CBS Feature Parameter Description: Wcdma Ran
CBS Feature Parameter Description: Wcdma Ran
CBS Feature Parameter Description: Wcdma Ran
Issue 01
Date 2014-04-30
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2 Overview.........................................................................................................................................4
3 Technical Description...................................................................................................................5
3.1 External CBC..................................................................................................................................................................6
3.1.1 System Architecture....................................................................................................................................................6
3.1.2 CBS Message Scheduling and Forwarding.................................................................................................................7
3.1.3 Network Topology with the Iu-BC Interface..............................................................................................................7
3.1.4 Signaling Protocols......................................................................................................................................................9
3.2 Built-in CBC.................................................................................................................................................................10
3.2.1 System Architecture..................................................................................................................................................10
3.2.2 CBS Message Scheduling and Forwarding...............................................................................................................11
3.2.3 Message Construction in the RNC............................................................................................................................11
3.2.4 Warning of Disaster...................................................................................................................................................11
4 Related Features...........................................................................................................................13
4.1 WRFD-011000 Cell Broadcast Service........................................................................................................................13
4.1.1 Prerequisite Features..................................................................................................................................................13
4.1.2 Mutually Exclusive Features.....................................................................................................................................13
4.1.3 Impacted Features......................................................................................................................................................13
4.2 WRFD-011001 Simplified Cell Broadcast...................................................................................................................13
4.2.1 Prerequisite Features..................................................................................................................................................13
4.2.2 Mutually Exclusive Features.....................................................................................................................................13
4.2.3 Impacted Features......................................................................................................................................................13
4.3 WRFD-020127 Warning of Disaster............................................................................................................................13
4.3.1 Prerequisite Features..................................................................................................................................................14
4.3.2 Mutually Exclusive Features.....................................................................................................................................14
4.3.3 Impacted Features......................................................................................................................................................14
5 Engineering Guidelines.............................................................................................................15
6 Parameters.....................................................................................................................................33
7 Counters........................................................................................................................................46
8 Glossary.........................................................................................................................................47
9 Reference Documents.................................................................................................................48
1.1 Scope
This document describes CBS, including its technical principles, related features, and
engineering guidelines. This document covers the following features:
NE Type NE Model
l Feature change
Changes in features of a specific product version
l Editorial change
Changes in wording or addition of information that was not described in the earlier version
RAN16.0 01 (2014-04-30)
This issue does not include any changes.
WRFD- Cell Y Y Y Y Y Y
011000 Broadca
WRFD- Simplifi Y Y Y Y Y Y
011001 ed Cell
WRFD- Warning Y Y Y Y Y Y
020127 of
Y indicates that a feature is supported; N indicates that a feature is not supported; NA indicates that an NE is
not involved, that is, a feature does not require the support of the NE.
The features described in this document are implemented in the same way on macro, micro, and
LampSite base stations.
2 Overview
Cell broadcast service (CBS) provides a cell broadcast system that is supplemental to the existing
digital mobile communication platform. Through the cell broadcast system, the RNC sends
specific short messages to cells in a designated area, and consequently the cells broadcast the
messages to all the UEs supporting CBS within the coverage.
Messages broadcast using CBS are known as CBS messages. CBS-capable UEs constantly detect
CBS messages and notify users of the messages received.
l Compared with the point-to-point service, the CBS enables multiple UEs to receive the
same message, saving system resources.
l CBS service areas (SAs) map with physical cells in a one-on-one manner. This enables
CBS messages to be broadcast in designated areas.
To meet the customers' requirements efficiently, Huawei employs two types of cell broadcast
centers (CBCs) to implement the CBS, namely, external CBC and built-in CBC.
When the external CBC (WRFD-011000 Cell Broadcast Service) is used, it sends messages to
the RNC over the Iu-BC interface and then the RNC forwards the messages to UEs.
When the built-in CBC (WRFD-011001 Simplified Cell Broadcast) is used, the RNC housing
the built-in CBC constructs messages and delivers them to UEs.
Additionally, Huawei uses WRFD-020127 Warning of Disaster feature in built-in CBC scenario.
