Tropmed 91 1002
Tropmed 91 1002
Tropmed 91 1002
Copyright © 2014 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Abstract. Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) are controlled by regular mass drug administration. Current practice
targets school-age children (SAC) preferentially over pre-school age children (PSAC) and treats large areas as having
uniform prevalence. We assessed infection prevalence in SAC and PSAC and spatial infection heterogeneity, using a
cross-sectional study in two slum villages in Kibera, Nairobi. Nairobi has low reported STH prevalence. The SAC and
PSAC were randomly selected from the International Emerging Infections Program’s surveillance platform. Data
included residence location and three stools tested by Kato-Katz for STHs. Prevalences among 692 analyzable children
were any STH: PSAC 40.5%, SAC 40.7%; Ascaris: PSAC 24.1%, SAC 22.7%; Trichuris: PSAC 24.0%, SAC 28.8%;
hookworm < 0.1%. The STH infection prevalence ranged from 22% to 71% between sub-village sectors. The PSAC
have similar STH prevalences to SAC and should receive deworming. Small areas can contain heterogeneous preva-
lences; determinants of STH infection should be characterized and slums should be assessed separately in STH mapping.
sibling infection status and proximity to latrines. Finally, we paths, drainage patterns, and landmarks. Final sampling
assessed the sensitivity of testing varying numbers of stools weights are a product of the selection weight, the weighting
using the Kato-Katz technique for detecting STH infection class adjustment, and the post-stratification ratio.
from stool samples, using three stools as the “gold standard.” Data collection. Some household-level demographic vari-
Overall, STH infection prevalence and morbidity findings ables for each household, including sector of residence, were
for this study are discussed elsewhere33; here, we provide and provided by the IEIP registry. The remaining data were col-
discuss STH infection-associated factors and detailed preva- lected using Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) programmed
lence, spatial distribution, and testing sensitivity results. in Questionnaire Manager.37 The study was performed during
April–June 2012. Participants (6 months–14 years of age) and
METHODS their parents/guardians were approached to participate in the
study. A questionnaire was used to capture household-level
Ethics statement. This study was approved by Institutional demographic factors and individual relevant history for the
Review Boards at the Kenya Medical Research Institute selected child, including deworming history in the past year
(KEMRI) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Pre- and source of deworming. For SAC (5–14 years of age) the
vention (CDC). Participants provided written informed paren- questionnaire also collected information on school atten-
tal consent, and written assent from all participants 13 years of dance and school name; for PSAC (6 month–under 5 years
age or older. Test results for malaria and hemoglobin levels of age) it collected information on whether time was spent
were returned to participants at the time of testing, and stool regularly outside the home and location. (see Table 1). In
results were provided after examinations of all submitted stools addition, an observational survey was completed for their
were completed. Participants with anemia, malaria, STH infec- households that focused on socioeconomic status (SES)
tion, or moderate or severe undernutrition or anemia were assessment using questions from the Kenya Demographic
referred for free care at the International Emerging Infections and Health Survey (DHS) SES questionnaire. Water, sanita-
Program (IEIP) community disease surveillance reference tion, and hygiene environmental elements were included and
clinic as per the WHO/Kenya national guidelines. will be described separately elsewhere.
Study area and population. The study was conducted in Selected children were encouraged to provide three stool
two slum villages, Gatwekira and Soweto West, within the samples, the clinical diagnostic gold standard and an
Kibera urban slum area in southern Nairobi, using the established research approach, to mitigate limitations in
platform of the CDC-Kenya IEIP. This is a community- sensitivity seen with a single sample as a result of day-to-day
based surveillance platform run by KEMRI and CDC oper- variations in egg excretion.38 In the case of selected SAC,
ating in the villages. The IEIP methods have been described three stools were collected from their PSAC and SAC sib-
elsewhere34; briefly, the program enrolls all consenting lings as well, to assess sibling infection as a factor associated
adults and children with head-of-household consent who with infection. Stools were accepted only if produced after
have been living in all households in the study area for at midnight, and maintained after collection in cool boxes
least 4 months, thus attempting to enroll a census of all with ice packs before delivery to the laboratory for analysis
residents; the household refusal rate is under 2%.35 The before 2 PM that day. Stools were collected over 3 consecu-
IEIP conducts at least biweekly visits to all enrolled house- tive days where possible, or up to 15 days apart.
