Nterfaith Onnection: Ramadan, Month of The Quran A Tasteful Auction: Fundraiser For Interfaith Works

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Interfaith Works is an association of congregations, affiliated

non-profit organizations and individuals. Our purpose is to
promote interfaith understanding, and serve the community through
charitable, social and educational endeavors.


MONTH OF THE QURAN FUNdraiser for Interfaith Works
Adapted from www.whyislam.org by Mustafa
Mohamedali, Interfaith Coordinator, Islamic Center You’re sure to be licking your lips and tapping your
of Olympia and Interfaith Works Board Member toes at this fun event. Make some new friends.
(This is the second of a two-part article on Ramadan, Taste some amazing desserts. Hear some awe-
some music! Oh yeah, and help raise some funds
which began on August 22 and ends September 20. for Interfaith Works at the same time!
Part one was printed in the September issue).
Live music by Artesian Rumble Arkestra (ARA),
God began revealing the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad includes former IW board member Richard Lopez.
(peace be upon him) during Ramadan in the year 610 C.E. Folks from many local faith communities will be
The Holy Quran is one of the most-read books in the world there for the fun. And you will be HAPPY to spend
for it is often read, re-read and memorized in its original your money on delicious desserts and some very
language, Arabic. In Ramadan, in addition to fasting, interesting, even unique items.
Muslims are encouraged to focus as much time as possible
on reading, listening to and understanding the teachings of Marvelous and mouth-watering desserts will be
the Quran. One of the ways Muslims get closer to the Quran available for tasting as well as auctioned. Just some
during Ramadan is through a long congregational prayer of the other items available include a hand-crafted
offered in the late evening. During this prayer it is customary quilt, handmade scarves, a gift basket of local foods,
that the entire Quran is recited over the course of the entire harmonica lessons, and an authentic Stumpf Fiddle
month, led by a Hafiz Imam. that must be seen to be believed.

God says in the Holy Quran: O ye who believe! Who says fundraising has to be intimidating? We
Fasting is prescribed to you as it was are going to have a blast at Interfaith Works’ first
prescribed to those before you, that ye may ever Tasteful Auction. Bring your family and friends
(learn) self-restraint...Ramadan is the for an entertaining and tasty evening as we support
(month) in which was sent down the the mission and goals of Interfaith Works. Admission
Quran, as a guide to mankind, also clear is free; Saturday, October 10, 7 p.m. at First Chris-
(Signs) for guidance and judgment tian Church (7th & Franklin) in downtown Olympia.
(Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 2)

