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World Journal of Research and Review (WJRR)

ISSN:2455-3956, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2016 Pages 09-14

Language of Encouragement: Effects on

Mathematics Anxiety, Self-efficacy and Mathematics
Performance of College Students in the Philippines
Julie Grace G. Nipaz, Rene R. Belecina, Marc D. Garvida

 Also, the researcher noticed that a lot of students do not have

Abstract— The main purpose of this study is to determine the the confidence that they can perform mathematical tasks
effect of language of encouragement on mathematics anxiety, successfully. The mathematics self-efficacy of students
self-efficacy, and mathematics performance of college students. seems to be low. Because of these, this study attempted to
The study utilized the Pre-test Post-test Comparison Group
Design. The effect of language of encouragement and praise on
find out if language of encouragement can alleviate
mathematics anxiety, self-efficacy, and mathematics mathematics anxiety, increase self-efficacy of students that
performance was determined by comparing the students’ could lead to a higher mathematics performance of students.
pre-test and post-test scores. The results revealed that The results of the study could answer global and national
techniques have adaptive effects on mathematics anxiety, concerns about poor performance of students in mathematics.
self-efficacy, and mathematics performance of students. To
support the claim that encouragement is better than praise, the A. Statement of the Problem
mean differences of the post-tests of two groups were obtained Specifically, this study sought to answer the following
using t-test for independent samples. The results showed
significant results in all outcome variables which reveals that
encouragement can reduce mathematics anxiety, increase How may the students in the comparison and experimental
self-efficacy, and improve mathematics performance of students groups be described before and after the use of language of
much better than praise. Mathematics anxiety and self-efficacy encouragement in terms of the following?
has a significant moderately low negative correlation, 1.1 Mathematics Anxiety
mathematics anxiety and mathematics performance has no 1.2 Self-Efficacy
significant correlation, and self-efficacy and mathematics
performance has a significant moderately low positive
1.3 Mathematics Performance
correlation. Thus, mathematics performance of students can be Is there a significant difference between the mean of two
better determined based on the level of their self-efficacy than groups before and after the conduct of the experiment in
on their level of mathematics anxiety. terms of the following?
2.1 Mathematics Anxiety?
Index Terms— Encouragement, Math Anxiety, Math 2.2 Self-Efficacy?
Performance, Self-Efficacy
2.3 Mathematics Performance?
Is there a relationship between the following pairs of
I. INTRODUCTION variables?
3.1 Mathematics Anxiety and Self-Efficacy
One specific skill that a teacher can work on to improve 3.2 Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Performance
relationship with students is the language of encouragement 3.3 Self-Efficacy and Mathematics Performance
used inside the classroom. Slade (2011) stated that the
language of encouragement used inside the classroom can II. FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY
have an impact on students’ sense of belongingness and
connectedness. The encouragement a teacher makes can The question on how to motivate students to put more
result to a difference on how students see themselves. effort in school-related activities continually plagues
Furthermore, encouraging words affect the quality of educators at all levels of the educational system. Teachers
classroom instruction where students dig deeper and make who want to motivate students to learn should provide a
connections (Johnston, et al., 2006). classroom climate that will make them feel comfortable
Based on the experiences of the researcher as a during academic activities and support their learning efforts.
mathematics teacher, she often observed the tension and fear The most effective technique that a teacher can use is the
the students are experiencing while doing assigned tasks. encouragement process (Curtain-Phillips, 2001).
In order to motivate students to learn, teachers should
provide a classroom climate that would make the students
Julie Grace G. Nipaz, Department of Engineering and Architecture, comfortable. A positive classroom environment can be
Lyceum of the Philippines
Rene R. Belecina, Program Chair, Science and Mathematics Education, created if the teacher develops the skill in using the language
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research, Philippine of encouragement. The language of encouragement does not
Normal University only uplift morale and develop self-confidence in the learners
Marc D. Garvida, Program Chair, Bachelor of Secondary Education
major in Mathematics, College of Education, Rizal Technological but also improve teacher-learner relationship.
University, Philippines

9 www.wjrr.org
Language of Encouragement: Effects on Mathematics Anxiety, Self-efficacy and Mathematics Performance of College
Students in the Philippines

