The Economic Crisis and Its Impact On Developing Countries: Briefing Paper #11

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Briefing Paper #11

The Economic Crisis and

its Impact on Developing

Introduction 1
I. Impact on developing countries – what we know so far 2
II. Impact on development aid (ODA) 4
III. Institutional responses: opportunities and threats 6
IV. Effects of crisis on development organisations and development climate 12
V. Resources 14

Responsible Editor: Conny Reuter

SOLIDAR is a European network of 53 NGOs

working to advance social justice in Europe and worldwide. Front cover images (right to left):
© FOS, Strike in Namibia
SOLIDAR lobbies the EU and international institutions in
three primary areas: social affairs, international cooperation and education. © LegaCoopBund, Independant

Photo from Soweto

Published June 2009 Photo of Social worker with lady

In 2009 some 59 million people could lose their jobs, whilst 200 million will be
added to the ranks of the 1.3 billion of those working but living on less than $2 per
day. Some 53 million could be driven into absolute poverty, on top of the 135-150
million that were already pushed there in 2007-08 due to the rise in food and fuel
prices. Given the unprecedented scale of the crisis, SOLIDAR calls on European
governments to engage in an urgent revision of the global economic system,
ensuring that decades of profit-driven growth ideology is replaced by a people
and environment- centered economy.

But first let’s put this current crisis into a context: before the fall of Lehman Brothers and
the jitters on Wall Street, the developing world was already suffering from a massive lack
of affordable food and fuel. In addition, the challenges of climate change, HIV/AIDS and
the attainment of almost all of the Millennium Development Goals were already
combining to make an urgent revision of our economic modus operandi a necessity. The
latest financial crisis, its impact on the real economies of developing and developed
countries alike and the strain this will put on aid budgets have transformed this from an
urgent task to an urgent necessity.

In June 2009 the World Bank updated its outlook for the global economy. Justin Lin,
Chief Economist for the World Bank, commented on the findings: “extraordinary
measures by governments around the world have helped save the global financial
system from complete collapse, but the economic recession in the real sectors persists”.
This highlights that a real political commitment is required to effectively eliminate poverty
and inequality and bring about social and economic justice, for men and women, all
around the world.

In SOLIDAR’s eyes, a real political commitment from world leaders is a package that
fundamentally re-orients the economy towards a reduction in poverty and inequality, that
stimulates decent employment, re-distributes wealth and ensures social protection for all
and reinforces human and labour rights so that people throughout the globe can live a
life in peace and dignity.

Together we can be a force for change!

Conny Reuter

Secretary General SOLIDAR

The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries | 1

I. Impact on developing countries – what we know so far
The following are some key facts and The Overseas Development Institute
figures which sketch the outline of how recently released the initial results of
the crisis is already impacting on research in ten developing countries unique
developing countries: monitoring study: Bangladesh, Benin,
Bolivia, Cambodia, Ghana, Kenya,
Developing countries face a $270-700 billion Indonesia, Nigeria, Uganda and Zambia.
financing gap as a result of the financial
crisis (World Bank) The research found 1 :
− Portfolio investment flows experienced a
Foreign direct investment has decreased by dramatic drop in 2008 in most countries,
20% in 2008 (UN) resulting in some large net outflows and
a significant drop in equity markets in
The collapse of commodity prices and 2008 and into 2009. There is evidence
exports has meant that many developing of the increased tightening of credit
country economies face significant conditions for bank lending in
decreases in export revenue. This is Cambodia, Ghana and Zambia. Foreign
particularly dangerous for low income Direct Investment (FDI) has been
countries since export revenue share of their affected less, but this varies across
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been countries. The financial contagion is not,
steadily increasing from the 1990s to reach however, the severest of the shocks
almost a third of their GDP in 2007 (IMF) revealed in the results so far.

