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Sweetners State of Knowledge Review

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Neurosctenceand BaobehavloralReviews,Vol. 17, pp. 313-345, 1993 0149-7634/93$6 00 + .

Printedm the U.S A All rights reserved. Copyr,ght©1993PergamonPress Ltd

Sweeteners: State of Knowledge Review

S. S. S C H I F F M A N j A N D C. A. G A T L I N

Departments o f Psychology and Psychiatry, D u k e University, Durham, N C 27706

(Received 15 F e b r u a r y 1993)

SCHIFFMAN, S. S. AND C. A. GATLIN. Sweeteners: State of knowledge review. NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV
17(3) 313-345, 1993.-Sweeteners are widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industry. The purpose of this paper is to
review our current knowledge of sweet taste from chemical, biochemical, electrophysiolog~cal,psychophysical,and psycholog-
ical points of view. The most common sweeteners likely to be used in food and pharmaceuttcals will be examined in
detail. First, the chemtcal structures of sweet compounds including saccharides, diterpene glycosides, polyols, amino acids,
dipept~des, and other nonsugars will be discussed. Second, biochemical approaches to understanding sweetener receptors will
be reviewed. Third, electrophysiological and behavioral approaches to understanding sweetener receptors will be discussed.
Fourth, psychophysical studies in humans will be shown to be consistent w~th biochemical and neurophysiolog~caldata. In
addition, the basic mechamsms of sweet taste revealed by psychophysical studies will be given, including the role of multiple
receptor s~tes, hydrogen bonding, and sodium transport. Finally, the factors that affect preference for sweet taste including
the psychological and physiological variables associated with sweet preference will be explored.

Sweetness Taste Biochemistry Neurophysiology Psychophysics

IN the natural environment, sweet taste is a cue for edibility bonds. For potent sweetness, a third lipophilic site has also
(185). For this reason, there is an innate tendency in many been suggested (58,125).
animal species including humans, to prefer sweet taste. The The proposition by Shallenberger and Acree (211) that in-
purpose of this paper is to review our current knowledge of termolecular hydrogen bonding is an essential condition for
sweet taste from chemical, biochemical, electrophysiological, sweet taste is derived from Shallenberger's earlier (210) studies
psychophysical, and psychological points of view. Detailed demonstrating that sweetness potency is correlated to the in-
descriptions of those sweeteners most likely to be used in the verse of the strength of intramolecular hydrogen bonding.
food and pharmaceutical industry will also be given. Unfortunately, while the AH-B theory has been helpful in
accounting post facto for some functions of the sweet mole-
CHEMICAL STRUCTUREOF SWEETENERS cule, it has resulted in minimal predictive use for development
of new compounds with sweet taste. Despite the presence of
The chemical structures of molecules that confer a sweet an AH-B system, a compound will not necessarily taste sweet.
taste are wide and varied, encompassing both sugars and Moreover, the universal application of Shallenberger and
nonsugars (50,52,116,205,211,244). Table 1 displays a repre- Acree's theory has been called into question by Jakinovich
sentative sampling of compounds that taste sweet to humans (117) in studies indicating that an AH-B system may not be
and gives their chemical structures along with other perti- required to produce a sweet taste. Although most studies do
nent information. These compounds include saccharides, di- suggest that hydrogen bonding contributes to the binding of
terpene glycosides, polyols, proteins, dipeptides, and other most sweeteners to their receptors, the more specific AH-B
nonsugars. hypothesis has probably outlived its usefulness.
Our understanding of the chemical properties of these com- Due to the fact that the relationship between chemical
pounds that are responsible for sweet taste is limited. One structure of molecules and the ability to initiate a sweet sensa-
frequently cited hypothesis is that an essential condition for tion is not well understood, it is not surprising that most com-
sweet sensation is a pair of s!multaneous hydrogen bonds sep- pounds with sweet taste have been discovered by trial and
arated by approximately 3 A(211,212). This theory depends error. The sweetness of sugars is age-old knowledge, but dis-
upon a putative sweet receptor (or receptors) with an AH-B coveries of the sweet taste of many of the nonsugars such as
structure, where A and B are electronegative atoms separated saccharin, cyclamate, acesulfame-K, and aspartame have been
by 2.5 to 4.0 .~, and H is a hydrogen atom and part of a accidental, some quite recent. Remsen and Fahlberg discov-
polarized system A-H. The assumption is that a complemen- ered the sweetness of saccharin in 1879 (187) during investiga-
tary AH-B group in the stimulus molecule interacts with the tions of the oxidation of o-toluene-sulfonamides. Similarly,
AH-B receptor site, thus forming two simultaneous hydrogen while studying the antipyretic properties of a sulfamic acid

To whom requests for reprints should be addressed.


derivative, Sveda accidently discovered the sweet taste of cy- that replacing phenylalanine with certain aminomalonic acid
clamate in 1937 (8). Clauss and Jensen's recognition of a sweet diesters results in exceptionally potent sweet compounds (80).
taste in a product obtained by reacting butyne with fluorosul- A large branched group is required for the highest potencies,
fonyl isocyanate (44) resulted in the development of acesul- similar to the Pfizer compounds. In Shanghai, investigators
fame-K (formerly called acetosulfam). Tracing the sweetness at the Institute of Organic Chemistry synthesized all four com-
to 5,6-dimethyl dihydrooxathiazinone dioxide, Clanss and pounds derived from the four possible isomers of the terpene
Jensen (44) discovered that it possessed a ring system not pre- alcohol, fenchol. According to this group, the most potent
viously synthesized. Further studies of structure activity with was 50,000× sucrose (139). Molecular modeling explains
dihydrooxathiazinone dioxides disclosed that the compound (after the fact) how such similar substances manifest sweetness
with the best sweet taste was the potassium salt of 6-methyl- potencies of 1, 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000.
3,4-dihydro- 1,2,3-oxathiazin-4-one-2,2-dioxide (acesuifame- The early studies on aspartame led to the conclusion that a
K). In 1965, the dipeptide L-aspartyl-L-phenylaianine methyl free amino group on aspartic acid was required for sweetness,
ester (aspartame) was accidentally discovered to have sweet- but studies from the Wyeth laboratories and the chemists at
taste properties by J. Schlatter of G. D. Searle while synthesiz- the Universit6 Claude Bernard have refuted this theory (201).
ing gastrin and its tetrapeptide analogs (148,149). Table 1 A possible explanation may be that aspartame receptors are
shows that three of these four sweeteners, acesulfame-K, sac- not the only receptors involved when an N-acylated aspartic
charin, and cyclamate contain a sulfonamide group and a acid derivative is perceived as sweet. Consideration of multiple
lipophilic part. The dipeptide aspartame, however, is chemi- receptors will be taken up later in this review.
cally unrelated to the other three. One group reported sweetness of trifluoro- and trichloro-
Other sweeteners have been isolated or synthesized from acetylaspartic acid p-cyanoanilide as 3000 times more potent
natural products. For example, stevioside and rebaudioside than sucrose (134). Another found that the glutamic acid ana-
are derived from the foliage of Stevia rebaudiana Bert., a log is 3000 times more potent than sucrose (122). Numerous
diminutive shrub which grows in Paraguay. Neohesperidin sweet glutamic acid derivatives are described as sweet.
dihydrochalcone is a product of alkaline hydrogenation of A major breakthrough in developing an aspartame recep-
bitter-tasting neohesperidin, a citrus flavanoid. In the 1980's tor model occurred in 1979 at Universite6 Claude Bernard.
a sesquiterpene named hernandulcin was isolated from the Jean-Marie Tinti, a graduate student with Professor Claude
Mexican plant Lippia dulcis Trev (47). Monellin is a protein Nofre, found that a structural hybrid of aspartame and the
made up of two dissimilar polypeptide chains found in the red sweetener known as suosan (177) is approximately 50 times as
berries of the tropical creeper Dioscoreophyllum cumminsu potent as aspartame and 20 times as potent as suosan (170,
Diels, native to West Africa. Thaumatin I and II, both sweet- 227). Molecular modeling studies based on this finding led to
tasting proteins, have been isolated from the fruit of the Afri- the discovery of the guanidine structural class of sweeteners
can plant Thaumatoccus damelli Benth. which presumably act at a common site. One sweetener from
Despite the number of reportedly sweet compounds, de- this group, sucrononic acid, has a potency of 200,000 times
tailed investigation of their structure-activity relationships has that of a 2% sucrose reference (171). These discoveries led to
been limited. This may be due to the considerable expense of the development of a model for the aspartame receptor (53)
synthesizing very complex compounds only to taste them. A by NutraSweet scientists which has been used to design a new
remarkable exception is the extensive synthesis of thousands series of aryl urea high-potency sweeteners (164).
of analogs for L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester (aspar-
tame, APM) after its discovery. Saccharin and Acesulfame-K
A brief description of structure-activity studies for several There has been extensive research on structural analogs of
sweeteners and their effects on taste follows. saccharin (91,105) including acesulfame-K (44), which is really
a structural analog of saccharin. Saccharin-like structures
Aspartame have an underlying bitter taste which is somewhat masked by
a sweet component, according to one report (91).
When modifications of aspartame were investigated, a con-
sistent simple pattern was clear: c~-amides of L-aspartic acid Dihydrochalcones
(isoasparagine derivatives) are often sweet (150,152). This fun-
damental finding suggests that the sweetness quality and Modification studies of dihydrochalcone analogs in the
sweetness potency are mediated primarily by the steric proper- carbohydrate (68) and the aglycone portion (63) have resulted
ties of the amide part of the molecule. Accordingly, L-phenyl- in several compounds with increased potency but with no dis-
aianine methyl ester is a complex amine. cernible improvement in temporal effects. This group of
Viewed both theoretically and practically, analogs similar sweeteners are limited in usefulness due to their persistent
in potency to aspartame are not as interesting as analogs with taste. Because of this, it has not been particularly useful to
more sweetness potency. Pursuant to the finding that L- develop them commercially.
phenylalanine could be replaced by D-alanine and other ali-
phatic D-amino acids in aspartame (151), a group at Pfizer Other Sweeteners and Limitations of Models
synthesized highly branched amides of L-aspartyl-D-alanine Other structure-activity work has been done with sucrose,
and L-aspartyl-D-serine (28). The superior compounds ranged sulfamate sweeteners, and amino acids. The potency of su-
in potencies 1000-2000 times greater than sucrose and exhib- crose can be increased by replacing selected atoms with chlo-
ited highly satisfactory taste profiles. The corresponding sim- rine (112,115) as exemplified by sucralose in Table 1. Struc-
ple amides average around 100 times sweeter than sucrose ture-activity studies show delineated size and shape limitations
(218). The structure of the most acceptable L-aspartyl-D- for sulfamate sweeteners (214). A proposed explanation for
alanme analog is called alitame, and its structure is gwen in the difference in taste between amino acid enantiomers is that
Table 1. nonsweet amino acids are prevented from binding by steric
The Takeda laboratories made the remarkable discovery hindrance, in this case, a spatial barrier (211).