holds, to record interval self-reported morbidity and health Stool samples were processed in the laboratory of the
care usage data. The IEIP maintains an up-to-date registry Eastern and Southern Africa Centre of International Para-
by continually approaching new arrivals in all community site Control (ESACIPAC) based at KEMRI, using the stan-
households for enrollment and updating records to reflect dard Kato-Katz technique.39 Two slides were prepared for
outmigration. These villages are characterized by high popu- each sample, and were examined by different experienced
lation density, a lack of official city water or sewage services, laboratory technicians. Eggs seen per slide were quantified
and a proliferation of informal institutions such as schools by species and converted into eggs per 1 gram (EPG) of
not directly administered by city educational services (“infor- stool. Mean EPG for each child was used to categorize infec-
mal schools,” as opposed to city-run “formal schools”). tions as light, moderate, or heavy infection as per WHO
Study design. Sampling design. To avoid a household being species-specific definitions; the overall infection intensity for
selected into both the PSAC and SAC samples, a simple each child was that of his/her most intense species-specific
random sample without replacement of 25% of the IEIP infection. Results were double-entered into the study data-
participant registry was selected as eligible PSAC house- base and the two reads for the same sample were averaged.
holds; the remaining 75% were eligible as SAC households. Beginning 1 month after the study launch, 10% of all sub-
From each group, households were chosen with probability sequent slides were reread for quality control purposes40 by
proportional to size by the number of PSACs or SACs a third reader not involved in reading either slide originally.
living in the home,36 with collapsing at large-sized house- One blood sample per selected child obtained by finger
holds because of the rarity of such households. One child stick was tested for malaria by rapid diagnostic test kits (Pf/
was chosen at random with equal probability from each Pan, Bioline, Standard Diagnostics, Yongin-si, Korea). To
selected household. These children are referred to as “selected assess morbidities associated with STH infection, anthropom-
children” to distinguish them from their siblings on whom data etry, and finger stick blood testing for hemoglobin, and micro-
were also collected. Random selection was performed using nutrient deficiencies including iron and vitamin A were also
PROC SURVEYSELECT in SAS version 9.3 (SAS Insti- performed for these children; methodology and results for
tute, Inc., Cary, NC). A weighting class adjustment and post- these studies have been reported previously.33
stratification were performed based on IEIP sector, a Sample size. Sample size was limited by laboratory capacity
predefined division into one of 10 sub-areas demarcated by for daily processing of fresh stools. It was calculated to
Table 1
Demographic characteristics of analyzed PSAC and SAC*
PSAC (N = 205) SAC (N = 487)
provide 80% power to detect an odds ratio (OR) of 2.0 for other a composite index made of the sum of the number of
one of the factors suspected to be associated with STH luxury/utility items owned by the household, using the
infection: having an infected sibling, for SAC. Sample size household ownership questions from the Kenya DHS.
was then increased 20% for nonresponse, for a total of Analyses were performed in R version 2.15.2 (R Core
293 PSAC and 899 SAC, out of an eligible population of Team, 2012) using the survey package. Associations were
4,056 PSAC and 11,731 SAC. considered significant at the 5% level. All analyses incorpo-
Statistical analysis. Criteria for inclusion of selected chil- rate the survey weights. Comparisons between SAC and PSAC
dren in the analysis consisted of providing a blood sample, were performed with c2 or Fisher’s exact test. Univariable and
at least one stool, and information on whether the child had multivariable analyses used Poisson regression to provide
been dewormed in the past year. For the siblings of selected prevalence ratios (PRs). Results between weighted and
SAC children, inclusion criteria were providing at least one unweighted regression models were compared and the results
stool and having the household’s selected child also be eligi- were nearly identical with no change in the model inferences;
ble for analysis. weighted models are presented. All analyses were run sepa-
Two variables to capture household wealth and income were rately for PSAC and SAC. Models explored associations
calculated and included in the analysis, one representing the between STH infection and demographic and predictive
household’s per capita weekly expenditure on food, and the factor variables. Predictors included in multivariable
models were chosen by an automated procedure41 which to provide at least one analyzable stool. There were no sig-
uses the Bayesian information criterion42; tested variables also nificant differences between analyzed and non-analyzed chil-
included epidemiologically plausible interactions between dren in sex, age, or sector of residence.
