A Transformerless D-STATCOM Based On A Multi-Voltage Cascade Converter Requiring No DC Sources

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A Transformerless D-STATCOM Based on a Multi-Voltage

Cascade Converter Requiring No DC Sources

Kenichiro Sano, and Masahiro Takasaki
System Engineering Research Laboratory
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
2-11-1, Iwado Kita, Komae-shi, Tokyo 201-8511, Japan
E-mail: k-sano@criepi.denken.or.jp, takasaki@criepi.denken.or.jp

Abstract—This paper deals with a cascaded multilevel con- cascade converter, or hybrid multilevel converter) has been
verter which has multiple dc voltage values (multi-voltage cas- proposed in [5]–[7]. Different cells whose dc voltage ratio is
cade converter) for a 6.6-kV transformerless distribution static typically 2:1 or 3:1 are connected in series and controlled to-
synchronous compensator (D-STATCOM). A control method is
proposed to realize dc voltage regulation of series-connected gether to compose low-harmonic output voltage. It can reduce
three cells in the STATCOM operation, making it possible harmonic voltage comparing to the single-voltage cascade
to remove dc sources from all H-bridge cells. The simplified converter with the same number of cells.
configuration without the dc sources makes the STATCOM small On the other hand, the multi-voltage cascade converter has
and lightweight. A downscaled STATCOM model rated at 220 V difficulty in maintaining the dc voltage ratio to the prede-
and 10 kVA is built and a series of verification tests is executed.
Theoretical analysis and experimental results prove the stable termined value. Although it is confirmed that the dc sources
operating performance of the proposed method. consisting of isolated power supplies are effective to keep the
Index Terms—Cascade converter, dc voltage control, silicon dc voltages [5]–[7], the method needs power supplies in all
carbide device, STATCOM, transformerless converter. cells and its configuration becomes complex. High voltage
isolation of the power supplies also makes the converter bulky.
I. Introduction However, the dc sources are not essential for a STATCOM
In recent years, installed capacity of distributed generations application. Control methods have been proposed to remove
such as residential photovoltaic systems is increasing. They some dc sources by utilizing redundant switching patterns [8]
are often connected to the distribution grid. Since their output and all power supplies by disabling the PWM control [9],
power is affected by solar irradiance, the power flow may which may increase some amount of output voltage harmonics.
fluctuate and be bidirectional in the grids. As a result, voltage This paper proposes a new dc voltage control method
management of the grids may become difficult in the area for the multi-voltage cascade converter. The control method
where photovoltaic systems are densely installed [1]. realizes energy transfer between the series connected different
The STATCOM (static synchronous compensator) is a vital cells during STATCOM operation. Combining with feedback
solution to maintain grid voltages by supplying or consuming controller, it can maintain all dc voltages to the predetermined
reactive power. It has been installed in the transmission grids, reference value without dc sources. A downscaled STATCOM
and its use is spreading to the medium voltage distribution model rated at 220 V and 10 kVA is built and a series
grids as a D-STATCOM (distribution STATCOM). The exist- of verification tests is executed. Theoretical analysis and
ing D-STATCOM is equipped with a step-down transformer experimental results prove the stable operating performance
and an ac filter. In this case, the transformer and the filter of the proposed method.
inductors make the STATCOM bulky and heavy. For example,
II. Multi-Voltage Cascade Converters
the weight of a prototype D-STATCOM rated at 360 kVA
was 3,000 kg [2]. It is estimated that its transformer weighs A. System Configuration
1,000 kg, and its ac inductors weigh 400 kg. Therefore, further Fig. 1 represents a circuit configuration of multi-voltage
reduction of volume and weight is required for the practical cascade converters. The converter consists of three clusters
installation in the urban area. with star configuration, and each of the clusters consists of
Cascaded multilevel converters have been studied to realize three series connected H-bridge cells which have different dc
a small and lightweight STATCOM [3], [4]. A single-phase full voltages each other. These cells are described as “HV (high
bridge or “H-bridge” inverter is a fundamental building block voltage) cell”, “MV (medium voltage) cell”, and “LV (low
and it is called as a “cell.” The identical cells are connected voltage) cell” in descending order of their dc voltage. The cells
in series and the string composes a cascade converter (called having higher dc voltage share larger conversion power with
as “single-voltage cascade converter” in this paper). Since lower switching frequency. There are some options in the dc
the cascade converter realizes high blocking voltage and low- voltage ratio among vCHy , vCMy , and vCLy (subscript y is either
harmonic output voltage, it needs no step-down transformers u, v, or w) . One typical ratio is vCHy : vCMy : vCLy = 4 : 2 : 1
for medium voltage applications. [5], [8]–[10], and other ratios such as 9 : 3 : 1 and 6 : 2 : 1 are
A cascaded multilevel converter which has more than two also investigated in [11]–[13]. vCHy : vCMy : vCLy = 6 : 2 : 1
types of cells with different rated voltages (multi-voltage is an optimum dc voltage ratio to obtain maximum output

