What Is A Computer?
What Is A Computer?
What Is A Computer?
A computer is an electronic
device, which executes
software programs. It
consists of 2 parts-
hardware and software.
The computer processes
input through input
devices like mouse and
keyboard. The computer
displays output through
output devices like color
monitor and printer. The
size of a computer varies
considerably from very
small to very big. The
speed of computers also
has a very large range.
Computers have become
indispensable in today’s
world. Millions of people
use computers all over the
There are so many applications of
computers, that it is impractical to
mention all of them. This is the Computer
Age and these machines are beginning to
affect out lives in many ways. Computers
are now becoming faster, more reliable,
effective and whole lot cheaper than they
had been ever before.
applications of
Word Processing - Word Processing
software automatically corrects
spelling and grammar mistakes. If
the content of a document repeats
you don’t have to type it each time.
You can use the copy and paste
features. You can printout documents
and make several copies. It is easier
to read a word-processed document
than a handwritten one. You can add
images to your document.
Internet - It is a network of almost all
the computers in the world. You can
browse through much more
information than you could do in a
library. That is because computers
can store enormous amounts of
information. You also have very fast
and convenient access to
information. Through E-Mail you can
communicate with a person sitting
thousands of miles away in seconds.
There is chat software that enables
one to chat with another person on a
real-time basis. Video conferencing
tools are becoming readily available
to the common man.
Digital video or audio composition –
Audio or video composition and
editing have been made much easier
by computers. It no longer costs
thousands of dollars of equipment to
compose music or make a film.
Graphics engineers can use
computers to generate short or full-
length films or even to create three-
dimensional models. Anybody owning
a computer can now enter the field of
media production. Special effects in
science fiction and action movies are
created using computers.
Desktop publishing - With desktop
publishing, you can create page
layouts for entire books on your
personal computer.
Computers in Medicine - You can
diagnose diseases. You can learn the
cures. Software is used in magnetic
resonance imaging to examine the
internal organs of the human body.
Software is used for performing
surgery. Computers are used to store
patient data.
Computers have leapfrogged the
human society into another league. It is
used in each and every aspect of
human life. They will spearhead the
human quest of eradicating social
problems like illiteracy and poverty. It
is difficult to imagine a world bereft of
computers. This revolutionary
technology is indeed a boon to the
human race. May computers continue
to shower their blessings to us.
The End
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