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Nterfaith Onnection: Giving Thanks

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Interfaith Works promotes interfaith understanding,

and serves the community through
charitable, social and educational endeavors.

A committee of volunteers has begun planning the 2008 Interfaith
Thanksgiving Celebration and expects to present a widely diverse
program focused on thankfulness at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, November
23. The host of this year’s Celebration is Westminster Presbyterian
Church and their pastor Reverend David Kegley.
Whether this would be your
first time or your twenty-fifth,
you will learn something new and wonderful about your neighbors of
other faiths. And you’ll get to meet and visit with some of them as
you enjoy light refreshment after the program. A free-will offering will
be accepted to benefit the programs of
Interfaith Works and GRuB (Garden-Raised
Bounty). GRuB is a grassroots nonprofit
organization dedicated to nourishing a
strong community by empowering people to
grow good food. To learn about GRuB’s programs - Kitchen Garden Project, and
Cultivating Youth - visit their website at http://www.goodgrub.org/about/index.html
Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this community event, the 25th annual
Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration.


For a second year, The Olympia Jazz Senators have offered to perform Duke Ellington's Nutcracker in
a benefit concert on behalf of Interfaith Works. The concert will take place on Friday, December 5 at
SPSCC's KJM Center for the Arts.
Tickets would make great gifts for music lovers of all kinds. Fans of the traditional Nutcracker Suite should
enjoy hearing that old classic with a new twist. And fans of jazz and The Olympia Jazz Senators will love this
seasonal favorite. Plan a night out for yourself, or treat a friend or loved one. It will be a great night of music,
and a fun and easy way to support the work of Interfaith Works. So save the date! Tickets will go on sale
by early October. Watch this newsletter or the IW website (www.interfaith-works.org) for updates!

