of the
elliptical arc. The first axis can define either the major or the minor axis of the elliptical
Center: Creates the ellipse by a specified center point.

Isocircle: Creates an isometric circle in the current isometric drawing plane.

At the command prompt, enter ellipse

iii. Arc: The arc is a curve specified by center and radius as well as the start angle and
end angle. There are seven method used for drawing an arc.

1. Three point method

2. Start point-center point –end point

3. Start point-center point-length of chord

4. Start point-end point –angle of inclusion

5. Start point-end point-direction

6. Start point-center point-angle of inclusion

7. Start point-end point-radius

These methods can be used by executing the arc command

ARC: creates an arc.

At the command prompt, enter arc

Center/<start point>: specify a point, enter c, or press enter

Polyarc: the second method of the drawing the arc is poly arc by use of pline
command. This command allows drawing of filled arc of any width .it also allows for
drawing of a regular or irregular curve.

2. Drawing of Rectangle: A rectangle can be drawn by LINE command or by Rectangle

command. The PLINE command also allows for drawing of hollow or filled rectangle .A
SOLID command is also used for drawing of filled rectangles.

1. RECTANGLES: draws a rectangular polyline

At the command prompt, enter rectangle

First corner: specify point

(1) Other corner: specify

point (2)

2. SOLID: creates solid –filled polygons .solids are filled only when fill system variable is
set to on view is set to plan.

At the command prompt, enter solid

First corner: specify point (1)

Other corner: specify point (2)

The first two points define one edge of the polygon.

Third point: specify a point (3) diagonally opposite the second

Forth point: specify a point (4) or press enter


Creates an equilateral closed polyline .A polygon is a polyline object. AUTOCAD draws

polyline with zero width and no tangent information.

At the command prompt enter polygon

Number of sides <current>: enter a value between 3 and 1024 or press enter
Edge/<center of polygon>: specify a point (1) or enter.


Creates a point object .points can act as nodes to which you can snap objects .you can
specify a full 3D location for a point.

At the command prompt, enter point

Point: specify a point


The object can be removed or erased by use of erase command


This removes object from drawing

At the command prompt, enter erase Select objects: use an object selection method.


The object can be drawn with any variety of colour which ranges from 0 to 256. The
setting of colour can be done by color command


Sets the colour for new objects.

At the command prompt, enter color <current>: enter a value (1-255), color name, by
block, or by layer

7. FILLING OF OBJECT: the object can be filled with different colors and patterns by use
of hatch command

This command allows selection of various patterns, scale of pattern and angle of pattern.


This fills an area with a pattern.

HATCH fills the specified hatch boundary with non-associative hatch

A non –associative hatch is not updated when its boundaries are modified .a hatch
boundary consists of an object or objects that completely enclose an area

At the command prompt, enter hatch

Pattern (? Or name/ U, style) <current>: enter a predefined pattern name, enter u,

enter? Or press enter.

8. SCALING OF DRAWING: zoom command displays the object at a specified scale factor.
the value entered is relative to the limits of the drawing .for example ,entering 2 doubles
the apparent display size of any objects from what it would be if it were zoomed to the
limits of the drawing

If you enter a value followed by xp, auto CAD specifies the scale relative to paper scale
unit’s .for example, entering 0.5xp displays model space at half the scale of paper space
unit’s .the following illustration shows a number of viewports arranged in paper space.
the view in each view port is scaled relative to paper space .the first view is scaled 1=1
relative to paper space (1xp) ,the second is scaled 0.5=1 relative to paper space
(0.5xp),and so on.

This increases or decreases the apparent size of objects in the current view port
At the command prompt, enter zoom
All/center/dynamic/extents/left/previous/vmax/window/<scale(x/xp)>: enter an option
or value, specify a point, or press enter.

9. TEXT: The text in software is indicated by font’s .the fonts define the shapes of the text
characters that make up each character set. In AUTOCAD, you can use true type fonts in
addition to AUTOCAD’s own compiled shape (SHX) fonts.

A font is indicated by various parameters like

i. Style :these are four types: normal,bold,italic,underline

ii. Size: this is the size of characters

iii. Colour: there are facilities to colour the characters selecting layer.

iv. Type: different types of fonts may be used:




Dtext: This displays text on the screen as it is entered .AutoCAD can create text with a
variety of character patterns, or fonts. These fonts can be stretched, compressed, oblique,
mirrored, or aligned in a vertical column by applying a style to the font .text can be rotated,
justified, and made any size.

At the command prompt, enter text

Justify/style/<start point>: specify a point or enter an option

TEXT: This creates a single line of text .AutoCAD can create text with a variety of character
patterns, or fonts. These fonts can be stretched, compressed, oblique, mirrored, or aligned
in a vertical column by applying a style to the font.

At the command prompt, enter text

Justify/style/<start point>: specify a point or enter an option

QTEXT: This controls the display and plotting of text and attribute of objects.

