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# Number.
As used in this manual set, the term applies to the European 4-wire 2.048
2 Mbit/s link Mbit/s digital line or link which can carry 30 A-law PCM channels or 120 16
kbit/s GSM channels.
4GL 4th Generation Language.

Interface between MSC and BSS.
AA Anonymous Access.
AA-TID Anonymous Access-Tunnel IDentifier.
AB Access Burst.
Interface between a remote BSC and BTS. Motorola offers a GSM standard and a
Abis unique Motorola Abis interface. The Motorola interface reduces the amount of
interface message traffic and thus the number of 2 Mbit/s lines required between BSC and
ac alternating current.
AC Access Class (C0 to C15).
ACCH Associated Control CHannel.
ACK, Ack ACKnowledgement.
ACM Address Complete Message.
ACSE Associated Control Service Element.
ADCCP ADvanced Communications Control Protocol.
ADM ADMinistration processor.
ADMF ADMinistrative Function.
ADN Abbreviated Dialling Number.
ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation.
AEC Acoustic Echo Control.
AFC Automatic Frequency Control.
AFN Absolute Frame Number.
AGC Automatic Gain Control.
Access Grant CHannel. A GSM common control channel used to assign MS to a
The radio link between the BTS and the MS.
AMA Automatic Message Accounting (processor).
An Account metering and collection. A metering feature that reports traffic generated
by PDP contexts.
Access Point Name. The purpose of the APN information element is to identify the
packet data network to which the GPRS user wishes to connect. The Access Point
Name is a label or a fully qualified domain name according to DNS naming
conventions as specified in GSM 03.03.
Applied This is the per-cell GPRS application data such as email that is carried on GPRS
Load carrier timeslots from all of the mobiles in a cell.
Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number. An integer which defines the absolute
RF channel number.
ARQ Automatic ReQuest for retransmission.
ARP Address Resolution Protocol.
Association Control Service Element. An ASE which provides an AP with the
ASCE means to establish and control an association with an AP in a remote NE. Maps
directly onto the Presentation layer (OMC).
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
ASE Application Service Element (OMC).
ASE Application Specific Entity (TCAP).
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode.
AU Access Unit.

Interface between MSC and VLR.
BCCH Allocation. The radio frequency channels allocated in a cell for BCCH
BAP Bus Arbitration Process.
BBP BackBone Protocol.
BC Bearer Channel.
Bc Committed Burst rate.
Broadcast Control CHannel. A GSM control channel used to broadcast general
information about a BTS site on a per cell or sector basis.
BCS Block Check Sequence.
Be Burst excess rate.
BEC Backward Error Correction.
BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification.
BER Bit Error Rate. A measure of signal quality in the GSM system.
BFI Bad Frame Indication.
BG Border Gateway.
BGP Border Gateway Protocol.
BH Busy Hour.
BootLoad. Also known as download. For example, databases and software can be
downloaded to the NEs from the BSS.
BLER BLock Error Rate.
bit/s Bits per second (bit/s).
Bm Full rate traffic channel.
Bit Number. Number which identifies the position of a particular bit period within a
Br Burst rate.
BRI Basic Rate Interface.
BS Billing System.
Bearer Service. A type of telecommunication service that provides the capability for
the transmission of signals between user-network interfaces. The PLMN connection
type used to support a bearer service may be identical to that used to support other
types of telecommunication service.
Base Station Controller. A network component in the GSM PLMN which has the
digital control function of controlling all BTSs. The BSC can be located within a
single BTS cabinet (forming a BSS) but is more often located remotely and controls
several BTSs (see BCF, BCU, and BSU).
BSP Base Site control Processor (at BSC).
Base Station System. BSS provides RF control and transmission for GPRS mobile
devices. The system of base station equipment (Transceivers, controllers and so on)
which is viewed by the MSC through a single interface as defined by the GSM 08
series of recommendations, as being the entity responsible for communicating with
MSs in a certain area. The radio equipment of a BSS may cover one or more cells. A
BSS may consist of one or more base stations. If an internal interface is
implemented according to the GSM 08.5x series of recommendations, then the BSS
consists of one BSC and several BTSs.
BSSAP BSS Application Part.
BSS GPRS Protocol. The functions of the BSSGP are to provide radio-related
BSSGP information, and to perform node management functions between the SGSN and the
BSS GPS Base Station System Global Positioning System.
BSSI Base Station System Indentifier.
BSSMAP Base Station System Management Application Part (6-8).
Base Transceiver Station. A network component in the GSM PLMN which serves
BTS one cell, and is controlled by a BSC. The BTS contains one or more Transceivers
A period of modulated carrier less than one timeslot. The physical content of a
BSSGP Virtual Connection. A data and signalling communication path across the
Gb interface between remote BSSGP entities.
BVC1 BSSGP Virtual Connection Identifier.

