Application of Intelligent Transport System For Sustainable Transport System in Smart Cities
Application of Intelligent Transport System For Sustainable Transport System in Smart Cities
Application of Intelligent Transport System For Sustainable Transport System in Smart Cities
Public transport system is a significant component of transport system and it plays a key role in
development of sustainable transport system. The root cause of all the problems of transport
system in today's world are excessive rate of urbanization and commuters dependency on private
vehicles rather than public transport.
PG Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal,
Madhya Pradesh, India.
Contract Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal,
Madhya Pradesh, India.
UG Student, School of ICT, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Correspondence to: Mr. Tarun Dewangan, Department of Civil Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of
Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. E-mail Id: [email protected]
In developing countries like India, most of the realized the need of developing smart cities in
population and economic growth is taking urban area and announces to develop ‘100
place. Rapid urbanization has made the smart cities’ in urban areas [4]. The main
movement of people from the rural areas to concern of new public transport system in
urban cities [1]. Urbanization in Indian Cities is today's world is to control the increasing rate
putting enormous pressure on transportation of urbanization and to reduce the traveller’s
infrastructures to respond to an increasing dependency on private vehicles to make the
travel demand with greater strength and transportation system more sustainable.
efficiency of the public transport system [2]. According to census 2011, there was an
With this increasing urbanization, urban areas increment in million plus cities from 35 in 2001
are expected to house 40% of India’s to 55, consisting of 107.9 million urban (39%)
population and contribute 75% of India’s GDP population [5]. Figure 1 presents the
by 2030 [3]. Thus, due to increasing forecasting of vehicle population in India [3].
urbanization the Indian government has now
There is enormous gap between the demand essential expansion for development of a
and supply of the public transport in most of sustainable transport due to concerns
the urban cities in India and these cities are regarding the economic, environmental, safety
facing the problem of congestion, inadequate and social equity [7]. Hence, there is urgent
public transport facilities, inappropriate requirement of developing Intelligent
information, inadequate parking spaces and Transport System for safer, effective, efficient
environmental pollution. Sustainable Transport access, proper information and mobility into
in smart cities provide solutions that take the future while considering economic, social,
advantage of Intelligent Transport System and environmental needs [8]. The main
which assure superior quality of life, reduced objective of this study is to present the major
costs and increased efficiency [6]. Intelligent application of intelligent transport system for
transportation system plays a significant role in developing sustainable transport system in
today’s transportation system and is an smart cities of India. It is expected that this
Dewangan T et al. J. Adv. Res. Auto. Tech. Transp. Sys. 2017; 1(1&2)
study will be helpful for transport planners facing various problems like environmental
to build up sustainable transport system pollution, accidents, congestion, overcrowding, lack
with implementation of artificial intelligence of information and parking space etc. At present
system. This article consists four sections, India is leading country in the world in traffic
first section presents the introduction of accidents and has the extremely high fatality rate of
intelligent transport system and major issues road accidents in the world. Therefore, there is
in today's transport system. Second section immediate requirement to develop intelligent
highlights the basic requirement of public transport systems in Indian cities for traffic control
transport system in smart cities in India. The management and to deal with the rising threat of
third section presents major application of traffic accidents and fatalities. Intelligent Transport
intelligent transport system in smart cities in System plays a significant role in improvement of
India. The last section presents important traffic control and management, passenger
conclusions drawn from this study. information system i.e. real-time traffic information
and route navigation systems, information related
Requirements of Sustainable Intelligent parking space availability etc. Table 1 presents the
Transport System requirements of intelligent transport system and its
application for sustainable transport system in
Most of the developing countries like India,
smart cities.
due to lack of intelligent transport system
J. Adv. Res. Auto. Tech. Transp. Sys. 2017; 1(1&2) Dewangan T et al.
Hence application of ITS to develop smart in transport system can be adopted to make
cities considers the basic requirements of the transport system more sustainable.
Sustainable Transport System in India.
