Metallographic Specimen Preparation Basics: by Donald C. Zipperian, Ph.D. Pace Technologies
Metallographic Specimen Preparation Basics: by Donald C. Zipperian, Ph.D. Pace Technologies
Metallographic Specimen Preparation Basics: by Donald C. Zipperian, Ph.D. Pace Technologies
Documentation - Metallographic analysis is a valuable tool. By properly documenting the initial specimen
condition and the proceeding microstructural analysis, metallography provides a powerful quality control as well as
an invaluable investigative tool.
Sectioning and Cutting - Following proper documentation, most metallographic samples need to be sectioned to
the area of interest and for easier handling. Depending upon the material, the sectioning operation can be obtained
by abrasive cutting (metals and metal matrix composites), diamond wafer cutting (ceramics, electronics,
biomaterials, minerals), or thin sectioning with a microtome (plastics).
Proper sectioning is required to minimize damage, which may alter the microstructure and produce false
metallographic characterization. Proper cutting requires the correct selection of abrasive type, bonding, and size; as
well as proper cutting speed, load and coolant. Table I list the most common type of abrasive blades used for
metallographic sectioning and Table II lists cutting parameters for diamond wafer cutting.
Metal matrix
- >3500 >500 Medium/high
Mounting - The mounting operation accomplishes three important functions (1) it protects the specimen edge and
maintains the integrity of a materials surface features (2) fills voids in porous materials and (3) improves handling of
irregular shaped samples, especially for automated specimen preparation. The majority of metallographic specimen
mounting is done by encapsulating the specimen into a compression mounting compound (thermosets - phenolics,
epoxies, diallyl phthalates or thermoplastics - acrylics), casting into ambient castable mounting resins (acrylic resins,
epoxy resins, and polyester resins), and gluing with a thermoplastic glues.
Compression mounting - For metals, compression mounting is widely used. Phenolics are popular because they are
low cost, whereas the diallyl phthalates and epoxy resins find applications where edge retention and harder mounts
are required. The acrylic compression mounting compounds are used because they have excellent clarity. Table IIIa
and IIIb list the application as well as the physical properties of the most common compression mounting resins.
Coefficient of Linear
Thermal Expansion 50 - 28 19
(in/in/°C 10-6)
Alcohol, dilute
petrochemicals, Solvents, acids, Solvents, acids,
Chemical resistance acids & alkalies,
solvents, some alkalies alkalies
and oxidizers
acids and bases
150°-165°C 143°-177°C 160°-177°C
Molding temperature -
(300°-330°F) (290°-350°F) (320°-350°F)
21-28 MPa 17-28 MPA 24-41 MPA
Molding pressure -
(3050-4000 psi) (2500-4000 psi) (3500-6000 psi)
Hardness - Rockwell M63 Barcol 72 -
Curing time
(1/2" mount @ temp.) 90-120 seconds 2-4 minutes 90-120 seconds 90-120 seconds
and pressure)
Castable mounting resins are commonly used for electronic and ceramic materials. Castable mounting resins are
recommended for brittle and porous materials. These mounting compounds are typically two component systems (1-
resin and 1-hardener). Typical curing times range from minutes to hours with the faster curing resins producing
higher exothermic temperature which causes the mounting material to shrink away from the edge during curing. For
example, the Acrylic Cold Mounting Resins cure in less than 10 minutes and Epoxy Castable Resins cure in
approximately 4-6 hours. Note that adding an external energy source such as heat or microwave energy can enhance
the Epoxy Castable Resin curing cycle. It is recommended that the room temperature be less than 85° F to avoid
overheating and uncontrollable curing of the mounting compound. Table IV lists the basic properties of castable
mounting resins.
Planar Grinding - or course grinding is required to planarize the specimen and to reduce the damage created by
sectioning. The planar grinding step is accomplished by decreasing the abrasive grit/ particle size sequentially to
obtain surface finishes that are ready for polishing. Care must be taken to avoid being too abrasive in this step, and
actually creating greater specimen damage than produced during cutting (this is especially true for very brittle
materials such as silicon).
The machine parameters, which effect the preparation of metallographic specimens, include grinding/polishing
pressure, relative velocity distribution, and the direction of grinding/polishing.
Grinding Pressure
Grinding/polishing pressure is dependent upon the applied force (pounds or Newton's) and the area of the specimen
and mounting material. Pressure is defined as the Force/Area (psi, N/m2 or Pa). For specimens significantly harder
than the mounting compound, pressure is better defined as the force divided by the specimen surface area. Thus, for
larger hard specimens higher grinding/polishing pressures increase stock removal rates, however higher pressure
also increases the amount of surface and subsurface damage. Note that for SiC grinding papers, as the abrasive
grains dull and cut rates decrease, increasing grinding pressures can extend the life of the SiC paper.