978-1-4577-0541-0/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 3151

vS u 6
3-phase AC v∗out t
iu LAC iv LAC iw LAC
vout−u HV cell (Si devices) HV cell HV cell
vH CH vCHu vCHv vCHw
(6Vdc ) (6Vdc ) (6Vdc ) vM 2Vdc
MV cell (Si devices) MV cell MV cell
vH +v M
vM CM vCMu vCMv vCMw
(2Vdc ) (2Vdc ) (2Vdc ) v̄L
LV cell (SiC devices) LV cell LV cell Fig. 2. Output voltage waveforms of each cell in the multi-voltage cascade
converter whose dc voltage ratio is 6 : 2 : 1.

vL CL vCLu vCLv vCLw

(1.2Vdc ) (1.2Vdc ) (1.2Vdc ) v M are selected to make their total value vH + v M be a nearest
to v∗out . Then the HV cell outputs one positive and one negative
pulses, and the MV cell outputs five positive and five negative
Fig. 1. A STATCOM based on a multi-voltage cascade converter.
pulses during a cycle. The mean output voltage of LV cell v̄L
outputs the remainder of v∗out , and it is shown as follows:
v̄L = v∗out − vH − v M . (1)
voltage levels under PWM operation of LV cells [12]. Based
on the optimum ratio, the dc voltage ratio in this paper is set The LV cell outputs v̄L in average with high frequency PWM.
to vCHy : vCMy : vCLy = 6 : 2 : 1.2, where vCLy is increased v̄L exists in the following range:
by 20% in order to apply a control method proposed in this
∗ ∗ −Vdc ≤ v̄L ≤ Vdc . (2)
paper. The reference of dc voltages are vCHy = 6Vdc , vCMy =

2Vdc , and vCLy = 1.2Vdc using unit dc voltage Vdc . Vdc is set
to 0.6 kV for 6.6-kV utility and industrial distribution systems C. Dc Voltage Imbalance and Conventional Solutions
in Japan, and each dc voltage is vCHy = 3.6 kV, vCMy = 1.2 An ideal STATCOM does not supply/consume active power
kV, and vCLy = 0.72 kV. Then HV, MV, and LV cell can be because output voltage vout and output current i are in quadra-
composed of power devices rated at 6.5 kV, 2.5 kV, and 1.2 ture. Also in the each cell level, the mean values of dc voltages
kV in blocking voltage, respectively. The LV cells operating vCH , vCM , and vCL do not change in the ideal condition.
with PWM can increase their switching frequency or reduce However, in reality, the dc voltages vary when some amount of
their switching loss by applying up-to-date 1.2-kV SiC-JFET active power flows into the converter to compensate its power
[14] or SiC-MOSFET [15], [16]. loss. The active power is non-linearly distributed to each cell
according to the voltage modulation index, which causes the
B. Output Voltage Synthesis dc voltage imbalance in the multi-voltage cascade converter
As well as single-voltage cascade converters, the multi- [13]. Transient non-periodic current and variation of device
voltage cascade converter operates each of the clusters as characteristics may also cause the dc voltage imbalance.
a single-phase converter, and three clusters together as a Dc sources consisting of isolated power supplies can main-
three-phase converter. Therefore, its control method above tain the dc voltages when they are connected to all dc
the cluster level is the same as the single-voltage cascade capacitors [5]–[7]. However, each dc source needs high voltage
converters. isolation, making the converter bulky.
On the other hand, output voltage synthesis in a cluster is The number of dc sources can be reduced to three by the
characteristic to the multi-voltage cascade converter because combined use of a dc voltage control method by utilizing re-
the output pulses of the HV, MV and LV cells have different dundant switching patterns [8]. All dc sources can be removed
amplitudes. The control method discussed in this and next by increasing redundant switching patterns in case the PWM
section is independently applied to each of the clusters. is not used [9], which may increases low order harmonics
Therefore, all variables mean the value for the same phase comparing to the PWM method.
and their subscript y is removed for simplicity.
Fig. 2 shows the output voltage waveforms of each cell with III. A Proposed Output Voltage Synthesis and Energy
a nearest level modulation [13]. The output voltage reference Transfer Control in a Cluster
v∗out is a sinusoidal waveform whose amplitude is less than The proposed control method in this paper realizes energy
9Vdc . The output voltage of HV cell vH and that of MV cell transfer among HV, MV, and LV cells under PWM control
with synthesizing low-harmonic output voltage. The control
enables the voltage balancing of the dc capacitors C H , C M , t
and C L together with voltage feedback controllers described
* ΔVHL > 0
in the section IV, resulting in requiring no dc sources.
ΔVHL = 0