Finally, even though analogs of the parent compounds al. (176) could not demonstrate significant spectral changes in
have been synthesized and a number of models have been tongue protein from bovine fungiform papillae, the structures
proposed (5, 53,108, 113,122, 136,150, 186,220, 222,226,232, in the epithelium actually containing the taste buds. On the
233), it is questionable whether a single model can account other hand, utilizing equilibrium dialysis in the sedimentable
for the stereochemical properties of all or most compounds fraction instead of the protein fraction reported by Dastoli
that confer a sweet taste sensation. This deficiency in predict- and Price (55), they were able to demonstrate binding activity.
ive value for any geometric model in determining a priori Rather than using whole lingual epithelium as described
the components of molecules that render a sweet sensation above, further investigations have been carried out to study
indicates the likelihood of multiple types of receptors, each binding of sweeteners both to taste papillae or isolated lingual
with unique stereochemical and physicochemical require- membranes. Cagan (38) demonstrated that t4C-labeled sugars
ments. bound two or three times more to bovine fungiform and cir-
cumvallate papillae that contain taste buds than to filiform
B I O C H E M I C A L A P P R O A C H E S TO papillae which lack buds. However, the binding proved weak
UNDERSTANDING SWEET RECEPTORS (KD~ 10-'-10 -3 M), which is consistent with the neurophysio-
The search for taste receptors has not been as successful logical data described in the next section. Other binding stud-
as the pursuit of neurotransmitter and hormone receptors. ies with bovine papillae (140) reported the same conclusion.
Isolation of taste receptors is limited by the low affinity of Cagan and Morris (39) found that binding of the potently
tastants for receptors as well as the physiology of the gustatory sweet protein monellin to human tongue tissues had a higher
system. Although hormones show Kos in the range of 10-~t affinity (KD~ 10 -5 M). Another study (176) reported ['4C]glu-
M-10 -8 M, the apparent Kos for sweeteners such as sugars cose binding to plasma membrane fragments from bovine cir-
are as high as 0.5 M. Moreover, it is difficult to separate cumvallate and fungiform papillae using equilibrium dialysis,
mammalian taste buds containing gustatory receptors from and Lum and Henkin (144) concluded that binding of sugars
the surrounding epithelium. Attempts to understand the na- to fractions probably derived from plasma membranes of bo-
ture of sweet receptors continue undeterred by the intrinsic vine taste buds.
difficulties in methodology. Most biochemical studies thus far There have been attempts to understand sweetener recep-
have been based on the assumption that sweet-tasting mole- tors using immunological approaches. Hough and Edwardson
cules bind to receptor proteins in a reversible manner. The (110) have raised antibodies against the sweet-tasting plant
first studies obtained a protein fraction from homogenates of protein thaumatin in New Zealand white rabbits and found
bovine tongue epithelium. In the presence of sugars, saccha- that a variety of other sweet compounds varying widely in
rin, and sweet-tasting amino acids, these fractions exhibited molecular size and strength cross-reacted with those antibod-
either refractive index changes or ultraviolet difference spec- ies. The compounds included aspartame, calcium cyclamate,
tral changes (54,55,180,181). Preparations from rat and mon- sucrose, and monellin. It is interesting to note that there was
key tongues have also exhibited spectral changes in the pres- a high degree of correlation between the immunoreactivity
ence of sweeteners (101-103). Rationale for the hypothesis and sweetness potencies of those substances that cross-reacted
that this protein is indeed a sweet receptor protein has been with the antisera. From this the authors inferred that the struc-
offered by Price and DeSimone (181) and Shimazaki et al. tural feature that constitutes the antigenic determinant may
(213). Their arguments are: be similar to this sweetener taste receptor.
Another approach to understanding taste receptors uses as
1. The concentrations of sweeteners that interact with protein a model system the channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus. Cat-
fractions are similar to those concentrations found to be fish barbels contain large numbers of taste buds, and their
effective in behavioral and neural studies. binding affinities for ligands, especially amino acids, are usu-
2. Sweet-tasting amino acids are more interactive with the ally higher than in mammals. Binding of L-alanine (which
protein fraction than bitter-tasting ones. tastes sweet to humans) in the sedimentable fraction from
3. In rats, the interaction of sugars with the protein fractions catfish barbel has been demonstrated by Krueger and Cagan
is independent of pH within the range of 5.4-8.6, which is (131). Goldstein and Cagan (87) reported production of mouse
consistent with electrophysiological taste data reported by hybridomas that synthesize monoclonal antibodies against L-
Noma and Hiji (172). [3H]alanine-binding activity in a membrane fraction (fraction
4. The quantity of sweet-sensitive protein in the homogenate P2) in channel catfish. Over time, use of monoclonal antibod-
is significantly lower when taste bud turnover is reduced by ies to characterize taste receptor molecules may be helpful in
colchicine or when the taste buds are denervated (101,103). yielding specific antagonists.
Nevertheless, uncertainties persist, and the conclusion that Although the isolation of sweetener receptors has proven
the sweet-sensitive protein is a sweetener receptor is not yet difficult, current consensus is that the sweet taste response is
fully substantiated. One difficulty is that the protein fraction indeed mediated by taste cell surface receptors that utilize the
is not homogeneous and has been shown to contain sugar- adenylate cyclase system as a second messenger system. The
metabolizing enzymes as contaminants (182). A second prob- adenylate cyclase system, which is also the cellular signalling
lem is that the protein fraction has been shown to complex system for many hormones, involves the following cascade
with molecules that are not sweet such as dimethyl sulfoxide of events. The agonist (e.g., sweetener molecule) binds to a
(169). The question is compounded by the fact that a nongus- receptor which transmits a signal via the guanine nucleotide-
tatory protein, hemoglobin, exhibits optical properties similar binding protein (G protein) resulting in activation of adenylate
to those of the protein fraction when complexed with sugar cyclase. Adenylate cyclase then induces hydrolysis of ATP to
(169), and further obscured by the fact that if the protein were cAMP which leads to activation of the phosphorylating en-
localized strictly in the taste cells that constitute a relatively zyme known as protein kinase A. The activated kinase then
small portion of the epithelium, the yields of sweet-sensitive phosphorylates an ion channel m the taste cell membrane lead-
protein from the lingual epithelium would be expected to be ing to depolarization of the taste cell. Evidence that this cas-
considerably lower than they are (182). Lastly, Ostretsova et cade is involved in sweet taste transduction comes from the