Higher grinding/polishing pressures can also generate additional frictional heat, which may actually be beneficial for
the chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) of ceramics, minerals and composites. Likewise for extremely friable
specimens such as nodular cast iron, higher pressures and lower relative velocity distributions can aid in retaining
inclusions and secondary phases.
Relative Velocity
Current grinding/polishing machines are designed with the specimens mounted in a disk holder and machined on a
disk platen surface. This disk on disk rotation allows for a variable velocity distribution depending upon the head
speed relative to the base speed (Table V).
For high stock removal, a slower head speed relative to a higher base speed produces the most aggressive grinding/
polishing operation. The drawback to high velocity distributions is that the abrasive (especially SiC papers) may not
breakdown uniformly, this can result in non-uniform removal across the specimen surface. Another disadvantage is
that the high velocity distributions can create substantially more specimen damage, especially in brittle phases. In all
cases, it is not recommended to have the head rotating contra direction to the base because of the non-uniform
removal and abrasive breakdown that occurs.
Minimal relative velocity distributions can be obtained by rotating the head specimen disk at the same rpm and same
direction as the base platen. This condition is best for retaining inclusions and brittle phases as well as for obtaining
a uniform finish across the entire specimen. The disadvantage to low relative velocity distributions is that stock
removal rates can be quite low.
In practice, a combination of a high velocity distribution (150 rpm head speed/ 300 - 600 rpm base speed) for the
initial planarization or stock removal step, followed by a moderate speed and low velocity distribution (120-150 rpm
head speed/ 150 rpm base speed) step is recommended for producing relatively flat specimens. For final polishing
under chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) conditions where frictional heat can enhance the chemical process,
high speeds and high relative velocity distributions can be useful as long as brittle phases are not present (e.g.
monolithic ceramics such as silicon nitride and alumina).
Grinding Direction
The orientation of the specimen can have a significant impact on the preparation results, especially for specimens
with coatings. In general, when grinding and polishing materials with coatings the brittle component should be kept
in compression. In other words, for brittle coatings the direction of the abrasive should be through the coating and
into the substrate. Conversely, for brittle substrates with ductile coatings, the direction of the abrasive should be
through the brittle substrate into the ductile coating.
Manual Preparation - In order to insure that the previous rough grinding damage is removed when grinding by
hand, the specimen should be rotated 90 degrees and continually ground until all the scratches from the previous
grinding direction are removed. If necessary the abrasive paper can be replace with a newer paper to increase cutting
Automated Preparation - The key to successful automated preparation is to thoroughly clean the specimens between
each abrasive grit size that is used. The tracking of the specimens should also uniformly break down the SiC paper,
otherwise non-uniform grinding will occur (especially for hard specimens in soft mounts). In other words, the
specimen should track across the entire diameter of the SiC paper.
Abrasive Selection - The most common abrasive used for planar grinding metal and polymer metallographic
specimens is silicon carbide (SiC). Silicon carbide is an excellent abrasive for planar grinding because it is very
hard and maintains a sharp cutting edge as it breaks down during cutting. SiC abrasives are typically listed by the
grit size. Table VI shows the two most common grit size-numbering systems, along with their respective median
diameter particle size and Table VII provides a list of recommendation for planar grinding specific materials.
Table VI. Particle Size vs. Common Grit Sizes for Abrasive Papers
European Median Diameter,
Standard grit
(P-grade) (microns)
60 60 250
80 80 180
100 100 150
120 120 106
150 150 90
180 180 75
220 220 63
P240 240 58.5
P280 52.2
P320 280 46.2
P360 320 40.5
P400 35
P500 360 30.2 Figure 1. SEM micrograph of 600 grit SiC
P600 400 25.75 Abrasive Paper (original mag. 150x)
P800 21.8
P1000 500 18.3
P1200 600 15.3
P2400 800 6.5
P4000 1200 2.5
Recommended Procedures
The recommended polishing procedure depends upon the hardness and ductility of the specimen.
The following chart gives a schematic of a materials property chart.
Metal Matrix
Polymer Matrix
Nickel and
Super Alloys
Lead, tin, Titanium
Ceramic Matrix
Aluminum Stainless Composites
Copper Thermal
Spray Engineered
Precious Coatings Tough Ceramics
metals General
Au, Ag, Pt Ceramics
Powder Cast Steels
Metals Iron Tool
Rhenium, Steels
Silicon, GaAs, Glass and
Ferrites Mineral
Soft Hard
Rough Polishing - The purpose of the rough polishing step is to remove the damage produced during cutting and
planar grinding. Proper rough polishing will maintain specimen flatness and retain all inclusions or secondary
phases. By eliminating the previous damage and maintaining the microstructural integrity of the specimen at this
step, a minimal amount of time should be required to remove the cosmetic damage at the final polishing step.