Table I shows the output voltages of each cell in a multi-
voltage cascade converter. According to the output voltage ref-
erence v∗out , the voltages vH , v M , and vL are selected from nine
combinations. Parameters ΔVHM , ΔVHL , and ΔV ML influence
the boundary levels to switch the output voltages, making it
possible to transfer the energy among C H , C M , and C L in the pH
same cluster. When ΔVHM , ΔVHL , and ΔV ML are set to zero,
the control is the same as the conventional nearest voltage ΔpH
modulation transferring no energy among C H , C M , and C L .
1) Energy Transfer between the HV Cell and the LV Cell: It pM
is assumed that a cluster operates as a single-phase STATCOM
Δp M
and its output voltage reference v∗out and output current i are
the following sinusoidal waveforms.
v∗out = 9Vdc sin ωt (3)
Fig. 3. Input power of each cell during energy transfer from the HV cell to
i = I cos ωt, (4) the LV cell (ΔVHM = ΔV ML = 0).

where 9Vdc and I are the amplitude of v∗out and i.

A parameter ΔVHL is introduced for the energy transfer
 2) Energy Transfer between the HV Cell and the MV Cell:
between the HV cell and the LV cell. Polarity of ΔVHL is
A parameter ΔVHM is used for the energy transfer between the
selected according to the output current i as follows:
 HV cell and the MV cell. A set of vH , v M , and vL is obtained

 ΔVHL (i ≥ 0) by the table I and ΔVHM which is given by
ΔVHL = (5)
−ΔVHL (i < 0). 
 ΔVHM (i ≥ 0)
Other parameters are set as ΔVHM = ΔV ML = 0. The values ΔVHM = (11)
−ΔVHM (i < 0).
and the table I give a set of vH , v M , and vL .
Fig. 3 shows the voltage and instantaneous power wave- Fig. 4 shows the voltage and instantaneous power wave-
forms in case ΔVHL = 0 (shown by dotted lines) and ΔVHL > 0 forms in case ΔVHM = 0 (shown by dotted lines) and
(shown by solid lines). The products of the output current i ΔVHM > 0 (shown by solid lines). Other parameters are set as
and the output voltages vH , v M , and vL are instantaneous power ΔVHL = ΔV ML = 0.
flowing into the HV, MV, and LV cell, shown by pH , p M , and The theoretical analysis of PH , P M , and PL gives
pL , respectively. ΔpH , Δp M , and ΔpL are differences between 4
solid and dotted lines in pH , p M , and pL . Averages of ΔpH , PH = − ΔVHM I (12)

Δp M , and ΔpL in a cycle are the received power of the HV, 4
MV, and LV cell, shown by PH , P M , and PL , respectively. PM = ΔVHM I (13)

The theoretical analysis of PH , P M , and PL gives PL = 0. (14)
PH = − ΔVHL I (6) This result means that energy transfer from the HV cell to the
3π MV cell is controlled by ΔVHM .
PM = 0 (7) The range of v̄L is affected by ΔVHM as follows:
PL = ΔVHL I. (8)
3π −Vdc − |ΔVHM | ≤ v̄L ≤ Vdc + |ΔVHM |. (15)
This result means that energy transfer from the HV cell to the
To prevent v̄L from saturation, the dc voltage of the LV cell
LV cell is controlled by ΔVHL .
vCL should be maintained as
The range of v̄L is affected by ΔVHL as follows:
vCL ≥ Vdc + |ΔVHM |. (16)
−Vdc − |ΔVHL | ≤ v̄L ≤ Vdc + |ΔVHL |. (9)
3) Energy Transfer between the MV Cell and the LV Cell:
To prevent v̄L from saturation, the dc voltage of the LV cell
A parameter ΔV ML is used for the energy transfer between the
vCL should be maintained as
MV cell and the LV cell. A set of vH , v M , and vL are obtained

