Smart Board
Smart Board
Smart Board
This artifact, a math presentation prepared with SMART technology was made to engage
a second-grade class. This presentation includes many mathematical activities, games, and
simulations for the students to participate in as a whole class or in small groups. The purpose of
this artifact was to create a math presentation including a specific number of SMART tools and
other SMART technologies. Although I was newer to all of the wonderful aspects of SMART
technology, this artifact was a lot of fun to create. Having had to create this presentation using a
wide variety of tools and attachments that SMART has to offer, I am confident in my knowledge
of this piece of technology. I will definitely without a doubt be including this type of technology
Connections to Standards
INTASC Standards
The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the
discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline
learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills
for all. Educators apply their professional knowledge to promote student learning. They know
the curriculum and utilize a range of strategies and assessments to address differences. Educators
develop and implement programs based upon a strong understanding of human development and
learning theory. They support a challenging learning environment. They advocate for necessary
resources to teach to higher levels of learning. They establish and maintain clear standards of
behavior and civility. Educators are role models, displaying the habits of mind and work
necessary to develop and apply knowledge while simultaneously displaying a curiosity and
enthusiasm for learning. They invite students to become active, inquisitive, and discerning
P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards for ELA, Math, and Social Studies
A. Standards:
Grade: 2
Standard and Statement: 8. Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters,
dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes
Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification
Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through
the highest possible learning outcomes and quality of life potential in ways that respect their