Published Monthly by Interfaith Works, P.O. Box 1221, Olympia, WA 98507

[email protected]  (360) 357-7224  www.Interfaith-Works.org
festivities begin, every person, adult and child, must
Ramadan (Continued from page 1) have already contributed towards Zakat-ul-Fitra. This
is a meal or alms to the needy to make sure nobody
(between right and wrong). So every one is excluded from this happy occasion.
of you who is present (at his home) during
The Eid celebration is not merely about feasting and
that month should spend it in fasting...
socializing. There is a deep significance for those who
(Al-Quran 2:183,185). truly observed the holy month with their fasting,
Benefits Of Fasting abstaining from all bad habits and striving hard to
earn the pleasure of God. For the observant, the
Fasting makes the individual more aware of the many
Merciful Allah has granted Eid as a day for
bounties of God. The hunger and thirst remind the forgiveness of sins. The Muslim is left with a feeling of
fasting person of the poor who may seldom eat well. happiness and joy and a renewed energy to face the
Fasting reinforces the concept that wasting the rest of the year with faith and determination. Islam
Creator’s bounties is a sign of ingratitude to Him. teaches that the objective of life is to earn the
Muslims are reminded to be extra-generous during pleasure of God. The spiritual closeness that can be
the month of Ramadan and to share the bounties that achieved during the month of Ramadan serves this
God has provided them, giving generously in charity. purpose for those who truly work hard to benefit from
Wealth is regarded as a trust from God, not really our it.
own; will we be greedy with it and spend it only on
ourselves, or will we strive to please Him by sharing it
with others?
A Tasteful Auction (Continued from page 1)
A person who carefully observes the month of
Ramadan becomes closer to God. The self-restraint Donations are appreciated!
of Ramadan makes the heart and mind accustomed Desserts:
to the remembrance and praise of God and to the
We'll need TWO of each dessert, one for
obedience of His commandments. It is therefore a
tasting and one for the auction winner to
spiritual regimen and a re-orientation process for the
bring home.
body and mind.
Please write a very brief description of your
Eid-ul Fitr offering (name of dessert; is it vegan, gluten-
free or contain highly allergenic ingredients,
The end of Ramadan is marked by the new moon,
such as dairy or nuts). If you wish, include
which is followed by a day of celebration known as
the recipe too!
Eid-ul-Fitr or the festival of fast-breaking, which takes
place on September 20 this year. Families wake up Other Items for Auction: art, gift certificates, and
early in the morning, put on their best clothes and go other "tasteful" items.
to the mosque for the Eid sermon and congregational
prayers. They thank the Merciful God for having given Bring to the auction or drop them off that day at
them the opportunity to experience the blessed month Kathleen Peppard's house, 504 17th Ave. S.E., at
of Ramadan. The day is accompanied by celebration, Jefferson. Or, request a pick-up at 705-2527, e-
socializing, festive meals and modest gift-giving mail [email protected].
especially to children. But before the
Scott Allan Stevens is a freelance writer and photographer and one of the founding
organizers of IW’s World Sacred Music Festival. He and his wife, performer LaVon
Hardison, and her accompanist Darriel Menefee, traveled to India in February to partici-
pate in the first International Festival of Sacred Arts in Delhi. He is a member of First
Church of Christ, Scientist, Olympia. Scott also hosts the world music radio show “Spin
The Globe” on KAOS 89.3 FM (heard Friday mornings at 10 a.m.) and writes the
global-culture blog SoundRoots.org.

The otherworldliness of our journey to India home but our bathroom didn’t have hot water.
began on the airplane. Many hours into the flight, And we struggled to find Indian food better than –
I glanced up at the video display showing the path or even as good as – our favorite restaurant at
of the plane. We were flying directly above home. And we attended amazing performances of
Afghanistan. We were thousands of feet up, of sacred music and dance, but relatively few
course, and well out of harm’s way, but down on Indians showed up.
the ground some people
These performances
were planting bombs and
were the reason we had
shooting at each other,
come to India. At
while many more people
Olympia’s 2008 World
tried to avoid getting
Sacred Music Festival,
caught in the fighting.
two Indians in
Around me, most of the
attendance had come to
people were sleeping.
talk with me about the
Friends who have been to organization of our
India are nearly universal modest festival. But
in describing it as a land before I had even met
of contradictions. To LaVon Hardison performs at the International them, they had already
prepare for the trip, I’d Festival of Sacred Arts in Delhi, India. taken in the performance
read a number of books, by my wife, LaVon
most of which served to further confound my Hardison, and on the spot had invited her to
expectations. Would we find ourselves in the participate in the first International Festival of
high-tech India, or the India of limbless, leprous Sacred Arts in Delhi.
beggars? Would we find peace and harmony
Preminder Singh and his business partner Mina
based on India’s rich spiritual traditions, or conflict
Vahie were planning an ambitious week-long
and danger from the tension with Pakistan and
festival, bringing together musicians, dancers,
recent bombings in Mumbai?
and academics from all around the world for film,
In truth, India’s contradictions turned out to be lectures, dance, and musical performances. The
subtler. We stayed in a spacious, upscale private (Continued on page 5)