Private capital flows to emerging economies − The real shock facing the 10 countries
are expected to drop by $US165 billion as reviewed is far worse: export values are
banks restrain lending (World Bank) falling. Indonesian exports of electronic
products (which account for 15% of total
Remittances, which easily outstrip ODA are exports) fell by 25% in value between
also drying up, with migrant workers losing January 2008 and 2009. In Cambodia,
jobs or not being able to afford to send as garment export values at the beginning
much money home. Early evidence of this year had dropped alarmingly from
suggests those most hard hit are European a monthly average of $250 million in
Neighbourhood Countries and Latin 2008 to just $100 million in January
American countries. 2009.

In 2009 some 50 million people are − In Kenya, remittances were down 27%
expected to lose their jobs, with another 200 in January 2009, compared to January
million joining the already 1.3 billion (43% of 2008, after a year of volatility.
the global workforce) in extreme poverty, ie
people who work but earn $2 per day (ILO) − Aid to Uganda fell in 2008.

Some 53 million people could be driven into − In Bangladesh, emigration fell by 38.8%
poverty in developing countries, on top of between February 2008 and February
the 135-150 million driven into poverty by 2009.
the rise in food and fuel prices over the
2007-2008 period (World Bank) − Growth predictions have had to be
revised significantly in all ten countries.
Cambodian growth, for example, is set

Source: ODI, The financial crisis and developing

2 | The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries

to decline from more than 10% in 2007 (Nigeria and Zambia) to countries
to close to zero in 2009. where, with donor support, social
protection provision is being extended
− There are significant job losses. rapidly from a low base (Cambodia), to
Cambodia has already lost 51,000 others where an already well developed
garment jobs lost in recent months, and system is being expanded to respond to
15,000 jobs in construction. increased need (Indonesia). The scale
of the social protection response may be
− Zambia lost 8,100 (25%) of its 30,000 determined by the extent of revenue
mining jobs in 2008. contraction, the ability of the government
to access resources to finance the fiscal
− Economic policy responses to the global deficit, and the pre-existence of a social
financial crisis vary widely, from protection system.
‘business as usual’ to more pro-active
approaches. Some countries are − The institutional context for policy
considering, implementing or responses varies. The research has
accelerating growth policies (e.g. found that some countries (e.g. Kenya,
Cambodia), or even implementing a Ghana, Bangladesh, Nigeria) have
fiscal stimulus (Indonesia). But others established crisis task forces that may
have responded with only very small help them to respond to the crisis.
monetary policy steps, and not much
else (e.g. Kenya or Uganda).

− There is also a wide range of social

policy responses in the 10 countries.
These range from significant reductions
in overall social sector allocations

