Economic Review English 17-18
Economic Review English 17-18
Economic Review English 17-18
More than `12,500 crore Rajasthan, with a geographical area of 3.42 lakh
transferred directly to sq.kms, is the largest State in the country. It is situated
beneficiaries bank account.
in the north-western part of the country and
surrounded by the states of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar
Pradesh in the north-east, Madhya Pradesh in the
The new global goals for South-east and Gujarat in the south-west. It also has a
sustainable development known long international frontier with Pakistan. The
as the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) came into effect
topography of the State is dominated by the Aravalli
from January 2016 and the time hills, one of the oldest mountain systems in the world.
period for achieving these goals The Aravalli hills range runs from south-west to
is upto 2030 with some goals north-east through the heart of the State. The west and
that are to be achieved by 2020. the north-west part of the State, is either desert or
semi-desert and known as the Great Indian Desert
"The Thar". Administratively, the State has been
Grant of `50,000 in six
divided into 7 divisions and 33 districts, comprising
installments to girl child from 295 panchayat samities, 9,891 village panchayats,
birth to class XII. and 43,264 inhabited villages. The salient features of
the State vis-à-vis India are given in the table 1.1.
Economic Review 2017-18
Rajasthan : An Overview
Figure 1.1
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
AE - Advance Estimates
Economic Review 2017-18
Figure 1.2
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18AE
Current Prices Constant (2011-12) Prices
AE - Advance Estimates
Figure 1.3
Per capita Income at Current and
(`) Constant (2011-12) prices
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
AE - Advance Estimates
1999-2000=100) of the state during the year 2017 year 2017 (upto November, 2017) recorded an
stood at 290.55 (upto November, 2017) as against increase of 4.28 per cent at Jaipur Centre, 1.17 per cent
282.61 in the year 2016, which shows an increase of at Ajmer centre and 1.86 per cent at Bhilwara centre
2.81 per cent over the previous year. The index of over the previous year.
Primary Articles Group registered a decrease of 2.61
per cent whereas Fuel, Power, Light and Lubricants
Group increased by 9.26 per cent and Manufactured BANKING & FINANCE
Product's Group by 4.04 per cent over the previous
year. While at all India level, the General Index of The state has an extensive network of banking and
Wholesale Prices (Base year 2011-12=100) increased financial system. As on September, 2017, there are
by 3.26 per cent in the year 2017(up to total 6,957 bank offices/branches in the state, out of
November,2017). A rising trend has also been which 4,340 are Public Sector banks (includes SBI
observed in Consumer Price Index for Industrial and its associate banks), 1,498 of regional rural banks,
Workers (CPI-IW) for the year 2017. General 1,081 of private sector banks, 6 of foreign banks and
Consumer Price Index (Base year 2001=100) for the 32 of Small Finance banks.
Rajasthan : An Overview
The deposits have increased by 14.86 per cent in Wind farms, Biomass, Captive Power Plants, Bhakra,
Rajasthan during September, 2017 over September, Vyas, Chambal, Satpura Inter-State Partnership
2016, while at all India level deposits increased by Projects and Rajasthan Atomic Power Project
8.23 per cent during the same period. The credit Singroli, Rihand, Dadri, Anta, Auriya, Dadri
deposit ratio for all scheduled commercial banks is Gas plants, Unchahar thermal and Tanakpur,
68.64 per cent in Rajasthan and 73.27 per cent at all Salal, Chamera and Uri hydel projects from
India level as on September, 2017, whereas it was Central Sector.
70.61 per cent in Rajasthan and 74.46 per cent at all · The installed capacity of power in the State as
India level in September, 2016. Over a period of time, on March, 2017 was 18,677.18 MW. The total
banking sector has grown well in the state which is increase in installed capacity during the year
highlighted in table 1.5 2017-18 (upto December, 2017) is 859.59 MW.
Hence, the installed capacity as on December,
2017 was 19,536.77 MW.
· Rajasthan is blessed with Maximum Solar
· At present, 36 District Industries Centres and 8 Radiation Intensity with a very low average
sub-centres are working in the state for rainfall. Solar Power plants of 2,258.50 MW
providing inputs and other facilities to the have been commissioned in the state upto
entrepreneurs. December, 2017.
· Under the New Single Window Clearance · The wind energy potential in the state is
System, from 1st June, 2016 to 31st December, estimated to be about 18,770 MW at 100 M hub
2017, total 5,489 applications have been height. A total of 4,292.5 MW wind power
received for approvals/ clearances. Out of these, capacity has been established upto December,
3,791 applications have been granted 2017 in the state.
clearances/ approvals.
· Among different renewable energy sources,
· RIICO is an apex organization engaged in Biomass is a versatile energy source, which is
fostering the growth of industrialization in the clean, reduces greenhouse gas emissions. The
State. During the financial year 2017-18 (upto main source for biomass energy in the state is
December 2017), RIICO has sanctioned term mustard husk and Julie Flora. Total 13 Biomass
loan of `50.65 crore, term loan disbursement of Power Generation Plants of 120.45 MW
`29.37 crore, and recovered loan of `153.16 capacity have been established till December,
crore. 2017 in the state.
· The total Extra High Voltage (EHV)
POWER Transmission network of the State as on March,
2012 was 28,363.29 Ckt. km (circuit km) which
· The main sources of energy generation in the has increased to 35,972.35 Ckt. km upto March,
State are Kota and Suratgarh Thermal Projects, 2017.
Dholpur Gas Thermal Project, Mahi Hydel,
· The Number of consumers increases from
Economic Review 2017-18
Rajasthan : An Overview
Economic Review 2017-18
DigiFest Hon'ble Chief Minister inaugurated four of 15th June. It covered the whole State till 30th June,
st th
new projects namely, e-Mitra Plus, Rajmail, 2017. During the period 1 June to 30
Incubation Centre and Raj Wi-fi. September, 2017 State witnessed 455.00 mm
· Geographical Information System (GIS): A rainfall that is 8.59 per cent excess than the
common GIS platform has been set up for normal rainfall of 419.00 mm.
Education, Medical & Health, ICDS, PHED,
Ayush, Cooperative, RVPNL, DISCOM, GWD,
Police, RVCD, e-Mitra, Higher & Technical A G R I C U LT U R E A N D A L L I E D
Education, Town Planning, PWD, TAD, Forest, SERVICES
Water Resources etc. Development and
· As per Agriculture Census 2015-16
implementation of Jaipur 3D City is under
(Provisional), the total number of operational
land holdings in the State is 76.55 lakh whereas
· Rajasthan Sampark Portal - A new toll free it was 68.88 lakh in 2010-11, showing a growth
number (181) for the CM Helpline is being used of 11.14 per cent.
as centralized grievance redressal platform.
· During the year 2017-18, the total foodgrain
Rajasthan Sampark Centers with video
production in the State is expected to be 225.82
conferencing equipments and facilities have
lakh tonnes as compared to production of
been established at all Atal Sewa Kendras at all
231.04 lakh tonnes in the agricultural year
the blocks across the state.
2016-17, which is showing a decrease of 2.26
· e-Mitra Kiosks: Presently more than 350 per cent over the previous year.
services of government/private departments are
· Under National Horticulture Mission, to
being provided electronically through more
increase the area, production and productivity
than 48,000 e-Mitra Kiosks to the citizens of
of different horticulture crops like fruits, spices
the state. There are approximately 40 lakh
and flowers in selected 24 districts, orchards of
transactions per month at e-Mitra Portal Kiosk
fruits and spices have been established in 2,746
and per month approximately `400 crore is
hectare and 1,117 hectare respectively.
being collected as revenue.
· Under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana,
· Department has initiated some innovative
drips and Sprinklers have been installed in
projects-Single Sign On (SSO), Raj NET, Raj
6,543 hectare and 8,152 hectare respectively
e-Vault, Raj e-Sign, Mobile Application
during the year 2017-18 up to December, 2017
Development Centre, Data Analytics & Big
Data Cluster. · In order to control diseases of livestock, 273.45
lakh vaccinations have been executed. For
· For integrated solution on G.P.S. and CCTV
breed improvement 3.51 lakh in large animals
based security 'Abhay' Command Control
and 4.86 lakh in small animals are castrated and
Centers at Jaipur, Kota, Ajmer and Udaipur
25.87 lakh artificial inseminations have been
have been established.
executed during the year 2017-18 (upto
· Digitally Signed Certificates, Wi-Fi facility December, 2017).
within SecLAN, State Portal, e-Sanchar &
· 14,466 Dairy Cooperative Societies have been
i-Fact, State Master Centralised Data Hub,
affiliated with 21 District Milk Producers
Raj-Kaj are the other important schemes
Cooperative Unions spread over in the State and
running by the department.
a State level Apex Body, 'Rajasthan Cooperative
Dairy Federation (RCDF) Limited, Jaipur is
· During the year 2017-18 long-term loans
· As per information of Indian Meteorology `179.38 crore (including crop loan) have been
Department the rainfall patterns indicate that distributed against the target of `300.00 crore,
during the current monsoon season, the onset of `454.53 crore as agricultural medium term loan
monsoon was 7 days delay than its normal date
Rajasthan : An Overview
and short-term crop loan `11,747.62 crore have been · A centrally sponsored scheme namely 'Sarva
distributed to 22.13 lakh farmers upto Shiksha Abhiyan' is being implemented in the
December, 2017. state to provide education to children in the age
group of 6-14 years. This also includes activities
· Bhamashah Pashu Bima Yojna' is being
implemented in the State for the welfare of to bridge social, regional and gender gaps with
livestock breeders. 59,620 cattle units of 32,673 the help of public participation in school
Livestock breeders have been insured in the management.
financial year 2017-18 upto December, 2017 · Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act,
against the target of 81,000 cattle units and 2009 is being implemented in the state since
`491.23 lakh have been utilized as subsidy on 1stApril, 2010. 25 per cent seats are reserved in
insurance premium. private schools for boys/girls of weaker sections
· Avika kavach Bima Yojna' is being and disadvantaged group. 5.35 lakh children
implemented in the State for the welfare of including 1.17 lakh new admissions have been
sheep breeders. 15,930 sheeps of 658 sheep upgraded and newly admitted on free seats of
breeders have been insured in the financial year private schools in the year 2017-18.
2017-18 up to December, 2017 and `21.98 lakh · To promote girl education in the state, 200
has been utilized as subsidy on insurance Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidhalaya (KGBV) are
premium. functional in which 19,984 girls are studying, 9
Mewat Balika Awasiya Vidhalaya are also
functional from which 443 girls are being
IRRIGATION benefitted and similarly Meena Manch,
Adhyapika Manch and Academic Kishori Mela
· During financial year 2017-18, an expenditure have been successfully implemented.
of `1,110.41 crore has been incurred on various
irrigation projects. During the same period, · In Saakshar Bharat Programme 9,022 Lok
2,377 hectare (including IGNP) additional Shiksha Kendras are being run in 9,022 Gram
irrigation potential has been created upto Panchayats by 15,637 Preraks. Against the
December, 2017. Target of 10.00 lakh, 11.00 lakh illiterates have
been enrolled in the year 2017-18 upto
· During the year 2017-18, 3 major (Narmada December, 2017.
Canal Project, Parwan, Dholpur lift), 1
modernization work (Gang Canal), 7 medium · Presently there are 13,551 senior secondary/
projects (Garadada, Takli, Piplad, Gagrin, secondary schools and 134 Swami Vivekananda
Lhasi, Rajgarh and Hatiyadeh) and 47 minor Government Model Schools in Government
irrigation schemes are under progress. sector and 14,388 senior secondary/secondary
schools in Private Sector are operational in the
· R a j a s t h a n Wa t e r S e c t o r L i v e l i h o o d state. Total 41.31 lakh students are enrolled in
Improvement Project (RWSLIP) has been classes IX to XII, which includes 17.79 lakh
sanctioned for getting loan assistance from girls.
JICA for rehabilitation and renovation of 137
Irrigation Project in 25 districts. · As a result of the rapid spread of education in
Rajasthan, now there are total 1,850 colleges of
General Education. 863 B.Ed. colleges are also
being run by the department. There are 26 State
EDUCATION Financed Universities, 46 Private Universities
· In elementary education, the state has achieved and 7 Deemed Universities in the state.
remarkable progress during last decade. There Approximately 15 lakh students are enrolled as
are 35,664 Government Primary Schools (PS), regular and non-collegiate students in the
20,744 Government Upper Primary Schools Higher Education Institutions. During the year
(UPS) and 13,983 Government Secondary/Sr. 2017-18 (upto december, 2017), 17 New
Secondary schools with elementary classes Government Colleges have been opened and 9
wherein the total enrolment of students is 62.89 Government Degree College have been
lakh. upgraded in PG College.
Economic Review 2017-18
Rajasthan : An Overview
lakh man-days were generated by providing been transacted through Bhamashah platform. More
employment to 39.58 lakh households, 0.34 than 32.55 crore cash or non-cash transactions
lakh households completed 100 days have been transacted and amounting to more
employment, during 2017-18 upto December, than `12,500 crore have been transferred
2017. directly to bank accounts of beneficiaries.
· Under Indira Awas Yojana, during the year · To provide statutory institutional framework to
2017-18, 37,043 new houses have been the Bhamashah Yojna, “The Rajasthan
completed upto December, 2017. Bhamashah (Direct Transfer of Public Welfare
· Under Border Area Development Programme, Benefits and Delivery of Services) Act, 2017"
`80.55 Crore has been spent and 726 works has been passed by the Rajasthan State
have been completed, similarly in MLA local Assembly in April, 2017.
area development fund `317.19 crore have been · The Administrative Reports of the benefits
spent and 7,694 works have been completed till transferred through the Bhamashah Yajana
December, 2017. Also under MP Local Area platform presented for social audit in the month
development fund, `91.74 crore have been of May and November, 2017 in the Gram Sabha
spent and 1,808 works have been completed. at each Gram Panchayat.
Under various development programme,
amount has been utilized for the development of
various backward areas like Mewat Area CHIEF MINISTER ADVISORY
development fund `29.04 crore, under Magra COUNCIL (CMAC)
Area development fund `23.18 crore, under CMAC has been constituted on 29 May, 2014 under
Dang Area development fund `26.02 crore, the chairpersonship of Hon'ble Chief Minister, with a
under Swa-vivek Zila Vikas Yojana `2.36 crore view to suggest measures for sustainable, balanced
upto December, 2017. and overall development of the state. Twenty two
eminent personalities of different sectors have been
nominated in the council. CMAC suggests measures
BHAMASHAH YOJANA especially for the sectors such as: Industries, Roads,
(Public Welfare Benefits Delivery Scheme) Power, Water Resources, Education, Health,
Livelihood and Employment, Women Empowerment,
To build a better society, empowerment of every Tourism etc. Main emphasis of the council is on:
woman is imperative, since the empowerment of the
woman is empowerment of the society and thus of the · Sustainable, balanced and rapid economic
State. A path breaking scheme of Financial Inclusion growth & development of different sectors of
and Women Empowerment, Bhamashah Scheme was the economy.
first launched in the year 2008. Bhamashah Scheme, · Creation of social and economic infrastructure
an end-to–end service delivery platform to transfer including urban infrastructure.
cash and non-cash benefits to the targeted
· Means of increasing Public-Private Partnership
beneficiaries in a transparent manner was relaunched
specially in delivery of social services, and
in the year 2014 with broader objectives. The Scheme
is family–based programme of financial inclusion, · Systems of review and effective
where each family is issued a 'Bhamashah Card'. implementation of schemes and programs to
Multiple cash benefits are accessed through the judge actual outcomes more substantially than
Bhamashah Card and transferred to the bank accounts just statistics.
of the beneficiaries. Non-cash benefits are also given One executive committee and Nine-Sub-groups on
directly to entitle the beneficiaries. different sectors have been constituted under the
· In Bhamashah Scheme, upto 31 December, council. Till date 4 CMAC meetings, 1 Executive
2017 more than 1.50 crore families and 5.52 Committee meeting and 42 different Sub-group
crore persons have been enrolled. Benefits of meetings have been held. Out of 176
different cash as well as non-cash schemes have
Economic Review 2017-18
recommendations given by the Council members, 94 2017 in which changes are made in the provisions
recommendations have been implemented that has regarding beneficiaries, number of packages, package
gross impact on the overall Socio-Economic status of cost and guidelines etc. In the financial year 2017-18
the State. Sectors like Finance, Tourism, School and upto December, 2017, `532.38 crore has been
College education, Medical & Health have been incurred. Under this scheme 16.64 lakh insurance
benefited most by the inputs provided by experts of claim of `915.07 crore has been sanctioned by
the Sub-groups. insurance companies.
The new global goals for sustainable development, To overcome the problems of shortage of fodder,
popularly referred as the Sustainable Development drinking water and fall of water table in the wells,
Goals came into effect from January 2016 and the State Government has initiated MukhyaMantri Jal
time period for achieving these goals is upto 2030 Swawlamban Abhiyaan. The main aim of this
with some goals that are to be achieved by 2020. The Abhiyaan is to make approximately 21,000 villages
SDGs are universal and apply to all countries. SDGs water self-reliant, by raising funds through
are a result of a 3 year long transparent participatory convergence, public contributions and donations etc.
process. In first phase, 95,192 in second phase 1,29,231 works
Keeping in view the State's priorities, circumstances, have been completed and in third phase around 4,240
bottlenecks and deprivations, the developing plan villages are being taken in all blocks across the State.
and strategies for the State specific targets and
indicators as time to time decided at National level
and named as “Draft National Indicators”. Once this is MUKHYAMANTRI RAJSHREE
developed the SDGs and targets can be mapped with YOJANA
the State Monitoring Framework. Rajasthan, having This Scheme was announced by the Hon'ble Chief
developed a comprehensive growth strategy therefore Minister in 2016-17 budget announcements to
in an advantageous position to review global goals, develop a positive attitude towards the girl child in the
targets and indicators to pick and choose, as well as society and improve her health and education status in
add wherever necessary, as per the state development the state. This is a flagship scheme which expects to
priorities. bring Women Empowerment and gender equality in
State Government has approved setting-up a the state. Girl children belonging to the state of
Committee under the chairpersonship of Chief Rajasthan, who born on or after the 1 of June 2016,
Secretary to review SDG implementation and a are eligible for financial assistance under the scheme.
Centre for SDG Implementation has also been Under this scheme, a total grant of `50,000 is
established within the Directorate of Economics and provided in 6 installments to the parents/guardians of
Statistics, Rajasthan. the eligible girl. 8,13,759 girls have been benefitted
with the first installment and 1,57,788 girls have been
benefitted with the second installment of the scheme
in a period from 1 June, 2016 to December, 2017.
This Scheme is being implemented in the state to
provide cashless healthcare services to the poor
families (under selected families of NFSA-2013 and Annapurna Bhandars have been started in the state to
RSBY) of Rajasthan thus providing social and provide multi brand quality consumer goods to
financial security against illness to these families and consumers of rural areas. At present total 6,124
reducing out of pocket expenditure. The new phase of Annapurna Bhandhars are providing the 150 products
BSBY (2017-19) has started from 13th December, of 40-50 categories Quality Multi brand items on the
Rajasthan : An Overview
reasonable and competitive rates to the consumers been witnessed in transforming the governance
under PDS through publically and PPP mode. system. The projects which were stuck for
various reasons since long time have been
geared-up to ensure their timely completion.
The Government of Rajasthan has started this scheme
by keeping in mind the health of workers, rickshaw-
pullers, handlers, employees, students, working A number of other schemes are also being
women, elderly and other helpless, needy persons in implemented in the state to ensure reach of benefits to
the urban areas of the state. This scheme was started each and every citizen of the state. Some major
on 15th December, 2016. In this scheme, Annapurna schemes are as follows:
Kitchen Vans are providing breakfast in just `5.00 and · Under the scheme “Pradhan Mantri Jan-
nutritious food in only `8.00. Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)” in Rajasthan, Jan
Dhan Yojana has been linked with Bhamashah
scheme and Co-branded cards have been issued
RAJ VIKAS in the state. 2.12 crore accounts have been
With an objective of accelerating the pace of opened and Aadhaar seeding of 83.82 percent
Development in the State, and speedy redressal of accounts have been completed upto December,
public grievances, meeting of “Raj Vikas” is being 2017. In the State under the “Pradhan Mantri
organised in the state of Rajasthan since June, 2017. It Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojana (PMJJBY)”,
is IT enabled interactive platform to review the total 12.02 lakh persons and in “Pradhan
grievances, programs and projects, which are stuck Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana”, total 45.32
for various reasons by Hon'ble Chief Minister. Chief lakh persons have been enrolled upto
Secretary, all Additional Chief Secretary/Principal December, 2017
Secretary/Secretary-In-charge of departments, all
Divisional Commissioners and District Collectors are · Atal Pension Yojana (APY) is a pension
present in Raj Vikas meeting through video scheme for citizens of India focused on the
conferencing. The Raj Vikas meeting is held on the unorganized sector workers. Under the scheme,
third Wednesday of every month. Upto December, guaranteed minimum pension is being given at
2017, 7 meetings of Raj Vikas have been held. Some the age of 60 years, depending on the
highlights of Raj Vikas meeting are as follows: contribution by the subscriber. In the state,
under this scheme total 3.40 lakh persons have
A. Grievances, Projects and programs reviewed so been enrolled upto December, 2017.
· Chief Minister Shahri Jan Kalyan Yojna
· Grievance analysis of 6 departments 2017: Under Chief Minister Shahri Jan Kalyan
· 12 Individual Grievances of various sectors Yojna 2017, RHB organized camps at various
circle/division & sub-division offices from
· 46 Projects 17th July, 2017 to 08th September, 2017. During
· 12 Programs these camps various works i.e. issuance of no
dues certificate, one time lease certificates,
B. Projects worth `20,978 crores geared up. allotment letters, possessions, refund cases, no
C. As a follow up, revision of System of objection certificates etc. were done. During
Procedures (SoP) / Manual of Works these camps total 11,458 applications were
Departments started to avoid delays in received, out of which 9,814 cases have been
Infrastructure projects, specifically for land and resolved.
forest related issues, re-engineering of · Swacch Bharat Mission (Rural/Urban):
procedures, Well-defined time lines, Rajasthan is one of the leading states to work
compliance protocols and Design related issues. towards realizing Hon'ble Prime Minister's
vision to clean India, and the state's efforts have
D. Remarkable impact of Raj Vikas meetings has been recognized by Government of India. In
Economic Review 2017-18
Rajasthan out of total 9,891 Gram panchayats 8,445 act, the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016
Gram Panchayats have been declared ODF as the categories of disabilities have been
on December, 2017. Under SBM (Urban) increased to 21categories of disabilities. This
activities, such as construction of personal campaign has to conduct in the state for
domestic toilets, community/ public toilets, and identifying specially abbled persons to that
activities of urban solid waste management in empowerment and welfare of these persons can
concerned urban areas are being implemented. take place by providing benefits of various
Total 4,30,000 toilets are to be constructed as government schemes.
per survey by urban local bodies. 2,90,425 · AMRUT Mission: Atal Mission for
domestic toilets have been constructed upto Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
December, 2017. Under SBM 138 ULB's have (AMRUT) was launched by Hon'ble Prime
been self-declared ODF till now and 20 ULB's Minister of India in June, 2015. 29 cities in
have been certified by QCI as well. Rajasthan have been selected under AMRUT
· Smart Village: The scheme was announced by Mission. The sectors identified under this
the Honorable Chief Minister of Rajasthan in mission are Water Supply, Sewerage & Septage,
the budget 2017-18. In this scheme 3,275 Drainage, Urban Transport and Green Spaces.
Villages are selected to develop as a SMART The total budget outlay for the mission period
VILLAGE. Base line Survey has been 2015-20 is of `3,223.94 crore.
conducted and 36,679 works have been
· Global Rajasthan Agritech Meet (GRAM):
identified for development of smart village th
GRAM was successfully organized from 24 to
th th th
· Rajasthan Yuva Vikas Prerak Internship 26 May, 2017 at Kota and 7 to 9 November,
Program (RYVP): It has been initiated with an 2017 at Udaipur. During the event 40 MOUs
object of ensuring outreach of benefits of worth `1,555.83 crore have been signed for an
flagship government schemes to the investment in agriculture and allied sectors.
beneficiaries residing in the state. State Approximately 1,23,000 farmers and other
Government aims to develop a talented pool of visitors participated in the events.
Yuva Vikas Preraks (YVPs) who have a passion
for working with all the stake holders, There are also various other schemes which are also
especially various segments of civil society and implemented in the state, they are as follows-
have the potential to become change catalysts. Bhamashah Nirman Shramik kalyan Yojana, Van
At present, 214 Preraks are in the field for this Dhan Yojana,Jan Awas Yojana, Nyay Aapke Dwar,
purpose. Skill & Livelihood, Kushal evam Aajivika vikas
Yojana, Soil Health Card Scheme Pandit Deendayal
· Young Interns Programs (YIP) The objective Jan Kalyan Pnchayat Shivir Ujjawala Yojana.
of the program is to strengthen the research and
evaluation skills in the field of public With Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) growth
administration and development services and averaging 7.15 per cent during 2013-14 to 2017-18
also to develop operationally and learning skills (Advance Estimates), Rajasthan is now can be rated
among young scholars, also to generate interest among the good performing states in the country. To
among youth towards public services. 76 YIPs ensure inclusive development, Rajasthan
are presently doing their internship in different Government has been implementing various flagship
departments. programmes for social sector especially for women
and marginalized sections of the societies. The
· Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Vishesh policies and institutional system for inclusive growth
Yogyajan Shivir 2017 : In the state as per 2011 are progressively being built by the Government of
census there are more than 15 lakh persons with Rajasthan in the form of digitalization to transform
disabilities and as per social security pension governance and achieve social inclusion through
schemes there are 4 lakh persons with financial inclusion initiatives, gender mainstreaming
disabilities who are getting benefitted under and measures to reduce all form of the social
social assistance schemes. According to the new inequalities in the society.
The performance of the State during 2016-17 in terms of key fiscal targets is given in table 2.1
Economic Review 2017-18
Fiscal Deficit:- The fiscal deficit remains `46,318 projected 6.36 per cent in Revised Estimates 2016-17.
crore in 2016-17 with UDAY scheme, as against Fiscal Deficit without the impact of UDAY scheme
`47,651 crore assumed in Revised Estimates 2016-17. worked out to 3.15 per cent of GSDP as against 3.37
Fiscal Deficit without UDAY scheme remains per cent projected in Revised Estimates of 2016-17.
`23,946 crore as against `25,279 crore estimated in
Revised Estimates 2016-17. Fiscal Deficit to Gross The detailed fiscal position / parameters of finances of
State Domestic Product ratio remains 6.10 per cent the State Government are summarised in table 2.2 and
with UDAY scheme in 2016-17, whereas it was figure 2.1 to 2.11.
Public Finance
Figure 2.1
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Own Taxes Revenue Non-Tax Revenue Share in Central Taxes Union Grant
Economic Review 2017-18
10 16
0 12
Public Finance
Revenue expenditure is given in comparative statement of service-wise revenue in table 2.3 and figure 2.12.
Figure 2.12
` Crore Service wise Revenue Expenditure
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
General Services Social Services Economic Services
Salient features of fiscal position for the year 8.40 per cent in Sales Tax, 5.08 per cent in State
2016-17 are as under:- Excise neutralized by negative growth of (-) 5.24 per
cent in Taxes on Goods & Passenger Tax, (-) 5.59 per
Trends of Receipts:- During the year 2016-17, the cent in Stamps and Registration and (-) 61.58 per cent
revenue receipts have increased by 8.72 per cent over in Electricity Duty over the previous year.
previous year. The growth rate of own tax revenue is
3.88per cent which is mainly due to growth of 28.73 Trends of Expenditure:- During the year
per cent in Entertainment & Luxury Tax, 15.50 per 2016-17, 80.93 per cent of total expenditure
cent in Land Revenue, 13.23 per cent in Vehicle Tax, excluding UDAY scheme was met from revenue
Economic Review 2017-18
receipts in comparison to 80.37 per cent in the year The increase in expenditure on salary and wages
2015-16 and the remaining from capital receipts and during the year 2016-17 is 16.02 per cent over
borrowed funds. The budgeted plan expenditure previous year. The developmental expenditure which
during the year 2016-17 remains `54,943 crore comprises expenditure on Economic and Social
without UDAY Scheme showing 9.50 per cent Services was `1,17,446 crore including UDAY
increase over previous year's Expenditure of `50,178 scheme during the year 2016-17, which is 74.8 per
crore. The expenditure on salary and wages during the cent of aggregate expenditure. Details of
year 2016-17 is 30.89 per cent of total revenue Developmental Expenditure are given in table 2.4.
expenditure (net of interest and pension payments).
Capital Outlay:- The capital outlay during the year 233.89 per cent during the year 2016-17 with UDAY
2016-17 is `16,980 crore, and `13,980 crore with scheme and 176.64 per cent without UDAY scheme.
UDAY Scheme and without UDAY Scheme, The fiscal liabilities stood at 4.55 times of own (tax
respectively. and non-tax) revenue with UDAY scheme and 3.44
times without UDAY scheme at the end of the year
Fiscal Liabilities (Debt & Other Liabilities):- The 2016-17. The fiscal liabilities as percentage of GSDP
quantum of fiscal liabilities was ` 2,09,386 crore at in the year 2016-17 is 33.59 per cent with UDAY
the end of 2015-16 which increased to `2,55,002 scheme and 25.37 per cent without UDAY scheme
crore including `62,422 crore of UDAY scheme as and it is lower than the ceiling of 36.50 per cent as
on 31.03.2017. Without considering impact of UDAY mentioned in FRBM Act, 2005.
scheme, total fiscal liabilities as on 31st March, 2017 is
`1,92,580 crore showing an increase of `23,244 Fiscal Consolidation:- State remains into Revenue
crore over previous year. The components of fiscal Deficit during the year 2016-17 amounting to `18,114
liabilities are:- (i) internal loan of `1,84,285 crore, crore. Fiscal Deficit as a percentage of GSDP has been
(ii) loan of `11,139 crore from Central Government, reduced during the year 2016-17 with comparison to
(iii) liabilities of Provident Fund & State Insurance of the year 2015-16. Fiscal Deficit remains to `46,318
`38,895 crore and (iv) other liabilities of Reserve crore with UDAY scheme during the year 2016-17,
Funds & Deposits of `20,683 crore. The growth of which is 6.10 per cent of GSDP. Fiscal Deficit without
fiscal liabilities is 21.79 per cent during the year 2016- UDAY scheme remains to `23,946 crore which is
17 with UDAY scheme (Without UDAY scheme 3.15 per cent of GSDP. Fiscal Deficit was `63,070
increase in fiscal liabilities is 13.73 per cent in the crore with UDAY scheme during the year 2015-16,
year 2016-17 over the year 2015-16). which was 9.22 per cent of GSDP, fiscal deficit
without UDAY scheme was `23,020 crore which was
The ratio of fiscal liabilities to revenue receipts is 3.37 per cent of GSDP.
Public Finance
Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) Twelfth Five Year Plan. The major head-wise
approved allocations are given in table 2.6 and figure
An outlay of `1,96,992 crore was approved for 2.13.
Table 2.6 Approved Outlay of 12 Five Year Plan
(` crore)
Twelfth Plan Approved Per cent to Total
Head of Development/ Sector
Outlay (2012-17) Outlay
1. Agriculture & Allied Services 10977.13 5.57
2. Rural Development 17738.39 9.00
3. Special Area Programme 1151.94 0.59
Economic Review 2017-18
Figure 2.13
General Services
There is a substantial increase in the outlay for which is 174.62 per cent higher than Eleventh Five
Twelfth Plan as compared to that of the Eleventh. The Year Plan's approved outlay.The targeted economic
Eleventh Plan total outlay was ` 71,731.98 crore, growth and socio - economic monitorable targets are
whereas size of Twelfth Plan is `1, 96,992.00 crore given in table 2.7 and 2.8.
Public Finance
Twelfth Plan
S. No. Social Indicators Unit
Goals for Rajasthan
Infant deaths per
1 Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) 40
thousand live births
Maternal deaths per
2 Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) 200
lakh live births
3 Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Birth per Woman 2.5
4 Malnutrition among Children under 3 years per cent 25.3
5 Anemia among women (15-49 years) per cent 24.3
Girls per thousand
6 Sex ratio (0-6 years) 912
7 Total Literacy Rate per cent 79.57
8 Male Literacy Rate per cent 91.89
9 Female Literacy Rate per cent 66.22
Economic Review 2017-18
The progress under State Plan during 2016-17 and under schematic Budget 2017-18 is given in table 2.10.
Public Finance
Economic Review 2017-18
It is observed from the above table that in comparison Mobile Wallets such as Paytm, m-pesa and Oxigen
to previous year September, 2016 in Rajasthan, the Wallet etc. have been integrated with Bhamashah
total deposits and credits have increased in Platform to provide mobile payment facility to
September, 2017. The deposits have increased by beneficiaries.
14.86 per cent in Rajasthan in September, 2017 over Digital Payment through Bhamashah Platform:-
September, 2016, while this increase was 08.23 per Bhamashah platform leverages the JAM (Jan Dhan,
cent at all India level during the same period. The Aadhaar and Mobile) trinity for electronic service
credit deposit ratio for all scheduled commercial delivery which eventually digital the payments.
banks was 68.64 per cent in Rajasthan and 73.27 per Initiatives undertaken to promote digital payments
cent at all India level, as on September, 2017, whereas are summarized below:-
it was 70.61 per cent in Rajasthan and 74.46 percent at
all India level in September, 2016. Total credit · Extension of banking services
percentage in Rajasthan up to September, 2017, over · Appointment of Additional BCs
corresponding period of 2016 has increased by 11.67
per cent while the credit increased by 6.49 per cent at · Development of Merchantile PoS
the all India level. One bank branch in Rajasthan is · IEC campaign
catering to the needs of 10,828 persons on an average,
as per estimated population of 753.33 lakh (as on 1 · Integration of Digital Payment mode in e-Mitra
October, 2017) and covers an average area of 49 In case of Non-cash benefits, such as ration of the State. distribution, the Fair Price Shops (FPS) have been I.T.
enabled with deployment of approximately 25,000
points of service (PoS) terminals.
(Public Welfare Benefits Delivery Scheme) Bhamashah Scheme is unique in number of ways:
To build a better society, empowerment of every · To empower women by making them Head of
woman is imperative, as the empowerment of the the Family and also to empower them with
woman is empowerment of the society and thus of the freedom to decide what to spend their money
State. A path breaking scheme of Financial Inclusion on.
and Women Empowerment, Bhamashah Scheme was
first launched in the year 2008. Bhamashah Scheme, · The Bhamashah Card issued to a family under
an end-to–end service delivery platform to transfer the Bhamashah scheme is linked to a bank
cash and non-cash benefits to the targeted account that is in the name of the lady of the
beneficiaries in a transparent manner was relaunched house as the head of the family.
in the year 2014 with broader objectives. · To provide all cash/non-cash benefits
The Scheme is family–based programme of financial (Individual/Family) can be accessed through
inclusion, where each family is issued a 'Bhamashah the Bhamashah Card. Cash benefits are directly
Card'. Multiple cash benefits are accessed through the transferred to the bank accounts of the
Bhamashah Card and transferred to the bank accounts beneficiaries and non-cash benefits/services are
of the beneficiaries. Non-cash benefits are also given provided directly into the hands of the
directly to the entitled beneficiaries. beneficiaries using biometric authentication.
Bhamashah card holders can get services at the door- · By replacing the manual system of service
step at several different service-points. Cash benefits delivery by electronic system, the system has
are being transferred to their bank accounts, been rendered completely transparent. The
withdrawal and digital payment facilities are transaction mapper and receipt of messages on
available at more than 26,000 e-Mitra kiosks, mobile generates transparency and
Business Correspondents, Pay Points & ATMs along trustworthiness of the system.
with bank branches. E-Mitra is a multi-service, · No need for multiple surveys and validations.
single-window network for providing governmental The beneficiaries have been identified and
information and services to the citizens. Further, authenticated and have been verified through
Public Finance
the two-layered system of the verification and hence schemes of different departments have been notified
making the data cleanest possible. under section 7 of Aadhaar Act, 2016 for direct
· The Administrative Report on the benefits benefit transfers (DBT) and a circular has been
transferred through the Bhamashah platform is issued under section 57 of Aadhaar Act, 2016
presented twice for social audit, during a for delivery of 30 different type services of
financial year in the Gram Sabha at each Gram various departments through Bhamashah
Panchayat. Platform.
Marco Economic Aggregates
in monetary terms, of volume of all the goods and prepared by evaluating the goods and services at the
services produced within the boundaries of the State prices prevailing in the fixed year known as base year
during the given period of time, accounted without and are known as the estimates of Gross State
duplication. The estimates of GSDP at market prices Domestic Product at constant prices.
are prepared on current as well as constant prices. As per advance estimates, the real GSDP or GSDP at
Constant (2011-12) Prices for the year 2017-18 is
likely to attain a level of `6.42 lakh crore, as against
GSDP at Current Prices `5.99 lakh crore in the year 2016-17 showing an
The estimates of GSDP at current prices are obtained increase of 7.16 per cent in the year 2017-18 against
by evaluating the product at current prices prevailing the growth of 7.33 per cent in the year 2016-17.
during the year. The estimates of GSDP at current
The Estimates of GSDP and its variation over
prices, over the time do not reveal actual economic
previous year are being presented in the Table and
growth because these contain the combined effect of
Figure 3.1
(i) the changes in volume of goods and services and
(ii) the changes in the prices of goods and services.
As per advance estimates, the nominal GSDP or GSDP OF RAJASTHAN AND GDP OF
GSDP at Current Prices for the year 2017-18 is likely INDIA
to attain a level of `8.40 lakh crore, as against `7.59
lakh crore in the year 2016-17 showing an increase of At current prices the share of GSDP of Rajasthan to
10.67 per cent in 2017-18 against 11.04 per cent in the All India GDP which was 4.98 per cent in the year
year 2016-17. 2011-12 is expected to reach at 5.05 per cent in the
year 2017-18. Table 3.2 and 3.3 shows the share of
GSDP of Rajasthan to GDP of All India at Current
GSDP at Constant (2011-12) Prices Prices and constant (2011-12) prices respectively and
figure 3.2 shows Growth in Gross Domestic Product
In order to eliminate the effect of price of Rajasthan and All India at Constant (2011-12)
changes/inflation, the estimates of GSDP are also Prices.
Economic Review 2017-18
Figure 3.1
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (AE)
Table: 3.2 GSDP of Rajasthan to GDP of All India Ratio at Current Prices
Rajasthan All India
Share in
Year Growth over Growth over
GSDP GDP All India
Previous Year Previous Year (Per cent)
(Per cent) (Per cent)
2011-12 434837 8736329 4.98
2012-13 493551 13.50 9944013 13.82 4.96
2013-14 551031 11.65 11233522 12.97 4.91
2014-15 615695 11.74 12445128 10.79 4.95
2015-16 683758 11.05 13682035 9.94 5.00
2016-17 759235 11.04 15183709 10.98 5.00
2017-18 (AE) 840263 10.67 16627585 9.51 5.05
For State - For the Year 2011-12 to 2015-16-Revised Estimate-II, Year 2016-17- Revised Estimate-I and Year 2017-18 Advance
Estimates (AE) For All India – Year 2016-17 – Provisional Estimates (PE) and Year 2017-18 - Advance Estimates (AE)
Table: 3.3 GSDP of Rajasthan to GDP of All India Ratio at Constant (2011-12) Prices
Rajasthan All India
Share in
Year Growth over Growth over
GSDP GDP All India
Previous Year Previous Year (Per cent)
(Per cent) (Per cent)
2011-12 434837 8736329 4.98
2012-13 454564 4.54 9213017 5.46 4.93
2013-14 486230 6.97 9801370 6.39 4.96
2014-15 521700 7.29 10536984 7.51 4.95
2015-16 558144 6.99 11381002 8.01 4.90
2016-17 599029 7.33 12189854 7.11 4.91
2017-18 (AE) 641940 7.16 12985363 6.53 4.94
For State - For the Year 2011-12 to 2015-16-Revised Estimate-II, Year 2016-17- Revised Estimate-I and Year 2017-18 Advance
Estimates (AE) For All India – Year 2016-17 – Provisional Estimates (PE) and Year 2017-18 - Advance Estimates (AE)
Marco Economic Aggregates
Figure 3.2
Growth in Gross Domestic Product of Rajasthan and
All India at Constant (2011-12) Prices
Per cent
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (AE)
Rajasthan India
NET STATE DOMESTIC PRODUCT in the year 2016-17 showing an increase of 7.18 per
(NSDP) cent in the year 2017-18 against the growth 7.44 per
cent in 2016-17.
The Consumption of Fixed Capital (CFC) is
subtracted from the gross value figures to derive at
Net State Domestic Product. CFC measures the NSDP at Current Prices
replacement value of that part of the capital stock,
which has been used up in the production process As per advance estimates, the nominal NSDP at
during the year. Current Prices for the year 2017-18 is likely to attain
a level of `7.57 lakh crore, as against `6.84 lakh
crore in the year 2016-17 showing an increase of
NSDP at Constant (2011-12) Prices 10.78 per cent in the year 2017-18 against 11.23 per
cent in the year 2016-17.
As per advance estimates of the year 2017-18, the real
NSDP at Constant (2011-12) Prices is likely to attain a The Estimates of NSDP and its growth are being
level of `5.74 lakh crore, as against `5.35 lakh crore presented in the table.3.4 and Fig. 3.3.
Economic Review 2017-18
Figure 3.3
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Table 3.5 Sector wise Gross State Value Added at constant (2011-12) Basic Prices
Years/Sector Agriculture Industries Services GSVA
119103.03 136305.79 161574.72 416983.54
(28.56) (32.69) (38.75) (100.00)
122642.17 136357.93 175520.92 434521.02
. (31.39) (40.39) (100.00)
133604.26 137361.74 190804.58 461770.58
(28.93) (29.75) (41.32) (100.00)
137305.89 150760.43 205742.22 493808.55
(27.81) (30.53) (41.66) (100.00)
136526.52 164552.95 220839.62 521919.09
(26.16) (31.53) (42.31) (100.00)
140402.58 172212.66 242473.70 555088.94
(25.29) (31.03) (43.68) (100.00)
145948.40 179767.46 267280.13 592995.98
2017-18 (AE)
(24.61) (30.32) (45.07) (100.00)
Total may not tally due to rounding off.
Figures shown in brackets denote percentage contribution to Gross State Value Added at constant (2011-12) Basic Prices.
For the Year 2011-12 to 2015-16-Revised Estimate-II, Year 2016-17- Revised Estimate-I and Year 2017-18 Advance Estimates (AE)
Marco Economic Aggregates
Figure 3.4
Sector wise Gross State Value Added at constant
` Crore
(2011-12) Basic Prices
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (AE)
decreased to 24.61 per cent in the year 2017-18 from showing an increase of 10.42 per cent in the year
27.50 per cent, the average of 2011-12 to 2016-17. 2017-18 against 10.24 per cent in the year 2016-17.
The GSVA of this sector is likely to attain a level of The corresponding sectoral growths are 7.21 per cent
`1,45,948.40 crore in the year 2017-18 showing an in Agriculture, 8.34 per cent in Industry and 13.47 per
increase of 3.95 per cent over previous year. cent in Service sector in the year 2017-18 over the
The contribution of industries sector which includes year 2016-17.
mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas, water supply The composition of Gross State Value Added by
& remedial services and construction sector broad sectors of the economy at basic current prices
decreased to 30.32 per cent in the year 2017-18 from from the year 2011-12 onwards is given in the
31.15 per cent, the average of 2011-12 to 2016-17. following table 3.6 and figure 3.5.
The GSVA of this sector is likely to attain a level of The analysis of sectoral composition of Gross State
`1,79,767.46 crore in the year 2017-18 showing an Value Added (GSVA) at current prices reveals that the
increase of 4.39 per cent over previous year. progressive decline in the contribution of Agricultural
The contribution of Service sectors which includes Sector in the economy of Rajasthan (viz: Crops,
railways, other transport, storage, communication, Livestock, Forestry & Logging and Fishing) has
trade, hotels & restaurant, real estate, ownership of become a regular feature. The contribution of the
dwellings, public administration, financial and other Agriculture Sector, which was 28.56 per cent during
services sectors increased to 45.07 per cent in the year 2011-12, is likely to be declined to 24.76 per cent in
2017-18 from 41.35 per cent, the average of 2011-12 2017-18. The Industry Sector comprising of Mining
to 2016-17. The GSVA of this sector is likely to attain & Quarrying, Manufacturing, Electricity, Gas, Water
a level of `2,67,280.13 crore in the year 2017-18 Supply & Other Utility Services and Construction
showing an increase of 10.23 per cent over previous contributed 32.69 per cent in the total GSVA in the
year. Service Sector, with its consistently surging year 2011-12 which is likely to decline to 27.83 per
share in the GSVA, is to act as the engine for pushing cent during 2017-18. The Service Sector, comprising
overall growth in the State. of Trade, Hotels & Restaurants, Transport, Storage &
Communication, Financial Services, Real estate,
Ownership of dwellings & Professional Services,
GSVA at Basic Current Prices Public Administration and Other Services are the
major contributors in the economy of Rajasthan with
The nominal GSVA at Basic Current Prices for the
the contribution of 38.75 per cent in the total GSVA
year 2017-18 is likely to attain a level of `7.83 lakh
during 2011-12 and its contribution is expected to be
crore, as against `7.09 lakh crore in the year 2016-17
47.41 per cent during 2017-18.
