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Foundations of Electrodynamics ( (IC221) ) : Instructor: Suman Kalyan Pal (SKP)

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Foundations of Electrodynamics


Instructor: Suman Kalyan Pal (SKP)

TAs: Aamir Mushtaq
Shailja Sharma
Swati Mudra
Bhuvan Upadhay

Credit structure: 2.5-0.5-0-3

Evaluation Pattern:
Tutorial: 10
Quiz 1: 20
Quiz 2: 20
End Sem: 50
Coulomb’s Law: r 1 qQ
F= rˆ
Force between two charges 4πε 0 r 2
−12 C2 1 9 Nm
ε 0 = 8.85 × 10 ; = 8.99 × 10
Nm 2 4πε 0 C2

Superposition principle:
The total force acting on Q due to several point charges q1, q2, q3......qn is
r r r r 1 qQ qQ r N
F = F + F + ..... + F = ( rˆ + rˆ + ......) = ∑ F
1 2
4πε r
1 2 n 2 1 2 2 i
r 0 1 2 i =1

r r
The electric field: F = QE
r r F 1 n
qi r
E (r ) = =
Q 4πε 0
i =1
2 i

For continuous distribution of charge Q = ∫ dq r

For a line charge density λ (charge per unit length), λ (r ' )
r r 1
4πε 0 ∫P r 2
dq = λdl ' ; E (r ) = rˆdl '

r r σ (r ' )
For a surface charge density σ(charge per unit area),
4πε 0 ∫s r 2
dq = σda' ; E (r ) = rˆda'

For a volume charge density ρ (charge per unit area), r r
dq = ρdτ ' ; E (r ) =
1 ρ (r ' )
4πε 0 V∫ r 2
rˆdτ '
Problem 1: Find the electric field at a distance z above the center of a circular loop of radius r,
which carries a uniform line charge λ.

Solution: dl1 is an elemental length having charge dq1. dl1 = rdθ ; dq1 = λrdθ dE
dE1 dE2

Every point on the ring is at a distance of r 2

+ z 2 from P.
r 1 dq1 ˆ = Eˆ 1 λr
dE1 = E dθ
4πε 0 ( r 2 + z 2 ) 4πε 0 ( r 2 + z 2 )
1 1

dl2 dl1
The resultant of these two fields will be along z axis. The field is making
an angle α with the z axis. The electric field along z direction
r r 1 λrz
dE = kˆ dE1 cos α = kˆ dθ
4πε 0 (r 2 + z 2 ) 3 / 2

The resultant electric field due to whole ring r r 1 λ rz
E = ∫ dE = kˆ
4πε 0 (r 2 + z 2 ) 3 / 2 θ ∫=0

rλ zkˆ
2ε 0 (r 2 + z 2 )3 / 2
Problem 2: A circular disc of radius r has a uniform surface charge density σ on it.
Calculate the field at a point P on the axis of the disc at a distance r from its plane.
What would be field when the radius would be infinity?

Lines of force or field lines:

Field direction: along the tangent to the lines of force

Field strength: proportional to the number of lines passing through unit area
Flux of electric field: The number of field lines passing through a surface.
The flux of electric field E through a surface S is
r r r
What is the unit of flux? Φ E = ∫ E • da = ∫ E • nˆ da
r r
For closed surface Φ E = ∫ E • da

Gauss’s law: The flux of electric field through a closed surface is proportional to the total
charge enclosed.
Flux through any closed surface is a measure of charge inside. In case of a point
charge q at the origin, the flux through the surface
2π π
q q q q
ΦE = ∫
4πε 0 φ∫=0 θ =0
∫ sin θdθdφ =
rˆ • (r 2 sin θdθdφ )rˆ = 4π =
4πε 0 r 2
4πε 0 ε0

r r 1
∫ E • da = Q enc
Let the volume V enclosed by surface S contains a volume charge density ρ.
r r 1 1
Then Gauss’s law ∫ • da = Qenc =
E ∫ ρdV
ε0 ε0 V
r r 1

∇.E dV =
ε0 V ∫ ρdV (for any volume V)
r r r ρ (r ) Differential form of Gauss’s law
∇.E (r ) =
Considering r r 1 ρ (r ' ) r r r
4πε 0 V∫ r 2
E (r ) = rˆdτ ' ; r = r − r '

r r r 1 r rˆ r
∇ • E(r ) = ∫
4πε 0 allspace
∇ • (
) ρ ( r ' )dτ '

r rˆ 3 r
r r r 1 3 r r r 1 r
4πε 0 ∫
∇ • ( 2 ) = 4πδ ( r ); ∇ • E ( r ) = 4 πδ ( r − r ' )ρ ( r ' ) dτ ' = ρ (r )
r ε0
This is differential form of Gauss’s law. r r r r 1 1
By integrating over a volume and applying divergence theorem ∫
∇ • E d τ = ∫ • da =
ε0 V ∫ ρ dτ = ε0
Qenc .
Application of Gauss’s law:
Electric field outside a uniformly charged solid sphere of radius Rand charge q. Let’s
consider a spherical (‘Gaussian’) surface of radius r >R
According to Gauss’s law, r r 1 q