Card Also referred to as Board. A printed circuit assembly.
Interface between MSC and HLR/AUC.
ITU-TSS Signalling System number 7 (sometimes referred to as S7 or SS7); a card
(or a module).
The C7 module provides the logical interface to the HLR, MSC/VLR (future) and
SMS-C (future). A C7 module has up to four E1 interfaces, which typically connect
to a C7 Signalling Transfer Point (STP) pair. The C7 Module has a unique address
within the GSN complex, and is directly connected to the GSN CommHub via a
100BaseT port. In the GSN Release 1, one C7 module is provided for every three
SGSN modules. The C7 module that serves a particular SGSN module need not be
located in the same shelf module as the SGSN module.
CA Cell Allocation. The radio frequency channels allocated to a particular cell.
CA Central Authority.
Country ADMinistration. The Motorola procedure used within DataGen to create
new country and network files in the DataGen database.
CAI Charge Advice Information.
CB Cell Balancer process at the PCU.
CBC Cell Broadcast Centre.
CBCH Cell Broadcast CHannel.
CBL Cell Broadcast Link.
CBMI Cell Broadcast Message Identifier.
CBSMS Cell Broadcast Short Message Service.
Common Control CHannel(s). A class of GSM control channels used to control
paging and grant access. Includes AGCH, PCH, and RACH.
CCD Common Channel Distributor.
CCDSP Channel Coding Digital Signal Processor.
Control CHannel. Control channels are channels which carry system management
Comit 頃 onsultatif International T 鬩 graphique et T 鬩 phonique. This term has
CCITT been superseded by ITU-TSS (International Telecommunications Union -
Telecommunications Sector).
CCPE Control Channel Protocol Entity.
CCU Channel Coder-decoder (Coding) Unit.
CDR Call Detail Record (for Charging).
CD-ROM Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory.
CEB Control Equalizer Board.
By GSM definition, a cell is an RF coverage area. At an omni-site, cell is
synonymous with site; at a sectored site, cell is synonymous with sector. This differs
from analogue systems where cell is taken to mean the same thing as site. (See
Conf 鲥 nce des administrations Europ 饮 nes des Postes et
CEPT Telecommunications, CCITT G.703/704 based European digital
transmission facility (2.048 Mbit/s).
CERM Circuit Error Rate Monitor.
Control Function module. CF performs the SGSN mobility management
functions and OA&M functions for the GSN module. CF has a unique IP
address within the GSN, and is directly connected to the GSN
Communications Hub by a 100Base T port.
CG Charging Gateway.
CGF Charging Gateway Function.
A means of one-way transmission. A defined sequence of periods (for
example, timeslots) in a TDMA system; a defined frequency band in an
FDMA system; a defined sequence of periods and frequency bands in a
frequency hopped system.
C/I Carrier-to-Interface ratio.
CIC Circuit Identity Code.
CIM Coaxial Interconnect Module.
Ciphertext Unintelligible data produced through the use of encipherment.
CIR Committed Information Rate.
CKSN Ciphering Key Sequence Number.
CLI Calling Line Identity.
CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation supplementary service.
CLIR Calling Line Identification Restriction supplementary service.
CLK Clock.
CLM Connectionless Manager.
CLNS ConnectionLess Network Service.
CM Configuration Management.
CM Connection Management.
CMD CoMmanD.
CMM Channel Mode Modify.
CMIP Common Management Information Protocol.
Common Management Information Service Element. An ASE which
provides a means to transfer management information via CMIP messages
with another NE over an association established by ASCE using ROSE
Collocated Placed together; two or more items together in the same place.
CODEC COder-DECoder.
COMM, Comms COMMunications.
GSN Communications Hub. The unit provides ethernet switching and IP
CommHub routeing for the GSN complex local networking and GSN complex E1
interfaces to the public data network.
CommsLink Communications Link. (2Mbit/s)
The communications cabinet holds the GSN communications equipment,
Communications including the GSN Communications Hub, Internet Support Services, High
cabinet Availability Disk Array and the Sun Cluster; required to support a GSN
Cisco Network Registrar. CNR is a Cisco product that provides DNS server
capabilities to the GSN.
CONP Connection-Oriented Network Protocol.
CONS Connection-Oriented Network Service.
CP Call Processing.
Compact Peripheral Component Interconnect, a set of standards that define
a common card cage, power supplies, and processor boards. Compact PCI.
CPGM CCCH Paging Manager.
CPU Central Processing Unit.
CR Connection Request (Part of SCCP network connectivity).
CRM Cell Resource Manager.
CS Circuit Switch(ed).
CS Coding Scheme.
CS-1 Coding Scheme-1 (9.05 kbit/s per TCH).
CS-2 Coding Scheme-2 (13.4 kbit/s per TCH).
CS-3 Coding Scheme-1 (15.6 kbit/s per TCH).
CS-4 Coding Scheme-1 (21.4 kbit/s per TCH).
CSFP Code Storage Facility Processor (at BSC and BTS).
CSP Central Statistics Process. The statistics process in the BSC.
CSPDN Circuit Switched Public Data Network.
CT Channel Tester.
CT Channel Type.
CUG SS Closed User Group Supplementary Service.
Cy Class C (data) MS functionality. Relates to an MS class mode of operation.