Published Monthly by Interfaith Works, PO Box 1221, Olympia WA 98507

(360) 357-7224 * [email protected] * www.interfaith-works.org
Issue No. 2008-08
September 2008, p. 1
by Rev. Carol McKinley Mo Kiefert, Licensed Unity Teacher, and Mary
Health care access is seen by many faith Ellen Psaltis will sign their new book on spiritual
communities and individuals as a justice issue, a powers at various locations around Olympia in
moral necessity. Just as awareness of moral September and October.
need stirred other great movements – the end of The national kickoff for the new book Spiritual
slavery, protection of child and adult workers, Vitamins: 12 Essential Vitamins for Women is
environmentalism – awareness of the moral need scheduled for right here in Olympia September 21
for health care reform can bring people together to at Unity of Olympia. Authors Mo Kiefert, LUT, and
begin the work for another social transformation. Mary Ellen Psaltis will sign their book beginning at
Yet the enormity of the health care reform issue 11 a.m. at the church on Fern Street.
can be confusing, if not intimidating. Even the Spiritual Vitamins: 12 Essential Nutrients for
language around health care reform can be Women is a by women, for women book aimed at
confusing: universal coverage, single payer showing women how to pump up their lives using
systems, medical savings accounts, consumer- spiritual powers like Understanding, Wisdom, and
driven plans. Zeal.
The Moral Imperative of Health Care Reform, a "Every woman already has all the power she
free six-session learning and discussion series, is needs to create exactly the life she wants - but
an opportunity to deepen understanding of the sometimes we forget to tap into those
health care crisis in this country, and to join with powers. This book reminds us , helps us map out
others in becoming part of the solution. Materials new paths for the adventure that is our life," Kiefert
for participants include readings from a variety of notes.
perspectives that offer background that invites
meaningful dialog about one of the most important Additional local signings are scheduled for Uptown
issues facing individuals, families, and Organics in Tumwater from 11-1 September 25
governments today. and Sertino's Cafe at Capital Mall from 10-11
September 26.
The study circle format engages participants in
the work of social change by relating the need for Spiritual Vitamins is available from the authors
health care reform to their own lives, informing (Maryellen AT thepossibilitiesgroup) or through the
and empowering participants to create a “citizen Unity Church bookstore (943-5757).
think tank” that will influence health care policy at
the local, state, and national levels. FREE STUFF!
Using a newly developed study guide, participants Please spread the word about Carolyn's Closet,
will meet for six weekly two-hour sessions. The which provides house wares, dishes, pots & pans,
study circle will begin Monday, October 13, cooking utensils, sheets, towels--essentials for
at 7 p.m., at Olympia Unitarian Universalist setting up a home after people have been
Congregation, 2200 East End Street NW, Olympia homeless. They have a plethora of stuff--and not
98502. To register, contact Rev. Carol McKinley very many people coming from the
at cdmckinley AT earthlink.net or (360) 786-8074. community. Surely there is a need out there, so
please urge people in need to call Paul Grudis at
September 2008, p. 2
How can key insights of the new cosmology The environmental stewardship committees
help us understand and solve the crises our of South Sound invite members and faith
Sacred Earth is facing? communities to a collaborative evening
Monday, September 22, 6:30 - 9 p.m.,
This class will focus on one element that has Fireside Room, United Churches of
been missing in the environmental Olympia (11th & Washington).
movement during the last few decades: the
loss of the sense of Earth as sacred. Since This free public forum will focus on four key
this loss is arguably at the heart of our current earth stewardship issues: food, water, energy and
environmental crisis, Thomas Berry -- a celebrated teaching our children. Following brief presentations
cultural historian and ecologian -- and many others, on each of these topics, participants will have an
feel its rediscovery may be the key to an eventual opportunity to discuss these issues with speakers
solution. Please join us in exploring this claim. and share their successes and challenges with
Wednesday Mornings: 10 to 12 noon people from other faith communities. The evening
Dates: October 15, 22, 29, November 5, 12, 2008 meeting is sponsored by Interfaith Works Earth
(5 weeks) Stewardship Committee. Please contact Connie
Place: Olympia Unitarian Universalist Community Walker (402-8255) or Carol McKinley (786-8074) for
2200 East End Street NW, Olympia additional information.
Fee: $10.00 (for those able)
Facilitators: Bernie Steckler, Tom Joldersma,
Samara Joldersma, Sister Mimi Maloney
Are you a potential volunteer for disaster relief
Is your congregation planning a efforts in the gulf area? The American Red Cross
Holiday Bazaar or other fundraiser? IW wants you to know the following:
can help you spread the word in the Potential volunteers need to receive all the disaster
community! Please be sure to tell us about training before any possibility of being sent out on a
it so we can publicize it through our national Red Cross disaster relief assignment
newsletter. Just email us the date, time & involving Tropical Storms Gustav, Hannah, or any
place and brief details. Deadline for our other disaster. (This does not guarantee that the
monthly newsletter is noon, on the second volunteer will be deployed.)
Tuesday of each month.
As the need for additional volunteers increases for
this and other disasters, those who already have
ALSO, THE DEADLINE for submitting your their paperwork processed and are trained will be
holiday bazaar info to The Olympian is offered the opportunity to serve. Red Cross national
September 21! disaster relief assignments are for three-week
To submit, either use the form on durations.
The Olympian website, or phone Tammy at Please contact Red Cross Disaster Volunteer
The Olympian. Orientation & Training, (360) 528-3350, 1235 South
Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98409
September 2008, p. 3
Our World Sacred Music Festival needs a Come to the county-wide Emergency
Festival Coordinator to oversee the various Preparedness Fair at St. Martin's University on
groups planning the festival, and also a Fund Saturday, September 27th, and leave prepared!
Raising Coordinator to talk to prospective The fair is free to attend; non-perishable food
festival sponsors so we can cover festival costs donations to the Thurston County Food Bank are
with scholarships. Both these positions need to encouraged. The Fair is held in the Marcus
be filled by October 15, so please contact the IW Pavilion & Worthington Center from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
office at [email protected] or 357- Learn about Mapping Your Neighborhood,
7224 if you or someone you know might be personal preparedness, emergency kits, identity
interested. Other volunteers are also needed, fraud and protection, Operation ID, fire safety, food
such as a Volunteer Coordinator and a Food and water storage, electrical safety, flood
Coordinator. Please contact the IW office about insurance and related information, carbon
those positions as well. monoxide safety and other topics from
preparedness experts.
IW urgently needs a Recording Secretary to
take minutes at monthly board meetings and Check out the website at www.co.thurston.wa.us/
program council meetings. This position is em/fair for a listing of speakers and vendors, or call
relatively easy, taking only 6-8 hours per month, Vivian Eason at 786-5243.
but is extremely important. Any interested
person may contact the IW office at 357-7224 or
[email protected]. We will gladly
answer all questions.
Debra Janison, Enneagram teacher certified in the
narrative tradition by Helen Palmer and David
Daniels, offers two classes on the Enneagram:
September 20, Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
The Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation Introduction to the Enneagram This class will
(OUUC) welcomes all to their fall program. Printed provide a brief overview of the basic point of view
copies of the program guide and registration form of the nine personality types of the
are available at the OUUC office (360-786-6383). Enneagram. $45 includes book/$35 for students
Fourteen classes represent a wide variety of and seniors. Call Debra at 292-1220 for details.
subjects, including Unitarian Universalism, the September 23, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
monotheistic religions, feminist theology, Enneagram In Depth: Nine Week Basic Course A
meditation, intuition, hospice care, Earth class designed to explore the full range and
spirituality, green home-building, book discussion, dynamism of the Enneagram. Each week will
poetry, a film series, visual art, and opera provide an in-depth look at one of the nine ennea-
(connected with the Met’s telecasts). types featuring guest exemplars when
Consult the brochure at http://olyuu.org/RE/Adult/ possible. Suitable for people who would like to
index.htm for the titles, descriptions, and discover their own type as well as for those who
schedules of classes, and how to register. want to gain a more complete understanding of the
Enneagram. $150 includes book/$100 for students
and seniors. Call Debra at 292-1220 for details.

