The Redpoll: Arctic Audubon Society's April Presentations
The Redpoll: Arctic Audubon Society's April Presentations
The Redpoll: Arctic Audubon Society's April Presentations
spring. National Audubon he Fairbanks North Star Borough, Department of Parks and Recreation, along with its
Society (NAS) dues are $35; numerous partners, is taking steps to reshape and rehabilitate a long-neglected portion
new members are $20. NAS of land south of the Tanana River Levee System, informally known as South Cushman. Plan-
membership includes local ning efforts have gained momentum since 2004 and site development began in the fall of
chapter dues. Chapter only 2008. The focus and challenge for Parks and Rec is to create an environment which promotes
membership is $10 and constructive and positive recreation opportunities within a tight budget and virtually no staff
includes the newsletter. presence in the area. Developing and nurturing partnerships are key aspects to achieving the
Inside… transformation. The Tanana Lakes Recreation Area, which already has a few trails and will
Audubon Field Trips . ......... 2 have more, was awarded a 2009 Achievement
Average Date of Arrival of Award by the National Association of Coun-
Migrant Birds .............. 7
ties. For more information, visit the website:
BIRDATHON ................. 2–6
Birds of the Boreal Workshop 4
Steve Taylor is a Parks Project Coordinator
Crane Festival Speaker ...... 4
with the Fairbanks North Star Borough, De-
Delta River Draft EA........... 3
partment of Parks and Recreation. Prior to
Small Grant Awarded . ....... 4
working for the Borough, he spent two years
Thank You ........................ 4 with the State Department of Natural Re-
Volunteer with Audubon .... 3 sources working on land management issues.
A sunny August Day at Tanana Lakes Recreation Area
(John Haas, FNSB)
Page The Redpoll April 2010
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May 15 - May 23
For more information call 451-7159. Pledge sheets and directions are available at ABO and on our website beginning April 1st.
Page The Redpoll April 2010
All New!
Small Grants Awarded
Birds of The Boreal Workshops
O n March 22nd, the Arctic Audubon Board of
Directors met to consider eight grant proposals April 21st–May 26th
received for the 2010 small grant program. All the
proposals had merit so it was very hard to choose
which seemed to meet our criteria best.
T he Alaska Bird Observatory’s popular series of bird iden-
tification workshops will be a bit different in 2010. This
year’s focus will be visiting local habitats and the natural history
We settled on a limnology study for high school and identification of the birds you may encounter there. They
students. The grant request was for microscopes and are designed to complement the bird watching field trips of-
sampling equipment that will be used to assess the fered by the Arctic Audubon Society so you will have a chance
watershed that drains into Lake LiWa, and then the to practice your skills in the field. Cost is: $5/each or $25 for
Chena River, near 0.5 mile Chena Hot Springs Road. the series. The workshops are held on Wednesday evenings, 7
The information gathered will help guide habitat pm at the Alaska Bird Observatory Center for Education and
enhancement and is part of cooperation between Research.
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Camp LiWa, and
Educational Endeavors. Educational Endeavors is Paul Johnsgard to be Featured
the vision-child of Janine McCready, a North Pole
science teacher. She would be very happy to have Speaker at Crane Festival
volunteers help with this project starting in late April.
You may contact Janine McCready at 457-8586.
Arctic Audubon is eager to follow these investiga-
N oted ornithologist, author and artist Paul Johnsgard will
be the featured speaker at the Tanana Valley Crane Festival
August 20–22. Dr. Johnsgard is returning for his second trip to
tions and delighted to have an educational project our festival, having been our featured speaker in 2004.
to fund. Many thanks to those that have made dona- Dr. Johnsgard is a Foundation Professor Emeritus of Biologi-
tions to support the small grant program. cal Sciences at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln where he
taught for 40 years, from 1961 through 2001. He is a specialist
Thank You to 2009-10 in avian behavior and taxonomy and has written world mono-
Program Presenters graphs on waterfowl, cranes, grouse, partridges, pheasants,
trogons, bustards, pelicans, and cormorants. He has also written
A rctic Audubon appreciates all who have present-
ed programs for us this past year. Each program
has been excellent and inspiring. We thank Miki
widely on regional biology and natural history topics including
the history and ecology of the Platte River in Nebraska, the
Nebraska Sandhill cranes, and the biodiversity of Nebraska.
and Julie Collins, Ron Teel and Jim DeWitt, Philip His many books include Those of the Grey Wind: The Sandhill
Martin, River Gates, Derek Sikes, and photographers Cranes (Nebraska 1986), Crane Music: A Natural History of
Dave Shaw, Hugh Rose and Pat Endres. In advance, American Cranes (Nebraska 1991), and This Fragile Land: A
we thank the presenters for our April meeting, Steve Natural History of the Ne-
Taylor and Brooke Hill. braska Sandhills (Nebraska
Next fall we plan to have an evening of short takes 1995).
from various trips to the Arctic National Wildlife Besides writing, nearly
Refuge in celebration of its 50th anniversary. We hope all of Johnsgard books have
to hear from those of you who are lucky enough to been personally illustrated
visit the Refuge. by him using either line
We have also been lucky to have a variety of field drawings or photographs.
trips, and we thank all who organized and led these More than 1,500 draw-
trips: Frank Keim, Tom Green, Sherry Lewis, Gail ings and over 500 of his
Mayo, Mark Ross, Steve Springer, Jack Withrow, and color photographs have
Jim Zelenek. been published. Several of
Special thanks to Jim DeWitt for managing and his drawings and wooden
maintaining Arctic Audubon’s website for several bird sculptures are in private
years and for facilitating a seamless transition to our collections or museums.
new website manager, Tom Green.
April 2010 The Redpoll Page
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