D Interface Interface between VLR and HLR.
DataGen Sysgen Builder System. A Motorola offline BSS binary object configuration tool.
dB Decibel. A unit of power ratio measurement.
DB Dummy Burst (see Dummy burst).
DBA DataBase Administration/Database Administrator.
DBMS DataBase Management System.
dc direct current.
Dedicated Control CHannel. A class of GSM control channels used to set up calls
and report measurements. Includes SDCCH, FACCH, and SACCH.
DCE Data Circuit terminating Equipment or Data Communication Equipment.
DCF Data Communications Function.
Data Communications Network. A DCN connects Network Elements with internal
mediation functions or mediation devices to the Operations Systems.
DDS DataGen Directory Structure.
DE Discard Eligibility.
DFE Decision Feedback Equalizer.
DGT Data Gathering Tool.
DHCP Dynamic Host Control Protocol.
DHP Digital Host Processor.
E1 line termination module.
DINO T1 T1 line termination module.
DIR Device Interface Routine.
DL Data Link (layer).
DL DownLink.
DLC Data Link Connection.
DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier.
DLD Data Link Discriminator.
DLS DownLink Segmentator.
DLSP Data Link Service Process.
DLSP Digital Link Signalling Processor.
Dm Control channel (ISDN terminology applied to mobile service).
DMR Digital Mobile Radio.
DN Directory Number.
Domain Name Service (Server/System). The DNS is a distributed Internet
directory service. DNS is used primarily to translate between logical domain or
equipment names to IP addresses. In GPRS, an Access Point Name (APN) is a
form of DNS name.
DNIC Data network identifier.
Downlink Physical link from the BTS towards the MS (BTS transmits, MS receives).
DPROC Data PROCessor board (in PCU).
Domain Name System. The DPS is a distributed Interned directory service. DPS is
DPS used primarily to translate between logical domain or equipment names to IP
addresses. In GHIS, an Access Point Name (AN) is a form of DPS name.
Data Rate Converter board. Provides data and protocol conversion between PLMN
and destination network for 8 circuits (p/o IWF).
Generic term for radio channel unit. May be standard RCU or diversity radio
channel unit DRCU.
DRI Digital Radio Interface.
DRIM Digital Radio Interface Module.
DRX Discontinuous Receiver/Reception.
DS0 A 64 kbit/s timeslot.
DSP Digital Signal Processor.
DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part.
DTE Data Terminal Equipment.
DTx Discontinuous Transmission.
A period of carrier less than one timeslot whose modulation is a defined sequence
that carries no useful information. A dummy burst fills a timeslot with an RF
signal when no information is to be delivered to a channel.
DYNET Dynamic Network (device which provides a network definition).

E Interface Interface between MSC and MSC.
ECID The Motorola European Cellular Infrastructure Division.
ECT Explicit Call Transfer.
EDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution.
This is the true load carried by a cell from all of the mobiles after the Applied Load
has been wrapped by the GPRS protocols and weighted by the expected BLER,
V.42 bis data compression, and TCP/IP header compression.
EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol.
EGPRS Enhanced GPRS.
EIDE Enhanced Integrated Design (Disk) Electronics.
EIR Equipment Identity Register.
Equalizer Board. Control circuit for equalization for 8 time slots each with
equalizing circuitry and a DSP (p/o RCU).
EQCP Equalizer Control Processor.
EQ DSP Equalizer Digitizer Signal Processor.
International (dimensionless) unit of traffic intensity defined as the ratio of time a
Erlang facility is occupied to the time it is available for occupancy. One erlang is equal to
36 CCS. In the US this is also known as a traffic unit (TU).
ESP Encapsulation Security Payload.
ESP Electro-static Point.
Ethernet Type of Local Area Network.
ETR ETSI Technical Report.
ETS European Telecommunication Standard.
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
EXEC Executive.

F Interface Interface between MSC and EIR.
FA Functional Area.
Fast Associated Control Channel. A GSM dedicated control channel which is
FACCH associated with a TCH and carries control information after a call is set up (see
FACCH/F Fast Associated Control Channel/Full rate.
FACCH/H Fast Associated Control Channel/Half rate.
FB Frequency correction Burst (see t).
FBM Flow control Buffer Management.
Frequency Correction CHannel. A GSM broadcast control channel which
carries information for frequency correction of the mobile (MS).
FCP Fault Collection Process.
FCS Frame Check Sum.
FDDI Fibre Distributed Data Interface.
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access.
FEC Forward Error Correction.
FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification.
FEP Front End Processor.
FH Frequency Hopping.
FHI Frequency Hopping Index.
FM Fault Management.
FM Frequency Modulation.
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array.
FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name.
Frequency Period of RF carrier less than one timeslot whose modulation bit stream allows
correction frequency correction to be performed easily within an MS burst.
FR Frame Relay.
FRF Frame Relay Forum.
FRU Field Replaceable Unit.
FSN Forward Sequence Number.
FTD File Transit Delay.
FTP Fault Translation Process.
FTP File Transfer Protocol.
FU Functional Unit.