For public transport terminal facilities
Intelligent Transport System can play a key
generally provided with proper sitting
role in resolving the crucial issues in Indian
and waiting arrangements, in addition
cities like congestion, environmental
to this, it can be provided with digital
degradation, safety issues, parking problems
display board showing information
and public transport facilities.
related to buses like bus routes,
location, next bus and charges details
Application of Intelligent Transport
and public transport vehicles can
facilitate recreation means during
Intelligent transport system can be journey to captivate more passengers.
implemented to makes the transportation Electronic toll system can be used to
system sustainable, which is major concern of reduce the delays at toll plaza. Innovative
today's world. Also, India need world class technologies can be used to make
infrastructure for the success of recently transport modes faster and safer with
addressed projects by Indian government i.e., integration of multi-technologies such as
"Make in India" and "Smart City" which bus transit, metro rail and other modes.
requires transportation system with better
accessibility and adequate information which is The vehicle can be provided with superior
possible with the implementation of Artificial design to enhance the comfort and light
Intelligence System. The Intelligent Transport material can be used to increase power
System can be implemented to develop weight ratio. Vehicles can be attached
superior transport facility, passenger with GPS system to develop collision free
information system, intelligent traffic control system and to reduce rate of accidents.
and management system, intelligent parking
system and environment friendly transport Development of Passenger Information
system. Hence this study presents application system
of advance technologies to enhance the quality In India, the transport system lacks appropriate
of transport system with real time passenger passenger information, passenger information
information, safety, reliability, comfort and to system can provide the real time traffic
reduce the road accidents, stops and delays situation, routes and location of buses,
and environmental pollution. weather condition, incidents identified and
busy routes etc. The passenger information
Development of Superior Transport system provides all the necessary information
Facility to the passenger so those passengers can
Indian cities are provided with poor qualities of response accordingly. Intelligent transport
transport facilities, and least safety measures, system can be applied to generate all the
which distract the passenger to use public necessary information and make them
transport and travellers turn towards private available for passengers so that this system
vehicles. Provision of superior facilities with helps the passenger to react accordingly.
implementation of artificial intelligence system Figure 2 presents the detailed passenger
information system.
Dewangan T et al. J. Adv. Res. Auto. Tech. Transp. Sys. 2017; 1(1&2)
Traffic Sensor Change Route
Aerial Surveillance
Change Departure
Road Weather
Weather Condition
Next Bus
Change Mode
Intelligent Traffic Control and intelligence system. ITS can be applied for
Management revenue collection and management using
electronic ticketing system and for better
Intelligence transport system includes various transparency, data can be handled by digital
implementations of advance technologies in system. Figure 3 presents development of
traffic safety by use of CCTV camera attached intelligent traffic control and management
with central monitoring system for observing system.
various sections of road network, public transit
vehicles and terminal station. Another Intelligent Parking System
component of traffic control and management
Intelligent Parking System has interesting
is traffic demand management which can be
functional system that assures an easy
easily managed by proper observation of real
parking with no damages, parking within
time traffic situation with the use of artificial
minimum possible time at any suitable place
intelligence system. Traffic signal can be
and get a message if the parked vehicle has
synchronized properly to reduce the delays at
been damaged anyhow while the driver is
intersection with application of artificial
not present in the car.
J. Adv. Res. Auto. Tech. Transp. Sys. 2017; 1(1&2) Dewangan T et al.
The IPS system provides a planning of path that is system should be able to provide guidance
being displayed on the computer system to specify automatically to the driver and would also facilitate
the directions of vehicle and provide guidance to users to get notified when their car get damaged
driver for parking of vehicle. This system includes while their vehicle is being parked
algorithmic car movement system and the damage [9]. Figure 4 presents block diagram of
message system. The intelligent parking system.
Parking System
Dewangan T et al. J. Adv. Res. Auto. Tech. Transp. Sys. 2017; 1(1&2)