The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries | 3

II. Impact on development aid (ODA)
The recently released AidWatch report 2 any improvements on last year’s figures.
is a timely reminder of the impact the Amongst the new Member States,
crisis has had on rich government Bulgaria and Malta are by far the worst
intentions to fulfill commitments they performers, with decreases of 27%. Hot
made at the UN in 1979, and re-affirmed on their heels were Estonia, which
in 2002 under the so-called Monterrey dropped by 19%, Poland by 10%,
Consensus (called the Financing for Hungary 9%, and the Czech Republic by
Development process) to give 0.7% of 1%.
Gross National Income in aid (Overseas
Development Assistance). Already many − Aid volumes will also decline as a
were falling behind schedule in proportion of shrinking European
delivering, but the crisis has thrown this economies. Even if we assume that EU
into sharp relief, with many countries donors will meet their aid targets, the
cutting aid budgets already and others impact of the economic downturn on
signaling their intention to do so. At a European economies will reduce the
time when aid is needed more than ever, amount of aid they deliver by €12bn
this is a worrying trend. between 2008 and 2010. This is
because EU targets are expressed as a
According to AidWatch figures: proportion of national income, and
− In 2008, Europe provided 0.40% of its therefore the real volume of aid will
gross national income (GNI) in aid. diminish in line with the shrinking size of
Although this is an increase of €4bn, in European economies.
reality, a further €20bn is necessary
over the next two years in order to meet − Official figures also conceal significant
its targets. amounts of “inflated aid”. Out of the
€50bn that European governments
− If current trends continue, a maximum of provided as aid in 2008, almost €5bn is
only 10 countries will meet their 2010 debt cancellation, €2bn student costs
aid commitments (Luxembourg, the and close to €1bn refugee costs. When
Netherlands, Spain, UK, Finland, these figures are discounted, European
Lithuania, Cyprus, Sweden, Denmark aid for 2008 amounted to only 0.34% of
and Ireland). This means that Europe is collective GNI, a long way from the 2010
way off-track on providing 0.7% of GNI target of 0.56%.
in aid by 2015.
− Even more worrying is the appearance
− Since December last year four in recent documents of the EU and the
European governments: Italy, Ireland, G8 of the so-called “ODA+” agenda.
Latvia and Estonia have cut their aid. Prior to their EU Development
Amongst the EU-15, Austria recorded Directorate Generals meeting in
the biggest decrease. However, February this year, a questionnaire was
progress towards the European target of sent to the Member States in advance of
0.51% by 2010 was negligible amongst the meeting. It aimed to build the ODA+
many others in the EU-15. Greece has figure for each member state. In addition
lowered its target for 2010 to 0.35% to traditional ODA, it includes
GNI. frontloading of ODA disbursements,
export related transactions, investment
− Half of the EU-12 decreased their aid related transactions, non ODA migration
levels and a further two did not register related support to developing countries,
non ODA peace and security related
The AidWatch report is made by CONCORD, the support to developing countries, non
European Confederation of Development NGOs , of ODA research/innovation programmes
which SOLIDAR is a member.

4 | The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries

benefitting developing countries, non European Commission but it has come
ODA related climate change activities, back in the form of the “whole of Union”
guarantees to the banking sector, approach. This is described in greater
innovative financing mechanisms, Clean detail in the section on EU processes.
Development Mechanism… Through
effective lobbying, the ODA+
measurement was dropped by the

The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries | 5

III. Institutional responses: opportunities and threats
G20: The structure important questions such as tax, extra
money for developing countries channeled
Meeting for the first time in November 2008, through the International Financial
the heads of G20 governments met again in Institutions (IFIs), and some attention paid to
London in April. The G20 countries include jobs, decent work and social protection.
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada,
China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, The key commitments include:
Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, − $1.1 trillion extra money for the IFIs,
South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the US comprising of $250 billion in IMF Special
and the European Union. Hailed by many as Drawing Rights; $500 billion new
a revolution in global governance compared contributions by governments to the
to the outdated G7, the G20 is still IMF; $250 billion in trade finance; $100
nevertheless a self-selected club of rich and billion extra via multilateral development
emerging economies, in which the voice of banks and around $6 billion or so for
the poor and most vulnerable is not likely to low-income countries to be funded by
be heard, nor it is it open to civil society in a IMF gold sales. Of this money only $50
formal sense, in a way that the United billion is clearly earmarked for low-
Nations is. income countries.
The UN is asked to “establish an
Overall, many have argued that the G20 is effective mechanism to monitor the
not a legitimate body to resolve this impact of the crisis on the poorest and
systemic crisis and that it is the UN that most vulnerable.
should be given the mandate to deal with Some of the low-income country money
these issues, given that the crisis itself is a will be channeled through the World
result of the uneven distribution of wealth Bank’s Vulnerability Fund
and power. Others say the UN is not
equipped to deal with such issues and that − There is language on tax evasion and
the G20 represents 90 per cent of the world tax havens, but most of the major tax
population and 90 per cent of its GDP. It havens, including European ones, will
does however exclude almost every African escape censure as will companies which
country apart from South Africa, and many practice other forms of tax evasion.
smaller and poorer countries elsewhere.
− The secretive Financial Stability Forum
As a result there is currently a tension will be strengthened and renamed the
between the G20, and the UN processes Financial Stability Board, with new
happening in parallel (described below). The members including all G20 members,
G20 also has no formal secretariat, hence Spain and the European Commission –
no resources, and is led by Finance there are no or few developing country
Ministries, which presents another representatives on this forum or they
challenge, since they are often not the most have little say, and there is only
pro-development and social spending ‘dialogue’ with business, not any with
friendly. civil society organisations.