G Interface Interface between VLR and VLR.
GB, Gbyte Gigabyte.
Gb card performs the SGSN Gb interface communication protocol functions. It
has a unique IP address within the GSN. It is directly connected to the GSN
Gb card
Communications Hub by a 100Base T port. It supports four E1 ports to
remotely located BSS sites.
GBL Gb Link.
The Gb Link is used to carry both GPRS user data and signalling information
Gb link /
by using frame relay over E1 between the PCU and SGSN. From one to four
E1s may be provisioned per SGSN.
GBM Gb Manager.
The Gb module provides the SGSN Gb interface communication protocol
functions. It has a unique IP address within the GSN complex, and is directly
Gb module
connected to the GSN CommHub via a 100BaseT port. It supports 4 E1 ports to
remotely located BSS, sites and these are referred to as GBL links.
G-CDR GGSN-Call Detail Record.
GCI GDS Channel Identifier (16kbit/s resource used for data).
Generic Clock board. System clock source, one per site (p/o BSS, BTS, BSC,
GCMD Generator CoMmanD (CoMmanD Generator).
GCR Group Call Register.
GDL GPRS Data Link(s).
GDS GPRS Data Stream.
The GSLs are provisioned over one or two E1s between the BSC and PCU.
GDS LAPD Each GDS LAPD channel uses 64 kbit/s of bandwidth on an E1. This LAPD
(GSL) link carries out-of-band GPRS signalling information, PCU statistics, and other
PCU O&M information such as software code loads.
The GDS TRAU is provisioned by the network operator over one to ten E1s
between the BSC and PCU. These E1s carry GPRS user data.
Gg GSN CommHub firewall screening.
gg GGSN-CONTROL, GGSN-GiPROC, GGSN-GNPROC integrated functions
Gateway GPRS Support Node (shelf unit). GGSN provides internetworking
GGSN with external packet-switched networks, and is connected with SGSNs through
an IP-based GPRS backbone network. The GGSN is a Cisco 7206 router.
GGSN-CONTROL function.
GGSN Gi Processor.
GGSN Gn Processor.
GHz Giga-Hertz (109).
Interface between GGSN and PDN (reference point between GPRS and an
external PDN).
GMR GSM Manual Revision.
GMM GPRS Mobility Management (see MM).
GMSC Gateway Mobile-services Switching Centre (see Gateway MSC).
GMT Greenwich Mean Time.
An interface between the SGSN and GGSN ( between two GSNs within the
same PLMN).
Gn module performs the SGSN communication protocol functions for a single
Gn module Gn interface. It has a unique IP address within the GSN complex, and is
directly connected to the GSN Communications Hub by a 100BaseT port.
GOS Grade Of Service.
GPC General Protocol Converter.
GPS Global Positioning Service/System.
GR Gb Router.
Generic Processor board. GSM generic processor board: a 68030 with 4 to 16
Generic Processor board. GSM generic processor board: a 68040 with 32 Mb
GPRS General Packet Radio Service.
GPRS-Attach is performed when the MS indicates its presence to the PLMN
for the purpose of using the GPRS PTP service. This can be immediately after
the MS has been switched on, or later as the user decides to use the GPRS
services. The MS identifies itself with its GSM identity (IMSI, TLLI). A
GPRS-Attach GPRS-Attach is successfully performed only if the subscriber has a valid GPRS
subscription. It is assumed that the user does not, under normal circumstances,
initiate a GPRS-Attach without first ensuring that the data handling capability
necessary in the terminating equipment has been activated, such as the laptop
computer has been turned on.
GPRS-Detach is performed when the MS indicates to the PLMN that the MS is
GPRS-Detach no longer using the GPRS services. The MS identifies itself with its GSM
identity (IMSI, TLLI).
GPRS The GPRS Network Subsystem (NSS) is responsible for all network
Network management and mobility related management. NSS may contain the following
Subsystem components: SGSN, GGSN, ISS, and CGF.
GRE Generic Route Encapsulation.
GSL GPRS Signalling Link(s).
GSM Groupe Sp 飩 al Mobile (the committee).
GSM Global System for Mobile communications (the system).
GSM MS GSM Mobile Station (see MS).
GSM PLMN GSM Public Land Mobile Network (see PLMN).
GSMRF GSM Radio Frequency.
GPRS Support Node. GSN is a set of Motorola equipment that is addressed by
GSN one SS7 point code, is switched through the same GSN Communications Hub,
and is located at one site.
The GSN cabinet holds a combination of GSN shelves and GGSN modules, up
GSN cabinet
to three GSN shelf units.
GSN Communications Hub.
A GSN complex consists of a single ISS and multiple components connected to
a single GSN CommHub. Some of the components that may be connected to a
GSN complex GSN complex are the SGSN, GGSN, CGF, and ISS. A GSN complex is
defined by the physical connection of entities to the GSN Communications
The GSN shelf is the set of equipment contained within a 19 inch CompactPCI
shelf that is interconnected by the same cPCI bus. In the GSN Release 1, a GSN
GSN shelf
shelf contains one C7 card, one to three SGSN modules (CF, Gn, and Gb
cards), and two shelf management modules.
See ISS Cluster. Term is now superseded.
GSR GSM System (Software) Release.
GTM Gb Transmit Manager or Gateway Transmit Manager.
GTP GPRS Tunnelling Protocol.
GTT Global Title Translation.
Period at the beginning and end of timeslot during which MS transmission is
Guard period
GUI Graphical User Interface.
GWM GateWay Manager.
GWY GateWaY (MSC/LR) interface to PSTN.

HA High Availability.
High Availability Disk Array. This term is now superseded. See HA Disk
HA Disk Array High Availability Disk Array, a Sun Netra D1000.
High Availability Fileserver (formerly GSN Sun Cluster). See ISS
HA Fileserver
Cluster. Term is now superseded.
HA NFS High Availability Network File Service.
H Interface Interface between HLR and AUC.
HDLC High level Data Link Control.
HDSL High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line.
The High Availability Disk System provides reliable long-term storage
High Availability
for network configuration, software loads, charging data information, and
Disk System
network statistics.
High Availability Provides reliable long-term storage for network configuration, software
Storage System loads, charging data information, and network statistics.
High Layer Compatibility. The HLC can carry information defining the
higher layer characteristics of a teleservice active on the terminal.
Home Location Register. The LR where the current location and all
subscriber parameters of an MS are permanently stored.
HLRS Home Location Register Service.
HSM HLR Subscriber Management.
HSRP HA Standby Router Protocol.
HSSI High-Speed Serial Interface.
HW Hardware.
2048 superframes. The longest recurrent time period of the frame