covariates. For SAC, an alternative model was also run includ- All tables show results for selected children only, not sib-
ing SAC siblings of the selected SAC to gain a larger sample lings of selected SAC.
size; in this model, individual-level variables ascertained only Demographic characteristics. Demographic and confounder
for selected children were necessarily eliminated. In con- characteristics are shown, unweighted, in Table 1. Mean
trast, data from PSAC siblings of SAC was used only in household sizes were 5.3 (PSAC) and 6.4 (SAC) people,
the main analysis, in the determination of whether other roughly 70% of female household heads for both PSAC
children in the household had STH infection. and SAC completed primary school only, the population
Calculation of sensitivity using only the first and only was predominately of Luo or Luhya ethnicity, and house-
the first two stool samples relative to all three stools was holds had average per-capita weekly food expenditures of
performed under the assumption of 100% specificity. The US$ 5.42 (PSAC) and 4.95 (SAC). This population was highly
subset of analyzed children who provided three analyzable mobile with rates of travel outside Nairobi in the past year of
stools was included. 37.1% and 54.2% among PSACs and SACs, respectively.
Malaria was found in 11.2% of PSACs and 4.5% of SACs.
RESULTS Ninety-three percent of SACs (94.0% of the 98.6% spending
time outside the home) attended school; nearly half of those
Analyzed and unanalyzed children. In total, 236 PSAC, were informal schools. Of note, over 85% of PSACs were in
604 SAC, and 903 SAC siblings of selected SAC were either pre-primary or school programs. Children who spent
enrolled, and 205 PSAC, 487 SAC, and 685 SAC siblings of substantial time outside the home were relatively concen-
selected SAC were eligible for analysis, for a net response trated in a few institutions: the seven most common specific
rate of 58% among selected children and 64% among institutions attended by PSAC accounted for 37% of PSAC,
all children (Figure 1 shows the participant flowchart for whereas the seven most common institutions attended by
selected children, excluding siblings). Losses to enrollment SAC accounted for 65% of SAC. Slight differences in some
were primarily caused by inability to find household mem- values from those reported elsewhere33 are due to unweighted
bers who could consent or inability to find selected children presentation here and, in the case of recent deworming, var-
at home; losses to analysis were primarily a result of failure iant classification of an ambiguous answer.
Figure 1. Participant flowchart, selected children. *Almost entirely a result of failure to provide at least one analyzable stool sample.
Table 3
Association of any soil-transmitted helminth infection with predictive factors in PSAC and SAC*
PSAC (prevalence = 40.0%) SAC (prevalence = 39.6%)
Age (per year) 1.31 1.13–1.51 1.24 1.04–1.49 0.94 0.91–0.98 0.92 0.89–0.96
Female sex 1.06 0.75–1.48 1.06 0.77–1.46 0.92 0.74–1.14 0.93 0.76–1.15
Ethnicity (reference group = Kisii)
Luhya 1.59 0.52–4.88 − − 1.52 0.71–3.23 − −
Luo 2.23 0.79–6.33 − − 1.79 0.88–3.64 − −
Other 2.05 0.60–7.02 − − 1.39 0.59–3.29 − −
Subvillage sector (shown: 10 vs. 1) 2.49 1.20–5.14 − − 2.36 1.53–3.63 − −
Education of female head of 0.95 0.88–1.02 − − 0.98 0.93–1.02 − −
household (per level)
Income proxy 1: food spending 0.97 0.91–1.03 − − 1.03 0.99–1.06 − −
Income proxy 2: item ownership 0.92 0.81–1.04 − − 0.95 0.88–1.02 − −
Mean Household Size 1.00 0.92–1.09 − − 0.94 0.89–0.99 − −
(increase of 1 person)
