TQM Mcqs Final

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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Total Quality Management (TQM) – Set 1

1-Malcolm Baldrige national quality award is for (MBNQA)

a. Total Quality Management
b. International Standard Organization
c. Total Productive Maintenance
d. Total Quality Control

2-The process mapping is a ______ diagram.

a. Data flow
b. Work flow
c. Circular
d. Audit

3-Control chart is a
a. Process monitoring tool
b. Process control tool
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above

4-The objective of ISO-9000 family of Quality management is

a. Customer satisfaction
b. Employee satisfaction
c. Skill enhancement
d. Environmental issues

5-Total Quality Management (TQM) focuses on

a. Employee
b. Customer
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above

6-Which of the following is responsible for quality objective?

a. Top level management
b. Middle level management
c. Frontline management
d. All of the above


7-The following is (are) the machine down time.

a. Waste
b. No material
c. Breakdown
d. All of the above

8-TQM & ISO both focuses on

a. Customer
b. Employee
c. Supplier
d. All of the above

9-According to Deming, Quality problems are

a. Due to management
b. Due to method
c. Due to machine
d. Due to material

10-While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered.

a. Material quality
b. Customer need
c. Market demand
d. All of the above

11-_______ helps organization reduce employee turnover and absenteeism.

a. Job design
b. Training & development
c. Wage revision
d. All of the above

12-CMM stands for

a. Capability maturity model
b. Capability monitoring model

c. Capability measuring model
d. Capability matching model

13-While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered.

a. Customer need
b. Organizational need
c. Supplier need
d. Worker need

14-Which of the following is for Environment management?

a. ISO-9000
b. ISO-14000
c. ISO-26000
d. ISO-31000

15-P-D-C-A stands for

a. Plan-Do-check-Act
b. Plan-Do-correct-Act
c. Proceed-Do-check-Act
d. Proceed-Do-correct-Act

16-What is ISO?
a. Indian organization for standard
b. Internal organization for standard
c. International organization for standard
d. None of the above

17-EMS stands for

a. Environmental management system
b. Employees management system
c. Engineering management system
d. Equipment management system

18-For Cpk (Process capability index) value of 1.33, the PPM is

a. 1

b. 63
c. 2700
d. 45500

19-Rectangle represents ________ While plotting flow chart.

a. Step in activity
b. Decision making
c. Direction of flow
d. None of the above

20- Tally chart is

a. Process monitoring tool
b. Data collection tool
c. Process planning tool
d. None of the above

21-Diamond represents ________ while plotting flow chart.

a. Step in activity
b. Decision making
c. Direction of flow
d. None of the above

22-The role of management is to

a. provide Resources
b. define EMS
c. monitor the effectiveness of the system
d. All of the above

23-ISO emphasis on
a. Prevention
b. Inspection
c. Rejection
d. All of the above

24- ISO – 14001 gives stress on

a. Plan – Do -check -Act
b. Environmental protection
c. Prevention rather than detection
d. All of the above

25- Service Assurance is

a. Confidence with customer
b. Customer has trust
c. Employee has knowledge
d. All of the above

‘A philosophy of manufacturing based on planned elimination of all waste and on continuous

improvement of productivity. In the broad sense, it applies to all forms of manufacturing and to
many service industries as well
Quality service
Quality circle
Just in time
None of them
Ans (c)

The main purpose of JIT systems is to……… and to ……….. as many kinds of wastes as
possible through improving production activities within a company.
Produced, add value
Identify, eliminate
Search, plan
Ans (b)

A JIT system could be a ………….. for assisting a company to reduce cost and then to obtain
higher profits
Efficient tool
Effective tool
Ans (c)

The aim of lean operation is to achieve a ………. of products and services that could be
delivered to customer at the quality level and time they want in order to ……………
Stable flow, satisfy customer need
Profit, supplier demand
Both a and b
Ans (a)

JIT can be considered as one of the variants of production……and ……….systems, which are
pivotal management tools for satisfying increasingly high client demands and expectations in the
business market
Both a and b

The…….. nature of JIT helps companies to reduce safety or idle inventory because of the
collection of more accurate demand information

The objectives of this study in china automotive co include identifying the profile of the JIT
system in Company X, examining their……… assessing the reasons for and the potential
advantages associated with its adoption of JIT and highlighting the JIT practices targeted for
future implementation.
Pre-implementation and implementation experiences
Post planned experiences
Post implement experience