IA Incoming Access (closed user group (CUG) SS (supplementary service)).
IAM Initial Address Message.
IANA Internet Address Name Authority.
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol.
IDP Intercept Data Product (also IP).
IDN Integrated Digital Network.
IE Information Element (signalling).
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
IEI Information Element Identifier.
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force.
IHOS Internet Hosted Octet Stream.
International Mobile station Equipment Identity. Electronic serial number that
IMEI uniquely identifies the MS as a piece or assembly of equipment. The IMEI is sent
by the MS along with request for service.
International Mobile Subscriber Identity. Published mobile number (prior to
ISDN) (see also MSISDN) that uniquely identifies the subscription. It can serve
as a key to derive subscriber information such as directory number(s) from the
IMSI International Mobile Station Identity.
INS IN Service.
The general term used to describe the inter-operation of networks, services,
supplementary services and so on. See also IWF.
Interval A recording period of time in which a statistic is pegged.
IOS Internet Operating System.
I/O Input/Output.
IP Initialization Process.
IP Internet Protocol.
IPC Inter-Process Communication.
IPSec IP Security.
IRI Intercept Related Information.
Integrated Services Digital Network. An integrated services network that
provides digital connections between user-network interfaces.
ISG Motorola Information Systems Group (formally CODEX).
ISO International Organisation for Standardization.
Integrated Support Server. ISS performs the Charging Gateway Function,
Domain Name System, Network Time Protocol, and other functions required by
the GSN. The ISS thus carries out the function of IP support server. Was Internet
(IP) Support Services (Server).
The ISS Cluster comprises the terminal concentrator, Netra t 1125s, Netra
ISS Cluster D1000, and associated software. Formerly known as High Availability
Fileserver and GSN Sun Cluster.
ISUP ISDN User Part (of signalling system No. 7).
ITC Information Transfer Capability.
ITU International Telecommunication Union.
InterWorking Function. A network functional entity which provides network
interworking, service interworking, supplementary service interworking or
signalling interworking. It may be a part of one or more logical or physical
entities in a GSM PLMN.
IWMSC InterWorking MSC.
IWU InterWorking Unit.

k kilo (103).
kb, kbit kilo-bit.
kilo-bits per second.
kbyte kilobyte.
Ciphering key. A sequence of symbols that controls the operation of encipherment
and decipherment.
kHz kilo-Hertz (103).
kph Kilometres per hour.
KSW Kiloport SWitch.
kW kilo-Watt.

L1 Layer 1.
L2ML Layer 2 Management Link.
L2R Layer 2 Relay function. A function of an MS and IWF that adapts the known layer2
protocol LAPB of a user onto RLP for transmission between the MT and IWF.
L2R BOP L2R Bit Orientated Protocol.
L2R COP L2R Character Orientated Protocol.
L3 Layer 3.
LA Local Area.
LAC Location Area Code.
Location Area Identity. The information indicating the location area in which a cell
is located.
LAN Local Area Network.
LAN Extender half size board. Fibre optic distribution of LAN to/from other
cabinets (p/o BSS etc).
LAPB Link Access Protocol Balanced (of ITU-TSS Rec. x.25).
LAPD Link Access Protocol D-channel (Data).
LAP-G Link Access Protocol-GPRS.
LCF Link Control Function.
LCN Local Communications Network.
LCP Link Control Processor.
LED Light-Emitting Diode.
LIAN Lawful Intercept Administration Node.
LLC Logical Link Control.
Lower Layer Compatibility. The LLC can carry information defining the lower layer
characteristics of the terminal.
LLGMM Logical Link GPRS Mobility Management.
LLSMS Logical Link Short Message Service.
LPC Linear Predictive Coding.
LSSU Link Stations Signalling Unit (Part of MTP transport system).
LU Location Update.

M Mega (106).
MAC Medium Access Control.
MACN Mobile Allocation Channel Number.
Mobile Application Part (of signalling system No. 7). The inter-networking
signalling between MSCs and LRs and EIRs.
MAPP Mobile Application Part Processor.
MB, Mbyte Megabyte.
Mbit/s Megabits per second.
MCAP Motorola Cellular Advanced Processor.
Motorola Customer Data Format used by DataGen for simple data entry and
M-CDR Mobility management-Call Detail Record.
MCP570 Main Control Processor570.
MF MultiFrame.
MHz Mega-Hertz (106).
Management Information Base (SNMP). A Motorola OMC-R database. There is a
CM MIB and an EM MIB.
A cell in which the base station antenna is generally mounted below rooftop level.
Microcell Radio wave propagation is by diffraction and scattering around buildings, the main
propagation is within street canyons.
min minute(s).
ms micro-second (10-6).
MM Mobility Management (see GMM).
MME Mobile Management Entity.
MMI Man-Machine Interface.
MMS Multiple Serial Interface Link (one of two 2.048 Mbit/s link) on the MSI board.
MNRG Mobile station Not Reachable for GPRS (flag).
MNRR Mobile station Not Reachable Reason.
MO Mobile Originated.
Mobis Motorola Abis Interface.
A module is a self-contained, separable assembly of electronic parts and/or
software, such as the three-card set that makes up the SGSN.
Mo-MIP Mobile originated-MIP.
MoU Memorandum of Understanding.
MPROC MasterPROCessor board (in PCU).
MS Mobile Station. The GSM subscriber unit.
MSC Mobile-services Switching Centre, Mobile Switching Centre.
msec millisecond (.001 second).
Multiple Serial Interface board. Intelligent interface to two 2 Mbit/s digital links
(see 2 Mbit/s link and DS-2) (p/o BSS).
MSISDN Mobile Station International ISDN number.
MT Mobile Terminated. Describes a call or short message destined for an MS.
MTL MTp Transport layer Link (A interface).
MTM Mobile-To-Mobile (call).
MTP Message Transport Part.
MT/PP Mobile Terminated Point-to-Point messages.
Two types of multiframe are defined in the system: a 26-frame multiframe with a
period of 120 ms and a 51-frame multiframe with a period of 3060/13 ms.