At the command prompt, enter text

ON/OFF <current>: enter on or off, or press enter

10.TRANSFORMATIONS: These are the modifications in the drawn

objects. There are different types of transformations used

1. MOVE: This allows to move or displace objects a specified distance in a specified


At the command prompt, enter move

Select objects: use an object selection method

Base point or displacement: specify a base point (1)

Second point of displacement: specify a point (2) or press enter

2. COPY: This is used for producing a duplicate copy of the

drawing. At the command prompt, enter copy

Select objects: use an object selection method

<Base point or displacement >/multiple: specify a base

3. ROTATE: It moves objects about a base

point At the command prompt, enter rotate

Select objects: use an object selection method

<Rotate angle >/reference: specify an angle or

enter r

4. STRETCH: This moves or stretches objects .AutoCAD stretches lines, arcs, elliptical
arcs, splines, rays and polyline segments that cross the selection window.

At the command prompt, enter stretch

Select objects: use the CPOLYGON or cross object selection method

(1,2) Base point or displacement: specify a point (3) or press

Second point of displacement: specify a point ($) or press

5. EXTEND: This extends an object to meet another object. Objects that can be extended
include arcs, elliptical arcs, lines, open 2D, and 3Dpolylines and rays.

At command prompt, enter extend

Select boundary edges

(projmode=UCS, edge mode=no extend)

Select objects: use an object selection


6. SCALE: This enlarges or reduces selected objects equally in X and Y

directions At the command prompt, enter scale

Select objects: use an object selection method

Base point: specify a point (1)

<Scale factor>/reference: specify a scale or enter r

7. TRACE: This creates solid lines.

From the miscellaneous tool bar

choose At the command prompt,

enter trace

Trace width<current>: specify a distance, enter a value, or press enter

From point: specify point (1)

To point: specify a point (2)

To point: specify a point (3) or press to end the command

8. EXTRUDE: This creates unique solid primitives by extruding existing two-dimensional

objects extrudes also creates solids by extruding two-dimensional objects along a
specified path .we can extrude multiple objects with extrude

At the command prompt enter, extrude

Select objects: use an object selection method

Path/<height of extrusion>: specify a distance or enter p

9. MIRROR: This is used to producing mirror image of the

object At the command prompt enter, mirror

Select objects: use an object selection method

First point of the mirror line: specify a point (1)

Second point: specify a point (2)

10. OFFSET: This creates concentric circles ,parallel lines and parallel curves, offset
creates a creates a new object at a specified distance from an existing object or
through a specified point

At the command prompt enter, offset

Offset distance: specify a distance, enter t or press enter

11. ARRAY: This creates multiple copies of objects in

pattern. Each object in an array can be manipulated


At the command prompt enter, array

Rectangular or polar array<current>: enter an option or press enter specify a point


The drawn objects can be cut or trimmed by using following commands

1. TRIM: Trims objects at a cutting object defined by other objects. Objects that can be
trimmed include arcs ,circles, elliptical arcs, lines, open 2D and 3Dpolylines,rays and

At the command prompt, enter trim

Select cutting edges:

Select objects: use object selection method

<Select object to trim>/project/edge/undo: select an object, enter an option, or press


2. BREAK: This erases an object or splits the object in to two

parts From the modify toolbar select break flyout

At the command prompt, enter break

Select objects: use an object selection method

First point of the mirror line: specify a point (1) on an object

Enter second point: specify the second break point (2) or enter F


The dimensions are inserted in the drawing by use of DIM command. There are various
types of dimensions used in AutoCAD.

1. Linear dimensions:

Horizontal- this allows horizontal dimensions

Vertical- this allows vertical dimensions

Aligned- this allows inclined dimensions

Rotated- this allows inclined dimensions

2. Angular dimensions:

This allows angular dimensioning of objects

3. Radial dimensions:

This allows radial dimensioning of arc or circle

4. Diametric dimensions:

This allows diametrical dimensions of the circle

For dimensioning of objects, the first point and second point has to be specified. The
dimension text must be written and then the position of dimension must be specified
At the command prompt, enter dim

Dim: Enter a dimensioning mode command

14. AREA:

This allows calculation of the area and perimeter of objects or of defined areas

From the object properties toolbar, choose the inquiry flyout, then

At the command prompt, enter area

<First point>/object/add/subtract: specify a point or enter option


Rounds and fillets the edges of the

object At the command prompt enter


Polyline / Radius / Trim / <Select first object>: use an object selection method or enter an

option Select first object

Select second object: use an object selection

method Enter radius <current>: specify a

distance or press

Chain / Radius <Select edge>: Select edges or enter c or r their intersection


The co- ordinate system can be modified in the AutoCAD. There are two types of co-
ordinate systems used. The WCS (World co- ordinate system) is a universal system in which
its origin is at the fixed position. The UCS (User co- ordinate system) is a system in which
user can fix his origin at any point.

1. UCS : This manages user co- ordinate systems At the command prompt enter


17. UNION:

This measures the distance and angle between two points. At the command prompt,

enter union

Select object: Use an object selection method

18. DIST: This measures the distance and the angle between two

points. At the command prompt area enter dist

First point: Specify a point (1)

Second point: Specify a point

(2) Distance = calculated


Angle in XY plane = angle from XY plane = angle

Delta X = change in X

Delta Y = change in

Y Delta Z = change

in Z.