Encouragement emphasizes the positive aspects of behavior,

recognizes efforts, communicates that the teacher trusts,
respects, and believes in the student.
Consequently, teachers have an important role in the
reduction or prevention of students’ mathematics anxiety. To
prevent or reduce mathematics anxiety, first and foremost
requires a safe environment where students are secure in Fig 1.Conceptual Framework (solid arrowed line represents
taking risks and where their thinking is respected (Haylock positive relationship; dashed arrowed line represents negative
and Thangata, 2007). Some of the techniques that teachers relationship)
can use to lessen the students’ mathematics anxiety as stated
by Curtain-Phillips (2001) are: (a) Encourage active learning. III. METHODOLOGY
Students must be engaged in exploring, thinking, practicing,
A. Research Design
and using knowledge, rather than listening to verbal This study used a quasi-experimental method,
descriptions of concepts. (b)Organize students into particularly the Pretest – Posttest Comparison Group Design
cooperative learning groups. Cooperative groups provide the where two homogeneous classes were randomly assigned to
students the opportunity to exchange ideas, ask questions two different teaching methods: use of praise for comparison
freely, verbalize their thoughts, and justify answers. group while use of encouragement for the experimental
(c)Provide support and encouragement. Teachers should group.
provide encouragement to all students and emphasize that
everyone makes mistakes. (d)Avoid putting students in B. Sampling Plan and Participants of the Study
embarrassing situations. Teachers should create an Four sections of 35 students each from College of
atmosphere in which students don’t feel embarrassed in front International Tourism and Hospitality Management enrolled
of others or threatened when they are called on to give oral in Basic Statistics for the second semester of A.Y. 2014-2015
answers. were officially requested Lyceum of the Philippines
Self-efficacy can be developed through paying attention to University General Trias, Cavite Philippines. These four
prior successes and failures by evaluating them. Furthermore, sections were given the mathematics anxiety rating scale,
it can also be developed through direct encouragement and self-efficacy rating scale, and mathematics performance test.
reinforcement especially from people who are important to The results were compared and selected the two sections
them. Self-efficacy judgment and feedback are important in whose means from the given tests are closest and have no
significant difference to ensure that the two groups were
the development of interest. Psychologists have been able to
statistically equivalent in terms of level of mathematics
enhance the interest of students in learning and their level of
anxiety, self-efficacy, and knowledge of the lessons before
performance by helping them to monitor their performance
the experiment. From the selected two sections, the assigned
and providing them with feedback that can increase the level the experimental group (CLHS 201) and the comparison
of self-efficacy (Feldman, 2008). group (HRA 201) to avoid bias. Further, irregular students
Berhenke et al. (2011) points out that motivation is related were removed from the participants deducing it to 30
to academic achievement. This can lead children to pursue participants from each section.
opportunities to learn, which is likely to result in increased C. Research Instruments
effort, more practice, faster skill development, and higher
academic achievement (Aunola et al., 2006). All the tests and scales were validated by a panel of
Based from the concepts reviewed, it was hypothesized experts were pilot tested and were subjected to reliability
that language of encouragement has a negative relationship analysis. The following research instruments were used in
with mathematics anxiety. Scarpello (2007) stated that this study:
teachers who make intimidating comments frequently a) List of Encouragement and Praises
produce math-anxious students. Thus, if the teacher provides
This test/summary includeslist of different statements that
encouragement, the mathematics anxiety of the students can
shows verbal and non-verbal language of encouragement as
be lessened. On the other hand, language of encouragement
well as praises formulated through a focus group discussion.
was hypothesized to have a positive relationship to
b) Mathematical Anxiety Rating Scale
self-efficacy and mathematics performance. One possible
source of self-efficacy is the verbal persuasion. As the A four-point rating scale that determined the level of
students get encouragement, their belief on their capabilities mathematics anxiety of students. It measured the
will increase. In addition, as encouragement is given to mathematics anxiety based on four dimensions: test anxiety,
students, they will be directed towards improvement. Evans numerical anxiety, abstraction anxiety, and mathematics class
(2005) stated that as students receive encouragement, they anxiety guided by the dimensions of mathematics anxiety
will exert greater effort to become successful. The defined by Tudla (2000) and Nolting (2002). Each dimension
relationship among the outcome variables was further was composed of 10 situations wherein some statements from
investigated. The figure below summarizes the conceptual Ruado (2012) were adapted and reworded. The participants
framework of the study. rated the level of anxiety they feel in each situation with the
responses of 4-very much, 3-much, 2-a little and 1-not at all.
This tool was subjected to content validation by the same