E • da = Q =
ε0 enc .
As both the direction of E and da are along r,

r r q
∫ E • da = ∫ Eda =E ∫ da =E 4πr = ;

q r q
E= ;E = rˆ
4πε 0 r 2
4πε 0 r 2
Symmetry is crucial to the application of Gauss’s law.
Symmetry Gaussian Surface
Spherical concentric sphere
Cylindrical coaxial cylinder
Plane pillbox
Problem 2: Find the electric field at a distance s from an infinitely straight wire caring a uniform
line charge density λ.
Hint: Consider a coaxial cylindrical Gaussian surface and apply Gauss’s λ
law. r λ v
E (r ) = rˆ
2πrε 0

Problem 3. Find the electric field for an infinite plane carries a uniform
surface charge σ.
Hint: Consider a Gaussian pillbox and apply Gauss’s law. r σ
E= nˆ
2ε 0
Curl of E: The electric field E due to a point charge q is

Let’s calculate the line integral of this field between tow points a and b

As E is spherically symmetric, using spherical coordinate would be a

good choice.

. and the integral around a closed path

According to Stokes’ theorem

r r r r r

E • dl = ∫∫
( ∇ × E ) • ds =0
r r
∇× E = 0
Any vector whose curl is zero is equal to the gradient of some scalar.
Line integral of E from point a to point b is the same for all the paths.
As the integrals is independent of path, a function can be defined

called the electric potential

The potential difference between two points a and b

r r
We know dV = ∇V • dl
Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations:
Gauss’s law

This is Poisson’s equation.

If there is no charge Laplace’s equation.

For continuous distribution of charge

For a line charge density λ (charge per unit length),

For a surface charge density σ(charge per unit area),

For a volume charge density ρ (charge per unit area),

Find the potential and field inside and outside a spherical shell of radius R
which carries a uniform surface charge.


Spherical symmetry demands that the Electric field is radial everywhere. V (r ) = σ
r R
ε 0r
r r r r dV R σ2
rˆ Using Gauss’s Law 4 π z 2 E ( rr ) = Q = 4 π R σ
E (r ) = −∇V (r ) = −rˆ = ˆ
r =
dr ε 0 r 2
ε0z 2
ε0 ε0
inside Constant
r r r r dV
E (r ) = −∇V (r ) = −rˆ =0
r Q
Using Gauss’s Law 4 π z 2 E ( r ) = = 0

Problem : Find the field and potential inside and outside a sphere of radius a, which carries
a uniform volume charge density ρ. 13
Electrostatic boundary conditions
Electric field undergoes a discontinuity at a surface carrying charge.
From Gauss’s law

The sides of the pillbox contribute nothing to the flux.

as thickness are almost zero. Hence,

Thus, the normal component of E is discontinuous by an amount σ/ε0 at

the boundary carrying a charge density.
Tangential component of E is always continuous

Look at the rectangular loop in figure: ends give nothing as

thickness tends to zero, and the sides gives so

What about potential across a boundary?

The potential is continuous across any boundary

The gradient of V is discontinuous as E is discontinuous.

Boundary conditions relate the fields and potential just above and below the surface.

The energy of a Point Charge distribution:
No work to be done for charge q1. Work done for charge q2 is

Generalized expression

Instead if j> i, if we say i ≠ j, then we are considering same term twice,

Problem: Three equal point charges (+q) are located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of
side a. Calculate the electrostatic energy W3 of the configuration. What charge must be placed
at the center of the triangle so that energy would be zero?

Solution: A
Potential at each vertices due to two other charges V 2 = 2 q
4 πε 0 a
1 2q 3q 2
W3 = 3q = a a
2 4 πε 0 a 4 πε 0 a G q’

After introducing q’, potential in each vertices Bq a qC

2q q' 3
VA = +
4 πε 0 a 4 πε 0 a
q 3
Potential at G, VG = 3
4 πε 0 a
1 2q q' 3 3q 3
W4 = [3q{ + } + q '{ }]
2 4 πε 0 a 4 πε 0 a 4 πε 0 a
When W4 will be zero, − q
Energy of a continuous charge distribution
Let us assume the charge density ρ is built bit by bit.

At t=0, there is no charge

At t= t0, ε ρ
At t= 2t0, 2 ε ρ
At t= N t0, ρ (full density is achieved)

At t= k t0, kε ρ

For a volume charge density ρ,


Gauss’s law

∇. (f A) = f (∇
∇.A) + A. (∇
∇ f) ∇.A) = ∇.(f A) - A. (∇
f (∇ ∇ f)



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