ACAD provides a facility of regenerating a drawing to clear the cross points or marks on the






This creates geometric tolerances. Geometric tolerances define the maximum allowable
variations of form or profile, orientation, location and runout from the exact geometry in a
drawing. They specify the required accuracy for proper function and fit the objects drawn in


This creates a series of free hand line segments. From the miscellaneous toolbar, choose

At the command prompt enter sketch

Follow the prompting


1. BOX

This creates a three dimensional solid box.

At command prompt enter box

Center/<corner of the box><0,0,0> :

Specify a point (1), enter c, or press enter Corner of a box

Specifying a point or pressing defines the first corner of the box.

Cube/length /<other corner>: specify a point (2) or enter an option


Creates the box by a specified center point


This creates a 3D solid cone. A cone is solid primitive with a circular or elliptical based
tapering symmetrically to a point perpendicular to its base.

At the command prompt enter cone

Elliptical /<center point> <0,0,0>: specify a point, enter e or press enter


This creates a 3D solid cylinder. A cylinder is solid primitive with a circular or elliptical
based to a point perpendicular to its base without a taper.

At the command prompt enter cylinder

Elliptical /<center point> <0,0,0> : specify a point, enter e or press enter


This creates a 3D solid sphere. A sphere is positioned so that its central axis is
parallel to the Z-axis of the current UCS. Latitudinal lines are parallel to the XY plane.

At the command prompt enter sphere

center of the sphere <0,0,0> : specify a point , enter e or press enter


This creates a three dimensional solid with a sloped face tapering along

X axis. At the command prompt enter wedge

Center <corner of the wedge> <0,0,0> : specify a point, enter e or

press enter Follow the prompting


This sets an elevation and extrusion thickness of new objects. The current elevation is
the Z value that is used whenever a 3D point is expected but only X and y values are
At the command prompt enter elev

Follow the prompting


This displays a flat shaded image of the drawing in the current view port. SHADE
removes hidden lines and displays a shaded picture of the drawing.

This creates a region object from a selection set of existing objects. Regions are
2Dimensional areas you create from closed shapes.


This reinitializes the input/output ports, digitizer, display and program parameters file.

This displays a GIF, TGA or TIFF image. From the tools menu, choose image,

then view.


This creates a solid by revolving a two – dimensional object about an axis. From the
solids toolbar, choose
At the command prompt, enter revolve


This inserts a shape. Before inserting a shape, you must load the file containing the
desired shape.


This moves objects about a three dimensional axis From the modify toolbar, choose
the rotate fly out then Follow the prompting
This uses the intersection of a plane and solids to create a region. AutoCAD creates
regions on the current layer and inserts them at the location of the cross –section.
Selecting several solids creates separate regions for each solid.
This slices a set of solids with a plane.

This accesses operating system commands.

This creates a solid by revolving a two dimensional object about an axis.


This creates a realistically shaded image of a three dimensional wireframe or solid

model. RENDER produces an image using information from a scene, the current
selection set, or the current view.


The figures we do in engineering are fitted into a template. In ACAD draw a template
known as Drawing sheet in two different formats.

The size of the drawing sheet is

ISO A4 210 X

Pre-lab questions:
1. What is the command for line?
2. What are 1.
the what
optionsare available in the
different drawoftool
types bar?
3. What are 2.
the What
optionsare available in the modify tool
different AUTO-CAD software? bar?
4. List out any ten 2D commands.
3. What is drawing environment?
5. Explain layout and sketching.
6. What Post
is known
labby drawing environment?
7. What are the types of drawing environment?
8. What is the
1. purpose
Wirte any of giving limitsoftoline
5 types the drawing
command? file?
9. Explain the types of lines.
2. List out any 5 2d command?
10. What is the
3. useList of hatching?
out any 5 3d command?
11. What are the transformation commands?
12. What are the commands for cutting of objects?
13. What are the types of dimensions in drawing?
14. Explain about the coordinate system.
15. Explain regeneration of drawing.
16. List out any ten 3D commands.
17. Define geometric tolerance.
18. Define section.
19. What is the difference between the UCS and WCS?
20. What is the purpose of Extrude option?


Launching AutoCAD from operating System.

Click on Start.

Go to Programs

Go to Auto Desk

Go to Auto CAD 2012- English

Click on Auto CAD 2012- English.

Using your pointing device

One of the key means of controlling commands & inputting information into your
drawing file will be by using your mouse.

Using three button mouse:

Left button: data / accept – used to select command & enter points.

Middle button: It is used as Pan and scroll zooming

Right button: Reset / reject / repeat last command – used to end a command or to
o a small pull down menu or to repeat last command.

Using the Key boards.

Typing Command name is “command line”. Can run all the commands in auto CAD.

Enter button and Space bar can be used to accept a command or repeat last command.