G20: The outcomes of the last summit − The communication states that IFI
“mandates and governance must be
It was in itself a massive victory for reformed to reflect changes in the world
campaigners (mostly ones in the UK, with economy”, but there is no detail on this.
involvement of SOLIDAR members) that The IMF quota reform already agreed
forced the question of development on the last year is re-announced and a further
agenda at the April Summit. The summit did one pledged “by 2011”. The World Bank
not “refound the financial system” as was should propose further ways to change
promised, but there was some progress on its governance “by 2010”.

6 | The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries

− Importantly for SOLIDAR, the G20 remembering the close links we already
agreed "to support those affected by the have either on our own or through allies with
crisis, by creating employment governments in Germany, UK, and a few
opportunities and through income others). These opportunities were siezed at
support measures. We will build a fair the April 1 summit, resulting in clear
and family-friendly labour market for references to decent work, social protection,
both women and men. We therefore green jobs and the ILO itself in the final
welcome the reports of the London Jobs declaration. However, as mentioned earlier
Conference and the Rome Social the details are sketchy and unless we
Summit, and the key principles they intensify our efforts we could end up with yet
proposed. We will support employment another principled declaration without any
by stimulating growth, investing in concrete impact.
education and training, and through
active labour market policies, focusing The enlargement to the G20 also brings with
on the most vulnerable. We call upon a number of governments not well known for
the ILO, working with other relevant their support for civil society (China, Saudi
organizations, to assess the actions Arabia, South Korea, Turkey). It is likely that
taken and those required for the future." as the governments keep meeting under the
G20 auspices, these countries will raise their
This implication of the ILO in a monitoring voices against some of the initiatives we
role is an important break from the past would like to see pursued, particularly
where only the Bretton Woods Institutions regarding transparency and rights-based
were involved. There is however little detail development. This problem is of course also
of how they intend to build fair and family- not new (within the EU itself there are many
friendly labour markets, whilst much of the countries which are not so CSO friendly) but
funding for social protection will go through the collective approach to decision-making
the World Bank’s Vulnerability Fund, which and formal consultation processes provide
is a matter of great concern given the failure some space.
of World Bank policies in this area.
One of the big winners out of the G20 is the
Disappointingly, the G20 like almost every International Monetary Fund. Given its role
other forum of developed and emerging in creating the crisis and the fact there have
economies reiterated their support for free not been real signs of reform, it is worrying
trade and committed themselves to the that they will be once again put in charge
finalisation of the Doha round, despite the after the failure of their policies. There has
fact that trade liberalisation is one of the been some (albeit minor) changes to the
main causes of the crisis, due to the IMF structure and the G20 declaration does
deregulation of the financial sector, and one call for more reform. In particular, if enough
of the main reasons why developing pressure was placed by the EU, US and
countries in particular are unable to cope China there could be some significant
with it due to reduced revenues from tariffs movement in IMF governance. However,
and over-dependence on exports for given that some 40 countries are facing a
revenue. debt crisis, it is a big concern that once
again people will be forced to suffer the
Opportunities and threats of the G20 consequences of social austerity programs
process to repay debt they were forced to get into
through no fault of their own.
The G20 has as members a number of
“progressive governments”, some of whom UN process
are close to civil society, offering an
opportunity for our advocacy to be taken Under the Financing For Development (FFD
seriously. A number of those governments process), which was due to meet in
(South Africa, Brazil, Australia) are close to December 2008 long before the crisis
the trade union movements in particular, emerged, the UN set out a plan for dealing
putting SOLIDAR in a particularly good both with the short-term effects of the crisis
position vis-a-vis advocacy (and and with some of the systemic issues that