Economic Review 2017-18
Table 3.6 Sector wise Gross State Value Added at Basic Current Prices
Years/Sector Agriculture Industries Services GSVA
119103.03 136305.79 161574.72 416983.54
(28.56) (32.69) (38.75) (100.00)
136410.13 146513.44 189139.77 472063.34
(28.90) (31.04) (40.60) (100.00)
147798.47 156229.05 219321.28 523348.81
(28.24) (29.84) (41.92) (100.00)
153061.97 180781.03 249757.81 583600.81
(26.23) (30.97) (42.80) (100.00)
169666.68 191431.23 282185.78 643283.69
(26.38) (29.74) (43.88) (100.00)
180812.39 201269.89 327069.16 709151.44
(25.50) (28.38) (46.12) (100.00)
193855.58 218051.09 371121.11 783027.78
2017-18 (AE)
(24.76) (27.83) (47.41) (100.00)
Total may not tally due to rounding off.
Figures shown in brackets denote percentage contribution to Gross State Value Added at Basic Current Prices.
For the Year 2011-12 to 2015-16-Revised Estimate-II, Year 2016-17- Revised Estimate-I and Year 2017-18 Advance
Estimates (AE)
Figure 3.5
Sector wise Gross State Value Added at Basic Current Prices
` Crore
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Net State Value Added at Constant 2016-17. The corresponding sectoral growth rates are
(2011-12) Basic Prices 4.06 per cent in Agriculture, 4.12 per cent in Industry
and 10.22 per cent in Service sector in the year
The real NSVA at Constant (2011-12) Basic Prices for 2017-18 over 2016-17.
the year 2017-18 is likely to attain a level of `5.25
lakh crore, as against `4.91 lakh crore for the year The composition of Net State Value Added at constant
2016-17 showing an increase of 6.80 per cent in (2011-12) Basic Prices by broad sectors of the
2017-18 against the growth 6.35 per cent in the year economy from the year 2011-12 onwards, is given in
the following table 3.7 and figure 3.6.
Marco Economic Aggregates
Table 3.7 Sector wise Net State Value Added at Constant (2011-12) Basic Prices
Years/Sector Agriculture Industries Services NSVA
112057.81 119684.61 145735.42 377477.84
(29.69) (31.70) (38.61) (100.00)
115080.44 116384.63 158294.10 389759.17
(29.53) (29.86) (40.61) (100.00)
125303.95 114733.14 169795.53 409832.62
(30.57) (28.00) (41.43) (100.00)
128324.20 125362.50 184020.64 437707.35
(29.32) (28.64) (42.04) (100.00)
127089.79 137104.46 197718.99 461913.24
(27.51) (29.69) (42.80) (100.00)
130823.41 143185.76 217257.92 491267.09
(26.63) (29.15) (44.22) (100.00)
136134.67 149089.20 239459.83 524683.69
2017-18 (AE)
(25.95) (28.41) (45.64) (100.00)
Total may not tally due to rounding off.
Figures shown in brackets denote percentage contribution to Net State Value Added at constant (2011-12) Basic Prices.
For the Year 2011-12 to 2015-16-Revised Estimate-II, Year 2016-17- Revised Estimate-I and Year 2017-18 Advance
Estimates (AE)
Figure 3.6
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (AE)
Net State Value Added at Basic Current Prices in Agriculture, 8.22 per cent in Industry and 13.44 per
cent in Service sector in the year 2017-18 over
The nominal NSVA at Current Basic Prices for the
year 2017-18 is likely to attain a level of ` 7.00 lakh
crore, as against ` 6.34 lakh crore for the year 2016-17 The composition of Net State Value Added by broad
showing an increase of 10.51 per cent in the year sectors of the economy at current prices from the year
2017-18 against 10.34 per cent in the year 2016-17. 2011-12 onwards, is depicted in the following table
The corresponding sectoral growth are 7.61 per cent 3.8 and figure 3.7.
Economic Review 2017-18
Table 3.8 Sector wise Net State Value Added at Basic current Prices
Years/Sector Agriculture Industries Services NSVA
112057.81 119684.61 145735.42 377477.84
(29.69) (31.70) (38.61) (100.00)
128257.97 125674.68 170961.61 424894.26
(30.19) (29.57) (40.24) (100.00)
138147.92 131911.13 196494.52 466553.58
(29.61) (28.27) (42.12) (100.00)
142126.94 152278.58 225070.78 519476.30
(27.36) (29.31) (43.33) (100.00)
157750.96 160520.42 255997.35 574268.73
(27.47) (27.95) (44.58) (100.00)
168193.04 168544.74 296932.57 633670.36
(26.54) (26.60) (46.86) (100.00)
180997.50 182400.27 336850.70 700248.46
2017-18 (AE)
(25.85) (26.05) (48.10) (100.00)
Total may not tally due to rounding off.
Figures shown in brackets denote percentage contribution to Net State Value Added at Basic Current Prices.
For the Year 2011-12 to 2015-16-Revised Estimate-II, Year 2016-17- Revised Estimate-I and Year 2017-18 Advance
Estimates (AE)
Figure 3.7
Sector wise Net State Value Added at
Current Basic Prices
` Crore
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
PER CAPITA INCOME (PCI) in the year 2017-18 over the previous year 2016-17.
As per advance estimates, the per capita income at
The Per Capita Income is derived by dividing the Net current prices for the year 2017-18 is estimated to be
State Domestic product by the mid year's total `1,00,551 as compared to `92,076 for the year
population of the State. Per capita Income is a pointer 2016-17 registering a growth of 9.21 per cent in
for standard of living and the well-being of people. As 2017-18 over the previous year 2016-17.
per advance estimates, the per capita income at
constant (2011-12) prices for the year 2017-18 is The Per Capita Income of Rajasthan at Current and at
estimated to be `76,146 as compared to `72,072 for Constant (2011-12) Prices are depicted in table 3.9
the year 2016-17, registering a growth of 5.65 per cent and figure 3.8.
Marco Economic Aggregates
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (AE)
Current Constant
(AE)- Advance Estimates
The Per Capita Income of All India at Current and at Constant (2011-12) Prices are depicted as below in table
3.10 and figure 3.9.
Table 3.10 Per Capita Income of All India
(In `)
Economic Review 2017-18
Figure 3.9
Per Capita Income of All India at Current and Constant
(2011-12) Prices
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (AE)
Current Constant
(AE)- Advance Estimates
GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION At the end of the year 2016-17, the total assets at
current prices are estimated to be `2,23,280 crore,
The Gross Fixed Capital Formation is measured by
which is 29.41 per cent of the GSDP (`7,59,235
the total value of a producer's acquisition less
crore). The GFCF in the year 2016-17 increased by
disposal, of fixed assets during the accounting period
7.52 per cent over the previous year 2015-16.The
plus certain additions to the value of non-produced
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in the State since the
assets realized by the productive activity of
year 2011-12 has been shown in the following table
institutional units.
3.11 and figure3.10.
Figure 3.10
Gross Fixed Capital Formation
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Public Private
Marco Economic Aggregates
The contribution of Private sector and Public sector in Sector wise Gross Fixed Capital Formation since
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) for the year 2011-12 is shown in the table 3.12.
2016-17 are on an average 71 and 29 per cent
(` crore)
S.No. Industry/Year 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Agriculture 5162 5948 6528 7679 7853 9160
2 Forestry 74 53 269 226 205 203
3 Fishing 1 1 3 4 4 5
4 Mining 1445 2442 2479 2655 2618 2675
5 Manufacturing (Reg.) 12271 12291 11769 12940 11677 12210
6 Construction 63675 63070 72588 75543 75023 77721
7 Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 8498 10217 12816 16757 18458 18149
8 Railways 1153 780 1699 1169 1285 1413
9 Communication 2655 3334 10242 3416 3825 4282
Manufacturing (Un-Reg.) Trade,
10 Hotels, Restaurant, Transport and Other 4540 5374 7542 7841 11061 11271
11 Banking & Insurance 859 1063 904 871 1051 1862
12 Residential Building 36431 42545 45159 48965 51151 54821
13 Public Administration 11184 14037 22012 22144 23454 29507
Total 147946 161156 194011 200210 207666 223280
Total may not tally due to rounding off.
WHOLE SALE PRICE Price level is one of the key indicators in the process
2.81 % INDEX (WPI)
The Wholesale Price Index for
of economic planning. Price index numbers are
all commodities moved from convenient tools to observe, monitor and assess price
282.61 in the year 2016 to changes. Changes in prices have a direct bearing on
290.55 in the year 2017 (upto
Nov., 2017) registering an
all sections of the society, irrespective of their
increase of 2.81 percent. standard of living. One of the foremost concerns of
any Government is to exercise regular and periodic
control over the movement of prices of essential
commodities, since a change in the price level is likely
Total 6,124 Annapurna
Bhandars (Fair price shops) to have an impact on the pattern of consumption of the
having more than 150 products consumers. This attaches greater importance to the
of multi brand and high quality price collection and its analysis. Price index is a
are working in the State.
statistical tool to measure relative changes in the price
levels of commodities or services in a given region,
POS MACHINE AT FAIR during a given interval of time. To measure inflation
PRICE SHOP at wholesale and retail levels, the commonly used
Under end to end indicators are Wholesale Price Index (WPI) and
computerisation of PDS, PoS
machines provided at Fair Price Consumer Price Index (CPI).
Shops which enabled Biometric
Price Statistics in Rajasthan
CONSUMER PRICE INDEX The Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES)
Ther General index of consumer
has been collecting the wholesale and retail prices of
price for the year 2017 recorded an the essential commodities regularly, since 1957 from
increase (upto Nov., 2017) of selected centers across the State on weekly basis. Also
4.28%, 1.17% and 1.86% at Jaipur, the prices of livestock products, by-products,
Ajmer and Bhilwara Centre
respectively over the previous building construction material rates & labour wages
year. are collected from all districts of the state. On the
CONSUMER AFFAIRS basis of wholesale prices, monthly wholesale price
Consumer Helpline No.1800-180-6030 indices are being prepared. The Consumer Price
is operated in the State for online Indices for industrial workers are prepared and
complaint registration. released by the Labour Bureau, Shimla for Jaipur,
Ajmer and Bhilwara centres of the State. The DES
Prices and Public Distribution System
also prepares Building Construction Cost Index for widely used by the banks, industries and business
Jaipur Centre. circles. It is released on monthly basis. It covers 154
commodities of which 75 are from 'Primary Articles'
group, 69 from ‘Manufactured Products’ group and
Wholesale Price Index (WPI) of Rajasthan 10 from 'Fuel and Power' group. The weight assigned
(Base Year 1999-2000=100) to 'Primary Articles' group is 33.894, for
'Manufactured Products' group, it is 49.853 and for
The Wholesale Price Index (WPI) is the only general
'Fuel and Power' group, it is 16.253.
index capturing price movements in a comprehensive
way and is an indicator of movement in prices of The Wholesale Price Index for 'All Commodities'
commodities in all trades and transactions. Price moved from 282.61 in the year 2016 to 290.55 in the
index numbers are used for several purposes. The year of 2017 (up to Nov.,17), registering an increase
primary use of the state level WPI is in computation of of 2.81 per cent. It increased from 391.74 to 428.02
GSDP, as an indicator. These are also used to measure for ‘Fuel, Power, Light and Lubricants’ and from
the rate of inflation in the economy. They are also 233.89 to 243.34 for 'Manufactured Products’
useful in monitoring the changes in relative prices of whereas it decreased from 301.94 to 294.06 for
different groups of commodities like primary articles, 'Primary Articles' group during the year.
agricultural commodities, raw material prices, prices The index of ‘Fuel, Power, Light & Lubricants’ and
of industrial products, food prices and other non food 'Manufactured Products' Group registered an increase
item prices. Price Indices help in comparing price of 9.26 and 4.04 per cent respectively, whereas the
changes at the state level vis-a-vis at national and index of Primary Articles decreased by 2.61 per cent
global levels. These are used as an indicator for over the previous year. The All India Index of WPI
computation of several other economic parameters registered an average increase of 3.26 per cent during
too. the year 2017(up to Nov. 2017). The Wholesale Price
Wholesale Price Index (WPI-Base Year 1999- Index under major commodity groups during the year
2000=100) serves as an important determinant in 2013 to 2017 and percentage variations over the
formulation of trade, fiscal, monetary and other preceding years is given in the following tables 4.1 &
economic policies by the government. It is also 4.2 and figure 4.1 & 4.2 respectively.
Economic Review 2017-18
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017*
Primary Articles Fuel, Power, Light and Lubricants Manufactured Products All Commodities
Prices and Public Distribution System
Economic Review 2017-18
It is revealed by the above table that the general index General Consumer Price Indices (Base year
registered an increase in the year 2017 over the year 2001=100) for Jaipur, Ajmer, Bhilwara and All India
2016 at all the 3 centres. The average yearwise since year 2013 are given in table 4.4.
C onsumer Price Index for Agriculture Labour Bureau, Shimla with 1986-87 as the base year.
Labourers (CPI-AL) (Base 1986-87=100) The indices for Rajasthan and All India, since the year
The Consumer Price Index for the Agricultural 2013-14 are given in table 4.5 and figure 4.3.
Labourers & Rural Labourers are also prepared by the
Prices and Public Distribution System
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18*
General Consumer Price Index (Rural, Urban 2012 for all India and States/UTs separately for Rural,
& Combined) (Base Year 2012=100) Urban and Combined every month. The details of
general index from year 2015 to 2017 are given in the
The Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of table 4.6.
Statistics & Programme Implementation also releases
Consumer Price Indices (CPI) with new base year
PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM and monitoring of production, stock and price levels
(PDS) AND PROTECTION OF of foodgrains. The focus is on incentivizing the
farmers with fair value of their produce through
Minimum Support Price mechanism, distribution of
The primary objective of the Department of Food, foodgrains to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families and
Civil Supply & Consumer Affairs is to ensure food covering poor households at the risk of hunger and
security for the state through timely and efficient involvement of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Public
procurement and distribution of foodgrains. It Distribution System(PDS).
involves procurement of various foodgrains, building
The Public Distribution System (PDS) was
up and maintenance of food stocks, their storage,
institutionalized in the state to achieve multiple
movement and delivery to the distributing agencies
Economic Review 2017-18
objectives, such as ensuring stability of prices, headed by Additional Chief Secretary (Infrastructure)
rationing of essential commodities in case of shortage has been issued to suggest reformative measures as
in supplies and ensuring availability of basic per the expectations of people. As per
commodities to the poor & needy sections of the recommendations of the Task Force, inclusion and
society at affordable prices. The responsibilities of exclusion lists have been divided in two parts and few
creating the network of fair price shops, allocation categories have been added and excluded from the
and distribution of foodgrains, issue of ration cards, list. Number of beneficiaries under NFSA till
supervision and monitoring the functioning of fair Dec.,2017 is 4.38 crore. An applicant, who is eligible
price shops, etc. lies with the State Government. for NFSA, can get his name added in NFSA list
Essential commodities like-Wheat, Rice, Sugar and through appeal before sub divisional
Kerosene are distributed regularly on monthly basis magistrate/district supply officers by presenting
through a network of fair price shops. documents mentioned in inclusion list. 94.67 lakh
digitized ration cards of NFSA beneficiaries have
been seeded with AADHAR. 9.30 lakh beneficiaries
Constitution of Task Force for effective have been identified in TSP area of Udaipur District,
Implementation of NFSA 2013 Bali Gram panchayat of Pali District & Sahariya Tribe
of Baran District. The Yearwise Allotment and Lifting
National Food Security Act, 2013 provides quality
of foodgrains under NFSA (including AAY) is shown
foodgrain at fair price to common man and ensures
in Table 4.7.
food and nutrition security. The Order dated
15.07.2014 regarding constitution of Task Force
Annapurna Bhandar Yojana goods are available for the consumers at competitive
and fair price.
The process of development of fair price shops into
Annapurna Bhandars has been started in the State,
where multi brand quality consumer goods are Deployment of PoS machines at Fair Price
provided. The concept of opening of Annapurna
Bhandhars was decided to provide the High Quality
Multi brand items at reasonable and competitive rates Under End to End Computerization of Public
to the consumers under PDS through publically and Distribution System, 25,405 PoS machines have been
PPP mode. At present total 6,124 Annapurna provided at Fair Prices shops. PoS machines have
Bhandhars are working. been installed at Fair Prices shops and distribution of
PDS commodities through PoS after biometric
At Annapurna Bhandhars, more than 150 products of
authentication has been started. Records of
40-50 categories are being supplied. By development
distribution of PDS commodities have become
of FPS into Annapurna Bhandar, income of ration
online. Black-marketing of PDS commodities is
dealer has increased and high quality multi brand
Prices and Public Distribution System
being curbed and reach of ration to the targeted Distribution of Iodine and Iron mixed fortified
beneficiaries is ensured after distribution of PDS salt
commodity through PoS after bio-metric verification.
Details of transactions made through PoS is shown in Iodine and Iron mixed Double Fortified Salt (DFS) is
table 4.8. being provided by the State Government through Fair
Price Shops at `15 per kg.. Rajasthan State Food and
Civil Supplies Corporation is the nodal agency for
Distribution of Digitized Ration Cards distribution for DFS.
(DRCs) through e-mitra
Digitized Ration Cards are being distributed under Establishment of Directorate of Consumer
computerization and strengthening process of Public
Distribution System. Under the computerization Affairs
process, the database of PDS, Fair Price Shops, · The separate department of Consumer Affairs
Godowns, Wholesale dealers, Kray Vikray Sahakari was established on 26 September, 2013 which
Samiti (KVSS) etc. are being computerized. The has started functioning. Main objective of the
distribution of new / duplicate Digitized Ration Cards establishment of separate department is to bring
(DRC), additions/ deletions of members in DRCs and all the Consumer Fora, State Commission,
corrections of errors in DRCs are being done at Circuit benches, Circuit benches of State
e-mitra through online software application. Till Commission, Consumer Helpline, Legal
09.01.18, 88.84 lakh applications have been received Metrology and circuit benches of National
on e-Mitra, out of which 79.17 lakh applications have Commission etc. under single roof for quick
been disposed off. 6.73 lakh applications have been redressal of consumers grievances.
received in the offices of Authorized Officers, out of
· Under the provisions of the Consumer
which 5.55 lakh applications have been disposed off
Protection Act, 1986, the State Commission &
and 2.02 crore ration cards have been distributed in
District Consumer Disputes Redressal fora
the state till December, 2017.
have been formed in all districts.
The measures to control the prices of Essential
Commodities like imposition of stock limit and · Strengthening of district forums is the priority,
turnover, adding the items in “Schedule-II of so that the consumers can get the fastest and
Rajasthan Trade Articles" (Licensing and Control) diversified results. Hence, the State
Order, 1980 are also being initiated, from time to Government has strengthened the district fora
time. on priority.
Economic Review 2017-18
PRODUCTION At the time of formation of Rajasthan, the economy of
Production of Foodgrain 225.82 the State was basically an agrarian economy since the
lakh tonnes is expected in the developments in industrial and service sectors were at
year 2017-18. very low level. Even, agricultural activities were
qualitatively very poor and the living conditions of
agricultural communities were quite pathetic.
Looking to the importance of agriculture in the
economy of Rajasthan, several programmes are being
HOLDING implemented in the State to ensure growth in
Operational Land Holding in agricultural production and providing better living
the State was 76.55 lakh in the conditions to the large population engaged in
year 2015-16. It was 68.88 lakh agriculture and allied activities and to save
in the year 2010-11. agriculture from the vagaries of monsoon and other
natural calamities. Agriculture and allied sector
activities primarily refers to cultivation of Crops,
Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Forestry.
Agriculture and allied sectors continues to be the
backbone of the State's economy and endures to be
Milk Production in the State
increased by 23.5 lakh tonnes
the large contributor to the GSDP.
during last one year.
GLOBAL RAJASTHAN The total reporting area of the State during the year
AGRITECH MEET 2015-16 is 342.67 lakh hectare. Out of this, 8.03 per
(GRAM) cent under forests (27.52 lakh hectare), 5.68 per cent
Global Rajasthan Agritech area under non–agriculture use (19.45 lakh hectare),
Meet successfully organised at 6.99 per cent under barren and uncultivable land
Kota & Udaipur. (23.95 lakh hectare), 4.88 per cent under permanent
pasture (16.72 lakh hectare), 0.06 per cent land under
miscellaneous tree crops and groves (0.21 lakh
hectare), 11.37 per cent under culturable waste land
(38.95 lakh hectare), 5.74 per cent under fallow lands
Rajasthan is the highest other than current fallow (19.66 lakh hectare), 4.66
producer of Mustard, Gram &
Bajra in the Country.
per cent under current fallow (15.97 lakh hectare) and
52.60 per cent area was under net area sown (180.24
lakh hectare).
Economic Review 2017-18
Area of holding (000 ha.)
Marginal Small Semi medium Medium Large
Categaries of land holdings (Square size)
2010-11 2015-16
Agriculture & Allied Sector
average size of land holding has decreased by 11.07 State witnessed 455.00 mm rainfall, which is 8.59
per cent during the year 2015-16 comparing to the per cent excess than the normal rainfall of 419.00mm.
year 2010-11. Rajasthan had received excess rainfall in the
monsoon season in 9 districts Barmer, Jaisalmer,
Jalore, Pali, Sirohi, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Dungarpur and
MONSOON Rajsamand.
Agriculture in Rajasthan is primarily rain-fed and the
period of monsoon is short. Due to unstable weather
conditions, farmers have to much depend on both AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION
rain-fed and ground water agriculture. Although, The production of agriculture in the State largely
several remarkable efforts have been made in the depends on timely arrival of monsoon and its
State for development of agriculture, it still continues regularity and adequacy. In kharif crops, production
to depend upon the mercy of the monsoon in most and productivity not only depend upon the quantum
parts of the State. As per information of Indian of rainfall, but also on proper and even distribution of
Meteorology Department, the rainfall patterns rains over an adequate time span and its intensity.
indicate that during current monsoon season, the
Onset of monsoon had 7 days delay than its normal The detailed position of area and production under
date of 15 June. It covered the entire State by 30 June, various kharif and rabi crops for last three years is
2017. During the period 1 June to 30 September, 2017 shown in the following table 5.1.
Table 5.1 Area and Production of Kharif and Rabi crops in the State
Area in Lakh Hectares Production in Lakh Tonnes
Crops 2016-17 2017-18 2016-17 2017-18
2015-16 (Final) (Advance) 2015-16 (Final) (Advance)
(A) Cereals 91.50 94.86 90.81 162.97 196.87 190.52
Kharif 57.82 58.57 58.07 50.93 63.43 70.53
Rabi 33.68 36.29 32.74 112.04 133.44 119.99
(B) Pulses 38.67 57.45 57.80 19.90 34.17 35.30
Kharif 28.31 41.00 42.40 10.47 18.77 18.94
Rabi 10.36 16.45 15.40 9.43 15.40 16.36
130.17 152.31 148.61 182.87 231.04 225.82
Food Grains
Kharif 86.13 99.57 100.47 61.40 82.20 89.47
Rabi 44.04 52.74 48.14 121.47 148.84 136.35
(C) Oil Seeds 48.43 48.11 40.99 55.11 65.12 57.44
Kharif 22.84 20.21 18.94 22.44 25.56 24.23
Rabi 25.59 27.90 22.05 36.67 39.56 33.21
(D) Sugar cane 0.06 0.07 0.05 5.31 4.89 4.04
(E) Cotton (lint)* 4.48 4.71 5.84 12.14 15.60 17.28
* Production in lakh bales (each bale of 170 kg.)
Economic Review 2017-18
As per preliminary forecast for the year 2017-18, the showing an increase of 0.91 per cent.
total foodgrain production in the State is expected to Oilseeds include Groundnut, Sesamum, Soyabean
be 225.82 lakh tonnes, which is showing a decrease of and Castor seed in kharif season and Rape & Mustard,
2.26 per cent as compared to the production of 231.04 Taramira and Linseed in rabi season. The production
lakh tonnes during the previous year. of oilseeds during the year 2017-18 is estimated at
The kharif foodgrain production in the year 2017-18 57.44 lakh tonnes against 65.12 lakh tonnes during
is expected to be 89.47 lakh tonnes as against 82.20 the year 2016-17, showing a decrease of 11.79
lakh tonnes during the previous year showing an per cent as compared to the previous year.
increase of 8.84 per cent. The rabi foodgrain The production of kharif oilseeds is estimated to be
production during the year 2017-18 is expected to be 24.23 lakh tonnes during the year 2017-18 as against
136.35 lakh tonnes, as against 148.84 lakh tonnes 25.56 lakh tonnes during the year 2016-17, showing a
during the year 2016-17, showing a decrease of 8.39 decrease of 5.20 per cent. The production of rabi
per cent. oilseeds is likely to be 33.21 lakh tonnes in the year
Production of kharif cereals during the year 2017-18 2017-18 as against 39.56 lakh tonnes during the year
is expected to be 70.53 lakh tonnes which is higher by 2016-17, showing a decrease of 16.05 per cent.
11.19 per cent than that of 63.43 lakh tonnes during Production of Sugarcane is likely to be 4.04 lakh
the previous year. Production of rabi cereals during tonnes during the year 2017-18 as against 4.89 lakh
the year 2017-18 is expected to be 119.99 lakh tonnes tonnes during the year 2016-17, showing a decrease
against 133.44 lakh tonnes during the year 2016-17 of 17.38 per cent. The production of Cotton is likely to
showing a decrease of 10.08 per cent. be 17.28 lakh bales during the year 2017-18, as
The production of kharif pulses is estimated to be against 15.60 lakh bales in the year 2016-17, showing
18.94 lakh tonnes during the year 2017-18 against an increase of 10.77 percent.
18.77 lakh tonnes in the year 2016-17, which is
Production in lakh tonnes
196.87 190.52
65.12 Pulses
55.11 57.44
34.17 35.30 Oil-Seeds
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
The major schemes and programmes implemented by scheme by the Central Government. Since the year
Agriculture Department are:- 2015-16, Government of India has changed the
funding pattern and now the share of GoI &
GoR is 60:40.
National Food Security Mission (NFSM)
· The major interventions of NFSM-Wheat and
· National Food Security Mission on Wheat and Pulses relates to distribution of certified seeds,
Pulses had been launched in Rajasthan during demonstrations on improved production
the year 2007-08 as a centrally sponsored technology, INM bio-fertilizer, micronutrients,
Agriculture & Allied Sector
Economic Review 2017-18
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY/ Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
National Agriculture Development PMFBY was restructured by the Weather Based Crop
Programme) Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) and modified National
To achieve 4 per cent growth rate in Agriculture and Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS), during
allied sectors during 11th five year plan, Government 2016-17. This scheme is being implemented since
of India had started a scheme i.e. RKVY in the year kharif 2016.
2007-08 in all the states of the country including
Rajasthan. In this scheme, Government of India
provided 100 per cent assistance from 2007-08 to Global Rajasthan Agri-tech Meet (GRAM)
2014-15. Project base assistance is being provided to Global Rajasthan Agritech Meet was successfully
prepare Integrated District Agriculture plan in the organized from 24th to 26th May, 2017 at Kota and
field of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, th th
from 7 to 9 November, 2017 at Udaipur. During the
Poultry, Horticulture and Dairy, by taking into events, 40 MOUs worth `1,555.83 crore have been
consideration the agro climatic conditions and natural signed for investment in agriculture and allied
resources of the State. During the year 2015-16, GoI sectors. Approximately 1,23,000 farmers and other
has reduced the funding pattern to 60:40 (GoI:GoR). visitors participated in the events. All the participants
During the year 2017-18, an expenditure of `167.59 including farmer, investors, businessmen,
crore has been incurred against the provision of academicians, scientists, students, educationists,
`520.34 crore upto December, 2017. researchers, etc. accepted the usefulness of the
techniques shown in the smart farm and exhibition
about agriculture, animal husbandry and dairy
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) sectors.
Organic agriculture is production of agricultural During the year 2017-18, the major physical progress
products free from chemicals and pesticides residues, of important components of Agriculture Department
by adopting eco-friendly low cost technologies. is shown in table5.2
"Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana" is an elaborated
component of Soil Health Management (SHM) of
major project National Mission on Sustainable PRODUCTIVITY
Agriculture (NMSA). Under PKVY, Organic farming
is promoted through adoption of organic village by Agriculture Department is striving hard to increase
cluster approach and PGS certification. PKVY productivity in major crops. The sincere efforts by the
funding pattern between GoI and GoR is 60:40. State Government and financial assistance by the
During the year 2017-18, an expenditure of `6.67 Central Government have broadly resulted in
crore has been incurred, against the provision of achieving growth in agriculture productivity.
`44.50 crore, upto December, 2017. Following table 5.3 shows the comparative position
of productivity:
Table 5.3 reveals that productivity of cereals has
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana increased by 148.50 per cent between 1991-92 to
(PMKSY) 2016-17. Productivity of pulses and oilseeds has
PMKSY has been conceived as an amalgamation of increased by 83.64 and 77.69 per cent respectively,
ongoing schemes viz. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit during this period. Productivity of cotton has
Programme (AIBP), Integrated Watershed increased by 85.81 per cent from 303 kg per hectare in
Management Programme (IWMP) and the On Farm 1991-92 to 563 kg per hectare in 2016-17.
Water Management (OFWM). PMKSY is being
implemented in the state, since 2015-16. PMKSY
funding pattern between GoI:GoR is 60:40. During HORTICULTURE
the year 2017-18, an expenditure of `17.45 crore has Rajasthan has large scope for development of
been incurred against the provision of `330.00 crore, horticulture. It provides additional employment
upto December, 2017. opportunities to the rural people, while diversifying
Agriculture & Allied Sector
Table 5.2 Physical Progress of Important Components during the year 2017-18
the rural economy to agro processing and other During the year 2017-18, `388.30 crore is proposed
ancillary activities. Looking to the ample under state plan, for development of horticulture
opportunities of horticulture development, a separate against which, `141.46 crore have been utilized upto
Directorate of Horticulture was established in December, 2017. Establishment of fruit orchards in
1989-90, with the objective of growth in area, 14 hectare, plant protection measures in 1,509 hectare
production & productivity of fruits, vegetables, and 1,758 demonstrations of vegetables have been
spices, flowers and medicinal plant crops in a planned laid out under state plan schemes. The following
way. schemes are also being implemented to promote
horticulture activities in the State:
Economic Review 2017-18
National Horticulture Mission (NHM) hectare have been covered respectively, upto
December, 2017.
To increase the area, production and productivity of
different horticulture crops like fruits, spices and
flowers in selected 24 districts namely Jaipur, Ajmer, National Agro-Forestry and Bamboo Mission
Alwar, Chittorgarh, Kota, Baran, Jhalawar, Jodhpur, (NABM)
Pali, Jalore, Barmer, Nagaur, Banswara, Tonk,
Karauli, Sawai Madhopur, Udaipur, Dungarpur, Under this scheme, the districts of Karauli, Swai
Bhilwara, Bundi, Jhunjhunu, Sirohi, Jaisalmer and Madhopur, Udaipur, Chittorgarh, Banswara,
Ganganagar, this scheme is being implemented. Dungarpur, Sirohi, Baran, Jhalawar, Bhilwara,
Under this scheme, a provision of `70.83 crore Rajasmand and Pratapgarh were taken up for
(`42.50 crore as central share and `28.33 crore as promoting bamboo cultivation. For implementing
state share) has been earmarked during 2017-18, this scheme in the year 2017-18, a provision of `2.03
against which an expenditure of `49.44 crore (`29.66 crore has been made for new plantation of bamboo
crore as central share and `19.78 crore as state share) and maintenance of previous year plantations.
has been incurred upto December, 2017. Orchards of Recently, Government of India has discontinued the
fruits and spices have been established in 2,746 scheme and only maintenance of previous year
plantation is being considered for release.
hectare and 1,117 hectare respectively during this
period. A total of 100 hectare has been covered under
Integrated Pest Management Programme. 2.73 lakh National Ayush Mission (NAM)
square meters area has been covered under green
houses, 0.22 lakh square meters area has been By promoting cultivation of medicinal plants, raw
covered under shade net, 9.06 lakh square meters area materials to pharmacy sector could easily be made
has been covered under plastic tunnels, 19,960 available in sufficient quantity. Along with several
hectare area covered under plastic mulching, 6 vermi other objectives, the Government of India had
compost units have been established, 229 low cost launched this mission in the State, since 2009-10. The
onion storage structures also constructed, 29 pack mission is being implemented in all districts of the
houses have been established and 52 water harvesting State, since its inception. For the year 2017-18, a
provision of `3.47 crore has been made to provide
structure have been built upto December, 2017.
assistance for cultivation of medicinal plants.
Government of India has renamed the mission as
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana-Micro National Ayush Mission and designated the Ayush
Department of Rajasthan, as the nodal agency for
Irrigation (PMKSY-MI)
implementing the scheme.
Water is a limited and valuable resource in the State.
In view of it, drip and sprinkler techniques of micro
irrigation are the efficient water management Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana(RKVY)
practices to enhance crop yields and quality along Looking to the consistent decrease in investments in
with water saving. To increase the adoptability of the agriculture and allied sectors, the Central
system, Government of India has launched Micro Government has introduced RKVY to draw up plans
Irrigation Scheme under PMKSY. The ratio of central for agriculture sector more comprehensively, taking
share and state share for all categories of the farmers into account agro-climatic conditions, natural
is 60:40. For the year 2017-18, a provision of `140.50 resource issues and technology. Under this scheme,
crore (`84.98 crore as central share and `55.52 crore the State level sanctioning committee has sanctioned
as state share) was made, for additional subsidy on the horticulture development projects worth `98.58
drip and mini sprinkler, provision of `20.00 crore was crore, during the year 2017-18 for date palm
earmarked from state plan. An expenditure of `17.16 cultivation, Horticulture development programme in
crore (`10.29 crore as central share and `6.87 crore as non NHM districts, vegetable cluster in urban areas,
state share) and additional subsidy of `3.30 crore has establishment of center of excellences at Jhalawar,
been incurred upto December, 2017. Under Drip and Dholpur, Tonk, Bundi, Chittorgarh and Sawai-
Sprinkler irrigation, areas of 6,543 hectare and 8,152 Madhopur. For strengthening of centre of excellence
Agriculture & Allied Sector
Table 5.4 Area, Production and Productivity of Fruits, Vegetables and Spices
Productivity in kg
Productivity in kg
Production in mt
Production in mt
Production in mt
Area Hectare
Area Hectare
Area Hectare
per hectare
per hectare
per hectare
1992-93 to
1996-97 20460 220390 10772 70615 340819 4826 429517 305320 711
2002-03 to
2006-07 24503 297563 12144 115388 606632 5257 453719 416021 917
2007-08 to
2011-12 31936 473238 14818 145183 890147 6131 668692 653742 978
2012-13 36418 559497 15363 133264 878911 6595 803266 705304 878
2013-14 39113 655235 16752 149642 1107611 7402 808863 668734 827
2014-15 39438 735601 18652 153916 1433228 9312 851465 608828 715
2015-16 40569 651358 16056 194645 2020957 10383 1001737 1050169 1048
2016-17 53092 961597 18112 170132 1812848 10656 991588 1549804 1563
lakh in case of work site accidental death. `29.96 crore has been incurred on construction of mandi
crore have been distributed to 2,220 farmers during yards and roads etc., out of which `165.93 crore have
the year 2017-18 upto December, 2017. “Kisan been spent on construction of mandi yards, `87.02
Kaleva Yojana” has been introduced for farmers to crore on roads and its repairing upto December, 2017.
provide them quality food on subsidized rates in Oil testing labs have also been functioning in 40
'Super', 'A' and 'B' class krishi upaj mandi samities of selected krishi upaj mandi samities.
the State. 25.02 lakh farmers and labourers have
taken food in the market yards at subsidized rate from “Mahatma Jyotiba Phoole Mandi Sharmik
April to December, 2017. Kalyan Yojana 2015” has been launched in the State.
During the year 2017-18, expenditure of `252.95 Important features of the scheme are:
Economic Review 2017-18
· Pregnancy Assistance: Pregnancy assistance `18.71 crore on Dholpur Lift, `33.78 crore on
of rupees equivalent to 45 days non skilled Narmada Canal Project, `6.37 crore on Gang Canal
labour rate is being provided to licence holder Modernization Project and `42.79 crore on State
female labourer for two pregnancy period. Partnership Programme funded by European
Further rupees equivalent to 15 days non skilled Commission have been spent.
labour rate are also being provided to the father During the year 2017-18, 3 major (Narmada Canal
of the newly born child. Project, Parwan, Dholpur lift), 1 modernization work
· Marriage Assistance: Licensed female (Gang Canal), 7 medium projects (Garadada, Takli,
labourer will be entitled for a sum of `50,000 for Piplad, Gagrin, Lhasi, Rajgarh and Hatiyadeh) and 47
marriage of her girl. This assistance is limited minor irrigation schemes are under progress.
for marriage of upto 2 girls only. An enormous multipurpose irrigation project
· Scholarship/Merit Award for students: The "Parwan” is proposed in gram Akawad Kalan,
sons/daughters of licenced labourer obtaining Khanpur, district Jhalawar near parwan river. The
60 per cent or above marks is entitled for administrative and financial revised sanction of
scholarship under this scheme. `6,489.59 crore for Parwan project has been released
by the state government. In the first and second phase
· Medical Assistance: Financial assistance of the project has been targeted to facilitate additional
`20,000 will be given to licensed labourer in irrigation in 1,31,400 hactare land of 313 villages and
case of serious diseases (Cancer, Heart attack, 70,000 hactare land of 324 villages of Jhalawar,
Liver, Kidney etc.) if he might have been Baran and Kota districts. Apart from this, providing
admitted for treatment in government hospital. the facility of drinking water to the population of
During the year 2017-18, `88.86 lakh have been 1,821 villages of Jhalawar, Baran and Kota district is
distributed to 404 mandi labourers under this scheme also being proposed. Budget provision of `1,000
upto December, 2017. crore has made in the financial year 2017-18 for this
project, against which `610.07 crore has been spent
till December, 2017.
WATER RESOURCES For the first time, sprinkler irrigation system has been
made compulsory in Narmada Canal Project. Revised
Water Resources Department of Rajasthan has done a
cost of this project is `3,124 crore.Under this project,
very important work by utilizing managing and
2.458 lakh hectare additional irrigation potential had
exploiting its meager water resources in the form of
been created by March, 2017. During 2017-18,
major, medium and minor irrigation projects. With
`33.78 crore have been spent upto December, 2017
the consistent efforts of the Department, irrigation
against the budget provision of `50.00 crore
potential has been raised to 38.496 lakh hectare by
(Revised Budget Provision `75.61crore).
2016-17, while before independence it was only 4
lakh hectare surface irrigation. During financial year In Ganganagar District, Gang Canal Modernization
2017-18, 2,377 hectare (including IGNP) additional work is under progress. Since inception, `727.93
irrigation potential has been created upto December, crore have been spent on this project upto March,
2017. 2017. On completion of this project, water losses of
710.45 cusec shall be saved and irrigation efficiency
Looking to the importance of irrigation schemes, a shall be increased. By March 2017, additional
provision of `2,015.85 crore has been made in the irrigation potential of 96,510 hectare has been
State during 2017-18. This provision is additional to created. During the year 2017-18, `6.37 crore have
IGNP allocations, out of this `1,000 crore for Parwan been spent upto December, 2017, against the
Project, `200 crore for Dholpur lift, `50 crore for provision of `0.50 crore (Revised budget provision
Narmada Project, `0.50 crore for Gang Canal `8.50 crore).
Modernization, `14.276 crore under European State
Partnership Programme (EU-SPP) have been taken
up to enhance in the State irrigation potential. Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project (ERCP)
`1110.41 crore have been utilised upto December,
2017, against the total provision for the year 2017-18. Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project is an ambitious
Out of which `610.07 crore for Parwan project, project of Rajasthan State, which is planned to
Agriculture & Allied Sector
transfer the surplus water of Kool, Kunu, Parvati, 2017-18, Colonization Department has collected
Kalisindh, Mej and Chakan river into the Banas, `43.38 crore of revenue, and khatadari sanad have
Morel, Banganga, Gambhir and Parbati river in basin been distributed to 1,766 allottees upto December,
of Chambal river during monsoon period. The pre- 2017.
feasibility report of this project has been approved by
Central Water Commission.
Rajasthan Water Sector Livelihood Under Command Area Development and Water
Improvement Project (RWSLIP) Management (CADWM) Programme of Ministry of
Water Resources, Government of India, works of
Rajasthan Water Sector Livelihood Improvement construction of pucca water courses for land
Project (RWSLIP) has been sanctioned for getting development works, have been taken up in Sidhmukh
loan assistance from Japan bank for International Co- Nohar Irrigation Project, Amar Singh Sub Branch
operation Agency (JICA) for rehabilitation and Project, Gang Canal Phase I and II and Bhakhra
renovation of 137 Irrigation Projects in 25 districts. Canal Project Phase I, Bisalpur and Chambal
Projects. Construction of pucca water courses have
been completed in 31,777 hectare at a cost of `56.45
E u ro p e a n U n i o n S t a t e P a r t n e r s h i p crore, under these projects upto December, 2017.
Programme Now DPRs of these 7 ongoing projects having
Under European Commission Aid, European Union balance (as on 01.04.2017) Culturable Command
State Partnership Programme is an effort to take up Area (CCA) 6,83,656 hectares amounting to
the works as per State Water Policy. Its purpose is to `4423.74 crore and DPRs of 8 new projects CCA
associate Panchayati Raj Institutions in the field of 3,05,862 hectare amounting to `1,760.28 crore have
water management and to help the State in taking up been submitted to Government of India for sanction
the measures related to optimum utilization of state under new scheme of Incentivization for Bridging
water resources. 26 NGOs have been selected under Irrigation Gap (ISBIG) of Pradhan Mantri Krishi
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Sinchai Yojna (PMKSY).
In 3,182 Gram Panchayats of 82 blocks of 11 selected For the first time in the State, the prescription service
districts (Pali, Jodhpur, Nagaur, Barmer, Sikar, “Nanta Krishi Salah Parchee” aimed to provide
Jhunjhunu, Rajsamand, Bikaner, Jalore, Jaisalmer expert advice to the farmers for crop problems has
and Churu), trainings have been imparted under been started in Chambal Project. 6,831 farmers were
IWRM. For preparing plans at Gram Panchayat level, benefitted under the scheme from January, 2014 to
taking up works related to increasing efficiency of December, 2017.
Water User Associations (WUA), infrastructure
development of Panchayati Raj Institutions and
Participation of WUAs in water management,
`450.00 crore grant has been sanctioned by European
Commission. By March, 2017, `365.25 crore had (IGNP)
been spent on this project. During the year 2017-18 Indira Gandhi Nahar Project is an excellent example
(upto December, 2017), `42.79 crore have been spent of courageous fight of man against oddness of nature.
on this project against the budget allocation of `14.28 Aim of this ambitious project is to irrigate the thirsty
crore (Revised budget provision `55.10 crore). desert land of Western Rajasthan with Himalaya's
water and provide drinking water to crores of
inhabitants of this area. The State Government took
COLONISATION the decision to complete canal construction works in
16.17 lakh hectare culturable command area, which
Land covered in Indira Gandhi Nahar Project area is have been opened for irrigation upto March, 2017.
allotted by Colonization Department under general
and special allotments in equal 50:50 proportion. Total cost of works of stage-II according to revised
Since inception, 14.54 lakh hectare of land has been project estimate 2010 is `6,921.32 crore. Cost of
allotted upto December 2017. During the year works excluding water courses is `5,887.56 crore, out
Economic Review 2017-18
of this `4,321.11 crore have been spent upto March, the State. The Ground Water Department mainly
2017 since inception. Total expenditure incurred by performs the following activities:
IGNP department on stage-I and II of the project upto · Design of tube wells and Piezometer for
March, 2017 is `4,897.22 crore. investigation, assessment and development of
For the year 2017-18, `305.55 crore under State plan water resources under Survey and Research
has been sanctioned, in which `1.79 crore have been Programme.
kept for Kanwarsen lift scheme and `303.76 crore · Construction of tube wells and hand pumps for
have been allotted for operation, maintenance and drinking and other purposes.
other necessary works of canals of Stage-II in Bikaner
and Jaisalmer zone. Out of this `139.88 crore have · Deepening of wells by rock drilling and blasting
been spent upto December, 2017. under various individual beneficiary schemes
of the Government.