The Function Keys can be used as toggle buttons to switch ON/ OFF for some of
functions. The Important ones are

Function key Function

F1 Help on
F2 Toggle text windows
F3 Toggle object snap setting
F4 3D o snap on/off
F5 Isoplane Top / Left/ Right
F6 Dynamic UCS off/ on
F7 Toggle Grid points
F8 Ortho on/off
F9 Toggle Snap on/off
F10 Toggle Polar on
F11 Object snap tracking off
F12 Dynamic on/off

User coordinate system:

You can enter pts directly on the command line using 3 different systems. The one you
use is depend on which is more applicable for the situation. The first assignment will get you
used to this the 3 systems are as follows.

a. Absolute Coordinate system (x, y)

b. Relative rectangular Coordinate system @ (x, y)

c. Relative Polar Coordinate system : You would use this System if you know that you
want to draw a line a certain distance at a ┴ Lar Angle. We would enter this as at D
A. In This case D is the distance and A is the angle.
Example: At 10 Angle 900 ( 10 < 90)

d. Creating a new AutoCAD file:

Go to file menu
Select new & Click on drawing
Then select template in that selects ACAD and then click on open.

e. Command in AutoCAD to DRAW, MODIFY and DIMENSION: Before going to

start draw any drawing must set Units, Limits & Grid.

Unit limits:
Command : units (enter)
Type Decimal
Click on ok
Command: limits (enter)
Specify lower left corner – ( 0, 0)
Specify upper right corner ( 100, 100)
Grid on:

Click on F7

Zoom Command:
Command : Z enter
Options: ( All / center/ dynamic/ extents. Previous/ scale/ window/ object) (
real Time)

Line command:
Command: L (enter)

Using absolute ordinate system

L (enter)
(0,0) enter
( 100, 0) enter
(100, 00) enter
( 10, 100) enter

Using relative rectangular coordinate system

L (enter)
(0,0) enter
C enter

Using relative polar Coordinate System:

L enter
Click on screen
@ 100 < 0 enter
@ 100< 90 enter
@ 100 < 180 enter

Construction Line:

Command: XL enter
XLINE Specify a point or [ Hor/ ver/ Ang/ Bisect/ offset ] : h


Command: PL (enter)
Specify Start point:
Specify next point (or) [ Arc/ Half width/ length/ undo/ width] : click on screen
For arc in the polyline enter option ‘A’


Command: POL (enter)

Polygon enter no. of sides : 5 (enter)
Specify center of polygon or edge : Click on Screen
Enter an option [Inscribed circle/ circumscribed about circle] {I}:C


Command: C (enter)
Circle Specify center pt for circle or [ 3p / 2p/ Ttr]: click on screen
Specify radius of circle : 50 (enter)
second click

Rec (enter)
Specify 1st Corner pt: click on Screen first pt

Specify 2nd
Corner pt: click on Screen second pt

Option for specifying other corner points

Using dimension option

Specify other corner pt: [Area/ dimension]: D (enter)

Specify length: 100 (enter)

Specify width : 50 ( enter)

Click on screen

Using Area option

A (enter)
Enter area of rectangle : 100
L (enter)
10 (enter)

Command : Arc (enter)
Specify 1st pt: click on screen
Specify 2nd pt: click on screen
Specify end pt: click on screen

Revision cloud:
Command : Revcloud(enter)
Specify start pt or [arc/length/object/ style]
s (enter)


Command : Spl (enter)

Click on screen


Command : El(enter)
Click on screen (3pts)

Ellipse Arc:

Command : El (enter)
A (enter)
Click on screen (3pts)


Command :h (enter)
Scale – 50 (properties)
Click on pick pts.
Click on rectangle

Command :H (enter)
Scale – 0.5
Pick pts
Click on rectangle

Point & Point style:

6. Points are very simple objects and the process of creating them is very simple.

7. Points are rarely used as drawing components although there is no reason why they
could not be.

For Example: Points are automatically created when you measure and divide commands and to
set act distance along lines


Command: po (enter)
Click on Screen

Multi Line commands

command: mline (enter)

Click on Screen

Multiline Style Commands:

Go to format menu
Select multiline style and click
Keyboard: ML style.

Object snap.

command: OS (enter)
Select the required node otherwise (select all)

Text command

Command: t (enter)

Specify two corners

Enter the text
Click on ok


Command: co (or) cp (enter)

Select the Object (enter)
Select the base point and place the point


Command: mi (enter)
Select the object (enter)
Specify the first pt of mirror line
Specify the second pt of mirror line
Erase the source object (yes/No) <N>


Command: O (enter)
Enter the offset distance:
example: 10 (enter)

Select the object and direct the offset

Rectangular Array

Command: ar (enter)
Select Tick The rectangular array
Enter the no of rows
Enter the no of columns
Click on the selected objects button

Polar array:

Command: ar (enter)
Tick polar array
Select the objects
Enter the total no of items
Specify the angle
Specify the center point


Command: m (enter)
Select the object
Specify the base point
Click wherever required


Command: ro (enter)
Select the object (enter)
Specify the base point
Enter the angle
Example: 450 enter


Command: sc (enter)

Select the object (enter)

Specify the base points

Enter the scale
factor Example: 2

s (enter)
Select the object (enter)
Specify Base point and drag the mouse
towards the required direction 25

Command: tr (enter)
Select cutting edges (enter)
Select the objects to trim

Extend command
Command: Ex (enter)
Select boundary edges (enter)
Then select the object to extend

Break command:
Command: br (enter)
Select 1st point and 2nd point

Chamfer command:

(Draw a rectangle of 100 x 50 )

Command: Cha (enter)
d (enter)
Enter the distance 15 (enter)
Enter the distance 10 (enter)
Select two adjacent line on screen

Command: f(enter)
r (enter)
example: 10 (enter)

x (enter)
Select the object (enter)

1. What are the steps to launch the AUTOCAD in the system?
2. What are the uses of three button mouse?
Pre lab
3. What questions
is user coordinate system?
4. What is polar coordinate system?
5. absolute
What is coordinate
user co-ordinate
system? system?
6. What2.areWhat is polar
the steps co-ordinate
involved to create asystem
new drawing file?
7. How 3. What
to draw is absolute
a diagram usingco-ordinate system?system. Give an example.
absolute coordinate
8. Give an example for drawing a diagram using relative rectangular coordinate system.
9. Draw
Postalabdiagram using relative polar coordinate system.
10. What is object snap?
1. What is offset?
11. What is the purpose of multi line commands?
2. isWhat
12. What is rectangular
the difference betweenarray?
chamfer and fillet?
3. What is
13. What is an array? fillet?
14. What are the types of array?
15. What is the difference between the polar array and rectangular array?
16. What is the difference between line and polyline?
17. Explain the difference between construction line and poly line.
18. What is the toggle button to switch ON/OFF of object snap?
19. What is the purpose of ortho toggle button?
20. What is the command to run all the commands in AUTOCAD?




4.1 Aim:

To draw the plan of single storeyed building using the various commands in AutoCAD

4.2 Software Used:

AutoCADD 2016

4.3 Command Used And Their Description:-

Zoom – It is used to zoom the object created.

Units – Used to set the current format for units of measure.

Line –Line commands allows creating a line where the end points allow creating
a line where the end points are dimensional co-ordinates.

Line type – using this command different type of lines can be used to draw object.

Offset – create a news object at a specified distance from an existing object or through a

Fillet - This command is basically used for rounding off edges

Trim – trims off an object using cutting edges defined by other objects.2

Break – removes only a part of an object.

Arc – Used to create an arc segment. Methods are:

1. 3 Points,

2. Start, Center, End

3. Start, Center, Angle

4. Center, Start, End

5. Center, Start, Angle

6. Start, Center, Length

7. Center, Start, Length

8. Start, End, Angle

9. Start, End, Radius

10. Start, End, Diameter

11. Continue

Copy- Moves the selected objects from a given square to destination, learning a
copy at the originally selected location.

Rotate- rotate objects around a specified point

Move- moves object to the destination place from the source place

BHatch – makes shaded patterns as matter of few picks and clicks away

Extend – elongates an object to a boundary defined by other objects

Erase – used to erase the unwanted objects

Text – creates text object with specified height and orientation

osnap – AutoCAD displays the object snaps tab in drafting setting dialog box. If we enter

osnap at command prompt it presents options on the command line.

4.4 Procedure:

1. Set units type-Architectural and precision-0’-0½”
2. Create layers, text style, Dimension style
3. Draw a rectangle required template size using rectangular command, then Z ‘enter’ E
‘enter’ to zoom extend
4. Start drawing plan with line command one horizontal line and vertical line-while drawing
line keep Ortho on
5. With offset command wall thickness and room dimensions are drawn
6. Use Trim command at every junction and excess lines
7. Provide doors and windows openings according to the sizes- use offset and trim
8. Text and Dimensioning – (common text height 9”- Main text height 14”)-Dimensioning
commands preferable Linear, Aligned and leader.
9. Draw section mark –use polyline command
10. Schedule of Door and windows- use text command
11. Using save command, the file having plan is saved by giving the Corresponding path

4.5 Results:

The functional requirements of the single storeyed building is planned and the plan drawn in
AutoCAD 2013

4.6 Pre lab questions
1. What is plan?
What is osnap?
is elevation?
What is plan?
is the difference between plan and section?
3. List various commands used in this building plan?
4. What is section?
5. 4.7
is single
labstorey building?
6. What is the difference between single storey building and multi storey building?
What is the
to set polyline?
page dimensions?
2. What is
8. Define trim? common text height?
3. Thickness of wall?
9. Define break command?
10. List the commands used to draw the building plan.
4.8What are the different
Assignment types of line commands?
12. What is meant by multi storied building?
13. How to use hatch/
1. What
14. single storeyed
the standard building of
dimensions plan in door?
main Auto Cad 2016
15. What are the standard dimension of window?
16. What is meant by soft storey?
17. What is the minimum clear height of the floor?
18. What is dimension of inner wall?
19. what are the standard dimensions of ventilator?
20. What is the thickness of outer wall?

Experiment No. 4.Drawing of plans of Buildings using software


4.1 Aim:

To draw the plan of single storeyed building using the various commands in AutoCAD

4.2 Software Used:

AutoCADD 2016

4.3 Command Used And Their Description:-

Zoom – It is used to zoom the object created.

Units – Used to set the current format for units of measure.

Line –Line commands allows creating a line where the end points allow
creating a line where the end points are dimensional co-ordinates.

Line type – using this command different type of lines can be used to draw object.

