Tfii'Llbiupptnes I Upreme Court:Fflanila: L/Epubltt of
Tfii'Llbiupptnes I Upreme Court:Fflanila: L/Epubltt of
Tfii'Llbiupptnes I Upreme Court:Fflanila: L/Epubltt of
i>upreme Court
JUN27 2018 ~
x----------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -~ - - -x
On official leave.
•• Designated as Acting Chairperson of the First Division per Special Order No. 2562 dated June 20, 2018.
Designated as Acting Member of the First Division per Special Order No. 2560 dated May 1 L 2018.
Petition for review on certiorari filed by Security Bank Corporation (formerly known as Security Bank
and Trust Company, rollo (G.R. No. 192934), pp. 24-46; and petition for review on certiorari filed by the
spouses Rodrigo and Erlinda Mercado, rollo (G.R. No. 1970 I 0), pp. 9-22. We resolved to consolidate these
petitions in our Resolution dated January 18, 2012, see ro/lo (G.R. No. 192934), p. 183.
Rollo (G.R. No. 192934), pp. 9 - 2pnne2 ; r by Associate Justice Isaias Dicdican, with Associate Justices
Stephen C. Cruz and Danton Q. Bueser curring.
Rollo (G.R. No. 197010), pp. 49-50.
Decision 2 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
xx xx
On the other hand, the addendum to the revolving credit line agreement
further provided that:
To secure the credit line, the spouses Mercado executed a Real Estate
Mortgage 9 in favor of Security Bank on July 3, 1996 over their properties
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T-103 519 (located in Lipa
Rollo (G.R. No. 192934), pp. 64-78; penned by Presiding Judge Paterno V. Tac-an.
Id at 79-82.
Id at94.
Id. at 52; Records (Civil Case No. 580 , Vol.!, p. 26.
Rollo (G.R. No. 192934), pp. 95-98
Decision 3 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
City, Batangas), and TCT No. T-89822 (located in San Jose, Batangas). 10 On
September 13, 1996, the spouses Mercado executed another Real Estate
Mortgage 11 in favor of Security Bank this time over their properties located in
Batangas City, Batangas covered by TCT Nos. T-33150, T-34288, and T-
34289 to secure an additional amount of P7 ,000,000.00 under the same
revolving credit agreement.
On October 19, 1999, the foreclosure sale of the parcel of land in Lipa
City, Batangas was held wherein Security Bank was adjudged as the winning
bidder. The Certificate of Sale 16 over it was issued on November 3, 1999. A
similar foreclosure sale was conducted over the parcels of land in Batangas
City and San Jose, Batangas where Security Bank was likewise adjudged as
the winning bidder. The Certificate of Sale 17 over these properties was issued
on October 29, 1999. Both Certificates of Sale were registered, respectively,
with the Registry of Deeds of Lipa City on November 11, 1999 and the
Registry of Deeds ofBatangas City on November 17, 1999. 18
Id. at 51, 99-101.
Id. at 102-105.
Id. at 66; Records (Civil Case No. 5808), Vol. I, p. 38.
An Act to Regulate the Sale of Property Under Special Powers Inserted in or Annexed to Real-Estate
Mortgages ( 1924 ).
Rollo (G.R. No. 192934), p. 52.
Id. at 53, 73.
Id at 114-115.
Id. at 112-lli
Id. at 53.
Decision 4 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
In its February 26, 2007 Decision, 25 the RTC declared that: (l) the
foreclosure sales· of the five parcels of land void; (2) the interest rates
contained in the revolYing credit line agreement void for being potestative or
solely based on the will of Security Bank; and (3) the·sum of P8,000,000.0D
as the true and correct obligation of the spouses tv1ercado to Security Bank. 2(;
19 Id.
" Records (Civil Case r{o. 5808), Vol. I, pp. 1-11.
: Rnllo (G.R. No. 192934), pp. 28-29.
v R·;cNds (Civf! Case No. 5808), Vol. i, pp. 6-8.
Records (LRC Casi' No. N-16&5), pp. 1-5.
lfoflo (G.R. No 192934), p. 54.