vCL ≥ Vdc + |ΔVHL |. (10) by the table I and ΔVHM which is given by

ΔVHL is enough smaller than Vdc in usual operating conditions,  ΔV ML (i ≥ 0)
ΔV ML = (17)
and it scarcely affects the voltage rating of the cell. −ΔV ML (i < 0).
Output voltage of each cell in the multi-voltage cascade converter whose voltage ratio is 6 : 2 : 1.

Condition of the output voltage reference v∗out vH vM v̄L

7Vdc −ΔVHM +ΔV ML ≤ v∗out < 9Vdc 6Vdc 2Vdc v∗out − 8Vdc
5Vdc +ΔVHL +ΔV ML ≤ v∗out < 7Vdc −ΔVHM
+ΔV ML 6Vdc 0 v∗out − 6Vdc
3Vdc +ΔVHM +ΔVHL ≤ v∗out < 5Vdc +ΔVHL  
+ΔV ML 6Vdc −2Vdc v∗out − 4Vdc
Vdc +ΔVHL +ΔV ML ≤ vout < 3Vdc +ΔVHM +ΔVHL 0 2Vdc v∗out − 2Vdc
−Vdc +ΔVHL +ΔV ML ≤ v∗out < Vdc +ΔVHL  
+ΔV ML 0 0 v∗out
−3Vdc +ΔVHM +ΔVHL ≤ v∗out < −Vdc +ΔVHL  
+ΔV ML 0 −2Vdc v∗out + 2Vdc
−5Vdc +ΔVHL +ΔV ML ≤ v∗out < −3Vdc +ΔVHM

−6Vdc 2Vdc v∗out + 4Vdc
−7Vdc −ΔVHM +ΔV ML ≤ v∗out < −5Vdc +ΔVHL  
+ΔV ML −6Vdc 0 v∗out + 6Vdc
−9Vdc ≤ v∗out < −7Vdc −ΔVHM
+ΔV ML −6Vdc −2Vdc v∗out + 8Vdc

i i
t t

*  ΔVHM > 0

ΔVHM = 0

vM vM  ΔV ML > 0

ΔV ML = 0 

v̄L v̄L

pH pH


pM pM

Δp M Δp M
pL pL

Fig. 4. Input power of each cell during energy transfer from the HV cell to Fig. 5. Input power of each cell during energy transfer from the MV cell to
the MV cell (ΔVHL = ΔV ML = 0). the LV cell (ΔVHM = ΔVHL = 0).

Fig. 5 shows the voltage and instantaneous power wave- 4) Energy Transfer among Three Cells: Energy transfer
forms in case ΔV ML = 0 (shown by dotted lines) and among three cells is also realized by giving two parameters
ΔV ML > 0 (shown by solid lines). Other parameters are set among ΔVHL , ΔVHM , and ΔV ML together. For example, control
as ΔVHM = ΔVHL = 0. of ΔVHL and ΔVHM realizes energy transfer among three cells
The theoretical analysis of PH , P M , and PL gives because the MV cell and the LV cell can transfer their energy
by way of the HV cell. Then, the range of v̄L is expressed by
PH = 0 (18) (9), (15), and the following equation.
PM = − ΔV ML I (19) −Vdc − |ΔVHL + ΔVHM | ≤ v̄L ≤ Vdc + |ΔVHL + ΔVHM |. (23)

