Characterization 2
Characterization 2
Characterization 2
DOI 10.1007/s10856-009-3964-1
Received: 31 August 2009 / Accepted: 2 December 2009 / Published online: 20 December 2009
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
2294 J Mater Sci: Mater Med (2010) 21:2293–2298
recently been optimized in our lab [18]) into highly porous (I-low) and 0.01 M (I-high). The Ca/P ratio for all sus-
collagen scaffolds based on the lyophilization technique pensions was 1.67. All scaffolds were crosslinked and
[19, 20] to produce collagen-nHA (Coll-nHA) biocom- sterilized using a dehydrothermal treatment (0.05 bar at
posite scaffolds with improved resorbability and mechan- 105° for 24 h [19]).
ical characteristics.
2.3 Scaffold characterisation
2.1 Nano-hydroxyapatite (nHA) synthesis Uniaxial compression testing was conducted to evaluate the
effect of nHA incorporation on the Young’s modulus of the
The nHA synthesis technique has recently been developed composite scaffolds. All testing was carried out using a
and optimized in our lab [18]. Briefly, nHA was produced mechanical testing machine (Z050, Zwick/Roell, Germany)
by adding a solution of 6 mM sodium phosphate tribasic fitted with a 5 N load cell. Samples were pre-hydrated in
dodecahydrate (Na3PO412H2O), 7.5 mM NaOH (Sigma, phosphate buffered saline (PBS) prior to, and during, test-
Dorset) and 0.1% Darvan 821A (R.T. Vanderbilt, Norwalk, ing. Compressive testing was performed at a strain rate of
CT) dispersant drop wise into an aqueous 10 mM solution 10% per minute. The compressive modulus was calculated
of calcium chloride dihydrate (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburg) from 2 to 5% of the stress–strain curve.
CaCl2. A Ca/P ratio of 1.67 was maintained. The resulting
precipitate (\100 nm) was washed and resuspended using 2.3.2 Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy
10 mins of sonication.
Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectra were collected
2.2 Scaffold fabrication to analyse and compare the material characteristics of all
scaffold samples following nHA addition. FTIR analysis
2.2.1 Collagen control scaffolds was carried out using a Spectrum One FTIR (Perkin Elmer,
UK). Scaffolds were finely cut and mixed with potassium
Collagen control scaffolds were produced by freeze-drying bromide before being pressed into a transparent sample.
a collagen slurry (0.5% (w/v) containing type 1 bovine Spectra were collected between wavenumbers 4000 and
collagen (Integra Life Sciences, Plainsboro, NJ) in 0.05 M 400 cm-1.
glacial acetic acid. The slurry was freeze-dried in a stain-
less steel pan by cooling to -40°C at 0.9°C/min, followed 2.3.3 Scanning Electron Microscopy
by a sublimation step for 17 h at 0°C and 200 mtorr
(Advantage EL, Vir-Tis Co., Gardiner NY) [19]. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used to examine
the microstructure of the scaffolds. Scaffold samples were
2.2.2 Composite scaffold fabrication cut using a punch and fixed to an adhesive carbon stub.
Imaging was carried out using a TableTop SEM (Hitachi
The Coll-nHA composites were synthesized using two High-Technologies Corp., Japan) operated at 15 kV.
different methods; (1) by adding the nHA particles to the
collagen slurry prior to lyophilization (suspension method), 2.3.4 Porosity
and (2) by soaking collagen scaffolds into a nHA suspen-
sion (immersion method). In the suspension method, nHA Porosity was calculated using the following equations:
particles suspended in water were added into the collagen Porosity ¼ ðqsample =qmaterial Þ 100
slurry during the blending stage, followed by lyophiliza-
tion. Two different concentrations of nHA suspensions where qsample is the density of the sample and qmaterial is the
were added (relative to weight of collagen used), 3.6 g density of the material the scaffold is made from. For
nHA yielding a 100 wt.% scaffold, (S-100) and 18 g nHA the composite scaffolds, qmaterial is worked out based on the
yielding a 500 wt.% scaffold (S-500). densities of collagen and nHA as follows:
In the immersion method, 9.5 mm 9 4 mm collagen qmaterial ¼ mcollagen þ mnHA =Vcollagen þ VnHA
scaffold discs were immersed in a nHA suspension for
4 days before being freeze-dried. The concentration of the where mcollagen and Vcollagen is the mass and volume of
calcium and phosphate solutions used were varied to gen- collagen in the slurry respectively, mnHA and VnHA is the
erate two scaffold variants; calcium concentration 0.001 M mass and volume of nHA in the slurry respectively.