The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries | 7

are hampering development. SOLIDAR lessons for reforming existing
participated in this process late last year institutions.
and, along with others, was successful in
advocating for language on decent work and − Those schemes should avoid
tax havens to be a part of the outcome conditionalities (which induce
document, as well as a range of other “procyclical” policies which many
issues. countries are still required to pursue by
the IMF even as these policies
The key issue of the conference was the contribute to the crisis).
resistance by some countries, notably the
outgoing US administration to allow the UN − Explore a variety of mechanisms of
system to take the lead in the discussions innovative financing for development,
around the creation of a new global financial including international taxes (carbon tax
and economic system. A compromise was and financial services tax).
reached which has resulted in the
preparations currently ongoing for the UN − On trade issues, the Commission notes
Conference on the World Financial and that many bilateral and multilateral trade
Economic Crisis and Its Impact on agreements contain commitments that
Development. At the same time the UN circumscribe the ability of countries to
General Assembly had set up a respond to the current crisis with
“Commission of Experts of the President of appropriate regulatory, structural and
the General Assembly on Reforms of the macroeconomic reforms and reform
International Monetary and Financial packages. Developing countries need
System”, chaired by Prof. Joseph Stiglitz, in policy frameworks that can help protect
order to provide recommendations and them from regulatory and
inputs into the conference. They released a macroeconomic failures in systemically
draft report in March which was discussed at significant countries.
the UN General Assembly from 25-27 of
March. In January this year, SOLIDAR − It notes that development dimension of a
submitted written input into the successful completion of the Doha trade
Commission’s scope of inquiry, which was round is unclear and calls for a “true
later incorporated in the civil society development round” to create an
submission to the Inquiry. international trade regime which truly
promotes growth in developing
Some of the principal relevant countries. The long recognised principle
recommendations of the draft Stiglitz of special and differential treatment for
Commission report are: developing countries must be preserved.

New policy actions New institutions

− Industrialised countries should dedicate − In the short-term, a mechanism with the
1% of their stimulus packages to offset United Nations system-drawing on the
the impact of the financial crisis to successful example of the
developing countries (in additional to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
traditional official development Change (IPCC)—could be created to
assistance commitments). offer consultancy to the UN General
Assembly, the UN Economic and Social
− Immediate creation of a new credit Council (ECOSOC) and other
facility. If it is established quickly international organizations to enhance
enough, it could be a means of capacity for sound decision making and
disbursing the necessary funding. The constructive policy dialogue on issues of
governance of the new facility should be global economic and financial
more reflective of democratic principles, architecture and coherent international
with strong representation of developing policy and action.
countries and those countries
contributing to the facility. These − In the longer term, creation of a Global
governance arrangements could provide Economic Coordination Council at