25 Supra note 4. · .
:c Rblio (G.R. No. 192934), pp. 77 n. The foil disposifr.:e portion of which states:
\Vl:Y::REFORE,,Judgm.::nt is i1ereby ~endered in favor o~ [spouses Mercado] and aga.inst [Security Bank];
I Declaring as void the Foreclosure Sales con~'.erning the follov/inr; re1! propertie~: ·
I. rcr Ne. T 103519 - Lipa City · ' ·
2. TCT No. T 89822 - San Jos·~, Batangas
3. TCT No. 33 J 50 · Satar.gas City
4. TCT No. T- 34289 - Batll;;gil~ City
5. TCT No. 3428~ - Batanggs City
2. [D]eclaring the interest r:::tes contained in tlv'! addendum of the rea1 property mc,.i·tg,agor~,/prom;ssory /
.nc•tes as void a~ well a.~ the interest '.md penalties computed and charged aga.inst [spc1•Jses Mi~ri::adoj an':l,
declaring the sum d eight rnilhon (P8;000,GGO.OO) pesos as the true a11d correct ob!:2,ation cf [spoust:>
. . .
Decision· 5 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
The RTC also 1uled that the stipulation as to the interest rate on •the
availments under the revolving credit line agreement "where the fixing of the
interest rate is the sole prerogative of the creditor/mortgagee, beloogs to the
class of potestative .condition which is null and void under [Article] 1308 of
the New Civil [C]ode." 29 It also violates Central Bank Circular No. 1191
which requires the interest rate for each re-pricing pe_riod to b~ subject to. a
mutual agreement between th~ borrower and bank. As such, n9 interest has
been expressly stipulated in writing as required under Article 1956 oftheNew
Civil Code. 30 The_RTC ruled that since the spouses l\t1ercado offered to pay
the higher amount of Pl0,000,000.00 and the bank unjustifiably refused to
accept it, no interest shall be due and demandable after the offer: 31
Mercado l to [Security Bank] wbich shall be the basis of payment to the bank and which amount may
be deposited by way of consignation should the bank refuse to accept it. ·
Such consignation with prior and subsequent notice to the Bank shall .automatically .extinguish the
PS,{)00,000.00 loan if seasonably made.
3. [O]rdering the payment of attorncy'5 fees of P50,00tJ.OO.
4: [M]ak1ng the injunction pennanent agc:inst the cliforcement of the rea; estate mortgages ahd thr
toreclo:rnre sales x xx[.)
5. Cost of suit.
r Id. dt 74.
Id. 'at 74- 76.
2Q Id at 74.
3j Id. at 75.
31 · Jd. at 77.
Records (Civil Case No. 5808), Vol. 11, pp. 83·-101.
Supra note 5. · · · .
Roliu (G.R. N~-_192934), pp 81.82. fhe dispositive po«ion ot"which prnvide}
Decision 6 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
The CA, however, disagreed with the trial court's findings as to the
amount of the outstanding obligation, the imposition· of interest, and the
penalty. As to the principal amount of the obligation and the legal interest, it
noted that .the liability of the spouses Mercado· from Security Bank i8
P7 ,516,880.00 or the principal oblig2.tion of P8,000,000.00 less the amount of
?483,120.00 for which the Lipa City property has been sold.~ 7 It also modified
the legal interestrate imposed from 6% to 12%.from the date of extrajudicial
demand, i.e., March 31, 1999. 3 ~, it imposed the stipulated 2% monthly
penalty under the revolving credit Une agreement. 39 Thus:
WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered in favor of[spouses Mercado] and <1gainst [Security Bank]:
I. Declaring as void the foreclosure sale concerning the following real properties: [] 1.) fCT No. f ·
89822 - San Jose, Batangas; 2.) TCT No. 33150 - Batangas City; 3.) TCT No. T-34289 - Batangas
City; 4.) TCT .No.. .34288 - Batangas City[};
xx xx
3. [D]eclaring tht· st1m of Phr 7 ,5'10,000 00 l'S the principci.l obligation of ~.he 5ai.d [sprypses Merccdo]
instead of Php ! 5,000,000.0C as demanded [by Security Bank] t.J which is being added from th~
date of this Amended Decisk•n the rate of cost of Ti"oi.)f1C) of 6% per annum. or 1/., percent per month
until folly paid:
4. [D]enying the petition for issuan.:e of writ of possession;
xx xx
6. [M]aking the injunct10n permanent against the enforcement of the real estate mNtgages and against
the foreclosure sales in respect to the above-named properties[.]
'' Id at 58-59.
Id at 60 61 . ·
c; Id. at 61. · /
:: Id.; ,Records (Civil Case No. 5"80w.~I. L p. 38.