For efficient and optimum use of water available in
During the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017), 121
the project, it has been decided to establish sprinkler
Tube wells, 166 Hand pump Bore wells and 102
irrigation system in lift schemes of stage-II. A pilot
Piezometer have been installed. Apart from this,
project of sprinkler irrigation was taken up in 27,449 under survey and research programme, 15,824 well
hectare in the year 2007-08, in which all works to be inventories, collection of 11,863 water samples,
executed by department have been completed. All chemical analysis of 8,633 water samples and 376
Water User Associations (WUA) proposed in this geophysical soundings were completed. Under
area have been constituted and irrigation with Rajasthan Agricultural Competitiveness Project, a
sprinklers has been started in 25,207 hectare after provision of `6.60 crore has been made for ensuring
taking electric connections. To establish sprinkler peoples participation in sustainability of ground
irrigation system in remaining 3.20 lakh hectare area water resources of the state.
of stage-II, lift schemes, sanction was received from
Ministry of Water Resources, GoI for project
amounting to `1658.81 crore under Command Area WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT
Development & Water Management Programme in
March, 2016 . Under this project, works in 1.56 lakh The IWMP has been renamed to “Pradhanmantri
hectare have been started during 2017-18 and till now Krishi Sinchai Yojana (Watershed Component).
works in total 1.67 lakh hectare Culturable Command Government of India provides 60 per cent funds and
Area of Choudhary Kumbha Ram Lift, Dr. Karni balance 40 per cent is state matching share. An
expenditure of `2,637.49 crore has been incurred upto
Singh Lift and Pannalal Barupal Lift schemes has
December, 2017, since inception.
been awarded and started. 11 km long ditch channel
has been constructed. During the year 2017-18,
`139.88 crore have been spent upto December, 2017
Four Water Concept
on various works including construction, repair,
operation, maintenance of canals and pressure The Four Water Concept is integral part of Water
irrigation etc. Conservation Progaramme funded by State
Government. Construction of Micro Storage Tanks
and Canal system are implemented by Water
Resources Department and Catchment Area
GROUND WATER Treatment works in Non Forest and Forest area are
Ground Water Department is playing an important executed by Watershed Department and Forest
role in the development and management of ground Department respectively.
water resources of the State. In Rajasthan, where
During the financial year 2017-18, a provision of
drought conditions exist, ground water plays an
`19.10 crore has been kept for catchment area
important role in solving the water problem to a great
treatment for 59 Micro Storage Tanks. An
extent. Due to rigorous and successful efforts,
expenditure of `9.71 crore has been incurred upto
availability of fresh drinking water along with
December, 2017.
additional ground water resources for irrigation
purpose has increased in desert and rocky districts of
Agriculture & Allied Sector
Mukhyamantri Jal Swawlamban Abhiyaan lakh and paid-up share capital is `785.26 lakh.
(MJSA) The Corporation is operating 93 warehouses in 31
The main objective of this abhiyaan is to make districts of the State with the total storage capacity of
approximately 21,000 villages water self reliant in 11.65 lakh metric tonnes. During the year 2017-18
next four to five years through convergence, public and its average utilization remain 9.92 lakh metric
contributions and donations etc. for financial gap tonnes which is 85 per cent of the total storage
filling for MJSA. Under this, the State Government capacity upto December, 2017. The Corporation is
has decided to initiate MJSA by converging various providing 70 per cent, 60 per cent and 10 per cent
line department activities and funds as well as by rebate for storage charges respectively to SC/ST
providing separate budget from State. In the first farmers, general farmers and co-operative societies,
phase of MJSA 3,529 villages covered and 95,192 which is the highest rebate as compared to all other
works completed. Second phase was launched on 9
State Warehousing Corporations and Central
December, 2016 in 4,213 villages covering each Warehousing Corporation. In the year 2017-18, the
block of the State. Around 1,29,231 water Corporation has constructed 29,700 metric tonnes
conservation works have been completed. Plantation storage capacities and 5.06 lakh metric tonnes storage
of 55 lakh plants was taken up in second phase. In the capacity is under construction. Achievements of
third phase of MJSA, around 4,240 villages are being RSWC are summarized in table 5.5.
taken up in all blocks of the state.
STATE WAREHOUSING In Rajasthan, Animal Husbandry is not merely a
The main activity of Rajasthan State Warehousing subsidiary to agriculture but it is a major economic
Corporation (RSWC) is to build the godowns and activity, especially in arid and semi-arid areas,
warehouses in the State for scientific storage of providing the much needed insurance against
agricultural produces, seeds, manures, fertilizers, frequently occurring scarcity conditions. Parallel to
agricultural implements and other notified crop production, Animal Husbandry is the most
important activity in Rajasthan. Livestock rearing is
commodities of the farmers, co-operative societies,
the major component of arid agriculture. Animal
traders, Government and other institutions. The
Husbandry enhances the economic viability and
authorized share capital of the Corporation is `800
Economic Review 2017-18
sustainability of farming systems particularly in rain In the following table 5.7, the production level of
fed areas. In arid western region, livestock farming various animal husbandry products has been
essentially works as an insulating factor against depicted. The production of milk has increased from
vagaries of drought and famines and provides a kind 8,581 thousand tonnes in the year 2005-06 to 20,850
of stability and sustainable livelihood to the rural thousand tonnes in the year 2016-17, showing an
poor. impression increase of 142.98 per cent. Similarly,
The State is endowed with finest drought hardy milch during the same period, the production of eggs has
breeds (Rathi, Gir, Sahiwal and Tharparkar), dual increased from 710 million in 2005-06 to 1,363
purpose breeds (Kankrej and Haryana) and the million in 2016-17.
famous drafts breeds of Nagori and Malvi. The State Same trend is visible in meat production also. Meat
of Rajasthan is rich in livestock wealth. State is production was estimated at 68 thousand tonnes in
blessed with the best breeds of cattle, sheep, goat, 2005-06 and it has increased up to 180 thousand
horse and camels of the country. tonnes in 2016-17. However, the production of wool
The livestock Census-2012 has placed total livestock has decreased from 153 lakh kilograms in the year
population at 577.32 lakh and poultry birds at 80.24 2005-06 to 143 lakh kilograms in the year 2016-17.
lakh. The State has about 11.27 per cent of the
livestock of the country. The State accounts for about In order to control diseases of livestock, 273.45 lakh
6.98 per cent of cattle, 11.94 per cent of buffaloes, vaccinations have been executed. For breed
16.03 per cent of goats, 13.95 per cent of sheep and improvement, 3.51 lakh large animals and 4.86 lakh
81.50 per cent of camels of the country. The State small animals have been castrated and 25.87 lakh
contributed 12.73 per cent of milk and 32.89 per cent artificial inseminations have been executed upto
of wool to the nation's production in the year 2016-17. December, 2017.
Efforts of the Animal Husbandry Department are
focused on increasing the out stretch through creation Major initiatives taken by Animal Husbandry
of institutions and infrastructure to provide an Department during the year 2017-18:
integrated package of services for efficient health
care and genetic improvement of livestock along with · Bhamashah Pashu Bima Yojna' is being
awareness building programmes to ensure better implemented in the State for the welfare of
participation of the livestock owners. Expansion of livestock breeders. Under this insurance
veterinary institutions in the State has been quite scheme, 70 per cent subsidy on premium of
remarkable, as may be visualized by the following cattle insurance for SC/ST/BPL livestock
table 5.6. breeders and 50 per cent subsidy on premium of
Table 5.6 Veterinary Institutions in Rajasthan
Agriculture & Allied Sector
cattle insurance for general livestock breeders is 583.57 lakh animals have been vaccinated upto
provided. 59,620 cattle units of 32,673 December, 2017.
livestock breeders have been insured in the · Livestock Breeders are being benefit under
financial year 2017-18 upto December, 2017 Pashudhan Nishulak Arogya Yojna regularly.
against the target of 81,000 cattle units and
`491.23 lakh have been utilized as subsidy on · Breed improvement programme has also been
insurance premiums. `438.03 lakh claim strengthened. Breeding services are being
amount has been paid by the insurance improved through extension of private
companies to the 1,454 livestock breeders on integrated livestock development centres.
the death of their insured animals. · Training facility for livestock farmers has been
· Avika kavach Bima Yojna' is being improved and extended.
implemented in the State for the welfare of
sheep breeders. Under this insurance scheme,
provision is 80 per cent subsidy on premium of GOPALAN DEPARTMENT
sheep insurance for SC/ST/BPL sheep breeders The objective of the Directorate of Gopalan is to act
and 70 per cent subsidy on premium of sheep rigorously for promotion, conservation and
insurance for other sheep breeders. 15,930 development of the cattle population of the State
sheep of 658 sheep breeders have been insured including cattle reared in gaushalas of the State by
in the financial year 2017-18 upto December, way of various training programmes for imparting
2017 and `21.98 lakh has been utilized as managerial skills to gaushala managers in the fields of
subsidy on insurance premium. organic farming and fodder production, marketing of
· During financial Year 2017-18 till date under cattle products, renewable energy use of Panchgavya
this 1,153 new sub centers have been opened. and value addition etc.
· Sanction has been granted for upgradation of 8 During the year 2017-18, budget of `1.70 crore has
block level veterinary institutions and 2 tehsil been allotted to 15 district collectors for the cattle
head quarter veterinary hospitals to Class first saved from slaughter. Assistance is being given at the
grade veterinary hospitals. rate of `32 per large cattle head and `16 per small
cattle head for the period of detention of the cattle in
· Under the mandate of Foot and Mouth Diseases gaushalas or for one year whichever is less, till
(FMD), free Rajasthan FMD-CP is being December 2017, there is an expenditure of `62.15
implemented in the State with the assistance of lakh in this scheme. Expenditure of `33.00 lakh in
Government of India. Mass Vaccination Bull registration and castration programmes. Aids of
Campaigns are going on in the State for cattle gaushalas is given by the year 2016-17 is `92.22 crore
and buffalo twice a year. Under this programme,
Economic Review 2017-18
and for the year 2017-18 it is `40.47 crore. Under 2017 during the year 2017-18. The achievement of
RKVY scheme, Agriculture Department has allotted key activities in Dairy Development Sector have been
`1.29 crore to Directorate of Gopalan for bull given in the following table 5.8
registration and castration programmes. 52 new RCDF is also providing nutritious cattle feed. During
gaushalas have been registered by Directorate of the year 2017-18, 2,68,030 MT cattle feed have been
Gopalan upto December, 2017 and geo tagging of produced and 2,67,748 MT cattle feed sold to the milk
2,121 goshalas has been done by Department of producers of the State. Dairy Federation is also
Information Technology and Communication producing products, like ghee, chhach, lassi, sri
through Rajdhara platform. khand, paneer, curd and cheese etc. During the year
2017-18 around 12,083 MT of Ghee has been
marketed by Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation
DAIRY DEVELOPMENT Limited. To fulfill the social obligations, RCDF and
The Dairy Development Programme in Rajasthan is its associated District Milk Unions are providing
being implemented through Cooperative Societies. insurance to Milk Producers. Under 14th phase of
Under this Programme, 14,466 Dairy Cooperative 'Saras Surksha Kavach' (Janshree), insurance cover
Societies have been affiliated with 21 District Milk has been provided to 1,69,798 milk producers and
Producers Cooperative Unions spread over the State under 'Raj Saras Surksha Kavach Bima Yojana'
and a State level Apex Body, 'Rajasthan Cooperative (Accidental), insurance cover has been provided to
Dairy Federation (RCDF) Limited, Jaipur is 2,44,650 milk producers upto December, 2017.
functional. Under 12th phase of 'Saras Samoohik Arogya Bima',
milk unions and United India Insurance Company
With financial assistance under various schemes and have signed MOU. Under it, total 43,561 members
its own resources, the installed milk processing have been insured upto December, 2017.
capacity of District Milk Union Plants have been
increased to 20.35 lakh liters per day. In the financial
year 2017-18. All the affiliated milk unions of RCDF
have procured milk at an average of 26.07 lakh FISHERIES
kilograms per day. Presently, 8.0 lakh milk producers Besides utilizing state water resources for fisheries
are involved in Co-operative based dairy development, fisheries sector is also providing low
development programme and are receiving round the cost food rich in protein & employment to rural
year remuneration for milk. Milk unions have paid weaker sections. In Rajasthan, a good number of
`2482.99 crore to milk producers upto December, water bodies are available covering about 4.23 lakh
Agriculture & Allied Sector
hectare in the form of reservoirs, ponds and small progress. Renovation work of fish farm Chandlai
tanks. In addition to 80 lakh hectare water area are (Tonk) has also been completed, which will cost `275
available in the form of rivers and canals. In water lakh. This will lead to self-sufficiency in fish seed
resources Rajasthan state stands on 11 position in the production.
country. As per the study conducted by the Central Under National Mission for Protein Supplement
Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai (2010) the scheme, a cage culture project has been sanctioned by
fish production potential of Rajasthan is more than Government of India at a cost of `3.44 crore for the
80,000 metric tonnes annually while production dissemination and demonstration of modern fisheries
achieved in the year 2016-17 is only 50,199 metric techniques at Mahi Bajaj Sagar (Banswara) and 56
tonnes in the State. Hence, there is good scope for cages have already been installed.
further development of fisheries sector in the State.
Apart from this, National Fisheries Development
Table 5.9 reveals that fish production in different Board, Hyderabad, GoI has sanctioned a project of
years. The Department has started implementation of `2.23 crore towards raising of fish seed in 162 cages
ambitious scheme on 'livelihood model', which is a in 14 reservoirs of Rajasthan to augment fish
'zero revenue' model, for the upliftment of tribal production of the State.
fishermen in three reservoirs namely, Jaisamand
(Udaipur), Mahi Bajaj Sagar (Banswara) and Kadana Under Aquaculture through integrated approach
Backwater (Dungarpur). As per the new model the lift component of National Mission for Protein
contract has been given to the highest bidder. One of Supplement (NMPS), the fish seed stocking in
the important conditions is to transfer whole fish Jaisamnd and Kadana Back Water Project at the cost
catch price to tribal fisherman and these fish catching of `2.50 crore has been approved for three years. 38
rates are highest in the country. A total of about 6,000 lakh fish fingerling seed had been stocked in
fishermen of 50 fishermen cooperative societies are Jaisamand (Udaipur) and Kadana Back Water
being benefitted under this model and the earning of (Durgapur) during the year 2016-17.
tribal fishermen working on regular basis has
Under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), an
increased manifold.
amount of `15.30 crore has been approved for the
The work for modernization of government fish modernization/construction of 41 fish landing centres
farms, namely Soorsagar (Kota), Silised (Alwar), of Rajasthan to reduce the post-harvest losses. The
Lakhuwali (Hanumangarh), Sagrod (Banswara) and construction of fish landing centres at Ramsagar
Gilva (Tonk) has been undertaken, out of which fish (Dholpur), Bisalpur (Tonk) and Rana Pratap Sager
farms of Sagrod (Banswara) and Gilva (Tonk) have (Rawatbhata) have been completed. Construction of
been completed and rest of the farm work is in
Economic Review 2017-18
landing centres at Jawaidam (Pali) and Jaisamand activities on non-forest land also vests with PRIs.
(Udaipur) is under progress and within short time To conserve medicinal plants, which are on the verge
they will be completed. of extinction, 16 Medicinal Plant Conservation Areas
Water bodies are being developed by stocking of (MPCA) have already been established. Plantation on
quality fish seed and conservation of fish stock. 42,633 hectare of land has been achieved by
Waters are leased out for fish production to earn December, 2017, against the Twenty Point
revenue for the State. During the year 2016-17, Programme target of 42,000 hectare during the year
revenue of `56.60 crore has been earned by leasing 2017-18.
out water bodies and revenue of `34.40 crore has been An expenditure of `134.14 crore has been incurred on
earned by the Department during the year 2017-18 various development works upto December, 2017,
upto December, 2017. against the provision of `294.37 crore. Under
Training is being organized on regular basis and 299 Centrally Sponsored Schemes, development works
fisherman have been trained upto December, 2017. In are being carried out, which inter alia include
addition, 11,220 active fishermen have been covered ecological development, soil conservation works,
under Group Insurance Scheme and 155 fisherman conservation and development of Sambhar wetland,
were benefitted under saving cum relief scheme fire protection, development of sanctuaries, national
during 2016-17. Presently, about 20,000 fisherman parks, zoo etc. Besides, various works such as
are directly dependent on fisheries and allied creation of new forest protection and management
activities in the State. `4.00 crore have been committees, self-help groups, women self-help
sanctioned for Ornamental Fish breeding unit and groups, community development, conservation of
aquarium gallery and it is under construction as an wild life etc. are also being carried out.
innovative work at Bisalpur Dam (Tonk). To increase water conservation in Forest and non-
forest areas NABARD funded scheme is being
implemented in 17 districts of the State namely
FORESTRY Alwar, Dausa, Bharatpur, Dhaulpur, Karauli, Sawai
Forestry is the pivot of ecological and environmental madhopur, Tonk, Ajmer, Bundi, Baran, Kota,
balance and plays a significant role in the state's Jhalawar, Chittorgarh, Pratapgarh, Rajsamand, Sirohi
economy. As per the report of the Forest survey of and Udaipur with a provision of `157 crore. Planting
India, Rajasthan has registered an increase of 85 sq. in area of 16,400 hectare have been during the current
km of forest cover during biennial assessment period year.
between 2013-15. The State has ample opportunities for eco-tourism.
Special emphasis has been given to the conservation There are 3 National Parks, 26 Wild Life Sanctuaries
of bio-diversity, soil and water, fulfillment of the and 11 Conservation Reserves in the State. Besides
needs of the people and getting active cooperation of this, 3 Biological Parks at Jaipur, Udaipur and
the masses in forest protection and management. Jodhpur have also been developed.
Employment generation in far-flung areas of the State
is also an important activity of forest department.
Under Joint Forest Management Programme, 6,377 CO-OPERATIVE
Village Forest Protection and Management Co-operative Credit Structure
committees (VFPMC) are protecting and managing
11.76 lakh hectare of forest land under the guidance of At present, there are 29 Central Cooperative Banks,
the department. Out of which 550 Eco-Development 21 Milk Unions, 37 Upbhokta Wholesale Bhandars,
Committees around sanctuaries and national parks 36 Primary Land Development Banks, 6,557 Primary
have been constituted to get participation of local Agriculture Credit Co-operative Societies and 270
people in wild life management. Panchayati Raj Marketing Fruit & Vegetable Societies in the State. A
total of 34,418 Co-operative societies are registered
Institutions (PRI) have been empowered to get
in the State. Farmers of the State are being facilitated
income from the collection of minor forest produce
with short-term agriculture loans for crop production.
from forest as well as non-forest areas. Planting
During the year 2017-18, long-term loans of `179.38
Agriculture & Allied Sector
crore (Including crop loan) have been distributed, the year 2017-18, loan of `1.22 crore has been
against the target of `300.00 crore, `454.53 crore as distributed in 222 cases. The term of loan is 5 years.
agricultural medium term loan and short-term crop Under this scheme, for the year 2017-18, Central Co-
loans `11,747.62 crore have been distributed to 22.13 operative Banks have distributed loans worth `8.29
lakh farmers upto December, 2017. crore upto December, 2017.
Co-operative Kisan Credit Card Scheme Women Development Credit Scheme Land
(KCC) Short term agricultural loans are distributed Development banks, through Women Development
in the State through Kisan Credit Cards, 34.24 lakh Credit Scheme, are creating sources of income for
Kisan Credit Cards have been issued upto December, women by providing loan of `50,000 for non-
2017. agricultural and dairy business through guarantee of
2 persons, even without security on agricultural land.
Gyan Sagar Credit Scheme This scheme has been In the year 2017-18, under this scheme, loan of `0.58
started to provide entrance to rural and urban students crore was distributed to 134 women upto December,
in professional and technical courses and to provide 2017.
financial assistance to the students and their parents.
The maximum loan limit for acquiring education in Co-operative Life Insurance Scheme This scheme
India and abroad is `6.00 lakh and `10.00 lakh, was started on 13th October, 2008 to provide life
respectively. There is a provision of 0.50 per cent insurance benefit to co-operative banks, loanee
relief to students on interest rate. As per the plan, in members of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
the financial year 2017-18, loans amounting to `0.62 (PACS), shareholders and staff. MoU has been signed
lakh have been distributed upto December, 2017. by Rajasthan State Co-operative Bank (RSCB) with
State Bank of India (SBI) life on 19-07-2017 for
Credit assistance to Self Help Groups Central Co- continuing the said scheme till 31st March, 2018.
operative Banks distributed loans of `12.99 crore to During the year 2017-18 permium of `41.68 crore of
1,085 self-help groups in the year 2017-18 upto 11,24,948 persons have been sent to insurance
December, 2017. company upto December, 2017
Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme Prime Co-operative Farmer's Welfare Scheme Co-
Minister Crop Insurance Scheme was started in 2016, operative Farmer's Welfare Scheme has been started
under which, compulsory insurance of crops of by the State Government through Central Co-
farmers of enlisted areas was done. Proportionate operative Banks (CCBs) branches and Primary
contribution as assistance is paid by the State Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) to meet
Government for this purpose. In Rabi season of agricultural credit requirements of farmers along with
2017-18, all Central Co-operative Banks (CCBs) crop loan requirements. As per the scheme, CCBs
have been directed for implementing crop insurance provide maximum loan amount of `10.00 lakh for
according to notification issued by the State agricultural and allied agricultural purposes. Under
Government. this scheme, loan of `244.27 crore has been
Raj Sahkar Personal Accident Insurance Scheme distributed upto December, 2017.
It is a personal accident scheme upto `6.00 lakh on 5 Per cent interest subsidy under long term
optional basis for loanee members of Rajasthan State structure: 5 per cent interest subsidy is being
Co-operative Bank branches and on optional basis for provided to loanees of Primary Land Development
the employees and the shareholders. During the year Banks for loan distributed for agriculture and
2017-18, a premium of `843.38 lakh was paid to agriculture allied activities, after 01.04.2014. Interest
insurance company for 16,05,245 members upto subsidy of `6.00 crore has been given to 9,274 loanee
December, 2017. farmers in 2016-17 and `8.15 crore have been given
Self-employment Credit Card Scheme Loan of to 9,034 loanee farmers during 2017-18.
`50,000 has been provided for non-agricultural
societies under sponsored self-employment credit
cards scheme run by National Banks. For the year Cooperative Marketing Structure
2016-17, Primary Land Development Banks (PLDB) There are Kraya Vikraya Samities at every mandi
have distributed loans of `1.83 crore in 279 cases. For yard in the State and at apex level, RAJFED is
Economic Review 2017-18
functional. They are working to make available high Presently after amendment in bye-laws of Rajasthan
yielding variety of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides to Co-operative Housing Fedration (RCHF), personal
the farmers at fair prices and ensuring fair prices to the housing loans are given to applicants after making
farmers for their crops. During the year 2017-18, them nominal member. Under this scheme, loan of
cooperative marketing societies have marketed `15.00 lakh for period of 15 years is given for
consumer goods, agricultural inputs and agricultural construction/purchase/extention of houses. Baby
Produce of `279.92 crore, `407.32 crore and Blanket Scheme has been started since 1998 for
`2013.27 crore respectively upto December, 2017. repair/maintenance. Under this scheme, loan of `3.00
During the year 2017-18, RAJFED has distributed lakh for period of 7 years is given for
3,228.77 metric tonnes of seed to farmers upto repair/maintenance of house. The State government
December, 2017. has provided `108.60 lakh as share capital to RCHF,
total share capital is `252.18 lakh. During the year
2016-17, a loan of `101.55 lakh was distributed.
Co-operative Consumer Structure During the year 2017-18 a loan of `44.30 lakh has
To resuscitate the consumers from black marketing been distributed upto December, 2017.
and simulated deficiency in the market, cooperative
institutions are working effectively, like providing
consumer products on reasonable prices. For this Urban Co-operative Banks
purpose, 37 cooperative wholesale bhandars are 37 Urban Co-operative Banks are functioning in the
working at district level and Rajasthan Rajya Sahkari State, out of which 3 are Railway Salary Earner Co-
Upbhokta Sangh Ltd (CONFED) is registered as operative Bank. Aadarsh Co-oprative Bank &
Apex institution in the consumer sector. Business of Fingrowth Co-oprative Bank Ltd are registered under
consumer sector for the year 2016-17 was of `656.67 Multistate Co-oprative Act. 2002. The deposits of
crore while during the year 2017-18 it is `484.14 these banks are `6,681.50 crore having 1 per cent
crore upto December 2017. extra interest rate than the commercial banks and
insurance facility is also provided on deposits. Loans
of `1,065.76 crore have been advanced by urban
Mini Uphaar Market banks upto March 2017. Banking facility is being
30 Mini Super Markets had been opened in Udaipur provided to about 4.64 lakh members by urban co-
zone after selection of Primary Agriculture Credit operative banks.
Societies (PACS) /Large Area Multi Purpose
Societies (LAMPS). Total 127 Mini Super Markets
have been opened in the State during the year Storage
2016-17. There are 8,657 finished godowns under co-operative
societies/ institutions. These godowns are used for
agricultural produces, Public Distribution System
Co-operative Housing Scheme (PDS) and food storage under various schemes of
The main objective of Rajasthan Co-operative Rural Development Department. `1,000.00 lakh
Housing Federation established in 1970 is to provide were provided for construction of godowns and office
long term loans to members of housing societies/ building in 100 new Primary Agriculture Credit
Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACS) for Societies (PACS) and Large Area Multi Purpose
construction of houses and providing houses at Societies (LAMPS).
cheaper rates by developing well planned colonies.
Economic Review 2017-18
Corporate Social Responsibility. For identification participate in SARAS Mela, Hemtextile Fair New
and evaluation of companies, Rajasthan Government Delhi, Gandhi Shilp Bazars, National Handicraft
has created CSR web portal with the URL - Expos, IITF New Delhi, Leather fair Chennai, CII, The first ever “Rajasthan CSR Chandigarh, Shilpangan New Delhi, Agha Khan New
Summit-2017” has been organised on dated Delhi, Vastra Jaipur, Stone Mart Jaipur, Stona
07.03.2017 at SMS Convention Centre, Ram bag Bangaluru etc. for marketing of their products. By
Palace, Jaipur. 14 Corporates & 3 implementing these activities, sustainable employment is being
agencies have been awarded with “Rajasthan CSR provided to large number of artisans, weavers,
Award-2017” in the Summit. potters, stone sculptors.
166 CSR projects, with estimated amount of ₹776.60 The impact of these interventions of RUDA can be
crore have been registered in different sectors by 118 visualised as a source of alternate avenue of
Corporates, 18 Govt. Departments, 51 Implementing sustainable incomes through self-employment with
Agencies, 05 Service Provider Agencies on the CSR enhanced capabilities to the participating artisans in
Portal upto December 2017. core sub sectors, like Wool, Leather and Minor
Minerals, in drought prone state like Rajasthan. This
is a unique organization working in non-farm sectors
AGENCY (RUDA) Physical and Financial progress of RUDA in last 5
Rural Non-Farm Development Agency (RUDA) was years is given in table 6.1.
established in November 1995 by the Government of
Rajasthan as an independent agency to promote the
Rural Non-Farm Sector (RNFS) in the state. RUDA Innovation
follows a sub-sectoral, integrated and cluster based
approach for promoting self-employment for artisan
families as viable avenues of sustainable livelihoods. Geographical Indication (GI) Registration :
Effective use and abundant availability of local RUDA has obtained GI Registration for crafts, like
resources promoted RUDA to adopt a focused
Blue Pottery, Kota Doria and Sanganer & Bagru
developmental approach in Wool, Leather and Minor
Handblock print under its Intellectual Property Rights
Minerals sub sectors. The intervention are based on
market demands aim at bridging the gaps in the value (IPR) initiatives. The process of obtaining GI
addition chain by way of organizing the artisans, skill Registration for Pokaran Pottery has been initiated
augmentation, technological development & and is in progress with the help of Government of
dissemination, design and product development, India.
credit and market facilitation/support through RUDA carries out its activities in 3 major sub sectors,
organizing fairs and training camps. The artisans also which are as follows:
Economic Review 2017-18
November, 2017 in the World Food India Programme in progress on 5 schemes. An expenditure of ` 348.41
and IITF - 2017 at New Delhi. crore has been incurred on these projects, during
financial year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017).
Financial Assistance
Japanese Parks
RIICO provides financial assistance to small,
medium and large-scale units for industrial RIICO has signed an MoU with Japan External Trade
development in Rajasthan. It also provides rebates Organization (JETRO) for Japanese Companies to set
and incentives for development of small, medium and up their industrial units at Neemrana Industrial Area,
large-scale units in Rajasthan. It also provides District Alwar, (Rajasthan). Several multinational
technical and managerial assistance/services to the companies such as Nissin, Mitsui, Daikin and
entrepreneurs. Dainichi colour, have already got land allotted in this
industrial area for their units.
One of the major activity of RIICO is to provide term
loan assistance to various projects in the state. During Another Japanese Zone has also been established at
the financial year 2017-18 (upto December 2017), Ghiloth Industrial Area, Alwar in approximately 500
term loan sanctioned is `50.65 crore, term loan acres of land.
disbursement is `29.37 crore and recovery is `153.16
Innovative Schemes/Initiatives taken up by
the Corporation
Centrally Sponsored Schemes RIICO has established two Special Economic Zones
(SEZ), that is, Gems & Jewellery I & II, at Sitapura
Industrial Area, Jaipur. During financial year 2017-
ASIDE Scheme 18 (upto December, 2017), export of about `922.54
ASIDE scheme aims at development of infrastructure crore has been made from these zones and
facilities for export promotion with the assistance of employment to approximately 11,091 persons has
Central Government. Out of 31 schemes approved, been generated.
work on 26 schemes has been completed and work is Mahindra group has established a SEZ in partnership
Economic Review 2017-18
with RIICO in Mahindra World City (Jaipur) with an pace to this industrial sector, RIICO has allotted
investment of `3,305.40 crore. In this SEZ, various 2,86,997 sq.m. land to ceramics & glass units in
zones have been established for industrial units of Ghiloth near Neemrana. RIICO is also establishing a
different sectors. Presently three SEZs, that is, IT, special industrial area for ceramic & glass sector at
engineering and handicrafts are operating well in this Sathana, Ajmer in 1,55,000 sq.m. area.
city. During financial year 2017-18 (upto December, "VASTRA – An International Textile and Apparel
2017), export of around `737.70 crore has been made Fair 2017" (VASTRA-2017) was organized by RIICO
from this zone and employment to approximately in collaboration with Federation of Indian Chambers
30,959 persons has been generated. of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) from 21st to 24th
Electronic Manufacturing Cluster has been September, 2017 at Jaipur.
developed to attract investments in Electronic System RIICO has developed an exhibition center, that is,
Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) in Industrial Jaipur Exhibition-Cum-Convention Center at
Area of Salarpur, District Alwar through Electronic Sitapura Industrial Area, Jaipur for promoting trade &
Industries Association of India ( ELCINA) on 50 industry on PPP mode.
acres of land.
Physical and financial achievements of activities of
At present, enough raw material is available in the Corporation are given in Table 6.2.
Rajasthan for Ceramic and Glass industry. For giving
Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation Corporation also provides direct benefits to the
Limited (RAJSICO) artisans through welfare schemes with the objective
of uplifting and promoting the rich handicrafts of the
The Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation Limited state. The turnover of RAJSICO from 2013-14 to
was established in June 1961, mainly to provide 2017-18 is shown in table 6.3.
assistance to small scale industries and artisans, to
facilitate marketing of their products. The corporation Corporation has been providing employment, both
is continuously providing such facilities, taking in directly and indirectly to 10,000 persons in a year. The
view, the present situations. Being a commercial corporation is providing export infrastructure
organization, it is trying to introduce changes in services to the Rajasthan exporters/importers through
design and introduce new products with new dry ports (Inland Container Depots) situated at Jaipur,
technology, looking to the market demand. Jodhpur, Bhilwara and Bhiwadi. At present, only
export/import facilities are provided from Inland Indian International Trade Fair
Container Depots (ICD), Jodhpur and Jaipur. Besides
Since last 30 years, The Rajasthan Small Industries
this, the corporation is also providing airway export
Corporation Ltd participates in India International
facilities by Air through Air Cargo Complex situated
Trade Fair at Pragati Maidan New Delhi every year.
at Sanganer Airport, Jaipur.
During this fair, products of small scale industries are
Corporation provides marketing assistance to small displayed /sold.
scale industries and supplies the Small Scale
Industries (SSI) products, like barbed wires, desert
Coolers, RCC Pipes, Tents and Tarpaulin, Steel RAJASTHAN FINANCIAL
furniture, Polythene bags, Angle iron posts etc. to the
Government departments. Approximately 90-100
industrial units are being provided such facilities Rajasthan Financial Corporation (RFC) was
during the year. Besides this, the Corporation established in the year 1955 under the State Financial
procures raw materials, like iron & steel and coal from Corporations Act,1951 with the basic object of
Steel Authority of India Ltd and Coal India Ltd. fostering financial needs for setting up of new
respectively and distributes to approximately 50 SSIs industries, expansion and renovation of existing ones,
of the State in a year. upto `20 crore. Keeping in view, the needs of the
The Corporation purchases handicraft items directly entrepreneurs, following loan schemes are being
from the craft persons through its central stores and operated by the Corporation :
markets them through its outlets RAJASTHALI · General Project Loan Scheme
situated at Jaipur, Udaipur, Delhi, Kolkata and · Scheme for Service Sector
Mumbai. Handicraft items are procured from 450
artisans all over Rajasthan. The corporation has · Scheme for Commercial Real Estate (CRE)
organized 35 exhibitions all over the India to promote Sector
the craft persons during last ten years. Turnover of · Special Service sector Scheme
handicraft items during 2013-14 to 2017-18 is shown
in table 6.4. · Scheme for specified class/persons i.e. SC/ST/
Specially abled persons/Women Entrepreneurs
On the lines of the Central Government National
Award Scheme for craftsman/artisans, the State · Single Window Scheme. (For tiny and SSI units
Government has also started award scheme for having project cost upto `200 lakh)
craftsman/artisans of Rajasthan, since 1983.The · Scheme for qualified professionals
Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation Ltd. selects
craftsman/artisans for awards/merit certificates given · Financing Against Assets Scheme
for outstanding artisans/craftsman in different fields · Assets Financing Scheme (SME)
of handicrafts. Cash award is `25,000 to the State
· Switch Over Loan Scheme
Award winner and `5,000 to State Merit Certificate
winners. · Saral Scheme
Economic Review 2017-18
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18*
Economic Review 2017-18
· To enhance night tourism in Jaipur city, a Jaipur propagation of Khadi and distribution of items
by night was organized by khadi board with manufactured by artisans.
cooperation of Confederation of Indian The financial and physical progress of Khadi and
Industry (CII ) on 9 September, 2017 and 15-16 Village Industries during last five years is given in
September, 2017 . table 6.7 and 6.8 respectively.
· The garments designed by Ms Bibi Russell Table 6.7 Financial Progress
were displayed in the India Runway Winter (` Lakh)
th th
week which was organized on 5 to 8 October, Year Outlay Expenditure
2017 at New Delhi.
· Renovation work of 8 khadi and Village 2013-14 2681 2401
Industries Bhandars has been carried out and 5
2014-15 747 638
proposals of `59.95 lakh have been received
and `12.50 lakh has been disbursed upto 2015-16 502 427
December,2017 .
2016-17 488 257
· A National Level Exhibition have been
organized in the Ramlila Maidan, New Gate 2017-18 441 192*
Jaipur from 5th to 31st January 2018, for the
*Upto December, 2017
Financial (` lakh)
2013-14 1523 1999 525 1192 18392 20962 12184 3666 5949 4651
2014-15 1523 1999 686 1309 15426 19940 12184 3982 5100 4790
2015-16 789 1578 477 982 13450 19931 6312 2819 5158 5287
2016-17 825 1650 406 1036 10659 14839 6600 2952 6716 5314
2017-18 1856 3675 145* 467* 20356 5910* 14848 1282* 6568 1161*
*Upto December, 2017
FACTORIES AND BOILERS officers of the department from time to time and
guidelines are issued to the factory managements.
The main function of this department is to enforce the
provisions of Factories Act, 1948, Boilers Act, 1923, During the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017),
Payment of Wages Act, 1936 and the safety 2,912 inspections of factories and boilers were carried
provisions of Building and other Construction out by the departmental officers.
Workers (Regulation of Employment and Condition During the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017), 313
of Service) Act, 1996. For the enforcement of the new factories and 89 new boilers have been registered
provisions of the above Acts and rules made there by the department in which approximately 25,032
under, inspections of factories are carried out by the workers have got the employment.
The department has published website at Intensive Mineral Survey & Prospecting to guide the new entrepreneurs Scheme (IPS)
regarding important provisions of the Acts enforced
by the department and RajFAB web application for Search of minerals & their assessment is carried out
registration, renewal and map approval granted under under this scheme.As per the approved field
the above Acts in time. programme of Mineral Survey and Prospecting
Scheme for the year 2017-18, a total of 52 projects
Industrial Hygiene Laboratory has been established were envisaged for Geological investigation under 8
for ensuring safe and healthy working environment exploration programmes. The target-wise physical
and to check the occupational diseases in the achievement upto December, 2017 are given in table
factories. During the year 2017-18 (upto December, 6.9.
2017), 896 samples from 126 factories have been
collected and analyzed. Suggestions have been issued Table 6.9 Progress of Mines and Minerals
and got implemented, in case where the contents of air
polluting hazardous chemicals have been found Name Annual
beyond permissible limit in the work environment of of Work Target Achievement*
hazardous factory.
Organizing the safety training programmes is very Regional 4200.00 2679.00
important to improve the safety consciousness Mineral Survey
amongst the factory personnel and there by reducing (Sq .km.)
industrial accident rate. For minimizing the industrial Regional 430.00 209.50
accidents, the training centre has conducted 28 Geological
programmes in which 369 participants have been Mapping
benefited by these programmes during the year (Sq .km.)
2017-18 upto December, 2017.
Detail 83.00 36.05
Drilling (mts) 13400.00 1580.50
Mineral Resources of Rajasthan Geophysical 120.00 47.00
Rajasthan is the richest state in terms of availability Survey (Line
and variety of minerals in the Country. It has deposits km.)
of 81 different types of minerals. Out of these, 57 *Upto December, 2017
Minerals are being currently mined. Rajasthan is the
sole producer of lead and zinc ores and concentrate, Construction of Approach Roads in Mining
Selenite and Wollastonite. Almost entire production Areas
of Silver, Calcite and Gypsum in the country comes The department constructs approach roads through
from Rajasthan. Rajasthan is also the leading PWD in the mining areas to facilitate mineral
Producer of Ball Clay, Phosphorite, Ochre, Steatite, transportation. For the year 2017-18, sanction of
Felspar and Fire Clay in the Country. It also has `33,088.70 Lakh for construction of 65 roads through
prominent position in the Country in the production of REHAB (Rajasthan Environment and Health
dimensional and decorative stones, such as Marble, Administrative Board) fund has been received.
Sandstone, Granite etc. The State is leading Producer
of Cement Grade & Steel Grade Limestone in India.
At present Mining leases are being granting by e- Mineral Administration and Development of
auction process. Mineral Resources
The main functions of the Directorate of Mines and The Mineral Administration Wing is engaged in
Geology are as follows: granting minerals concessions, collection of revenue,
ensuring proper development of mines and mineral
Economic Review 2017-18
· M/s Cairn Energy has commenced production (MoP&NG), Government of India has included 9 new
of Natural gas from Raageshwari Deep Gas blocks of Rajasthan (7 in Barmer-Sanchor & 2
Field of Barmer Basin at the rate of 1.1 mmscmd in Bikaner-Nagaur Basin) for Oil and Gas to be
and out of which about 0.3 mmscmd is utilized awarded through the New Policy of MoP&NG
for company's internal petroleum production i.e. Open Acreage Licensing Programme (
operations and about 0.8 mmscmd is being OALP) / Hydrocarbon Expolration and
supplied to Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Licensing Policy ( HELP).
& Chemicals Limited (GNFC) and KRIBHCO. · Recently, 2 new Petroleum Mining Leases
· During the current financial year 2017-18, (PMLs) have been granted under Discovered
Revenue accrued is `1,806.35 crore till Small Field Bid Round 2016 in Marginal fields
December, 2017. of Jaisalmer Basin, viz. Bakhri Tibba &
Sadewala to Bharat Petro Resources Limited
· As per Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (BPRL).
(DGH), resource potential of rich gas in the
Block RJ-ON-06 is estimated to the order of · Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
2969 BCF gross in place, in which 1481 BCF (MoP&NG) has initiated the campaign to
(i.e. about 42 BCM) reserves (2P) are assess the prospectively of hydrocarbons in
recoverable with peak production rate of 224.6 unexplored area of sedimentary Basins of India
MMSCF per day. and about 80,000 sq km would be covered under
2-D seismic survey of Rajasthan. The campaign
· M/s Focus Energy has commenced the would be monitored by ONGC & Oil India Ltd.
production of natural gas from 8 July, 2010 and As a part of the campaign, 2,260 KM of data is
is presently producing 12-13 lakh cubic meter being acquired in Rajasthan (sector-02) and part
per day to supply to Ramgarh Power Plant of the area falls in the Nagaur and Bikaner
(110+160 MW). districts of the Rajasthan.
· M/s Focus Energy Ltd. has drilled a total of 123 Production and revenue accrued from petroleum
wells in Block RJ-ON-6 and in RJ-ONN- sector is given in table 6.11.
2003/2 in district Jaisalmer and Barmer
respectively till December, 2017.
HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Limited,
Pachpadra, Barmer
Other Activities
Hon'ble Prime Minister on 16.01.2018 has
· Oil India has entered into an agreement with commenced work for 9 MMTPA Rajasthan Refinery
Venezuelan Company PDVSA for the at Pachpadra, Barmer. Highlights of the Project are as
exploitation of proved in-place Heavy Oil follows:
Reserves of 25.00 million tonnes and Bitumen
Reserves of 53.00 million tonnes in Baghewala · First of its kind in India i.e. integrated with
area. Petrochemical complex.
· During the year 2017-18, `7,455.67 crore · Project cost – `43,129 crore
investment was made upto December, 2017, · This Project is a Joint Venture in which HPCL's
against the target of Investment of `30,530 share is 74 percent and Government of
crore for development of City Gas distribution Rajasthan's share is 26 percent.
(CGD), pipe network and Exploration and
production (E&P) activities.
· Rajasthan has immense investment
opportunities in Upstream, Midstream & LABOUR
Downstream sectors.
Labour department is functional in the state to prepare
· Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas cordial industrial atmosphere to maintain high
Economic Review 2017-18
industrial Production and timely Payment of wages & · Nirman Shramik Shiksha va kaushal Vikas
allowances to the workers and protect their interests Yojana.
according to the terms and conditions of employment
through enforcement of various labour laws. · Nirman Shramik Sulabhya Avaas Yojana.
· Nirman Shramik Swasthaya Bima Yojana.
Figure 6.2
Lakh Number
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017*
Public Sector Private Sector
POWER GENERATION A sound infrastructural foundation is the key to the
Total installed capacity in the overall socio-economic development of a state. It acts
state by December, 2017 is as a magnetic power for attracting fresh investment
19,536.77 MW. into a state and thus provides a competitive edge to it
over other states. Availability of adequate and
efficient infrastructural set up not only promotes rapid
GENERATION industrialization but also improves the quality of the
Solar power plants of 2,258.50 life of people.
MW commissioned in the state
upto December, 2017.
Power Generation
Power sector of India as also of Rajasthan is one of the
Total road length reached to
2,26,853.86 kms. in the State by
most diversified systems in the world. Sources of
March, 2017. power generation range from conventional sources
such as coal, lignite, natural gas, oil, hydro and
nuclear power to viable non-conventional sources,
MOTOR VEHICLE such as wind, solar and agriculture & domestic waste.
Total motor vehicle registration The main sources of energy generation in the State are
reached to 1.59 crore in the State Kota and Suratgarh Thermal Projects, Dholpur Gas
by December, 2017. Thermal Project, Mahi Hydel, Wind farms, Biomass,
Captive Power Plants, Bhakra, Vyas, Chambal,
Satpura Inter-State Partnership Projects and
Rajasthan Atomic Power Project Singroli, Rihand,
ELECTRIFICATION Dadri, Anta, Auriya, Dadri Gas plants, Unchahar
100% Villages (as per census thermal and Tanakpur, Salal, Chamera and Uri hydel
2011) are electrified in the State. projects from Central Sector.
Installed Capacity
TELECOMMUNICATION The installed capacity of power in the State as on
Post Offices 10,311. March, 2017 was 18,677.18 MW. The total increase in
Telephone Exchanges 2,057. installed capacity during the year 2017-18 (upto
December, 2017) is 859.59 MW. As such, the installed
Infrastructure Development
capacity as on December, 2017 was 19,536.77 MW. · Ramgarh Gas Thermal Project
The year wise installed capacity is shown in table 7.1
and figure 7.1.
Future Plan – Three projects of 2,800 MW are under Renewable Energy
progress. Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd.
· Chhabra Thermal Power Project (RRECL) is the State Nodal Agency of Ministry of
New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for generation
· Suratgarh Thermal Power Project of energy from non-conventional energy sources in
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 *
*Upto December,2017
Economic Review 2017-18
the State and is also the State Designated Agency for Saurya Urja Company of Rajasthan Limited.
promoting energy efficiency and energy
· Bhadla Phase-IV (500 MW) by JVC M/s Adani
conservation. The Government of Rajasthan had
Renewable Energy Park Rajasthan Limited.
launched the "Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy-2014"
on 08 October, 2014 and has also made amendments · Phalodi-Pokaran (750 MW) by JVC M/s Essel
in the Wind Policy in March, 2014 for better Saurya Urja Company of Rajasthan Limited.
development of wind power generation in the State. · Fatehgarh Phase-IB (1500 MW) by JVC M/s
The status of implementation of various schemes by
Adani Renewable Energy Park Rajasthan
RREC upto December, 2017 is as follows:
· Nokh Solar Park (1000 MW) by RSDCL.
A. Solar Power Generation
Rajasthan is blessed with Maximum Solar
Radiation Intensity of about 6-7kWh/ Sq.m/day C. Solar Roof Top Power Generation
and maximum sunny days (more than 325 days Scheme
in a year) with a very low average rainfall. As In order to promote generation of solar energy
per the assessment of Ministry of New and on Roof Top, net-metering regulation has been
Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of issued by Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory
India, Rajasthan has a potential of 142 GW of Commission (RERC) on 26 February, 2015.
electricity from solar energy. Further, State RREC has also taken up the programme to
Government has issued an investor friendly install Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) Grid connected
Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy, 2014 for setting Power Plants to promote Solar Roof Top Power
up an ambitious target of 25 GW solar capacity Generation in the State with Central Financial
in the State. Hence, the State known for its dried Assistance (CFA) Ministry of New and
desert is now fast emerging as biggest hub of
Renewable Energy in the State. The Ministry of
solar power. Solar Power plants of 2,258.50
New Renewable Energy (MNRE), GoI has also
MW have been commissioned in the State upto
conveyed sanction in January, 2016 for 25 MW
December, 2017.