8 | The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries

Heads of State and Government level – creating a smaller yet representative and
a level equivalent to the General accountable body. On the other hand, the
Assembly and the Security Council. This Council could also suffer from the same
Council could promote accountability of legitimacy issues if it becomes bogged down
all international economic organisations, in the same politicking that has made the
identify gaps and help set the agenda United Nation’s Economic and Social
for global economic and financial Council (ECOSOC) impotent.
reforms. Representation would be based
on the constituency system, ensuring
that all continents and major economies The EU approach: Some concerns
are represented, as a democratically
representative alternative to the G20. It A few days after the G20 Summit, the
would be supported intellectually by the European Commission issued its April
above-mentioned International Panel. Package, an annual review of how the EU is
delivering against its Monterrey Consensus
− Fundamental governance reform of the Commitments. This year, in view of the
Bretton Woods institutions, including crisis, the communication also included an
introduction of double or multiple overarching document on “Helping
majority voting in the IMF. developing countries face the crisis”. This
communication was then used as the basis
Opportunities and threats for the discussion with Member States at the
The Stiglitz recommendations provide a General External Affairs and Relations
good basis for the fundamental reforms of Council. The GEARC conclusions then
the global economic system. The report was served as the basis upon which the EU will
well received by the UN General Assembly engage in the UN June Conference.
President and by the G77 (a grouping of
developing countries). Its authors include Summary of measures
amongst others the German Development Most of the measures announced are
Cooperation Minister, Ms. Heidemarie essentially prepayments, but which will only
Wieczorek-Zeul. The report provides a good be a stopgap solution if the Member States
basis for joint advocacy between a range of fail to keep their promises to increase ODA.
actors (governments, NGOs, social To take immediate action, the Commission
movements, trade unions). will anticipate its aid payments in the total
amount of €4.3 billion in 2009, i.e. 21% of
Not surprisingly, the Stiglitz report has the European Development Fund 2008-2013
received a less warm welcome from EU and for the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP)
other developed-country governments. They states. This sum includes €3 billion as
do not see the UN playing a role in budget support and €800 million (of €1
reforming global governance beyond issues billion) under the food facility adopted in
affecting developing countries and are December to help farmers from poor
resistant to many of the recommendations, countries. The remaining €500 million will
particularly on trade and other non-financial finance social safety spending in the most
issues. As a result, they do not wish to see vulnerable countries. In addition, to support
some of the stronger recommendations economic activity, the EC will double its
incorporated and are threatening to pull contribution to the Infrastructure Trust Fund
political support for the entire conference for Africa, adding €200 million more in 2009
process. Not achieving agreement would and 2010. This money should provide
undermine the UN even further. leverage for the implementation of 2.5€
billion in low-interest loans for infrastructure
The Stiglitz report also recommends the development (transport, water, energy and
creation of a Global Economic Council, telecommunication).
which could supersede some of the current
UN structures perceived to be incapable of Aid volumes
dealing with the economic crisis and get The communication promises no new
around the arguments that negotiating money, and does not comment on the fact
amongst a group of 192 countries by that some EU member states have in fact

The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries | 9

made cuts to their ODA already, making it Within this framework, the European
likely that the 0.56% of Gross National Investment Bank, a body with no
Income (GNI) target that the EU as a whole accountability to the EU and whose purpose
is meant to contribute to ODA by 2010 will is not poverty reduction has been given
not be met. Given that all other sources of more powers. In fact they are the main
developing country income are steeply channel for the implementation of the
declining, aid as the only predictable and majority of the initiatives announced in the
stable source of funds becomes paramount communication, including climate change
in this situation. Ensuring that at a bare adaptation funds.
minimum our governments meet their
targets is therefore crucial. So far, both in Cushioning social impact
the Communication and the GEARC Whilst the EC recognises the importance of
conclusion there is the reiteration of only the investing in social safety nets, boosting
collective target, and no mention of employment and investing in agriculture,
individual commitments. This is because the there is no new money committed to any of
collective target is easier to hide behind, and the initiatives. More worryingly, it seems that
those countries who do not intend to meet the bulk of the money will be channeled
their commitments prefer not to be singled through the EIB (infrastructure investment,
out. In addition by “frontloading” ie bringing particularly through the EU-Africa
forward the funding there is a serious risk infrastructure funds), the World Bank and
that money will not be available in later the regional development banks. Some of
years. the money for social protection will go
through providing more budget support the
Whole of Union approach EU’s own FLEX mechanism. The investment
In light of the potential of falling aid levels, in agriculture will go through the 1 billion
the EU wants to portray as much as possible euro food facility, only a small proportion of
that it is helping developing countries deal which is dedicated to supporting small scale
with the crisis through other sources. With agriculture and much of it is channeled
this in mind the communication speaks of a through loans in the form of export credit
“whole of union approach” which would take guarantees. Again stimulating trade and
into account private sector resources, and investment, with the now seemingly
potentially other things such as export obligatory commitment to finalising the Doha
credits, investment guarantees and technical round and investment in aid for trade is
transfers, none of which have automatically reiterated, despite the overwhelming
a positive impact on development. The evidence of negative impacts of trade
approach only looks at the “positive” liberalisation on both employment and social
financial flow contributions without protection.
emphasising Policy Coherence for
Development, a process by which the EU is Taxation reform
supposed to be looking at how its other The Communication and the GEARC
policies such as those on trade, agriculture conclusions focus heavily on the need for
and climate change, negatively affect developing countries to reform their own
development. A similar concept,that of taxation systems, without giving enough
“whole of country”, is currently being emphasis to ensuring that EU governments
discussed by the G8, with Italy in particular recognising the role of the EU’s own tax
pushing for this re-definition of aid. We are havens and unfair tax practices on
concerned that if implemented, this will development The GEARC conclusions
leave less and less genuine aid going to support the agreement reached at the G20
developing countries. summit, but those conclusions as mentioned
above do not call for automatic disclosure of
European Investment Bank information nor for country-by-country
The EC is clearly largely still set on its reporting accounting standards, meaning
agenda of pushing for economic growth that in fact very little will change.
through spending on infrastructure, despite
this clearly being proven to not lead to re-
distribution of income or poverty alleviation.