N/W Network.
NAT Network Address Translation.
NB Normal Burst (see Normal burst).
Network_Communications Hub.
NC0 Network Cell reselection mode 0.
NC1 Network Control Option 1.
NC2 Network Control Option 2.
NCO Network Control Option.
NCH Notification CHannel.
Network Element (Network Entity). NE is a GSN component that is managed by
the OMC-G GUI.
NET Norme Europ 饮 nes de Telecommunications.
NF Network Function.
NFS Network File System.
The NFS Server provides reliable long-term storage for network configuration,
NFS Server
software storage, charging data information, and network statistics.
NIC Network Independent Clocking.
Network Information Service. It allows centralised control of network information
for example hostnames, IP addresses and passwords.
NM Network Management.
Nm Newton metres.
NMC Network Management Centre.
NMSI National Mobile Station Identification number.
A period of modulated carrier less than a timeslot.
Nr/sub Number of requests/subscriber.
NS Network Service.
NS-VC Network Service-Virtual Circuit
NS-VCI Network Service-Virtual Circuit/Connection Identifier.
NS-VL Network Service-Virtual Link.
NS-VLI Network Service-Virtual Link Identifier.
NSAP Network Service Access Point.
NSAPI NSAP Identifier.
NSC Network Service Control.
NSE Network Service Entity.
NSEI Network Service Entity Identifier.
NSP Network Service Provider.
NSS GSN Network SubSystem.
NST Network Service Test(er).
NTP Network Time Protocol. The NTP is used to synchronize the time of GSN
components. It provides accuracy within a millisecond on LANs, and up to a few
tens of milliseconds on WANs relative to a primary server synchronized to
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) via a Global Positioning Service (GPS)
NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory.
nW Nano-Watt (10-9).

OA Outgoing Access (CUG SS).
OAMP Operation, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning.
OA&M Operation, Administration, & Management.
OAM&P Operation, Administration, Maintenance, & Provisioning.
O&M Operations and Maintenance.
OIR Online Insertion and Removal.
Operations and Maintenance Application Part (of signalling system No. 7) (was
Operations and Maintenance Centre. The OMC node of the GSM TMN provides
OMC dynamic O&M monitoring and control of the PLMN nodes operating in the
geographical area controlled by the specific OMC.
OMC-G Operations and Maintenance Centre - Gateway Part (Iridium).
Operations and Maintenance Centre - GPRS Part. OMC-G is a GSN network
OMC-G management tool that provides a GUI for configuration management, performance
management, fault management, and load management functions.
OMC-R Operations and Maintenance Centre - Radio Part.
OML Operations and Maintenance Link.
OOS Out Of Service.
OPL OPtimization Link.
OS Operating System.
OSI Open Systems Interconnection or Open Systems Interface.
OSPF Open Shortest Path First.
Overlap sending means that digits are sent from one system to another as soon as
they are received by the sending system. A system using ~ does not wait until it has
received all digits of a call before it starts to send the digits to the next system. This is
the opposite of en bloc sending where all digits for a given call are sent at one time.

PA Power Amplifier.
PAD Packet Assembler/Disassembler facility.
PACCH Packet Associated Control CHannel.
PAGCH Packet Access Grant CHannel.
The procedure by which a GSM PLMN fixed infrastructure attempts to reach an MS
within its location area, before any other network-initiated procedure can take place.
PATH CEPT 2 Mbit/s route through the BSS network.
PBB PCU processor Bridge Board.
PBCCH Packet Broadcast Control CHannel.
PC Personal Computer.
PC Power Control.
pCA PCU Control Authority.
PCCCH Packet Common Control CHannel.
Paging CHannel. A GSM common control channel used to send paging messages to
the MSs.
PCI Packet Control Interface.
PCI Compact Peripheral Component Interconnect.
PCHN Physical Channel.
pCM PCU Configuration Management.
Pulse Code Modulation (see also 2 Mbit/s link which is the physical bearer of
PCU Packet Control Unit (p/o GPRS).
PD Protocol Discriminator.
Packet Data Channel. PDCH carries a combination of PBCCH and PDTCH logical
PDN Public Data Network.
PDP Packet Data Protocol.
PDTCH Packet Data Traffic CHannel.
PDU Packet Data Unit or Protocol Data Unit.
Peg A single incremental action modifying the value of a statistic.
Pegging Modifying a statistical value.
pFCP PCU Fault Collection Process.
pFTP PCU Fault Transaction/Translation Process.
PH Packet Handler.
PHI Packet Handler Interface.
PICP Packet Interface Control Processor (a board).
PLL Phase Lock Loop (refers to phase locking the GCLK in the BTS).
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network. The mobile communications network.
PMC Plugin Memory Card.
PM/E1 Plugin Memory/E1.
PM/T1 Plugin Memory/T1.
PNCH Packet Notification CHannel.
POI Point of Interconnection (with PSTN).
POP3 Post Office Protocol 3.
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service (basic telephone services).
PPB Pci to Pci Bridge.
ppb Parts per billion.
PPC Power PC.
PPCH Packet Paging CHannel.
PPF Paging Proceed Flag.
ppm Parts per million (x 10-6).
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol.
PRACH Packet Random Access CHannel.
PRI Primary Rate Interface.
A cell which is already optimized in the network and has a collocated neighbour
whose cell boundary follows the boundary of the said cell. The primary cell has a
preferred band equal to the frequency type of the coincident cell.
PRM Packet Resource Manager.
PRP Packet Resource Process(or).
PS Packet Switched.
PSA Periodic Supervision of Accessibility.
pSAP PCU System Audit Process.
PSAP Presentation Services Access Point.
PSF Power Supply and Fan unit.
pSM pcu Switch Manager.
PSP Pcu System Processor.
Packet Switched Public Data Network. Public data communications network. x.25
links required for NE to OMC communications will probably be carried by PSPDN.
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network. The UK land line telephone network.
PSU Power Supply Unit.
PTCH Packet Traffic CHannel.
PTM Point-To-Multipoint.
PTM-G Point-To-Multipoint-GPRS.
PTM-M Point-To-Multipoint-Multicast.
PTP Point-To-Point (as in PTP-CLNS).
PTP-M Point-To-Point-Multicast.
PTP-ConnectionLess Network Service.
PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit.

