Philosophical Magazine: To Cite This Article: Tsutomu Ishimasa, Yukinori Tanaka & Shiro Kashimoto (2011) : Icosahedral
Philosophical Magazine: To Cite This Article: Tsutomu Ishimasa, Yukinori Tanaka & Shiro Kashimoto (2011) : Icosahedral
Philosophical Magazine: To Cite This Article: Tsutomu Ishimasa, Yukinori Tanaka & Shiro Kashimoto (2011) : Icosahedral
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To cite this article: Tsutomu Ishimasa, Yukinori Tanaka & Shiro Kashimoto (2011): Icosahedral
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Philosophical Magazine
Vol. 91, No. 33, 21 November 2011, 4218–4229
1. Introduction
After the discovery of binary stable Cd–Yb quasicrystal [1,2], icosahedral
quasicrystals containing Yb have been found in several alloy systems, such as Zn–
Mg–Yb [3], Cd–Mg–Yb [4], Ag–In–Yb [5] and Au–In–Yb [6]. These quasicrystals, as
well as the corresponding approximant crystals, have been studied from the
viewpoints of metallurgy, crystallography and solid-state physics. In particular, the
valence of Yb atoms in these compounds is of interest in relation to possible
occurrence of an intermediate valence state. However, in all cases, there had been no
indication of an intermediate valence state, as yet. Thus, the recent report by
Kawana et al. [7] seems promising. They have reported the appearance of an
intermediate valence state of Yb, both in Cd–Yb quasicrystal and its 1/1
approximant, under high pressure. This may be related to the fact that the atomic
size of trivalent Yb is smaller than that of divalent Yb. A similar evolution of a
trivalent state has been observed at ambient pressure by substitution; for example, in
the case of Laves phase YbxIn1xCu2 [8] as well as in YbCu5xGax [9]. In the present
study, the new quasicrystal alloy containing Yb has been investigated to establish
this situation. Here, the substitution rule, empirically known in Tsai-type quasicrys-
tals, was applied. Common properties of Tsai-type quasicrystals are summarized
A remarkable feature of Tsai-type quasicrystals is the variety in base metals,
namely Zn [10], Zn–M (M ¼ Mg, Cu, Pd, Ag, Pt, Au) [3,11–13], Zn–T (T : Mn, Fe,
Co, Ni) [14], Cu–Al [15], Cu–Ga [16,17], Cd [1,2], Cd–Mg [4,18], Ag–Al [19], Ag–In
[5], Pd–Al [20], Au–Ga [19,21] and Au–In [6,22]. As the minor component, they
contain trivalent transition elements such as Sc, Y or lanthanoids, or divalent Ca or
Yb. In all cases, the composition of the minor component ranges from 12 to 16 at%,
and the Tsai-type quasicrystals satisfy an almost constant electron concentration e/a
ranging from 2.00 to 2.15. This is the first condition of the Hume–Rothery rules.
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2. Experimental
Alloy ingots of AuxAl100xyYby were synthesized in the narrow composition region
of 44 x 50 and 15 y 17, referring to the stoichiometry of the Cu46Al38Sc16
quasicrystal [15]. As-cast specimens were prepared using an arc furnace in an Ar
atmosphere. They were further annealed at 700 C for 24 h to study the stability of
the phases. Before annealing, specimens were sealed in an silica ampoule after
evacuating to approximately 2 106 Torr.
4220 T. Ishimasa et al.
The compositions of the phases formed in the Au–Al–Yb alloys were analyzed by
electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA) using a JXA-8900 M micro-analyzer equipped
with a wavelength-dispersive-type spectrometer at an acceleration voltage of 20 kV.
Electron microscopic observations were carried out at 200 kV on a JEOL JEM200CS
microscope equipped with a double tilting stage. The alloy ingot was crushed in an
agate mortar and pestle, and the thin part was observed by electron microscopy.