3 Technical Description
The external CBC and built-in CBC are used in different scenarios to meet different demands
of customers. They cannot be used at the same time. The warning of disaster function is supported
by only the built-in CBC.
A common traffic channel (CTCH) needs to be configured for each cell supporting the CBS
feature. The CTCH is mapped onto a FACH.
Figure 3-1 shows the system architecture when the external CBC is configured
In the release of RAN14.0, the second CBC can be configured as a redundancy CBC for the
disaster preventing. Figure 3-2 shows the system architecture when the second external CBC
is configured.
Figure 3-2 System architecture when the second external CBC is configured
1. The external CBC sends a CBS message to the RNC over the Iu-BC interface. The message
contains service requirements such as the broadcast interval, broadcast times, and broadcast
2. On receipt of the message, the RNC saves it to the buffer.
3. The RNC schedules and forwards the message based on the CTCH bandwidth allocated to
the Uu interface and the service requirements.
4. The UEs in CBS-capable cells receive CBS messages of the user-defined types.
UEs in idle mode or in the CELL_PCH or URA_PCH state can receive the CBS messages.
5. The RNC deletes the CBS messages from the buffer.
Networking solutions are different in Iu-BC over IP mode and in Iu-BC over ATM mode.
l Advantage
This networking solution provides flexible networking and simple configuration.
l Disadvantage
If the IP addresses of the RNC and CBC are on different network segments, a route needs
to be configured and extra routing devices need to be added. This leads to increase in the
l Advantage
This solution is cost-effective because legacy ATM switches in the CN can be used and no
additional devices are required.
Legacy ATM switches in the CN can be used, therefore requiring no additional devices
and reducing the costs.
l Disadvantage
There are potential risks that the CN equipment of other vendors does not inter-operate
with Huawei external CBC.
The signaling procedures exchanged between CBC and RNC are listed as follows:
l Write-Replace procedure: used to broadcast new messages or replace the old messages.
l Kill procedure: used to stop the broadcasting of specific messages in specific cells.
l Load Status Inquiry procedure: CBC inquires the available bandwidth for message
broadcasting in specific cells.
l Message Status Inquiry procedure: inquiry of the CBS message status (number of
transmitting specific messages in a cell)
l Reset: stopping CBS service in specific cells
l Restart Indication: When cells resume and the CBS service is available again, the RNC
notifies the CN the cell status.
l Failure Indication: The RNC notifies the CN that CBS service in a cell fails.
broadcasts the received messages within designated cells. The messages can be broadcast
Figure 3-6 shows the system architecture when the built-in CBC is configured.
1. The RNC constructs CBS messages in the same way as the CBS server and saves the
messages to the buffer.
2. The RNC schedules and forwards the message based on the CTCH bandwidth allocated to
the Uu interface and the service requirements.
3. The CBC forwards messages to UEs over the Uu interface. The UEs in CBS-capable cells
receive CBS messages of the user-defined types. UEs in idle, CELL_PCH, or URA_PCH
mode can receive CBS messages.
4. The RNC deletes the CBS messages from the buffer.
The RNC does not need to send the Write-Replace response message or the KILL response
message to the CN.
The warning of disaster function is used to inform UEs in a designated area of disasters or
breaking events through broadcast. The purpose is to enable the subscribers to respond cautiously
to emergencies.
The warning of disaster function is supported by only the built-in CBC. When the function is
applied, the RNC constructs messages and delivers them to UEs in a designated area. The
designated area can be a single cell, multiple cells, or all cells under the RNC. The Warning of
Disaster feature does not require an external CBC.
Areas can be designated on a per RNC, location area, or cell basis. For details, see section 5.3.3
Feature Deployment
The warning of disaster function enables the network operators to compose emergency messages
on the O&M console when disasters (such as earthquake, tsunami, and hurricane) occur. Then,
the O&M console requests the RNC to send the emergency messages to all the UEs in the
designated area. The RNC sends the messages within four seconds after receiving the request.
4 Related Features
5 Engineering Guidelines
5.1.2 Activation
Step 2 Run the ACT LICENSE command on the U2000 or RNC LMT to activate the license file.