Offset – create a news object at a specified distance from an existing object or through a
specified point.

Fillet - This command is basically used for rounding off edges

Trim – trims off an object using cutting edges defined by other objects.2

Break – removes only a part of an object.

Arc – Used to create an arc segment. Methods are:

1. 3 Points,

2. Start, Center, End

3. Start, Center, Angle

4. Center, Start, End

5. Center, Start, Angle

6. Start, Center, Length

7. Center, Start, Length

8. Start, End, Angle

9. Start, End, Radius

10. Start, End, Diameter

11. Continue

Copy- Moves the selected objects from a given square to destination, learning a
copy at the originally selected location.

Rotate- rotate objects around a specified point

Move- moves object to the destination place from the source place

BHatch – makes shaded patterns as matter of few picks and clicks away

Extend – elongates an object to a boundary defined by other objects

Erase – used to erase the unwanted objects

Text – creates text object with specified height and orientation

osnap – AutoCAD displays the object snaps tab in drafting setting dialog box. If we enter

osnap at command prompt it presents options on the command line.

4.4 Procedure:

4.5 Results:

The functional requirements of the multi storeyed building is planned and the plan drawn in
AutoCAD 2016

4.6 Pre lab questions

1. What is meant by multi storyed building?
2. Define trim?
set page dimensions?
2. What is elevation?
3. 4.7
WhatPost lab questions
is the difference between plan and section?
4.1.What is section?
Define break command
2. Different
5. what is singletypes of line
storey commands?
6. What is the difference between single storey building and multi storey building?
7. 4.8
to set the page dimensions?
8. Define trim?
1. Draw multi storeyed building plan in Auto Cad 2016
9. Define break command?
10. List the commands used to draw the building plan.
11. What are the different types of line commands?
12. What is meant by multi storied building?
13. How to use hatch/
14. What are the standard dimensions of main door?
15. What are the standard dimension of window?
16. What is meant by soft storey?
17. What is the minimum clear height of the floor?
18. What is dimension of inner wall?
19. what are the standard dimensions of ventilator?
20. What is the thickness of outer wall?


a) Single storeyed Building

5.1 Aim:

To draw the plan of single storeyed building using the various commands in AutoCAD

5.2 Software Used:

AutoCADD 2016

5.3 Command Used And Their Description:-

Zoom – It is used to zoom the object created.

Units – Used to set the current format for units of measure.

Line –Line commands allows creating a line where the end points allow creating
a line where the end points are dimensional co-ordinates.

Line type – using this command different type of lines can be used to draw object.

Offset – create a news object at a specified distance from an existing object or through a

Fillet - This command is basically used for rounding off edges

Trim – trims off an object using cutting edges defined by other objects.2

Break – removes only a part of an object.

Arc – Used to create an arc segment. Methods are:

1. 3 Points,

2. Start, Center, End

3. Start, Center, Angle

4. Center, Start, End

5. Center, Start, Angle

6. Start, Center, Length

7. Center, Start, Length

8. Start, End, Angle

9. Start, End, Radius

10. Start, End, Diameter

11. Continue

Copy- Moves the selected objects from a given square to destination, learning a
copy at the originally selected location.

Rotate- rotate objects around a specified point

Move- moves object to the destination place from the source place

BHatch – makes shaded patterns as matter of few picks and clicks away

Extend – elongates an object to a boundary defined by other objects

Erase – used to erase the unwanted objects

Text – creates text object with specified height and orientation

osnap – AutoCAD displays the object snaps tab in drafting setting dialog box. If we enter

osnap at command prompt it presents options on the command line.

5.4 Procedure:

1. The elevation is drawn by extending the outer line of the plan using extend command and
unwanted lines are erased using erase command.
2. The doors, windows, sunshade and parapet are drawn in same distance in elevation as
drawn in same distance in the plan.
3. The section is drawn on the adjacent side of the elevation by extending the lines.
4. The various represtations of brickwork, sand filling and concrete are completed in the
section using Bhatch command.
5. Using save command, the file having plan, elevation and section is saved by
giving the Corresponding path name.
6. Using save command, the file having plan, elevation and section is saved by
giving the Corresponding path name.

5.5 Results:
The functional requirements of the multi storeyed building is planned, the section and
elevation are drawn in AutoCAD 2016

5.6 Pre lab questions

1. How to use Hatch?

2. Define trim?
3. How to set page dimensions?
5.7 Post lab questions

1. Define break command

2. Define section?
3. Define elevation?
5.8 Assignment questions
1. Draw the plan of single storeyed building


b)Multi storeyed Building

5.1 Aim:

To draw the plan of multi storeyed building using the various commands in AutoCAD

5.2 Software Used:

AutoCADD 2016

5.3 Command Used And Their Description:-

Zoom – It is used to zoom the object created.

Units – Used to set the current format for units of measure.

Line –Line commands allows creating a line where the end points allow creating
a line where the end points are dimensional co-ordinates.

Line type – using this command different type of lines can be used to draw object.

Offset – create a news object at a specified distance from an existing object or through a
specified point.

Fillet - This command is basically used for rounding off edges

Trim – trims off an object using cutting edges defined by other objects.2

Break – removes only a part of an object.