fact that cAMP is elevated in taste cells from rat, cow, and presses neural response to sugars but does not suppress neural
pig after exposure to sucrose or saccharin (217). In addition, activity to artificial sweeteners such as sodium saccharin (250).
saccharin blocks outward potassium currents in hamster taste Although other methods for inhibiting neural responses to
cells, and this effect is mimicked by perfusion of these cells sweeteners including receptor photolabeling studies (64) have
with cAMP (9). been found to block of all sweet responses, the alloxan selec-
tivity suggests multiple sweetener receptor sites.
ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL AND All of this evidence suggests that there are multiple types
BEHAVIORAL APPROACHES IN ANIMALS of sweetener receptors, possibly with multiple sensitivities
The findings just described are consistent with electrophys- tuned to respond to more than one sweetener. For example, if
iological and behavioral data in animals. For example, neuro- aspartame binds to several types of sweet receptors, a single
physiological data indicate that the affinities of sugars for geometric shape for an "aspartame receptor" may describe the
their receptors are weak (16,178). Electrical recordings from interactions too restrictively. Extending from this rationale is
taste nerves also show that proteolytic enzymes selectively sup- the likely inference that each receptor type would have differ-
press the neural responses to sweet stimuli implying that the ent physicochemical and stereochemical requirements.
sweet receptor is, in fact, a protein. A report in 1975 (100)
demonstrated that Pronase E (pH 7.0) and semialkaline prote- PSYCHOPHYSICAL STUDIES IN HUMANS
ase (pH 8.0) either eliminated or significantly suppressed the
Psychophysical studies in humans are consistent with bio-
sweet responses of sucrose, glucose, fructose, sorbitol, saccha-
chemical, neurophysiological, and animal data. These studies
rin, glycine, and DL-alanine but had no effect on salty, bitter,
further imply that the sweet taste itself has multidimensional
or sour stimuli.
characteristics transduced by multiple sweet receptor mecha-
There are other compounds which selectively modify taste
by suppressing the responses of taste receptor cells to sweeten-
ers. Examples are: extracts of the leaf of the Indian plant
Gymnema sylvestre (3,59,70,95,96,248) and ziziphins, which Multiple Receptor Sites Mediate Sweetness
are saponins found in the leaves of the Chinese jujuba tree Human psychophysical data like animal studies imply that
Ziziphus jujuba (123,124). A sweet-inducing protein called more than one receptor mechanism mediates sweetness. The
miraculin has been isolated from berries of the West Africa first line of evidence derives from many experiments that point
shrub Synsepalum dulcificum (miracle fruit); it elicits neural to nonhomogeneous variability among sweeteners in individ-
responses to acids that resemble responses to sweeteners (29). ual subjects for thresholds, intensity ratings, and the effect of
In monkeys, behavioral tests after miraculin treatments show Pronase E. In 1980, Faurion et al. (74) obtained threshold
an increased intake of citric acid which suggests an improve- values of seven sweeteners from 98 subjects and found that
ment in taste possibly to sweet (93,94). The precise way in the thresholds for sweeteners varied independently from sub-
which these substances modify taste is not yet known. ject to subject. This study disclosed that it was not possible to
Although extracts of Gymnema sylvestre and Ziziphus ju- predict the threshold of one compound for a given subject
juba block responses to all sweeteners, suggesting a single using the knowledge of his/her threshold for another com-
sweetener receptor type, most evidence drawn from animal pound. The inference from these threshold data is that there
studies points to multiple types of sweet receptors. First, spe- are numerous receptor sites, varying in number from one indi-
cies differ widely in sweetener responses (166,196). For exam- vidual to another. The same interindividual variability was
ple rats, guinea pigs, and the new world monkey, Sagumus found for intensity ratings at suprathreshold concentrations
midas tamarin, do not respond to monellin and thaumatin, (73,74). The findings of Faurion and colleagues conform to
both potently sweet to humans; on the other hand, the green those reported by Schiffman et al. (206). The relative reduc-
monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops, exhibits electrophysiological tion of sweetness by Pronase E in humans has been shown to
and behavioral responses to these sweeteners (30,84,94). Fur- have a similar effect in that the individual profiles of inhibi-
ther, the gerbil demonstrates greater response to sweeteners tion for different sweeteners do not covary (71,72). If there
than the rat, giving electrophysiological responses to 14 of 21 were only one receptor site type, there would be no possible
compounds known to taste sweet to man, although six of these explanation for these data.
compounds did not yield the expected behavioral responses to A second line of evidence indicating a multiplicity of sweet
a sweetener (118). Extensive comparison of responses to receptor types has been derived from experimental data utiliz-
amino acids in rats and man has been described in experiments ing the method of cross-adaptation (197). Cross-adaptation
by Pritchard and Scott (183,184), and both similarities and experiments are based on the assumption that two tastants
differences have been reported. Other behavioral studies show may share common receptor sites if prolonged exposure (ad-
that dulcin, which is sweet to humans, is preferred by squirrel aptation) to one results in a decreased response to another
monkeys but rejected by rats, whereas saccharin is refused by 054). Conversely, if a diminished sensation to one tastant
squirrel monkeys and selected by rats (75b). does not occur after adaptation to another, a possible implica-
A second line of evidence for multiple types of sweetener tion is that a second subtype of cells with different sweetener
receptors has been demonstrated by Faurion et al. (71) and receptors is involved. In one protocol (197), subjects first
Faurion and MacLeod (72). Recording responses from indi- tasted sweet test solution A and estimated its intensity. They
vidual taste fibers of the chorda tympani nerve, they observed then held a sweet-adapting solution B in their mouths until
that among neurons the response spectra to a range of sweet the sweet taste vanished (30-60 s), swirling it around to ensure
stimuli was not consistent; that is, although a single neuron complete adaptation. The subjects next retasted test solution
reacted strongly to one sweetener, less to a second, and only A and reestimated its sweetness. Using this model, the degree
weakly to another, this pattern did not necessarily obtain in a to which the post adaptation intensity was greater than, equal
different neuron. to, or less than the preadaptation intensity could be deline-
A third basis for the probability of multiple receptor sites ated. The degree of cross adaptation varied depending on the
for sweetness, is the discovery that alloxan selectively de- sweeteners that were tested. For example, sodium saccharin

and acesulfame-K cross-adapt with one another (i.e., sodium and Green (78) who studied the effect of cooling the tongue
saccharin is significantly reduced in intensity by adaptation to on perceived intensity of taste. They found that cooling the
acesulfame-K and vice versa). D-tryptophan and aspartame tongue had differential effects on sweeteners. While glucose
also mutually cross-adapt unlike sodium saccharin and aspar- and fructose had temperature sensitivities similar to sucrose,
tame which do not cross-adapt. The results suggest that mole- saccharin did not.
cules with related pharmacophores cross-adapt most strongly. Finally, studies of the effect of methyl xanthines on taste
Acesulfame-K and Na saccharin, strongly mutually cross- further emphasize the multiplicity of sweet taste receptor
adaptive, have equivalent RSO2NHCOR- pharmacophores mechanisms. Schiffman et al. (200) found that caffeine en-
(197), Aspartame and o-tryptophan may similarly be related hances the taste of some sweeteners including acesulfame-K,
through their COOH/NH2 moieties which may be isosterically D-tryptophan, neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, sodium sac-
arranged in space. Adaptation to xylitol and glucose reduces charin, stevioside, and thaumatin. However, it had no effect
the intensity of all the sweeteners suggesting that these two on other sweeteners including aspartame, calcium cyclamate,
sweeteners activate all subsets of sweet-sensitive receptor cells. fructose, and sucrose. This work also suggests multiple trans-
A third line of evidence for multiple sweet receptors comes duction pathways in different cell subtypes.
from an experiment in which subjects were asked to discern
similarity in quality of 17 sweeteners varying widely in chemi- Correlations of Psychophysical Data With
cal structure (205). Multidimensional scaling (MDS), a com- Hydrogen Bonding
puter-based mathematical technique, was applied to the mea-
Because the presence of an AH-B group does not assure
surements of similarity to arrange the sweeteners in a spatial
that a stimulus molecule will confer a sweet taste, it has been
map. Sweeteners assessed as similar in taste were placed close
difficult to substantiate the AH-B hypothesis. Nevertheless,
to one another in the map, and dissimilar ones further from
acetylation of amino groups, eliminating the possibility of
one another. A three-dimensional map was derived revealing
forming two simultaneous hydrogen bonds, distinctly dimin-
that sweetness is a multidimensional concept with differing
ishes the sweetness of amino acids (204) as well as the proteins
characteristic sweet qualities as well as different side tastes
monellin and thaumatin (234). Moreover, correlations between
and temporal properties. The experimental subjects continued
the number of possible types of AH-B sites (or pharmaco-
to report that the nature of sweet sensation among these sweet-
phores) and sweet taste cross-adaptation are illustrated above.
eners varied, and that "sweet" itself is not a unity or undiffer-
Schiffman et al. (202) determined taste detection and rec-
entiated property. In addition, subjects also commented that
ognition thresholds for 11 sweeteners whose chemical struc-
the location of sweetness on the tongue also varied across
tures differed widely. A strong correlation between the num-
sweeteners. This finding was also reported by van der Wel and
ber of possible types of systems for hydrogen bonding (i.e.,
Arvidson (235) who found that sweet-tasting proteins such as
AH-B systems) and mean detection thresholds was found.
thaumatin produce more intense sweetness at the edges of the
Sweeteners with many possible types of AH-B systems (e.g.,
tongue while sucrose is more intense at the tip of the tongue.
monellin) had the lowest thresholds whereas sweeteners with
In addition, the sweetness of thaumatin and monellin develops
only one type have the highest. A similar correlation between
more slowly and lasts longer than that for sucrose. These
number of AH-B groups and detection thresholds for elderly
findings suggest that multiple receptors must exist to produce
subjects was found, although the thresholds for older individ-
these differences in sensory characteristics.
uals were 2.72 times higher on average. While the recognition
A fourth line of evidence comes from the variability in
thresholds for young subjects were 3.54 times higher on aver-
dose-response curves for different sweeteners (65). Dose-re-
age than the detection thresholds, they were found to follow
sponse curves for a wide range of sweeteners were constructed
the same pattern. Although the number of AH-B site types
from suprathreshold intensity judgments made by a trained
and thresholds were correlated, this does not prove that the
taste panel. The panel assigned intensity values to a large num-
AH-B system is the means by which sweetness is conferred.
ber of concentrations of a given sweetener using six concentra-
tions of sucrose (2070, 5°7o, 7.5%, 9070, 12°/0, and 1607o) as
Three-Dimensional Nature of Sweet Receptor Sites
standards. The dose-response curves for sucrose, fructose,
and sugar alcohols continued to increase in intensity beyond Studies of taste characteristics of amino acids and dipep-
the equivalent sweetness of 1607o sucrose. The intensity of tides give some insight into the stereochemicai nature of sweet
aspartame and alitame never increase beyond the sweetness of receptors (198,200,202). Both D and L forms of amino acids
15-16°70 sucrose even at maximum solubility. Thaumatin with short side chains taste sweet. However, as the side chain
never became sweeter than a 907o sucrose equivalent. increases, it appears that steric hindrance occurs for the L
A fifth line of evidence for multiple sweet receptors comes forms preventing binding to sweet receptors.
from "magnitude estimation" experiments that characterize The L- and D-enantiomers differ considerably in increase
dose-response relationships for suprathreshold sweeteners in of perceived intensity with concentration. When the logs of
both old and young subjects (202). Loss in perceived sweetness the concentrations (C) of the amino acids were plotted against
with age was not uniform across sweeteners; the greatest loss the logs of the magnitude estimates of the intensity of their
in growth of perceived intensity with concentration was for sensations (S), a regression line could be fit to the data. In
large molecules which have the greatest number of possible most cases, the slopes for the regression lines for D- and L-
AH-B systems, such as thaumatin, rebaudioside, and neohes- amino acids are different suggesting that enantiomers may not
peridin dihydrochalcone. This finding suggests that receptors occupy the same receptor sites.
that are capable of concerted intermolecular hydrogen bond- The three-dimensional nature of receptors is also implied
ing may be more affected by aging than receptors that can by the fact that the taste of a dipeptide cannot be predicted
bind only one AH-B type or pharmacophore. Another possi- from the constituent amino acids (200) and that the sequence
bility is that there is selective loss of some subtypes of sweet- of amino acids is critical in determining taste quality, For
sensitive receptor ceils. seven pairs of dipeptides containing the same residues but in
A sixth line of evidence comes from studies by Frankmann reversed sequence, none had identical tastes. For example,