Chinese manufacturers have realized the need to build advanced production systems like JIT in
order to maintain, their operations effectiveness. Company X was set up in 2002 and had
implemented JIT. One year after the company’s establishment, they sold…… cars to achieve top
ten motor companies in terms of its sales in China.
Themes II relates to the question on how JIT system can affect production planning in the case
company. According to the interviews …….. is a primary management method in company’s JIT
model. Therefore, information can be conveyed throughout the production process and hence is
more visible to the whole production process

In Company X, the major barrier of implementing JIT production planning and control is
the……. factors of production planning and control, especially when the plan has to be adjusted
so that its suppliers may not be able to make quick response due to such……….events.
Certain, expected
Uncertain, unexpected

As the whole supply chain of Company X includes lots of suppliers and process stages, the
situation is even severe. In the case company, Kanban has been using in the production line to
ensure………… of production
Ans (a)

Company X employs electronic signal Kanban system to resolve the problem company
uses…….. system that has been built in each workshop
2 lamp signaling
3 lamp signaling
4 lamp signaling
5 lamp signaling
Ans (b)

One signal lamp means that parts are being………and the other one means that this production
process has………
Solved, measured
Produced, completed
Planned, controlled

In which lamp signal, means that there is an error in producing the parts or this workshop was
stopped by the unexpected events or problems
1 lamp
2 lamp
3 lamp

POK stands for

(A) Product ordering Kanban

(B) Process Ordering Kanban

(C) Production Ordering Kanban

(D) Plan Ordering Kanban

Ans ( C )

MRP is different from JIT in terms of

(A) Inventory

(B) Quality

(C) Human orientation

(D) All of the above

Ans ( D )

Just-In-Time (JIT) combines the benefits of

(A) Job order production and Line production

(B) Batch production and Line production

(C) Job order production and Batch production

(D) None of the above

Ans ( A )

Just-in-time techniques are applicable to

a. Purchasing.
b. Production.
c. Distribution.
d. all of the above.

Ans ( D )

Which of the following terms is more closely related to the lean enterprise manufacturing
concepts, as opposed to the traditional concepts?

a. produce to build inventory.

b. large work in process inventory buffers.

c. large number of competitive vendors.
d. demand pull system.

Ans ( D )

Which of the terms below is more closely related to traditional manufacturing concepts, as
opposed to the lean enterprise concepts?

a. value added.
b. continuous improvement.
c. value chain.
d. quality at the source.
e. backflush system.

Ans ( A )

Which of the following represent pull systems as opposed to push systems?

a. JIT kanban systems.

b. TOC OPT systems.
c. ABC systems.
d. a and b.

Ans ( D )

Overhead allocations are likely to be

a. more accurate in a traditional production system than in a cellular production system.

b. more accurate in a cellular production system than in a traditional production system.
c. equally accurate or inaccurate in both systems.
d. used in a traditional system but not in a cellular system.
Ans ( B )

Which of the charts or diagrams below is the most applicable to the 80/20 rule?

a. pareto diagram.
b. x-bar chart.
c. range chart.
d. fishbone diagram.

Ans ( A )

The kanban concept performs the same function as the

a. rope concept.
b. funnel concept.
c. drum concept.
d. bowl concept.

Ans( A )

Which of the following is not considered to be a tool useful in supporting continuous

improvement by advocates of JIT?

a. Statistical control charts.

b. Plan-do-check-action cycles.
c. Fishbone diagrams.
d. Accounting variance analysis.

Ans ( D)

Which of the following is least likely to be part of a changeover from a traditional manufacturing
system to a cellular manufacturing system?

a. Dedicating the production line to one or a few similar products.

b. Decentralization of support services and operating equipment.
c. Retraining production workers to perform multiple tasks.
d. Increasing the number of cost allocations.
Ans (D)

In a JIT production system, a production operation is authorized

a. when an authorization is obtained from a downstream operation.

b. when the production worker is at the work station.
c. when an authorization is obtained from an upstream operation.
d. when the team leader is ready.

Ans (A)

The following is (are) the prerequisite(s) for JIT.

(A) Multi skilled workers

(B) Vendor should produce defect free

(C) Worker should be empowered his own decision

(D) All of the above

Ans (D)

Part I: multiply choice question

1. What does the transcendent view imply for high quality?

It is something everlasting

It is something timeless and enduring

It is something priceless

It is something perfect

2. Help to evaluate the level of product quality that a customer want or need means :


Design engineering


Process design

3. Which of the following is not a tenet of Crosby?

Conformance to requirements.

Zero defects.

Fitness for use.

Quality is free.