Arc – Used to create an arc segment.

Methods are:

1. 3 Points,

2. Start, Center, End

3. Start, Center, Angle

4. Center, Start, End

5. Center, Start, Angle

6. Start, Center, Length

7. Center, Start, Length



8. Start, End, Angle

9. Start, End, Radius

10. Start, End, Diameter

11. Continue

Copy- Moves the selected objects from a given square to destination, learning a
copy at the originally selected location.

Rotate- rotate objects around a specified point

Move- moves object to the destination place from the source place

BHatch – makes shaded patterns as matter of few picks and clicks away

Extend – elongates an object to a boundary defined by other objects

Erase – used to erase the unwanted objects

Text – creates text object with specified height and orientation

osnap – AutoCAD displays the object snaps tab in drafting setting dialog box. If we enter
osnap at command prompt it presents options on the command line.

5.4 Procedure:

1. The elevation is drawn by extending the outer line of the plan using extend command and
unwanted lines are erased using erase command.
2. The doors, windows, sunshade and parapet are drawn in same distance in elevation as
drawn in same distance in the plan.
3. The section is drawn on the adjacent side of the elevation by extending the lines.
4. The various repetitions of brickwork, sand filling and concrete are completed in the
section using Bhatch command.
5. Using save command, the file having plan, elevation and section is saved by
giving the Corresponding path name.
6. Using save command, the file having plan, elevation and section is saved by
giving the Corresponding path name.

5.5 Results:
The functional requirements of the multi storeyed building is planned, the section and
elevation are drawn in AutoCAD 2013

5.6 Pre lab questions

to use Hatch?
2. Define trim?
1. What
3. DefineisMulti
plan?storey building?
2. What is elevation?
5.7 Post lab questions
3. What is the difference between plan and section?
4. What
1. How to is use
text command?
2. Define
5. what is section?
single storey building?
3. Define elevation?
6. What is the difference between single storey building and multi storey building?
7. How to set the page
5.8 Assignment dimensions?
8. Define trim?
9. Define
1. Draw the break
of multi storeyed building?
10. List the commands used to draw the building plan.
11. What are the different types of line commands?
12. What is meant by multi storied building?
13. How to use hatch/
14. What are the standard dimensions of main door?
15. What are the standard dimension of window?
16. What is meant by soft storey?
17. What is the minimum clear height of the floor?
18. What is dimension of inner wall?
19. what are the standard dimensions of ventilator?
20. What is the thickness of outer wall?



6.1 Aim:

To draw the plan, section and elevation of doors using the various commands in AutoCAD

6.2 Software Used:

AutoCADD 2013

6.3 Command Used And Their Description:-

Zoom – It is used to zoom the object created.

Units – Used to set the current format for units of measure.

Line –Line commands allows creating a line where the end points allow creating
a line where the end points are dimensional co-ordinates.

Line type – using this command different type of lines can be used to draw object.

Offset – create a news object at a specified distance from an existing object or through a
specified point.

Fillet - This command is basically used for rounding off edges

Trim – trims off an object using cutting edges defined by other objects.2

Break – removes only a part of an object.

Arc – Used to create an arc segment. Methods are:

1. 3 Points,

2. Start, Center, End

3. Start, Center, Angle

4. Center, Start, End

5. Center, Start, Angle

6. Start, Center, Length

7. Center, Start, Length

8. Start, End, Angle

9. Start, End, Radius

10. Start, End, Diameter

11. Continue

Copy- Moves the selected objects from a given square to destination, learning a
copy at the originally selected location.

Rotate- rotate objects around a specified point

Move- moves object to the destination place from the source place

BHatch – makes shaded patterns as matter of few picks and clicks away

Extend – elongates an object to a boundary defined by other objects

Erase – used to erase the unwanted objects

Text – creates text object with specified height and orientation

osnap – AutoCAD displays the object snaps tab in drafting setting dialog box. If we enter
osnap at command prompt it presents options on the command line.

6.4 Procedure:

1. The plan is drawn as per the door size and shown in above fig.
2. The elevation is drawn by extending the outer line of the plan using extend command and
unwanted lines are erased using erase command.
3. The section is drawn on the adjacent side of the elevation by extending the lines.
4. The various represtations of frames, Aldrop, Door stopper, Handles etc.., are
completed in the section using line and Bhatch commands.
5. Using save command, the file having plan, elevation and section is saved by
giving the Corresponding path name.
6. Using save command, the file having plan, elevation and section is saved by giving the
Corresponding path name.

6.5 Results:
The planned, the section and elevation of the door is drawn in AutoCAD 2013

Pre lab questions

1. How
1. What to use Hatch?
is door?
2. Define trim?
2. What are the components of door?
3. define Multi storey building?
3. What is the difference between plan and section?
What is section?
Post lab questions
5. what is single storey building?
1. How
6. What is theto use textbetween
difference command?single storey building and multi storey building?
2. Define section?
7. What is lintel?
3. Define elevation?
8. Define trim?
9. What is an arch?
10. Assignment
the commands questions
used to draw the door and window.
11. What are the different types of line commands?
1. Draw the section and elevation of the door?
12. What is meant by multi storied building?
13. How to use hatch?
14. What are the standard dimensions of main door and bathroom door?
15. What are the standard dimensions of single and double window?
16. What is meant by soft storey?
17. What is the minimum clear height of the floor?
18. What is dimension of inner wall?
19. what are the standard dimensions of ventilator?
20. What is the thickness of outer wall?