· Rol10 (G R. No. 192934 J, p. 6L.. ~ . .
Decision 7 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
The spouses Mercado on the other hand, claim that the CA erred in
imposing interest and penalty from the. date. of extrajudicial demand until
finality ,of the. Decision. Under the doctrine· of operative facts laid <;lo\\'r). in
Spouses Carr;zig_ v Alday4 f1 and Anda/. v. Philippine National Bank, 47· the
1 ·
interest and. pe~alty. were considered paid by the auction sa1e:}8 As such,
interest should only run from the finality of this Oecision. They also assert
that they should be excused from paying .the penalty because of economic
crises, and their lack of bacj faith in this case. 49
., . .
Initially, we denied the spouses Mercado~s petition (G.R. No. 197010)
in our Rcsolution50 dated July 27, 2011. Upon the spouses Mercado's motion
for reconsideration,~ 1 we re~nstated the petition ~n April 18, 2012, 52
· fd at-62-o3.
Id. at.35.
'~ R.e~i-sion <ind'or l\fo<lit•cat10n of the Notice of Sale of Extra-Judic:al Foreclosure.
~3 Roiio (G.R. No. 192934), p. 37.
·~ G.R. No. 119379, September 25, i998, 296 SCRA 247:
Roilo (G.R. No. 192934), pp. 40-43.
CA-G.R. CV No. 76029, May 31, 2007.
: G.R. No. 194201, November 27, 2013, 711SCRA15.
~ Rullo (G.R. :No. 197010); pp. 59-60.
Id, at 17-19.
Id at52.
' '• 59-63.
1a. at
Id. at 68.
Decision 8 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
. . .
The following issues are presented for this Court's resolution:
II. Whether the provisions on interest rate in the revolving credit 1.ine
agreement and its addendum are void for being violative of the
principk of mutuality of contracts.
III. Whether interest and penalty are due and demandable from date of
auction sale until finality of the judgment declaring the foreclosure
void under the doctrine of operative facts.
The foreclosure sales of thP properties in
Batangas City and San Jose, Batangas are void for
non-compliance with the publication requirement of
the notice ofsale.
Act No. 3135, as amended, provides for the statutory requirements for
a valid extrajudicial foreclosure sale. Among the requisites is a valid notice of
sale. Section 3, as amended, requires that when the value of the prope1ty
reaches a threshold, the notice of sale must be published once a week for at
least three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation:
~-;-;,~~·ip;~1e ;1a:;na1 Ba~ic v. Marayc:, J1·., G.R. No. 11:1:(september 11: 2009, 599.SCRA 394, !!OO.
'' G.R. No. 17·+581. F~hru:1ry4, 20i5, 749 SCRA 563. .
' .
. Decision 9 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
In this case, the errors in the notice consist of: (1) TCT No. T-33150 -·
"Lot 952-C-l" which should be "Lot 952-C-l-fu" (2) TCT No. T-89822 -
"Lot 1931 ~ Cadm- 164-D" which should be "Lot 1931 Cadm 164-D;''64 and
459, 466. . .
Tambuntinx v: CounofAppeals, supra note 56. . . · .. ·. . . /
~ K-Phfl., Inc. v. Mettopolita/1 Bank ana'Trust Company, supra 110tc 6 i at 465-466. ·
~41 ~ ~.- ~. ~.
0eeTCT No. m1 -1.i I
I '50, r<J,fo '
(G.R. ') ' •·
Ne'. 1. 9_9.itt), p. ,J. 06; see also· 1' CT. No
J-8981.2, '
1d ' ·· j.
at .:U(. ··
Decision 10 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
(3) the omission ofthe locati~m: 65 While the errors seem· iJ;lconsequential, they
in fact constitute• data important to prospective bidders when they decide
whether to acquire any of the lots announced to be auctioned. First, the
published notice misidentified the identity of the properties. Since the lot
numbers are misstated, the notice effectively identified lots other than the ones
sought to be sold. Second, the published notice omitted the exact locations of
the properties. As a result, prospective buyers are left completely unaware of
the type of neighborhood and conforming areas they may consider buying
into. With the properties misidentified and their locations omitted, the
properties' sizes and ultimately, the determination of their probable market
prices, are consequently compromised. The errors are of such nature that they
will significantly affect the public's decision on whether to participate in the
public auction. We find that the errors can deter or mislead bidders, depreciate
the value of the properties or prevent the process from fetching a fair price.