Step 3 Run the SET LICENSE command on RNC LMT to set the CBS license.
The IP addresses on the Iu-BC interface can be shared. The device IP address of the Iu-BC interface board,
however, must be configured exclusively and cannot be shared.
RNC Configuration
l Add an IP address of the Ethernet port.
– Run the RNC MML command ADD ETHIP to add the IP address of the Ethernet port.
– The IP address of the Ethernet port connected to the CBC and the IP address of the CBC
are recommended to be on the same network segment.
l Add an IP route.
– Run the RNC MML command ADD IPRT to add a route from the interface board to
the CBC.
If the IP address of the Ethernet port and the IP address of the CBC are on the same network segment, the
ADD IPRT command is not required.
l DSTIP(BSC6900,BSC6910): IP address of the CBC. You can query this IP address by
running the IPCONFIG command on a CBC local computer.
l NEXTHOP(BSC6900,BSC6910): IP address of the Ethernet port configured on the
interface board
l Add the device IP address of the interface board.
– Run the RNC MML command ADD DEVIP to add the device IP address of the interface
– The IP address of the RNC interface board must be the same as the CBS IP address.
l Add the CBS configuration.
– Run the RNC MML command ADD UCBSADDR to add the TCP IP address used for
the SOCKET communication between the CBC and the RNC.
– RNCIPADDR(BSC6900,BSC6910): CBS IP address of the RNC
– CBCIPADDR(BSC6900,BSC6910): IP address of the CBC
The subrack number and slot number do not need to be specified in the ADD UCBSADDR command on
the BSC6910. When the ADD UCBSADDR command is used for the BSC6900, the subrack number and
slot number are optional parameters.
Router Configuration
For details, see the associated router configuration document. The data must be negotiated with
the RNC.
CBC Configuration
Configure the IP address of the CBC and the route from the CBC to the RNC.
RNC Configuration
l Add the device IP address of the interface board.
Run the RNC MML command ADD DEVIP to add the device IP address of the interface
board. This device IP address and the IP address of the ATM switch must be on the same
network segment. The IP address of the RNC interface board must be the same as the CBS
IP address.
l Add an IPoA PVC to the ATM switch.
Run the RNC MML command ADD IPOAPVC to add an IPoA PVC between the local
IPoA client and the peer IPoA client.
– IPADDR(BSC6900,BSC6910): IP address at the local end (that is, the IP address of the
interface board)
– PEERIPADDR(BSC6900,BSC6910): IP address of the ATM switch
– The local IP address and the peer IP address must be on the same subnet.
– The VPI and VCI must be the same as the settings of the ATM switch.
l Add an IP route.
Run the RNC MML command ADD IPRT to add a route from the interface board to the
CBC. The route passes an IP address of the ATM switch.
– DSTIP(BSC6900,BSC6910): IP address of the CBC. You can query this IP address by
running the IPCONFIG command on a CBC local computer.
– NEXTHOP(BSC6900,BSC6910): IP address of the ATM switch. By using this IP
address, the ATM switch exchanges information between the interface board and the
Ethernet port that is connected to the CBC.
l Add the CBS configuration.
Run the RNC MML command ADD UCBSADDR to add the CBS IP address of the RNC,
namely, the TCP IP address used for SOCKET communication between the CBC and the
– RNCIPADDR(BSC6900,BSC6910): CBS IP address of the RNC
– CBCIPADDR(BSC6900,BSC6910): IP address of the CBC
CBC Configuration
Configure the IP address of the CBC and the route from the CBC to the RNC.
1. Setting up a CTCH
2. Configuring the RLC for the CTCH
3. Configuring the Broadcast/Multicast Control (BMC)
4. Updating the system information on the Iub interface
5. Sending the RESTART IND message on the Iu-BC interface
When configuring CBS for a cell, ensure that the configurations of cell-level parameters in IP
mode and ATM mode are consistent. Figure 5-1 shows the procedure for configuring CBS for
a cell (at the radio network layer).
Step 1 Run the RNC MML command ADD UCTCH to add the CTCH for the cell supporting CBS.