Powder X-ray diffraction experiments were carried out using a RINT-2500
diffractometer equipped with a Cu X-ray tube and a pyrolytic graphite counter
monochrometer. The radius of the diffractometer was 185 mm. For the 1/1
approximant, some refinement of the experimental technique was made to obtain
reliable diffraction data for Rietveld analysis using a conventional diffractometer.
A narrow divergence slit of 0.25 was used to measure correct intensity down to
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2 ¼ 6 . The sample plate was rotated around the axis normal to the plate to improve
the randomness of the crystal orientation. The intensity at each point was measured
for 30 s to reduce statistical noise; thus, intensity data with an interval of 0.02 were
collected in the angle range 6 2 146 . The intensity distribution was analyzed by
the Rietveld method using the software package RIETAN-2000 developed by Izumi
and Ikeda [26]. The structure models presented in this paper were drawn using Balls
& Sticks software [27].
3. Results
3.1. Icosahedral quasicrystals and 1/1 approximants in Au–Al–Yb alloys
An icosahedral quasicrystal was observed exclusively in the as-cast specimen with the
nominal composition Au49Al34Yb17. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the alloy is
presented in Figure 1. All peaks were indexed as a P-type icosahedral quasicrystal
with the six-dimensional lattice parameter a6D ¼ 7.448(2) Å. The electron diffraction
patterns presented in Figure 2 also confirm the formation of the quasicrystal,
although weak reflections tended to deviate from the exact symmetric positions, as
can be seen in Figure 2a. The composition of the quasicrystal was analyzed to be
Au51Al34Yb15 by EPMA. While the quasicrystal was also observed in the as-cast
Au47Al37Yb16 and Au48Al36Yb16 specimens, no quasicrystal were detected in
specimens annealed at 700 C. This suggests metastability of the quasicrystal.
Instead of the quasicrystal, three other phases were detected in the annealed
Au49Al34Yb17 specimen by EPMA. Their analyzed compositions were Au51Al35Yb14,
Au46Al36Yb18 and Au56Al27Yb17. The first phase was assigned to a 1/1 cubic
The 1/1 approximant was the predominant phase in the six specimens annealed at
700 C with nominal compositions Au49Al36Yb15, Au47Al37Yb16, Au48Al36Yb16,
Au49Al35Yb16, Au50Al34Yb16, and Au49Al34Yb17. In the first specimen, the
approximant formed exclusively, as shown in Figure 3. Electron diffraction
experiments of this phase revealed that the Laue class is m3 and the cubic lattice
is a body-centered type with the lattice parameter a ¼ 14.500 Å (Figure 4).
These observations are in agreement with the known properties of a 1/1 cubic
approximant of the Tsai-type [23]. The lattice parameter agrees well with the cal-
culated value of 14.497 Å, using the six-dimensional lattice parameter a6D ¼ 7.448 Å
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as 1/1. This concurrence, as well as the similarity in the intensity distribution of the
diffraction patterns, is evidence that both the quasicrystal and the approximant have
a similar local structural unit, namely a Tsai-type cluster, as described below.
Figure 3. Powder X-ray diffraction pattern of Au49Al36Yb15 specimen annealed at 700 C for
24 h. Calculated intensity, measured intensity, peak positions of the approximant, and
deviation are presented in this order.
As a starting structure model, the Larson and Cromer model [28] proposed for Cd6Y
was used. In the initial model, all Cd atoms were replaced by an average atom
Au57.6Al42.4, and Y by Yb. The ratio between Au and Al in each site was changed
step-wise to achieve a better fit to the measured intensity distribution. In the final
stage of the refinement, three possible structures were tested for the central
region of the Tsai-type cluster, namely partially occupied 16f, 24 g and 48h sites.