10 | The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries

ILO response and ongoing processes
Reform of global institutions
Given that much of the money will be The ILO has been playing a leading role in
channeled through existing global both forecasting the effects of the crisis on
institutions both the communication and the decent work, in particular employment,
GEARC conclusions are not very concrete social protection, women and migrants as
on the question of global governance well as putting forward and implementing
reform. There is mention of the need to solutions through its programs.
reform the quota formula to calculate the
voting weight of the shareholders of the IFIs, They have launched Global Job Crisis
but there is no mention of the need for EU Observatory Global Job Crisis Observatory
governments to consolidate their that provides information on the crisis by
representation within these institutions to region, by subject (employment promotion,
free-up space for developing countries. It is gender, labour migration). It also includes
widely envisaged that the EU Member events, feature stories and the ILO
States will agree on their position vis-a-vis response.
the reform of the IFIs at the June Council
meeting. However, there is no mention of In addition, this year’s International Labour
removing harmful IFI conditionality. Conference is set to develop a Global Jobs
Pact. Being held from 3–19 June 2009 in
Climate change Geneva, the conference is an opportunity for
There is hardly any mention of climate ensuring that the social dimension fo the
change nor of the necessity for the EU to crisis is not forgotten. SOLIDAR is
find additional funding for climate change accredited to the conference and will be
adaptation to put on the table in the lead up engaged in the work of the committee of the
to the Copenhagen conference. whole, responsible for the drafting of the
outcome document. The Pact will be based
Aid effectiveness on a report by the ILO’s International
The EU says that it will improve its aid Institute for Labour Studies entitled The
effectiveness based on the principles of Financial and Economic Crisis: A Decent
Paris but the conclusions contain little that is Work Response. The various policies that
concrete in terms of implementing will be discussed including expanding social
commitments. The GEARC conclusions do protection and protecting pensions; targeted
encourage Member States to implement the support to vulnerable groups and sectors,
Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for such as youth; investment in the
Action (agreed at the Accra conference in development of worker skills to prepare for
2008). Whilst all the AAA priorities are recovery; strengthening of employment
mentioned most of the focus is on division of services; support to enterprises, particularly
labour to the detriment of other crucial small and medium-sized enterprises
aspects of the aid effectiveness (SMEs); public investment in infrastructure,
commitments. In reality this means little through emergency public works with labour
progress is promised on reducing intensive techniques; incentives and
conditionality, ensuring better democratic investments in energy efficient technologies
ownership of aid; reducing tied aid; and “green jobs”; socially responsible
increasing use of country systems and restructuring of enterprises and sectors; and
improving predictability. strengthened collective bargaining
arrangements to facilitate negotiated wage
settlements, especially regarding low paid
workers, aimed at sustaining real incomes
and thus consumer demand.