FACH ID is the unique identifier of an FACH in a cell. You need to negotiate the channel configuration
scheme with NodeB engineers according to the channel specifications supported by the NodeB.
Step 2 Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLCBSDRX to set the CBS DRX scheduling
parameters for the cell supporting CBS.
Step 3 Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLCBSSAC to set the SAC that identifies the service
area (SA) for the cell supporting CBS.
You can add a specific CBS cell to the CBS SA by setting the cell ID (CELLID).
CBS SAC identifies a CBS cell. The SAC is determined in network planning.
CBS SAs are different from CS/PS SAs. CBS SAs have a one-on-one mapping with physical cells.
CBS cannot be configured for two or more operators in a cell at the same time. In MOCN networks, it is
recommended that the CBS be configured for the primary operator or one of secondary operators.
Step 4 Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLCBS to enable CBS in a cell. You can enable CBS
only after other radio network layer configurations are complete. After CBS is enabled, you can
monitor the RESTART IND message on the Iu-BC interface and the CBS scheduling message
on the Uu interface.
5. Run the RNC MML command DSP UCELL to check whether the CBS function works,
as shown in Figure 5-4.
1. On the CBC, select the message being sent and click delete.
2. Trace messages transmitted over the Iu interface to check whether the SABP_KILL
message has been sent to the RNC, as shown in Figure 5-8.
3. Trace messages transmitted over the Iu interface, as shown in Figure 5-9. The
SABP_KILL_CMP message returned from the RNC contains the IE number-of-
It can be viewed from the Uu interface trace data that the RNC stops sending the
UU_BMC_MSG_TYPE message beginning with 01.
5.1.4 Deactivation
l Delete the configurations of the radio channels and parameters of the CBS by running the
following RNC MML commands:
l Delete the TCP IP address for SOCKET communication between the RNC and CBC by
running the following RNC MML command:
l Delete the IP addresses of the Ethernet ports by running the following RNC MML
l Delete the CBS IP address of the RNC by running the following RNC MML command:
l On the CBC, delete the IP address of the CBC and the route from the CBC to the RNC.
l Delete the configurations of the radio channels and parameters of the CBS by running the
following RNC MML commands:
l Delete the TCP IP address for SOCKET communication between the RNC and CBC by
running the following RNC MML command:
l Delete the IPoA client, IPoA PVC, and IPoA route from the RNC by running the following
RNC MML commands:
l Delete the IPoA client and IPoA PVC from the ATM switch.
l From the ATM switch, delete the IP address of the Ethernet port that connects the ATM
switch and the CBC.
l On the CBC, delete the IP address of the CBC and the route from the CBC to the RNC.
5.2.1 Activation
Configuring CBS
Step 1 Set the IP address and associated parameters of the built-in CBC.
l Run the RNC MML command ADD URNCCBCPUID command to configure the
subsystem for managing the built-in CBC.
The subrack number, slot number, and subsystem number do not need to be specified in the ADD
URNCCBCPUID command on the BSC6910. When the ADD URNCCBCPUID command is used for
the BSC6900, the subrack number and slot number are optional parameters.
l Run the RNC MML command SET URNCCBPARA command with CBSwitch
(BSC6900,BSC6910) set to ON(ON) to enable the CBS function.
You can run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCBSSAC to modify the CBS SAs and cell broadcast
contents as required.
Step 3 Activate the CBS by running the RNC MML command ACT UCELLCBS.
Step 1 Delete the configurations of the CBS radio network layer channels and parameters by running
the following RNC MML commands:
Step 2 Run the RNC MML command RMV URNCCBCPUID to delete the configuration of the
subsystem for managing the built-in CBC.
Step 3 Run the RNC MML command SET URNCCBPARA with CBSwitch(BSC6900,BSC6910) set
to OFF(OFF) to disable the CBS.
After activating CBS on the RNC, if the UU_BMC_MSG_TYPE message beginning with 01
is detected over the Uu interface, as shown in Figure 5-10, the CBS feature works properly.
Step 2 Use a test UE to camp on a designated cell, and check whether the test UE can receive CBS
warning notifications.