The first two correspond to the Cd6Yb model [29] and Larson and Cromer
Philosophical Magazine 4223
model [28], respectively. Additional atoms at the 8c site, namely at [1/4, 1/4, 1/4] were
also tested, as indicated in recent structure analyses of other 1/1 approximants
[21,22,30]. The best fit with Rwp ¼ 5.86%, RI ¼ 1.03% and RF ¼ 0.68% was obtained
using both the 48 h and 8c sites. The results are summarized in Table 1. The lattice
parameter was determined to be a ¼ 14.500(2) Å from this analysis.
icosahedron in Figure 5c. Other sites are occupied by mixed atoms of Au and Al,
except for the site designated M8, which is occupied by Al with an occupancy of 92%
without Au. The mixed sites are classified into three groups: sites containing Au at
more than 72%, sites containing Al at more than 97%, and intermediate sites
between these two. Hereafter, they are referred to as Au-sites, Al-sites and mixed
sites, respectively. The unit cell includes 89.6 Au, 61.8 Al and 24.0 Yb – 175.4 atoms
in total. The composition of the model is Au51.1Al35.2Yb13.7, which agrees with the
composition Au51Al35Yb14 analyzed by EPMA as well as the nominal composition
Au49Al36Yb15. The small reduction in Yb in the analyzed versus the nominal
compositions suggests evaporation of Yb during sample preparation.
The structure of the 1/1 approximant can be regarded as a periodic arrangement
of Tsai-type clusters with chemical ordering. Figure 5e presents part of
triacontahedron in which M5 atoms (Al-site) and M3 atoms (Au-site) are arranged
alternatively. The arrangement of this polyhedron forms a cage network with holes
both at the origin and the body-center. Tsai-type clusters are embedded in these
holes. The first shell of the Tsai-type cluster is a dodecahedron composed of M2
(mixed site) and M4 (Au-site), as shown in Figure 5b. The second shell is an
icosahedron of Yb. The third is an icosidodecahedron composed of M1 (Au-site) and
M6 (mixed site), as presented in Figure 5d. At the center of the cluster, four atoms in
total are included, which belong to M7 (mixed site) with an occupancy of 16.7%.
This complicated shape reflects an average of variously oriented tetrahedrons, as
discussed by Gómez and Lidin [30]. The ordering scheme, namely preferential
occupation by atoms, is very similar to that in the Au50.5Ga35.9Ca13.6 approximant
reported by Lin and Corbett [21], as shown in the last column in Table 1.
4. Discussion
Figure 6 illustrates another description of the structure as a framework of Yb atoms.
This framework is regarded as a three-dimensional tiling of four kinds of bricks: an
icosahedron, an octahedron, a rhombus prism and a pyramid, as shown in Figure 6a.
Each brick has a unique decoration with atoms, as presented in Figure 6b–e. In the
cubic unit cell, there are two icosahedrons, eight octahedrons, six rhombus prisms
and 12 pyramids. The icosahedron in Figure 6d just corresponds to that in Figure 5c.
Each icosahedron is surrounded by eight octahedrons, six rhombus prisms and
12 pyramids, so as to form the Tsai-type cluster. The icosahedrons are connected
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Table 1. Structure model of Au–Al–Yb 1/1 cubic approximant. Occupancies of site M7 and M8 are 16.7 and 92%, respectively (* indicates the 24 g
site. See [21] for details).
M7 0.078Au þ 0.089Al 48h 0.045(2) 0.027(2) 0.095(1) 6.3(9) Au7 (0.077) þ Ga7 (0.025)*
M8 0.92Al 8c 1/4 1/4 1/4 1.2(7) Ga8
Yb Yb 24g 0 0.1894(2) 0.3035(2) 0.57(5) Ca
Philosophical Magazine 4225
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in the three-fold direction through the octahedron, and in the two-fold direction
through the rhombus prism. In the octahedron, the arrangement of atoms resembles
that in a body-centered cubic structure. The pyramid in Figure 6c resembles half of
the octahedron.