10 www.wjrr.org
World Journal of Research and Review (WJRR)
ISSN:2455-3956, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2016 Pages 09-14

panel of experts. This tool was pilot tested on 30 students in instruction with praises. The researcher made sure that the
the first semester of A.Y. 2014-2015 and obtained a lessons discussed to the said groups were the same. All the
reliability value of α = 0.88. The mean scores for this tool activities performed in class were guided by the researcher-
were interpreted based on the given scale inspired by the prepared lesson plans. A timetable was used to guide the
formula n/(n-1) where n is the number of responses used by flow of discussion and activities during the experiment.
Narzoles (2012) in his study. During discussions, students are called to answer problems
3.25 – 4.00 Very High on the board. In the experimental group, students who feel
2.50 – 3.24 High hesitant to answer problem on the board were encouraged by
1.75 – 2.49 Low saying ―Come on, try your best‖ and ―I am very sure you can
1.00 – 1.74 Very Low do it‖. After that, when a student answered the question
correctly, the teacher say ―See, I told you. You can do it‖. On
c) Self-efficacy Rating Scale the other hand, if the students did not give the correct answer,
the teacher give encouragement like ―I am happy to see you
This is a 4-point rating scale designed to measure students’
working like that‖ and ―look at what you have done, you are
self-efficacy in mathematics. The students were asked to rate
improving―. On the comparison group, the teacher called
themselves from 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the
students who were raising their hands. If no one is raising
highest) according to how true the statements were for them.
their hand, the teacher will just call any student. If the student
Some statements from the instruments of Domocrat (2010)
gave the correct answer, the teacher say: ―Very good‖. If the
and Joaquin (2007) were adapted, some items were reworded,
student does not give the correct answer, the teacher say:
and some statements were added and the researcher classified
―Who wants to try to solve the problem?‖ or ―Who has other
these statements based on the sources of self-efficacy: a.)
answer?‖ Every activity performed was returned to students
Mastery experience, b.) Vicarious experience, c.) Verbal
the next meeting. The paper of every student in the
persuasion, d.) Somatic and emotional state (Pajares,
experimental group has words of encouragement while
2002).This tool was pilot tested on 30 students on the first
papers who got perfect or highest scores was noted with
semester of A.Y. 2014-2015 and obtained a reliability value
praise for the comparison group.
of α = 0.81. The mean scores for this tool were interpreted
On the 6th week of the experimentation process, both
based on this scale:
groups answered the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale,
3.25 – 4.00 Very high
Self-efficacy Rating Scale, And Mathematics Performance
2.50 – 3.24 High
Test to obtain their post-tests scores.
1.75 – 2.49 Low
1.00 – 1.74 Very low
E. Data Analysis
d) Mathematics Performance Test
The study used the following statistical test for analysis.
A 30-item multiple choice test developed by the researcher 1. Cronbach Coefficient Alpha was utilized to
using table of specifications comprising the topics of Basic determine the reliability of the research
Statistics for a 6-week implementation of language of instruments.
encouragement to assess the mathematics performance of 2. Weighted Mean was computed to determine the
students. This tool was pilot tested on 30 students on the first level of mathematics anxiety, self-efficacy, and
semester of A.Y. 2014-2015 and obtained a reliability value mathematics performance of participants.
of α = 0.79. The mean scores for this tool were interpreted 3. Standard deviation was obtained to support the
based on this scale: weighted mean and to see the homogeneity of
24.00 – 30.00 Outstanding data.
18.00 – 23.99 Very Good 4. Dependent sample t-test was used to determine if
12.00 – 17.99 Good there is a significant difference between the
6.00 – 11.99 Poor means of the pre-tests and post-tests of each
0.00 – 5.99 Very Poor group.
5. Independent samples t-test was used to determine if
D. Data Collection there is a significant difference between the
means of the post-tests of the experimental and
On the first meeting of class, orientation session provided comparison group in terms of their mathematics
the students with pre-knowledge of the subject, grading anxiety, self-efficacy, and mathematics
system, and expected behaviors of students emphasizing on performance.
respect to one another. In addition, the students answered the 6. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to
mathematics anxiety rating scale, self-efficacy rating scale, determine if there is a correlation between the
and Mathematics Performance Test to know the level of their mathematics anxiety, self-efficacy, and
mathematics anxiety, self-efficacy and mathematics mathematics performance of respondents.
performance respectively before the conduct of the
The experimental group was taught using the words of
The mean scores of the pre-test and post-test of both
encouragement while the comparison group was taught using

