Scrum Process Chart
Scrum Process Chart
Scrum Process Chart
Scrum Flow
Create Daily Standup
Release Schedule Deliverables Meeting
Release Planning Session
1-6 weeks
Review &
Initiate Plan & Estimate Implement Release
Create Project Create User Stories Create Deliverables Demonstrate and Ship Deliverables
Vision Validate Sprint
Empirical Process Control CORE: Project Vision Statement Project Vision Meeting
Scrum prescribes making decisions Explains the business need the Stakeholders meet to identify the business
based on observation and Product Owner project is intended to meet and context, business requirements, and stakeholder
experimentation rather than detailed should focus on the problem rather expectations in order to develop an effective
upfront planning. • Defines the Project Vision and Release Schedule than the solution. Project Vision Statement.
as the “Voice of the Customer”
• Defines customer requirements in the form of
Prioritized Product Backlog
Self-organization Epics/User Stories and clarifies these requirements 2 Release Planning Meeting
Scrum believes that today’s workers for team members 3
A prioritized list of requirements that, The purpose of this meeting it to develop a
have much more knowledge to offer • Prioritizes items on the Product Backlog according when turned into potentially shippable Release Plan which defines when various sets of
than just their technical expertise and to business value product functionality, will deliver the usable functionality or products will be delivered
that they deliver greater value when • Provides Acceptance/Done Criteria and inspects Project Vision. Owned by the Product to the customer.
self-organized. deliverable(s) to validate them Owner.
Scrum Guidance Body