Capacity allocations of Solar Roof Top Projects
for Rajasthan in residential, social and
B. Development of Solar Parks and Mega institutional sectors with 30 per cent CFA. The
implementation of the same is under progress
Solar Power Projects
and projects of approx. 11 MW capacities have
Three Joint Venture Companies have already been commissioned.
been incorporated for development of Solar
Park in the state, which are:
a. M/s Saurya Urja company of Rajasthan Limited D. Solar Energy electrification in Rural
(SURAJ). Areas
b. M/s Adani Renewable Energy Park Rajasthan The RREC has also taken up the programme to
Limited. electrify un-electrified villages and Dhanies of
Rajasthan through off-grid solar photovoltaic
c. M/s Essel Saurya Urja Company of Rajasthan (SPV) Home lighting systems (HLS) as per
Limited. mandate given by Government of India and
MNRE has approved following 6 solar parks for Rajasthan. Under this programme, tentatively
development in Rajasthan with total 5,430 MW 60,483 Households estimated to cover un-
capacity under “Scheme for development of Solar electrified villages and Dhanies as per
Parks and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects”: DISCOMs. Total 95 per cent subsidy support,
· Bhadla Solar Park Phase-II (680 MW) by classified as 75 per cent by Rural Electification
Rajasthan Solarpark Development Company Corporaion (REC) and 20 per cent by
Government of Rajasthan is being provided to
Limited (A subsidiary of RRECL).
beneficiaries. Presently, 40,290 HLS already
· Bhadla Phase-III (1000 MW) by JVC M/s installed in un-electrified villages and Dhanies
Infrastructure Development
and remaining work is under progress. efforts towards Energy Conservation RREC is
organizing Rajasthan Energy Conservation
Awards (RECA) since 2009 on every 14
E. SPV Water Pumping Programme December i.e. on Energy Conservation Day. So
SPV Water Pump Program is being far, total eight Awards functions have been
implemented in Rajasthan by Rajasthan organized upto December, 2017. Industries,
Horticulture Development Society (RHDS) Energy Auditors/Manager, Govt. Buildings,
with technical support of RREC. Total 29,667 Hospitals, Institutions and Individuals etc. are
SPV Pumps installations have been completed major categories for Rajasthan Energy
upto December, 2017. In this programme Conservation Awards.
MNRE, GoI has sanctioned 7,500 SPV Pumps
installation for the year 2017-18 for which work Transmission System
is in process.
Transmission Network
The total Extra High Voltage (EHV) Transmission
F. Wind Power Programme (Wind Energy) network of the State as on March, 2012 was 28,363.29
The wind energy potential in the state is (circuit km) only which has increased to
estimated to be about 18,770 MW at 100 M hub 35,972.35 upto March, 2017. The total
height. A total of 4,292.5 MW wind power Transmission network has increased by 26.83 per cent
capacity has been established upto December, during 2011-12 to 2016-17. During the financial year
2017 in the state. 2017-18 (upto December, 2017), total 578.13, 322.87
and 140.85 has been added in the transmission
network of 400 kV, 220 kV and 132 kV respectively.
G. Biomass Energy Transmission network in the state is shown in table
7.2 and figure 7.2.
Among different renewable energy sources,
Biomass is a versatile energy source, which is The number of Extra High Voltage (EHV) Sub-
clean, reduces greenhouse gas emissions. The stations and capacity are presented in table 7.3.
main source for biomass energy in the State of Energy Availability and the Energy Consumed in
Rajasthan is Mustard husk and Julie Flora. State:
Studies regarding availability of surplus The energy availability in the State upto March, 2012
biomass such as mustard husk, rice husk and was 5,005.38 crore units, which had increased to
other agro wastes as well as Julie Flora, has been 6,922.10 crore units up to March, 2017. The total
conducted in all the districts of the State to energy availability has increased by 38.29 per cent
determine the generic tariff by the Regulator. A between 2011-12 to 2016-17. Likewise total net
Biomass fuel supply study has been conducted energy consumption has also gone up by 49.33 per
by RREC through Independent Agency for cent.
determining generic tariff for the years 2017-18
& 2018-19 by RERC. Total 13 Biomass Power
Generation Plants of 120.45 MW capacity have Innovative Schemes
been established till December, 2017 in the
State. · 765 kV Scheme in RVPN
The RVPN has developed a transmission system
on 765 kV voltage level for evacuation of power
H. Energy Conservation Programme from Kalisindh, Kawai and Chhabra Thermal
The RREC is also implementing energy generating projects for which 2 Nos. of 765 kV,
conservation programme to promote uses of 7,500 MVA GSSs at Phagi (Jaipur) and at Anta
energy efficient appliances through different (Baran) with associated lines (425.50ckM) and
promotional activities and is establishing pilot power is being transmitted on 765 kV level for
projects time to time, to showcase the energy the first time in Rajasthan. This in itself is a
savings in the State. To recognize the sincere milestone achieved by RVPN, as after power
Economic Review 2017-18
12000 765 KV
10000 400 KV
220 KV
132 KV
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18*
Grid Corporation of India limited (PGCIL), it is Network and Asset Management System
among the leading state utilities to commission (STNAMS)
and operate 765 kV level transmission system. The RVPN has decided to implement Smart
Transmission Network and Asset Management
· Implementation of Smart Transmission System. The system is intended to achieve the
Infrastructure Development
wide area monitoring and control of the transmission commissioned in the state through private
grid of Rajasthan along with enablement of participation, out of which 1,514 MW projects have
smart-grid initiatives for reactive power been developed during last 4 Years.
management and predictive assessment of grid
stability/ security and asset management. The
system provides operator better visualization Atomic Power Plant
and awareness of the transmission system. The Department of Atomic Energy has accorded in
principle, the approval for setting up of 4x700 MW
· Public Private Partnership (PPP) Nuclear Power Plant at Mahi, Banswara in Rajasthan.
The O&M of 144 nos. 132 kV GSS has been out
sourced and approximately `30 lakh per Distribution System
substation per annum will be saved.
1. Consumers
The Number of consumers in Rajasthan increased
Transmission and Generating Projects to be from 137.28 Lakh (March-2017) to 142.72 Lakh
developed through Private Sector (December-2017) with growth of 3.96 per cent.
Participation Category wise Consumers in Discoms are given in
In Transmission and Generating Projects, table 7.4.
participation of private sector to develop power 2. Rural Electrification
facilities in the State is an important intervention to
boost up the activities in power sector. · Total no. of villages (Census 2011): 44,672
· Total no. of uninhabited villages: 1,408
· Total no. of inhabited villages: 43,264
(A) Transmission Projects
· No. of villages electrified: 43,264 (100 per cent)
· Two projects-400 kV GSS at Alwar &
Deedwana have been developed through PPP · No. of Dhanis electrified: 86,187 (75.60 per
model in the State. cent)
· Three transmission projects are being taken up · No. of rural HHs electrified: 74.80 Lakh (82.00
on Public Private Partnership mode under VGF per cent)
scheme. The work of 400kV D/C Bikaner-Sikar
Transmission line PPP-6 was completed and is
ready for commissioning. 3. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Joyti Yojana
(DDUGJY) - The DDUGJY is implemented in
· The work of 400 kV D/C Suratgarh-Bikaner the State to strengthen rural electricity
Transmission line PPP-7 is under progress. distribution network and to electrify RHHs of
· Two projects of 220 kV GSS and 16 projects of Abadi areas.
132 kV GSS along with associated lines are also Achievement of scheme
decided to be constructed under Public Private
Partnership (PPP) Projects in the state and are · 190 villages, 1,86,432 BPL households,
under progress. 6,75,051 APL households and 10,143 Dhanies
have been electrified up to December- 2017
under 12th plan.
(B) Generating Projects · 111 villages, 8,231 BPL households and 5,855
The State Government has adopted the competitive APL households have been electrified upto
bidding guidelines of Government of India and has December- 2017 under this Schemes.
approved procurement of 5,665 MW power by RVPN 4. Saubhagya Yojna - The hon'ble Prime Minister
through private developer. Total 3,636 MW have been has launched Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli
Har Ghar Yojana –“Saubhagya” on
Economic Review 2017-18
25 September, 2017 to provide electricity to all AT&C losses to 15 per cent, so that hike of tariff may
willing households in the country in rural as be controlled under the Programme.
well as urban areas. Loss of 10,205 feeders out of 20,275 total numbers
Government of Rajasthan is also participating of 11 kV feeders and 101 Municipal Towns out of
in the Saubhagya to provide electricity to expect 185 brought down to below 15 per cent T&D loss
left outs after implementation of DDUGJY level, remaining work will be completed by March,
Survey work is under process for funding 8. Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All
support for electrification including additional (UJALA) - In an effort to spread the message of
network required. utilizing energy efficient equipments,
Government of Rajasthan with the help of
5. Integrated Power Distribution System E n e rg y E ff i c i e n c y S e r v i c e L i m i t e d ,
(IPDS) - Under IPDS 185 towns has been (Government of India undertaking) promoted
covered in Rajasthan for system strengthening the use of energy efficient appliances - LED
and reduction in Aggregate Technical & bulbs, Tube Lights and Fans. Under the scheme
Commercial (AT&C) loss in urban areas. 54,933 Energy Efficient Fans, 146 Lakh LEDs
Besides, one town of Jaipur Discom and three and 1.93 Lakh Tube lights (20 Watt) have been
towns of Jodhpur Discom have also been distributed.
covered under religious and tourist category.
Amount of `39.40 crore has been utilized upto
December, 2017 in this system. ROAD AND TRANSPORT
6 Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY) - Sound and efficient transport system is an important
Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana for financially indicator of economic health and development of a
turnaround of Power Distribution Companies nation and the state. It is a well known fact that road is
has been launched by the Government of India harbinger of development in present road transport
with an objective to improve the operational and system. All development sectors get benefits of
financial efficiency of the State Discoms. improved transport and communication. In a vast
7. Mukhya Mantri Vidhyut Sudhar Abhiyan state like Rajasthan, an integrated and efficient
(MMVSA) - The programme had been transportation mode is absolutely necessary for rapid
launched in September, 2016 with the aim to economic development. Roads carry largest share of
provide reliable, uninterrupted & quality power traffic.
supply to rural and Agriculture consumers, safe Transport, an important component of the tertiary
and to improve consumer services, to reduce sector is of immense significance for country's
Infrastructure Development
economic development. With the advancements The total road length which was just 13,553 km in
complexities and sophistication of the modern world, 1949 increased to 2,26,853.86 km upto March, 2017.
a country cannot think of attaining economic The road density in the state is 66.29 km per 100 sq.
prosperity in the absence of a rapid development of km at the end of March, 2017. The total classified road
the transport sector. Transport is an essential length is given in table 7.5
economic infrastructure for the rapid development of There are 39,753 villages in the state as per 2001
any region. The lack of transport facilities retards the census. The connectivity of villages by BT road in
process of economic development even if a region is different population groups at the end of 2016-17 and
endowed with rich natural resources. Transport has likely by the end of 2017-18 is shown below in table
been recognized as an indispensable ingredient of a 7.6.
State's overall development.
During 2017-18, the important achievements of road
development upto December, 2017 are given below:
ROAD · 3,794 km BT roads have been constructed under
While significant advances have been made in Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY),
improving the road network in the state in the recent Rajasthan Road Sector Modernization Project
years, yet there are huge gaps which need to be (RRSMP) and Rural Roads.
considered. By keeping in view of this objective, the · 626 habitations (Dhani/Majara) having
State Government is committed and endeavors to population 250 and above connected by 2,106
further improve the road infrastructure in the State in km BT roads with an expenditure of `405.60
coming years. crore under PMGSY.
Economic Review 2017-18
Infrastructure Development
Economic Review 2017-18
Infrastructure Development
· On-line facility for License and its related services needed for rapid growth and modernization
services. of various sectors of the economy. It has become more
important in recent years because of the rapid growth
of information technology and its significant impact
RAILWAYS on the economy.
The total length of railway routes in the State was Postal and telecommunication services are
5,898 km in March, 2015, which has remained 5,893 instrumental to develop the economy and to provide
km at the end of March, 2016. The Railway length in communication connectivity among various areas,
state is 8.84 per cent of all India route length. segments and communities in the State. The total
number of post offices in the State was 10,311 and
Telephone Exchanges were 2,057 at the end of March,
POSTAL & TELECOMMUNICATION 2017. The details of the Post Offices and
Telecommunication facilities in the State from 2015
SERVICES to 2017 are given in table 7.10.
Telecommunication is one of the prime support
One selected Sr. Secondary/
Secondary school is being Education contributes to improving national and
developed as Adarsh Vidhyalaya individual welfare through multiple pathways. In
in every Gram Panchayat which every sense, education is one of the most important
will be developed as a “center of contributory factors for development. No country can
excellence” for elementary
achieve sustainable economic and social
development without substantial investment in
human capital. Education enriches people's
understanding of themselves and the world. It
BHAMASHAH SWASTHYA improves the quality of their lives and leads to broad
BIMA YOJANA social benefits to individuals and the society.
Under this scheme 16.64 lakh Education increases people's productivity and
insurance claims of `915.07 creativity and also promotes entrepreneurship and
crore have been sanctioned by technological advancements.
insurance company.
Rajasthan inherited a very weak educational set up
and system in the state, at the time of its formation.
The state Government is making concentrated efforts
SMART CITY for improving the socio-economic status of people
To give a decent quality of life to through better development of education and
the citizens, clean and sustainable providing better educational infrastructure. The state
environment and application of is endeavoring to achieve the objective of total
smart solutions. Jaipur, Ajmer, literacy and quality education through various
Kota & Udaipur are selected as
smart cities in the state. programmes/ schemes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan,
Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan and
Social Sector Development
Continuing Education Programme & Saakshar Bharat 'Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan' is being implemented in the
Mission etc. State to provide education to children in the age group
of 6-14 years. This also includes activities to bridge
social, regional and gender gaps with the help of
Elementary Education public participation in school management.
In elementary education, the state has achieved Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 is
remarkable progress during last decade. There are being implemented in the State since 1 April, 2010.
35,664 Government Primary Schools (PS), 20,744 Following activities have been taken for
Government Upper Primary Schools (UPS) and implementation of this Act:
13,983 Government Secondary/Sr. Secondary
schools with elementary classes wherein the total · The State Commission for Protection of Child
enrolment in Government schools is 62.89 lakh as per Rights (SCPCR) has been constituted in the
DISE report 2016-17. The status of, enrolment and state.
number of teachers and of elementary education for · The State Institute of Educational Research and
the last five years (Government schools) is given in Training, Udaipur is functioning as the State
table 8.1 and 8.2. Academic Authority of the state for
implementing this Act.
Table 8.1 Enrolment and Teachers
of Primary Classes · A State Advisory Council has been constituted
under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble Education
Enrolled Number of Minister with 15 members to advise the state
Year students teachers Government on effective implementation of
(in Lakh) (in Lakh) Right to Education (RTE) Act.
2012-13 48.67 1.56 · School Management Committees (SMCs) have
2013-14 45.01 1.58 been constituted and reconstituted in all the
Government Primary and Upper Primary
2014-15 41.18 1.16 Schools. The SMC members have been
2015-16 42.50 1.17 imparted requisite training.
2016-17 40.93 1.08 · 25 per cent seats are reserved in private schools
for boys/girls of weaker sections and
disadvantaged group. 5.35 lakh children
Table 8.2 Enrolment and Teachers of including 1.17 lakh new admissions have been
Upper-Primary Classes upgraded and newly admitted on free seats of
Enrolled Number of private schools in year 2017-18.
Year students teachers · The state Government has developed a web
(in Lakh) (in Lakh) portal for effective monitoring and
timely reimbursement to private schools (as per
2012-13 20.66 1.19
state norms) for 25 per cent free admissions in
2013-14 20.38 1.15 private schools as per section 12 (1) (c) of the
RTE Act.
2014-15 19.57 1.42
· The amount of `260 crore has been reimbursed
2015-16 21.39 1.38
in year 2017-18 upto December, 2017 to private
2016-17 21.96 1.38 schools by the State Government.
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan The State Government has also taken number of
Under the National Education Policy, priority has steps to promote Girls Education:-
been given to universalisation of elementary · 200 Kasturba Gandhi BalikaVidhalaya
education. A centrally sponsored scheme namely (KGBVs) are functional and 19,984 girls are
Economic Review 2017-18
Social Sector Development
sector. Approximately 2,14,570 teachers have been Authority (NLMA) since 1990-91. The main function
trained during 2017-18 upto December 2017. of Directorate of Literacy & Continuing Education is
to impart functional literacy for the age group 15 and
· Activities for Children with Special Need
above illiterate persons, with due emphasis on
(CWSN): Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Rajasthan
national integration, family welfare, women equality,
has provided 56 Laptops along with a screen
future development, vocational skills, healthcare and
reading software-NVDA (Non Visual Desktop
education on social evils like child marriage etc.
Access) in Indian voices, a headphone and a
Education has played an important role in the overall
data card for accessing studing, Communicating
progress of the state.
& Net Surfing etc. to Children with Blindness.
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in collaboration with Saakshar Bharat Programme: Saakshar Bharat
Sight savers has provided 12 days training to Programme, a centrally sponsored scheme of
these children for efficient use of the Laptop. Department of School Education and Literacy
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan has distributed mobile (DSEL), Ministry of Human Resource Development
phones with accessible apps to 370 Children (MHRD), to further promote and strengthen adult
with Total Blindness who are studying in class V education, specially among women by extending
to VIII in Government School. During the year educational opportunities to those adults, who have
2017-18 upto December, 2017, the Brail books lost the opportunity to have access to formal
have been distributed to 1,163 sight impaired education and have crossed the standard age for
children. 2,884 sets of large print books have receiving such education is also being implemented in
been distributed to low vision children. the state.
· School Facility Grant (SFG) has been set up In Saakshar Bharat Programme 9,022 LokShiksha
under the project, for effective functioning and Kendras are being run in 9,022 Gram Panchayats by
to meet day-to-day needs of schools. During 15,637 Preraks. Against the Target of 10.00 lakh,
2017-18 every Government Primary School 11.00 lakh illiterates have been enrolled in the year
(PS) received `5,000 and Upper Primary School 2017-18 upto December, 2017.
(UPS) Class VI to VIII `7,000 and UPS class I to Mahatma Gandhi Library : Government of
VIII `12,000 under the SFG. During the year Rajasthan has announced that every Lok Shiksha
2017-18,`59.15 crore have been sanctioned to Kendra will maintain Mahatma Gandhi Library. The
1,03,607 schools upto December, 2017. additional honorarium of `500 will be paid to the
Prerak for maintenance of Mahatma Gandhi Library
· To provide major repair 46 civil works have in Lok Shiksha Kendra. During the year 2017-18
been completed and 542 works of major repair `544.68 lakh has been incurred upto December, 2017
are in progress, on which an expenditure of
and 8,869 libraries have been established.
`595.99 lakh has been incurred during the year
2017-18 upto December, 2017. Mahila Shikshan Vihar : Mahila Shikshan Vihar is
the residential schools up to X standard for the women
Free Textbooks were made available to 5,10,512 boy in the age group of 15-30 years who are divorced,
students of SC/ST groups of classes VI to VIII in the tribal, widow and deprived group of female are get
year 2017-18. educational opportunities. Along with develop their
living status these women are also imparted
vocational training for their being self-reliant and
Literacy & Continuing Education
self-dependent. Presently, this Shikshan Vihar
Literacy Mission has been constituted in the year Programme is being run in district Jhalawar. Under
1988. Total Literacy Campaigns were organized in the this programme 100 women have been enrolled and
state under the guidance of National Literacy Mission `19.80 lakh has been incurred during the year
2017-18 upto December, 2017.
Economic Review 2017-18
Secondary Education school. SAG has been released for all 14,056 state run
schools in this year.
Secondary Education is a consistent, uniform
bridging link between elementary and higher · In 13,299 composite schools of the state, State
education. In order to prepare students for Initiative for Quality Education (SIQE)
employment and entrepreneurship, presently there are programme has been launched as a joint venture
13,551 senior secondary/secondary schools and 134 of rajasthan council of secondary education
Swami Vivekananda Government Model Schools in (RCSE), Bodh, Unicef, Directorate of
Government sector. There are 14,388 private schools Secondary education and SIERT. The
in Rajasthan with classes IX-XII. 41.31 lakh students programme aims to improve the learning
are enrolled in classes IX to XII in these schools which outcomes of students of class I to V and covers
includes 17.79 lakh girls.(Provisonal ). 12.37 lakh students.
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyaan (RMSA) is · ICT Computer Labs are functional in 7,025
a centrally sponsored scheme. The RMSA aims at schools and establishment of 303 computer
achieving universal secondary education in mission labs is under progress under ICT @ Schools
mode to develop knowledge based society which is a Scheme. Maths, Science and English classes are
basic requirement for individual progress as well as broadcast in 2,000 schools through satellite
national development. The primary object of this learning. 1,172 computer labs are being
programme is to ensure universal access of secondary established through state budget under
education by 2017 and universal retention by 2020. participatory model.
To achieve this vision and to enhance the quality of · Training of modern technology using Digital
education, following measures have been taken in Learning Solution Rooms (DLSR) organized at
2017-18 upto December, 2017: 12 places across the state. Smart Virtual
Classrooms (SVC) functionalized in 11 DIETs
· In-service teachers trainings organised in
and 770 Secondary/Senior Secondary schools
Science, Maths, English, Social Science,
Digital rooms have been established in 21
Computer Education, Physical Education and
Communicative English. School Leadership
Development is being initiated nationwide · Computer training is being provided to students
across all the levels of school education to build of class 6-10 studying in Secondary, Senior
and enhance the capacity of school Secondary, Swami Vivekananda Model
Headmasters/ Principals. Academic training schools. 63,219 students of 716 Secondary/Sr.
programme for new District Education Officers Secondary schools are being benefitted through
(DEOs) have been organized CLICK(Computer Literacy Initiative for
comprehensive Knowledge) scheme.
· In Kala Utsav held in Jodhpur on 16-17
November, 2017, 981 students participated in · 1.61 lakh teachers trained on computer literacy
various state-level competitions (music, dance, with help of Rajasthan Knowledge
drama, Scene creation). Corporation. 1.31 Lakh teachers passed the test
based on computer literacy curriculum.
· Remedial Classes (Quality Intervention) are
being held for 1,37,000 students of class IX for · Raj e-Gyan portal has been established to
Science, Maths and English . provide digital material to students of class I to
XII. 11,086 study content units have been
· Under RMSA every year school annual grant of
uploaded till date on the portal in the form of
`50,000 is released so as to strengthen and
pdf, video, html etc.
fulfill the basic requirements of the schools.
This school annual grant helps the schools to · For promoting girls education in the State 182
meet the regular and other expenses of the Sharde Girls Hostel are being run in which
Social Sector Development
13,620 girls are being enrolled. developed as Adarsh School. 9,895 Adarsh School in
· 2,80,000 girl student of class IX of Government rural area and 281 Adarsh School in urban area
schools have been benefitted in free bicycle are being developed in phased manner. 4,876
scheme and distribution of remaining 40,000 Adarsh School have been developed.
bicycle is in progress. · “Mukhya Mantri Jan Sahbhagita Vidyalya
· Under Transport Voucher scheme, 37,361 girls Vikas Yojana” has been launched in 2016-17 for
are being benefitted in 2017-18. infrastructure strengthening and development
in secondary schools. Under this scheme in the
· Mukhya Mantri Hamari Betiyan Scheme started year 2016-17, 682 development works of
in 2015-16. As a part of this scheme , two `21.84 crore have been completed and in
st nd
meritorious girl students securing I and 2 2017-18, 1010 development works of `24.52
position and one girl under the BPL Category crore (`14.7 crore State share and `9.8 crore
securing Ist position in this category in RBSE from community) are being carried out.
exam from each district (Minimum75 percent
marks) in class 10th are eligible for scholarship.
`15,000 Per year for Textbooks, Stationary and Higher Education
th th
Uniform in class 11 and 12 and `25,000 Per
Higher Education Department caters to the
year for Graduation and Higher degrees. Re- management of General Education Universities and
imbursement of actual expenditure for Colleges. At the time of independence, there were
Coaching fee, Hostel fee and other fee (max. only 7 colleges of General Education in the state, but
limit up to 1 lakh for class XI and XII and 2 lakh during last six decades, the number of colleges have
for graduation and higher degrees). `438.00 exceeded a thousand in the State.
lakh has been released for benefit of 291 girls .
As a result of the rapid spread of education in
· 2,10,000 girls have been trained in 30-day self- Rajasthan, now there are total 1,850 colleges of
defense camps for girls enrolled in secondary, General Education, out of which there are 209
sr. secondary schools and Sharde Balika Government Colleges, 15 Government Law Colleges,
Hostels. 1,626 Private colleges, 7 Self Financing Institutions
· Vocational Training is being imparted in 720 and 6 Colleges established with Private partnership.
schools benefitting about 80,000 students of 863 B.Ed. colleges are also being run by the
class IX - XII. 10 trades being offered are department. There are 26 State Financed Universities,
Automobile, Security, APP & HF, Electrical and 46 Private Universities and 7 Deemed Universities in
Electronics, Agriculture, Beauty Wellness, the State. Approximately 15 lakh students are enrolled
Health Care, Travel& Tourism. IT/ITes, Retail. as regular and non-collegiate students in the Higher
Education Institutions.
· The 'Inclusive Education of the Disabled at the
Secondary Stage' (IEDSS) scheme is being Following are the major activities of the year
implemented which covers students with 2017-18:
disability of 14+ age group from Standard IX to · 17 New Government Colleges are opened
· 9 Government Degree College have been
· In 134 Educationally Backward Blocks, Swami upgraded in PG College
Vivekanand Government Model Schools have
been setup which are CBSE affiliated in English · 53 New Subjects at P.G. leval have been
medium schools. About 44,000 students have initiated in 18 Govt. Colleges.
been registered in these schools. · 8 New Faculties at Degree leval have been
· In each gram Panchayat, at least one initiated in 07 Government colleges.
secondary/Senior Secondary school is being
Economic Review 2017-18
· 20 percent seats increased in 1st year Science, a separate Directorate for Sanskrit language has been
Arts & Commerce faculty in all the Govt. functioning since its establishment in 1958. The
Colleges. Directorate has been working for promoting Sanskrit
through its institutions right from school level to Post
· Department of College Education has sent a
Graduate level.
requisition of 1339 college lecturers to RPSC,
Ajmer, out of which the process of finalization The number of educational institutions during
for 1248 posts is under process 2017-18 is given in table 8.3.
· ` 50.50 crore has been distributed to Table 8.3 Number of Institutions
Government Colleges under the Chief Minister for Sanskrit Education
Higher Education Scholarship Scheme.
Level Government Private
· Employment Centers have been established
under Youth Development Cell in all the Govt. Primary 426 9
Colleges, to provide employment related
Middle 968 259
information to students.
Praveshika 229 75
· Schemes like Blood donation, Tree plantation,
Varisth Upadhyaya 143 23
Sadvakya lekhan and Book Bank have been
launched in Govt. Colleges under the Swachh Shastri
18 13
Bharat Abhiyaan. (Graduation Level)
· Provision of `32,484.36 lakh has been made in Acharya (Post
11 14
State Fund Budget schemes for the year 2017- Graduation Level)
18, out of which an expenditure of `9,950 lakh
has been made up to December, 2017. A total number of 1.71 lakh students are studying in
these institutions. The department is also running STC
· On the ocassion of Pt. Deen Dayal Jayanti on 25 & Shiksha Shastri (B.Ed.) institutions in Government
September 2017, 10,200 unit blood have been & Private Sectors. During the Year 2017-18, One
donated. Government and 15 private STCs colleges are
· A provision of `8,855.01 lakh have been made working, while 67 ShikshaShastri Colleges are
for the development of Universities and working in the private sector.
Colleges in the State in Higher Education sector,
under Rashtriya Uchatar Shikha Abhiyann Technical Education
India is witnessing the age of science and technology.
There is huge demand for technical education in
Sanskrit Education modern age. The pattern of life evolving in this age is
very much different from the one we would have find
Sanskrit is known as the DevVaani, the language of in our society, even some fifty years back.Technical
God. It not only nourishes Indian culture but is also a Education imparts knowledge of specific trade, craft
source of knowledge. It is the oldest language of the or profession.
world and still retains the same form and structure as it Engineering/ Management Education: To provide
was thousand years ago. It is the most scientific Engineering education at Under Graduate and Post
language with an amazing potential for word Graduate level, total 112 Engineering Colleges are
formation. functional in the State. Out of these, 12 are
Efforts were started for protection and promotion of Government aided and 100 are private un-aided
Engineering Colleges with total admission capacity
Sanskrit language soon after the independence of the
of around 45,736 students per year. Similarly, for
country. Today, there are 15 Sanskrit Universities Management Education at P.G. level, 60 MBA
working in India. Rajasthan is the leading State where
Social Sector Development
Institutions (5 Government/ Government aided and Engineering and Non- Engineering trades of duration
55 Private) are functional with an admission capacity of one to two years. During the year 2017-18, upto
of around 4,365 students per year. All these U.G. and Decemner, 2017, `5,555.66 lakh have been spent on
P.G. level Engineering and MBA institutions are various schemes of ITIs.
affiliated with Rajasthan Technical University, Kota.
In addition to it, one Indian Institute of Technology
(IIT) at Jodhpur and one Indian Institute of Medical Education
Management (IIM) at Udaipur are also functioning in
There are 16 Medical Colleges in Rajasthan, out of
the State.
which 8 Colleges are in the Government sector
Polytechnic:To provide technical education in the including one under Government Society and
State, 182 polytechnic colleges with admission remaining eight are in the private sector. There are 16
capacity of 46,645 students have been functioning in Dental colleges in the state, one in Government sector
the year 2017-18, Out of these, 34 are Government co- and 15 in Private sector.
educational polytechnic colleges with intake capacity
The Government Medical Colleges have an annual
of 5,400, eight government women polytechnic
admission capacity of 1,450 students in UG, 1,107
colleges (Jaipur, Bikaner, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Ajmer,
students in PG course and 97 in Super-Specialty
Kota, Sanganer and Bharatpur), with intake capacity
courses. The Government Dental College has an
of 1,050 and 140 Private polytechnics are also
annual admission capacity of 40 UG and 22 PG
functioning with intake capacity of 40,195.
students. Establishment of State Cancer Institute
Under the technical education (polytechnic), during under Sawai Man Singh (SMS) Medical College
the year 2017-18, an expenditure of `2,360.71 lakh Jaipur, Two Tertiary Cancer Care Centers, one in
has been incurred on various schemes upto December, Bikaner and other at Jhalawar are under process.
2017. Physical Progress of Polytechnic Colleges for Metro Manas Arogya Sadan at Mansarovar Jaipur is
the last 5 years is given in table 8.4. running on PPP mode. The hospitals associated with
Industrial Training Institutes (ITI): These are Government Medical Colleges are playing a vital role
working under Skill, Employment & in patient care for both indoor and outdoor patients
Entrepreneurship (SEE) Department. Craftsman and cater to the medical/health care needs of a large
Training facilities in the state are provided through segment of the population.
251 sanctioned Government ITIs having total
sanction seats 82,671 till the year 2017-18. Out of Department's achievements & innovative achieves
which, 10 institutes are sanctioned as Women during year 2017-18:
Industrial Training Institutes, viz Jaipur, Ajmer,
Bhilwara, Jodhpur, Kota, Bikaner, Alwar, Udaipur, · `735.40 crore released by Government of India
Tonk and Banswara. Presently admissions are being for 7 new medical colleges in Churu,
offered in 150 Government ITIs. In addition to this, Dungarpur, Bhilwara, Bharatpur, Barmer, Sikar
1,685 Private ITIs are also providing training on & Pali Districts. State Govt. released `520.25
3,04,375 seating capacity. Craftsman Training Crore to executing agencies. `550.93 crore
Scheme (CTS) training is provided through various Spent for civil works upto December, 2017.
Economic Review 2017-18
· 278 Post Graduate Seats in Medical Colleges Medical & Health Department is committed to make
and 8 Post Graduate seats in Dental College Health facilities available to every common man of
increased in the State. Rural and Urban areas in a planned manner for which
Medical Infrastructure Development &
· 23 Hospital(16 Satelite and 7 District Hospitals
Strengthening is being done in accordance with the
of new medical colleges) at Districts transferred
National Health Policy through Health Institutions.
under administrative financial control of
The Position of government allopathic medical
Principal & Controller Medical Colleges for
institutions (excluding Medical College Hospitals) at
strengthening and improvement of patient
the end of December, 2017 is given in table 8.5.
Details of the new activities in the Financial year
· 365 Live Kidney Transplantation has been done
2017-18 are as follows:-
in Sawai Man Singh Medical College and
Cadaveric Kidney Transplantation started from · 4 Sub Centers have been upgraded to PHC & 5
25-02-2015. upto December, 2017, 21 New PHCs have been sanctioned.
Cadaveric Transplantation has been done. · 3 New Sub Centers have been sanctioned.
· State Spinal Injury Centre established in · 8 PHCs have been upgraded to CHCs.
Rehabilitation Research Centre, Department of
Sawai Man Singh Medical College · 1 CHC has been upgraded to satellite hospital.
· Stem cell lab established in Collaboration with · 714 Beds have been sanctioned in various
Rajasthan University of Health Science hospitals & CHCs.
Medical College & Sawai Man Singh Medical · 2,650 Beds have been sanctioned in MCH wing.
Social Sector Development
procurement agency for purchase of medicines, patients & 1,64,982 follow up patients have been
surgical & sutures for medical department and seen, 99 outreach camps were organized and total
Medical Education department. RMSC is supplying 1,484 staff have been trained upto December, 2017.
medicines etc. to all Government health institutions During the year 2017-18, under this scheme, `42.03
through District Drug Ware Houses (DDWH) lakh have been incurred upto December, 2017.
established in all 33 districts of the State. During the
year 2017-18, as per the Essential drug list 606
medicines, 77 sutures & 147 surgical items are listed. Doda Post
Quality of drugs being supplied is ensured by testing
of drugs at empanelled drug testing laboratories. The To stop renewal of Doda Post permits and de-addict
list of drugs which is provided by Free Drug all the Doda Post users in the state a programme 'Naya
Distribution Centers has been displayed in Savera (Swastha Jeevan Ki Aur)' is being
Government Medical Institutions. Medicines are implemented. In the financial year of 2017-18, `75.00
available for Outdoor patients according to OPD lakh for 50 de-adiction camps has been sanctioned.
timings and 24 hour for Indoor and Emergency
patients. Under the scheme, medicines for the
treatment of critical and severe disease are also Adarsh Primary Health Center
available. During the year 2017-18 (upto December, Adarsh PHC Yojna has been launched to provide high
2017) an expenditure of `322.11 crore has been quality health care services in rural areas of the state.
incurred. In the Phase-I of this Yojna, 295 Adarsh PHCs have
been launched on 15th August, 2016 with one Adarsh
PHC in each block of the state. In the Phase-II of this
Nishulk Sanitary Napkins Distribution Yojna, 600 PHCs ¼stage2A-286, stage 2B-314½ have
Scheme been identified to make the Adarsh PHC. In Stage 2A
Government of Rajasthan started a scheme for free in the selected 286 PHCs, have been started as Adarsh
distribution of sanitary napkins to all school going PHC on 11th July, 2017.
girls of class 6 to 12 of rural areas and non-school
going girls of 10 to 19 years age. In this scheme Ist
phase of the free sanitary napkins distribution scheme Public Private Partnership
for adolescent school girls of rural area and non-
school going girls of BPL families has been Haemodialysis service is running on PPP mode at 8
completed. During the year about 26.81 lakh District Hospital (Jhunjhunu, Churu, Beawar
adolescent girls are being benefitted under the (Ajmer), Alwar, Bundi, Sikar, Bharatpur and Kota) in
scheme. Rajasthan. Contract has been signed with two selected
bidder for providing Haemodialysis service running
on PPP at 19 district hospital. IVF centers are running
Mukhya Mantri Nishulk Janch Yojana on PPP mode at District Hospital Pali, Rampura
This scheme has been started for strengthening of (Kota), Bikaner, Sawai madhopur and Beawar
existing laboratories and other diagnostic facilities in (Ajmer). Presently 53 PHC running under PPP mode.
all the public health institutions and also to provide CT scan are running on PPP mode at 29 district
the essential diagnostic services free of cost to all hospitals. MRI machines are working on PPP mode at
patients visiting government hospitals. To meet the 4 district hospitals (Kanwatiya-Jaipur, Alwar,
gaps and to provide quality diagnostic services, Bhilwara, Sikar).
adequately equipped diagnostic facilities are Following are the other important achievements
available at various levels of health care. Under this
during the year 2017-18, upto December, 2017;
scheme, 17.90 crore Investigations and 9.41 crore
Beneficiaries have been benefited upto December, · Against the target of 1,100 patients, 717 new
2017. leprosy cases were detected and against the
target of 1,114 patients 656 patients are being
cured, under the “Leprosy Eradication
National Mental Health Programme Programme”.
Under this programme till date total 1, 87,279 OPD
Economic Review 2017-18
· Under the “Revised National TB Control has been incurred upto December, 2017.
Programme”, about 87,194 patients are being
treated, against the target of 1, 15,672 cases.
· Under the “National Programme for Control of
Blindness”, about 1,56,129 eye (cataract) YOJANA
operations have been performed, against the Bhamasha Swasthaya Bima Yojana was launched in
target of 3, 00,000 eye operations. the State on 13 December, 2015. The main objective
· Under the “Malaria Eradication Programme”, of this scheme is to provide cashless healthcare
86.19 lakh blood slides were collected and services to the poor families (under selected families
examined against the target of 86.91 Lakh. of NFSA-2013 and RSBY) of Rajasthan thus
providing social and financial security against illness
· Under the “National AIDS Control to these families and reducing out of pocket
Programme”, Blood samples of 16,37,588 expenditure. Under this scheme 16.64 lakh insurance
persons were tested, out of which 5,362 cases claims of `915.07 cr. have been sanctioned by
were found to be HIV positive. insurance company.
· Under the “Iodine Deficiency Disease Control
Programme”, 4, 19,388 lakh samples have been
Following are the key features of the scheme-
· Around 97 lakh families (covered under the
· National Programme for Preventation and
National Food Security Act (2013) and
Control of Cancer, Diabetes CVD and Strock is
Rashtriya Swasthaya Bima Yojna –RSBY) of
running in 33 Districts of Rajasthan to prevent
Rajasthan are eligible under this scheme.
and control Non-Communicable Diseases with
the help of Government of India. In this · Health Insurance cover of `30,000 (for general
programme, screening is done to diagnose illnesses) and of `3.00 lakh (for critical
Cancer, Cardio-Vescullar and Diabetes and the illnesses) per family per year is provided on
treatment is provided for needful. Under this floater basis.
programme `984.78 Lakh were sanctioned by · Total 1,715 disease packages are offered under
Government of India, out of which `580.07 lakh the scheme, for which reserved list include
has been incurred upto December, 2017. 1,148 secondary packages, 500 tertiary
· Government of India has initiated the National packages and 67 Government Medical
Tobacco Control Programme (N.T.C.P.) in Institution packages.
selected districts in the country. Two districts · Cashless IPD treatment facility is provided at
namely Jaipur and Jhunjhunu were selected as empanelled hospitals.
pilot districts in 2007-08. In the year of 2015-16,
besides these two districts, Ajmer, Tonk, Churu, · Includes 7 days pre- hospitalization and 15 days
Udaipur, Rajsamand, Chittorgarh, Kota, post- hospitalization expenses.
Jhalawar, Bharatpur, Sawai-Madhopur, Alwar, · No Third Party Administration (TPA).
Jaisalmer, Pali, Sirohi and Ganganagar districts
· 501 Government and 778 private empanelled
(Total 17 districts) have also been selected.
hospitals are providing services under the
During the financial year 2016-17, all 33 scheme.
Districts of the state are included in the National
Tobacco Control Programme. District level co- · The new phase of BSBY (2017-19) has started
ordination steering committees under the from 13-12-2017 in which changes are made in
chairmanship of District Collector has been the provisions regarding beneficiaries, number
constituted in all 33 Districts. of packages, package cost and guidelines etc.
· Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme
(I.D.S.P.) is running in all 33 Districts in Financial Progress
Rajasthan. Under the Programme `379.22 lakh
The year wise Bhamashah Swasthya Bima Yojana fund
Social Sector Development
allocation and expenditure details are given in table no 8.6. organized at Bhartpur from 22 to 25 December 2017.
Table 8.6 year wise fund allocation · 7 Ayurved Medical Officers, 5 junior nurse/
and expenditure Compounders have been appointed.
Financial Budget Allocation Expenditure · On 21st June of every year “International Yoga
Year (` In Crore) (` In Crore) Day” is celebrated by Department. “Yoga
1 2015-16 213.76 213.45 Shivirs” are organized under the banner of
2 2016-17 431.00 410.87 department at Panchayat/ Block / District/
Division/State level.
3 2017-18* 532.38 532.38
* Upto December, 2017 · With the help of Department of Medical and
Health 295 Wellness Centers have been started
AYURVED AND OTHER SYSTEMS OF at Adharsh PHCs in the State from 15th August,
MEDICINE 2016. At every center Ayurved Medical Officers
are providing services of Yoga, Herbal
Department of Ayurved has been functioning in the
Medicines and Ayurvedic System of treatment.
State, since 1950. At present there are 120 Ayurvedic
hospitals (out of which one is established at Bikaner · 6 batches of 10 days Orientation Training
House in Delhi), 3,578 Ayurvedic Dispensaries, 3 Programme have been organized for newly
Yoga & Naturopathy Hospitals, 3 Yoga & appointed Ayurved Medical Officers, at Madan
Naturopathy Dispensaries with 1 Mobile Surgical Mohan Malviya Government Ayurved College,
Unit (200 bedded) and 13 Mobile Units are Udaipur by the department.
functioning in the State. 35 Aanchal Prasuta Kendra, · 10 New Ksharsutra Surgical units have been
33 Jaravastha Janya Vyadhi Nivaran Kendra, 35 established at 10 district Head-quarters.
Panchkarma Kendra & 33 Yoga and Naturopathy
Research Centers are also functioning in the State as · Govt. declared 13 Ayurvedic Hospitals at
depicted in the table 8.7. various district headquarters as Govt. District
Ayurvedic Hospitals & established 2 new Govt.
The following additional activities have been taken up District Hospitals at Hanumangarh & Tonk.
during the year 2017-18, (upto December, 2017):
· 34 indoor medical camps of 10 days duration
have been organized by department & 6 indoor NATIONAL AYUSH MISSION
medical camps of 10 days have been organized
with public support. Under the Guideline of National AYUSH Mission-
Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India for Plenary
· In the state 2 new “Aanchal Prashuta Kandra” in development of Ayurved, Homoeo, Unani,Yoga &
Hospitals and Dispensaries have been Naturopathy Constitution of Rajasthan State AYUSH
established. Society was constituted on 12.03.2015, collaterally
· 2 “Panchkarma Kendra” have been established. Office of the National AYUSH Mission established.
· State level “Arogya Mela” (Fair) has been
Economic Review 2017-18
Two kind of salient activities are being done under salaries upto `21,000/- per month, working in
National AYUSH Mission Project. industrial, commercial, educational, medical and
Essential Activities :- Co-location of AYUSH other establishments covered under the Act. About
facilities at PHCs, CHCs and District Hospitals, up- 12.58 lakh insured persons and their 36.24 lakh
gradation of existing Government AYUSH Hospitals, dependent family members are being benefited in the
up-gradation of existing Government/Panchayat/ State. Under E.S.I. Scheme, four E.S.I. hospitals
Government aided AYUSH Dispensaries, Setting up (Bhilwara, Jodhpur, Kota, Pali) and 74 dispensaries
of upto 50 bedded integrated AYUSH Hospitals, are functioning in the State. The following are the
Supporting facilities such as Programme main activities of the scheme:
Management Units at Central and State level, Supply · The insured persons and their dependents are
of essential drugs to AYUSH Hospitals and being provided primary medical care with
Dispensaries, Public Health Outreach activity, referral services at dispensaries and free
Mobility support at State and District level, Behavior secondary medical care with referral services at
Change Communication (BCC)/Information hospitals.
Education and Communication (IEC), School Health
Programme etc. · Hospital Development Committees have been
constituted at E.S.I. Hospitals for improvement
Activities under flexible Pool: - AYUSH Wellness of services and maintenance of buildings.
Centers including Yoga & Naturopathy, Tele-
medicine, Sports Medicine through AYUSH, · Preventive health education is provided to
Innovations on Mainstreaming of AYUSH including create awareness among beneficiaries.
PPP etc. · During the financial year 2017-18, an amount of
Under the National AYUSH Mission Schemes `7,677.11 lakh has been incurred upto
Construction/Renovation of AYUSH Dispensaries/ December, 2017.