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Language of Encouragement: Effects on Mathematics Anxiety, Self-efficacy and Mathematics Performance of College
Students in the Philippines

groups in terms of their mathematics anxiety, self-efficacy, To further investigate which instruction technique can do it
and mathematics performance and their comparison was better, the significant difference of the post-tests of two
shown [insert Table 1 about here]. It shows that there is a high groups were compared and summarized [insert Table 2 here].
significant difference on the means of two groups on the level It reveals that the mean of the post-test of the experimental
of their mathematics anxiety, self-efficacy, and mathematics group (2.68) and comparison group (2.95) has a high
performance before and after the experimentation process. significant difference. The experimental group obtained a
This indicates that instruction using praise and instruction lower mean value which means that they have lower level of
using encouragement can lessen the mathematics anxiety, mathematics anxiety than the comparison group. This
increase the self-efficacy, and improve the mathematics indicates that the language of encouragement is an effective
performance of students. method to reduce the anxiety level of the students better than
This further shows that the mean of mathematics anxiety praise. Shen (2009) indicated that emotional support had
for both groups decreased from 3.04 to 2.68 for the positive effects in alleviating mathematics anxiety and
experimental group while from 3.02 to 2.95 for the increasing mathematics learning. Further, a high significant
comparison group. This implies that both language of difference between the mean of experimental and comparison
encouragement and praise can lessen students’ mathematics groups in terms of self-efficacy was observed with t-value of
anxiety but language of encouragement can do it better than 6.578 and p-value of 0.000. Specifically, the mean values
praise. Haylock and Thangata (2007) states that in order to were 3.11 and 2.69 for experimental and comparison groups
reduce mathematics anxiety, the students should be in a safe respectively. This implies that those students exposed with
environment where they feel secure in taking risks and where language of encouragement have higher self-efficacy
their thinking is respected. Curtain-Phillips (2001) suggested compared to the other group. Pajares (2002) stated that there
that one technique the teacher can use to lessen mathematics were researchers who demonstrated the positive effects of
anxiety is to provide support and encouragement. self-efficacy on effort, persistence, goal setting, and
On the other hand, self-efficacy of experimental group performance of students. Williams and Williams (2010)
increased from 2.26 to 3.11 while the self-efficacy of control noted that those individual who has high levels of
group also increased from 2.28 to 2.68. This result is further self-efficacy considers difficult tasks as challenges to master
supported by Redmond (2010) who stated that using words of rather than as threats to be avoided. Mean scores of 13
encouragement leads individuals to put more effort and thus interpreted as Good and 10.63 interpreted as Poor were
have a greater chance of succeeding a given task. Further, computed as the result of post-test for experimental group and
LeFebvre (2011) who stated that overusing praise can comparison group as shown in [insert Table 2 here]. The
actually lower child’s self-esteem and makes them more computed t-value and p-value were 2.492 and 0.016, showing
competitive and less cooperative. He also added that the significantly different groups in terms of their mathematics
more a person is rewarded for doing something, the less likely performance. It can be concluded that the strategy used for the
they come to do it in the future without a reward. experimental group is more effective compared to the
Mathematics Performance of two groups were almost the comparison group.
same on the pre-test and both improved on the post-test. Table 2: T-test for the Comparison of the Post-tests Mean
However, performance of experimental group is better than Scores of the Experimental and Comparison Groups
the performance of comparison group having a mean of 13.00 VARIABLE GROUP MEAN STANDARD DF T P-VALUE
and 10.63 respectively. When students are motivated, this can MATHEMATICS EXPERIMENTAL 2.68 0.39 58 3.090 0.003
lead them to pursue opportunities to learn, that likely result in ANXIETY COMPARISON 2.95 0.28
SELF-EFFICACY EXPERIMENTAL 3.11 0.28 58 6.578 0.000
increased effort, faster skill development, and higher COMPARISON 2.69 0.22
academic achievement (Aunola et al., 2006). MATHEMATICS EXPERIMENTAL 13.00 3.88 58 2.492 0.016