Number of children under 15 years in 0.99 0.9–1.09 − − 0.96 0.88–1.03 − −
home (increase of 1)
Crowding (people per bedroom) 1.10 1.00–1.21 − − 0.98 0.93–1.04 − −
PSAC living in the home 1.12 0.79–1.58 − − 0.96 0.69–1.32 − −
Any other child in home infected − − − − 1.59 1.25–2.01 1.66 1.31–2.1
Travel outside Nairobi (past year) 0.91 0.64–1.28 − − 0.84 0.67–1.05 − −
History of being dewormed within 0.99 0.70–1.40 − − 0.71 0.57–0.88 0.70 0.56–0.87
the past year
Malaria 0.90 0.51–1.61 − − 0.85 0.63–1.16 − −
Pica 1.21 0.85–1.71 − − 1.18 0.78–1.79 − −
Wearing shoes outside the home
(reference group = never)
Always 0.91 0.45–1.86 − − 0.89 0.47–1.68 − −
Usually 1.33 0.69–2.57 − − 1.18 0.64–2.18 − −
Sometimes 0.78 0.39–1.56 − − 1.25 0.68–2.32 − −
Current breastfeeding 0.43 0.23–0.83 0.64 0.31–1.34 − − − −
Type of school attended
(reference group = none listed)
Public − − − − 0.44 0.32–0.61 − −
Private − − − − 0.62 0.41–0.95 − −
In-/non-formal or unknown − − − − 0.65 0.49–0.86 − −
All predictive factors with P < 0.05 shown in bold. Adjusted values shown only for variables included in final multivariate model.
*PSAC = pre-school-aged children (6 months to < 5 years of age); SAC = school-aged children (5–14 years of age); PR = prevalence ratio.
children at risk (30.6% and 30.7%, respectively, in 2011 by PSAC were enrolled in pre-primary or nursery programs sug-
WHO estimates),43 continued scale-up of deworming with gests it might be possible to target these children by expanding
a focus on SAC may leave PSAC unprotected. Although from a school-based approach to a broader “institution-based”
some44,45 have raised broader questions about the effective- approach that would include such programs. The PSAC were
ness of current specific MDA approaches, it is widely more dispersed among multiple institutions (with 37% attend-
accepted that infected children do benefit from treatment,1 ing the seven largest institutions versus 65% of SAC), but a
and as such, actively including PSAC in the evolution of substantial proportion could still be reached even if smaller
deworming approaches is critical to controlling the global institutions were missed. This high involvement of young chil-
burden of STH infection. dren in institutional care could be a broader attribute of urban
Our experience in the IEIP villages of Kibera suggests areas related to availability of remunerative employment
that including PSAC in school-based deworming programs for their guardians; similar assessments elsewhere would be
may also be more feasible than it is often considered, at helpful. Efforts to reach out more broadly to institutions
least in urban areas. The finding that the vast majority of should also consider the importance of informal schools,
which enrolled a higher percentage of SAC than did formal
schools. Even school-based MDAs cannot achieve reasonable
coverage in such environments without actively including
informal institutions.
Even where an “institution-based” approach is not fea-
sible or sufficient, the high-density nature of urban slums
may lend itself more easily to community-based distribu-
tion; there is precedent for this approach.25At minimum,
for programs unable to target PSAC through institution- or
community-based approaches, an alternative might be assess-
Figure 3. Prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth infection in ing their infection prevalences before and after routine treat-
children 6 months to 14 years of age by sector: International Emerg- ment of SAC, to test the degree to which PSAC benefit from
ing Infections Program area, Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya. SAC deworming.