All of the above

4. Which of the following is not one of the commitments of Total Quality management?

Technical quality

understanding and improving the organization's rocesses

data-based decision making

employee involvement

5. During which century, the manufacturers began to include quality processes in quality

17th century

18th century

19th century

20th century

6. Which of the following is not part of the Total Quality Approach?

holistic thinking

focus on short-term financial performance

focus on desirability

team thinking\

7. Taguchi suggested that loss in a process is increased with increase in which of the following?





8. The products manufactured during 1800s were unique. How

quality was ensured in this era?

Through renovation

Through inspection

Through calculation

Through repair

9. Which of the following is typically viewed to lie between fully vertically integrated firms?

Supply chain management

Production chain management

Value chain management

Demand chain management

10. Which of the following is not a benefit of long-term suppler relationships?

supplier involvement in design

information system linkages to customer facilities

capacity and facility plans favorable to their customers

all of the above are benefits

11. The majority of advertisers appeal the public on thebasis of which of the following?

Quality of product

Quality of staff

Inferiority of product

Inferiority of service

12. Which of the following models value stability?

Organism model

Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

13. What is the relationship between Ishikawa and Deming?

Son and father

Nephew and uncle

Student and teacher

Grandson and grandfather

14. Which of the following was developed by Motorola to improve its processes by minimizing

ISO 9000

Six sigma

QS 9000


15. What was the primary concern of managers during 1980s?


Strategic impact



16. You can ask direct questions to quiet people and try to control talkative people", for which of
the following purpose?

Mobilizing the group

Keeping the group focused

Restating purpose

Starting punctually

17. Some organizations emphasizes the use of quality tools but failed to do which of the following?

Focus on what is truly important to the distributors

Incorporate continuous improvement efforts

Make fundamental changes in their processes and culture

Focus on what is truly important to the customer

18. Learn how to tell when nothing can be gained from further discussion. This refers to which of
the following discussion skills in meetings?

Acting as gatekeepers

Closing the discussion

Asking for clarification

Testing for consensus

19. Which of the following models has the viewpoint that change and learning are valued in

Organism mode

Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

20. Marketing research carried out to know whether the particular area should be covered in this
course. What the course instructor should develop?

The course meeting requirements of the university

The course meeting requirements of the instructor

The course meeting requirements of the students

The course meeting requirements of the bookseller

21. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Deming’s philosophy?

It is based on improving products and services by reducing uncertainty and variability in the design and
manufacturing processes

Quality is either or not present in the whole organization; that quality is the responsibility of everyone in
the organization

Increasing conformance to specifications through elimination of defects, supported extensively by

statistical tools for analysis

Increasing loss, for the producer, the customer, and society, associated with increasing variability from a
target value

22. All of the following are the elements of a TQM system EXCEPT:





23. The standards for output based on quality and customer- service requirements that originate at
the organizational and process levels include requirements for all of the following EXCEPT:





24. One of the advantages of team work is:

It breaks down barriers between internal customers and suppliers

It results in promotion

It results in salary increment

None of the given options

25. Reworking _______ the cost of quality.




26. ________ refers to general processes of improvement and

encompasses discontinuous improvements

Continuous improvement

Continual improvement

Constant improvement

Consecutive improvement

27. Total quality costs include:

Prevention costs

Appraisal costs

Failure costs

All of the given options

28. the job characteristic of quality professionals is:

Educating others

Achieving personal targets

Consultative work with other departments

None of the above

29. Why the factory managers created inspection departments?

To keep defective products aside, ensuring they do not reach the customers

To ensure quantity of goods/services

To count, grade, and rework

All of the above

30. The ‘Father’ of statistical quality control is:

F. W. Taylor

Joseph M. Juran

Philip Crosby

Walter Shewhart

31. Nonconformance is an expense of:

Profit of quality

Defects of quality

Quality of product

Cost of quality

32. Crosby’s approach to management is:

A problem that can never be solved

Absolutes of Quality Management

Interim Management


33. Example of prevention costs is:

Quality improvement projects


To link outcomes to uses

Warranty claims

34. Big Q is:

Quality of services

Quality of people

Quality of processes

All of the above

35. Which of the following document(s) is (are) included in the quality system?

A quality policy

Customer focus


All of the given options

All of the following are the elements of a TQM system EXCEPT:



The standards for output based on quality and customer- service requirements that originate at
the organizational and process levels include requirements for all of the following EXCEPT:

One of the advantages of team work is:

It breaks down barriers between internal customers and suppliers

It results in promotion
It results in salary increment
None of the given options

Reworking _______ the cost of quality.