Table 1: T-test for the Comparison of the Pre-test and

The three variables were paired and their correlation was
Post-test Mean Scores of the Experimental and Comparison
Groups obtained using the post-tests values of both the experimental
and comparison groups. The results were summarized [insert
Variable Group Mean Standard d t p-v Table 3 here]. The correlation coefficient value (-0.40) and
Deviation f alu p-value (0.002) of mathematics anxiety and self-efficacy
Prete Postte Prete Pos e
st st st ttes which indicates a high significant moderately low negative
t correlation between the two variables. This means that as the
Mathemati Experimen 3.04 2.68 0.45 0.3 2 7.5 0.0
cs tal 9 9 0 00 level of mathematics anxiety of participants goes higher the
Anxiety Compariso 3.02 2.95 0.33 0.2 2 2.9 0.0 lower is their self-efficacy level and vice versa. This result
n 8 9 4 06
Self-effica Experimen 2.26 3.12 0.22 0.2 2 12.5 0.0
further supported the findings of: Lee (2009) stated that
cy tal 8 9 2 00 self-efficacy can lessen the negative impact of mathematics
Compariso 2.28 2.69 0.22 0.2 2 7.5 0.0
n 2 9 8 00
anxiety, Galla and Wood (2012) found out that emotional
Mathemati Experimen 3.70 13.00 1.82 3.8 2 12.3 0.0 self-efficacy moderates anxiety-related impairment on a
cs tal 8 9 1 00
mathematics test. However, mathematics anxiety and
Compariso 3.60 10.63 1.75 3.4 2 10.3 0.0
ce n 7 9 6 00 mathematics performance has a very low negative correlation
but has no significant relationship. This shows a negligible

12 www.wjrr.org
World Journal of Research and Review (WJRR)
ISSN:2455-3956, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2016 Pages 09-14

relationship between mathematics anxiety and mathematics three outcome variables and which between mathematics
performance. This means that a student can still perform well anxiety and self-efficacy is a better predictor of mathematics
even if he/she has a mathematics anxiety. A possible performance.
explanation for this based on this study is that, some students
have mathematics anxiety but can still manage their fear and
can perform well in class in order for them to pass the subject
while some students’ anxiety affects their performance. REFERENCES
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Based from the findings, it was concluded that both [12] LeFebvre, J.E. (2011). Praise or encouragement? Parenting the
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mathematics anxiety, self-efficacy, and mathematics [13] Narzoles, A.B. (2012). Effects of using Free Social Media on
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[14] Nolting, P. (2002). Winning at Math. 4th ed. Rainbow Books Inc. pp
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students than praise. Moreover, the relationship of [15] Pajares, F. (2002). Overview of Social Cognitive Theory and of
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Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, etc.) and/or in other levels
(e.g. elementary, high school). In addition, a further research
may be conducted to further explore the relationship of the

13 www.wjrr.org
Language of Encouragement: Effects on Mathematics Anxiety, Self-efficacy and Mathematics Performance of College
Students in the Philippines

Julie Grace G. Nipaz is an instructor in the Department of Engineering

and Architecture at Lyceum of the Philippines University, General Trias,
Cavite;. Her research interests are in mathematics.
Rene R. Belecina, PhD. is a full professor of the Philippine Normal
University, College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research as
a program chair in Science and Mathematics.
Marc D. Garvida is a chair of the Mathematics Department of Rizal
Technological University, under the College of Education, Philippines.

14 www.wjrr.org

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