QoS Quality of Service.

RA Routeing Area.
RAB Random Access Burst.
Random Access Control CHannel. A GSM common control channel used to
originate a call or respond to a page.
RACH Random Access CHannel.
RADIUS Remote Access Dial-In User Service.
RAI Routeing Area Identity.
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks.
RAM Random Access Memory.
RCB Radio Control Board (p/o DRCU).
RCI Radio Channel Identifier.
RCP Radio Control Processor.
Radio Channel Unit. Contains transceiver, digital control circuits, and power
supply (p/o BSS) (see DRCU).
RDB Requirements DataBase.
A Motorola DataGen utility for producing an MMI script from a binary object
RF Radio Frequency.
RFC, Radio Frequency Channel. A partition of the system RF spectrum allocation with a
RFCH defined bandwidth and centre frequency.
RFI Radio Frequency Interference.
RFM Radio Frequency Module.
RJ45 Network cable/Connector type.
RL ReLay.
RLC Radio Link Control.
RLCI Radio Link Control Interface.
Radio Link Protocol. An ARQ protocol used to transfer user data between an MT
and IWF. See GSM 04.22.
RR Radio Resource.
RS232 Standard serial interface.
RSL Radio System Link (BSC-BTS).
RSM Router Switch Module.
RSLP Radio System Link Processor.
RSS Radio SubSystem (replaced by BSS).
RTC Remote Tuned Combiner.
RTD RLC-block-equivalent Transit Delay.
RTF Receive Transmit Function.
RTOS Real Time Operating System.
Rx Receive (uplink).
RXCDR Remote transcoder.
S/W (or SW) SoftWare.
SABM Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode
Slow Associated Control CHannel. A GSM control channel used by the MS
for reporting RSSI and signal quality measurements.
SACCH/C4 Slow Associated Control CHannel/SDCCH/4.
SACCH/C8 Slow Associated Control CHannel/SDCCH/8.
SACCH/T Slow Associated Control CHannel/Traffic channel.
SACCH/TF Slow Associated Control CHannel/Traffic channel Full rate.
Service Access Point. In the reference model for OSI, SAPs of a layer are
SAP defined as gates through which services are offered to an adjacent higher
SAP System Audits Process.
SAPI Service Access Point Indicator (identifier).
SB Synchronization Burst (see Synchronization burst).
S-CDR SGSN-Call Detail Record.
Synchronization CHannel. A GSM broadcast control channel used to carry
SCH information for frame synchronization of MSs and identification of base
SCCP Signalling Connection Control Part (6-8).
Stand-alone Dedicated Control CHannel(s). A GSM control channel where
SDCCH the majority of call setup occurs. Used for MS to BTS communications
before MS assigned to TCH.
SDU Service Data Unit.
SE Supervisor Engine.
SF Signalling Function, SS7 Function, or C7 function.
SFH Slow Frequency Hopping.
Serving GPRS Support Node. SGSN is a set of three cards that includes the
following: Control Function (CF) module, the Gn module, and the Gb card.
SGSN-CF SGSN-Control Function (Card).
This module is a 3-card set of equipment contained within a 19 inch
SGSN module CompactPCI shelf. The 3-card set includes Control Function module, a Gn
module, and a Gb module.
SGSN-OAMP SGSN-Operations And Maintenance Processor.
SGSN-TF SGSN-Transmission Function (card).
Shelf Management The Shelf Management Module (SMM) provides the GPRS mobility
Module management functions including admission control and subscriber
authentication. SMM is a 2-card set that is located in the GSN shelf. Each
SMM contains a system slot (SS) processor module (card) and a bus bridge
module (card). The Shelf Management module performs the bus control
functions, enabling the communication between non-system slot cards over
the cPCI bus. It also performs the shelf level O&M functions including
relaying shelf alarms to the OMC-G and software load management
(BOOTP). Each shelf contains two Shelf Management Units (4 cards in
SM Short Message.
SME Short Message Entity.
SMI Short Message Identifier.....?
SMM See Shelf Management Module.
SMS Short Message Service.
SMS-C Short Message Service-Centre.
SMS-GMSC SMS-Gateway Mobile Switching Centre.
SMS-IWMSC SMS-InterWorking Mobile Switching Centre.
SMS-SC SMS-Service Centre.
SN-PDU SubNetwork-Protocol Data Unit.
SNDCP SubNet Dependent Control Protocol.
SNDCP SubNetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (MIB).
SOA Suppress Outgoing Access (CUG SS).
The Spare A module (card) is a field replacement module (card) for CF, Gb
Spare A module
or C7 modules. It consists of a non-system slot card and two dual E1 PMCs.
The Spare B module (card) is a field replacement module (card) for the Gn
Spare B module module. It consists of a non-system slot card and one PMC encryption
SPC Signalling Point Code.
SPI Signalling Point Inaccessible.
SRES An authentication and cyphering response.
SS System Slot.
SS7 Signalling System 7 (an ITU-TSS standard) (see C7 and SF).
The SS7 module provides the logical interface to the HLR, MSC/VLR, and
SM-SC. An SS7 module has up to four E1 interfaces that usually connect to
SS7 module an SS7 Signalling Transfer Point (STP) pair. The SS7 module has a unique
IP address within the GSN complex. It is directly connected to the GSN
Communications Hub through a 100BaseT port. See also C7.
SCCP Signalling Connection Control Part.
SSP Service Switching Point (an intelligent network element).
STM-1 Synchronous Transfer Mode-1.
S-SMO-CDR SGSN-delivered Short message Mobile Originated - Call Data Record.
S-SMT-CDR SGSN-delivered Short message Mobile Terminated - Call Data Record.
STP Signalling Transfer Point.
Sub-NS Sub-Network Service.
Sun Cluster Sun Cluster is a redundant pair of Sun Netra t 1125s and Sun Netra st
D1000s. The ISS functionality is provided by the Sun Netra t 1125s, and the
pair of Sun Netra st D1000s provide the high availability storage system.
This term has now been superseded. See ISS Cluster.
51 traffic/associated control multiframes or 26 broadcast/common control
multiframes (period 6.12s).
User account that can access all files, regardless of protection settings, and
Super user
control all user accounts.
SVC Switch Virtual Circuit.
SYM SYstem information Manager.
Period of RF carrier less than one timeslot whose modulation bit stream
carries information for the MS to synchronize its frame to that of the
received signal.