________ refers to general processes of improvement and

encompasses discontinuous improvements

Continuous improvement
Continual improvement
Constant improvement
Consecutive improvement

Total quality costs include:

Prevention costs
Appraisal costs
Failure costs
All of the given options

the job characteristic of quality professionals is:
Educating others
Achieving personal targets
Consultative work with other departments
None of the above

Why the factory managers created inspection departments?

To keep defective products aside, ensuring they do not reach the customers
To ensure quantity of goods/services
To count, grade, and rework
All of the above

The ‘ Father’ of statistical quality control is:

F. W. Taylor
Joseph M. Juran
Philip Crosby
Walter Shewhart

Nonconformance is an expense of:

Profit of quality
Defects of quality
Quality of product
Cost of quality

Crosby’ s approach to management is:

A problem that can never be solved

Absolutes of Quality Management
Interim Management

Example of prevention costs is:

Quality improvement projects

To link outcomes to uses

Warranty claims

Big Q is:
Quality of services
Quality of people
Quality of processes
All of the above

Which of the following document(s) is (are) included in the quality system?

A quality policy
Customer focus
All of the given options

-------------- is a graphic tool for defining the relationship between customer desires and the
firm/product capabilities.

House of Quality
Affinity diagram
Arrow diagram
None of the give option

Nonconformance is an expense of
Profit of quality
Defects of quality
Quality of product
Cost of quality

Crosby’ s approach to management is
A problem that can never be solved
Absolutes of Quality Management
Interim Management

Best price or zero cost is

To keep defective products aside, ensuring they do not reach the customers
Prerogative cost
To count, grade, and rework
Cost leadership

40. The process of evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide
confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards is called:

1. Quality Assurance
2. Quality Control
3. Quality Planning
4. Quality Review

41. The process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant
quality standards is called:
A. Quality Assurance
B. Quality Control
C. Quality Planning
D. Quality Review

42. A histogram ordered by frequency of occurrence that shows how many results were
generated by each identified cause is:
A. Statistical Histogram
B. Juran Histogram
C. Fishbone Diagram
D. Pareto Diagram

4. Tools and techniques used during the Quality Planning process include:
A. Benefit / cost analysis
B. Benchmarking
C. Quality audits
D. a and b
E. all of the above

43. The overall intentions and direction of an organization with regard to quality as formally
expressed by top management is a:
A. Quality Plan
B. Quality Statement
C. Quality Policy

44. CIP is:

A. Continuous improvement process
B. A sustained, gradual change
C. Includes constancy of purpose and commitment to quality as part of its focus
D. a and b
E. all of the above

45. The practice of ceasing mass inspections and ending awards based on price is credited to:
A. Edward Deming
B. Philip Crosby
C. Juran
D. Pareto

46 Quality is:
A. Zero defects found
B. Conformance to requirements
C. The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to
satisfy stated or implied needs
D. b and c
E. all the above

46. The concept of making a giant leap forward followed by a period of maturity is:
A. Innovation
B. Continuous improvement
C. Just in time
D. Paradigm

47. The concept that it is easier and less costly to do the work right the first time is called:
A. Zero defects
B. Continuous improvement
D. The customer is the next person in the process

48. The ability of a product to be used for different purposes at different capacities and under
different conditions determines its:
A. Usability

B. Flexibility
C. Operability
D. Availability

49.which of the following is not considered a cost of nonconformance to quality?

A. Scrap
B. Rework
C. Expediting
D. Process control
E. all of the above are considered nonconformance costs

50. Cost of quality includes:

A. Cost of all work to build a product or service that conforms to the requirements
B. Training programs
C. Cost of all work resulting from nonconformance to the requirements
D. a and b
E. all of the above

51. What percentage of sales is estimated to be the cost of non-quality?

A. 3-5%
B. 12-20%
C. 30-40%
D. 6-8%

52. A series of consecutive points on the same side of the average is called:
A. Run
B. Trend
C. Outliers

D. Cycle

53. Which of the following statements concerning acceptance sampling is false?

A. Used when expensive and time-consuming to test the product 100%.
B. The number of allowable defects before lot is rejected is predetermined.
C. Inspection and test standards must be established to ensure that procedures can adequately
determine conformance and nonconformance.
D. If the number of defects found in the sample exceeds the predetermined amount, the entire lot
is rejected.
E. All of the above are true

54. 80% of the problems are found in 20% of the work is a concept of:
A. Edward Deming
B. Philip Crosby
C. Juran
D. Pareto

55. A structured tool, usually industry or activity specific, used to verify that a set of required
steps has been performed is called:
A. Quality Policy
B. Check list
C. Trend analysis
D. Pareto diagram


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