while glycyl-L-alanine is notably salty and bitter, L-alanylgly- FACTORS THAT AFFECT PREFERENCE FOR SWEET TASTE
cine has little taste. Furthermore, dipeptides with two identical In humans and animals, preference for sweet taste is in-
constituent amino acids do not have the same taste as the nate. Distinct individual differences in adults are present,
amino acid itself. While glycine alone is sweet, glycylglycine however, attributable to early feeding experiences and genetic
tastes bitter. differences in the ability to taste PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil).
Sweet taste preferences may also be influenced by physiologi-
Inhlbltton and Induction of Sweet Taste by Modtfiers cal state (208).
Studies show that compounds that inhibit neurophysiologi- Although there is a preference for sweet taste, a number of
cal and behavioral responses to sweeteners in animals also studies have demonstrated that appetite and food intake are
inhibit sweetness in humans. Pronase E inhibits the taste of not stimulated by sweet sensations. Studies that use high-
numerous sweeteners in humans to degrees varying with the potency sweeteners, such as aspartame, in place of sugar in
individual subjects (71,72). Ziziphins (90,123,157) and Gym- foods have shown that subjects do not necessarily compensate
nema sylvestre (13,156) also suppress sweet tastes. Lately, a for the caloric deficits created by the substitution of a high-
monosaccharide, methyl-4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy-D-galactopyr- potency sweetener for sugar. Thus use of artificial sweeteners
anoside, has been demonstrated to specifically inhibit sweet taste may result in greater success at weight loss and long-term
in both hamsters (115) and humans (207). Miracle fruit weight maintenance (208).
(Synsepalum dulcificum) or the salts of chlorogenic acid and The purpose of this section is to explore the psychological
cynarin found in artichoke (12) can elicit sweet taste. and physiological variables associated with sweet preference.
Recently, two new sweet taste inhibitors have been de- The contribution of sweetness to satiety will be examined as
scribed in human studies. Lindley (137) found that substituted well.
phenoxyalkanoic acids are potent and immediate inhibitors of
sweetness. Unlike most sweetness inhibitors, pretreatment of Inborn Sweet Taste Preference in Humans and Animals
the tongue was not necessary to achieve the effect, and the Humans are born with the capacity to distinguish between
inhibition was rapidly reversible. Another sweetness inhibitor the taste of sugars and other qualities of taste (138). Neonates
derived by Muller et al. (164) from the synthetic sweetener have been observed to ingest sugar water more vigorously
suosan has similar properties. (174) and longer (51) than they did plain water. Preference for
sweet taste is also inferred from gustofacial responses (216),
The Role of a Sodium Transport Pathway although these responses are open to interpretation (49).
That an amiloride-sensitive transport mechanism is in- Rat studies have also revealed an innate preference for the
volved in the perception of sweetness in humans has been taste of sugars. Newborn rats display positive ingestive re-
suggested by Schiffman et al. (203). When amiloride (N- sponses to oral infusions of sucrose solutions (1,89) and com-
amidino-3,5-diamino-6-chloropyrazine carboxamide), a po- plex carbohydrates (236). Twelve-day-old rats also respond
tassium-sparing diuretic and a potent inhibitor of sodium positively to Na saccharin (114,219).
transport in a wide variety of cellular and epithelial transport
systems, was applied to the human tongue, it reduced the Individual Differences for Preferencefor Intense Sweet
perceived taste intensity of Na+and Li + as well as sweeteners. Stimuli in Adult Humans
Application of 5 x 10 -4 M amiloride lowered the perceived
In adults, there is considerable individual variability in he-
intensity of all the sweeteners tested; the range of percentage
donic reactions to sweet stimuli (240). "Sweet likers" are peo-
inhibition was from 80.80/0 for stevioside to 44.2°7o for fruc-
ple who evaluate highly sweet sucrose solutions positively.
tose. Amiloride also diminished the tastes of amino acid com-
"Sweet dislikers" are those who respond to intense sucrose
pounds with a sweet or salty component. Amiloride had no
concentrations negatively. Sweet liker/disliker status is con-
effect on the bitter- or sour-tasting compounds. Tennissen
stant during fasted and fed states, although for sweet dislikers,
(223) recently confirmed that amiloride blocked sweet taste in
the unpleasantness of strongly sweet solutions lessens during
human subjects.
fasting (142). The sweet liker/disliker distinction is unchanged
The speculation that an amiloride-sensltive sodium channel
when fructose or glucose are used as sweeteners (141).
plays a role in sweet taste transduction is supported by studies
Early feeding experiences (14) or genetic differences in 6-n-
of lingual epithelium isolated from dogs. DeSimone et al. (56)
propylthiouracil (PROP) taster status may account for indi-
demonstrated that sodium ions are actively transported when
vidual differences in sweet preference. Sweet likers tend to be
dog tongue epithelium is mounted between symmetrical Krebs-
nontasters of PROP, while sweet dislikers tend to be PROP
Henseleit buffer solutions. When hyperosmotic NaCI was ap-
tasters (143). PROP is a compound similar to phenylthiocar-
plied to the dorsal lingual surface, increased transepithelial
bamide (PTC) which has a bimodal threshold distribution
currents and potentials resulted. Application of glucose and
(243). Those who taste PROP detect its bitterness at low con-
other sugars to the dorsal surface also gave a hyperosmotic
centrations; nontasters detect the bitter taste only at high con-
response. The inward current induced by sugars was signifi-
centrations. Sweet likers experience a fairly complex taste sen-
cantly blocked by amiloride.
sation with sucrose solutions; sweet dislikers report a purely
These human psychophysical data and transepithelial po-
sweet gustatory experience (143).
tential differences from isolated dog tongue epithelium sug-
gest, therefore, that a transduction step for sweet-tasting non-
electrolytes may involve a transcellular ion flow via an
Htgh-Potency Sweeteners: Effect on Appetite and Food
amiloride-sensitive pathway. How this transcellular flow is
Intake m Humans
related to the adenylate cyclase system (217) or outward potas- Two kinds of investigations have been employed for evalu-
sium currents (9), which are both known to play a role in ating the effect of high-potency sweeteners on appetite and
sweet taste transduction, is not presently known. food intake. The first, the "additive" approach, tests the effect

