Achieving Success As President Slides

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Club Leadership Training Session

Achieving Success
As President

Foster Self-development by
 Helping officers clearly understand
their roles
 Helping members understand what to
expect from club officers
 Aiding members when evaluating
candidates for office
 Facilitating communication when
expectations differ
Outside the Club Meeting
Develop and Improve Club Leadership
Ensure club officers know their
responsibilities and how to fulfill them
Search for leaders
Ensure all club offices are filled for the
succeeding term
Conduct timely elections
Prepare successor for office
Outside the Club Meeting
Club Administration
Oversee the administrative operation of
the club
Schedule and chair monthly executive
committee meetings

Outside the Club Meeting
Advance Club and Member Achievement
Oversee the plan to achieve Distinguished
Club program goals
Ensure the club is Distinguished
Ensure an ongoing membership-building
Promote all education awards

Outside the Club Meeting
Effective Interaction with Other
Organization Levels
Attend and vote the club’s proxy at district
council meetings
Attend the International Convention and
vote the club’s proxy

At the Club Meeting
 Start and end the meeting on time
 Greet guests
 Speak with guests
 Read and display the club mission
 Report club’s progress in the Distinguished
Club Program and the “Moments of Truth”
the club is achieving
 Recognize member achievements
Your Leadership Opportunity
 Set realistic and attainable goals
 Plan how to accomplish the goals
 Delegate tasks as needed
 Monitor progress toward goals
 Coach team members when necessary

Your Leadership Opportunity
Five Steps of Motivation
1. Understand what motivates each person
2. Focus on the benefit to the individual
3. Make expectations clear
4. Recognize their work
5. Be a leader

Your Leadership Opportunity
Five Steps of Delegation
1. Decide what to delegate
2. Decide who will do the task
3. Assign responsibility
4. Grant authority
5. Establish accountability

Your Leadership Opportunity
Barriers to Delegation
Lack of confidence in others
Fear of losing control

Your Leadership Opportunity
Four Steps of Coaching
Step 1: Identify and define goals
Step 2: Define strategies to reach goals
Step 3: Establish a timeline and milestones to
measure progress
Step 4: Follow up

The Executive Committee
Every member is responsible for
Making the club enjoyable
All club business
All administrative issues
Ensuring the club achieves DCP recognition

The Executive Committee
Create a Club Budget
Typical expenses:
 Preparation of the club newsletter
 Expense for a Web server
 Trophies, ribbons, and certificates
 Administrative supplies
 Promotional material
 Educational material
 Speech contest material
 Special events
The Executive Committee
Create a Club Budget
Typical revenue
 Member dues
 Donations
 Fundraising

The Executive Committee
Complete a Club Success Plan

The Executive Committee
Conduct Productive Committee Meetings
Three steps
1. State the purpose of the meeting
2. Inform participants about the meeting
3. Develop an agenda

Communication and
Leadership Development
Tips for Integrating Competent Leadership
 Purchase manual for display
 Discuss evaluations
 Educate mentors
 Track progress
 Include manual in “sales pitch”

Communication and
Leadership Development
10 Tips for Using Competent Leadership
1. Assign Competent Leadership evaluators at every
2. Require that members bring their Competent
Leadership manual
3. Display Competent Leadership at every meeting
4. Recognize when members complete Competent
Leadership manual projects
5. Work with the VPE to promote Competent Leadership
at each club meeting
Communication and
Leadership Development
6. Include accreditations for both tracks in all
7. Post the Competent Leadership Achievement Chart
during meetings
8. Ask members to perform and receive evaluations
on at least three meeting roles for each speech
9. Use the club website and newsletter to remind
members to bring Competent Leadership to
10. Ask each member who achieves the CL award to
mentor a new member
Role of the Area Governor
 Visit clubs at least twice yearly
 Support club officers
 Enhance club quality
 Share best practices

A responsibility
a privilege


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