September 2008, p. 4
Thank you to the following individuals and organizations, whose financial contributions in the last three
months helped make our work possible:
All Souls Unitarian Universalist Community
Laura Abernathy Patrick & Marilyn LaViollette Bahá'í Assembly of Olympia
Fred & Mary Jane Adair Carolyn Lehman Community for Interfaith Celebration
Glen Anderson Richard Miles Community of Christ
Cherie Davidson David Parker First United Methodist Church of Olympia
Leslie Edwards-Hill Phil & Lois Parker Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Kathy Erlandson Pat Perry Lacey Community Church
Jim Fulton James & Millie Pluntze Lacey Presbyterian Church
Barbara Gibson Janet Tanaka Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Wayne & Carol Gruen Mardel & Roger Tanquist Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation
Dick & Ramona Hinkle Betty & Bob Utter Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Marguerite Holcomb Connie Walker Open Gate Zendo
Bob & Jean Holz Ruth A. Weber Presbytery of Olympia
Terry Kirkpatrick Judith Williams St. John's Episcopal Church
United Churches of Olympia
Unity Church of Olympia

Thank you to all the volunteers who have worked with us in the last three months — you make it all possible!

Moments of Blessing Crop Walk - PA Volunteers

Barbara Gibson Jim Erlandson Page Carter Phil Owen
Carol McKinley Jacky Crow Kathleen Peppard
Web page maintenance Holly Detzler Joe Raudebaugh
Board of Directors Scott Bishop Jim Dick Nikki Raudebaugh
Susan Apt Patty Gregory Dan Ryan
Kasey Carter Shredding Elie Halpern Schelli Slaughter
Marge Johnson Brent Rabe Betty Hauser Vonnie Tallon
Richard Miles Steffe Jewell Roger Tanquist
Kathleen Peppard Newsletter Folding Selena Kilmoyer Connie Walker
Rich Young Kathy Carlson Terry Kirkpatrick Stacy Winokur
Rosemary Frady Barbara Lantz Mary Wharten
Volunteer Intern Bob Holz
Page Carter Jean Holz
Shelter Planning Doree Schuna September 2008, p. 5
Interfaith Works is pleased to announce some of the activities and events of our members and cooperating
organizations; IW does not necessarily endorse these events.
More details & events at www.interfaith-works.org