that perception of a sweet taste has on subsequent responses; sweetened yogurt compared to the plain yogurt. Rogers and
responses to unsweetened foods are compared to responses to Biundell (190) account for the increase as due to the sweetness
nutritionally identical sweet foods. Aspartame, which gives a of saccharin, but this does not accord with their further find-
sweet taste in calorically insignificant quantities, has been ings in the study that glucose-sweetened yogurt and equica-
most frequently used in additive studies to provide sweetness loric, unsweetened yogurt had comparable effects on appetite
without changing the nutritional value of the substance. For scores and subsequent food intake.
example, noncaloric soft drinks have been compared with Another study evaluating the effects of aspartame-sweeten-
mineral water (21), and a milkshake sweetened with aspartame ed yogurt preloads on subsequent intake (162), which did not
has been compared with one not sweetened (27). include an unsweetened yogurt as a control, reported a nega-
The second, the "substitutive" approach, substitutes a high- tive relationship between yogurt preload sweetness intensity
potency sweetener for a caloric sweetener in a food, producing and total 24-hour caloric intake.
a food of equal sweetness but significantly fewer calories. As Thus, the majority of studies do not support the contention
the sensory properties of the meal are the same, the substitu- that sweetness per se stimulates appetite a n d / o r food intake.
tive study reveals the effect of nonsensory variables, such as On the contrary, the few researchers who have shown an in-
caloric density, on satiety. crease in subjective appetite scores following aspartame-
Using these techniques, investigations usually have failed sweetened preloads have found contradictory results in their
to find any difference in appetite ratings following the sweet own work. Further, consumption of aspartame-sweetened
and unsweet preloads (21a, 27,42,194). A few studies have preloads have never been shown to result in increased food
found that a sweet load was, in fact, more satiating, as in- intake.
ferred from a greater decrease in subsequent hunger ratings Using the "substitutive" protocol, foods of comparable
when compared to an unsweetened, nutritionally identical sweetness but different in caloric value are evaluated for their
meal (146,239). effect on subsequent appetite and food intake. Gelatin des-
There are three reports of enhancement of appetite follow- serts, puddings, and fruit-flavored drinks sweetened with
ing ingestion o f aspartame-sweetened liquid (2 lb, 22,191 ). Ap- aspartame have been evaluated with respect to their sugar-
petite ratings were obtained from subjects during the hour sweetened equivalents. Findings usually showed that ingestion
following ingestion of plain water, and the results were com- of preloads with equal sweetness but differing caloric content
pared with appetite ratings after subjects drank aspartame- resulted in similar effects on appetite ratings (2,42,193-195).
sweetened water. Ratings of hunger and of desire to eat were It can be inferred then, at least initially, that bulk and volume
higher after ingestion of the aspartame-sweetened water. of a substance have a greater effect on appetite than its caloric
These two studies (22,191), however, used a concentration of content. Also expectations about caloric content of a food
aspartame (81 mg/100 ml) considered to be quite sweet, equal influence appetite and satiety (23,224). These findings are not
to 9.5% sucrose (65). In a subsequent report from the labora- consonant with those of Blundell and Hill (22) or Rogers et
tory (192), a sweeter solution of aspartame, 117.5 mg/100 ml, al. (191) who found that appetite ratings rose significantly
produced no significant effect on appetite scores compared to after ingestion of aspartame-sweetened water, but fell with
plain water. In evaluating these studies, it is important to note glucose-sweetened water. No significant difference in subse-
that, although flavored or carbonated sweet beverages are ex- quent food intake has been found after consumption of a low
perienced as pleasant, plain water is usually preferred over calorie preload compared to the high calorie preload (2,42,
purely sweet water (142). The results of these studies are ap- 191,194). Findings from an investigation by Rogers and Blun-
parently confounded or at least inconclusive, because sweet dell (190) also showed that food intakes following preloads of
aqueous solutions may have been unpleasant or less pleasant yogurt containing 131 Cals sweetened with saccharin did not
than plain water. Black et al. (21b) found an increase in appe- differ significantly from those after yogurt containing 295
tite after aspartame-sweetened mineral water but only when Cals and sweetened with glucose.
280 ml were consumed; no increase in appetite was found These studies on short-term caloric compensation after pre-
when 560 ml were consumed. loads of equal sweetness but differing caloric content imply
Even if these results are taken to indicate appetite stimula- that caloric compensation is imperfect in the short term. It
tion by sweetness, it must be borne in mind that the higher must be emphasized that these studies use an entirely different
appetite scores which occurred after consumption of aspar- protocol from long-term studies of caloric compensation
tame-sweetened water were not followed by increased food (43,76,77) and should not be equated.
intake. On the contrary, studies by Rogers et al. (191,192) A recent report by Drewnowski et al. (61) combined the
have demonstrated a marginally lowered food intake after additive and substitutive study designs. These studies utilized
consumption of solutions of aspartame, consistent with four kinds of preloads with a base of soft white cheese: (A)
Mattes' (147) observation that correlation between hunger rat- unsweetened, 300 Cais; (B) aspartame-sweetened, 300 Cals;
ings and food intake is poor. Many other investigations have (C) sugar-sweetened, 700 Cals; and (D) aspartame-sweetened,
demonstrated no appreciable difference in food intake after with maltodextrin, 700 Cals. Comparison of (A) vs. (B) re-
consumption of aspartame-sweetened or unsweetened bever- flects the additive effect, and comparison of (B) vs. (C) re-
ages (20,21a,21b,27,42,194,189). From these, it appears that flects the substitutive effect. Moreover, comparison of (C) vs.
addition of sweetness to beverages does not affect subsequent (D) enables assessment of the unique effect of aspartame on
food intake. appetite and food intake under conditions where sweetness
The findings of an investigation utilizing saccharin to and calories are controlled. The studies revealed no effect of
sweeten yogurt (190) are at variance with the above aspartame sweetness on subsequent intake: Food intake following (A)
studies. Following ingestion of yogurt sweetened with saccha- was similar to that following (B). Nor was there caloric com-
rin, subjects felt less satiated 30-60 min later than they did pensation: Total daily caloric intake following (B) was ap-
after ingesting equicaloric unsweetened yogurt. Moreover, proximately 400 Cals less than that after treatment (C), from
their subsequent food intake increased after eating saccharin- which it can be inferred that the subjects did not perceive the

400 calorie difference in preload (B) and increase subsequent sweet foods compensate for a prior dearth of orosensory stim-
intake. Moreover, total caloric intake after treatments (C) and ulation.
(D) were similar, further supporting the conclusion that aspar- Orosensory stimulation contributes to satiety (4,15,119,
tame does not stimulate food intake. 221,246). In other words, a meal unaccompanied by orosen-
sory stimulation is not highly satiating. However, dieters will
Effect o f Physiological State on Hedomc Response to characteristically select foods viewed as "dietetically correct,"
Sweet Taste such as cottage cheese, salad, plain poultry, and fruit, but
these foods are bland and unsatisfying from a sensory stand-
The pleasantness of sweet taste has a relationship to nutri-
point. Habitual dieters limited to these foods experience a
tional state. During fasting, sucrose solutions are rated as
deficiency in orosensory stimulation as they limit their caloric
more pleasant than after nutritional satiety (35,69). Investiga-
intake. Following this rationale it can be inferred that the
tions using rodent models also reveal that sweet taste is more
reason sweet foods are so attractive to restrained eaters is their
appealing to starved animals (17,36,37). "Alliesthesia," or
potent sensory impact and palatability, which ameliorates the
shifts in the pleasantness of sweet taste as a function of nutri-
dieters' self-imposed deficit in orosensory satiety.
tional state (34), may be a component of food intake regula-
Addition of aspartame to a low-calorie diet can improve
tion. When internal energy stores have been depleted and calo-
adherence to a dietary regimen (120). Obese subjects were
ric intake is important, perception of sweetness is highly
given a low caloric diet for 12 wk: Half were advised to include
pleasant and increases the probability that a meal will be
aspartame-sweetened products in the diet, while the rest were
eaten. If the gut has adequate energy supplies and is not,
instructed to avoid food containing aspartame. The central
therefore, in need of calories, the attractiveness of sweetness
finding was that the female subjects supplementing their diets
lessens, thereby decreasing the probability of feeding.
with aspartame-sweetened foods lost more weight than those
Additional evidence for an integral relationship between
adhering to a diet nutritionally identical but with no asparta-
gustation and nutritional state are found in electrophysiologi-
me-sweetened foods. The relationship of aspartame usage to
cal studies. When internal metabolic conditions mimic reple-
greater weight loss indicates better compliance with the low
tion, neural activity elicited by sugar on the tongue decreases.
calorie dietary guidelines. Free access, then, to low calorie or
Exogenous administration of glucose (82) and insulin (83) low-
calorie-free sweet foods and beverages seems to result in
ered neural activity evoked by the sweet taste of glucose, but
greater adherence to a diet restricted in calories. On follow-up
had negligible effect on responses to hydrochloric acid's sour
after one year of long-term weight maintenance, women who
taste or quinine hydrochloride's bitterness. Similarly, stomach
used aspartame-sweetened products maintained their weight
distention without nutrient ingestion lowered neural responses
loss significantly better than the women in the control group
to sweet, but not to bitter taste (85).
Other investigations lend support to the hypothesis that
Addition of low caloric sweetness to a weight reduction
perceptual changes in the pleasantness of sweetness reflect
diet may have an additional benefit. Increased metabolic rate
function. During the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle,
is associated with sweetness (135). For human subjects, tasting
sweetness is experienced as more pleasant and intake of sweet
a sweet food but not swallowing it resulted in increased energy
foods increases (26). Because metabolic rate rises during the
expenditure that was not caused by oromotor activity.
luteal phase (241), there is an increased palatability and intake
of sweet foods then would be compensatory for increased
energy expenditure. It has also been demonstrated that chil-
dren ranging from 9 to 15 yr of age preferred more intense Sweeteners vary widely in the chemical structures and in-
sweet taste than did adults (57). Because the adolescent gener- clude saccharides, diterpene glycosides, polyols, amino acids,
ally has high activity levels and therefore high caloric needs, dipeptides, and other nonsugars. An overview of biochemical,
elevated preference for sweetness may be due to an adaptive electrophysiological, behavioral, and psychophysical studies
response to physiological need. suggest that there are multiple sweetener receptor types. The
transduction mechanism for sweetness involves sodium trans-
Preference for Sweet Taste in Restrained Eaters and port as well as activation of the adenylate cyclase system.
Obese Persons Although there is an innate preference for sweet taste, intake
"Restrained eaters," a term for those who diet chronically of high-potency sweeteners does not lead to increased food
and preoccupy themselves with food and body weight (98), intake.
characteristically ingest fewer calories per day than unre-
strained eaters (133). However, such caloric restraint is fol- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
lowed by episodic consumption of large quantities of calories, The authors would like to thank Drs. H. H. Butchko, G. E. Du-
and these calories are often obtained by hinging on sweet Bois, B. E. Homler, F. N. Kotsonis, and W. Stargel for their com-
foods rather than nonsweet foods (229,238). It is possible that ments on the final manuscript.

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Physical and Chemwal Potency: Pw2 = 204, Pw5 = 140, Pw~0 = 34 where Pw2,
Pws, and Pw~0 are the potencies in water equivalent to 2°70
Chemical category: N-sulfonyl amide dihydrooxathiazi- sucrose, 5% sucrose, and 10% sucrose, respectively (65).
none dioxide (methyl derivative) Typical concentration (range):
6-methyl-1,2,3-oxathiazine-4-(~H)-one-2,2-dioxide potassium
salt (237)
Molecular formula: C4H4KNO4S Acesulfame-K
Molecular weight: 201.2 (188) 15'
Molecular structure: t~



O °
- i
1000 150O

Concentration (ppm)

Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent

Temporal properties:
The sweetness potency relative to sucrose decreases with
Solubility: increasing concentration. The sweet taste of acesulfame K is
Acesuifame-K is readily soluble in water, N,N-di- quickly perceptable and diminishes slowly, perhaps more so
methylformamide, and dimethyl sulfoxide (31). The solubility than that of sucrose (242). The sweetness may be slightly en-
of acesulfame-K in water at 20°C is approximately 270 g/l; at hanced in acidic solutions relative to neutral solutions (237).
100°C the solubility increases sharply to more than I000 g/l. Acesulfame-K is synergistic with many other high-potency
The solubility of acesulfame-K in alcohol is 1 g/1 (237). sweeteners, including aspartame and cyclamate. Blends of
Stability (pH, heat): acesulfame-K and aspartame (1 : 1 by weight) or acesulfame-K
The sweetness does not appear to be affected by baking or and sodium cyclamate ( 1 : 5 by weight) have been recom-
pasteurization temperatures (40). The dry form has a very mended (237). The sweetness quality of acesulfame-K is com-
good shelf life under dry conditions at room temperature, patible with nutritive sweeteners including sorbitol, xylitol,
independent of exposure to light; aqueous solutions with pH isomalt, and maltitol (237).
above 2.5-3 show relatively good stability (7,242). However, Acesulfame-K has a strong bitter taste to many persons,
the hydrolytic stability of acesulfame-K is less than that of especially at concentrations greater than 1000 ppm (205). It
saccharin (62). For example, in a cola system, 15070 is lost in also has a metallic component (62).
one year at room temperature. Decomposition occurs in ex-
treme conditions and the hydrolytic products are mainly ace-
tone, CO2, ammonium salts, sulfate, and amidosulfonate Limits of Use
Degradation route, in vivo: Dose restrictions:
Acesulfame-K is not metabolized, but is excreted by the The Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)
kidneys unchanged; therefore, has no caloric value (41,237). of the F A O / W H O established an acceptable dally intake
Known incompatabilities: (ADI) level for acesulfame-K of 9 mg/kg body weight in
Acesulfame-K shows variable compatibilities with flavor- 1983. The FDA established an ADI of 15 mg/kg body
ings used in commercial food products (242). Bulking agents weight in 1988 (40,237). The ADI is the amount of a food
such as polydextrose or polyalcohols are required for baking additive that can be taken dally in the diet over a lifetime
applications because acesulfame-K does not have the bulking without risk.
properties of sugars (165). The European Economic Community (EEC) has developed

a directive which specifies the acceptable maximum level of instant coffee, instant tea, gelatins, puddings, pudding des-
sweeteners that may be used as food additives to give specific serts and dairy product analogs (see 86 for review). US ap-
foods a sweet taste. For acesulfame-K, label designation E950, proval also includes confectionary products (hard and soft
the food categories and levels are nonalcoholic drinks 350 mg/ candies). Subsequent petitions in the US submitted by Hoechst
l, desserts 350 mg/kg, breakfast cereals 350 mg/kg, various Celanese have been for use in nonalcoholic beverages and
fruit products 200-1000 mg/kg, confectioneries 500-2000 mg/ beverage bases and in baked hoods and baking mixes. Acesul-
kg, bakery products 1000 mg/kg, specified alcoholic drinks fame-K has been approved in more than 50 countries, includ-
350 mg/l, sauces 350 mg/kg, and special dietary items 350 ing the United Kingdom, Switzerland, France, Italy, Belgium,
mg/kg (46). Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa (41,175). In coun-
Physiological and toxicological effects: tries other than the US, acesulfame-K is used in soft drinks,
The oral toxicity of acesulfame-K is very low with an LDso candies, toothpastes, mouthwashes, and pharmaceutical prep-
of 6.9-8.0 g/kg body weight. In a multigenerational study in arations (168).
rats fed acesulfame-K at levels of 0, 0.3, 1.0, and 3.0070, no
adverse effects were reported in reproductive performance or
on teratologic examination (130). Extensive toxicological stud- ALITAME
ies have found no potential carcinogenicity or mutagenicity
(175,237). Physical and Chemical

Current Use Chemical category: dipeptide

Source(s): Synthetic amide (31) composed of L-aspartic acid, D-alanine, and the
Dihydrooxathiazinone dioxides can be produced from ke- amide of the amine group 2,2,4,4-tetramethylthietanylamine
tones, 15-diketones, derivatives of 15-oxocarbonic acids and al- (215).
kynes which are reacted with halogen sulfonyl isocyanates. Molecular formula: CI4H25N3OaS
Compounds resulting from this reaction are transformed into Molecular weight: 331.43
N-halogen sulfonyl acetoacetic acid amide. In the presence of Molecular structure:
potassium hydroxide this compound cyclizes to the dihydroox-
athiazinone ring system (237). Salts of the ring system are
formed because dihydrooxathiazinone dioxides are very acidic CH~
Commercial products and concentration(s): NH H,C~\
Acesulfame-K is suitable for low calorie and diabetic bever-
ages, jams and marmalade, confectionery items, sugarless
chewing gums, reduced-calorie baked goods, fruit-flavored
dairy products, oral hygiene products, pharmaceuticals, to-
bacco products and animal feedstuffs (237).
Frequency/advantages: CO,H CH~
Internationally, acesulfame-K is available in 100 products
(165). It is heat stable (165) and synergistic with aspartame
and cyclamates (237). Solubility:
Availability (manufacturers): Alitame is very soluble in water (97,242). At 20°C, its solu-
Diamin (Vitalia, UK) (188) bility ranges from 48.7% w/v at pH 2.0-24.907o w/v at pH
Sunette (Hoechst Celanese Corp, UK, US) (40,165,188) 8.0.
Hermesetas Gold (Jenks Brokerage, UK) Stability (pH, heat):
Sweetex Plus (Crookes Healthcare, UK) In the neutral pH range (5-8), alitame is stable at room
Regulatory status: temperature for more than 1 yr. Stability is less, however, as
Acesulfame-K is approved for use in the US, UK, France, the pH is reduced to pH 2-4 (215). The half-life of alitame
Italy, Netherlands and Switzerland (46). In the US, acesulfa- solutions at pH 7.0 and 100°C is 13.4 h.
me-K is approved for use in chewing gum, dry mixes for bever- Degradation route, in vivo:
ages, instant coffee, instant tea, gelatins, puddings, nondairy During metabolism the aspartic acid portion is hydrolyzed
creamers, and as a tabletop sweetener (165). A directive for off; the majority of the remainder is excreted as a mixture of
its use in countries in the EEC has been issued (46). metabolites. Only a small percentage is excreted unaltered.
Known incompatabilities:
History Alitame is incompatible with acidic food products includ-
ing cola under storage (Schiffman, personal observation),
The sweetness of a dihydrooxathiazinone dioxide was acci- high levels of reducing sugars, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium
dentally discovered in 1967 in Germany by K. Clauss and H. bisulfite (97,242). A foul odor forms on storage of any acidic
Jensen at Hoechst AG while they were carrying out reactions product.
with butyne and fluorosulfonyl isocyanate (44,165). Analogs
of this chemical class were later synthesized and 6-methyl- Sweetness
1,2,3-oxathiazine-4-(3H)-one-2,2-dioxide was found to have
the most favorable taste qualities (237). In 1988, the FDA Potency: Pw2 = 4500, Pws = 3430, Pw~o = 1640, where
approved acesulfame-K as a food additive in the United Pw2, Pws, and P,~o are the potencies in water at a sweetness
States, specifically as a sugar substitute (in small packages equivalent to 2070 sucrose, 5°'/0 sucrose, and 10070 sucrose, re-
and tablets), in chewing gum, and in dry bases for beverages, spectively (65).

Typical concentration (range): History

After the accidental discovery of the potent sweet taste of

Alltame the dipeptide aspartame in 1965, Pfizer Central Research
15 started an intensive research program in the 1970's to system-
aticaily search for other-high potency sweeteners. They syn-
lo thesized a large number of dipeptides of diverse structural
types and ultimately patented alitame and structurally related
dipeptide sweeteners. It is not yet approved anywhere in the
~ 5 world (97).


0 I00 200 Physical and Chemical

Concentr'aUon (ppm}
Chemical category: dipeptide
N-L-c~-aspartyl-L-phenylaianine-1-methyl ester
Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent 3-amino-N-(ct-methoxycarbonylphenethyl) succinamic acid
(65). Molecular formula: C~4HIeN20~ (188)
Temporal properties: Molecular weight: 294.3 (188)
Alitame has a clean sweet taste which develops rapidly and Molecular structure:
lingers slightly. It is synergistic with acesulfame-K and cycla-
mates (97,215) O
Limtts of Use
(o)- CH2"CH" N H ' C ' C H
" CH2 •
| " NH3
Dose restrictions:
Alitame solutions exhibit taste saturation in which the
00CH 3 ,,
sweetness does not increase beyond 15070 sucrose equivalent
Physiological and toxicological effects:
The no effect level (NOEL) for alitame in animals is 100
mg/kg which is > 300 times the estimated mean chronic hu- Solubility:
man exposure level. Animals treated with levels > 100 mg/kg At pH 5.2, the isoelectric point, aspartame has a solubility
for 5 days to 2 yr had increased liver weights secondary to the of 1°70 in water and 0.37070 in ethanol at 25°C (188,225) It is
induction of hepatic microsomai metabolizing enzymes. In more soluble in acidic solutions and hot water (188). It is not
man, no enzyme induction was observed over a 14-day period soluble in fats and oils (106).
at doses of 15 m g / k g / d a y (approximately 44 times the mean Stability (pH, heat):
chronic intake estimate). No carcinogenic, embryotoxic, te- Aspartame is most stable in solid form and should be
ratogenic, or mutagenic activity has been found (97). Alitame stored in an airtight container. Under certain moisture, tem-
contributes approximately 1.4 kcal/g or 0.0207o of calories of perature and pH conditions, aspartame hydrolyzes to form
replaced sucrose (165,215). aspartylphenylaianine (AP) or is converted to its diketopipera-
zinc (DKP). DKP can convert to A P which can further convert
Current Use to individual amino acid components. Hydrolysis to free
amino acids tends to occur at pH 3.4 and lower; above pH
Source(s): 5.0 cyclization to diketopiperazine tends to occur. Hydrolysis
Alitame is synthetically formed from the amino acids L- and cyclization result in loss of sweetness because neither A P
aspartic acid and D-aianine with a novel C-terminal amide nor DKP are sweet (188, 225). In addition to DKP, there are
moiety formed from 2,2,4,4-tetramethylthietanylamine. two other minor degradation products: L-aspartyl-L-phenyla-
Commercial products and concentration(s): Not available. lanine and fl-L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester; neither
Frequency/advantages: Does not degrade with heat. of these exhibits off tastes (I 26).
Availability (manufacturers): Manufactured by Pfizer. The stability in aqueous solutions is dependent on concen-
Regulatory status: tration, temperature, pH, buffer type and water activity (215).
The Food Additive Petition submitted to the US Food and Aspartame is most stable at pH 4.3 (7,188).
Drug Administration by Pfizer in 1986 was for the following Aspartame can be used in High Temperature Short Time
application categories: baked goods and baking mixes, pre- (HTST) systems and ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization
sweetened ready-to-eat cereals, milk products, frozen desserts and aseptic systems where the product can be cooled quickly, or
and mixes, fruit and water ices and mixes, fruit drinks includ- when the aspartame is added aseptically after pasteurization.
ing ales and mixes, confections and frosting, jams as well as While early studies showed that aspartame could not be used in
jellies, preserves, and sweet spreads, sweet sauces including situations that required prolonged heating times such as in baking
toppings and mixes, gelatins as well as puddings, custards, (7,215,225), an FDA approval for a heat-stable form of aspartame
filling, and mixes, nonalcoholic beverages and mixes, dairy for baking was approved in 1993 (75a).
product analogs, sugar substitutes, sweetened coffee and tea Degradation route, in vivo:
beverages, candy, and chewing gum. Permission for use in a Metabolic studies indicate that aspartame is hydrolyzed
number of foreign countries has also been requested (97). rapidly and completely in the gastrointestinal tract to its con-