Id. 73. ;o/
G.R. No. 106953. August 19, 1993, 225 SCRA 45~
Decision 11 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
The publication of a single erratum, however, does not cure the defect.
As correctly pointed out by the RTC, "[t]he act of making only one corrective
publication in the publication requirement, instead of three (3) corrections is
a fatal omission committed by the mortgagee bank." 69 To reiterate, the
published notices that contain fatal errors are nullities. Thus, the erratum is
considered as a new notice that is subject to the publication requirement for
once a week for at least three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
circulation in the municipality or city where the property is located. Here,
however, it was published only once.
While there are cases where we upheld foreclosure sales on the ground
that the mortgagor-debtor's act of redeeming the property amounts to
estoppel, we cannot apply this equitable principle here. For one, Security
Bank never raised the issue in its pleadings. Defenses and objections that are
not pleaded in the answer or motion to dismiss are deemed waived. 70 Second,
estoppel is a mere principle in equity. We cannot grant estoppel for the reason
that Security Bank itself denies that the spouses Mercado offered to redeem
the Batangas properties. 71 Thus, the element of reliance is absent.
The interest rate provisions in the parties'
agreement violate the principle of mutuality of
Id. at 454.
The relevant portion of OCA Circular No. 14 provides:
xx xx
A parcel of land situated in _ _ containing an area , more or less ,_ _ x x x.
Rollo (G.R. No. 192934), p. 74.
RULES OF COURT, Rule 9, Sec. 1.
Rollo (G.R. No. 192934), p. 71.
Decision 12 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
Almeda v. Court ofAppeals, G.R. No. 113412, April 17, 1996, 256 SCRA 292, 299-300.
73 Id
Silos v. Philippine National Bank, G.R. No. 181045, July 2, 2014, 728 SCRA 617, 646.
Id. at 660.
Article 1956 of the New Civil Code provides that: "[n]o interest shall be due unless it has been expressly
stipulated in writing."
See also Prisma Construction & Development Corporation v. Menchavez, G.R. No. 160545, March 9,
2010, 614 SCRA 590, 598.
Philippine Savings Bank v. Castillo, G.R. No. I 93r78/ ay 30, 2011, 649 SCRA 527, 537.
G.R. No. 88880, April 30, 1991, 196 SCRA 536.
Decision 13 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
stipulated interest rate at will for being violative of the principle of mutuality
of contracts. We said:
The same treatment is given to stipulations that give one party the
unbridled discretion, without the conformity of the other, to increase the rate
of interest notwithstanding the inclusion of a similar discretion to decrease it.
In Philippine Savings Bank v. Castillo 80 we declared void a stipulation81 that
allows for both an increase or decrease of the interest rate, without subjecting
the modification to the mutual agreement of the parties:
Id. at 544-545.
Id. at 529. The clause therein provided:
The rate of interest and/or bank charges herein stipulated, during the terms of this promissory note, its
extensions, renewals or other modifications, may be increased, decreased or otherwise changed from time
to time within the rate of interest and charges allowed under present or future lawrs a or government
regulation(s) as the PHILIPPINE SAVINGS BANK may prescribe for its debtors.
Decision 14 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
(b) The Borrower agrees that the Bank may modify the
interest rate in the Loan depending on whatever policy the
Bank may adopt in the future, including without limitation,
Id. at 537.
G.R. No. 187618,
ril IO, 2013, 695 SCRA 520.
Id. at 539.
Supra note 74.
Decision 15 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
the shifting from the floating interest rate system to the fixed
interest rate system, or vice versa. Where the Bank has
imposed on the Loan interest at a rate per annum, which is
equal to the Bank's spread over the current floating interest
rate, the Borrower hereby agrees that the Bank may, without
need of notice to the Borrower, increase or decrease its
spread over the floating interest rate at any time depending
on whatever policy it may adopt in the future. 86 (Emphasis
and citation omitted, italics supplied.)
In that case, we found that the method of fixing interest rates is based
solely on the will of the bank. The method is "one-sided, indeterminate, and
[based on] subjective criteria such as profitability, cost of money, bank costs,
etc. xx x." 88 It is "arbitrary for there is no fixed standard or margin above or
below these considerations." 89 More, it is worded in such a way that the
borrower shall agree to whatever interest rate the bank fixes. Hence, the
element of consent from or agreement by the borrower is completely lacking.