4 To prevent v̄L from saturation, the dc voltage of the LV cell
PL = ΔV ML I. (20)
3π vCL should be maintained to meet (10), (16), and the following
This result means that energy transfer from the MV cell to the
LV cell is controlled by ΔV ML . vCL ≥ Vdc + |ΔVHL + ΔVHM |. (24)
The range of v̄L is affected by ΔV ML as follows:
IV. Control Method for a STATCOM Based on a
−Vdc − |ΔV ML | ≤ v̄L ≤ Vdc + |ΔV ML |. (21) Multi-Voltage Cascade Converter
Fig. 6 shows an overall control block diagram for the
To prevent v̄L from saturation, the dc voltage of the LV cell proposed STATCOM based on a multi-voltage cascade con-
vCL should be maintained as verter. The fundamental architecture is based on three function
blocks developed for the cascade converters [4], [17], that is a
vCL ≥ Vdc + |ΔV ML |. (22) decoupled current control, a clustered balancing control, and
vCHu , vCMu , vCLu , vCHv , vCMv , vCLv , vCHw , vCMw , vCLw ∗
+ p∗ 1 id +
ECHu , ECMu , ECLu
KI + sT
− vS d ∗ − I
Low ECHv , ECMv , ECLv EC 1
iq + KI
pass Eq.
q∗ KI + sT
filter (25) ECHw , ECMw , ECLw vS d − I

id + v∗u
iu ωLAC inverse
CH , C M , CL
+ −− v∗v
Eq. iv d-q d-q
(27) trans. iq trans. v∗w

iw ωLAC
∗ ∗ ∗
∗ Eq. ECH , ECM , ECL +
VCM vS d
∗ (26) vS u
VCL Individual d-q
ECu , ECv , ECw vS v
balancing control
vS w trans. vS q
(Fig. 9)
Eq. Eq. Fig. 7. Decoupled current control for a three-phase converter.
(29) (28) Clustered
balancing control


(Fig. 8) where ECHy , ECMy , and ECLy are the energy stored in the HV,
q ∗ i d , iq MV, and LV cell. The clustered balancing control regulates
v∗0 ECu , ECv , and ECw to balance them each other.
vS u + v∗Hu Total energy stored in the converter EC is given by
v∗u v∗out−u Comparator v∗Mu
vS v v∗Lu
+ (Table I)
vS w Decoupled
+ v∗Hv EC = ECu + ECv + ECw . (28)
current control v∗out−v Comparator
iu v∗Mv
(Fig. 7) +
(Table I) v∗Lv Reference of the energy stored in the converter EC∗ is calculated
v∗w v∗out−w Comparator v∗Hw
iu v∗Mw
by the values from (26) as follows:
+ (Table I)
EC∗ = 3(ECH
∗ ∗
+ ECM ∗
+ ECL ). (29)
The decoupled current control regulates EC to be equal to its
Fig. 6. Control block diagram for the STATCOM based on a multi-voltage reference value EC∗ .
cascade converter.
B. Decoupled Current Control
Fig. 7 shows a block diagram of the decoupled current
an individual balancing control. Main differences for a multi-
control [17], [18]. The decoupled current control regulates
voltage cascade converter are as follows:
instantaneous active and reactive power by considering a
• Energy stored in the dc capacitors is calculated and used set of three clusters as a three-phase converter. The total
for control values instead of the dc capacitor voltages. stored energy in the converter is also regulated in this block.
• Individual balancing control is modified to accommodate Output currents iu , iv , iw and ac line voltages vS u , vS v , vS w
multi-voltage cascade converters. are transformed to the d-q rotating coordinate as id , iq , vS d ,
Each block is explained in detail below. and vS q . A proportional controller calculates the reference of
instantaneous active power p∗ based on the deviation between
A. Control Scheme Based on the Energy Stored in the Dc EC and its reference EC∗ . A reference of instantaneous reactive
Capacitors power q∗ is given by a system operator from the outside of
Balancing controls are constructed based on the energy this control block. Dividing p∗ and q∗ by the ac line voltage
stored in the dc capacitor. As a result, deviations from the vS d gives the output current references i∗d and i∗q . Proportional
reference values can be quantitatively compared among cells and integral controller decides the output voltages from the
having different capacitances and voltages, which is effective deviation between the references i∗d , i∗q and the actual currents
for multi-voltage cascade converters. id , iq . The ac line voltage and voltage across the ac inductor
Energy stored in the dc capacitor ECxy is given by LAC are added to the output voltage reference in the feed-
forward manner. The values are transformed to the three-phase
1 voltage references v∗u , v∗v , v∗w by an inverse d-q transformation.
ECxy = C x VCxy
, (25)
C. Clustered Balancing Control
where C x is the capacitance and VCxy is the sensed dc capacitor
voltage (subscript x is either H, M, or L). On the other hand, Fig. 8 shows a block diagram of the clustered balancing
a reference of the stored energy ECx ∗
is calculated from its control proposed in [19], [20]. This control block operates to

voltage reference VCx by balance the energy stored in each cluster by considering a
set of HV, MV and LV cells as a single-phase converter. It
∗ 1 ∗ 2 injects a fundamental-frequency zero-sequence voltage v0 to
ECx = C x VCx . (26)
2 the voltage references v∗u , v∗v , v∗w [19]. Although the injection
The individual balancing control regulates the stored energy of zero-sequence voltage v0 causes no change in the line-to-