Hospitals providing Furniture/Equipment's to E.S.I. Corporation, an autonomous statutory body is
Hospitals & Dispensaries, Public Health Outreach functioning under the Ministry of Labour,
Activity, to provide Contingency fund for AYUSH Government of India in which two model dispensaries
Dispensaries/Hospitals, Drug Quality Control, supply (Chittorgarh and Jhunjhunu) and two hospitals (Jaipur
of Essential Drugs to AYUSH Dispensaries/ & Bhiwadi) are functioning. The following are the
Hospitals, AYUSH Education Institutes, AYUSH main activities of E.S.I. Corporation:-
Gram, Wellness Centers, Medicinal Plants, Asha and
ANM Trainings are undergoing. Strengthening of · The insured persons and their dependents are
AYUSH Services, AYUSH Educational Institute, being provided primary medical care with
AYUSH Pharmacies, and Conservation/Nursary/ referral service at model dispensary, free
Strengthening of AYUSH Medicinal Plants are also secondary medical care with referral service at
being done under above Schemes. Under the model hospitals and cashless super speciality
Programme 2, 11,137 Beneficiaries have been treatment at tie-up hospitals.
benefited upto December, 2017. Under the · Hospital Development Committee has been
Programme `3118.79 lakh has been incurred in the constituted at Model Hospital, E.S.I.C. Jaipur
financial year 2016-17. for improvement and repair works of hospital &
attached dispensaries.
Social Sector Development
Economic Review 2017-18
Social Sector Development
mainstreaming of AYUSH is one of the objectives of condition has become quite alarming also due to over
National Health Mission NHM. Under NHM, 998 exploitation in the last two decades. The State
AYUSH doctors and 400 AYUSH nursing staff are Government is implementing a number of schemes
presently working. To increase the Institutional for providing potable water, both in rural and urban
deliveries and to reduce the maternal & infant areas, as the problem of clean and safe water in the
mortality rate, SBA (Skill Birth Attendant) training is State is very complex, due to geographical diversities
also provided to AYUSH personnel. In the year and limited availability of both ground and surface
2017-18, 2,615 deliveries have been conducted by water.
these trained AYUSH personnel upto November,
Rural Water Supply
Mukhya Mantri BPL Jeevan Raksha Kosh Due to vigorous efforts of the State Government, the
water problem is being solved gradually. Out of
The "Mukhya Mantri BPL Jeevan Raksha Kosh 1,21,648 habitations, 54,034 habitations are fully
Yojana" was launched from 1 January, 2009. Under covered 46,971 partially covered with quality
this scheme free treatment facility (both indoor and drinking water and 20,643 habitations are covered
outdoor) is provided to beneficiaries in all with Quality affected water facility. In the year
government facilities (attached Medical College 2017-18, the department has taken up the task of
Hospitals, District\ Sub Division\Satellite Hospitals, coverage of 2,500 habitations, against which 3,827
Community Health Centers and Primary Health
habitations have been covered by the end of
Centers). In case medical facility is not available in
December, 2017, which includes 1,353 quality
attached Medical College Hospitals, then the patients
can be referred to All India Institute of Medical affected, 268 SC dominated, 859 ST dominated and
Science, New Delhi and Post Graduate Medical 71 Minority habitations. Besides, the department has
Education and Research Institute, Chandigarh for taken a separate project for providing 3,444 RO plants
treatment. Time to time, other categories in quality affected habitations, the work of which is
families/patients are also included under the scheme. under progress. The progress of coverage of
Presently, free treatment facility is being provided to habitations over last 5 years is given in table 8.9.
16 selected categories including BPL families. Total
31.54 lakh patients (OPD 29.75 lakh & IPD 1.79lakh) Table 8.9 Habitations covered
were benefitted during the year 2017-18, upto by drinking water
December, 2017.
Habitations (Number)
BPL 5 litre Deshi Ghee Scheme Target Achievement
This is a scheme implemented by State Government
in all districts since 01 March, 2009. Under the 2013-14 2990 4244
scheme, there is a provision of giving 5 litre saras
deshi ghee as a token of gift to BPL women on their 2014-15 3173 3513
first delivery at Government Institutions. A deshi ghee 2015-16 1963 2763
coupon is provided to the Beneficiary at the time of
discharge from the hospital and ghee is delivered at 2016-17 2039 3291
the concerned booth within 15 days of issue of
coupon. During the year 2017-18, 16,337, BPL 2017-18 2500 3827*
women were benefitted under the scheme, upto
* Upto December, 2017
November, 2017.
The funds for Rural Water Supply Schemes (RWSS)
have been provided, both under CSS (NRDWP) and
WATER SUPPLY the State plan. The total financial progress of
The state is facing, both, the quality and the quantity expenditure vis-à-vis funds available over last 5 years
problems of ground water sources. The ground water is shown below in table 8.10.
Economic Review 2017-18
Economic Review 2017-18
Metro, in its efforts to promote the objectives of dwelling units have been completed, 2,44,909
'Digital India' has been educating and encouraging its dwelling units have been allotted and 2,25,610
passengers to use automatic Ticket Vending Machines dwelling units have been handed over to applicants.
and Smart Cards. Out of all the houses taken up by the Board, more than
60 per cent units are for EWS & LIG. Activities of
RHB for the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017) are
Phase 1B (Chandpole to Badi Chaupar) given in Table no 8.15.
Jaipur Metro Rail Project is funded by Asian
Development Bank (ADB). The project cost is
`1,126.00 crore against which `969.00 crore is ADB
Chief Minister Shahri Jan Kalyan Yojna 2017
loan and `157.00 crore is being provided by the State Under Chief Minister Shahri Jan Kalyan Yojna 2017,
Government as assistance. The main objective of the RHB organized camps at various circle/division &
project is to improve Mass Rapid Transit System in sub-division offices from 17-07-2017 to 08-09-2017.
the Jaipur city. The project comprises underground During these camps various works i.e. Issuance of no
rail infrastructure of about 2.44 kilometers length dues certificate, one time lease certificates, allotment
(Chandpole to Badi Chauper) and 2 Stations, namely letters, possessions, refund cases, no objection
Chhoti Chaupar and Badi Chauper. Tunneling work certificates etc. were done. During these camps total
between Chandpole to Badi Chaupar has been done. 11,458 applications were received, out of which 9,814
Construction work at Badi Chaupar and Chhoti cases have been resolved.
Chaupar Metro stations is under progress.
Social Sector Development
· Preparation of Sub Regional Plan of Rajasthan Cell of Rajasthan Sub Region does regular monitoring
Sub Region of National Capital Region (NCR). of the projects assisted by NCRPB, like water
supply, upgradation scheme projects in five
· Technical Guidance to Urban Local Bodies for
towns (Alwar, Bhiwadi, Behror, Rajgarh and
approval of Layout Plans/Building Plans.
Tijara), integrated municipal solid waste
management project in Bhiwadi, etc. The NCR
Master Plans Cell also provides assistance to implementing
agencies in preparation of projects and
Master Plan of any city provides a vision on a legal forwarding them to the N.C.R.P.B. New Delhi
framework for its development for a period of around for financing.
20 years. Out of 191 municipal towns, master plans
for 184 municipal towns have been prepared and got
approved by the Government, which include master LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT
plans of 3 municipal towns prepared by JDA for JDA
Region. Seven new municipal towns have been The Department of Local Self Government is
declared recently by the State Government for which implementing following programmes/ schemes:
Master plans are to be prepared. Since horizone year Deendayal Antyodaya Yojna -National Urban
of Eight Towns namely Dungarpur, Sujangarh, Livelihood Mission
Gangapur City, Hanumangarh, Sardar Shahar,
Mandal garh, Hindon and Sawai Madhopur is June, Swaran Jayanti Shahri Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) has
2018, hence Master Plans of these Towns are also to been re-structured as Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana -
be prepared. Out of which urban area notification of National Urban Livelihood Mission - (DAY-NULM).
six Towns has been issued and preparation of master The mission is being implemented in all 191 Urban
plans is under progress. This effort is going to be Local Bodies of Rajasthan. Components of the
major step in boosting urban development in the state NULM are as under:-
in light of the fact that Cities/Towns have been · Capacity Building and Training (CB&T)
recognized as engines of economic growth. During
the financial year 2017-18, against the provision of · Social Mobilization and Institution
Development (SM & ID)
`792.86 lakh in different heads, an expenditure of
`224.99 lakh has been incurred upto December, 2017. · Employment through Skill Training and
Placement (EST&P)
Master plans for cities/towns are to be
prepared/upgraded as per Atal Mission for · Self-Employment Programme (SEP)
Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) · Support to Urban Street Vendors (SUSV)
guidelines issued by Central Government.
· Scheme of Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH)
· Innovative and Special Projects
National Capital Region (NCR)
Under this scheme there is a budget provision of
· Rajasthan Sub-Region of NCR comprises `48.75 crore (Central Share+State Share), out of
Alwar & Bharatpur districts. The Rajasthan which till December, 2017, `35.63 crore have been
Sub-Regional Plan for district Alwar has been disbursed.
approved and the Rajasthan Sub-Regional Plan
for district Bharatpur is under progress.
· Bharatpur Sub Regional Plan of NCR: The base Shahari Jan Sahbhagi Yojana (SJSY)
map and existing land use map of district The scheme was started by the State Government in
Bharatpur have been prepared through National December, 2004 to ensure public partnership in urban
Remote Sensing Center (NRSC), Hyderabad. development. The two main components of the
· Approval of Projects in Rajasthan Sub scheme are general public awareness and
Region of NCR from National Capital development works. General public awareness is
Region Planning Board (NCRPB): The NCR generated through organizing camps, seminars and
workshops (regarding sanitation, public heath, water
Economic Review 2017-18
storage, roads, construction of school/hospital and approved cost respectively till date `286.57 crore
office buildings) to seek public participation. In this have been transferred to ULBs.
scheme, out of the total cost of any project 50 per cent
is shared by the state share, 30 per cent is public share
and rest 20 per cent is contributed by urban local Integrated Housing and Slum Development
bodies/UIT. State share of `1,039.44 lakh has been Programme (IHSDP)
released upto December, 2017. The basic objective of this scheme is to provide
adequate shelter and basic infrastructure facilities to
the slum dwellers of the identified urban areas. The
Jawahar Lal Nehru National Urban Renewal
target group under the scheme is slum dwellers from
Mission (JNNURM) all sections of the community through a cluster
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission approach. So far, 66 projects amounting to `1,012.78
was launched by Government of India on crore in urban local bodies have been sanctioned
3 December, 2005, in order to cope with massive under this programme. Besides, construction of
problems that have emerged as a result of rapid urban houses under this scheme, infrastructure development
growth of identified cities with focus on projects of in most of the projects include roads, drains,
urban infrastructure and to implement projects on community centres, community toilets, sewerage
mission mode. system/septic tank, street light and water supply lines
Out of the total 63 identified cities selected by etc. In this scheme, `862.53 crore incurred upto
Government of India to take up the work under the 31 March, 2017.
Urban Infrastructure and Governance (UIG) and
Basic Services to Urban Poor (BSUP), two cities
namely Jaipur and Ajmer-Pushkar have been selected
Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY)
in Rajasthan. GoI has also taken-up works under UIG, Slum Free City Plan of Action (SFCPoA) of Ajmer
BSUP and Procurement of buses. Under this scheme city under RAY Scheme has been approved by
`1,520.62 crore have been incurred upto 31 March Government of India, Draft SFCPoA of Jaipur,
2017. Jodhpur, Kota, Bharatpur, Bikaner, Alwar, Pratapgarh
and Chittorgarh have also been prepared and SFCPoA
of Udaipur city is under preparation. Total 19 projects
Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme amounting to `903.15 crore in 16 cities were
for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) sanctioned by Government of India for the state, in
which total of 16,132 dwelling units (DUs) and
The Central Government has launched this scheme
required infrastructure will be developed. Out of
with the objective to provide basic infrastructure
sanctioned 16,132 DUs, total 6,987 DUs have been
services to the urban poor in the small and medium
constructed, 3,550 DUs have been allotted and works
size towns. This scheme is applicable to all
of 1,692 DUs are under progress. All RAY projects
cities/towns except cities/towns selected under
have been subsumed under "Housing for All" by GoI.
JNNURM. MoUD has changed the funding pattern as
80:10:10 (GoI:State:ULB) as per AMRUT funding
pattern for 11 project in progress. Rajasthan Urban Development Fund (RUDF)
The Rajasthan Urban Drinking Water Sewerage and Government of Rajasthan has established “Rajasthan
Infrastructure Corporation Ltd. (RUDSICO) has been Urban Development Fund” (RUDF) on 26.03.2010.
nominated as the nodal agency for implementing this The Rajasthan Urban Development fund (RUDF) is a
scheme in the State. The Government of India has fund created by the Government of Rajasthan to
sanctioned 37 projects of `609.93 crore in 35 cities of ensure comprehensive development of the urban
the State. Under this scheme `557.63 crore have been areas across the State. Rajasthan Urban Drinking
incurred upto December, 2017. For 11 towns of Water Sewerage and Infrastructure Corporation Ltd
UIDSSMT (transition Phase) MoUD approved cost is (RUDSICO) is working as nodel agency for RUDF. A
`636.83 crore. GoI & GoR has released 40 percent total of `400 crore is to be collected initially to raise
(`254.73 crore) & 5 percent `31.84 crore of MoUD this fund. Out of it, seed capital from Government of
Social Sector Development
Rajasthan is `150 crore and from ULB's & Kota, Bikaner, Udaipur, Bharatpur and Jhalawar. The
UIT's/FI's/Bank it is `250 crore. The fund has been sectors identified under this mission are Water
increased from `400 crore to `1,000 crore, Out of Supply, Sewerage & Septage, Drainage, Urban
which, seed capital from Government of Rajasthan is Transport and Green Spaces. The total budget outlay
`375.00 crore and from ULB's & UIT's/FI's/Bank, it for the mission period 2015-20 is of `3,223.94 crore.
is `625.00 crore. The amount of `308.39 crore against GoI share and
amount of `185.03 crore against GoR share therefore
total amount of `493.42 crore has been received as 1
Seven Sewerage Projects installment out of which ` 229.78 crore as share of
GoI and ` 138.06 crore as share of GoR therefore total
The Government of Rajasthan has sanctioned a sum
amount ` 367.84 crore is transferred to concerned
of `472.44 crore for Sewer Lines and treatment plants
ULB/Parastatal agencies.
in 7 towns (Banswara, Fatehpur Shekhawati,
Ganganagar, Nathdwara, Balotra, Deedwana,
Makrana). A total sum of `398.36 crore has been LED Light Project
utilized against this sanction. The amount utilized
during the Year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017) is “Energy saving Project” has been initiated in the State
`20.32 crore. to save energy in Street Light Sector. The aim of the
project is to increase the illumination level on roads
and to reduce the electricity consumption. MOU has
Smart Cities Mission been signed on 23 January, 2015 with Energy
Efficiency Services Limited, (EESL) New Delhi a
Smart City Mission was launched by GoI in June, pulic sector enterprise of Government of India.To
2015 to promote cities that provide core infrastructure fully enforce this project in Rajasthan, work of
and give a decent quality of life to their citizens, a execution of MOU between EESL in all 191 local
clean and sustainable environment and application bodies has been completed. Work of setting up LED
of 'Smart' Solutions. The mission will cover 100 lights is almost complete in 162 local bodies and in 17
cities & its duration will be five years. `100 crore per local bodies work is under process. 8.78 lakh LED
city for 5 years are to be given as grant by government lights have been setup in Rajasthan upto December,
of India and an equal amount will be contributed by 2017. Rajasthan is at first position in India in setting
State/ ULB. A total of 4 cities were shortlisted in up of LED street lights.
Rajasthan to be developed as Smart Cities, namely
Jaipur, Udaipur, Kota & Ajmer. The dedicated
account of the Smart City has been opened for getting Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)
the funds from GoI & `316.00 crore each as
It is aimed to achieve better level of cleanliness all
Ist installment of GoI + GoR share has been transferred over India through public participation and active
to Jaipur Smart City Ltd & Udaipur Smart City Ltd. nd
public support upto 2 October 2019. Under “Swachh
and `149.2 crore and `147.6 crore as part Bharat Mission” activities, such as construction of
I installment of GoI+GoR share transferred to Ajmer personal deomestic toilets, community/ public toilets,
City Ltd. and Kota Smart City Ltd. respectively. and activities of urban solid waste management in
concerned urban areas are to be implemented. Total
4,30,000 toilets are to be constructed as per survey by
AMRUT Mission urban local bodies. 2,90,425 domestic toilets have
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban been constructed upto December, 2017. Under SBM
Transformation (AMRUT) was launched by Hon'ble 138 ULB's have been self-declared ODF till now and
Prime Minister of India in June, 2015. 29 cities in 20 ULB's have been certified by QCI as well. Under
Rajasthan are selected under AMRUT i.e. Alwar, the mission Government of India has been released
B e a w a r, S i k a r, N a g a u r, B h i w a d i , P a l i , `594.46 crore and Government of Rajasthan has
SawaiMadhopur, Tonk, Hanumangarh, Bundi, released `308.22 crore till now.
Sujangarh, Dholpur, Gangapur City, Chittorgarh,
Gaurav Path:-Gaurav Path work is proposed in 191
Bhilwara, Sri Ganganagar, Churu, Jhunjhunu, Baran,
ULBs with total length of 292.62 Km, out of which
Kishangarh, Hindaun City, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Ajmer,
111 works are under progress having total length of
Economic Review 2017-18
191.25 Km. 60 works of `182.03 crore have been Anuprati Yojana : There is a provision of incentive
completed. of `1.00 lakh per SC/ST/SBC/BPL of OBC & GEN
Mukhyamantri Jal Swavlamban Abhiyaan candidate selected in the All India Civil Services
(Urban) Phase II:- In the financial year 2017-18, examination, `50,000 to a candidate passing the State
Mukhyamantri Jal Swavlamban Abhiyaan (urban) Civil Services examination and also the incentive of
has been started in all 191 towns in the state on `40,000 to `50,000 to a candidate getting admission
20.01.2018. in IITs, IIMs and National Level Medical Colleges.
Besides this, a provision of `10,000 per SC/ST
Smart Raj Project:- Smart Raj Plan has been candidate has been ear marked for the students
launched in the state with the objective of making securing 60 per cent marks in their senior secondary
available services to the general public of the examination and getting admission in Government
state. engineering /medical colleges. During 2017-18 (upto
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban):- In order to December, 2017), 781 candidates have been benefited
provide affordable houses to economically weaker with an expenditure of `253.53 lakh under this
group section (EWS) and lower income group (LIG) scheme. The expenditure and number of beneficiaries
on the guidelines of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana under this scheme during five years is shown in table
(Urban), Chief Minister's Jan Awas Yojana-2015 has number 8.16.
been implemented in the month of September, 2015. Table 8.16 Year wise progress of Anuprati Yojana
Till December 2017, total 1,43,772 units have been
sanctioned on both government & private land against Expenditure
Year Beneficiaries
the target of 6,34,496 unit's upto year 2022. (` in lakh)
Hriday Yojana:- Under this Heritage development 2013-14 260.29 728
scheme Ajmer and Pushkar are included and work is
in progress. 2014-15 148.03 359
Rajasthan Transport Infrastructure Development 2015-16 238.00 734
Fund:-Rajasthan Transport Infrastructure 2016-17 329.73 1279
Development Fund (RTIDF) was established in the
year 2011-12 for the management of a well- 2017-18* 253.53 781
organized, safe, pollution free and easy transport in * Upto December, 2017
the state. The total amount available in the said funds
Hostel facilities: Hostel facilities are provided by the
is being used to provide funds and loan amount to the Department to SC, ST, OBC, SBC and DTNT
departments / urban local bodies / company and students. In these hostels, facilities like lodging,
corporations related to transport management. A total meals, coaching, dress, stationary etc. are provided
amount of `1535.10 crore has been collected under free of cost. 34,473 students have been benefited with
the said funds from FY 2011-12 to 2017-18, out of an expenditure of `7,112.18 lakh during 2017-18 up
which `1304.58 crore has already been spent. to December, 2017. Progress of five years is as
ROBs/RUBs:- 57 ROBs/RUBs have been taken up in follows in table 8.17.
urban area in last 5 years with project cost of `1708.70 Table 8.17 Year wise progress of Hostel facilities
crore (state share is `1059.32 crore and Railway share
is `649.38 crore). 30 ROBs/RUBs have been Expenditure
completed till date. Year Beneficiaries
( ` in lakh)
2013-14 7859.48 31935
The State Government is paying attention towards all- 2015-16 8744.87 33930
round development and upliftment of weaker and
deprived sections of the society. For achieving this 2016-17 10426.18 33681
objective, following schemes are being implemented 2017-18* 7112.18 34473
in the state.
* Upto December, 2017
Social Sector Development
Post-Matric Scholarships: Post-matric scholarships Sahyog & Uphar Yojana: Under this scheme,
are being provided to the SC, ST and OBC students, maximum two girls of above the age of 18 years, who
whose annual parental income is upto `2.50 lakh for belong to BPL/the weakest section of the society or a
SC/ST students and `1.00 lakh for OBC students. widow woman, will be present a sum of `20,000 on
Under this scheme, during 2017-18 upto December, marriage from the State Government. If the girl is 10th
2017 an amount of `34,969.11 lakh has been passed then an extra sum of `10,000 & if girl is
disbursed as scholarship to 2,40,199 students. Year graduate then `20,000 extra also rewarded as
wise progress is as shown in table 8.18. appreciation to her. In this scheme during the period of
Table 8.18 Year wise progress of 2017-18, till December, 2017 the total sum of `981.30
Post Matric Scholarships Lakhs has been rewarded to 3,696 girls. The
expenditure and number of beneficiaries under this
Year Beneficiaries scheme are given in table 8.20.
( ` in lakh) Table 8.20 Year wise progress of
Sahyog &Uphar Yojana
2013-14 47434.44 658565
2014-15 38820.09 445304 Year Beneficiaries
(` in lakh)
2015-16 40612.48 423661
2013-14 1335.54 10802
2016-17 55408.17 383107 2014-15 1626.62 12645
2017-18* 34969.11 240199 2015-16 1611.80 12284
* Upto December, 2017 2016-17 1204.10 11441
Post-Matric Scholarships for SBC: Post-Matric 2017-18* 981.30 3696
scholarships are also being provided to the SBC * Upto December, 2017
students whose, annual parental income is upto `2.50
lakh. During the year 2017-18 upto December, 2017 Residential Schools : Under this scheme 22
an amount of `5,286.31 lakh has been provided for residential schools run by “Rajasthan Residential
scholarship to 25,493 students. Year wise progress is Educational Institutions Society”(RREIS) in the
as shown in table 8.19. administrative control of Social Justice &
Empowerment department for poor boys/girls of
Table 8.19 Year wise progress of Post-Matric SC,ST, OBC/SBC and Other economic backward
Scholarships for SBC class whose parental income is upto `2.50 lakh per
Expenditure annum. In these schools, facilities like lodging, meals,
Year Beneficiaries coaching, dress, stationary, medical are provided free
(` in lakh) of cost. During the year 2017-18 (upto December,
2013-14 3686.51 52785 2017) 7,885 students have been benefited with an
expenditure of `2,488.64 lakh under this scheme.
2014-15 5964.30 63087
Progress are given in table 8.21.
2015-16 5073.82 52812
Table 8.21 Residential Schools Year wise progress
2016-17 5617.04 34720
Year Expenditure No. of
2017-18* 5286.31 25493
( ` in lakh) students
* Upto December, 2017
2013-14 1943.81 5642
Vidhwa Punarvivah Protsahan Yojana : Under this
scheme, on re-marriage of a widow (who is eligible 2014-15 2068.69 5358
for widow pension), `30,000 are given to her as gift. 2015-16 2615.77 6001
During the year 2017-18 upto December, 2017 an
expenditure of `2.85 lakh has been incurred and 10 2016-17 3453.91 6562
widows are benefitted under this scheme. 2017-18* 2488.64 7885
* Upto December, 2017
Economic Review 2017-18
Social Sector Development
Besides this, schemes namely Hostels for children of special abled persons have been benefited under this
SC/ST/ nomad families. Old Age Home, Day Care scheme.
Center, Indira Gandhi National Old Age /Widow/ Mukhyamantri Vishesh Yogyajan Swarojgar
Specially Abled Persons Pension Yojana, Dev Yojana: Under this scheme loan of upto `5.00 lakh
Narayan Yojana, Swayam Sidhha Yojana, De- are provided to such specially abled persons for self-
addiction Programme etc. are also being implemented employment whose parents/guardian's and self-
for the welfare of weaker sections.
income from all sources does not exceed `2.00 lakh
per annum. Government also provides maximum
subsidy of `50,000 or 50 per cent amount of loan,
SPECIALLY ABLED PERSONS whichever is less. During the year 2017-18, `292.30
The State Government has been making efforts for the lakh have been spent till December, 2017 and 875
overall welfare of the Specially Abled Persons. The special abled persons have been benefited under this
State Government is organizing camps for the scheme. Progress of five years is given in table 8.26.
identification and rehabilitation of physically and
mentally challenged people. A number of schemes Table 8.26 Year wise progress
have also been launched by the State Government for Expenditure No. of
such people. Looking to the vast field for welfare of Year
specially abled people, the State Government has (` in Lakh) Beneficiary
established a separate department for Specially Abled 2013-14 418.24 984
Persons in 2011.The main objectives of establishing a 2014-15 566.01 1359
separate department for specially abled persons are as
follows: 2015-16 492.98 1531
· To provide quick benefits to the Specially Abled 2016-17 492.24 1533
Persons under various schemes. 2017-18* 292.30 875
· To expand the rehabilitation activities. * Upto December, 2017
· IEC activities for the welfare of specially abled Specially Abled Persons Marriage and Parichay
persons. Sammelan: Under this scheme, financial assistance
Anuprati Scheme: In this scheme, there is a of `50,000 is provided to specially abled persons
provision of incentive of `5,000 to `65,000 to (men/women) after marriage for a happy married life
Rajasthan Domicile Specially abled persons passing and also a grant of `20,000 is provided to the
the All India Civil Services examination and State organizer (registered society). During the year
Civil Services examination. There is also a provision 2017-18 upto December, 2017 `58.25 lakh have been
of incentive of `40,000 to `50,000 to Rajasthan spent and 127 special abled persons have been
Domicile Specially abled persons getting admission benefited under this scheme. Progress of five years is
in National Level Engineering, Medical and Top given in table 8.27.
Academic Institutions. Similarly in State Level
Engineering, Medical and Top Academic Institutions Table 8.27 Year wise progress
grant to `10,000. During the year 2017-18, `1.00 lakh Expenditure No. of
have been spent till December, 2017 and 4 special Year
abled persons have been benefited under this scheme. ( ` in Lakhs) Beneficiary
Scholarships Scheme: Scholarships are being 2013-14 110.45 449
provided to the specially abled regular students in
2014-15 120.65 481
State Government Schools or in the schools affiliated
by the State/Central Government, whose family 2015-16 106.42 425
annual income is less than `2.00 lakh and non
refundable fee is also reimbursed for OBC and 2016-17 71.75 287
General students. During the year 2017-18, `9.10 2017-18* 58.25 127
lakh have been spent till December, 2017 and 180 * Upto December, 2017
Economic Review 2017-18
Prosthetic aid for fitting artificial limbs/ · To create Database and online record of SAPs
equipments: Under this scheme, financial assistance Total Number of 9,28,012 SAPs are registered, total
of `10,000 is provided to eligible specially abled 1,50,122 Disability Certificate issued and total 69,474
persons (non income tax payee) for self-employment UDID Card issued in this campaign till December,
and artificial limb/equipment. During the year 2017- 2017 in Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Vishesh
18, `560.04 lakh have been spent till December, 2017 Yogyajan Shivir.
and 5,250 specially abled persons have been benefited
under this scheme. Progress of five years is given in Besides this, following schemes are also being
table 8.28. implemented for the welfare of specially abled
persons of the State:
Table 8.28 Year wise progress
· Polio Correction Operation Camps Subsidy
Expenditure No. of Scheme: In this scheme, financial aid of `5,000
( ` in Lakhs) Beneficiary per polio correction operation is provided to
2013-14 572.64 5466
· State Level awards scheme: On the
2014-15 94.15 5016 International Disabled Day of 3rd December,
every year State level awards are being given in
2015-16 255.22 5070
14 different categories, who do excellent work
2016-17 237.55 5991 for specially abled persons. In this scheme,
financial aid of `10,000 per person/
2017-18* 560.04 5250
* Upto December, 2017
· Sport Competitions for specially Abled
Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Vishesh Persons: Sport Competitions are also organized
Yogyajan Shivir 2017 at district and state level for specially abled
According to census 2011, population of specially persons.
abled person in state is more than15 lakh, whether · One time Financial Assistance for Pension
4 lakh specially abled persons are receiving benefits Holder Specially Abled Persons for self
of pension under social assistance scheme. According employment: In this scheme One time
to new act "The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Financial Assistance of `15,000 is provided to
Act, 2016" which is enacted by GoI, now on wards pension holder specially abled person who want
there will be 21 categories of disabilities. This to start his/her own business. To avail this
campign has to conduct in state for identifying facility he/she will have to discontinue his/her
specially abled persons to that empowerment and pension.
welfare of these persons can take place by providing
benefits of various government schemes.
The objectives of this scheme are as follows MINORITY AFFAIRS
· Indentification and Registration of Specially As per census 2011 the population of State of
Abled Persons (SAPs) Rajasthan is 6.85 crores. Out of this the population of
Minority Community is 78.18 lakh (11.41%).
· To issue disability certificate to SAPs
Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Christians, Buddhists and
· To distribute Aids & Appliances to SAPs Parsis are included in the Minority Community.
· To issue Unique Disability ID card under The State Government has established a separate
Government of India scheme department for minorities to ensure quality education,
· To benefit SAPs through pension, Bus pass, loan more employment opportunities and improvement in
and palanhaar schemes their economic & health condition.
Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) Scheme: Main
· To create awareness regarding schemes of
object of this scheme is to provide financial assistance
different departments to benefit SAPs
to poor and brilliant students of minority communities
Social Sector Development
for their higher education, whose parental income is UPSC, RPSC, IIT's, IIM's, AIIMS, NIT's, Common
less than `2.00 lakh per annum and has obtained at Law Admission Test (CLAT); on admission in Indian
least 50 per cent marks in the previous exam. Year Institute of Science & Applied Research (Kolkata &
wise physical and financial progress of this scheme is Bangalore), GoI/MCI certified medical colleges and
shown in table 8.29. to students scoring 60% marks under the scheme 10+2
& got admission in State Government's engineering &
Table 8.29 Physical and financial progress of the
Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) Scheme medical colleges.
No. of Students
Year Target ` in lakh Hostel facilities
2012-13 14800 23150 1556.28 Running of Hostels : To meet the challenges, the
2013-14 14800 33259 2296.95 Minority Department adopted a strategy with scheme
of free Hostel facility for Education Empowerment of
2014-15 16371 43233 2989.58 Minority students in the State. In this way, the hostel
2015-16@ 16371 28437 1941.00 facility, which is direct individuals benefit scheme, is
2016-17* 16371 24604 1751.00 being provided to the minority girls and boys at
* Upto December, 2017, @ Received Distribution list as on District Headquarter and in Minority populated
31.03.2017 at Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India, Blocks. Presently, under the scheme there is a
New Delhi provision of `2,000 per student/per month &
maximum for nine and half month against mess
Merit Cum Means (MCM) Scholarship Scheme: charges including lodging & boarding etc.
Main object of this scheme is, to provide financial
assistance to poor and brilliant students of minority In fulfillment of mandate, the Department of Minority
communities for technical & professional courses at Affairs is providing Hostel facility in two ways i.e.
UG and PG level, whose parental income is less than through Departmental Hostels and authorized NGOs.
`2.50 lakh per annum by Ministry of Minority Affairs, This scheme is also contributing in indirectly holding
Government of India. Year wise physical and the dropout-rate among minority Boys & Girls
financial progress of this scheme is shown in the table studying in various educational institutions. Year wise
8.30. No. of Minority Hostels & Beneficiaries are shown in
table 8.31.
Table 8.30 Physical and financial progress of
the MCM scholarship Scheme Table 8.31 Year wise No. of Minority
Hostels & Beneficiaries:
No. of
Year Target ` in lakh No.
Students Year No. hostels
2012-13 1803 2519 677.46 Beneficiaries
2013-14 1803 2769 738.72 2013-14 25 1121
2014-15 1965 4150 1104.44 2014-15 14 673
2015-16@ 1965 4133 1130.00 2015-16 35 1418
2016-17* 1965 3972 1070.00 2016-17 56 2509
* Upto December, 2017, @ Received Distribution list as on 2017-18* 52 1824
31.03.2017 at Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India,
New Delhi * Upto December, 2017
Anuprati scheme: Youth/Students of Minority
Categories of Rajasthan's Domicile (Muslim, Sikh, Multi Sectoral Development Scheme: Under the
Christian, Buddhist, Parsis & Jain) are given scheme construction works relating to the health and
encouragement amount on passing in the different educational infrastructure are being undertaken in the
stages of Indian Civil Services (ICS) and State Civil 10 blocks, 3 towns of 8 minority populated districts.
Services and Subordinate Exams conducted by During the twelfth five year plan period budgetary
Economic Review 2017-18
allocation of `147.19 crore was made for the state of UPLIFTMENT OF SCHEDULED CASTE
Rajasthan. Till December, 2017, 1,760 works AND SCHEDULED TRIBE
amounting to `266.49 crore have been sanctioned by
the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of The Rajasthan Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe
India. Finance and Development Co-operative Corporation
Limited is working for upliftment of the Scheduled
Skill Training for minorities: Skill Training for Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The State Government
minority youth is being conducted with the help of is committed to safeguard the economic and social
RSLDC. An outlay of `200.00 lakh is proposed for interests of these classes through this Corporation.
the Annual Plan 2017-18. Year wise no. of The progress under various programmes is given in
beneficiaries and amount is shown in table 8.32. the table 8.34.
Table 8.32 Year wise no. of beneficiaries
and amount incurred
Expenditure No. of
S.No. Year A number of schemes are being implemented by the
(` in lakh) beneficiaries Government for the overall development of the tribal
1 2015-16 100 940 population. During the year 2017-18, a total budget
2 2016-17 200 2300 provision of `548.83 crore was kept which includes
`288.04 crore, `120.00 crore, `130.00 crore and
3 2017-18* 100 597 `10.79 crore under State plan, Special Central
* Upto December, 2017 Assistance, schemes under Article 275(1) of
Loans for self-employment and education: constitution of India and Centrally sponsored
Rajasthan Minority Finance & Development schemes respectively. An amount of `285.55 crore
Cooperative Corporation (RMFDCC) is acting as a has been utilized upto December, 2017, which
State Channelizing Agency for NMDFC. It provides includes `112.47 crore, `73.95 crore, `96.83 crore
educational and business loan at concessional interest and `2.29 crore under State plan, Special Central
rates to the minority unemployed youth and women Assistance, schemes under Article 275(1) of
for self employment. The progress of year wise loans constitution of India and Centrally sponsored
sanctioned is shown in table 8.33. schemes respectively. Physical achievements during
the year 2017-18, under various schemes of tribal area
Table 8.33 Progress of Loan sanctioned development are given in table 8.35.
Loan Amount No. of
2013-14 3353.68 5923 SERVICES (ICDS)
2014-15 2165.00 4701 At present 304 ICDS projects are operational in the
state, out of which 40 projects have been operational
2015-16 2398.83 4121 in urban areas, 36 in tribal area and rest 228 in rural
2016-17 1802.05 2284 areas. GoI have sanctioned 304 Child Development
2017-18* 867.67 887 Projects along with total 62,020 anganwaries. Out of
* Upto December, 2017
which sanctioned have been issued for 55,816 main
anganwari centre and 6,204 mini anganwaries. So that
Madarsa Board : 3,214 Madarsas are registered in in the state 55,260 anganwari centers, 5,769 mini
the State in which 2.38 lakh students are getting anganwari have become operational by the end of
education by 5,973 urdu para teachers and 345 December, 2017.
computer para teachers. Teaching Learning Material The position of Sanctioned and Operational
(TLM) is being provided to madarsa in quality Anganwadi Centers are given in table 8.36 which
education. shows the steady growth in integrated child
development services in the state:
Social Sector Development
Table 8.34 Progress of Schemes under Special Central Assistance during the year 2017-18
Achievements (upto
S.No. Name of the Scheme Target
December, 2017)
(a) Banking Schemes
1 Package of Programme (Urban) 9510 1895
2 Package of Programme (Rural) 18034 3415
3 Auto Rickshaws 452 0
4 Improved Breed Cow/Buffalo 3413 398
5 Individual Pump Sets 151 0
(b) Non-Banking Schemes
1 Blasting of Wells 275 1
2 Electrification of Wells 2605 751
3 Workshop 6730 1733
4 Modern Agriculture Equipments 4240 738
5 Skill development & Training 3600 1128
Schemes of National Corporation
6 4000 1232
(c) Sambal Village Scheme (Infrastructural facilities)
Construction of anicuts, pond,
1 62 6
community facility center etc.
Total (a+b+c) 53072 11297
Economic Review 2017-18
Table 8.36 Year wise Sanctioned and · In nutrition programme nutritive food with 500
Operational Anganwadi Centres to children, 800 to severly
malnurished children is supplied and 600
Year Sanctioned Operational to pregnant and lactating mothers is
2013-14 61119 59945 providing daily.
· Commission for Protection of child Right is
2014-15 61119 60133 running to provide secure environment and
2015-16 61119 60267 protection of rights for the children of the state.
· The Government of Rajasthan has decided to
2016-17 61974 60733 motivate the children for pre-school education
2017-18* 62020 61029 in tribal and non tribal belt in ICDS. At present
1,130 Nursery Teacher Training (NTT)
* Upto December, 2017 preschool education teachers have selected &
Efforts are being made to reduce Infant Mortality Rate posted in this area against 1,500 sanctioned
(IMR), Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) and Mal- posts and remaining NTT pre-school education
nutrition among children in the State by building an teachers are under process.
environment in the society for holistic development · “Nand Ghar Yojna” scheme has been started to
and better care of children & women, specially the involve public participation in ICDS. 4,318
pregnant and nursing mothers through this MOUs have been made with Corporate, Social
programme. Services of supplementary nutrition, Sector NGOs to facilitate AWC with Building
immunization, health check-up, nutrition, health Construction, Repair and other facilities.
education and pre-school education are being
provided to the children of age group 0-6 years,
pregnant and lactating mothers as well as to CHILD RIGHT
adolescent girls through anganwadi centers to achieve
these objectives. Directorate is established in 2013 with the motto to
protect the rights of the children and create a
Through these anganwaries, 27.19 lakh children, 8.69 protective environment for the same. The following
lakh pregnant and lactating mothers and 0.98 lakh schemes are being implemented by the Directorate.
adolescent girls on average are being benefitted with
the supplementary nutrition. Pre-school education has Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS): The
been provided to 9.60 lakh children of 3-6 years age Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) is a
group. Maternal child health and nutrition (MCHN) comprehensive scheme of the Ministry of Women and
day has been organized on 76 per cent anganwaris Child Development, Government of India, which
every month and services of immunization, health aims to create a protective environment for children in
the country. The ICPS aims to achieve these
check-up and nutrition and health education has been
objectives through improved access to quality child
provided. During 2017-18 upto December, 2017 an
protection services; raised public awareness on child
expenditure of `996.89 crore has been incurred on
rights situation and protection in India; enforced
different schemes/ programmes of ICDS. accountability for child protection;
institutionalization of essential services and
Brief details of special efforts/innovations strengthening of existing structures; establishment of
introduced in the programme are as under: functional structures at all government levels for
delivery of statutory and support services to children
· Identified severely malnourished children are in difficult circumstances; evidence-based
referred to Mal Nutrition Treatment monitoring and evaluation, enhancement of
Centres/Corners (MTCs) established at every capacities at all levels; creation of database and
district level hospital for health checkup and knowledge base for child protection services; and
rehabilitation. Follow-up of growth monitoring strengthening child protection at family and
of children is being done regularly after medical community levels. During the year 2017-18 upto
consultation. December, 2017 `1,395.04 lakh have been incurred
on this scheme.
Social Sector Development
Mukhya Mantri Hunar Vikas Yojana: This are meant to discourage dowry, child marriage and to
schemes is for higher education/skill development reduce the expenditure on individual marriages. The
programme to beneficiaries of PalanharYojana and grant in aid at the rate `18,000 per couple is
children staying in Government and Non-government sanctioned under this scheme, of which `15,000 are
Institutional Homes. Under the scheme, skill deposited in the bank/post office in the name of the
development programmes are being organised for the bride and `3,000 are given to the organization for
children aged 17 years to 21 years. The objective of arrangements etc. Progress of the scheme is given in
this scheme is to enable such young adults to adapt table 8.37.
themselves to society and to encourage them to move
away from institution based life. Under this scheme Table 8.37 Year wise progress of
vocational and skill development programme are Community marriages Scheme
provided through Rajasthan Mission on Livelihood Benefited Expenditure
also provided financial assistance for higher Year
Pairs (` in lakh)
education to applicable young child.
2013-14 3991 338.93
2014-15 2731 396.65
2015-16 3914 489.35
Women constitute nearly half the population of the
State. No development, however, can deemed to be 2016-17 6901 834.72
sustainable without active and equal participation of 2017-18 * 5203 910.35
women in all the activities of the society. The State
Government has framed and implemented various * Upto December, 2017
programmes for women empowerment and
development in various sectors to help women CM's 7 Point Programme for Empowerment of
particularly on equal terms in the decisions making Women: Empowerment of women is possible only if
process at all levels including their safety, protection it is based on a life cycle approach. CM's Seven Point
and rehabilitation etc. Programme was launched during the year 2009-10.
Women Development Programme: The foremost This programme is focussed on:
issue in women development is to make women aware · Safe Motherhood
about their rights and to empower them to take
maximum advantage from the programmes being · Reduction in IMR
implemented by the Government and to become · Population Stabilization
socio-economically self-reliant. “Sathin” is the prime
animator working at grassroots not only to create · Prevention of child marriages
linkage between women and various programmes of · Retention of girls at least upto class X
the Government, but also to inform women about their
· Providing security and safe environment to
rights. Sathins also need to create environment
against social evil practices and to make women
aware about situation wherein women often find · Economic empowerment by providing self-
themselves harassed, victimized or exploited. At employment opportunities through the Self
present, 8,069 Sathins are working in the State to Help Group Programme.
create awareness among women, enable them to This programme aims at all round development of
realize their potential and also to help women access women and it is being implemented with joint efforts
advantage from the Government programmes/ of Health Department, Women & Child Development
scheme. During the year 2017-18 (upto December, (WCD), Education Department and Home
2017) an expenditure `1,554.79 lakh has been Department etc. An outlay of `20.00 lakh is proposed
incurred, against the provision of `2,355.53 lakh. for the Annual Plan 2017-18 out of which expenditure
Grant-in-aid for Community Marriages of `13.23 lakh has been made till December, 2017.
(Samoohik Vivah Yojana): Community marriages Prevention of Child Marriages: Early marriage
Economic Review 2017-18
results in early pregnancy thereby affecting girl's strong and established medium of economic and
health and other important development parameters. social empowerment of women through providing
The focus of this programme is to prevent child opportunity for display and marketing of products
marriages and provide appropriate environment for manufactured/value added by Selp Help Groups.
girl's education and their development. A special Apart from Amrita Haat, by Directorate of Women
campaign, "Sanjha Abhiyaan-Bal Vivaah Mukt Empowerment is providing opportunity to WSHGs to
Rajasthan" has been launched for joint efforts against participate in IITF, Shilp Gram Utsav and fairs of
child marriages and to generate public awareness on other departments. An outlay of `100.00 lakh is
the issue of child marriage. A state strategy and Action proposed for the Annual Plan 2017-18 out of which
plan has been prepared and is being implemented with expenditure of `23.21 lakh has been made and 831
the support of various departments, civil society SHG benifited till December, 2017.
organisations, NGO's, UNICEF, UNFPA and various
Priyadarshini Adarsh SHG scheme: Under this
stake holders for making Rajasthan child marriage
scheme, 10 SHGs in each district are developed as
free. Various sensitisation workshop have been
Priyadarshini Adarsh SHG. These Ideal SHGs fulfill
organised including Child Marriage Prohibition
all the procedures and standards fixed for an ideal
Officers (CMPO) traning.
Gender Cell: The Gender Cell has also been
Swavalamban Yojana: Main objective of this
constituted in the State to promote mainstreaming the
scheme is to improve the living standard of poor
concept of gender in the budgetary system of the
women, widows, separated women and rural women.
Government and also to function as a secretariat to
Women are being provided skill traning through
review the budgets of various departments with
RSLDC in traditional and non-traditional trades.
gender perspective. To sensitize on Gender related
issues and for Gender mainstreaming, the Gender cell Free basic computer training to women through
also organizes orientation programmes on Gender RKCL: To make women of all categories computer
Responsive Budget in all the districts in the State. An literate, free of cost basic computer training is
MOU has also been signed between Government of provided to women in coordination with RKCL. Till
Rajasthan and UN Women for strengthening and December, 2017, 2,73,021 women have been
expediting the efforts towards Gender Responsive benefitted by this scheme. An outlay of `1,200.00
Budgeting. An outlay of `08.50 lakh is alloted for the lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan 2017-18 out of
Annual Plan 2017-18 out of which expenditure of which expenditure of `200.72 lakh has been made till
`0.44 lakh has been made till December, 2017. December, 2017.