September 22 Enhancing Earth Care in Faith Communities at United Churches (11th & Capitol Way) is a free
Monday public forum with speakers, discussion, and sharing. Details in article on p. 3. Please contact
6:30 - 9 p.m. Connie Walker (402-8255) or Carol McKinley (786-8074) for additional information.
September 20, Introduction to the Enneagram Debra Janison will provide a brief overview of the basic point of view of
Saturday, the nine personality types of the Enneagram. $45 includes book/$35 for students and seniors. See p.5
10 a.m.- 2 p.m. “Enneagram Classes” or call Debra at 292-1220 for details.
September 23, Enneagram In Depth: Nine Week Basic Course Explore the full range and dynamism of the
Tuesday, Enneagram, taught by Debra Janison. $150 includes book ($120 before September 13)/$100 for
6:30- 8:30 p.m. students and seniors. See p.5 “Enneagram Classes” or call Debra at 292-1220 for details.
September 24 Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration planning meeting — Everyone is welcome. We will meet in
Wednesday room 7 at Westminster Presbyterian Church (1925 Boulevard Rd SE). See front page “Giving
6:30 p.m. Thanks”. Call the IW office 357-7224 with questions.
September 27 "Don't Get Caught in the Dark" - This free all-day event at St. Martin's University provides information to
Saturday the public about how you can become personally prepared for disasters or emergencies. For details,
9 a.m. - 4 p.m. check out the website at www.co.thurston.wa.us/em/fair or call Vivian Eason at 786-5243.
September 27 United Communities AIDS Network Presents: THE 18TH ANNUAL THURSTON COUNTY AIDS WALK
Saturday Tumwater Historical Park (off Deschutes Way) Details at www.ucan-wa.org or call 360-352-2375
Earth Stewardship Committee meeting — All are welcome to meetings of IW's Earth
October 1
Stewardship Committee in the library at First Christian Church (7th & Franklin, downtown
Olympia). Usually 2nd Wednesday; next meetings Nov. 12 & Dec. 10. For details, contact Leslie
12 noon
Romer at LeslieHR AT aol.com or 357-7638.
Russian Choral Concert — at St. John’s Episcopal Church (20th Ave & Capitol Way)
October 12
Archiglas, an award-winning ensemble from St. Petersburg, Russia, returns to St. John’s to open the
2008-09 Concert Series. Program will consist of Orthodox liturgical treasures in the first half, and
3-4:30 p.m.
popular folk songs after intermission. Free – Offering at intermission
October 14 IW October newsletter deadline - Deadline for articles, calendar items, and ads for the October
Tues. 12 noon IW newsletter (coming out about October 21).
October 15
RECOVERING THE SENSE OF EARTH AS SACRED: first of 5 classes. See p.3 “Recovering the
Sense of Earth As Sacred”. Additional class sessions October 22, 29, November 5, 12.
10 - 12 noon
October 21 The IW Program Council meets at Temple Beth Hatfiloh (8th & Washington, downtown Olympia)
Tuesday to plan and execute the programs and projects of Interfaith Works. All interested persons are
7 - 9 p.m. invited. For details, call Interfaith Works at 357-7224.
November 23 Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration at Westminster Presbyterian Church, sponsored by
Sun, 2:30 p.m. Interfaith Works. See front page article “Giving Thanks”

September 2008, p. 6
STATE EMPLOYEES! There are a number of ways that you can support
the ongoing work of Interfaith Works. Which one is
Please consider designating Interfaith
right for you?
Works to receive your contribution from
this year’s State Combined Fund Drive. ♦ Volunteer with IW. You could be on a
Together we shelter the homeless, feed committee, work at an event, help out with the
the hungry, and promote justice and web site or with office work. See our Volunteer
equality in Thurston County. page online or call the office for ideas.
Tell your colleagues about us too! ♦ Use GoodSearch as your online search
Our CFD number is 316251. engine and GoodShop as the starting point for
your online shopping. Every search earns one
cent for IW, and IW will get some money for each
of your online purc hases. Visit
www.goodsearch.com or call the IW office for help
SKETCHBOOK TO GOD setting it up.

Join Julie Ziegler Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to noon ♦ Pledge to make a monthly contribution of $5
Oct. 28th, Nov 25th, Jan 27th, 2009, Feb 24th, or $10 or more. IW will send you envelopes for
March 24th and May 19th. Learn about varying art mailing your contributions.
forms. Create your own art using your sketchbook, ♦ Designate IW as recipient of your State
and pray with the prayer form of the art. Interactive Employees Combined Fund contribution.
and informal. Cost: For 6 sessions + art materials Designate CFD # 316251.
$350.00. For an application email Sister Lucy at
[email protected] or call The Priory ♦ Become a supporting member of IW - call the
Spirituality Center at (360) 438-2595 or go to IW office at 357-7224 for details.


We appreciate your one-time gift or monthly contribution, no matter the amount.
I would like to support the programs and activities of Interfaith Works

Amount of Gift:______________ ( ) one-time ( ) monthly _____Please send information about affiliate membership

Address: _____________________________________________________________________


Phone:___________________ E-mail:_______________________________________________________________
Please include this form and make checks payable to Interfaith Works, PO Box 1221, Olympia WA 98507.
Your gift to Interfaith Works, a 501(c)3 organization, is deductible as allowed under federal tax law.

September 2008, p. 7
Please let us know if you, someone else, a faith We are happy to send our newsletter to anyone
community or another organization would like to who wants it. We also realize that some people
receive a copy of our monthly newsletter, either by who once wanted our newsletter might later
U.S. mail or by email. decide that they no longer want to receive it.
The deadline for the next newsletter is 12 noon on If you would like to be removed from our mailing
Tuesday, October 14. If you have ideas for articles, list, please notify us at
announcements, or other newsletter items, let us [email protected] or 357-7224 .
know and send them in. Thanks!

Now registering for Fall classes

For more information call (360) 292-1220

or visit www.EnneagramOlympia.com

A Community Resource for Personal Development & Spiritual Growth

For information about running a $10 ad, contact [email protected] or 357-7224

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September 2008, p. 8

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