The Rev. Carol McKinley, Interfaith Earth Stewardship Committee
Thurston County faith communities are invited to Thurston County’s October 24 climate action
Bike and Walk for Climate Change Awareness on event, Bike and Walk for Climate Change
October 24, 2009, a worldwide day of action for Awareness, begins at 10 a.m. Three hundred fifty
people who see the climate crisis as a spiritual families – all ages are welcome! – will bike or
and moral issue, and are committed to working walk a short section of the Chehalis-Western
together to find solutions. Trail, ending at a park where information on
climate change, refreshments, and music will
Inspired by the work of environmentalist and
greet riders and walkers.
author Bill McKibben, the Planetary Day of Action
is an international campaign calling the world to Interfaith Works Earth Stewardship Committee,
rise to the challenge of the climate crisis by Washington State Unitarian Universalist Voices
creating a new sense of urgency and possibility for Justice, and Earth Care Catholics are
for our planet. October 24 events will focus on the sponsors of the October 24 Day of Awareness;
number 350: 350 parts of carbon dioxide per they invite all faith communities and organizations
million is the level scientists have identified as the to join them.
safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere.
Learn more about the international campaign at
Timing of the call for awareness is critical: this
www.350.org, and about Thurston County’s event
December, world leaders meet in Copenhagen to
by contacting Rev. Carol McKinley at 360 786-
craft a new global treaty on carbon dioxide
8074, or [email protected].


Appreciative Living for the Individual Other upcoming workshops include:
Saturday, October 17, 9:15 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.  Forgiveness: Portal to Wisdom, October 24
 Nightmares as Spiritual Resources, October 31
How can we live with a mindset that looks at “What  Felting: A Way of God, 6 Sessions begin Nov. 3
is going well?” How do we nourish and appreciate  Gregorian Chant as Spiritual Practice, Nov. 7
life in a positive way, construct questions from a  Centering Prayer Retreat, November 13-15
positive perspective? How do we live out of hope,  Spiritual Companionship: Journeying To-
inspiration and joy with one another—become the gether Toward Fullness of Life, November 14
change we want to see? If these questions are your
questions, join us for a workshop using the Appre- The Priory also offers Individual and Group Re-
ciative Inquiry model that flows from a scriptural treats, Spiritual Direction, Healing Touch. For more
context. information, visit the website: www.stplacid.org.
Led by Sue Schneider and Lucy Wynkoop, OSB To register for classes, call St. Placid Priory Spiritu-
ality Center at (360) 438-2595 or e-mail: spirituali-
Register by October 9. Cost: $50. Bring a lunch.
[email protected].

The festival organizers had arranged several
The Sacred (Continued from page 3) performances at sacred sites around the city. One
evening we negotiated our way through a dense,
main evening shows at one of the largest venues in dizzying marketplace to sit on the ground under an
the city consisted of one Indian group and one incense-infused tent outside the mausoleum of Sufi
foreign group, in some cases collaborating together saint Nizamuddin Auliya and listen to a praise-
after their separate performances. singing qawwali group. Another evening we listened
to the ethereal songs of the Cosmic Voices from
Magical interactions sprung up as the festival
Bulgaria echoing throughout the Cathedral Church
brought together cultures from across India with
of the Redemption.
those from Burkina Faso, Tuva, the U.S.A., Syria,
Bulgaria, and beyond. A group of Buddhist monks The intentional destruction of the Buddhist sand
created an elaborate sand mandala in the theater’s mandala marked the end of the festival. The monks
lobby over the course of the week, a work of both art wiped away their colorful, detailed patterns before a
and meditation. hushed crowd of people from all over the planet.
Their exercise in impermanent beauty touched us
We had some time away from the festival, and even
deeply, and many people took home a small bag of
then the sacred was never far away. Temples,
sand to pour into a body of water near their home.
mosques, and tiny shrines were everywhere. We
We came home with full spirits and deep
visited a meticulously kept Jain temple, a bustling
Krishna temple with a high-tech walk-through
diorama, and the stunning and peaceful Baha’i
Lotus Temple. Less serene were the chaotic streets
of Old Delhi near the Jama Masjid (the “World-
reflecting Mosque”) and the narrow lanes of the To see more of Scott’s photos from their trip to
town of Vrindavan, the birthplace of Krishna, choked India, visit http://tinyurl.com/sas-india.
with tourists, cows, monkeys, and vendors of all The International Festival of Sacred Arts, Delhi
manner of edibles and trinkets. www.sacredartsfestivaldelhi.org