J Mater Sci: Mater Med (2010) 21:2293–2298 2295
2296 J Mater Sci: Mater Med (2010) 21:2293–2298
Fig. 3 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of a collagen control scaffold, b S-100 and c I-high composite scaffolds demonstrating the
highly porous, interconnected structure of the new scaffolds comparable with the collagen control
In vitro analysis was performed to assess the effect of to the collagen control (Fig. 4). Haematoxylin and Eosin
the addition of nHA on biocompatibility. Upon addition of (H&E) stained sections of the collagen control and (S-100)
100% wt nHA via the suspension method (S-100) there was constructs revealed deep penetration of the MC3T3-E1
no significant difference observed in cell number compared cells after 7 days in both constructs (Fig. 5). This verifies
that the addition of nHA to collagen scaffolds does not
have a detrimental effect on cell behaviour.
4 Discussion
J Mater Sci: Mater Med (2010) 21:2293–2298 2297
Fig. 5 Haematoxylin and Eosin stained transverse sections showing cell distribution after 7 days in the a collagen only control scaffold and
b Coll-nHA composite scaffold (S-100) where cells have infiltrated into the centre of both constructs
using the suspension method. This result highlights the the immersed scaffolds were shown to also have a signif-
important mechanical role of the reinforcing ceramic icant level of NaCl present, which is due to the synthesis
material. Previous difficulties have been reported with technique as this was not observed in the suspension
increasing the filler content in composite constructs, often scaffolds. For these reasons, scaffolds produced using the
leading to irregular distribution of the ceramic and a suspension method, (S-100), were selected to investigate
reduction of the mechanical properties of the resultant the biological effect of the addition nHA to the biocom-
scaffold [15, 21]. These problems have been overcome by patible collagen scaffold.
using nano-sized particles and the novel approaches doc- H&E staining showed the widespread distribution of
umented in this study, with up to 500 wt.% nHA being MC3T3-E1 cells throughout the scaffolds. The images
incorporated homogeneously. showed that cells had migrated into the centre of the collagen
The variation of nHA content was more controllable control and Coll-nHA constructs (S-100) by 7 days, while
using the suspension method, and higher quantities could the DNA assay revealed high cell numbers (ca. 2 9 106).
be incorporated. There is an upper limit to the concentra- This confirmed that the incorporation of nHA had no
tion of the nHA suspension used in the immersion tech- detrimental effect on osteoblasts, as scaffolds made by the
nique, and hence to the amount of nHA that can be added suspension method displayed the same biological charac-
in this way. This is due to larger particles forming during teristics as the collagen only control. In addition, an ala-
the synthesis at higher initial calcium and phosphate pre- marBlueÒ assay which measures cell metabolic activity
cursor concentrations, and these aggregated particles can- demonstrated that cells remained viable on both constructs
not penetrate into the porous collagen sponge during the up to day 7 (data not shown). Therefore, the resorbable Coll-
immersion as required [18]. nHA scaffold demonstrated the same high biological activity
FTIR spectroscopy confirmed the incorporation of nHA as the collagen control scaffold, with considerably improved
into the scaffolds via both methods, while SEM demon- mechanical properties, validating its potential for bone tissue
strated that all composites displayed an open and inter- regeneration.
connected pore structure, similar to the collagen only
control scaffold. Porosities were maintained above 98.9%
regardless of which method was used and the amount of 5 Conclusion
nHA added. Higher magnification SEM images showed the
formation of nHA aggregates (1–2 lm) in the scaffold This study has led to the successful development of two
immersed in higher concentration (I-high), which may be novel techniques for the synthesis of resorbable Coll-nHA
due to the long soaking period (4 days). Energy dispersive composite scaffolds with high biological activity. The
X-Ray analysis (EDX) substantiated the FTIR finding, suspension and immersion methods created significantly
confirming the presence of nHA in the Coll-nHA, with stiffer scaffolds with high degrees of porosity (\98.9%).
EDX results also demonstrating that a homogeneous dis- Scaffolds made by the suspension method are more
tribution is achieved throughout the constructs. However, reproducible, less time consuming and the quantity of nHA
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Research Frontiers Programme (06/RFP/ENM012) and President of hydroxyapatite scaffold for bone tissue engineering using a SBF
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to thank Eilis McGrath, School of Electrical, Electronic and 2009;90B(2):584–91.
Mechanical Engineering, UCD for help with using SEM. 13. Al-Munajjed AA, O’Brien FJ. Influence of a novel calcium-
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