Purpose of Life Speech

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Man’s Purpose of Life: Insight From the Quran and MSF to Bring Peace, Tolerance, Unity and Freedom.

"Man is the being who does not know the value and worth of his life..."-MSF

What is Man’s purpose of life? This question has been pondered upon since the beginning of

the human race. Each day, we contemplate on the mysteries of planet Earth and the Universe. We look

outwardly to see the vast wonders of the universe and the exquisite multitudinous life forms that exist.

Our curiosity has led us to land on the moon and discover an incalculable amount of planets and star

systems. We discovered the structure of DNA and how to cure diseases that were once thought to be

incurable. Human beings are limitless: each and every one of us has the ability to achieve profound

greatness. Our greatness and accomplishments are truly due to the grace of almighty God. We continue

to discover and reveal complex life forms and systems of nature. We are simply awestruck by the beauty

and complexity of nature in every moment of our lives. Surely, none of this can be by coincidence or can

it? A number of physicists and scientists have theorized that we are purely here by happenstance. Some

of the most intelligent scientists, clerics and scholars have questioned man’s purpose in life, but only one

has provided a clear answer for us. MSF teaches us the purpose of life and how adopting this view will

benefit individuals and societies in this life and in the hereafter. Adopting the views of MSF can bring

peace, tolerance, unity and freedom to a deeply divided world.

MSF’s teaches us that the purpose of life is to worship almighty God, seek insight, be tested,

observe and obtain grace from him through serving all beings on Earth. We are an extension of God and

his Khalifah’s here on Earth. The wisdom behind our manifestation and being exposed to the test is to

obtain Grace from the Creator. We can become pure and worthy in the eyes of the almighty when we

confront our ego’s and Satan. We can also further acclimate ourselves in his mercy and grace with our

positive actions and determination to live in accordance with him. MSF also teaches us that mankind

can live in harmony and peace when schools institute a curriculum that promotes an in depth
understanding of science at the atomic level. Schools also should teach students how to deal with

temptations, greed and corruption. The irrationality of greed plagues the world today. Billions of people

are living in poverty and in unfathomable conditions. The rich and wealthy hoard money for greed on

this physical plane, but do not understand that they have to answer to almighty God about their deeds

on Earth. Some of these individuals are spiritually and emotionally corrupt because they have not been

taught how to manage their ego. Knowing how to overcome ego, negative and ill tempered feelings is

one of the keys to living in peace. Discipline and controlling negative feelings can only be a benefit to

humanity as a whole.

Man is created to observe the brilliance of God’s creation and secrets. Man is made to ensure

peace for all of God’s creatures, so that almighty God will grant him favors. To bring peace, tolerance,

unity and freedom to the world, we all must know God and live according to his law. This life of MSF

exemplifies how we should live in accordance with the Creator. MSF’s recognized his many talents the

creator bestowed upon him. He used those talents to become a charismatic leader, teacher and political

figure. He lived a prosperous life and he made an indelible impact by using his God given abilities. He

exuded love and compassion because he loved the Creator and himself. He united people with dissenting

views and from different classes and professions. MSF taught us that we are all an extension of almighty

God. If you spew hate to another being, you are hating yourself and the Creator. Hate is not in harmony

with almighty God and it is against the purpose of life.

What does the Quran say about purpose of life? Allah, states in the Quran that he created man

to be his Khalefah, his trustee on Earth (Quran 2:30). Mankind's basic trust, our responsibility, is to

believe in and worship Allah. It is unequivocal to what the purpose of life is. Above all, man is to worship

and adhere to almighty God. In order to worship God, you must know him and yourself. He is Allah, the

eternal refuge and there is non equivalent to him. Allah tells us how he wants to be worshipped in the
Quran. He also tells us that all prophets came with the same identical message to believe in Allah and to

worship him.

MSF teaches us that almighty God and his omnipotent and magnificent power, has created all

beings seen and unseen for his kingdom. He is the master of all things and he is in control of all time,

space and all realms of existence. Allah is the source for all wisdom and power. Allah has provided us

with diverse talents and the knowledge on how to worship him. Knowing is not enough. We must apply

what we know to better our lives and the lives of others. God has given man (as a Vicegerent) various

responsibilities on Earth. MSF teaches us that we have to seek knowledge of the almighty, worship and

establish a relationship with him. We must honor and make a humble attempt to unify with the creator.

We have to agree and adhere to his guidance and to never stray from his divine qualities. This is a

temporary journey indeed, but during our time here we shall transcend our egotistical desires and unite

with the infallible power of the Creator.

We are an extension of the Creator and his divine qualities. There Is no need for savagery or the

promotion of hate in the world. There is enough hate and division present among all groups of people.

We have to work on opening our hearts and embracing our differences rather than letting them separate

us. MSF’s message of human rights, world peace and morality should always be remembered. We should

live by the values of MSF and worship God as the Quran states. We all must value our own lives and

know almighty God for peace, unity and love to reign supreme upon the Earth. The philosophy of

Knowing Oneself and God is to embrace the value of freedom, human rights, science, spirituality, and

morality. This is our only position. We submit to the will of almighty God to promote the well being of all

creatures. We desire to be in good grace with God and each day we strive for everlasting wisdom and

knowledge. We can all see a prosperous future ahead of us by uniting with the Creator and applying

what he expects of us. There is a dire need all over the world for people to know themselves. Many
people are misinformed and the view of Islam is severely misconstrued. True Islam is only for the

upliftment and unity of all people. The skewed view of Islam only comes from those who do not

understand true Islam and those that promote violence. There has been a campaign waged to make us

appear repugnant and intolerant. We continue to strive to eradicate our planet of terrorism, ignorance

and savage behavior. We champion the rights of all individuals and respect of all faiths. True Islam will

always be at the forefront of equality, freedom, and justice for all people.

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