Women Protection: A special Women Protection Income Generating Activity Training: Under this
Cell has also been setup to monitor implementation of scheme women of SHGs are being provided
the following programmes relating to protection of opportunities for employment/self-employment by
women: providing them trainings through RSLDC and various
training institutes as National Institute of Fashion
· Mahila Surksha Evam Salah Kendra
Technology (NIFT), Footwear Design and
· 24 Hours Women Helpline Development Institute (FDDI), Centre for
· Implementation of Protection of Women from Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Domestic Violence Act, 2005 (CESBM). An outlay of `125.00 lakh is proposed for
the Annual Plan 2017-18 out of which expenditure of
· Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment `13.96 lakh has been made and 406 women have been
at Workplace benefited till December, 2017.
· Rajasthan Prevention of Witch Hunting Act, Allotment of Fair price shops to WSHGs: The
2015 and Rules, 2016 scheme of allotting fair price shops to SHGs was
· Sakhi/Aparajita One Stop Centre for Women launched to provide self-employment to the women
SHGs. An outlay of `10.00 lakh is proposed for the
Amrita Haat: Amrita Haat which is being organized Annual Plan 2017-18 out of which expenditure of
by Directorate of Women Empowerment, Department `2.25 lakh has been made till December, 2017.
of Women Child Development since 2004-05 is a
Social Sector Development
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Scheme: The Honorable Garima Balika Sanrakshan Evem Samman Yojna:
Prime Minister launched Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Garima Balika and Sanrakshan Scheme has been
Scheme in Panipat (Haryana) on 22nd January 2015 in launched in order to reward and give recognition to
100 districts where the sex ratio has declined sharply various individuals and organisations for their
in the last decade. In II phase 61 districts have been commendable work in the field of protection of girl
added. The primary objective of the scheme is to child. The objective of the scheme is to recognize,
empower the girl child and ensure her education; reward and inspire the individuals, and the
essentially addressing the pre and post birth organizations to prevent violence and exploitation of
discrimination against the girl child. girl child at various levels. This Scheme has been
In Rajasthan the scheme was initially launched in ten implemented in the entire State as Garima Balika
districts (Alwar, Bharatpur, Dausa, Dholpur, Sanrakshan and Samman Yojna 2016. Under this
Jhunjhunu, Jaipur, Sikar, Karauli, Sawai Madhopur scheme the rewards are given at two levels-first
and Sri Ganganagar) with low Child Sex Ratio (CSR). Individual and second Institutional.
In the II phase of the scheme, four new districts
(Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Hanumangarh and Tonk) were Other schemes being implemented in the State for
added. A number of programmes and activities are the women empowerment are:
being organized at the State and district level for the
successful implementation of the scheme. · Status of SHG Programme in Rajasthan
Mukhyamantri Rajshree Yojana: Mukhyamantri · Interest Subvention Scheme on Bank Loan to
Rajshree Yojana was announced by the Hon'ble Chief SHGs
Minister in 2016-17 budget announcement to develop · Mission Gramya Shakti
a positive attitude towards the girl child in the society
and improve her health and education status in the · Dhan Laxmi Mahila Samridhi Kendra
State. This is a flagship scheme which expects to bring · Rajasthan State Women Resource Centre
Women Empowerment and gender equality in the (RSRCW)
State. Girl children belonging to the state of
st · Mission Poorna Shakti, Pali
Rajasthan, who are born on or after the 1 of June
2016, are eligible for financial assistance under the · Mission Poorna Shakti, Bundi
scheme. Under this scheme, a total grant of `50,000 · Sabla Yojana
is provided in 6 installments to the parents/guardians
of the eligible girl. 8,13,759 girls have been benefitted · Kishori Shakati Yojana
with the first installment and 1,57,788 girls have been · Chirali Yojana
benefitted with the second installment in a period
from 1st June, 2016 to December, 2017.
SMART VILLAGE Rural Development is the process of improving the
SCHEME quality of life and economic well-being of the people
3,275 villages are selected to living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated
develop as a smart village. rural areas. Almost all development activities
implemented during course of planned development
of the state benefit the rural areas and rural
MJSA population. Focus of the government on rural
In Phase-I covering 3,529 villages development is well reflected by the fact that a
with 95,192 water conservation works
have been completed. In Phase-II
separate Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
4,213 villages covering each block of Department is functioning in the State to implement
the state around 1,29,231 water various rural specific development programmes,
conservation works have been through Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
completed. Institutions at various levels.
SWATCH BHARAT The Rural Development Department is implementing
MISSION several schemes in the rural areas of the State. The
Out of total 9,891 Gram major schemes are: Livelihood Projects, Mahatma
Panchayats, 8,445, gram
panchayats have been declared Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee
ODF upto December, 2017, Six Scheme, Indira Awas Yojana, Saansad Adarsh Gram
districts namely Bikaner, Ajmer, Yojana (SAGY) and DRDA (Administration), being
Churu, Pali, Jhunjhunu and sponsored by Ministry of Rural Development.
Chittorgarh have already been Member of Parliament Local Area Development
declared ODF and 15 more
districts have also achieved Programme is sponsored by Ministry of Statistics and
100% IHHL status. Programme Implementation and Border Area
Development Programme is sponsored by Ministry of
MGNREGS Home Affairs respectively. Member of Legislative
1,818.19 lakh man-days Assembly Local Area Development Programme,
employment generated during Mewat Area Development Programme, Guru
the year 2017-18 (upto Golvalkar Janbhagidari Vikas Yojana (GGJVY),
December, 2017). Swa-vivek Zila Vikas Yojana, Dang Area
Development Programme, Magra Area Development
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna-
Programme are State Sponsored schemes, Mukhya
Gramin mantri Adarsh Gram Panchayat Yojna (MAGPY) has
1,31,076 new houses completed also been initiated by the Government of Rajasthan on
during 2017-18 (upto 04-02-2015. Pradhanmantri Awas Yojana-Gramin
December, 2017). (PMAY-G) was launched on 20-11-2016 and
"SMART VILLAGE" Scheme has also been
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
announced in 2017-18 by the State Government. The key activities undertaken in the projects being
These programmes / schemes basically aim to reduce implemented by RAJEEVIKA are as follows:
poverty, increase infrastructure facilities in rural · Institution Building
areas, increase the avenues of wage employment and
· Capacity Building
self-employment, and to remove the regional
imbalances in the field of development and rural · Financial Inclusion
housing. The following schemes/ programmes are · Livelihood Intervention
being implemented in the rural areas of the state by the
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department. · Convergence
Economic Review 2017-18
Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan 24,450 families have been benefited by 67 Goat
Project cluster and 3 Dairy cluster activities. 45,060 families
have been benefited from 299 Agriculture Clusters.
The Government of Rajasthan, with the support of the Against the provision of `33 crore for the year
International Fund for Agricultural Development 2017-18, `38.82 crore have been spent till December,
(IFAD) and Sir Ratan Tata Trust, is implementing the 2017.
Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan
(MPOWER) covering six blocks, one block each
from Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Barmer, Pali, Sirohi and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Jalore. Two new blocks Balesar (Jodhpur) and
Pindwara (Sirohi) have been selected for upscaling
Employment Guarantee Scheme
livelihood activities of MPOWER from the year (MGNREGS)
2016-17. The long-term goal of the project is to The programme aims to provide employment to rural
reduce poverty in the selected Blocks, which are people and thereby enhance inclusive growth and is
amongst the poorest in the Western Rajasthan. operational in the entire state. The objective of the
Under this project, about 84,000 BPL families of scheme is to enhance livelihood security in rural areas
1,055 villages of 215 Gram Panchayats are being by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage
directly benefited. 5,152 Self Help Groups (SHG's), employment in a financial year to every household
447 village organization and 16 cluster level whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled
Federations have been formed in which more than manual work. Salient features of the scheme are as
50,000 poor women are benefitted. Total savings in under:
SHG's are `44.46 crore, 4,954 SHG's accounts have · All local residents of the Gram Panchayat are
been opened and 4,647 SHG's have been linked to eligible for registration under the Scheme.
bank loans amounting `29.81 crore till December,
2017. 4,952 SHG's have been given revolving fund · Minimum one third beneficiaries shall be
of `7.42 crore and seed capital of `23.16 crore have women.
been provided to 2,692 SHG's. · Job Cards with photographs of all the adult
Under this project, 5,126 youths (2,126 men & 3,000 members of the household are issued free of
women) have also been trained and linked to cost within 15 days of registration.
employment, like-security guard, sewing machine · Dated receipt of application for employment is
operators, computer operators and tailoring etc. under provided.
skill development program. Different equipments are
distributed under the Drudgery Reduction Activities · Guarantee of providing employment within 15
to 49,329 female SHG's members. days of application.
· Un-employment allowance is paid by the State
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
Government, if employment is not provided within utilized for construction of houses for the SC/ST
15 days of application. people. Sanitary latrine and smokeless chulha
· Work is provided within 5 Km. radius of the are integral part of an IAY house. The Gram
village. Beyond 5 KM, 10 per cent extra wages Sabha makes selection of beneficiaries under
are payable. IAY.
· Wages are to be paid as per the task performed. · Selection of construction technology, materials
and design is left entirely to the choice of
· Drinking water, shade, first aid and creche beneficiaries. Middleman or contractors or
facilities are mandatory at worksite. departmental agency for construction of the
· Gram Sabha is the primary authority to identify house have no role in this respect.
the works and to prepare annual action plan. Since 2013-14, assistance for new construction has
· No contractors and labour placing machinery is been increased from `45,000 to `70,000 per house.
allowed. During the year 2017-18, 37,043 new houses have
been completed upto December, 2017.
· Social Audit by Gram Sabha.
· All wage payments through Banks/Post Offices
only. Pradhanmantri Awas Yojana – Gramin
· Gram Sabha is empowered for monitoring the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin (PMAY-G) has
progress and the quality of work. been launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri
Narendra Modi in Agra on 20th November, 2016.
· Effective Grievance Redressal mechanism. Selection of beneficiaries under the scheme will be
During 2017-18 upto December, 2017, `3,974.30 done on the basis of Socio Economic Caste Census-
crore have been spent and 1,818.19 lakh man-days 2011 (SECC-2011) data. The government would be
generated, by providing employment to 39.58 Lakh providing a financial assistance of Rs. `1,20,000 to
households. 0.34 Lakh households have completed the beneficiary. An additional amount of ` 12,000 will
100 days employment. also be provided to build toilet to each beneficiary
under the Swachch Bharat Mission. The beneficiaries
will also be provided daily wages upto 90 days
Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) (`16,290) through MGNREGA. The expenditure
sharing is kept in 60:40 ratio between the Central and
Housing is vital for human survival and therefore
the State Government. During the year 2017-18,
essential for socio-economic development. The need
1,31,076 new houses have been completed upto
for improved housing is most acutely felt among the
December, 2017.
rural poor. The primary objective of IAY is to provide
housing to members of scheduled castes/scheduled
tribes, freed bonded labourers and non-SC/ST rural
Members of Legislative Assembly Local Area
poor living Below Poverty Line by providing them
grant-in aid. Since the financial year 1999-2000, Development Scheme (MLALAD)
upgradation of the unserviceable kutchha houses The objectives of this scheme are to create local need
Credit cum Subsidy Scheme has also been included in based infrastructure development, to create assets of
this scheme. The features of the scheme are: public utility and to remove regional imbalances in
development. This scheme is being implemented in
· 3 per cent of funds are reserved for specially
rural as well as urban areas of the state. Every MLA is
abled persons living below the poverty-line in
rural areas and 15 per cent of funds are for authorized to recommend the works up to `2.25 crore
Minority. per year for his/her constituency. At least 20 per cent
of total allotment amount annually must be
· Assistance is sanctioned to the female member recommended for the development of SC/ST
of the households or in the joint names of personnels. Annually 25 per cent of total allotment or
husband and wife. 25 per cent of total works done under MukhyaMantri
· A minimum of 60 per cent of funds is to be Jal Swawlamban Yojana (MJSY) Scheme of their
Economic Review 2017-18
constituency (proposed/ accepted/ current) date of receipt of the proposals from the concerned
whichever is less, proposed to recommend under MP. During 2017-18, an allocation of `187.50 crore
MJSY scheme. has been earmarked. During 2017-18, `91.74 crore
Works related to drinking water, approach roads, have been spent and 1,808 works have been
drainage system in abadi area, sewerage work in completed upto December, 2017.
urban area, building works in Government
educational institutions, desalting of tanks,
development of traditional source of water, Mewat Area Development Programme
infrastructural development of tourist places, The Mev community is concentrated in 12 blocks of
drinking water facilities for livestock, Alwar and Bharatpur Districts. The Mev are still
hospitals/dispensary buildings for animal health, socially and economically backward. The area
medical equipment for government hospitals, inhabited by Mev's is known as Mewat area. In order
hospital/ dispensary buildings, bus stands, to develop this area, Government of Rajasthan
community centres, sports complex, electrification, sponsored programme known as Mewat Area
computers in educational institutions, court buildings Development Programme is being implemented,
etc. are covered under this scheme. During the year since 1987-88 for overall development of Mewat
2017-18, an allocation of `450 crore has been area. The main objective of this scheme is creation of
earmarked, against which, `317.19 crore have been necessary infrastructure facilities, generation of
spent and 7,694 works have been completed upto additional employment opportunities for people
December, 2017. residing in Mewat area, to encourage economic
development and to bring qualitative improvement in
the standard of living of the people of Mewat area.
Members of Parliament Local Area During 2017-18, an allocation of `40.09 crore has
Development Scheme (MPLAD) been earmarked. In the year 2017-18, `29.04 crore
have been spent and 481 works have been completed
There are 25 Lok Sabha and 10 Rajya Sabha Members
upto December, 2017.
of Rajasthan State. Under the scheme, every MP can
recommend the works in his/her constituency to
district collector up to `5 crore per year. Elected
Members of Rajya Sabha representing the entire state
Border Area Development Programme
may select works for implementation in any district of (BADP)
the state. MPs can also recommend works outside The Border Area Development Programme (BADP)
their constituencies/state for construction of assets was introduced during the 7 Five Year Plan as a
that are permissible in the guidelines, for Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS). The BADP is a
rehabilitation measures in the event of "Calamity of Central Government intervention strategy to bring
Severe nature" in any part of the country for an about a balanced development of border areas. The
amount not exceeding `1.0 crore, for each calamity. objective of the Programme is to infuse a sense of
The main objective of the programme is to create security among the people and building up of much
social and infrastructure facilities and assets of public needed social and physical infrastructure to propel
utility, which are important for development of the normal development activities. The programme is
area. The works under the scheme will be being implemented in 16 Blocks of 4 Border Districts,
developmental in nature based on locally felt needs. namely Barmer, Bikaner, Ganganagar and Jaisalmer.
The emphasis is on creation of durable assets, which Under BADP, majority of the funds are invested for
will always be available for public use at large. The security related activities. However, since the border
ownership of such assets created with MPLAD funds districts have poor social and economic
would rest with the Government. infrastructure, development activities are also
provided due importance. During the year 2017-18,
The site selected for execution of the work by the MP an allocation of `292.79 crore has been earmarked.
shall not be changed except with the concurrence of During the year 2017-18, `80.55 crore has been spent
the concerned MP. As far as possible, all sanctions for and 726 works have been completed upto December,
works should be accorded within 75 days from the 2017.
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
Guru Golvalkar Grameen Janbhagidari Vikas of above 5 districts. At present it is being implemented
Yojana (GGJVY) in 16 blocks in above districts. Activities of Watershed
Development, Minor Irrigation, Animal Husbandry,
Guru Golvalkar Grameen Jan Bhagidari Vikas Yojana Drinking Water, Education, Electrification, Health
has been initiated on 30.09.2014 in all the 33 districts and Road Construction are undertaken for
of the State. The objective of the scheme is to ensure development of the area. During the year 2017-18, an
public participation in rural areas for development, allocation of `40.01 crore has been earmarked,
employment generation, construction and against which, `23.18 crore have been spent and 689
maintenance of community assets. The scheme is works have been completed upto December, 2017.
funded by the State and is being implemented in the
rural areas of the State only. Under the scheme, 90 per
cent funds will be provided for construction of Swa-Vivek Zila Vikas
boundary-walls of "Shamshaan / Kabristan". For
construction of other community assets, 70 per cent In view of minimum requirements and prevailing
funds and in Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) areas 80 per cent conditions, this scheme was launched in 2005-06 to
funds will be provided by the State Government. execute works as per needs of the local community.
Remaining funds will be collected from the public in Activities of Watershed Development, Minor
the form of Cash and Demand Draft only. During Irrigation, Animal Husbandry, Drinking Water,
2017-18, an allocation of `129 crore has been Education, Electrification, Health and Road
earmarked. In the year 2017-18, `68.35 crore have Construction are undertaken for development of the
been spent and 724 works have been completed upto area. District Collectors are authorized to decide the
December, 2017. works to be taken up under the scheme in rural areas.
During the year 2017-18, an allocation of `3 crore has
been earmarked, During the year 2017-18, `2.36
Dang Area Development Programme crore have been spent and 69 works have been
completed upto December, 2017.
Ravenous and gorge affected area infested by dacoits
is known as the “Dang Area". These are backward
areas and need investments to augment infrastructure Bio-Fuel Authority
facilities to speed up the pace of development. For this
purpose, Dang Area Development Programme has In view of good prospects of production of Bio Fuel
been relaunched in 2004-05 by Government of on cultivable wasteland as well as on degraded forest
Rajasthan. The Programme covers 394 Gram land of Rajasthan through Jatropha and other such
Panchayats of 26 Panchayat Samities of 8 Districts tree borne oil seeds, the Bio fuel mission was formed
(Sawai Madhopur, Karauli, Dholpur, Baran, with the objective to develop Jatropha, Karanj & other
Jhalawar, Bharatpur, Kota and Bundi). During the oil seed's cultivation, research, processing, marketing
year 2017-18, an allocation of `40.02 crore has been & development of other basic infrastructure.
earmarked. During the year 2017-18, `26.02 crore Rajasthan is one of the fastest developing states in the
have been spent and 755 works have been completed country and is privileged to become the first state to
upto December, 2017. develop Bio-fuel Policy in the year 2007 and its
implementation in the field. 12 districts of Rajasthan
namely Baran, Banswara, Bhilwara, Bundi,
Magra Area Development Programme Chittorgarh, Dungarpur, Jhalawar, Kota, Rajsamand,
The central Southern part of Rajasthan surrounded by Sirohi, Udaipur & Pratapgarh are found suitable for
hills specially Ajmer, Bhilwara, Pali, Chittorgarh and plantation of Jatropha and 8 districts of Eastern
Rajsamand and not covered under Tribal Area Rajasthan namely Alwar, Bharatpur, Dausa, Dholpur,
Development (TAD) is locally known as “Magra”. Jaipur, Karauli, Sawaimadhopur & Tonk are found
The development resources in this area are poor, suitable for Karanj.
including land, water and animals and there is heavy Rajasthan Wasteland Development Board has been
seasonal migration. To improve social and economic reconstituted as Wasteland & Pasture Development
status of the residents, the “Magra Area Development Board on 22.12.2016 with the objectives to develop
Programme” was initiated since 2005-06 in 14 Blocks
Economic Review 2017-18
wasteland and pastures of the state. Two meetings of IOC has also started their blending unit at Ajmer.
the board have been organized and District wise & · Seed purchasing arrangement by State
Block wise wasteland & pasture development Government through RAJFED & RAJAS
committees have been constituted and initially 5-10 SANGH at Minimum Support Price (MSP)
hectare pasture land is being identified in each block
to develop as Model pasture. · The State Government amended the Rajasthan
Forest (produce transit) 1957 rules in favour of
Achievements of Bio-Fuel Authority tribals by which, now they can sale forest
· Allotment of 12,858 hectare waste land to produce (Jatropha) to traders without Transport
941 SHGs of BPL Families and 418 Gram Permit (TP).
Panchayats Achievements during 2017-18
· Apprx. 2.82 crore Jatropha / Karanj · Orientation & training of district / block level
Plantation in convergence with MGNERGA officers through KVKs / Agriculture
· Area of approx. 3,55,556 hectare have been Universities.
managed by Forest Department through · 8.87 lakh Ratanjot Plantation in 12 districts in
Plantation of Jatropha & Karanj through total convergence with MGNREGA
2,112 Joint Forest Management committee
(JFMC) of the department. · 1.25 Lakh Tree Borne oil seed plantation under
NMOOP scheme
· Plantation of Jatropha, Karanj, Mahua & Neem
have been targeted in 150 hectare under · For awareness, publicity & popularization of
National Mission on Oil Seeds & Oil Palm the scheme, Pamphlets, booklets & brochures
(NMOOP) in the state. prepared and distributed to beneficiaries and
participants during agriculture fairs held in state
· Plantation of local varities like Karanj, Mahua,
Jatropha, Jaitun, Khejri have been targeted in · Agriculture Expo 2016 at Muhana Mandi,
220 hectare area under Pilot Project in 14 Jaipur.
districts. · Agriculture Techno fest at MPUAT,
· Training & Capacity Building for Jatropha Udaipur.
Plantation by the Agriculture Universities of · Global Agritech meet GRAM 2016 at
Udaipur, Kota & Jodhpur in the 12 districts of Sitapura, Jaipur.
the state.
· Global Agritech meet GRAM 2017 at
· Awareness & training of beneficiaries is being MPUAT, Udaipur.
provided by the local NGOs of the districts
registered as PIAs with Zila Parishads. · For finalization of new draft Policy for Biofuel,
it is being developed by MoP&NG, National
· Technical manual, Brochure, Handouts on Workshop organized at IGPRS Jaipur in which
Jatropha cultivation have been prepared & representatives from Chhattisgarh, Karnataka
distributed to beneficiaries. and Uttar Pradesh Bio-fuel Boards, Bio-fuel
· Awareness of local people regarding Jatropha Association, Agri. Universities and other
plantation & seed collection through Puppet stakeholders participated
shows, Radio jingles, TV shows, News Paper · Biofuel Day celebrated on 10.08.2017 at MNIT
advertisement and posters etc. created. Jaipur to spread the awareness of Biofuel
· Biofuel Processing demonstrative Plant of one among youth.
MT per day capacity has been established by · Approx 50 hectare landallotted in Gogunda,
RSMML, Udaipur at Jhamar Kotra Mines Udaipur for establishing “Center of
premises in Udaipur. Excellence” for Development and R & D of
· Oil Companies (HPCL) has announced to Bio-fuel in the state with technical support of
establish Bio diesel blending centers at Salawas MPUAT, Udaipur.
in Jodhpur and Sanganer in Jaipur. Similarly
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
Impact of State's Policies and Innovative holistic approach towards development. It envisages
schemes integrated development of the selected village across
multiple areas such as agriculture, health, education,
· Development of wasteland of the state through sanitation, environment, livelihoods, etc. Far beyond
plantation of Jatropha, Karanj, Mahua etc. mere infrastructure development, MAGPY aims at
plantation of around 2.82 crore Jatropha has instilling certain values, such as people's
been done, which not only generated job for
participation, Antyodaya, gender equality, dignity of
man power, but also provided green cover of
women, social justice, spirit of community service,
vegetation to the wasteland.
cleanliness, eco-friendliness, maintaining ecological
· Employment Generation in rural areas balance, peace and harmony, mutual cooperation,
particularly in tribal areas through MGNREGS self-reliance, local self-government, transparency
and other schemes of Forest and Panchayati and accountability in public life, etc. in the villages
Raj. and among their people, so that they get transformed
· Additional income for farmers growing non into models for others. MAGPY lays focus on
edible oil seed plants along the fencing and in community participation, social mobilization of
their wasteland / fellow land through oil seeds. village community, which can trigger a chain of other
development activities in the village. For instance,
· Use of Biofuel blended diesel reduces the reducing risk behaviours like alcoholism, smoking,
pollution in the state. substance abuse (drugs/tobacco/gutka etc) among all
age groups of population. Strengthening of local
democracy through strong and transparent Gram
Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas and facilitating
The main objectives of SAGY are: good governance is also an important objective of
MAGPY. Personal development through sports,
· To trigger the processes, which lead to holistic regular physical exercise, balanced nutrition,
development of the identified Gram Panchayats personal hygiene is another unique aspect of the
· To substantially improve the standard of living Scheme.
and quality of life of all sections of the Implementation of 196 Adarsh Gram Panchayats in
population the first phase of the scheme is almost completed. In
· To generate models of local level development the second phase, 80 Adarsh Gram Panchayat have
and effective local governance, which can been selected by Honorable MLAs, upto December,
motivate and inspire neighboring Gram 2017,
Panchayats to learn and adapt
· To nurture the identified Adarsh Grams as Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission
schools of local development to train other
Gram Panchayats
The Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission
“SAGY aims at instilling certain values in the villages
and their people, so that they get transformed into (SPMRM) is an attempt to make our rural areas
models for others.” In the first phase of the scheme, socially, economically and physically sustainable
34 Gram Panchayats have been selected, in which regions. The mission strives to strengthen rural area
implementation is in progress. In the second phase, by providing economic, social and infrastructure
total 17 Gram Panchayats have been selected. In this amenities, thus leading to sustainable and balanced
scheme, works can be done by utilizing the provisions regional development in the country.
of different schemes of centre/state. The vision of SPMRM is to “develop a cluster of
villages that preserve and nurture the essence of rural
community life with focus on equity and
Mukhya Mantri Adarsh Gram Panchayat inclusiveness without compromising with the
Yojna (MAGPY) facilities perceived to be essentially urban in nature
The Scheme is unique and transformative, as it has a thus creating a cluster of Rurban Villages.”
Economic Review 2017-18
The National Rurban Mission (NRuM), aims to create of the Panchayati Raj, when Constitutional status was
300 such Rurban growth clusters over the next three provided to the Panchayati Raj Institutions as the third
years across the country. In the year 2015-16 selected stratum of governance, to fulfil the directive
100 clusters across the country included 5 clusters principles of state policy by endowing requisite
selected in the State. In this meanwhile, 15 clusters powers and authority to Village Panchayats to enable
were allotted to the State during next 3 years. In the them to function as units of self-government. Article
first Phase 2015-16 clusters selected in Jurhera- 243(G) of the Constitution of India deals with the
Bharatpur, Budsoo- Nagaur, Majhiwala-Barmer, crucial issue of powers, authority and responsibilities
Salawas-Jodhpur and Gogunda-Udaipur district in of Panchayats. In consonance with the constitutional
the State. In second Phase 2016-17 six clusters amendment, The Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act 1953
selected are Nauganva-Alwar, Palana-Bikaner, was amended in 1994 and Panchayati Raj Rules were
Raniwada Kalan-Jalore, Arnod-Pratapgarh, Garhi- introduced in 1996.
Banswara and Nariana-Jaipur district in the state. Panchayat Raj System has three tier structures:
· Gram Panchayat: Gram Panchayat, the first
Smart Village level elected body and the basic unit of
democracy, is the local government with
"SMART VILLAGE" scheme was announced by specific responsibilities. Gram Sabha is the
Honorable Chief Minister of Rajasthan in the Budget general body of the citizens of the entire village
2017-18. In this scheme, 3,275 Villages are selected as Gram Panchayat.
to develop as a SMART VILLAGE. Base line Survey
has been conducted and 36,679 works have been · Panchayat Samiti: Panchayat samiti a local
identified for development of villages, to develop the government body, is the link between the Gram
village with modern amenities like a city and its funds Panchayats and the Zila Parishads.
are being provided by various departmental schemes. · Zila Parishad: Zila Parishad is a local
Activities like Drainage system & pucca streets, government body at District level to provide
Community toilets, Public park/play grounds with essential services and facilities to the rural
open gym, Charagah land development and fodder population.
production, Solar or LED lights in streets, Regular Basic Functions of Panchayati Raj Department/
cleaning system (arrangement of sweepers, tractor Institutions are:
trolley or rickshaw to collect wastage), develop one
road as SwaRaj Marg, Category 'B' works under · To ensure the decentralization as per the spirit of
MNREGA (leveling of field, field talai, fruit plants, 73 constitutional amendment.
farm, pond, cattle shed), E-library & knowledge · Effective Implementation of Panchayats
centre, Wi-Fi facilities (Atal Seva Kendra/main place Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Rules.
of village), Senior secondary school, Primary/sub
health centre, Veterinary hospital, Milk production · All administrative/establishment matters
samiti, Clean drinking water facilities, Food grain including recruitments of PRI's Functionaries.
storage, House under PMAY-G to all beneficiaries, · Building up of the organizational capacity of
Bathroom near ponds/river are the main works to PRIs, the professional capacity of Elected
make a village – A Smart Village. Representatives with special focus on women
representatives and the functionaries, so that
they can perform their mandated roles
PANCHAYATI RAJ effectively.
Rajasthan was the pioneer state in introduction of the · Institutionalizing and using integrated
three tier system of Panchayati Raj in the country, decentralized participatory planning through
where Panchayati Raj system was inaugurated by the the Panchayati Raj Institutions and District
Planning Committees for convergence of
then Prime Minister of the country, Pandit Jawaharlal
nd plethora of schemes and pooling of diverse
Nehru, on 2 October, 1959 in Nagaur, Rajasthan. resources for better outcomes.
April 24, 1993 is a landmark day in the Indian history
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
· Strengthening of Gram Sabhas for effective An amount `1,177.46 crore has been transferred to all
social audit to ensure transparency and Gram Panchayats as 1 instalment in the financial
accountability of PRIs. year 2017-18, against total proposed amount of
· Monitoring and implementation of various `2,657.47 crore. Till December, 2017, an amount of
Schemes (FFC, SFC V, Untied Fund for PRIs) `1,676.37 crore has been spent against the release and
including State and Central flagship 55,653 works have been completed.
programmes [Swatch Bharat mission(Rural)] of
the Government that directly touch the lives of Fifth State Finance Commission
the poor in rural areas and promote inclusive
growth. · The period of Fifth State Finance Commission
is for five years (2015-2020). According to the
· Mitigating regional backwardness through
recommendations of the commission, 7.182 per
cent of total state's net own tax revenue has to be
· Access to sanitation and clean environmental released to rural & urban local bodies in the ratio
facilities to all in a time bound manner with the of 75.10: 24.90 on the basis of census 2011.
functional arrangement for solid and liquid
waste management. · As per interim report of 2016-17, instead of
5:15:80, fund distribution to PRIs will be in the
· To enable all households to have access to and ratio of 5:20:75.
use toilets and to ensure that all government
schools and anganwadis have functional toilets, · As per guidelines, in year 2017-18, II
urinals. installment will be released only to those PRIs
who have utilized more than 60 per cent of I
· Supporting the Panchayats to achieve instalment funds.
transparency and accountability in their
functioning through e-enablement. · As per recommendations, the utilization of the
Grants would be, 55 per cent for basic and
Various development programme including State & development functions, 40 per cent for
Central flagship programmes that directly touch the implementation of National & State priority
lives of the people in rural area and promote inclusive schemes and 5 per cent would be utilised as
growth are being implemented through Rural incentives for execution of various works or
Development and Panchayati Raj Department at state programmes.
level. Presently, 33 Zila Parishads, 295 Panchayat
Samities and 9,891 Gram Panchayats are in existence · First instalment of `1,316.19 crore has been
in the state. transferred to PRIs in the financial year
2017-18, against the total proposed amount of
`2,770.93 crore, out of which, an amount of
Grant to Panchayati Raj Institutions ` 2774.95 crore has been spent till December,
th 2017 including opening balance as on
Fourteenth Finance Commission (14 FC) 01.04.2017 and 60,357 works have been
The period of Fourteenth Finance Commission (FFC) completed.
is for five years from 2015-16 to 2019-20. The grant in
aid has to be released to Gram Panchayats under
Fourteenth Finance Commission. This Grant in aid is Swachh Bharat Mission (Rural)
for supporting and strengthening the basic service Hon'ble Prime Minister had announced
delivery of- drinking water supply, sanitation, nd
implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission on 2
sewerage, water drainage system, solid waste
October 2014, for a Swachh Bharat, by Mahatma
management, street lighting, rural roads, parks, th nd
playgrounds, burial and cremation grounds etc. The Gandhi's 150 birth anniversary on 2 October 2019.
Gram Panchayats are the executing Agency for the Beginning the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin)
use of grant in aid and Zila Parishads and Panchayat during the budget session of the year 2014, Hon'ble
Samities are responsible for monitoring and Chief Minister, Rajasthan announced to make
evaluation to ensure proper utilization of this Grant. Rajasthan, an Open Defecation Free State by March,
Economic Review 2017-18
· Provision of Swach Bharat Mission (SBM-G): Government of India had launched this scheme in
The Incentive amount provided to Below 2010-11. Under this scheme, awards are being
Poverty Line and identified Above Poverty Line provided every year to one best performing Zila
households shall be upto ` 12,000 for Parishad, two Panchayat Samities and five Gram
construction and usage of one unit of Individual Panchayats of the State. Government of Rajasthan has
Household Latrine (IHHL). Central Share of received award of `136.00 lakh for the financial year
this Incentive for IHHLs shall be `7,200/- (60 2016-17 and nominations for the year 2017-18 have
per cent) from Swachh Bharat Mission been sent to Government of India.
(Gramin). The State share will be `4,800/- (40
per cent).
· Incentive provided under SBM(G) Mission: Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP)
Incentive for construction and usage of
In compliance to the recommendations of Fourteenth
Individual Household Latrines (IHHL) shall be
Finance Commission (FFC), Government of India
available to all Below Poverty Line (BPL)
Households and Above Poverty Line (APL) has transferred cent percent grant directly in the
households restricted to SCs/STs, small and accounts of Gram Panchayats. The grant provided to
marginal farmers, landless labourers with the Gram Panchayat will be utilized for preparation of
homestead, physically handicapped and women the Gram Panchayat Development Plan by keeping in
headed households. view the essential basic requirements & felt local
needs of the community and excluded section for
During the year 2015-16 and 2016-17 Rajasthan has
holistic development of the Gram Panchayat.
ranked first in the country for construction of toilets.
Government of Rajasthan has developed state
ODF declared districts-Ajmer and Bikaner were
felicitated by an appreciation certificate at INDOSAN specific guidelines as “Aapni Yojana Aapno Vikas”
conference organized by Government of India at New based on the Central Model guideline of Ministry of
Delhi. Panchayati Raj, Government of India, New Delhi for
preparation of quality GPDP Plan and effective
Out of total 9,891 Gram Panchayats, 8,445, gram implementation of the same. The Gram Panchayat
panchayats have been declared ODF upto December, Development plans are prepared in participatory
2017, Six districts namely, Bikaner, Ajmer, Churu,
mode by taking proposals in Gram Sabha and its due
Pali, Jhunjhunu, and Chittorgarh have already been
approval from competent levels all across the
declared ODF and 15 more districts namely,
Hanumangarh, Ganganagar, Jaisalmer, Nagaur, districts. Approved GPDPs are uploaded on Plan Plus
Sikar, Sawai Madhopur, Dungarpur, Pratapgarh, Version-2 software.
Baran, Jaipur, Jhalawar, Rajsamand, Bundi, Sirohi
and Dholpur have also achieved 100% IHHL status.
Panchayat Sashaktikaran Abhiyan (PSA)
An expenditure of `1,184.42 crore has been incurred
upto December, 2017 during the year 2017-18, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India has
against the total available fund of `1,267.80 crore. As directly transferred `1,085 lakhs to Indira Gandhi
per approved AIP for 2017-18, GoI has released `300 Panchayati Raj & Gramin Vikas Sansthan
crore as I instalment against approved outlay of (IGPR&GVS), Jaipur intended for implementation of
`3,504 crore, as the centre share. An incentive amount the approved activities of Panchayat Sashaktikaran
of `1,157.07 crore for toilet construction in the state Abhiyan (PSA) 2017-18. Panchayati Raj
has been transferred through an online platform Department, Government of Rajasthan has issued
eFMS directly to the beneficiary bank account. Administrative & Financial Sanction and has
transferred funds to the executive institutions for
implementation of the approved activities of
Deendayal Upadhyay Panchayat Panchayat Sashaktikaran Abhiyan (PSA) 2017-18.
Shashaktikaran Puraskar (DDUPSP) Implementation of the approved activities of PSA
2017-18 is under process at IGPR&GVS.
In accordance with 73rd amendment of constitution,
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
Economic Review 2017-18
MJSA phase-I covering 3,529 villages with 95,192. available to landless, weaker section, Scheduled
water conservation works, have been completed. The Castes, Scheduled Tribes, nomads and rural
MJSA phase-II was launched on 9th December, 2016 families residing in the residential land.
in 4,213 villages covering each block of the State. · Ownership was granted to the families residing
Around 1,29,231 water conservation works have been in self occupied land of rural residential area.
completed. Plantation of 55 lakh plants was taken up
in phase-II. The prima-facie impact assessments · Free allotment of residential patta to the BPL
reveal that, there has been positive and cognizable and Gadiya Luhar families
impact on supply vis-à-vis demand side amidst · 30 per cent of free allotment lands were
project area. MJSA is proving to be a boon for rural distributed to widow and divorced women, in
Rajasthan. their names.
Sustainable Impact of MJSA Phase 1: Creation of · Follow up camps were organized after
additional storage avenues to accommodate 128 completion of regular Gram Panchayat Camps.
Mcum (4,516 Mcft) water coupled with extensive and
vigorous watershed development activities in an During Dindayal Upadhyay Patta Vitaran Abhiyaan,
extreme scientific manner help intercepting a total 8,50,216 residential pattas were distributed,
additional 11,170 Mcft monsoon water which out of which 7,63,014 Pattas were for regularization
resulted in: of old residential houses, 38,237 Pattas for
regularization of self occupied residential land before
1. Better availability of potable water during 2003, 11,738 Pattas of land on concessional rates and
summer. 35,221 free Pattas of land to BPL and Gadiya Luhar
2. Enhancement in ground water level. families, 1,052 Pattas against land sale and 954 land/
3. Revival of defunct hand pumps, tube wells & pattas to Government organizations have been
open wells. allotted.
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
services of persons as cook cum helper have been maintenance of food grains and to maintain proper
hired on monthly remuneration of `1,200. Services of nutritional values in MDM.
around 1.12 lakh cook cum helpers have been hired The State has started “UTSAV BHOJ” Yojana in mid-
for cooking and serving MDM. day Meal. Under the scheme any person can provide
Stringent checking and inspections are being full meal, Sweets, Raw Material and Equipment and
undertaken in all districts to ensure quality of the Utensils on their Personal and social Occasions, like
meals. MDM Steering and Monitoring Committees at Birth-Day, Birth Occasion, Marriage, Anniversary
State, District and Block levels have been formed and etc.
are functioning. Effective MIS system has been As per directions of Government of India, Automated
developed for better monitoring of the programme at Monitoring System by SMS Technique has been
the school, block, district and state levels. The State implemented, since August, 2016 for regular
has provided funds for LPG Connection in schools. supervision and review of the scheme. In this
All eligible schools are provided Gas connections. connection, the information of the number of
To train the cook cum helpers working under Mid Day benefitted students is being collected through SMS
Meal Scheme, nearly 1,100 Master Trainers have from schools on Toll Free no. i.e. 15544. Nutritive
been trained with the help of various institutions values were analyzed in MDM sample through NABL
(Akshaya Patra Foundation, Hotel Management Accredited Laboratories.
Research Institute & Health Management Research During the financial year 2017-18, an expenditure of
Institute).Training programme was also organized at `490.89 crore has been incurred against the budget
each block of the state to train the cook cum helpers provision of `709.27 crore upto December, 2017.
about hygiene, cleanliness, cooking techniques,
Other Programmes
being monitored under the Twenty Point Programme National Rural Drinking Water Programme
from the year 2015-16. Major achievements upto
A. Habitations covered (Partially covered and
December, 2017 are given below:
slipped back): Point No. 07A03:
· During the year 2016-17, 8,371 new and Under this programme, 1,241 habitations had
revived Self Help Groups (SHGs) were brought been covered during the year 2016-17 against
under NRLM fold against the annual target of the target of 839, which was 147.91 per cent of
6,672, which was 125.46 per cent of the target. the total target. During the year 2017-18 (upto
During the year 2017-18 (upto December, December, 2017), 1,616 habitations have been
2017), 12,088 new and revived SHGs were covered against the annual target of 923, which
brought under NRLM fold against the annual is 175.08 per cent of the target.
target of 11,760, which is 102.79 per cent of the
target. B. Coverage of water quality affected
Habitations: Point No. 07A04
· During the year 2016-17, 6,247 SHGs were
provided Revolving Fund (RF) against the During the year 2016-17, 1,283 habitations
annual target of 5,592, which was 111.71 per were covered against the target of 1,200, which
cent of the target. During the year 2017-18 (upto was 106.92 per cent of the target. During the
December, 2017), 6,958 SHGs were provided year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017), 1,353
Revolving Fund against the annual target of habitations have been covered against the
9,650 which is 72.10 per cent of the target. annual target of 1,320, which is 102.50 per cent
of the target.
· During the year 2016-17, 4,340 SHGs were
provided Community Investment Fund (CIF)
against the annual target of 3,200, which was Institutional Delivery: Point No. 08E01
135.63 per cent of the target. During the year Under this programme, during the year 2016-17,
2017-18 (upto December, 2017), 4,631 SHGs 13,57,284 institutional deliveries were performed.
were provided Community Investment Fund During the year 2017-18, 10,54,253 institutional
against the annual target of 7,270, which is deliveries have been performed upto December,
63.70 per cent of the target. 2017.
Rural Houses: - Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna SC families assisted under Special Central
(PMAY): Point No. 6A01 Assistance (SCA) to Scheduled Castes Sub
During the year 2016-17, 2,26,049 houses were Plan (SCSP) component and concessional loan
constructed against the annual target of 2,50,258, of NSFDC: Point No 10A01 (I)
which was 90.33 per cent of the target. During the Under this programme, during the year 2016-17,
year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017), 1,68,119 26,284 SC families had been assisted against the
houses have been constructed against the annual annual target of 11,264 which was 233.35 per cent of
target of 2,23,629, which is 75.18 per cent of the the target. During the year 2017-18, (upto December,
target. 2017), 10,163 SC families have been assisted against
the annual target of 12,390, which is 82.03 per cent of
the target.
EWS/ LIG Houses in Urban Areas: Point No.
During the year 2016-17, 13,423 houses were No. of SC students benefitted under post
constructed against the target of 10,486, which was matric scholarship: Point No. 10A02 (II)
128.01 per cent of the total target. During the year Under this scheme, during the year 2016-17, 2,35,926
2017-18 (upto December, 2017), 1089 houses have students were benefitted. During the year 2017-18
been constructed against the annual target of 11,535, (upto December, 2017), 1,17,734 students have been
which is 9.44 per cent of the target. benefitted.
Economic Review 2017-18
Universalization of Integrated Child was 119.51 per cent of the target. During the year
Development Services (ICDS): Point No. 2017-18 (upto December, 2017), 285.394 lakh
12A01 seedlings have been planted against the target of
273.00 lakh, which is 104.54 per cent of the target.
Under this programme, during the year 2016-17, 304
ICDS blocks were functional against the target of 304,
which is 100 per cent of the target. During the year Rural Roads-PMGSY: Point No. 17A01
2017-18 (upto December, 2017), also 304 ICDS
blocks are functioning against the annual target of Under Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana
304, which is 100 per cent of the target. (PMGSY), during the year 2016-17, 3,080.25 Km.
rural roads were constructed against the target of
3,000 Km., which was 102.68 per cent of the target.
Anganwaries centers Functional: Point No. During the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017),
12B01 2,116.970 km. roads have been constructed against
the target of 3,800 km., which is 55.71 per cent of the
Under this programme, during the year 2016-17, target.
60,733 Anganwaries were functional against the
target of 62,010, which was 97.94 per cent of the
target. During the year 2017-18 (upto December, Village Electrified Deen Dayal Upadhyay
2017), 61,035, Anganwaries are functional against Gramin Jyoti Yojna (DDUGJY): Point No.
the target of 62,010 which is 98.43 per cent of the 18B01
Under this programme, during the year 2016-17, 261
villages were electrified against the target of 246
Assistance to Urban Poor Families: Point No. villages which was 106.10 per cent of the target.
14A01 During the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017), all
the targeted villages have been electrified.
Under the seven point charter-allotment of land patta,
affordable house, water, sanitation, health, education
and social security, during the year 2016-17 Energizing Pump Sets: Point No. 18D01
assistance was provided to 9,065 families. During the
year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017), assistance was Under this programme, during the year 2016-17,
provided to 12,006 families. 29,536 wells were energized against the target of
30,000, which was 98.45 per cent of the target. During
the year 2017-18 (upto December, 2017), 41,674
Area Covered under Plantation (public & wells have been energized against the target of
Forest land): Points No. 15A01 33,000, which is 126.28 per cent of the target.
Area Covered under plantation on Public and forest
land, during the year 2016-17, 66,815 hectare area INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND
was covered under plantations against the target of
57,103 hectare, which was 117.01 per cent of the
target. During the year 2017-18 (upto December, Policy Initiatives
2017), 42,633 hectares area is covered under
plantation against the target of 42,000 hectare, which 2nd Annual IT Day was celebrated on 21st March, 2017
is 101.51 per cent of the target. at B.M. Birla Auditorium, Jaipur along with
1st Hackathon.
DigiFest Kota: DigiFest, Kota along with
Seedling Planted (Public & Forest Land): 2nd Hackathon was held on 18th August, 2017. During
Point No. 15A02 DigiFest Kota, 3 new platforms were launched:
Under this programme, during the year 2016-17, · iStart : A one-stop solution for Startups,
443.568 lakh seedlings were planted on public and Incubators, and VCs (venture capitalists) for
forest land against the target of 371.17 lakh, which ease of doing business and assessing all benefits
Other Programmes
& offers by the Government of Rajasthan. · Rajasthan Sampark Centers with video
· Challenge for Change providing opportunities conferencing equipment and facility have been
for startups and organizations to directly join established under Atal Sewa Kendras at all the
hands with the Government and to work by blocks across the state.
getting direct orders on niche verticals of public · Geographical Information System (GIS): A
related challenges. common GIS platform has been set up for
· Rajasthan Stack providing access to Education, Medical & Health Department,
government services, solutions and platforms ICDS, PHED, Ayush, Cooperative, RVPNL,
for startups and organizations to use, removing DISCOM, GWD, Police, RVCD, e-Mitra,
the barrier of large investments in technologies Higher & Technical Education, Town Planning,
and reinventing the wheel. PWD, TAD, Forest, Water Resources, etc.