6.1 Aim:

To draw the plan, section and elevation of doors using the various commands in AutoCAD

6.2 Software Used:

AutoCADD 2013

6.3 Command Used And Their Description:-

Zoom – It is used to zoom the object created.

Units – Used to set the current format for units of measure.

Line –Line commands allows creating a line where the end points allow
creating a line where the end points are dimensional co-ordinates.

Line type – using this command different type of lines can be used to draw object.

Offset – create a news object at a specified distance from an existing object or through a

Fillet - This command is basically used for rounding off edges

Trim – trims off an object using cutting edges defined by other objects.2

Break – removes only a part of an object.

Arc – Used to create an arc segment. Methods are:

1. 3 Points,

2. Start, Center, End

3. Start, Center, Angle

4. Center, Start, End

5. Center, Start, Angle

6. Start, Center, Length

7. Center, Start, Length

8. Start, End, Angle

9. Start, End, Radius

10. Start, End, Diameter

11. Continue

Copy- Moves the selected objects from a given square to destination, learning a
copy at the originally selected location.

Rotate- rotate objects around a specified point

Move- moves object to the destination place from the source place

BHatch – makes shaded patterns as matter of few picks and clicks away

Extend – elongates an object to a boundary defined by other objects

Erase – used to erase the unwanted objects

Text – creates text object with specified height and orientation

osnap – AutoCAD displays the object snaps tab in drafting setting dialog box. If we enter

osnap at command prompt it presents options on the command line

6.4 Procedure:

1. The plan is drawn as per the window size and shown in above fig.
2. The elevation is drawn by extending the outer line of the plan using extend command and
unwanted lines are erased using erase command.
3. The section is drawn on the adjacent side of the elevation by extending the lines.
4. The various representations of frames, tower bolts, railings, Handles etc.., are
completed in the section using line and B hatch commands.
5. Using save command, the file having plan, elevation and section is saved by
giving the Corresponding path name.
6. Using save command, the file having plan, elevation and section is saved by
giving the Corresponding path name.

6.5 Results:
The planned, the section and elevation of the window is drawn in AutoCAD 2013

6.6 Pre lab questions

1. How to use Hatch?

2. Define trim?
3. Define Multi storey building?

6.7 Post lab questions

1. How to use text command?

2. Define section?
3. Define elevation?

6.8 Assignment questions

1. Draw the section and elevation of the window?

7.1 Aim:

To draw the working drawing building using the various commands in AutoCAD

7.2 Software Used:

AutoCADD 2013

7.3 Command Used And Their Description:-

Zoom – It is used to zoom the object created.

Units – Used to set the current format for units of measure.

Line –Line commands allows creating a line where the end points allow creating a
line where the end points are dimensional co-ordinates.

Line type – using this command different type of lines can be used to draw object.

Offset – create a news object at a specified distance from an existing object or through a
specified point.

Fillet - This command is basically used for rounding off edges

Trim – trims off an object using cutting edges defined by other objects.2

Break – removes only a part of an object.

Arc – Used to create an arc segment. Methods are:

1. 3 Points,

2. Start, Center, End

3. Start, Center, Angle

4. Center, Start, End

5. Center, Start, Angle

6. Start, Center, Length

7. Center, Start, Length

8. Start, End, Angle

9. Start, End, Radius

10. Start, End, Diameter

11. Continue

Copy- Moves the selected objects from a given square to destination, learning a
copy at the originally selected location.

Rotate- rotate objects around a specified point

Move- moves object to the destination place from the source place

BHatch – makes shaded patterns as matter of few picks and clicks away

Extend – elongates an object to a boundary defined by other objects

Erase – used to erase the unwanted objects

Text – creates text object with specified height and orientation

osnap – AutoCAD displays the object snaps tab in drafting setting dialog box. If we enter
osnap at command prompt it presents options on the command line

7.4 Procedure:

1. Start drawing working plan to Architectural plan with of hatch, dim etc… commands
2. Remove all room sizes and do dimensioning each and every detail.
3. Using save command, the file having plan is saved by giving the Corresponding path

7.5 Results:

The working drawing for the given plan is drawn in AutoCAD 2013

7.6 Pre lab questions

1. How to use Hatch?

2. Define trim?
3. Define Multi storey building?
7.7 Post lab questions

1. How to use text command?

2. Define section?
3. Define elevation?

7.8 Assignment questions

1. Draw a working plan of building using Auto CAD?


1 Introduction to computer aided drafting

2 Software for CAD- Introduction to different software’s

3 Practice exercises on CAD software

4 Drawing of plans of buildings using software

c) Single storeyed

d) Multi storeyed

5 Developing sections and elevations for

c) Single storeyed

d) Multi storeyed

6 Detailing of building components like doors, windows, roof trusses etc. using
CAD software’s

7 Exercises on development of working of buildings.

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