It is intriguing to compare the bricks with those in other approximants. In the
1/0-2/1-1/0 approximant formed in Cu–Al–Sc alloy [31], there are similar icosahe-
drons and octahedrons. In addition, this approximant includes three other types of
bricks which are not in the present 1/1 approximant. In both approximants, the
position vectors of 12 rare-earth atoms forming the icosahedron can be assigned by
suitable projection to 12 fundamental vectors a6Dei of a six-dimensional
hypercubic lattice, where i ¼ 1–6 (for details, see Figure 3 in [31]). Furthermore, in
both approximants, all the positions of the rare-earth atoms can be expressed by the
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Figure 7. Linear relationships between lattice parameters and average atomic radii. (a) Tsai-
type quasicrystals and (b) corresponding approximants. In (a), group 1 consists of
Cu46Al38Sc16 [15] and Cu48Ga34Mg3Sc15 [16,17]. Group 2: Zn88Sc12 [10], Zn81Mg4Sc15 [11],
Zn72Cu12Sc16 [12], Zn74Mn10Sc16, Zn77Fe7Sc16, Zn78Co6Sc16, Zn74Ni10Sc16 [14,23],
Zn75Pd9Sc16, Zn74Ag10Sc16, Zn74Pt10Sc16, Zn74Au10Sc16 [13,23]. Group 3: Au44.2In41.7Ca14.1
[21], Cd65Mg20Y15, Cd65Mg20Gd15, Cd65Mg20Tb15, Cd65Mg20Dy15, Cd65Mg20Ho15,
Cd65Mg20Er15, Cd65Mg20Tm15, Cd65Mg20Lu15 [18], Ag42In42Ca16 and Ag42In42Yb16 [5].
Group 4: Cd85Ca15, Cd84Yb16 [1,2], Cd65Mg20Ca15 and Cd65Mg20Yb15 [4]. In (b), group 1
consists of Cu45.0Al40.5Sc14.5 and Cu3.7Ga2.3Sc [32]. Group 2: Zn6Sc and Zn16.5Cu1.48Sc3 [12].
Group 3a: Ag46.4In39.7Gd13.9, Ag42.2In42.6Tm15.2, Au49.7In35.4Ce14.9, Au47.2In37.2Gd15.6 [33],
Au56.7In29.3Ca14.0 [21], Group 3b: Ag48In38Ce14, Ag47In39Pr14, Ag40In46Yb14 [33], Cd6Y,
Cd6Nd, Cd6Sm, Cd6Gd, Cd6Dy [30]. Group 4: Cd6Ca and Cd6Yb [30].
In Figure 7b, there is also a gap between a ¼ 14.0 to 15.0 Å, and four alloys including
the present Au51Al35Yb14 approximant fall into this gap.
Another aspect of the size factor is matching between the radius of the major and
minor components: rS (S: small) and rL (L: large), respectively. This matching is due
to geometrical conditions for the construction of the triple shell structure with the
dodecahedron, icosahedron and icosidodecahedron. From the geometrical consid-
eration [3,23] of close packing of two types of spheres, the ideal ratio is:
rL 10 þ 51=2 þ2 31=2
¼ 1 1:288:
rS 3
For the quasicrystal Au51Al34Yb15, rS ¼ rAu–Al ¼ 1.438 Å and then rL is expected
to be 1.852 Å. However, the trivalent Yb is too small and the divalent Yb is too large.
This consideration is valid not only for the quasicrystal but also for the approximant.
Kashimoto [35] measured the temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility
of the Au51Al34Yb15 quasicrystal. The effective magnetic moment of Yb was
measured as 3.6 B, which indicates an intermediate valence state. Furthermore,
Watanuki et al. [36] recently measured XANES (X-ray absorption near edge
structure), directly indicating the occurrence of the intermediate valence state at
ambient pressure. These experimental results are consistent with the above argument
on atomic size.
In this quasicrystal, Cd was replaced by the smaller atoms Au–Al, and this
substitution may cause the change in the valence of Yb to the direction of the
4228 T. Ishimasa et al.
5. Conclusion
The formation of an icosahedral quasicrystal and its approximant is reported in
Au–Al–Yb alloys. Both phases form at very similar compositions and the
quasicrystal is regarded as metastable. The relationship between the lattice
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The authors thank T. Watanuki for interesting discussions and N. Miyazaki for his help and
advice in the use of EPMA.
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