Development and implementation of Jaipur 3D
In addition, Hon'ble CM also declared `500 crore City is under process. GIS interface for Mines
startup fund for promotion of startups. Department is under development.
DigiFest Udaipur - DigiFest Udaipur along with 3 · e-Mitra Kiosks: Presently more than 350
Hackathon was held on 2-3 December, 2017 at services of government / private departments
Udaipur. During the fest Hon'ble Chief Minister are being provided electronically through more
inaugurated projects as follows: than 48,000 e-Mitra Kiosks to the citizens of the
· E-Mitra Plus: Single point delivery through State. Simultaneously, deposition of utility bills
self-service kiosk. through mobile application has also been
started. There are approximately 40 lakh
· Rajmail: A free citizen e-mail service, which transactions per month at e-Mitra Portal Kiosk
allows the users to create their e-mail address in and per month approximately `400 crore is
regional languages including Hindi. Rajasthan being collected as revenue.
is the only state to provide this facility and 1
Hindi e-mail was created for Hon'ble Chief · Digitally Signed Certificates: The facility to
Minister. make available legally valid digitally signed
certificates has been launched. The certificates
· Incubation Centre: 'iNest' incubation centre at can be applied for and obtained through Internet
Jaipur, provides a coworking place to the from home/single window/kiosk. Every month,
developed as well as the upcoming startups, to approximately 1.5 lakh Digitally Signed
several venture capitalist. Certificates like caste, income, solvency are
being issued through this facility. The
· Raj Wi-Fi: free Wi-Fi facility to the residents of
application is being enhanced to issue digitally
signed other certificates, licenses etc.
· Wi-Fi facility within SecLAN: Wi-Fi facility
Important Schemes / Programmes of the has been made available in Secretariat, all block
Department level IT Offices, all District Collectorates,
Amer, Jawahar Kala Kendra, 7 Divisional
· Rajasthan Sampark Portal is being used as Headquarters, Video Wall and Government
centralized grievance redressal platform. Add- Buildings of Jaipur.
on modules like - mobile app, reality check
module, GIS integration and applications like · UID (Aadhar): Under Government of India's
advance data analytics have been developed project, a 12 digit number is being provided to
and implemented for enhanced user experience. all the citizens which will be treated as Unique
Reality check module with Automatic Speech Identity Number. This number will be used to
Recognition (ASR) functionality has been easily avail all the services provided by the
integrated with Rajasthan Sampark Portal. A Government. Department of Information
new toll free number (181) for the CM Technology & Communication, Government of
Helpline has been activated. Rajasthan has been appointed as the registrar for
Economic Review 2017-18
the project. 6.70 crore registrations have been done · Reimbursement for Indira Gandhi Open
upto December, 2017. National University's courses: With a view to
encourage IT skill development in Government
· State Portal: It is a single source of sector, Government of Rajasthan has decided to
information/transactional governmental reimburse the fees, as per the guidelines issued
services for citizens, government users, by the State Government, to government
businesses and overseas people. It links up with personnel who has successfully completed
all departmental web portals. MCA, BCA and Certificate courses in IT.
· Integrated Government Portals: Integrated · Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited
Web Portal has been developed with the (RKCL): RKCL has been set up in the State
standardization of websites/portals/web with an aim to provide IT education in remote
applications ensuring availability, accessibility rural areas of the State and thus bridging the
and responsiveness. All portals compliant on all digital divide and providing a solution to the last
devices and mobile applications. All district mile connectivity issue. RKCL's 'RS-CIT' has
websites revamped along with Integrated been approved by Government of Rajasthan
Industries, RIC (Rajasthan Information and after due approval of the Government,
Commission), Women Commission, SFC orders for reimbursement of fees to government
(State Finance Commission), Minority, employees have also been issued.
Environment, Urban, Energy, Transport, Roads,
Education, Law, Land Revenue, Water and
Forest Portal. Innovative Projects
· e-Sanchar & i-Fact: e-Sanchar is an · Geographical Information System (GIS): A
application that can be linked with any common GIS platform has been set up for
departmental application for sending event Education, Medical & Health Department,
based notifications to applicants/beneficiaries ICDS, PHED, Ayush, Cooperative, RVPNL,
as well as officials through S.M.S/Voice DISCOM, GWD, Police, RVCD, e-mitra,
Message/Structure queries. i-Fact is being used Higher & Technical Education, Town Planning,
through Rajasthan Sampark for Reality Check. PWD, TAD, Forest, Water Resources
· State Master Centralised Data Hub: - It is a department etc. Development and
master data hub to provide all types of master implementation of Jaipur 3D City is under
data required by client applications of various process. GIS interface for Mines Department is
departments. It contains varied data ranging under development.
from geographical hierarchies to various kind · Rajasthan Sampark Portal is being used as
of master data being used in departmental centralized grievance redressal platform. Add-
applications. on modules like mobile app, reality check
· Raj-Kaj: Under this project, facilities like module, GIS integration and applications like
leave sanction, APAR (Annual Performance advance data analytics have been developed
Appraisal Report), inventory and meeting and implemented for enhanced user experience.
management have been implemented in 7 major Reality check module with Automatic Speech
departments of the State Government. Recognition (ASR) functionality has been
integrated with Rajasthan Sampark Portal. A
new Toll Free Number (181) for the CM
Human Resource Development Helpline has been activated.
· To ensure the success of IT enablement of · Single Sign On (SSO): All the departmental
government departments, IT trained manpower applications would use single user manager.
is required. To achieve this goal, DoIT&C has This will enable all the functionaries to access
trained approximately 45,513 government multiple applications after signing only once.
officers/officials till date. All departmental applications can link to SSO.
Other Programmes
· Raj NET: Under this project, integrated Various departmental dash boards have been
network solution for connectivity upto Gram developed and installed. Fraud detection
Panchayats through Rajasthan State Wide Area framework has been developed for Commercial
Network (RajSWAN), Secretariat Local Area Tax Department. First version of the
Network (SecLAN), Very Small Aperture departmental dashboards has been rolled out for
Terminal (VSAT), Captive Optic Fiber Cable Transport, Excise, Mining and Registration &
(OFC), RF and terrestrial connectivity. Under Stamps departments. Big Data hardware cluster
this project, room based video conference has been installed in Rajasthan State Data
facility at District Collectorate and Block Level Center (RSDC). USE cases have been
offices and software based VC at low implemented. The project has been declared
bandwidth upto Gram Panchayats are being Go-Live. New USE cases are being developed.
provided. IP phone were also distributed to all · Command Control Center: Integrated control
Gram Panchayats. rooms at 7 Divisional Headquarters are to be
· Raj e-Vault: It is an individual, family, setup for integrated solution on G.P.S. and
governmental and organizational secure e- CCTV based security. In compliance of this,
Space to residents and organizations, enabling 'Abhay' Command Control Centers at Jaipur,
them to store documents along with Meta Data Kota, Ajmer and Udaipur have been
for validations. Raj e-Vault integrated with inaugurated by Hon'ble Chief Minister.
Pehchan, Bhamashah and e-Mitra. Integration
with other department's application is in
process. TOURISM
· Raj e-Sign: It provides secure and authorized Rajasthan State is one of the most attractive tourist
electronic signature, hassle free digital signing destination in India and has a prominent place on the
for electronic self-attestation and e-Verification world tourist map. It has varied tourist attractions for
with option of bulk signing of documents. Raj e- both domestic & international tourists. Some of the
Sign integrated with Pehchan, Bhamashah and Unique Selling Proposition (USPs) of Rajasthan are
e-Mitra. Integration with departments Luxury trains - Palace on Wheels & Heritage on
application is in process. e-Sign activity Wheels (Rajasthan Royal on Wheels), forts, palaces
initiated for obtaining CCA authorization from & havelies, fairs & festivals, handicrafts, heritage
Government of India. hotels, adventure tourism, rural and eco-tourism,
religious tourism and temple architecture, folk music
· Mobile Application Development Center: and classical music & dance etc., which attract
This platform has been established for tourists to the state and generates direct & indirect
Operating System (OS), independent mobile employment and revenue for the State.
application development, deployment and
management. Application such as app status, Significant efforts are being made to develop tourism
Bhamashah, Case Darpan for Raj Police, DoP, in the State, since it has vast potential to generate
Drishti (Pollution Dept.), e-Mitra, e-Mitra employment and income for the people of the
Micro ATM, e-PDS, Jaipur Metro, LITES, Rajasthan. During the year 2017 the number of
MJSA, RajArtisan, RCMS, Raj e-Sign, Raj e- tourists visited in Rajasthan was 475.27 lakh (459.17
Vault, RajMandi, RajNet, RajSampark, lakh domestic and 16.10 lakh foreign).
RajVayu, Rajweaver, Resurgent Rajasthan,
SIPF, Some Facts, Vasundhara Raje App,
Mobile Games have been developed and made
Important Achievements
functional. · To incentivize film tourism in the State,
· Data Analytics & Big Data Cluster: Department of Tourism has issued amendment
Departments can store unstructured data in the Rajasthan Film Shooting Regulation on
(sound, images, videos etc.) in Big Data Cluster 22 June, 2016. After amendment, 36
at DoIT&C and plug in their data sets for permissions have been issued upto December,
analysis and related graphical presentation. 2017.
Economic Review 2017-18
· Department of Tourism has issued Guidelines · As a part of aggressive marketing policy of the
on 2nd June, 2016, for granting heritage State Government, from January, 2016, wide
certificate to heritage properties in the State. 34 publicity through media campaign is being
certificates have been issued till December, done in national and international market using
2017. attractive advertisements and promotional
· Department of Tourism has approved 114 films. In the year 2017-18 a provision of `88.08
tourism unit projects in the State during the year crore has been made for tourist information and
2017-2018 till December, 2017 involving publicity head.
proposed investment of ` 937 crore. · Department took part in prestigious domestic
· India Tourism Development Corporation has travel marts and conventions such as Travel and
Tourism Fair (TTF), India International Travel
transferred its 2 properties viz. Hotel Bharatpur
Marts (IITM), India International Travel and
Ashok, Bharatpur and Hotel Jaipur Ashok,
Tourism (IITT), South Asia Travel and Tourism
Jaipur to the State Government. Hotel
Exchange (SATTE), Indian Association of Tour
Bharatpur Ashok is being operated and
Operators Convention (IATO) etc. held in
managed by Rajasthan Tourism Development
th various cities and received a number of awards.
Corporation, since 30 April, 2017 in the name
of Forest Lodge whereas Hotel Jaipur Ashok is · An MoU has been executed on 6 October, 2016
being operated and managed by Rajasthan State between Department of Tourism and Chief
Hotel Corporation in the name of Hotel Jaipur Executive Officer, Singapore. According to
after taking its possession on 9th December, MoU, 3 workshops have been organized.
· Projects of `93.90 crore for the Spiritual Circuit Awards given to the Rajasthan Tourism in
and project of `99.60 crore for the Heritage 2017
Circuit has been sanctioned under the Swadesh
Darshan Scheme. Ministry of Tourism, · ''Best Decoration Pavilion'' award for Tourism
Government of India has sanctioned of `500.00 Travel Fair-2017 (TTF-2017) organized at
lakh as first installment for upgradation of Kolkata on 9th July, 2017.
“Food Craft Institute, Dholpur” into State · ''Best Decoration Pavilion'' award for Tourism
Institute of Hotel Management. Travel Fair-2017 (TTF-2017) organized at
· For facilitating tourists, 33 new destinations Hyderabad on 15 July, 2017.
with proper content and images have been · ‘'Best Decorative Stall and Film Tourism
added on the Rajasthan Tourism's Website. Also Destination of the year'' award for India
4 new micro-sites on Teej Festival, Pushkar International Trade Mart (IITM-2017)
Fair, Tour of Aravallis and Literatures have also organized at Chennai on 17th July, 2017.
been added.
· ''Best Destination Promotion and Heritage
· The Great Indian travel Bazar was organized Destination of the year'' award for India
with FICCI from 23-25 April, 2017 at Jaipur. International Trade Mart (IITM-2017)
· As a part of New Initiatives, World Music organized at Bengaluru on 23rd July, 2017.
Festival-Udaipur, Bhakti Utsav-Pushkar, · ''Best Fair and Festival of State'' award for
Travel Photo-Jaipur and Rajasthan Heritage International Tourism Conclave and Travel
Week were organized through outsource. Award (ITCTA-2017) organized at New Delhi
· For promotion of art & culture of the state, on 29th July, 2017.
performances of the folk artists were organized
· ''Best Decorated Stall'' award for Travel and
at Brazil and Russia with the support of Indian
Tourism Fair-2017 (TTF-2017) organized at
High Commission.
Ahmedabad on 3rd September, 2017.
Other Programmes
· ''Best Decorated Stall'' award for Travel and Table. 10.2 physical Progress of department since
Tourism Fair-2017 (TTF-2017) organized at 2013-14 to 2017-18
Mumbai on 17 September, 2017. Name of Scheme
· The following National Tourism Awards are Development of Fair and Festival
given to the Department in New Delhi by His Tourist sites (No.) (No.)
Excellency, the President, on 27 September, 2013-2014 32 48
2014-2015 7 50
1. Best State :- Comprehensive Development of
Tourism – Second Prize 2015-2016 12 65
2016-2017 12 57
2. Best Tourism Film: - Promotional Films on
Rajasthan. 2017-2018 24 40
· In the month of November, 2017, the state (upto Dec., 2017)
received following three prestigious awards
1. "Outstanding Marketing Innovation" award by
World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) The Department of Archaeology and Museums in
India Rajasthan, has been making concerted efforts to
discover, preserve, protect, exhibit and interpret the
2. Travel Plus Leisure India Award Category "Best cultural legacy embodied in various forms of art and
Wedding Destination in India.” architecture.
3. Condensate Readers Travel Award-2017
· During the year 2017-18 (upto December,
category "Favourite Leisure destination in
2017) an expenditure of `952.56 lakh, has been
India” to Udaipur.
incurred on conservation and development
· Department has won ''Best Over All works at 47 places.
Presentation Award National" for India
· For the facility of tourists, Foreign exchange
International Trade Mart (IITM) organized at
th counters have been established at Amer and
Pune on 26 November, 2017. Jantar-Mantar.
· Department has won ''Destination Marketing · For tourists two wheeled electric vehicles
Campaign of The Year National" award for (Sagway) have been started at Amer palace and
India International Trade Mart (IITM) Nahargarh fort.
organized at Hyderabad on 3 December, 2017.
· Night tourism has been started at Vidhyadhar Ji
Financial and Physical progress of the department is Ka Bag at Ghat Ki Ghuni, Jaipur.
given in following tables 10.1 and 10.2 respectively.
· Sculpture Park at Nahargarh fort has been
Table. 10.1 Financial Progress of department
opened for the tourists.
since 2013-14 to 2017-18
· Development works at Government Museum
Bharatpur, Chittorgarh, Kota, Jodhpur and
Year Expenditure (`in lakh)
Jhalawar are in progress.
2013-2014 5,838.63
· After renovation and conservation,
2014-2015 4,332.32 Government Museums at Sikar, Pali, Jaisalmer,
2015-2016 12,889.56 Bikaner and Ajmer are opened for the tourists.
2016-2017 11,395.93
2017-2018 7,590.38 RAJASTHAN FOUNDATION
(upto Dec., 2017) th
Rajasthan Foundation was established on 30 March,
2001 with the objective of facilitating continuous
Economic Review 2017-18
communication and interaction to motivate the Visit to Pune, Chennai, Bengaluru and Mumbai to
Diaspora for increasing their participation in the interact with NRRs in view of furtherance of the
development activities of the state, with the Hon'ble objectives of Rajasthan Foundation and to
Chief Minister of Rajasthan as its Chairman, while form/reconstitute the executive committees of these
Chief Secretary as Chairperson of its Executive chapters.
Committee. Promotion and propagation of various Government
Rajasthan Foundation undertakes the promotional initiatives/schemes being initiated by the Education
activities in order to achieve its objectives of and other departments.
motivating the Non Resident Rajasthanies (NRRs) to To make the relationship strong with NRRs and NRIs
contribute towards the socio-economic development in India as well as abroad with the Government of
of their Motherland. Rajasthan, continuous interaction with them was
Rajasthan Foundation is having a close and done.
continuous interaction with NRRs in various cities of Rajasthan Foundation coordinated with many NRRs
India and abroad. To ensure this, the Rajasthan who intend to do some philanthropically/charitable
Foundation has opened chapters in twelve cities, works in their own fields.
namely, Chennai, Coimbatore, Kolkata, Surat,
Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Rajasthan Foundation also acted as facilitator for
Indore, London, New York and Kathmandu, mainly to solving the problems of the NRRs seeking its
initiate activities in social sector, to conduct meetings assistance for any issue.
regularly with the Executive Committee of the Regular updation/augmentation of database of NRRs.
chapters, and to enroll new members.
Rajasthan Foundation is also aggressively marketing
Rajasthan as a destination for investment in the social PLANNING (MANPOWER)
sector through interactions with eminent Rajasthani DEPARTMENT
Diaspora in various cities, where NRRs are living in a The main objective of the department is to have a
large number, through coordinating various events, in system of registration of Unemployed Technical
collaboration of other departments/agencies of persons, who are bonafide residents of Rajasthan.
Rajasthan Government. During the financial year 2017-18, 55 unemployed
Participated in Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas-2017 at degree engineers and diploma holders have been
Bengaluru during 7-9th January, 2017, wherein a good registered upto December, 2017. Presently, 4,626
interaction took place with the eminent NRRI degree Engineers, 5,094 diploma holders and 36 non-
delegates. The developments that took place in the technical persons have been registered in the
State in the last couple of years were also showcased department.
during the interaction. During the Year 2017-18, budget provision of
Rajasthan Foundation is publishing a bilingual `201.70 lakh has been approved for the department,
quarterly Newsletter, which is widely circulated out of which an expenditure of `141.75 lakh has been
within and outside the country. In this series incurred upto December, 2017.
Rajasthan Foundation Newsletter July, 2017 and
December, 2017 (two issues) covering the
contribution of the eminent NRRIs towards the State SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
and various developmental leaps taken by the State
were published. The Department of Science and Technology (DST)
was established in the Year 1983 to develop scientific
Coordinated with the IDF-OI (India Development temper in the society and to uplift the socio-economic
Foundation of Overseas Indians), a Trust set up by the status of the masses especially in the rural areas and
Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in identifying the the weaker sections of the society with the input of
projects of the State, which can be offered to the science and technologies.
overseas Indians for funding/philanthropy through
IDF-OI The department caters the need of science and
technological requirements of the state and advises
Other Programmes
the Government on policies and measures necessary of Startup Boot Club in 71 Govt. Model Schools has
to promote utilization of science and technology for been initiated. For promoting entrepreneurship and
enhancing socio-economic status of the state. Various generation of employment, Technology Business
programmes and activities of the department are Incubator (TBI's) in Rural and Biotech sector will be
executed through well-established regional offices established in technical, higher education institutions
located at Ajmer (Headquarter Jaipur), Bikaner, Kota, and other technological parks.
Jodhpur and Udaipur. In addition, Remote Sensing Bio Technology Division: To create an eminent
activities are being undertaken by State Remote position of Rajasthan in the field of Biotechnology,
Sensing Application Centre (SRSAC), Jodhpur. the Government of Rajasthan had announced the
Rajasthan Biotech Policy in the year 2015.
Department of Science and Technology has taken
Major Programmes/ Schemes stride by creating awareness in the different related
State Remote Sensing Application Centre biotech fields through various workshops, seminars
(SRSAC), Jodhpur: The centre has been working on and awareness programs, promotion & execution of
generating information consisting of Temporal and the major and minor projects. The vision of DST in
Spatial data to create information system on Natural field of biotechnology is to create BT (Biotech) based
Resources of the state. It also conducts short term & economy, assure benefits of biotechnology to all
long term experimental and operational Remote sections of the society and to promote
Sensing studies to identify map, exploit & manage entrepreneurship & help in creating BT industries in
various Natural Resources such as soil, water, forest, the state. Centre for Integrative Genomics, Biotech
agriculture, minerals etc. innovation & Business Incubation Centre and
Biotech Skill Development programs at RISU
Research & Development Division: To promote
(Rajasthan Institute of Leadership Development
application-oriented research in the field of Science
(ILD), Skill University), Jaipur are a few initiatives to
and Technology, assistance is provided to academic
be implemented in coming years.
institutions, professional bodies, scientists and NGOs
under different activities of the division. The major Science Communications & Popularization
schemes are: Assistance to Research and Division: The major schemes of this division for
Development projects and workshops/seminars/ popularization of science are, Programmes and
conferences and travel group Student Projects. Activities of Popularization of science, Contest
Programme, Science Club, National Science Day,
Science & Society Division: The broad objective of
Children Science Congress, School Science Centre,
the programmes related to Science & Society
Science centres and Science Park in Rajasthan. For
Division is to provide technology-based intervention
popularization of Science and Technology in the
for overall development of the state through optimal State, the department is thriving to establish Science
utilization of the resources. Efforts are being made to Centres and Science Parks in Rajasthan.
cover a few priority areas in which science &
technology could be utilized for the achievement of Patent Information Centre: Patent Information
socio-economic objectives. The major schemes of Centre (PIC) has been established in 1998 as a joint
this division are pilot/special projects on appropriate project of Technology Information, Forecasting &
technology, Science and Technology Resource Assessment Council (TIFAC), Department of
Centre, Science & Technology for Women, Science and Technology, Government of India and
Technology Day Celebration, Technology Government of Rajasthan to create awareness on
Demonstration and Training Center. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and to facilitate
filing of patents from the region. Patent Information
Entrepreneurship Development Division: The Cell (PIC) with support from Cell for IPR promotion
major schemes of this division are Entrepreneurship and Management (CIPAM) under Department of
Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Industrial Promotion and Policy (DIPP) Government
Programme and Skill Development Programmes. of India is providing expertise to Academic
Efforts are also in progress for Supporting Institutions/R&D organizations / Scientific
Entrepreneurship Activities at school level. For organizations.
encouraging Science, Technology, Engineering,
Mathematics (STEM) at School Level, establishment
Economic Review 2017-18
Programmes Executed During Year 2017-18 organizes educational and awareness programmes
from time to time. World Earth Day (22 April),
· Providing financial assistance to research and World Environment Protection Day (5th June)
development workshops with a motto to and World Ozone Layer Conservation Day (16th
provide encouragement to research and September) are celebrated through District
development activities. Environment Committees by organizing rallies,
· To promote IPR awareness, sensitization in the quiz and essay competitions etc.
state, five patent facility centers have been · Communication and Extension (Publicity):
established at regional offices (Udaipur, Different activities of the Department,
Bikaner, Jodhpur, Kota & Ajmer) by the decisions of the State Government, various
department. IPR Cell has been strengthened. ongoing schemes, facts related to Environment
· Establishment of Sub-regional Science Centre, and messages on the occasions of World Earth
Udaipur with a total cost of `5.00 crore is under Day, World Environment Protection Day and
progress. World Ozone Layer Conservation Day are
being communicated through electronic & print
· Coaching for Engineering and Medical media for information and awareness of general
entrance exams through SATCOM is being public.
provided to talented students of low income
category families of rural areas of the state. · National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP):
Extension of SATCOM network is being done Under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of
in all Government Higher Secondary Schools National Lake Conservation Programme
th (NLCP), five lakes of the State viz. Fateh Sagar,
(Science faculty) of the state. Students of 11
Pichhola, Ana Sagar, Pushkar and Nakki have
class have also been included in above teaching
been taken up. Sharing pattern between the
Central Government and the State Government
· Upgradation of Regional Science Centre, Jaipur is 60:40 w.e.f. 1st April 2016. State share is made
to Regional Science City with a cost of `270.00 available through the Budget head of
lakh is under progress. Environment Department. Implementing
agency is Local Self Government (LSG)
· During the year 2017-18, an expenditure of Department.
`638.72 lakh has been incurred upto December,
2017. · Rajasthan State Biodiversity Board:
Rajasthan State Biodiversity Board has been
constituted under the provision of Biological
ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT Diversity act, 2002 notified by Government of
India. Government of Rajasthan notified the
The Environment Department was established in the Rajasthan Biological Diversity Rules, 2010
year 1983 to function as a Nodal Department in the under section 63(1) of Biological Diversity Act,
matters of Environment and Ecology, to deal with 2002.
matters related to Rajasthan State Pollution Control
Board (RSPCB), to solve and control all matters · Compliance of various Acts and Rules:
relating to pollution with the help of RSPCB, District Environment Department is tasked with
Administration and other related departments and ensuring compliance of various Acts and Rules
organizations. Environment department also deals related to Environment through various
with the matters related to Ecology and Biodiversity Departments, Boards and Agencies.
with the help of Rajasthan State Biodiversity Board Environment Department mainly deals with
and other concerned departments and District compliance of the following Acts and Rules-
Administration. 1. Environment Protection Act and Rules
Following schemes/programmes are being 2. Water Act and Rules.
implemented by Environment Department: 3. Air Act and Rules.
· Environmental Educational Awareness 4. Environment Impact assessment (EIA)
Programmes: Environment Department
Other Programmes
Economic Review 2017-18
children's literature festival in 2016 in collaboration July, 2017 in collaboration with the Film and
with Bookaroo. It was organised again on 18-19th Television Institute of India (FTII) which had 105
November, 2017 and saw over 7,000 children participants from across Rajasthan. The museum
participate in it. gallery block now consists of a large contemporary
gallery, 3 smaller galleries, a gallery shop by Play
Clan and a gallery cafe by Quaint café.
Visual Art and Film
After the renovation of the art galleries at JKK, the
Performing Arts (Theatre, Music and Dance)
galleries are now of international standards with high
quality lighting systems, air conditioning and other This year Junior Summer Camp was organised to
gallery related infrastructure. After opening of the provide training in theatre, visual arts, dance and
Contemporary Art Gallery in January, 2017 , over 6 music to the children and young artists. Many theatre
large scale exhibitions have been held which include performances, classical music and dance programmes
the first video art exhibition Teh Sateh ever to be seen as well as morning ragas were organised throughout
in Jaipur (20 Jan - 4 March,2017) a historical the year. Other than these weekend programmes, JKK
exhibition of 4 centuries of Graphic Art in also organised various festivals throughout the year -
collaboration with Delhi Art Gallery (DAG), Delhi, Dhrupad music festival in August; Raag an overnight
(5 Aug - 8 Oct, 2017), a solo retrospective exhibition concert in November, which saw over 750 people
of the famous Jaipur based artist Himmat Shah in staying through the night for the performances. The
collaboration with Kiran Nadar Museum of Art Music Stage, a fusion music and dance festival; Rang
(KNMA), Delhi (29 October- 22 Dec, 2017). All the Rajasthan a Rajasthani theatre and folk festival and
exhibitions had over 150 visitors per day. The Graphic Deepawali Celebrations which had over 200 folk
Studios at JKK have been renovated and regular musicians and dancers performing at JKK.
workshops in print making have begun. A Film
appreciation Course was also organised from 26-30th
PPP PROJECTS Rapid economic growth, growing urban population,
COMPLETED increasing rural-urban migration, and all-round social
Total 153 projects costing and economic development have compounded the
`11,619.23 crore completed pressure on the existing infrastructure, and increased
upto December, 2017 in the the demand–supply gap in most of the States. The
state. Governments are experiencing increasing pressure
from their citizens, civil society organizations, and
the media to provide accessible and affordable
infrastructure and basic services. While the
infrastructure gap is rising, Government budgetary
PPP PROJECTS UNDER resources are increasingly constrained in financing
IMPLEMENTATION this deficit. Governments also face insufficiency in
Total 68 projects costing technical resources and the executive capacity to
` 53400.76 crore are in cope-up with the rising demand for public
The emergence of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
is seen as a sustainable financing and institutional
mechanism with the potential of bridging the
infrastructure gap. Apart from enabling private
JAIPUR STREET LIGHT investment flows, PPPs also deliver efficiency gains
SYSTEM PROJECT and enhanced impact of the investments. The efficient
In Jaipur city, total 26,626 LED use of resources, availability of modern technology,
lights installed upto December, better project design and implementation and
improved operations combine to deliver efficiency
and effectiveness gains which are not readily
produced in a public sector project.
PPP projects also lead to faster implementation,
MULTI LEVEL PARKING reduced lifecycle costs and optimal risk allocation.
PROJECT at Ashok Marg, C- Private management also increases accountability
scheme, Jaipur and incentivizes performance and maintenance of
Construction works of required service standards. Finally, PPPs result in
commercial tower-A has been improved delivery of public services and promote
completed and the work of
commercial tower-B is in
public sector reforms.
progress. Sufficient capacity across infrastructure sectors leads
to higher productivity, lower transport and logistics
Economic Review 2017-18
cost and enhanced competitiveness. The Government Reforms".The Department of Industrial Policy
of Rajasthan recognizes that constraint-free Promotion along with the World Bank Group ranked
infrastructure provisioning, both physical and social, 32 states/UT's based on the implementation of 340
fosters economic and industrial activities conducive reforms parameters. Rajasthan scored 96.43 per cent
to development and inclusive growth. in the DIPP assessment conducted in partnership with
Typically, the Government of Rajasthan has sought to the World Bank(WB). The top 12 states including
deal with infrastructure provisioning by Rajasthan, which had implemented over 90 per cent
implementing various programmes and projects of the reforms, were classified as 'leaders' in the
departmentally and through its agencies. These are rankings.
being financed through various sources including Rajasthan has been recognized amongst the top five
budgetary resources, grants and loans from states in the country for enabling nine of the Centre's
Government of India, and bilateral and multi-lateral ten core reform areas such as construction permits,
agencies. Budgetary provisions towards development environmental registrations, labour regulation,
and upkeep of these services have, however, obtaining electricity connection, online filing of tax
remained inadequate over the years. returns, inspection, access to information and
The Government of Rajasthan recognizes that the transparency, single window clearance, and
private sector can play a pivotal role in infrastructure commercial dispute resolution.
development. PPP is evidently emerging as the
preferred route to leverage private capital as well as to Institutional Framework
induct private sector. A closer partnership between the
public and private sectors can support sustainable The PPP Cell created under the Planning Department
development, reduce poverty, and ultimately foster in the year 2007-08, is the State Nodal agency to
greater prosperity. coordinate efforts of the State Government regarding
projects entailing Public-Private Participation. It
As per the 'Rajasthan Vision 2020' document of the serves as the repository of all the information relating
State Government, GSDP Growth Rate is required to to PPP in the State including best practices,
be accelerated and maintained at 12 per cent per guidelines, schemes etc.
annum by increasing capital investment, both in
public and private. To achieve the targeted growth State Government has set up a Council for
rate, efforts will be made to pursue the PPPs, Infrastructure Development (CID) under the
wherever possible. chairpersonship of the Hon'ble Chief Minister with a
view to decide on the policy issues pertaining to
The State Government has decided to initiate a large infrastructural projects, specifically in relation to
programme of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in projects being developed on Public Private
order to attract the requisite investment for creation of Partnership (PPP). The CID decides on various policy
assets and provision of quality services. The objective issues and grants approval of PPP projects, if project
is to provide services at least costs by mobilizing cost is higher than ` 500 crore.
private sector investment and efficiencies. However,
the success of PPP projects is substantially To facilitate the functioning of the CID, the State
determined by the enabling environment comprising Government has also constituted an Empowered
the policy and regulatory framework. Few pilot PPP Committee for Infrastructure Development (ECID)
projects are at different stages in Health, Electricity under the chairpersonship of the Chief Secretary. The
Distribution, Urban Water Supply & Sewerage ECID formulates, reviews and recommends policy
System, and Affordable Housing for EWS/LIG. papers and proposals for submission to the CID and it
also monitors and follow up on implementation of the
Government of Rajasthan has taken various decisions taken by the CID. It will also undertake such
initiatives for implementing the 'Ease of Doing other actions, as may be necessary, in furtherance of
Business' and many are under process. Rajasthan the objectives of the CID. Planning Department
ranked 8 in India on World Bank's 'Ease of Doing serves as the secretariat of the CID and ECID.
Business' index according to the Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion's (DIPP) report on In order to consider and approve the road sector
"Assessment of State Implementation of Business projects forming part of the Rajasthan State
Public Private Partnership
Highways Development Programme (RSHDP) the resource gap and to bring out improved all round
comprising development of 20,000 kms of State efficiency. An Institutional Framework for
Highways and other roads, an Empowered streamlining and fast trekking the decision making
Committee has also been constituted separately under and implementation process have been created.
the chairmanship of Chief Secretary. The Consequently, the State has been in the forefront of
Administrative Department of this Empowered successfully implementing a number of road sector
Committee is the Public Works Department. projects in the recent past.
A State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC) has
also been set up under the chairmanship of Chief Rajasthan State Road Development Fund Act,
Secretary for the projects under Swiss Challenge 2004 (Act No.13 of 2004)
Method in accordance with the Rajasthan
Transparency in Public Procurement (Amendment) The State Road Development Fund Act, 2004 was
Rules, 2015. The SLEC considers, examines and enacted. Under the Act, a non-lapsable State Road
accords approval of the project proposals (Both PPP Development Fund (SRF) was created through levy
and Non-PPP) received under the Swiss Challenge of `1.00 cess on petrol/diesel. The levy was revised
Method of procurement. The Administrative from time to time and the existing levy of cess on
Department of this Empowered Committee is the petrol/diesel is `1.50 and `1.75 per liter respectively
Planning Department. w.e.f. from 15 January, 2016. The funds collected
under the Act are being utilized for development and
PDCOR Limited (PDCOR) is a company developed maintenance of State Roads.
as a joint venture between the Government of
Rajasthan and Infrastructure Leasing & Financial
Services Limited (IL&FS) in 1998 to facilitate private Rajasthan State Highways Act, 2014 (Act No.
sector investment in the infrastructure sector in 22 of 2015)
Rajasthan. It works in the sectors of urban renewal,
rural development, social sectors, tourism, industries, Rajasthan State Legislature has enacted the
urban transport and renewable energy. comprehensive Act assent of the Governor of which
was received on 29 April 2015. It will facilitate the
RIDCOR is a company developed as a joint venture declaration, development, operation, safety and
between the Government of Rajasthan and regulation of highways and the use of land
Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited appurtenant thereto, acquisition of land for highways
(IL&FS) in 2004 to implement 'Mega Highways and other roads, constitution of the Rajasthan State
Project' in the State. Highways Authority, and for matters connected
Many significant steps and new policies have been therewith or incidental thereto. The State Legislative
announced in the past four years, which shows the Assembly has passed highways Bill, 2014 on 9th April
commitment of the State Government towards ease of 2015 and it has become an Act on 1 May, 2015.
doing business for overall development of the State.
State Government is now focusing on
implementation of various schemes and policies so Other Sector-Specific Policies
that actual results could improve the State's GDP. Certain other sector-specific policies/acts also
Enabling environment for PPPs is also facilitated by provide and support increasing role of PPPs. Some
the following:- sector specific policies and schemes are as
· Policy for PPP in School Education, 2017
Road Development Policy, 2013 · Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy, 2015
Rajasthan was the first State to formulate a policy for · Rajasthan Mineral Policy, 2015
Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) projects in 1994 to
facilitate the entry of private sector in the roads sector · Rajasthan MSME Policy, 2015
under the State Road Development Policy, 1994. · 'Chief Minister’s Jan Awas Yojana, 2015
Recognizing importance of private sector, PPP model
of development is further given impetus to overcome · Rajasthan Land Allotment Policy, 2015
Economic Review 2017-18
Public Private Partnership
Table No. 11.1 Sector-wise PPP Projects at a glance as on December 31, 2017
Rajasthan State Highways Development Programme Government of India has also indicated in-principle
(RSHDP) of 20,000 kms length in Phase-I envisages concurrence for Swiss Challenge Method of
around 8,910 kms road length. Feasibility studies of procurement to leverage foreign investment.
132 road stretches having road length around 8,910 Initially, Seven Packages (62 Highways); 3,993 Km
km was completed under the Phase-I and accordingly length; indicative cost `7,216 crore were proposed by
viability of these projects were assessed to implement the Project Proponents on Swiss Challenge Method”.
them in different modes such as PPP (VGF), PPP Accordingly, “Permission to Proceed” was issued.
(Annuity) and EPC. Some of the road stretches has Later Package 3 & 4 was merged & reframed due to
been declared National Highways, therefore development of some of Highways under other
development of these are proposed as per the extant schemes as package 3 (revised). Accordingly, four
guidelines of Ministry of Road Transport and packages (Nos. 1, 2, 5 & 6) (31 Highways); approx.
Highways (MoRTH), Government of India. Further
Length 1,880 Km; Indicative Project Cost `5,900
to meet the required investment towards RSHDP, the
crore) have been proposed by the Project Proponents
loan assistance from multi-lateral funding agencies
on “Swiss Challenge Method”.
such as World Bank & Asian Development Bank has
been initiated. The loan assistance of US$ 500 million The cost estimates and schedules of Package 1, 5 & 6
each from ADB and WB has been agreed to in- submitted by the Project Proponents have been
principle. Loan agreement for US$ 220 million has reviewed by the Transaction Advisor (TA) appointed
already been signed with ADB for the Highways for the purpose of road sector PPP projects. The
proposed for development under Tranche-I. observations of TA are under compliance with the
Project Proponents. The detailed comprehensive
Keeping in view of the dismal response of bidders on
proposals for above three Packages are expected to be
PPP projects in recent times, possibilities have been
explored to execute the road sector projects on PPP submitted by 31st January, 2018. These highway
(Annuity) basis. During Resurgent Rajasthan, 2015, projects are proposed to be developed on PPP (Hybrid
Government of Rajasthan had signed a MoU with Annuity) model with the advanced cost-effective
Malaysian Companies through CIDB holdings for innovative technologies namely 'Warm Mix Asphalt
investing `10,000 crore for RSHDP. The MoRTH, (WMA) Technology' / 'Cold in-place recycling
Economic Review 2017-18
Technology' for pavement strengthening, to be city was proposed under phases. In the first phase,
accredited/ approved by Indian Roads Congress, New Jaipur Development Authority had taken up the work
Delhi. of construction of Ring Road joining Ajmer Road
Development of Highways in Phase-I of RSHDP has (NH-8)- Phaggi Road (SH-12)- Tonk Road (NH-12)-
been planned as shown in Table11.2 given below. Agra Road (NH-11), i.e. Southern Corridor costing
`890 crore on DBFOT format. It is 47 km six lane
road with three Interchanges, four ROBs, one Major
Ring Road Project, Jaipur Bridge on Doond River, two Minor Bridges, 42 under
passes, and Electrification/Horticulture works.
The project for construction of the Ring Road
connecting the various highways to reduce the The concession agreement was executed with M/s
congestion of heavy traffic passing through the Jaipur Sanjose-Supreme Tollways Dev. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
Table No. 11.2 Development of Highways in Phase-I of RSHDP
on 24th June, 2011. Appointed date was decided as 18th (Southern Corridor) and the agency has also been
January, 2015 but construction works delayed due to finalized by them. They are in the process of declaring
various reasons. State Government has decided to the commencement date. The work is proposed to be
foreclose the concession agreement through an completed within 15 months by the NHAI.
amicable settlement with concessionaire and transfer
this project to National Highways Authority of India
(NHAI). Accordingly, supplementary agreement was International Convention Centre at
executed on 29 March, 2017. Settlement committee Mansarovar, Jaipur
was constituted under chairmanship of Hon'ble Retd Rajasthan Housing Board had decided for
Rajasthan High Court Justice on 31 March, 2017. development of a State-of-art International
Thus, the project is now being implemented by the Convention Centre (ICC) on DBFOT basis at Veer
NHAI as per the recommendations of the Settlement Tejaji Road – Madhyam Marg intersection in
Committee. Memorandum of Understanding has Mansarovar Area of Jaipur comprising a four star and
been executed with NHAI on 11 August, 2017 and above category hotel with banquet hall, multiplex,
Foreclose Agreement has been executed on 03th shopping arcade and business centre to position
November, 2017 between Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur City as MICE (Meeting, Incentives,
JDA and the concessionaire. The NHAI has invited Conferences and Exhibitions) tourism hub of India.
bids for construction of Jaipur Ring Road Project
Public Private Partnership
Cost of this project is estimated to be `255.15 crore. 14th March, 2011 for short listing of concessionaire,
Total land area of the project site is 60,472 sqm following four Companies/Consortia were shortlisted
subject to applicable by laws, a minimum 80 per cent for participation in RFP:
of the total land area shall be used for development of 1. Gammon Infrastructures - Irridium Concession
minimum development obligations, and the optional 2. Soma-I.C.F.
facilities shall be restricted to a maximum of 20 per
cent of total land area. Minimum authorization period 3. Reliance Infrastructure
has been kept as 50 years (including construction 4. Essar Projects-Samsung C.N.T.
period of 2 years 6 months) from the compliance date.
The Reserve Annual Premium (Base price for The revised DPR of Phase-II is under process. RFP
bidding) to be payable to RHB has been kept as `5.50 has to be issued with prior approval of PPPAC,
crore with escalation by 15 per cent every 3 years. Government of India. International Consultant has
Bids were invited twice for selection of private sector been appointed to review various other aspects in the
entity but no bid was received. The project proposal existing DPR and update the alignment, technology
has now been kept in abeyance. and scope of works etc.
Golf Course, Convention Centre, Exhibition Jaipur Street Lighting System Project
Space, Hotels/ Resorts at Achrol, Jaipur Jaipur Street Lighting System Project entails
Jaipur Development Authority has decided for setting implementation of Energy Conservation Measures
up and running of International Level Golf Course, (ECMs) to existing Public Lighting network having
Convention Centre, Exhibition Space, Hotels/ total 70,652 lamps spread across eight zones (Hawa
Resorts and for Construction and Sale of Residential Mahal East, Hawa Mahal West, Amer, Vidya Dhar
Villas/ Apartments/ Serviced Apartments, Shopping Nagar, Civil Lines, Moti Dungri, Mansarowar, and
Arcade, Multiplex at Achrol, Jaipur. Cost of this Sanganer) in 77 wards. These 77 wards have been
project is estimated to be `1,630 crore. This is an clustered in 23 geographical areas, each constituting a
important and ambitious project for an authorization Phase of the Project. Concession agreement has been
period of 60 years, which will require around 3 years signed with SMC Infra Ltd., Pune on 24 December,
time before it actually takes shape. The JDA has 2014 for a period of 10 year to achieve guaranteed
attempted several times to execute the project; energy savings on existing public lighting network of
however, despite giving lucrative offers, no private Jaipur City. In Phase-I, 16,626 LED lights have been
company has shown positive response. The revised installed while 10,000 LED lights have been installed
proposals are under consideration for global in Phase-II. Thus, total 26,626 LED lights have been
tendering to attract the potential private sector installed till 31st December, 2017.
Economic Review 2017-18
has signed Memorandum of Understandings for signed with selected private sector entity for
development of Solar Parks in the state on BOOM distribution and supply of electricity in Kota and
basis in a phased manner through Joint Venture route Bharatpur cities for a period of twenty years. The
with M/s IL&FS, Energy Development Company selected private agencies shall make a minimum
Limited (`3,500 crore), M/s Essel Infra Project Ltd. investment of `351.47 crore in these cities in first five
(`3,500 crore) and M/s Adani Enterprises Ltd. years.
(`40,000 crore). Land have been allotted by · Commercial operation in Kota City has been
Government of Rajasthan to these companies as its 50 st
started w.e.f. 01 September, 2016 by M/s
per cent equity share and remaining equity will be
KEDL with a minimum capital expenditure of
brought by these private sector companies as their
`151.52 crore in first five years.
capital investment.
Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has been · Commercial operation in Bharatpur City has
selecting the project developers for these solar parks. also been started w.e.f. 01 December, 2016 by
The Joint Ventures viz; SURAJ, Essel Surya Urja, M/s BESL with a minimum capital expenditure
Company of Rajasthan Limited and Adani Renewal of `47.74 crore in first five years.
Energy Parks Rajasthan Limited have started · Similarly, commercial operation in Bikaner City
development of Solar parks of 1,000 MW at Bhadla, th
has also been started w.e.f. 16 May, 2017 by
Phase-III, Jodhpur, 750 MW at Phalodi M/s BKESL with a minimum capital
(Jodhpur)–Pokaran (Jaisalmer) and 500 MW capacity expenditure of `114.61 crore in first five years.
at Bhadla Phase-IV, Jodhpur respectively. The JV-
Adani Renewal Energy Parks Rajasthan Limited has · Commercial operation has also been started in
got 'in-principle' approval for solar park of 500 MW Ajmer city w.e.f. 01st August, 2017 by M/s Tata
capacity at Fathegarh, Jaisalmer. Power Ajmer distribution Ltd. with a minimum
capital expenditure of `37.60 crore in first five
Transmission Projects · Agreement has also been signed between
Looking to the huge requirement of funds for the AVVNL and M/s Secure Metering, Services
power sector and to facilitate smooth and rapid (Bhilwara) Ltd. on 23 November, 2017 for
development of transmission capacity, the Meter Billing and Collection in Bhilwara city.