Rough polishing is accomplished primarily with diamond abrasives ranging from 9 micron down to 1-micron
diamond. Polycrystalline diamond because of its multiple and small cutting edges, produces high cut rates with
minimal surface damage, therefore it is the recommended diamond abrasive for metallographic rough polishing on
low napped polishing cloths. Table VIII lists the basic rough polishing guidelines for a number of materials.
Final Polishing - The purpose of final polishing is to remove only surface damage. It should not be used to remove
any damage remaining from cutting and planar grinding. If the damage from these steps is not complete, the rough
polishing step should be repeated or continued (Table IX). Table X describes the most common polishing pads for
metallographic specimen preparation.
Chemical etching selectively attacks specific microstructural features. It generally consists of a mixture of acids or
bases with oxidizing or reducing agents. For more technical information on selective chemical etching consult
corrosion books which discuss the relationship between pH and Eh (oxidation/reduction potentials), often known as
Eh-pH diagrams or Pourbaix diagrams.
Over the years numerous chemical etchants have been formulated. Some of the more common chemical etchants are
listed in the following table. Table XI lists some of the more common etchants.
Table XI. Common Chemical Etchants
CAUTION: Safety is very important when etching. Be sure to wear the appropriate protective clothing and observe
all WARNINGS on chemical manufacturers MSDS. Also review COMMENTS Section for each etchant.
Electrolytic etching is another fairly common etching technique. It is similar to chemical etching in that acids and
bases are used for modifying the pH, however the electrochemical potential is controlled electrically by varying the
voltage and current externally as opposed to chemically. Electrolytic etching is often used for harder to etch
specimens that do not respond well to basic chemical etching techniques. Electrolytic techniques require that the
specimen be conductive and are therefore limited primarily to metals.
The most common electrolytic etching equipment uses a two-electrode design (anode and cathode) with acids or
bases for the electrolyte. Procedures for this type of electrolytic etching are fairly common and can be found in the
Another type of electrolytic etching requires more sophisticated electrochemical equipment (potentiostats). This
equipment uses a three-electrode configuration (anode, cathode, and reference) which allows the current and voltage
to be adjusted independent of each other. In comparison to the two-electrode system, voltage is altered with the
electrolyte dictating the current conditions. On the other hand, the electrolyte for the three-electrode configuration
only requires a conductive solution such as KCl, instead of highly corrosive acids or bases.
Molten Salt etching is a combination of thermal and chemical etching techniques. Molten salt etching is useful for
grain size analysis for hard to etch materials such as ceramics. The technique takes advantage of the higher internal
energy associated at a materials grain boundaries. At the elevated temperature of molten salts, the higher energy at
the grain boundaries is relieved, producing a rounded grain boundary edge, which can be observed by optical, or
electron microscope techniques.
Thermal etching is a useful etching technique for ceramic materials. Thermal etching is technique that relieves the
higher energy associated at the grain boundaries of a material. By heating the ceramic material to temperatures
below the sintering temperature of the material and holding for a period of minutes to hours the grain boundaries
will seek a level of lower energy. The result is that the grain boundary edge will become rounded so that it can be
evaluated by optical or electron microscope techniques.
Depending upon the ceramic material, the atmospheric condition of the furnace may need to be controlled. For
example, etching silicon nitride will require either a vacuum or an inert atmosphere of nitrogen or argon to prevent
oxidation of the surface to silicon dioxide.
Plasma etching is a lesser-known technique that has been used to enhance the phase structure of high strength
ceramics such as silicon nitride. For silicon nitride, the plasma is a high temperature fluoride gas, which reacts with
the silicon nitride surface producing a silicon fluoride gas. This etching technique reveals the intragrain
microstructure of silicon nitride.
Metallographic Analysis
Metallurgical analysis (metallography) of the microstructural provides the Material Scientist or Metallurgist
information varying from phase structure, grain size, solidification structure, casting voids, etc. Figure 2 shows an
example of two cast iron structures. Figure 2a shows a cast iron microstructure which has graphite flakes. Over
time this materials will most likely fail under load. On the other hand by adding some solidifying agents the cast
iron can be made to form the more durable graphite nodules (Figure 2b).
Figure 3 shows the grain size of a tough pitch copper. Analysis of a materials grain size provides valuable
information regarding a materials physical hardness and ductility. Microstructural analysis can also provide very
useful information about the types of phases that occur during cooling. Figure 4 shows the dendritic growth of the
microstructure for an aluminum-silicon alloy which formed during solidification. The direction and size of these
dendrites again relate to the materials strength and durability.
Other examples of metallographic analysis include: analyzing printed circuit board (PCB) solder hole connections,
microelectronic failure analysis, steel heat treating such as surface hardening, ceramic grain size and porosity,
polymer composite fiber wetting and orientation, etc.