stituent amino acids, L-phenylalanine and L-aspartic acid, and Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent
to methanol; it is not absorbed as an intact molecule (32,225). (65).
Children metabolize aspartame as effectively as adults. Ad- Temporal properties:
ministration of 34-200 mg aspartame/kg body weight (equiva- For most persons aspartame has a clean, sweet taste with-
lent to 4-24 liters of aspartame-sweetened beverage) produced out a bitter, chemical or metallic aftertaste (106,242). How-
plasma concentrations of aspartic acid and phenylalanine well ever, some persons report that it has an aftertaste character-
below levels associated with toxicity. For example, a serving ized by lingering sweetness or bitter sweetness, predominantly
of skim milk has approximately 13 times more aspartic acid after repeated tasting (7). The sweetness develops more gradu-
and 6 times more phenylalanine than an equal volume of bev- ally and persists slightly longer than sucrose (106,242). The
erage sweetened with aspartame. Approximately 4 to 5 times AT (appearance time) for sweetness of aspartame is 5 s com-
more methanol is obtained from a serving of tomato juice pared to 4 s for sucrose; the ET (extinction time) is 19 s for
than an equivalent volume of aspartame-sweetened beverage. aspartame compared with 14 s for sucrose (126).
Acute doses of aspartame up to 100 mg/kg body weight are
also metabolized effectively by persons heterozygous for
phenylketonuria, a genetic disease characterized by a defi- Limits of Use
ciency in the ability to metabolize phenylalanine (32).
It provides 4 kcal/g; however, because its potency is as Dose restrictions:
much as 250 times that of sucrose, only very small amounts The Joint F A O / W H O Expert Committee on Food Addi-
are needed to sweeten foods. This leads to a dramatic reduc- tives approved aspartame with an ADI of up to 40 mg/kg
tion in total calories consumed in aspartame-containing prod- body weight/day in 1981 (7,188). The ADI of the diketopiper-
ucts compared to an equally sweet sucrose-containing product azine, a decompostion product of aspartame, is 7.5 mg/kg
(215). (188). The US FDA established, in 1984, an ADI of 50 mg/kg
Known incompatabilities: body weight/day with a request for a postmarket surveillance
Aspartame has a normally reactive amino group and car- system to monitor aspartame consumption (32,215). The re-
boxyl group as well as an amide bond and a methyl ester. sults of postmarketing surveillance have demonstrated that
Usually, foods do not contain large quantities of chemicals aspartame consumption by the general population (90th per-
that might spontaneously react with a carboxyl or amino func- centile) is only about 2.5-3 mg/kg/day, which is well below
tion. An exception is cinnamon flavor which contains cinna- the ADI (32).
maldehyde, an aldehyde which reacts readily with an unhin- Products containing aspartame must be labeled to alert
dered amino group. Consequently, it is difficult to formulate persons with phenylketonuria (PKU) of their need to restrict
cinnamon-flavored chewing gum with aspartame (153). This intake of phenylalanine from all dietary sources (88). PKU is
may be a general limitation with flavors significantly depen- a rare metabolic disease in which there is an absence of the
dent on aldehydes (e.g. acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, and va- enzyme phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase which is involved in
nillin). the metabolism of phenylalanine. The phenylalanine content
from aspartame in aspartame-contalning products is far less
Sweetness than would be found in meat, milk, and other protein foods.
The EEC has proposed a directive which specifies the ac-
Potency: Pw2 = 250, Pws = 196, Pw~0 = 107, where Pw2, ceptable maximum level of sweeteners that may be used as
Pws, and Pw~oare the potencies in water at a sweetness equiva- food additives to give specific foods a sweet taste. For aspar-
lent to 2% sucrose, 5% sucrose, and 10% sucrose, respectively tame, label designation E 951, these levels are 600 mg/I for
(65). nonalcoholic drinks, 1000 mg/kg for desserts; I000 mg/kg for
Aspartame sweetness potency in food products will vary breakfast cereals; 800 mg/kg for edible ices; 300 and 1000
depending on the sweetener concentration and its application mg/kg for fruits, depending on the product; I000-5500 mg/
to a particular formulation. kg for confectionery items, depending on the product; 1700
Aspartame is used in beverage and food products at typical mg/kg for bakery products, 600 mg/l for alcoholic drinks;
concentrations of 600 ppm in nonalcoholic beverages and 1000 300 mg/kg for fish products; 300 mg/kg for vegetables; 300
ppm in desserts (173). Aspartame combined with other sweet- and 350 mg/kg for sauces; and 600-2000 mg/kg for special
eners provides an acceptable taste profile. Aspartame-xylitol dietary items (46).
mixture (2.4:97.6) and blends of 5 0 : 5 0 with saccharin or Physiological and toxicological effects:
acesulfame-K have been used (7). Toxicological studies have found no embryotoxic, terato-
Typical concentration (range): genic or carcinogenic effects up to 2000-4000 mg aspartame/
kg body weight. The methanol obtained from aspartame me-
tabolism is oxidized in the body to formic acid and ultimately
Aspartame to CO2 and H20; however, formic acid does not accumulate
15' from aspartame consumption, and the levels are far below
those where toxicity is observed. Intake of 200-500 mg metha-
nol/kg body weight is required to produce toxic levels of for-
mic acid; this is equivalent to a single dose of 240-600 liters
of aspartame-sweetened beverage. Consumption of aspartame
5' has no effect on neurologic function; it does not cause head-
aches or seizures nor does it alter mood, cognition or behavior
0 Because aspartame, as a high-potency sweetener, does not
0 1000 2000 3000 affect the blood glucose concentration in the diabetic person,
Concentration [ppm) it is useful as a sugar substitute to reduce caloric intake in the

Type II diabetic individual for whom weight loss is a goal. History

Aspartame provides the insulin-dependent diabetic with the
flexibility of an unscheduled snack and the ingestion of other- In 1965, Jim Schlatter, working with Dr. Robert Mazur on
wise substituted carbohydrates (175). the synthesis of the C-terminal tetrapeptide of gastrin, discov-
Aspartame is noncariogenic, and there is some evi- ered the sweet taste of aspartylphenylalanine methyl ester
dence that it may be anti-cariogenic by inhibition of bacterial- (aspartame). From 1965 to 1970 over 200 analogs of aspar-
growth a n d / o r reduction in plaque formation by Streptococ- tame were synthesized but none was more satisfactory than
cus mutans, (175); however this has not been firmly estab- aspartame itself (33,106). In 1974, the FDA approved aspar-
lished. tame for use in dry products including cold breakfast cereals,
chewing gum, dry beverage mixes, instant tea and coffee, gela-
Current Use tins, puddings, fillings, dairy product analog toppings, and
tabletop sweeteners. However, the FDA stayed the regulation
and appointed a public board of inquiry to resolve safety
Source(s): issues (155). In 1981, the marketing stay was lifted, and aspar-
Aspartame is prepared by coupling the two constituent tame was approved for dry uses, according to the 1974 ruling.
amino acids, aspartic acid and phenylalanine, by two general In 1983, aspartame was approved for use in carbonated bever-
procedures, one enzymatic and the other chemical coupling. ages. Since 1983, additional uses have been approved in the
In the enzymatic method, carbobenzoxy-L-aspartic acid (Z- US. However, it is estimated that at least 80070 of the US
Asp) is coupled with L- or DL-phenylalanine methyl ester in market is carbonated soft drinks with a significant part of the
the presence of an enzyme under very special conditions. Be- remainder being tabletop (packet) use (48). In addition to the
cause the enzyme is specific for the formation of protein-like US, aspartame has been approved for use in foods, beverages,
peptide bonds with L-amino acids, only the ~-carboxyl of Z- and as a tabletop sweetener in over 90 countries (106).
Asp reacts and only with L-Phe-OMe. This gives cleanly Z-L-
Asp-L-Phe-OMe which can be catalytically hydrogenated to
aspartame. The classical chemical method activates a pro- CALCIUMCYCLAMATE
tected L-aspartic acid by conversion to the anhydride and reac-
tion of the latter with L-Phe or L-Phe-OMe. The Asp protect- Physical and Chemical
ing group is either formyl or carbobenzoxy. Final purification,
after deprotection, usually depends on the low water solubility Chemical category: sulfamate
of aspartame hydrochloride which is then neutralized to yield Calcium cyclohexylsuifamate
aspartame. The chemical synthesis method is less expensive Calcium cyclohexanesulfamate (31,188)
than the enzymatic process. Molecular formula: Cj2H2 N206S2 Ca (24,188)
Commercial products and concentration(s): Molecular weight: 396.5 (24,188), 432.6 as dihydrate (188)
Equal and NutraSweet (The NutraSweet Company, USA) Molecular structure:
Canderel and Flix (Searle, UK) (188), (Ajinomoto,