ECxy to be equal to its reference value ECx . line voltage and line currents, it allows to transfer active power
Total energy stored in the cluster is given by among clusters. Here, ΔECu , ΔECv , and ΔECw are the degree of
imbalance of the energy stored in the cluster, and their three-
ECy = ECHy + ECMy + ECLy , (27) phase to two-phase transformation gives ΔECα and ΔECβ . K0
ECu Circuit and control parameters of the experimental setup.
+ 3-phase ΔECα 
− ΔECv
ECv to ΔECβ ΔECα
2 + E2

2-phase Nominal line-to-line rms voltage 220 V
− ΔECw trans. Power rating 10 kVA
ECw Ac inductor LAC 0.70 mH (4.5%† )
+ K0
0.27 mH (1.8%† )
1 tan−1 ECα

Background system inductance
EC 3 v∗0 Nominal dc voltage Vdc 20 V
γ HV cell dc voltage ∗
VCH 120 V
id i δ − φ0 √ ∗
tan−1 iq 2 sin(ωt + φ0 ) MV cell dc voltage VCM 40 V
iq d + LV cell dc voltage ∗
VCL 24 V
HV cell dc capacitor CH 10.8 mF
Fig. 8. Clustered balancing control between three clusters in a converter. MV cell dc capacitor CM 33.6 mF
LV cell dc capacitor CL 72.0 mF
∗ ∗ Starting resistor 5.6 Ω
ECy KCM ΔVHMy Active power control gain KC 1A

− Current control gain KI 3Ω
ECMy Current control time constant TI 0.01 s
Clustered balancing control gain K0 4 V/J
∗ ∗
3ECL ECLy + Individual balancing control gain KCM 10 V/J
ECy ∗ KCL ΔVHLy Individual balancing control gain KCL 10 V/J
− PWM carrier frequency 10 kHz
ECLy y is either u, v, or w. Equivalent switching frequency 20 kHz
† on a three-phase, 220-V, 10-kVA, 50-Hz base
Fig. 9. Individual balancing control between three cells in a cluster.

setup. Si-MOSFETs were applied to the circuit instead of

is a proportional gain for amplitude regulation of v∗0 , and φ0 IGBTs. Starting resistors were temporarily inserted between
is the phase angle of v∗0 . ac source and ac inductors for pre-charging the dc capacitors
before switching operation.
D. Individual Balancing Control
A. A Startup Operation
Fig. 9 shows a block diagram of the proposed individual
balancing control. This control maintains the dc voltage ratio Fig. 10 shows experimental waveforms when the STAT-
of the HV, MV, and LV cell by applying the energy transfer COM was starting up. The bold, solid, and dotted lines show
method proposed in the section III. Fig. 9 depicts a block for a the values of u-phase, v-phase, and w-phase, respectively.
single cluster, and two more identical controllers are structured Fig. 10 (a) shows the waveforms when the converter was
for other two clusters. connected to an ac source. Although all MOSFETs were off-
Reference of the energy stored in the MV cell ECMy ∗
is state, ac current was rectified by the anti-parallel diodes. The
derived from the total energy of the cluster ECy and the ratio current charged dc capacitors by way of 5.6 Ω starting resistor.
of references EC∗ /3 and ECM

as follows: Since dc capacitors of the same cluster are connected in series
in this mode, their capacitances are set as follows:

ECMy = ECy . (30) 1
CH : C M : CL = ∗ : ∗ : ∗
1 1
A feedback controller whose proportional gain is KCM pro- to maintain the dc voltage ratio. The dc capacitors were

vides ΔVHMy from the error between the reference ECMy and charged about 80% of the reference voltage during this mode.

actual ECMy . In the same manner, ECLy is given by Fig. 10 (b) shows the waveforms after starting the switching
∗ operation. The reactive power q was increased to 10 kVA in

ECLy = ∗ ECy . (31) 100 ms. Although some amount of voltage imbalance was
observed during transient state, all dc voltages converged to
A feedback controller whose proportional gain is KCL provides the reference value in 200 ms.