Id. at 623.
Id. at 624.
Id at 659.
90 Jd (
Manual of Regulations for Banks, Vol. I,§ X305.2.
Manual of Regulations for Banks, Vol. 1, § X305.3.
Decision 16 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
escalation clauses, the principles they lay down on mutuality equally apply to
floating interest rate clauses.
'" Manua I of Regulation' foe B,,,k<, Vol". I , § X3d5 .3; Seo al'o BsP .Cicculac No. 99, Oecembcc 23, 191
Decision 17 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
Security Bank argues that the subject provisions on the interest rate
observed the principle of mutuality of contracts. It claims that there is a ceiling
on the maximum applicable rate, and it is the market forces that dictate and
establish the rate of interest.
We disagree.
First, the authority to change the interest rate was given to Security
Bank alone as the lender, without need of the written assent of the spouses
Mercado. This unbridled discretion given to Security Bank is evidenced by
the clause "I hereby give my continuing consent without need of additional
confirmation to the interests stipulated as computed by [Security Bank]. "93
The lopsidedness of the imposition of interest rates is further highlighted by
the lack of a breakdown of the interest rates imposed by Security Bank in its
statement of account94 accompanying its demand letter.
Records (?C"vil~.fs'e No. 5808), Vol. I, p. 26.
Id. a.t 40.
Supra not .
% Id. at 258.
Decision 18 G.R. Nos. 192934
& 197010
In striking out these provisions, both in the original and the addendum,
we note that there are no other stipulations in writing from which we can base
an imposition of interest. Unlike in cases involving escalation clauses that
allowed us to impose the original rate of interest, we cannot do the same here
as there is none. Nevertheless, while we find that no stipulated interest rate
may be imposed on the obligation, legal interest may still be imposed on the
outstanding loan. Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals 97 and
Nacar v. Galle1T Frames 98 provide that in the absence of a stipulated interest,
a loan obligation shall earn legal interest from the time of default, i.e., from
judicial or extrajudicial demand. 99
In Anda! v. Philippine National Bank, 100 the case cited by the spouses
Mercado, we declared the mortgagor-debtors therein liable to pay interest at
the rate equal to the legal interest rate from the time they defaulted in payment
until their loan is fully paid. We also said that default, for purposes of
determining when interest shall run, is to be counted from the· time of the
finality of decision determining the· rate of interest. Spouses iVIercado claim
that following Andal, they, too, could not be deemed to have been in default
from the time of the extrajudicial demand on March 31, 1991. They claim
anew that since the validity of the interest rates is still being determined in this
petition, interest should be imposed only after finality of this Decision.
They err. Andal is not squarely applicable to this case. In that case, there
was a finding by both the trial court and the CA that no default can be declared
because of the arbitrary, illegal, and unconscionable interest rates.and penalty
charges unilaterally imposed by the bank. There, the debtors qu~stio11ed the
period ofdef':mlt in relation to the interest imposed as it was an i8sue r,ecessary
for the determination of the validity of the foreclosure sales therein. In
contrast, here, the spouses Mercado never denied that they defaulted in the
payment of the principal obligation. They did not assert, from their complaint
or up to their petition before this Court, that they. would not have been in
default were it not for the bank's imposition of the interest rates. Theories
raised for the first time cannot be entertained in appeal.
spouses Mercado never challenged Security Bank's claim that they defaulted
as to the payment of the principal obligation of P8,000,000.00. Thus, we find
they have defaulted to this amount at the time Security Bank made an
extrajudicial demand on March 31, 1999.
We also find no merit in their argument that penalty charges should not
be imposed. \Vhile we see no legal basis to strike down the penalty stipulation,
however, we reduce the penalty of2% per month or 24% per annum for being
iniquitous and unconscionable as allowed under Article 1229 102 of the Civil
Principal P8,000,000.00
Interest at 12% per annum 533.917.81
No costs.
Associate Justice
~/ /
Associate Justice Ass e-~A<stice
Acting Chairperson
m This is the computed number of days from March 3 I, 1999, the datP- of extrajudic'al demand, umii
October 19. 1999, the date of the foreclosure sale.
Decision 21 G.R. Nos. 1~2934
& 197010
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in
consultation before the cases were assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Court's Division.
"" p.,. Seo. 12 of Republk Act No. 296, The Judkiary Act of 1948, "' amendei