In spite of all our efforts to help the homeless of our community, there are still far more homeless than
there are available shelter beds. Many people are forced to live outside. THOSE
PEOPLE NEED SLEEPING BAGS and TENTS. Some are needed right now. Your
help in finding folks willing to donate a warm sleeping bag or a tent
would be greatly appreciated! Bring them to:
The Family Support Center
108 State Ave, 2nd floor
(at the corner of State and Capital in downtown Olympia)
For qquestions phone Interfaith Works, 357-7224 or Family Support Center, 754-9297 ext.
209. Thanks for your help in this matter!

Kathy Erlandson, Camp Nurse (and IW’s Executive Director)
Forty-two children, at first unknown to one another, the only reason these kids are different, but it has
formed a community for five days in August. They undoubtedly made a difference in their lives. The
are boys and girls from 12 to 15 years old. Their time they spend together at camp listening and
economic, social and racial backgrounds are widely sharing about their faith, doubts, hopes and fears
diverse. They come from 18 faith traditions. They creates a very special bond. Sessions about
came to summer camp, most as strangers, and left stereotypes, compassionate listening and conflict
as friends – and feeling like family. The adults who resolution help these kids look more deeply and
lived with them that week left camp changed, compassionately at each other. Silently meditating
touched, enlightened by the many small acts of together, sharing in each other's blessings at meals,
tolerance, patience, kindness and compassion they and even maneuvering a canoe or sailboat together
witnessed by the campers. builds uncommon connections.
Rachel Clark, a 9th grade camper wrote, “My time “At camp, we did all your typical canoeing/capture-
at Interfaith Youth Camp was extraordinary. From the-flag/friendship-bracelet-making activities,” said
the faith teachings brought by campers, staff and camper Caroline Allen, “but everything was in a
faith leaders, to the wonderful people you are 'living new context--What are the ways other people
with' for a week … interfaith camp [was] super worship God? Or, sometimes, What are the ways
awesome. Not only was it so much fun, but it was that I worship God? …. There was a sticker that we
really powerful. To see so many kids just like you were given to wear: "BPM", which stood for Best
come together to talk and share different faiths that Possible Motive. When two people were wearing
you didn't realize was so closely related to your own; that sticker, that showed that it was okay to ask
to see that there are kids out there who believe anything about the other's faith--that the questions
differently, yet are so close; so many kids are very were being asked with the Best Possible Motive.”
proud of their religion and glad to tell you all about it
Yes, Puget Sound Interfaith Youth Camp is a real
and welcome you into learning. At this camp, no one
summer camp, with archery, wild (but supervised),
judged you, and by the end of the week you had so
games in the woods, water sports and campfires;
many best friends and amazing friendships and it
but it is much more than that. It is a seed of peace,
felt so amazing” said Rachel.
planted in a group of young people; our hope for the
Staff members were frequently astonished by the future.
support and acceptance campers demonstrated for
each other. When a camper made a blunder that Come enjoy the Jewish High Holy Days
would commonly win jeers, taunts and laughter from of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with
his/her peers, these kids were enthusiastically
Congregation B'nai Torah of Olympia
encouraging and supportive. In one instance,
Muslim faith leader Zak Dehlawi commented that 3437 Libby Road NE
middle school girls are often vicious to each other, Olympia, WA 98506
but these kids aren't treating each other that way.
For more information, contact
These kids are different.
Lowell at 360-356-7367
Certainly, Puget Sound Interfaith Youth Camp is not
A listing of some of the activities and events of Interfaith Works members, affiliated organizations, and of general interest.
IW does not necessarily endorse these events. More details and events at www.Interfaith-Works.org.