The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries | 11

IV. Effects of crisis on development organisations and climate
As well as the potential for policy change at that they will be forced to shut their
both national and international level, there offices. CONCORD recently wrote to
are some key challenges emerging as a President Barroso seeking the EC’s
result of the crisis affecting our organisations financial help for these organisations.
and the context in which we work. The
obvious challenge is the fact with the − On the Brussels level, our impression is
recession hitting many developed countries that with the crisis institutions such as
hard, arguments for maintaining and the European Parliament Development
increasing ODA levels could be met with Committee and the EP itself have felt
resistance from the general population. they can challenge the Commission a lot
Anecdotal evidence however suggests that more. At the same time, the “Whole of
this is not necessarily the case. In the UK for Union” approach is a dangerous shift
example, it seems that years of campaigning and attempt by the Commission to turn
have created the public context in which away from solidarity as the main driver
arguments about why aid is more important of development policy (which is arguable
than ever are understood and supported by in any case but is a part of the
the public. In addition, whilst predicting that discourse), to treating it as a tool to
revenues from direct donations will tackle global challenges. Migration often
decrease, some organisations have been comes up in meetings with DG
able to maintain the same level of funding. Development with increased migration
CONCORD is in the process of gathering flows used by them as a defensive
data from its membership about the effects argument for why aid levels should be
of the crisis on various organisations, both maintained.
network organisations like SOLIDAR and
national platforms. That information will be In a CONCORD meeting with CODEV (the
available in the next few months. Council of Development Ministers from the
EU Member States) representatives from
Some initial effects at the national level member States raised the issue of public
being reported are: support for development being crucial and
− Declines in income (both direct there being many actors calling for cuts in
donations and from governments and development spending in order to prioritise
foundations cutting aid budgets) measures targeting local populations,
including the poor and vulnerable. This
− Many organisations are restructuring presents us with the challenge of ensuring
and making staff redundant that we put forward a coherent agenda
which does not pitch the necessity of
− Operating in a politically more difficult providing support for those affected by the
environment, with development issues crisis in the heart of Europe against
being off the national agenda providing the same support to those outside
of Europe. At the same meeting,
− The effectiveness and efficiency of development ministries expressed
NGOs as development actors being frustration at the lack of information and
increasingly questioned coherence between their work and that of
the finance ministers and head of states.
− Development ministries being squeezed There is a clear need to tackle this question
out of decision-making and unable to at the national level by ensuring that our
influence their Finance ministries advocacy efforts are targeted at all relevant
parts of government.
− The countries within the EU which have
been hit the hardest are undoubtedly the
New member States. For some national
development platforms, it is very likely

12 | The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries

Given that after the EU elections there will
be a new European Parliament, with new
Development, Human Rights and Trade
Committees as well as a new Commission,
there is an opportunity to engage with new
actors. There is also a danger that the new
EP will be more right wing. Some MEPs
have commented that they fear a “Bush” era
in the new EP.

The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries | 13

V. Resources
ƒ Institute of Development Studies: The Global Financial Crisis, Developing Countries and
Policy Responses (March 2009)

ƒ April 1 G20 communiqué

ƒ New Internationalist – Put People First – G20 Special Edition

ƒ ILO response to the G20 Summit

ƒ Re-thinking finance – country positions for the G20

ƒ SOLIDAR response to the G20 Summit

ƒ UN Financing for Development Doha Outcome Document

ƒ EU Communication: Supporting developing countries in coping with the crisis (April 2009)

ƒ SOLIDAR response to the European Commssion’s April Package

ƒ For a new economic and social model – LET’S PUT FINANCE IN ITS PLACE!

ƒ AidWatch report: Lighten the Load

ƒ The World in Crisis: Securing Economies and Resources for Poor Countries – Manifesto
for the Czech Presidency of the European Union

ƒ Getting the World to Work – Global Union Strategies for Recovery

14 | The Economic Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries

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