Table 4
Sensitivities and prevalences using Kato-Katz for diagnosis of soil-transmitted helminth infection with one and two stools as compared with
three stools*
Ascaris Trichuris Any STH
Second, there are large STH infection prevalence differ- unexplored candidates are water, sanitation, and hygiene
ences between the study villages and the rest of Nairobi.32 factors,22,23 some of which were assessed in this study and
The STH prevalence among SAC in Nairobi was < 7% in one will be reported separately. The lack of a protective impact
study31 reported to constitute a randomly selected sample of deworming for PSAC may be in part caused by different
of Nairobi schoolchildren, though detailed methods are sources of medications for SAC and PSAC; it is possible that
not described. If these results are reproduced elsewhere, this medications vary in efficacy by source (depending on drug,
suggests that slums should be considered separate agro- dose, manufacturer,51 and storage practices.) Differential
ecological zones from their parent cities. (Furthermore, because force of infection, differential recall, and misidentification of
travel outside Nairobi was not associated with STH infection, medications could also play roles.
it seems likely that transmission of infections diagnosed in Third, as expected, our sensitivity and specificity from
Kibera is in fact taking place inside Kibera, not during visits stool testing were intermediate between those found in a
to rural areas; thus, these data provide no reason to expect higher prevalence (thus presumably higher intensity) set-
that MDA in rural areas would directly benefit slum village ting52 and in a lower intensity setting.38 The gain in sen-
residents.) Combining dispersed slums into a single agro- sitivity from additional samples was primarily seen with the
ecological zone may not be beneficial either; infection prev- addition of the second sample, consistent with others’ results
alences in the IEIP villages are also higher than those with respect to Ascaris and Trichuris.52 The magnitude of
found in another slum in western Kenya, where 16.2% of underestimation of prevalence can be expected to increase
children 10–18 years of age17 were reported to be infected. as STH intensity decreases with a successful control pro-
Results from other urban slums worldwide also show gram; this should be considered in treatment decisions, as it
wide variation in STH prevalences: 52.8% in Karachi20 and could lead to misclassification of areas into strata receiving
2.5% in Sao Paolo18 (all based on assessment of one stool lower frequency MDA or no MDA.
per child.) Several limitations are noted. The response rate was rela-
In the case of the Kibera villages, the presence of high tively low; however, analyzed and non-analyzed children
infection prevalence despite frequent deworming may be were similar on assessable demographic characteristics, and
due not only to a transmission-conducive environment,22,23 but the primary reason for nonenrollment (travel outside of
also to the uncoordinated nature of the deworming, occurring Kibera) was not associated with the primary outcome. We
at multiple times throughout the year in different sub- therefore feel the internal validity of significant findings
populations. In such a setting, the widespread simultaneous is high. However, as the study design was not powered to
drop in transmission pressure that a coordinated MDA would find predictive factor associations with ORs < 2, some asso-
have provided might not take place. Regardless, although ciations may have been missed. In addition, generalizability
current WHO guidance includes considering sanitation quality may be limited by differences between the IEIP area and the
in delineating ecological zones, this is not frequently practiced, rest of Kibera and other urban slums. These include ongoing
potentially leading to similar bundling of disparate transmis- free medical care provided by the study site clinic to IEIP
sion zones worldwide. participants, the relative social stability for which the area
Furthermore, the significant variations in prevalence within was originally selected to house IEIP, and a vibrant non-
the villages, between adjacent small areas, suggest that governmental organization (NGO) presence that underpins
treating even this slum as a single unit could lead to ineffi- much of the noted deworming. All of these factors, however,
cient use of deworming resources. Although it would not would be expected to decrease STH prevalence in the study
be practical for national programs to assess prevalences villages relative to other Kibera villages. Quality control reads
individually in smaller areas, as a research goal, identifying were performed for a smaller than expected proportion of
factors responsible for small-scale variations in prevalence samples. Finally, because of the rapid disappearance of hook-
could lead to more accurate prevalence categorization of worm eggs prepared by Kato-Katz, these rereads also could
small areas. not correct any errors in hookworm diagnosis. Hookworm
However, the predictive factors for infection we noted egg hatching between stool production and reading also
here were generally consistent with others’ findings46–50 and cannot be ruled out, though the practice of reading within
thus do not suggest specific changes to current approaches 14 hours of production, with cold box conditions for 2 to
for predicting infection distribution. Average household 6 of those hours, was designed to minimize hatching and
crowding could potentially be used as a predictor, though prevent error caused by egg degradation.
its association here fell short of significance. The strong role The findings in this study provide evidence that PSAC
of an infected sibling in the home is less helpful in school- should be included in national deworming program approaches,
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