September 25 30-hour Hospice Volunteer Training offered by Providence SoundHomeCare and Hos-
Friday + more pice The training takes place over three days and two evenings. For information and to
Call for times register, call Volunteer Coordinator Debe Edden at 360-493-4689.
September 26 19th Annual Thurston County AIDS Walk. Approximately 2 miles, begins at Sylvester
Saturday Park. Registration begins at 10 am; Walk begins at 11 am. Proceeds support AIDS/HIV
10 am prevention and care programs. Info and registration: www.olyaidswalk.com, 352-2375.
September 27 South Sound Buddhist Peace Fellowship Open Meeting. SSBPF includes members of
Sunday the local Buddhist community engaging in the Buddhist path of right action in regard to
3:30-5 pm working for peace, justice and social change. Location and info: Robert 357-2825.
October 7 Interfaith Works Earth Stewards Meeting. All are invited to become part of a group
Wednesday working to link faith and earth stewardship. The monthly meetings are at
Noon First Christian Church, 7th and Franklin. For info contact [email protected].
October 10 A Tasteful Auction. A silent auction of exquisite desserts & other wondrous things.
Saturday Light refreshments. Live music. Scintillating conversation. Come, invite friends! First
7–9 pm Christian Church (7th & Franklin). All proceeds to benefit Interfaith Works.
October 11 St. John’s Concert Series opens with The Esoterics, an innovative Seattle vocal ensem-
Sunday ble dedicated to performing contemporary choral settings of poetry, philosophy, and spiri-
3:00 pm tual writings from around the world. Free-will offering accepted.114 20th Ave SE, Olympia.
October 11 Celebration: Interfaith. Building bridges of peace through understanding using music,
Sunday message and meditation. 2nd Sunday of the month. Unity of Tacoma, 2102 S. 23rd St,
6:00 pm Tacoma, WA 98405. Info 253-383-2684 or 253-226-1635.
October 14 EARTH CARE SERIES #2. Thurston County Climate Action: What’s Happening
Wednesday Locally? Tom Crawford, Thurston County Climate Team Board member will speak.
7:00 pm Discussion follows. Free admission. Traditions Café, 300 5th Ave SW, Olympia.

October 15 Clergy and Lay Leader Training to Help Returning Veterans. Free workshop about
Thursday issues facing our military families, such as TBI, suicide, drug abuse, divorce, PTSD. At St.
10 am—2 pm Matthews Lutheran Church, Renton. Lunch included. Contact [email protected].
October 15-17 40-Hour Mediation Training with the Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County;
and 22-24. training to be held in Downtown Olympia. For more information see http://
5-9; 8:30-5:30 www.mediatethurston.org or call (360) 956-1155.
October 17 Appreciative Living for the Individual. How can we live with a mindset that looks at
Saturday “What is going well?” How do we nourish life in a positive way? Cost: $50. Register by
9:15 am-3 pm Oct. 9. St. Placid Priory Spirituality Center, 360-438-2595; [email protected]
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Your gift to Interfaith Works, a 501(c)3 organization, is deductible as allowed under federal tax law.

Support Interfaith Works with a Paid Ad $10

Another Way…
Fair Trade Gifts and Foods
Open Saturdays 10:00 – 3:00
Saturday, October 10,
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Supporting global artisans
First Christian Church (7th and Franklin) and local hunger relief
Lacey Community Church
What’s happening? 4501 19th Ave SE, Lacey
 A silent auction of exquisite desserts 360-491-1741
and other wondrous things
Symptoms  Causes  Treatments
 Live music
Do you experience lethargy, fatigue, or eat and sleep
 Scintillating conversation more when the temperature drops and darkness falls
earlier? Pacific Pastoral Counseling presents a
Please come, mini-workshop. Fee: $25, Scholarships available.
RSVP to Carol Sorenson at 360-790-3286
and invite your friends!
Friday, October 2, 12:30-3:30 pm
All proceeds to benefit Interfaith Works First United Methodist Church, 1224 Legion Way SE, Olympia

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