ΔVHLy from the error between the reference ECLy and actual
ECLy . ΔVHMy and ΔVHLy are immediately reflected to the table B. Steady State Operations
I. Then the cluster operates to maintain its dc voltage ratio. Fig. 11 shows the output voltage and current waveforms
Although a pair of ΔVHMy and ΔVHLy are used in the when the STATCOM was put into capacitive operation at
explanation above, a pair of ΔVHLy and ΔV MLy , or ΔV MLy and 10 kVA. Phase angle of the output voltage vout−u lags to
ΔVHMy are also available instead of ΔVHMy and ΔVHLy in order that of the output current iu by π/2 rad. The HV, MV, and
to maintain the dc voltage ratio. LV cells operated at 50 Hz, 250 Hz, and 10 kHz switching,
and composed vout−u having 19 voltage levels. Total harmonic
V. Experimental Results distortion (THD) of iu was 1.4%, which is small enough to
A three-phase downscaled STATCOM rated at 220 V and grid-tie requirement. Although vout−u had some 1 μs glitches
10 kVA was built and tested in the circuit configuration shown caused by the dead time, the glitches scarcely affected the
in Fig. 1. Table II shows circuit parameters of the experimental output current.
200 200
vS u 100 vout−u 100
0 0
(V) -100 (V) -100
-200 -200
40 40
iy iu
0 0
(A) (A)
-40 -40
100 150
vCHy vHu
(V) 50 (V)
0 -150
40 50
vCMy v Mu
20 0
(V) 100 ms- (V)
0 -50
20 30  10 ms -
vCLy vLu
10 0
(V) y: u v w (V)
0 -30
(a) Pre-charging through starting resistor.
Fig. 11. Experimental waveforms with capacitive operation at 10 kVA.
vS u 100 vout−u 100
(V) -100 0
(V) -100
0 iu
(A) 0
-40 -40
10 150
q vHu
(kVA) 0
0 (V)
vCHy 50
120 v Mu
(V) 0
30  10 ms -
40 vLu
(V) 0
30 100 ms- -30
20 Fig. 12. Experimental waveforms with inductive operation at 10 kVA.
(V) y: u v w
(b) Startup of the converter switching.
controls, vCMy started to increase and vCHy and vCLy started
Fig. 10. Experimental waveforms during startup. to decrease, resulting in the voltage imbalance in a cluster.
The imbalance caused distortion in the output current iy . Since
vCMv reached to 120% of the reference voltage 180 ms after
Fig. 12 shows the output voltage and current waveforms the disabling, overvoltage protection halted the converter. This
when the STATCOM was put into inductive operation at 10 result shows the necessity of the dc voltage controls for the
kVA. vout−u had 17 voltage levels because the output voltage of converter operation.
the converter was slightly reduced resulting from the voltage
drops in the ac inductors LAC . Phase angle of iu lags to that VI. Conclusions
of vout−u by π/2 rad, and the THD of iu was 1.1%. This paper has proposed a system configuration and a
Fig. 13 shows the output voltage/current and dc capacitor control method for a multi-voltage cascade converter in order
voltage waveforms when the output power q was changed to reduce power loss and volume of a 6.6-kV transformerless
from capacitive to inductive operation at 10 kVA in 20 ms. D-STATCOM. The proposed system has the following char-
The mean values of the dc voltages vCHy , vCMy , and vCLy are acteristics:
maintained to their reference values by the proposed dc voltage • The cascaded H-bridge configuration realizes direct con-
controls. nection to the 6.6-kV distribution lines without step-down
C. Dc Voltage Control Characteristics • The multi-voltage cascade configuration reduces output
Fig. 14 shows the waveforms when the dc voltage controls voltage harmonics, resulting in a reduction of ac filters.
were intentionally disabled during operation in order to con- • Only the cells having lowest dc voltage (0.72 kV) operate
firm the necessity of the control. After disabling the dc voltage in high frequency PWM, resulting in a reduction of
vS u 100 pulses. A downscaled experimental model rated at 220 V and
(V) -100 10 kVA was built and tested. The experimental results proved
-200 the stable operation in the startup, steady state, and output
iy power change of the proposed method.
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