Government of Rajasthan has decided to attract Operation will be started soon for a period of 10
private sector investment too through competitive years with an estimated cost of `36.16 crore.
bidding. Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam
Limited (RRVPNL) has been authorized to act as Bid
Process Coordinator (BPC) for the purpose of Run-A-PHCs and attached sub centres
selection of Bidder as Transmission Service Provider Government of Rajasthan is seeking assistance of the
(TSP). private sector to improve the availability and quality
The RRVPNL is implementing various transmission of primary healthcare services towards meeting the
line projects on Build, Own, Operate and State, National and Sustainable Development Goals.
Maintenance (BOOM) and DEFOT basis. Total eight Medical & Health Department have signed
transmission projects with an estimated cost of concession agreements with selected private partners
`1,403 crore are under different stages. to operate 53 PHCs and attached Sub-Centres for a
period of 5 years on PPP mode. The State Government
has been providing land, equipments and medicines
Electricity Supply and Strengthening of along with performance-based payments as
Distribution System operational subsidy to the selected private partners.
Energy Department has decided for smooth Concession agreements have also been signed for 46
electricity supply and strengthening of distribution PHCs and other 19 PHCs have been shortlisted for
system of Ajmer, Kota Bharatpur and Bikaner cities. operation and maintenance on PPP mode.
Distribution Franchisee Agreements have been Performance of these PHCs is being assessed on
Public Private Partnership
quarterly basis by block Chief Medical Officer at Delawas, Jaipur on PPP mode.
(CMO). Number of OPDs, IPDs and Institutional This project will now be implemented by Local Self
Delivery have been increased significantly in these Government Department in place of PHED. The
PHCs after operation at the level of selected private project proponent has been requested to submit
partner. detailed comprehensive proposal for a project of 25
High-end Multi Story Cottage Ward at
existing 7 Medical Colleges Development of Jagatpura OASES Sports
Medical Education Department intends to establish Complex
and run High-end Multi-story Cottage Ward Facility The initial project proposals submitted by project
through selected private sector entities for a specified proponent TransStadia Holdings Pvt. Ltd.,
period on revenue sharing basis. To start with, the Ahmedabad for development of Jagatpura OASES
RFP was floated for SMS Hospital, Jaipur twice, but Sports Complex on DBFOOT basis costing `407.30
no bidder turned up. Revised proposal of the project crore are under consideration. Detailed
are under consideration. comprehensive proposal is under examination.
Economic Review 2017-18
by Department of Secondary Education in the year PPP basis for a period of 30 years. M/s KPMG India
2016-17. Additional expenditure of `75 lakh or more Private Limited was appointed as the transaction
incurred on additional infrastructure by PPP partner advisor for these proposed Operation & Maintenance
shall also be reimbursed. This reimbursement will be (O&M) concessions. The transaction advisor has
done after assessment by independent agency recommended O&M model as the preferred model
appointed by Rajasthan Council of Secondary rather than disinvestment.
Education (RCSE), Jaipur over a period of 7 years in The investment assumptions are based on the
equal annual installments. A fixed amount of `16 lakh 'expected/ possible' outlay by the private sector
per year shall be reimbursed upto 7 years from the operator for undertaking refurbishment & repair
year of completion of work. In case the investment is considering the market positioning of the proposed
less than `75 lakh, the reimbursement amount will be hotels to be operated as upscale 5 Star/Boutique
reduced proportionately. hotels and corresponding achievable room
RCSE, Jaipur has invited unconditional competitive rates/ARRs during 30 years concession period. The
technical & financial proposals from the eligible amount of investment actually incurred shall be
bidders through e-Tendering on 21 December, 2017 contingent upon various factors. The cost of
for operation and maintenance of Government construction and furnishing of a five star category
Secondary Schools of Rajasthan for Ajmer, room may vary between `40 lakh to `70 lakh
Bharatpur, Bikaner, Churu, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota, depending upon the operator's brand.
Pali and Udaipur clusters. The concessionaire would be required to follow the
guidelines for granting certificate of heritage to
operate heritage hotels/heritage properties issued by
Operation & Maintenance of Hotel Khasa the Government of Rajasthan in 2016 and also the list
Kothi, Jaipur and Hotel Anand Bhawan, of Do's and Don'ts recommended by School of
Udaipur Planning and Architecture (SPA), Bhopal. Draft RFP
Tourism Department intends to operate Hotel Khasa submitted by the transaction advisor is under
Kothi, Jaipur and Hotel Anand Bhawan, Udaipur on consideration.
EXTERNALLY AIDED Financial requirements for executing various
PROJECTS (EAPs) developmental activities by the state are enormous,
14 EAPs costing `20,747.70 whereas the financial resources are not adequate
crore are in progress.
enough to completely meet the financial
requirements. Hence the State Government seeks
loan/ assistance from various external funding
Jaipur Metro Rail Line 1 - agencies including international donors to finance
Phase B Project - ADB various infrastructure and social sector projects for
The main objective of the speedy development of the State.
project is to improve mass rapid
transit system of Jaipur city. The The World Bank Group, Japan International
project comprises underground Cooperation Agency (JICA), Asian Development
rail infrastructure of about 2.44 Bank (ADB), International Fund for Agriculture
kilometers length (Chandpole Development (IFAD), Agency Francaise De
to Badi Chaupar) and 2 Stations.
Development (AFD) KfW, (German Agency), New
Development Bank (NDB) etc. are some of the major
external agencies that have been funding many
projects of the State under various sectors viz.
Irrigation, Health, Water Supply, Forestry, Urban
IMPROVEMENT Development, Infrastructure, Energy, Agriculture and
PROJECT - JICA Rural Development (Poverty Alleviation
The main object of the project is Programmes).
rehabilitation and renovation of
137 irrigation projects in 25
There are various sectors where the State faces
districts. Project is effective challenges. Drinking water, poverty alleviation,
from 26th October, 2017. education, infrastructure, health, energy, road and
livelihood are the high priority sectors of the State
Government. To improve the living standard of the
people of Rajasthan, external loan/ assistance plays
R A J A S T H A N S TAT E an important role. This source of financing has
PROGRAM-1 -ADB mobilized huge additional resources for the State
The object of the project is to Plan. Some important and crucial projects in various
improve transport efficiency sectors have also been funded by external assistance.
and safety on state highways.
Project is effective from
The Government of India is releasing external
November, 2017. financial assistance to the State on 'Back to Back'
basis for the new projects sanctioned on or after
1.4.2005, as was recommended by the 12th Finance
Economic Review 2017-18
Commission. The State Government is getting the In the project, work orders have been issued for all
same maturity, moratorium and amortization 117 packages, out of which 8 packages have been
schedule as the Government of India gets from the terminated. Out of remaining 109 packages, 103
external lenders. packages have been completed and works of 6
packages are under progress.
Since inception to December, 2017, an amount of
Financial Year 2017-18 `1669.46 crore has been incurred under the project.
At the outset of financial year 2017-18, there were 12 During the Financial Year 2017-18, an outlay of `40
ongoing Externally Aided Projects (EAPs) in the crore was earmarked, against which `64.54 crore has
State. During the year, two new projects namely been utilized upto December, 2017.
Rajasthan Water Sector Livelihood Improvement
Project (JICA) and Rajasthan State Highway
Investment Programme-1 (ADB) have been Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan -
sanctioned and are effective from October, 2017 and IFAD
November, 2017 respectively. One ADB funded
The total original cost of this project is `415 crore.
project namely Rajasthan Urban Sector Development
Initially, the project period was of six years starting
Investment Program was completed by June, 2017,
from December 2008 to December 2014 which has
but some ongoing works are being completed from
now been extended by IFAD upto December, 2017.
State Fund. In addition to above, loan negotiations
The revised cost of this project is `291 crore. The
were also held for New Development Bank funded
funding of this project would be made by IFAD
Rajasthan Water Sector Restructuring Project for
(`124 crore including `2.40 crore as Grant), Sir Ratan
Desert Area Tranche-1.
Tata Trust (`13 crore as Grant), Bank Credit
The plan outlay kept for ongoing EAPs in the ( ` 56crore), State share ( ` 87.50 crore) and
Financial Year 2017-18 is `3,686.53 crore, against Beneficiaries Contribution (`10.50 crore).
which expenditure incurred upto December, 2017 is
The objective of this project is to mitigate poverty of
`1,391.30 crore. The overview of ongoing EAPs is
the target group households through improved
given in table 12.1.
livelihoods, strengthened capacity, sustainable
Project-wise progress of the ongoing Externally enterprises and natural resources management and
Aided Projects is summarized as under:- increased access to physical and financial markets.
The activities of the project include the strengthening
of grass root level institutions through mobilization
Rajasthan Urban Sector Development and capacity building and community infrastructure
Investment Program (RUSDIP) development, livelihood support components such as
This is an ADB assisted project under Multi-tranche income generation through marketing & employment
Financing Facility (MFF). Original cost of this creation, development of financial services and
project was US$390M (`1,560 crore). Revised cost of project management components.
the project is US$ 365M (`1,762 crore). At present, The coverage area of this project was 6 blocks of 6
after curtailment of loan by ADB due to saving and western districts namely Bap (Jodhpur), Sankada
devaluation of rupee, the total amount available is (Jaisalmer), Bayatu (Barmer), Bali (Pali), Abu road
US$ 344M. Project became effective from February, (Sirohi) and Sanchor (Jalore). During the financial
2008 and was completed in June, 2017, however year 2016-17, two new blocks were added in project
some ongoing works are being completed from State area i.e. Pindwara (Sirohi) and Balesar (Jodhpur).
Under the project, 5,152 Self Help Groups (SHGs)
Total 15 towns were covered under the project. These have been formed and revolving fund of `7.43 crore
towns are; Alwar, Baran-Chhabra, Barmer, have been released to 4,950 SHGs. 4,647 SHGs have
Bharatpur, Bundi, Chittorgarh, Churu, Dholpur, been provided Bank credit for different economic
Jaisalmer, Jhalawar-Jhalrapatan, Karauli, Nagaur, activities. 5,126 youths have been trained in various
Rajsamand, Sawai-Madhopur and Sikar. trades like Security guard, Stitching, Computer, Tally
Externally Aided Projects
Software, Mason, Plumber, Hotel Management and area.70 livestock clusters targeting 24,450
linked with self/wage employment. 5071 livestock households and 299 agriculture clusters targeting
vaccination camps have been organized in project 45,060 households are under implementation.
Economic Review 2017-18
Since inception to December, 2017, an amount of Rajasthan Forestry and Biodiversity Project
`485.05 crore (including all above components) has Phase-II (RFBP-II) - JICA
been spent under the project. Expenditure is in excess
over the project cost due to convergence with This project is funded by the Japan International
Government of Rajasthan schemes in infrastructure Corporation Agency (JICA). The project cost is
`1,152.53 crore in which `884.80 crore is JICA loan
component. During the Financial Year 2017-18, an
outlay of `33 crore was earmarked, against which and the rest `267.73 crore will be borne by the State
`38.82 crore has been utilized upto December, 2017.
Government. Project is effective from October, 2011
and is scheduled to be completed in March, 2019.
The main objective of the project is to enhance forest
Rajasthan Rural Livelihood Project (RRLP) - area and livelihood opportunities of the forest
World Bank dependent people and to conserve biodiversity by
undertaking afforestation and biodiversity
This project is funded by the World Bank. The project
conservation measures through Joint Forest
cost is `870 crore in which `769.90 crore is World
Management (JFM) approach, thereby contributing
Bank loan portion and `100.10 crore will be borne by
to environmental conservation and socio-economic
the State Government. Project became effective from
development of Rajasthan.
June, 2011 and was scheduled to be completed in
October, 2016 which has been extended upto October, The project activities are being implemented in 15
2018. districts of the State namely Bikaner, Jaisalmer,
Jodhpur, Pali, Sikar, Jhunjhunu, Nagaur, Churu,
RRLP will follow the strategy of building-up the
Sirohi, Barmer, Jalore, Bhilwara, Banswara,
capacities of targeted households complemented by
Dungarpur, Jaipur and 7 notified Protected Areas
financial & technical assistance for improving
namely KumbhalGarh, Phulwarikinal, Jaisamand,
incomes, reducing costs and reducing risks and
Sitamata, Basi, Kailadevi and Raoli Todgarh.
vulnerability. This strategy will motivate and support
the households in augmenting their livelihoods in Core activities which are being taken up under the
sustainable manner. project are afforestation, Biodiversity Conservation,
Soil and Water Conservation and Livelihood and
The main objective of the project is to enhance the
poverty alleviation through appropriate forestry
economic opportunities and empowerment of the
practices. Project activities are being executed
rural poor with a focus on women and marginalized
through Village Forest Protection & Management
groups in the 18 targeted districts in Rajasthan.
Committees (VFPMCs), Eco-development
RRLP has adopted the Community Resource Person Committees (EDCs) and Self Help Groups (SHGs).
(CRP) strategy, based on the approach of
Before starting any project activity, a Microplan for
“Community to Community Learning”. As per the
the village is prepared by the NGO / VO after
CRP strategy, Community Resource Persons (CRPs),
employing Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) &
from within the state and other states have been
Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) techniques involving
deployed. MoU with SERP, Andhra Pradesh has been
all the village members and under the supervision of
signed to provide the support of experienced CRPs in
forest officials. VFPMC / EDC formation and
the 10 blocks of 10 districts of Rajasthan.
Microplan preparation have been completed in all the
Under the project till December, 2017, 54,042 SHGs selected project villages.
have been formed/co-opted and Bank accounts have
During the project period, plantation activities are
been opened for 47,411 SHGs. Revolving fund and
proposed to be carried out in 83,650 hectare area and
Livelihood fund have been provided to 44,300 and
approximately 375 lakhs plants are likely to be
34,243 SHGs respectively.
planted. Plantation work has been completed in
Since inception to December, 2017 an amount of 83,525 hectare area. 2,00,000 Cumt. Check Dam,
`743.47 crore has been incurred under the project. 4,95,967 Rmt. Contour Bonding and Closure of
During the Financial Year 2017-18, an outlay of `300 Biodiversity Conservation in 5,000 hectare have also
crore was earmarked, against which `156.32 crore has been completed in the project.For income generation
been utilized upto December, 2017. activities 1905 SHGs have been formed and are being
Externally Aided Projects
trained for their capacity building, skill development Works at Takhatsagar include raw water pump house,
and business planning. 90 MLD WTP and CWR are under progress. Package
Since inception to December, 2017 an amount of for clear water trunk main-I is almost complete.
`926.26 crore has been incurred under the project. Package for clear water trunk main-II is under
During the Financial Year 2017-18, an outlay of `98 progress. Package for renovation of Administrative
crore was earmarked under the project against which Block of Chief Engineer Project Office Campus has
`44.75 crore has been utilized upto December, 2017. been completed.
Since inception to December, 2017, an amount of
`354.02 crore has been incurred under the project.
Re-Organization Jodhpur Water Supply During the Financial Year 2017-18, an outlay of `152
Project - AFD crore was earmarked, against which `41.13 crore
This project is funded by the Agency Francaise De have been utilized upto December, 2017.
Development (AFD). The project cost is `550 crore,
in which `440 crore is AFD loan portion and `110
crore will be borne by the State Government. Project Rajasthan Agricultural Competitiveness
is effective from February, 2012 and closing date for Project - World Bank
drawn down of this project was 31 December, 2016. This project is funded by the World Bank. The project
Besides this, Phase-II costing `185.45 crore in which cost is `832.50 crore in which `545 crore is World
`152.38 crore is AFD loan portion has also sanctioned Bank loan portion, `242 crore will be borne by the
in July, 2013 and was to be completed in September, State Government and `45.50 crore will be
2017. But now AFD has extended project period upto beneficiaries contribution. Project is effective from
August, 2018. AFD has also given concurrence to July, 2012 and is scheduled to be completed in April,
book the expenditure of phase-1 and phase-2 of the 2019.
project into AFD phase-2 sanctioned project.
The project development objective is to sustainably
The objective of the project is to ensure supply of increase agricultural productivity and farmer income
clean and safe potable water at a reasonable pressure in selected locations of Rajasthan.
and with an adequate quantity to meet the daily
The project execution involves seventeen (17)
demand of the Jodhpur city and sub-urban population
clusters spread over eight (8) Agro Climatic Zones
for the future years.
(ACZs) of the state covering more than 2,75,000
Under the project, major works which are to be taken- hectare area. Out of these, 4 canal water, 3 ground
up are Pipeline from RGLC to proposed Water water, 7 watershed clusters and 3 canal plus
Treatment Plant (WTP) at Surpura headworks, watershed clusters have been selected for
Construction of 90 Million Litre Daily (MLD) WTP development under the project. Various project
at Surpura headworks, Construction of Raw Water activities are being implemented through line
Reservoir in Surpura Dam, Construction of 90 departments i.e. Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal
MLDWTP at Takhat Sagar and laying of main Husbandry, Watershed and Soil Conservation, Water
pipeline from it, Rehabilitation and strengthening of Resource and Ground Water Department. The project
existing distribution system, Reduction in Non will directly benefit nearly 1,43,000 farmers,
Revenue Water in 11 pilot sub zones, Replacement of predominantly small holders by sustainably
old and inefficient pumping machinery and increasing their income levels.
Replacement of old, frequently leaking and pollution
Community Mobilization is being done through
prone distribution pipelines.
NGOs. Total 7,388 Multi Task Groups (MTGs) of
Under the project, Works of Surpura Reservoir of 210 Agriculture and Horticulture, 673 Goat MTGs, 197
mcft has been completed. Similarly under Surpura Users Groups and 17 multi task associations have
Head Works with 90 MLD WTP, clear water reservoir been formed in 17 clusters under the project. Crop
of 8 Million Litre (ML) and 1.75 ML have been demonstrations have been laid out on 22,586 hectares,
constructed and 12.20 Km DI pipe and 32.60 Km Demonstrations of Farm Mechanization and post
GRP pipe lines have already been commissioned and harvest management technologies and wide spacing
are operational. crops with inter cropping have been made in 1,306
Economic Review 2017-18
hectares and 624.57 hectares area respectively. safe drinking water facility.
Similarly assistance on production technologies for The work execution of the project has been divided in
vegetable cultivation have been made on 357.80
10 packages. The work order for all packages have
hectares. 2,876 Animal Health camps, 1,927 Bucks
distribution, 729 Goat distributions, 24 Rural Haat already been issued and works are under progress.
organizations and 28 Exposure visits were organized. Since inception to December, 2017, an amount of
Since inception to December, 2017, an amount of `1,328.59 crore has been incurred under the project.
`126.27 crore has been incurred under the project. During the Financial Year 2017-18, an outlay of `700
During the Financial Year 2017-18, an outlay of crore was earmarked, against which `357.22 crore has
`320.25 crore was earmarked against which `53.26 been utilized upto December, 2017.
crore has been utilized upto December, 2017.
Externally Aided Projects
Jaipur Metro Rail Line 1 - Phase B Project - $88 million from CTF and 62 million USD from
ADB OCR. Project has become effective from 06.11.2014
and is scheduled to be completed by December, 2017.
This project is funded by the Asian Development ADB has also approved extension of the project
Bank (ADB). The project cost is `1,126 crore, in period from December 2017 to June, 2018.
which `969 crore is ADB loan portion and `157 crore
will be borne by the State Government. Project is There are total seven projects covered under Tranche-
effective from June, 2014 and is scheduled to be I as under:-
completed by March, 2018.The main objective of the · Construction of 400KV Substation Ramgarh &
project is to improve mass rapid transit system of augmentation works at Akal under ICB-1
Jaipur city. The project comprises underground rail
infrastructure of about 2.44 kilometers length · Construction of 400KV Substation Bhadla &
(Chandpole to Badi Chaupar) and 2 Stations. augmentation works at Bikaner under ICB-2
For 2.44 Km. underground Metro Line, tunneling · Transformer packages for Ramgarh & Bhadla
work between Chandpole to Badi Chaupar has been under ICB-3
completed by TBM-1 and TBM-2. The work of track · Shunt reactor packages for Ramgarh, Bhadla,
bed concreting is in progress. All the five cross Bikaner & Akal under ICB-4
passages have been completed. All tunneling activity
· Construction of 400KV Ramgarh- Akal line
including retrieval of TBMs has been completed. At
under ICB-5
Chhoti Chaupar underground station, the work of Top
slab, Roof Slab & Concourse slab has been · Construction of 400KV Bhadla-LILO point of
completed. Work of base slab is in progress. Works of Jodhpur-Merta line under ICB-6
2 Entry/Exit structures have commenced. At Badi · Purchase of Conductors for Ramgarh- Akal line
Chaupar Station, Top slab, roof slab and Concourse & Bhadla-LILO point of Jodhpur-Merta line &
slab work has been completed. Base slab work is in Jodhpur-Akal line under ICB-7
The work has been completed in ICB-3 and ICB-7.
Since inception to December, 2017, an amount of The work is under progress in remaining projects.
`530.46 crore has been incurred under the project.
During the Financial Year 2017-18, an outlay of `280 Since inception to December, 2017, an amount of
crore was earmarked, against which `94.35 crore has `1274.17 crore has been incurred under the project.
been utilized upto December, 2017. During the Financial Year 2017-18, an outlay of
`167.96 crore was earmarked against which `138.60
crore has been utilized upto December, 2017.
Rajasthan Renewable Energy Transmission
Investment Program-ADB
Intra State Transmission System in Rajasthan
This project is funded by the Asian Development under Green Energy Corridors Project (KfW)
Bank (ADB). ADB has approved loan proposal under
the Multi tranche Financing Facility (MFF) This project is funded by the KfW, Frankfurt am
amounting to $500 Million on 26.09.2013. Out of this Main, Germany. The project cost is `1,018.30 crore in
loan, $300 Million are to be provided from the ADB's which 40 percent (`407.32 crore) is KfW loan
Ordinary Capital Resources (OCR) and $200 Million portion, 40 percent (`407.32 crore) grant from
is to be provided from Clean Technology Fund (CTF) National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) and balance
including $2 Million of Technical Assistance. 20percent (`203.66 crore) will be borne by the
RVPNL. Project is effective from October, 2015 and
The main objective of the investment program is to is scheduled to be completed by December, 2019.
develop public sector transmission infrastructure
capacity to support private sector led renewable To harness the Wind and Solar potential in Western
energy generation in Western Rajasthan. Rajasthan, RVPNL proposed the following Power
Evacuation scheme in Jaisalmer, Barmer, Bikaner and
The $150 million loan for Tranche-1 has been Jodhpur district:
approved & signed on 12.09.2014 which consists of
Economic Review 2017-18
· 1No.400kV GSS (2x500MVA) at Jaisalmer-2 During the Financial Year 2017-18, an outlay of
alongwith associated transmission lines of `407.32 crore was earmarked against which `97.58
approx – 320 Kms. crore has been utilized upto December, 2017.
· 5 Nos.220kV GSS at Pokaran, Undoo, Kolayat,
Bajju/PS1 and Chatrail alongwith associated
transmission lines of approx- 150 Kms Rajasthan Urban Sector Development
Program (RUSDP - RUIDP Phase III)
· 5 Nos. Unidentified 132kV GSS (to be decided
as per location of Solar and Windpower plants) This project funded by the ADB. RUSDP comprises
alongwith associated transmission lines of Project Loan of US$ 250 Million & Program loan of
approx- 100 Kms. US$ 250 Million (Project cum Program Loan of US$
500 Million). Total Program Size would be US$ 610
The Notification of Award for 400kV Substation at
million (Estimated to `3,672 crore including `660
Jaisalmer-2 has been issued on 16.10.2015 and work
crore State share). Project is effective from
has been started. The award of contract for 400kV
Transmission lines from Barmer, Bhinmaland November, 2015 and is scheduled to be completed by
Jaisalmer-2 – Barmer issued on 25.05.2016 and December, 2019.
22.01.2016 respectively. The work of the Main objective of the project is to improve service
transmission lines are under process. The ICB delivery in water supply, sewerage sectors including
packages for 220kV Substation at Pokaran, Undoo, total sanitation to the residents of the selected cities of
Kolayat, Bajju/PS1, Chatrail and 5 Nos. unidentified Rajasthan.
132kV GSS along with their associated transmission
Project Loan component will be used for water
lines have been deferred as the solar and wind power
developers who have taken the connectivity did not distribution network improvements and sewerage
turn up to utilize the power evacuation allotted to systems in the six project cities namely
them. Sriganganagar, Hanumangarh, Jhunjhunu, Pali,
Bhilwara (sewerage only) and Tonk. Main works
The existing Power Evacuation scheme in Jaisalmer, under the project will be related to:
Barmer, Bikaner and Jodhpur area for funding
through KfW having aggregated cost of `1018.30 · Wa t e r s u p p l y d i s t r i b u t i o n n e t w o r k
crore ( Including IDC) was consisting of 11 Nos. of improvement;
ICB packages. The contracts worth `532 crore · Sewerage system including sewerage network
(estimated as per DPR) have already been awarded and treatment plant;
out of the total scheme cost of `1018.30 crore. These
contracts are being successfully implemented as per · House service connections in water supply and
schedule. The balance scheme costing `486.32 crore sewerage sectors;
was deferred after discussion with RREC as the wind · Recycling of waste water etc.
and solar power developers were not installing their
plants at the pace earlier envisaged. Now it has been Works have been started in all towns.
decided to pose the execution of already approved Program Loan component will support policy
`261.96 crore ( with IDC) transmission schemes in reforms and consolidate institutional development
place of deferred scheme of `486.32 crore for and governance improvement in the urban sector in
evacuation of generation from solar and wind power the State. Program loan fund is scheduled to be
plants in Jaisalmer, Barmer, Bikaner and Jodhpur released in two tranches against compliance of agreed
districts of Rajasthan for KfW funding. The KfW and st
policy reforms. On compliance with 1 tranche policy
CEA have given their consent for implementation of reforms requirement, amount of US$125 million has
alternate schemes of `261.96 crore consisting of rd
been released by ADB on 23 December, 2015.
220kV GSS Chhatargarh along with associated lines,
220 KV D/C Akal- Jaisalmer-2 line and other EHV Drainage work in Banswara and Sewerage works in
works. The NIBs of the alternate schemes are being Bikaner, Jhalawar, Sawai Madhopur, Kota, Mount
floated. Abu and Udaipur are approved under Program loan.
Works in 5 towns have been started. Tenders for two
Since inception to December, 2017, an amount of
towns namely Kota and Mount Abu are under
`147.75 crore has been incurred under the project.
Externally Aided Projects
Since inception to December, 2017 an amount of Since inception to December, 2017, an amount of
`345.67 crore has been incurred under the project. `2.17 crore has been incurred under the project.
During the Financial Year 2017-18, an outlay of `600 During the Financial Year 2017-18, an outlay of
crore was earmarked against which `179.18 crore has `18.00 crore was earmarked, against which `0.64
been utilized up to December, 2017. crore has been utilized upto December, 2017.
Rajasthan Water Sector Livelihood Improvement Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program-1
This project is funded by the JICA.The estimated cost The total cost of this Project is `2,452.36 crore, out of
of the project is `2,576.86 crore. JICA will finance the which `1,430 crore (220 Million US$ ) will be funded
project in two tranches and there would be two by ADB. Project is effective from November, 2017
separate loan agreements for each tranche. The and is to be completed by March, 2022.
Project cost of tranche-1 is `1,069.40 crore (16148 The object of the project is to improve transport
Million Yen) in which `908.94 crore (13725 Million efficiency and safety on State highways. The project
Yen) will be funded by JICA and `160.46 crore shall comprise the upgrading of around 1000 km of
(2,423 Million Yen) will be borne by the State State highways and Major District Roads (MDRs) to
Government. Project is effective from October 26, two lane or intermediate lane standards and capacity
2017. building of PPP division, PWD by preparing and
Main object of the project is rehabilitation and piloting streamlined business processes and
renovation of 137 Irrigation Project in 25 districts. procedures for road asset management, road safety
Total CCA to be treated under the project is 4.70 lakh and project management.
hectare. Development work of 16 Highways having 980 Km
Under the tranche-1, Bhakra canal system, Gurgaon length amounting to `1,944.22 crore in Kota,
canal system and minor & medium irrigation project Jhalawar, Alwar, Bharatpur, Barmer, Jalore, Pali,
of 16 district of State namely Ajmer, Alwar, Sikar, Hanumangarh, Churu, Bikaner, Nagaur, Jaipur,
Karauli, Tonk, Sawai Madhopur, Bharatpur, Baran, Ajmer, Sikar & Jhunjhunu districts have been
Jhalawar, Bundi, Udaipur, Chittorgarh, Bhilwara, awarded under the project. All the 16 Highway works
Pali, Sirohi and Hanumangarh have been included in are under progress.
the project. Since inception to December, 2017 an amount of
Project will be implemented in three stages. 34 sub `307.92 crore has been incurred under the project.
projects will be rehabilitated under Stage-1. Out of 34 During the Financial Year 2017-18, an outlay of
sub projects, tenders of 31 sub projects have been `450.00 crore was been earmarked, against which
invited. `85.50 crore has been utilized upto December, 2017.
Human Development
“Human Development for Everyone”, India has sustainable livelihoods in an era of Globalisation'. It
ranked 131 among 188 countries across the world, was focused on agriculture on the one hand and the
with a medium level HDI of 0.624. This Report sectoral imbalances on the other. Gender and health
conveys five basic messages: issues were identified to be of paramount importance.
· Universalism is the key to human development It prioritised the imperatives for fiscal reform,
and that the human development for everyone is macroeconomic stabilisation and a strategy for
attainable. sustainable human development. An Update on
Human Development for the State was prepared in
· Various groups of people still suffer from basic
2008. The “Human Development Report 2015” of
deprivations and face substantial barriers to
overcome them. state is about to release soon. The theme of ongoing
report is 'Equity and Sustainability'.
· Human development for everyone calls for
refocusing some analytical issues and
assessment perspectives. Sector-wise State Scenario
· Policy options exist and, if implemented,would The current status of various components of Human
contribute to achieving human development for Development is discussed in subsequent sections:
· A reformed global governance, with fairer
multilateralism, would help to attain human EDUCATION
development for everyone.
Education is an important sector which also effects
As per this report, in India opening up the economy to other social sectors like health, employment, women
the world accelerated growth, which in turn helped empowerment, child development, labour etc. It is a
address human development challenges-reducing great instrument for improving economic growth and
poverty, improving health outcomes and extending
development. Education improves the quality of life
access to basic social services.
as well as provides opportunities for progress. The
current status of education is given in table 13.1.
India Human Development Report As per the Census 2011, Rajasthan has recorded
First India Human Development Report (IHDR) was literacy rate of 66.1 per cent compared to 60.4 per cent
published in the year 2001. It advocated a governance in 2001, as registered a net increase of 5.7 per cent
approach to human development. Second IHDR points during 2001-2011. The figures for male and
2011, “Towards Social Inclusion” was published by female literacy rates are 79.2 and 52.1 per cent,
the Institute of Applied Manpower Research and respectively in 2011. As a result, the gender gap
Planning Commission of India in 2011. It argues that between literacy rates in the State has decreased by
the interventions in human capital and expansion of 4.7 per cent during 2001 to 2011, whereas the national
human functioning are the key requirements for level gap has decreased by 5.3 per cent.
economic growth to be more successful in reducing Average annual drop-out rate at primary level has
poverty, and calls for an integration of social and decreased from 8.4 per cent in 2013-14 to 5.02 in
economic policies with a specific focus on inclusion
2014-15 in the State, whereas in India; this rate has
of marginalized sections. As per this report, India's
HDI has increased by 21 per cent between 1999-2000 decreased from 4.3 to 4.1 during the same period. This
to 2007-08 (the latest year for which it can be is a heartening achievement for the State. The Net
estimated), whereas in Rajasthan, it has increased by Enrolment Ratio (NER) of Rajasthan at primary level
12 per cent during the same period. has increased from 77.8 to 79.2 over the period 2014-
15 to 2015-16, whereas, at national level NER has
slightly decreased from 87.4 to 87.3 during the same
State Human Development Report period. Gender Parity Index for Rajasthan in primary
education was 0.98 in 2015-16 whereas, it was 1.03
The first Human Development Report of Rajasthan
for India in the same period.
was released in 2002. Its main theme was 'Promoting
Economic Review 2017-18
Current level
S.No. Educational indicators
Rajasthan India
1 Total Literacy Rate (Census 2011) 66.1 73.0
2 Male Literacy Rate (Census 2011) 79.2 80.9
3 Female Literacy Rate (Census- 2011) 52.1 64.6
4 Gender Gap in Literacy(Census- 2011) 27.1 16.3
Average Annual Drop-out Rate at Primary Level
5 5.02 4.13
Net Enrolment Ratio at Primary Level (2015-16)
6 79.2 87.3
(U-DISE 2015-16)
Gender Parity Index at Primary Level (2015-16)
7 0.98 1.03
(U-DISE 2015-16)
Efforts/Initiatives Undertaken by the State betterment in the teacher's thought process and it has
Government created awareness among them about the
improvement and innovations in the teaching
Elementary Education process.
There are several programmes that the State and the
· Utkrist Vidhyalaya Yojana : Under the
Central Governments have been implementing to
Rajasthan's Adarsh Vidyalaya scheme, one
develop and improve the education sector and to
selected government senior secondary/
achieve the target of universal primary education &
secondary School is being developed as
quality education at all levels. Some of the major
“Adarsh Vidyalaya” in every gram panchayat.
schemes/programmes are as follows:
Adarsh school (Class I to XII/ X) will work as
· Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA) is being “Mentor school” and “Resource Centre” for the
implemented in the State to provide education to utkrisht vidhyalaya. In this Utkrist Vidhyalaya
children in the age group of 6-14 years. This also Yojana, one selected Upper Primary/Primary
includes activities to bridge social, regional and School in each Gram Panchayat is to be
gender gaps with the help of public participation transformed into as “Utkrist Vidhyalaya”. In
in school management. this regard, Utkrisht Vidhyalaya will be
· Right to Free & Compulsory Education Act developed as a “centre of excellence” for
st elementary education.
2009 is being implemented in the State since 1
April 2010. As per this act, 25 per cent seats · Upto December, 2017, 8,869 Mahatma
have been reserved in private schools for Gandhi Libraries have been established at
boys/girls of weaker sections and disadvantage Gram Panchayat level in Lok Shiksha Kendras.
group. In all, 5.35 lakh children have been
upgraded and newly admitted on free seats of
private schools, out of which, 1.17 lakh are new Government has taken several initiatives to
admissions during 2017-18. promote girls primary education, some of
· 'Continuous and Comprehensive them are:
Evaluation' programme is operational in Class · During the year 2017-18, 200 'Kasturba
I to V of 64,673 schools. Teacher's training Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya' (KGBV) are
programmes are undertaken every year with a functioning and 19,984 girls are studying in
view to maintain the excellence in teaching in these schools.
schools. As a result of this programme, teaching
· Nine 'Mewat Balika Awasiya Vidhalaya' for
capabilities have enhanced and changed for the
Human Development
girls are functioining. These residential schools are district) of the state by 15,637 Preraks, on
established for girls in Mewat region which is honorarium.
largely educationally backward. 443 girls are
being benefitted by this intervention in 2017-18.
Secondary Education
· 'Meena Manch' has been constituted by
involving girls studying in the classes IV to VIII There are several programmes/schemes that the
of 19,106 upper primary schools including State and the Central Governments have been
9,895 Adarsh School and 200 KGBVs to create implementing to improve the secondary
awareness in the community on various social education level:
issues, viz child marriage, dowry system, etc · Under Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan,
and to motivate the parents of irregular, dropout some programmes i.e. Swami Vivekananda
and never enrolled girls to send their daughters Model Schools, Sharde Girls Hostel, Civil
to school. works, Scholarships, Free Text Books
· 'Adhyapika Manch' have been established to distribution, Free Lap-Top distribution to
enhance the academic level of girls and to meritorious students who are studying in class
provide friendly environment to girl child in 8th, 10th & 12th in the government schools and
schools. 301 Adhyapika manch has been formed Information & Communication Technology
at block level. (ICT) programme are being implemented by the
Central and the State Government.
· Innovation for girls education (Under SSA),
‘Saksham’ (self-defensive training to girls) in · Under the secondary education department,
approximately 14,000 government schools and several girl child centric initiatives have been
200 KGBV across all 33 districts of Rajasthan undertaken, such as Bicycle Distribution, Fixed
and ‘Jagriti’ (Awareness among community for Deposit Receipt (FDR) for KGBV Enrolled
girls education in Selected 17 districts, which Girls, Gargi Puraskar, Mukhya Mantri Hamari
include 14 Beti Bachao Beti Padhao and 7 Betiyan Yojana, Transport Voucher Scheme,
Special focus districts) schemes are being Balika Shiksha protsahan Yojna, Balika Shiksha
implemented to promote enrolment, retention Foundation etc.
and learning enhancement of girls. · A new scheme namely ‘Mukhya Mantri Jan
Sahbhagita Vidyalya Vikas Yojana’ has been
launched for infrastructure strengthening and
Activities for Children with Special Need development in secondary schools in the year
(CWSN): Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan has provided 56 2017-18.
Laptops along with a screen reading software-NVDA
(Non Visual Desktop Access) in Indian voices, a
headphone and a data card for accessing studing,
communicating & net surfing etc. to children with
blindness. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan has distributed The current level of major indicators of health in the
mobile phones with accessible apps to 370 Children state vis-a-vis India is shown in table 13.2.
with Total Blindness who are studying in class V to · In the State, Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)
VIII in Government School. During the year 2017-18 was 508 per one lakh live births (As per Sample
upto December, 2017, the Brail books have been Registration System 1997-98) in 1998, whereas
distributed to 1,163 sight impaired children. 2,884 it has slumped to 244 in 2011-13 (as per SRS
sets of large print books have been distributed to low 2011-13) which is, however still higher as
vision children. compared to National average 167.
For Adult Education, a Centrally Sponsored scheme · As per National Family Health Survey-IV
called, 'Saakshar Bharat Abhiyan' was launched on (NFHS) 2015-16, nearly 46.8 per cent of
September 8, 2009. In Saakshar Bharat Programme, women in the State (in the age group of 15-49
9,022 Lok Shiksha kendras are being functioning at years) were Anaemic whereas this was 53.1 per
Gram Panchyats level in 32 Districts (except Kota cent in NFHS-III (2005-2006).
Economic Review 2017-18
· As per National Family Health Survey-IV household, community, and critically at various
(NFHS) 2015-16, the Institutional Deliveries health system levels. This mission focuses on
are 84.0 per cent in Rajasthan. improving rural as well urban Health. National Rural
Health Mission (NRHM) and National Urban Health
· As per Census 2011, sex ratio in 0-6 age group is
Mission (NUHM) are working as sub-missions of
only 888 girls per thousand boys. This is an area
National Health Mission (NHM).
of concern to move forward with inclusive
growth. Several schemes or new initiatives have been
implemented by the National/ State Government to
· During the year 2016 in the state, TB
improve the health indicators in the State in recent
Convergent and Cure Rates were 92 per cent
past years. Some of the major schemes/initiatives are
and 87 per cent respectively. Leprosy
as follows:
prevalence rate of state is 0.17 per 10,000
population during 2016-17 (Up to Dec. 2016), · Mukhya Mantri Nishulk Dava Yojana
whereas it is 0.69 at national level. · Mukhya Mantri Nishulk Janch Yojana
· Mukhya Mantri Rajshree Yojana
Efforts/Initiatives Undertaken by the State · Rajasthan Janani Shishu Suraksha Yojna
Government (RJSSY)
In order to achieve further improvements in health · Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karykram(RBSK)
indicators, National Immunization Program is being
implemented to protect pregnant women and children · Mukhya Mantri BPL Jeevan Raksha Kosh
below one year age from Tetanus Toxoid (TT), Bacilli Scheme
Chalmette Guerin (BCG), Diphtheria Pertussis · Janani Express
Tetanus (DPT), cholera, etc.
· National Mental Health Programme
The National Health Mission (NHM) is a national
· Naya Savera (Swasthaya Jeevan Ki Aur) For
effort for ensuring provision of effective healthcare
Doda Post Users
through a range of interventions at individual,
Human Development
· 108 Toll free Ambulance Yojana to `100,551 and from `57,192 to `76,146 at constant
prices (2011-12).
· Bhamashaha Swasthaya Bima Yojana (BSBY)
According to the 2011 Census, Rajasthan had 299
· Nishulk Sanitary Napkins Distribution Scheme
lakh workers, out of whom 244 lakh resided in the
· Adarsh Primary Health Centres rural areas and 55 lakh in urban areas. Work
· National Tobacco Control Programme Participation Rates (WPR) has increased in the state
(N.T.C.P.) from 36.6 per cent in 1981 to 43.6 per cent in 2011. In
2011, the WPR for the overall population was 43.6 per
· Integrated Diesease Surveillance Programme cent; for males it was 51.5 per cent and 35.1 per cent
(I.D.S.P.) for females. The decadal increase of workforce in the
· National Programme for Prevention and last decade was 1.5 per cent. The Workers
Control of Cancer, Diabetes, CVD and Stroke classification is summarized in the table 13.4.
( N.P.C.D.C.S)
Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development
Rajasthan is characterized with sharp variations in RSLDC was incorporated as a non-profit company
terrain, livelihood, settlement pattern and social under Section 25 in companies Act 1956. Skill
identity. Distribution of income and assets is also very training mechanism was established in the state by
uneven. Agriculture and animal husbandry are the involving more than 350 partner agencies to execute
major sources of livelihood. However, on account of the training programmes across the State. In its
vagaries of monsoon, the agricultural output suffers journey of four years, it has trained around more than
with wide fluctuations. 2.21 lakh persons/youth in various fields.
Economic Review 2017-18
Table No.13.4 Workers Classification in the State by Residence and Sex according to Census
Particulars Unit Census Year
1981 1991 2001 2011
Total Workers (Rural) 106 143 199 244
Male Nos. in lakh 73 89 114 138
Female 33 54 85 106
Total Workers (Urban) 20 28 39 55
Male Nos. in lakh 18 25 33 45
Female 2 3 6 10
Total workers (Rural + Urban) Nos. in lakh 126 171 238 299
Work Participation Rate (WPR)
Total 36.6 38.9 42.1 43.6
in per cent
Male 50.9 49.3 50.0 51.5
Female 21.1 27.4 33.5 35.1
is the skill training and placement programme of transgender have also been modified under this
Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), GOI. scheme.
It aims to provide skills to rural youth, who are · Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
poor and provide them jobs with having regular (PMKVY): Ministry of Skill Development and
monthly wages equal to or above the minimum Entrepreneurship has sanctioned the project for
monthly wages. Scheme was launched in the 64,526 youth to be trained under Pradhan
year 2014. LIFE-MGNREGA, a new initiative Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 2.0, a component
by MoRD has also been converged in DDU- for Centrally Sponsored State Managed
GKY scheme. (CSSM) scheme in the State to be implemented
· Employment Linked Skill Training by RSLDC. In first phase, RSLDC has
Programme (ELSTP): Employment Linked empanelled 21 Training Partners and has issued
Skill Training Programme (ESLTP) was Provisional Financial Sanction Order (PFSO) of
launched in the year 2012 with the objective of Category IV job roles for training of 10,550
linking the skill training programmes with youth.
employment. The Common Norms of · Special Projects: RSLDC has forged the
Government of India have been adopted by partnerships under Flexi MoU scheme with the
RSLDC to create uniformity in skilling in terms opportunity for industry to customize the course
of branding, delivery and monitoring of training curriculum as per their industry demands and
programmes. All the courses executed under benefit the youth with exposure to industry
this scheme are National Skill Qualification environment and their 360 degree career
Framework (NSQF) aligned. development. BOSCH, Samsung India
· Regular Skill Training Programme (RSTP): Electronics Pvt. Ltd. are few such leading
RSTP is a short term livelihoods based industries partnered with, under this scheme. A
programme and has been the foundation of skill Centre of Excellence (CoE) has been
development initiative in the State of Rajasthan, established in Government ITI, Jhalawar by
started since 2005-06 under RMOL. The Caterpillar for training in Heavy Earth Moving
beneficiaries under the scheme are youth, Equipments. Under this initiative, MoU with
women, person with special abilities (PSA), Jail Sanskrit Academy has been also signed by
Inmates and Juvenile home inmates. This RSLDC and training has been taken up for
scheme has been revised to take up the Purohita prashikshan courses.
Entrepreneurship development based The current progress of major schemes of RSLDC is
livelihood programmes and the training and shown in table 13.5.
employability criteria for training of
Human Development
Economic Review 2017-18
Table 13.6 Department/Scheme wise Details and Progress of Skill Training under
Convergence Scheme as on 31 December, 2017
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojna - National Urban · Employment through Skill Training &
Livelihood Mission (DAY-NULM): Placement (EST & P)
Centrally sponsored scheme, Swaran Jayanti Shahri · Social Mobilisation and Institutional
Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) has been re-structured by Development (SMID)
Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, · Scheme of Shelters for Urban Homeless (SUH)
Government of India as Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana
- National Urban Livelihood Mission - (DAY- · Capacity Building and Training ( CB & T )
NULM). The Mission is being implemented in all 191 · Support to Urban Street Vendors (SUSV)
Urban Local Bodies of Rajasthan. The main objective
of this scheme is to reduce poverty and vulnerability · Innovative and Special Projects
of the urban poor households, improvement in their Under this scheme in 2017-18 there is a budget
livelihoods on a sustainable basis. provision of `4874.95 lakh (Central Share +Share
DAY- NULM will achieve its aim through following share), out of which, `3563.33 lakh have been
components: disbursed till December, 2017.
· Self Employment Programmes (SEP)
Per Thousand Live Birth/izfr gtkj thfor tUe