TA Timing Advance (see Timing advance).
TACS Total Access Communications System (European analogue cellular system).
TAF Terminal Adaptation Function.
TAF Timing Advance Frame number.
TBF Temporary Block Flow.
TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part.
Traffic CHannel. GSM logical channels which carry either encoded speech or
user data.
TCH/F A full rate TCH.
TCH/F2.4 A full rate TCH at µ 2.4 kbit/s.
TCH/F4.8 A full rate TCH at 4.8 kbit/s.
TCH/F9.6 A full rate TCH at 9.6 kbit/s.
TCH/FS A full rate Speech TCH.
TCH/H A half rate TCH.
TCH/H2.4 A half rate TCH at µ 2.4 kbit/s.
TCH/H4.8 A half rate TCH at 4.8 kbit/s.
TCH/HS A half rate Speech TCH).
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
TCU Transceiver Control Unit.
TDM Time Division Multiplexing.
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access.
Terminal Equipment. Equipment that provides the functions necessary for the
operation of the access protocols by the user.
TF Transmission Function.
TFI Temporary Flow Indicator/Identity.
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol.
TI Tunnel IDentifier.
TID Tunnel IDentifier.
The multiplex subdivision in which voice and signalling bits are sent over the air.
Each RF carrier is divided into 8 timeslots.
Timing A signal sent by the BTS to the MS. It enables the MS to advance the timing of
advance its transmission to the BTS so as to compensate for propagation delay.
TLLI Temporary Logical Link Identity.
TLV Type, Length and Value.
TM Traffic Manager.
TMCP Transition Module Control Processor.
TMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity.
Channels which carry user speech or data (see also TCH).
TRAU Transcoder Rate Adaption Unit.
TRS Timeslot Resource Shifter.
TS Time Service (Server).
TS TimeSlot (see Timeslot).
TSA TimeSlot Acquisition.
TSN Trau SynchronizatioN process at PCU.
TSW Timeslot SWitch.
TTL Time-To-Line.
Tx Transmit (downlink).

UDI Unrestricted Digital Information.
UDP User Datagram Protocol.
UDP/TCP User Datagram Protocol/Transmission Control Protocol.
UL UpLink (see Uplink).
ULC UpLink Concatenator.
Um Air interface. Interface between BTS and mobile.
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems.
UNI User-to-Network Interface.
Uplink Physical link from the MS towards the BTS (MS transmits, BTS receives).
Useful part of That part of the burst used by the demodulator; differs from the full burst
burst because of the bit shift of the I and Q parts of the GMSK signal.
USF Uplink Status Flag.
USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data.
UTC Universal Time Coordinated.
UUS User-to-User Signalling supplementary service.
VC Virtual Circuit.
VIP2 T1/E1 serial module.
Visitor Location Register. A GSM network element which provides a temporary
register for subscriber information for a visiting subscriber. Often a part of the MSC.
VPN Virtual Private Network.

WAN Wide Area Network.
Work Station. The remote device via which O&M personnel execute input and output
transactions for network management purposes.
WSF Work Station Function block.
WWW World Wide Web.

CCITT specification and protocols for public packet-switched networks (see
A communications link which conforms to X.25 specifications and uses X.25
X.25 link
protocol (NE to OMC links).
XBL remote transcoder(X) - Bsc Link (see XCDR).
XCDR TransCoDerR (where X is trans).

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