5.2.3 Deactivation
Operation Command
For the built-in CBC Set broadcast parameters for SET URNCCBPARA
broadcast parameters the built-in CBC
For the information about the Add the information about ADD UCTCH
CTCH of a cell the CTCH of a cell
For the CBS SAs and Add CBS SAs and broadcast ADD CELLCBSSAC
broadcast message message
5.3.2 Planning
The Warning of Disaster feature does not require an external CBC.
Step 2 Run the RNC MML command SET URNCCBPARA with CB Switch and CTCH switch of
cell broadcast both set to ON(ON).
Step 3 Run the RNC MML command ADD UCBSAREA to set parameters for the designated
notification areas.
Step 4 Run the RNC MML command ADD UCBSMSG to set parameters for cell broadcast messages.
Activation Observation
To verify whether the feature has been activated, use a test UE to camp on a designated cell, and
check whether the test UE can receive CBS warning notifications.
1. Run the RNC MML command RMV UCBSMSG to delete CBS warning notifications.
2. Run the RNC MML command RMV UCBSAREA to delete the designated broadcast areas.
3. Run the RNC MML command SET URNCCBPARA with CTCH switch of cell
broadcast set to OFF(OFF) to disable the Warning of Disaster feature.
Table 5-2 MML commands used to adjust Warning of Disaster parameter settings
Operation Command
For the built-in CBC Set broadcast parameters for SET URNCCBPARA
broadcast parameters the built-in CBC
5.3.6 Troubleshooting
Using the methods for UE battery saving increases the transmission delay of CBS messages. It is good
practice to disable UE battery saving for Warning of Disaster.
Step 3 Run the RNC MML command ACT UCELLCBS to activate the CBS function for a cell.
6 Parameters
service (CBS)
messages when
the CBS feature
is enabled. ON:
This switch is
turned on.
adjustment of
CBS scheduling
messages is
enabled. If no
CBS message
needs to be
broadcast in the
period, the RNC
reduces the
length of CBS
messages so that
CBS scheduling
messages of the
next scheduling
period can be
broadcast. In
addition, the
RNC sets
Type that
corresponds to
the value of the
ty parameter to
no message in
CBS scheduling
messages. If
CBS messages
need to be
broadcast in the
period, the RNC
adjusts the
length of CBS
messages based
on the value of
y parameter and
sets Message
Type that
corresponds to
the value of the
ty parameter to
Reading advised
in CBS
messages. The
RNC configures
about CBS
messages in
CBS scheduling
messages of the
next scheduling
period. OFF:
This switch is
turned off.
adjustment of
CBS scheduling
messages is
disabled. The
RNC sets the
length of
messages based
on the value of
y parameter and
sets Message
Type that
corresponds to
the value of the
ty parameter to
Reading advised
in CBS
Modifications to
this switch take
effect for an
active CBS cell
only after the
CBS has been
deactivated and
then reactivated
in the CBS cell.
GUI Value
Actual Value
service (CBS)
messages when
the CBS feature
is enabled. ON:
This switch is
turned on.
adjustment of
CBS scheduling
messages is
enabled. If no
CBS message
needs to be
broadcast in the
period, the RNC
reduces the
length of CBS
messages so that
CBS scheduling
messages of the
next scheduling
period can be
broadcast. In
addition, the
RNC sets
Type that
corresponds to
the value of the
ty parameter to
no message in
CBS scheduling
messages. If
CBS messages
need to be
broadcast in the
period, the RNC
adjusts the
length of CBS
messages based
on the value of
y parameter and
sets Message
Type that
corresponds to
the value of the
ty parameter to
Reading advised
in CBS
messages. The
RNC configures
about CBS
messages in
CBS scheduling
messages of the
next scheduling
period. OFF:
This switch is
turned off.
adjustment of
CBS scheduling
messages is
disabled. The
RNC sets the
length of
messages based
on the value of
y parameter and
sets Message
Type that
corresponds to
the value of the
ty parameter to
Reading advised
in CBS
Modifications to
this switch take
effect for an
active CBS cell
only after the
CBS has been
deactivated and
then reactivated
in the CBS cell.
GUI Value
Actual Value
7 Counters
8 Glossary
9 Reference Documents