Microscopic Analysis
Bright Field (B.F.) illumination is the most common illumination technique for metallographic analysis. The light
path for B.F. illumination is from the source, through the objective, reflected off the surface and returning through
the objective and back to the eyepiece or camera. This type of illumination produces a bright background for flat
surfaces with the non-flat features (pores, edges, etched grain boundaries) being darker as light is reflected back at
an angle.
Dark Field (D.F.) illumination is a lesser know illumination but powerful illumination technique. The light path for
D.F. illumination is from the source, down the outside of the objective, reflected off the surface and returning
through the objective and back to the eyepiece or camera. This type of illumination produces a dark background for
flat surfaces with the non-flat features (pores, edges, etched grain boundaries) being brighter as light is reflected at
an angle back into the objective.
Differential Interference Contract (DIC) - is a very useful illumination technique for providing enhanced specimen
features. DIC uses a normarski prism along with a polarizer in the 90° crossed positions. The two light beams are
made to coincide at the focal plane of the objective, thus rendering height differences visible as variations in color.
Optical Interferometry - is a technique that provides precise details of a materials surface topography. The simplest
interferometer employs the interference between two beams of light. One beam is focused on the specimen and the
second beam on an optically flat reference surface. The two reflected beams are then recombined by the beam
splitter and pass through the eyepiece together. The two beams reinforce each other for those points on the specimen
for which their path lengths are either the same of differ by an integral multiple of the wavelength, nλ. The beams
cancel for path differences of nλ /2. Today's interferometers provide quantitative 3-dimensional surface topography
The two most common optical interferometry techniques include - phase shifting interferometry (PSI) which uses a
PZT to shift the optical path of the objective and vertical scanning interferometry (VSI) which changes the focus
range of the objective. The main differences between PSI and VSI are that PSI has a higher z-axis resolution,
whereas VSI has a larger scan range. PSI and VSI can also be combined to provide both high surface resolution and
a larger scan range.
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) - Is a non-optical technique that provides angstrom level surface profiling
information. AFM's are very powerful tools and can be provide electrochemical, magnetic, and other surface feature
Hardness Testing
Hardness Testing provides useful information, which can be correlated to tensile strength, wear resistance, ductility,
and other physical characteristics. Hardness testing is therefore useful for monitoring quality control and for the
materials selection process. Table XII compares the various hardness testing applications.
Microhardness is primarily determined with Knoop and Vickers indenters under test loads in the range of 1 to 1000
gram-force and are used to measure the hardness of specific phases, small particles and brittle materials.
• Knoop hardness number (HK) is determined based on the size that of a diamond indenter (rhombic-based,
pyramidal diamond) produces under a known applied load. The HK number is calculated by dividing the
applied load (kilogram-force) by the projected area of the indentation (square millimeters).
• Vickers hardness number is obtained by dividing the applied load in kilogram-force by the surface area of
the indentation. The area of the indentation produced from the Vickers square-based pyramidal diamond is
determined by the mean distance between the two diagonals of the indentation.
Rockwell hardness (HR) is an indentation hardness test that is determined with a spheroconical penetrator or hard
steel ball that is forced into the specimen surface. The test is accomplished by bringing the specimen into contact
with the penetrator, the penetrator is then slowly forced into the specimen surface by weights acting through a
system of levers, and when the load is released a dial pointer indicates the hardness number.
Table XII. Hardness Tester Characteristics
General Surface
Typical range of Typical
Type Penetrator hardness range preparation
loads, kg applications
covered before testing
Diamond Medium to very Production testing
Rockwell C 150 Fine grinding
cone hard of finished parts
1/16 inch Production testing
Rockwell B 100 Soft to medium Fine grinding
steel ball of finished parts
10 mm steel Production testing
Brinell 500-3000 Soft to hard Coarse grinding
ball of unfinished parts
Diamond Very soft to very Laboratory
Vickers 5-100 Fine grinding
pyramid hard investigations
Test of micro-
Diamond Very soft to very constituents of
Microhardness 0.01-50 Fine polishing
pyramid hard alloys and
Microstructural analysis is extremely important in today's world where metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites
are used to improve our everyday lives by insuring safety and reliability in the products that we use. In order, to
correctly analyze these microstructures, proper specimen preparation is required to eliminate preparation induced
microstructural artifacts. By knowing the physical properties of the material such as hardness, recrystallization
temperature, fracture toughness; an appropriate specimen preparation procedure can be developed. In general,
minimizing the damage early in the microstructural preparation stage by choosing the correct abrasive, lubricant,
and equipment parameters, the steps required to highlight the representative materials microstructure obtained by
following the basic preparation guidelines outlined in this paper.