(Holland sweetener, Holland),
(Miwon, Korea)
Aspartame is available worldwide in over 5,000 products.
The largest single use is in carbonated soft drinks. The Nu-
traSweet brand is most readily available in the United States
and is used in soft drinks in an approximate concentration of
525 mg/l or ppm. This would give a product with sweetness 2
equivalent to 9°70 sucrose if the potency of aspartame at this
concentration is 180 times that of sucrose. The sweetness in-
tensity by a particular concentraion depends greatly on the Solubility:
specific formulation. 1 g/4 ml in water
Aspartame is also commonly used as a tabletop sweetener 1 g/60 ml in ethanol
with the quantity equivalent to two teaspoons of sucrose pack- 1 g / l . 5 m l in propylene glycol (24,81)
aged in a packet. This is typically 35 mg aspartame plus vari- Stability (pH, heat):
ous extenders such as glucose or maltodextrin. Solutions are stable to heat, light, and air throughout the
Availability (manufacturers): pH range 2-10 (24,188,242).
The NutraSweet Company, USA Degradation route, in vivo:
Searle, UK The breakdown of calcium cyclamate does not provide any
Ajinomoto, Japan calories. Sodium and calcium cyclamate and cyclamic acid are
Holland Sweetener, Holland incompletely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract; some
Miwon, Korea cyclamate is excreted in the urine. About 25% of a human
Regulatory status: population may convert cyclamates to cyclohexylamine which
Aspartame is approved for use in over 90 countries, includ- is then excreted in the urine. The conversion results from the
ing all major countries. The directive proposed by the EEC action of microflora on the nonabsorbed cyclamate in the
will uniformly regulate its use in the twelve European Commu- intestinal tract rather than metabolism by human cells (24).
nity (EC) countries, and presumably those that would join the The amount of cyclohexylamine converted varies greatly be-
EC in the future. tween individuals from < O.1070 to a maximum of 60070 (25,188).

Known incompatabilities: atrophy, reduced body weight gain, and hyperactivity in rats
Calcium cyclamate is incompatible with nitrites in acid solution (25,45). It may also raise blood pressure in susceptible individ-
and exhibits limited comparability with potassium salts, carbon- uals (24). A report issued by a National Academy of Sciences
ates, citrates, phosphates, sulfates, and tartrates (188). Incompa- National Research Council Committee concluded that cycla-
tabilities with caramel and pectin have been reported (242). mate by itself is not carcinogenic; however, cyclamate may be
a co-carcinogen because cyclamate-saccharin mixtures in-
Sweetness crease the risk of bladder cancer in animal models (24,86,167).
Potency: Pw2 = 26, Pw5 = 32, Pw~5 = 18 where Pw2is the po- Also see section on sodium cyclamate.
tency in water at a sweetness equivalent to 2% sucrose, Pw5equiva-
lent to 5°7osucrose and Pw~5equivalent to 7.5°70 sucrose (65). Current Use
Typical concentration (range): (see sodium cyclamate)
Temporal properties: Source(s): Synthetic
When the concentration of calcium cyclamate approaches Commercial products and concentration(s):
0.507o in the formulation, a bitter taste becomes noticeable Sucaryl Calcium (Abbott, Canada), Cyclan
(188). Sweetness of cyclamate builds more slowly to a maximal Frequency/advantages:
level and persists longer than that of sucrose (24). The taste A mixture of cyclamate: saccharin in a ratio of 10 : 1 was
of cyclamate is very compatible with fruit flavors (24). The popular during the 1960s. Mixtures of cyclamate and saccha-
off-tastes for calcium cyclamate begin at a slightly lower con- rin are synergistic and produce sweetness levels that are 20°7o
centration than for sodium cyclamate (24). higher than would be expected based on the levels of the indi-
vidual components (24). Patents have recently been filed that
Limits of Use indicate cyclamate has potential in combination with other
sweeteners including aspartame and acesulfame-K (24).
Technical properties: Calcium cyclamate can be used to mask the bitterness and
Advantages of calcium cyclamate in product formulation unpalatable tastes of drugs, especially liquid formulations and
are that it is nonhygroscopic and does not support mold or chewable tablets (24). Cyclamates have a low solid content at
bacterial growth. It also does not provide the bulk, body, or a desirable sweetness level which makes a suspension more
texture that are characteristic of sugar (65). fluid and reduces caking. Cyclamate disintegrates rapidly in
Dose restrictions: tablet form.
The following table shows the results of laboratory tests to Availability (manufacturers):
determine the LDso of calcium cyclamate when dosed by vari- Abbott Laboratories, USA
ous routes in various animals. Numerous manufacturers in Korea
Regulatory status:
animal route LDs0 (25) Calcium cyclamate is available as a table-top sweetener or
for use in foods and beverages in over 40 countries, including
mouse oral 7.2 g/kg Canada (24,25). It has been approved by the EEC Scientific
mouse intravenous 0.57 g/kg Committee for Food and by the JECFA of F A O / W H O . It
rat subcutaneous 0.1 g/kg has been allocated a temporary ADI of 11 mg/kg body weight.
hamster oral 4.6 g/kg It is presently permitted for use in Australia, New Zealand,
rabbit intravenous 0.12 g/kg Switzerland, Spain, and Germany. It may not be used in any
drugs, other than those with approved new drug applications,
Cyciohexylamine, a metabolic by-product of cyclamates, or in any foods (including beverages) that are intended for use
has an oral LDs0 of 156-614 mg/kg in rats; this metabolite is in the United States (242).
hence more toxic than cyclamates, and this toxcicity limits the
use of the sweetener (24,25). History
The EEC has adopted a directive which specifies the ac-
ceptable maximum level of sweeteners that may be used as Sodium cyclamate was synthesized in 1937 by Sveda, who
food additives in ready-for-use commercial products to give accidentally discovered that it has a sweet taste (8,25). Cycla-
specific foods a sweet taste. For cyclamic acid and its sodium mates were first introduced in tablet form as a table-top sweet-
and calcium salts, designated E 952 in this directive, the food ener for use by diabetics by Abbott Laboratories in the United
categories and levels are nonalcoholic drinks 400 mg/l, des- States in 1951 (24,25,45). After enactment of the Food Addi-
serts 250 mg/kg, breakfast cereals 250 mg/kg, edible ices 400 tive Amendment in 1958, sodium and calcium cyclamate were
mg/kg, fruit 1000 mg/kg, fruit preparations 250 mg/kg, con- classified as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) by the US
fectionery items 1000 mg/kg, sugar free chewing gum 3000 FDA. Mixtures of cyclamate and saccharin (10: 1) subse-
mg/kg, bakery products 1700 mg/kg, alcoholic drinks 350 quently became popular in the US during the 1960s (25). In
mg/l, and special diet formulas/supplements 400 and 1000 the UK, cyclamate was allowed in soft drinks under the 1964
mg/kg (46). The EEC designates a temporary ADI = 11. Soft Drink Regulations (242).
Physiological and toxicological effects: In 1966 it was reported that cyclamates could be metabo-
Calcium cyclamate is not cariogenic, but it also is not anti- lized by intestinal bacteria to cyclohexylamine (129). In 1968,
cariogenic as are some other high-potency sweeteners (24,25). an interim report from the National Academy of Sciences
Softening of the stools and diarrhea are common side ef- concluded from new animal studies that unrestricted use of
fects of cyclamate ingestion; this laxative action is due to a cyclamate was not warranted (86). Approval for its use was
change in the osmotic activity of the unabsorbed fraction of withdrawn in the US when it was removed from the GRAS
cyclamate salts in the gastrointestinal tract (24,25). list in 1969 (215). In 1970, a long-term study in rats was pub-
Cyclohexylamine in the diet is known to produce testicular lished that reported an increased incidence of bladder tumors

compared to controls in animals fed mixtures of sodium cycla- Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent
mate and sodium saccharin (10 : 1) and cyclohexylamine (179). (65).
This finding led to the ban of cyclamates as a food additive in
many countries, including the United States. In 1982, Abbott Current Use
Laboratories repetitioned for approval for its use (215).
FRUCTOSE Fructose is found naturally in many fruits and honey. How-
ever commercial fructose is synthesized from liquid dextrose.
Physical and Chemical
Chemical category: carbohydrate
Molecular formula: C6HI206(188) Physical and Chemical
Molecular weight: 180.2 (188)
Molecular structure: Chemical category: triterpenoid glycoside
20/3-carboxy-I l-oxo-30-norolean-12-en-3fl-yl-2-O-fl-D-gluco-
pyanuronosyl-c~-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid
CH2OH Molecular formula: C42I-t620,6 (31)
Molecular weight: 822.92 (31)
:H2OH Molecular structure:

H H aje..CNI

¢ ~
Solubility: 1 g/0.3 ml water, 1 g/15 ml alcohol I gl I
Stability (pH, heat):
May be sterilized by autoclaving; store in airtight container
at temperature not exceeding 25 °C. glll I ~I
Degradation route, in vivo:
Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract but more slowly
than dextrose; metabolized more rapidly than dextrose,
mainly in the liver where it is phosphorylated and part is con-
verted to dextrose. Insulin is considered not to be necessary U U
for its metabolism. Fructose produces little effect upon the
blood-sugar concentration, except in diabetic patients, who
may metabolize it to dextrose to a greater extent than do Solubility:
nondiabetic subjects; quantitative advantages are not great. Extracted from the plant as the K + and Ca ++ salts of
Known incompatabilities: chlortetracycline was incompati- glycyrrhizic acid it is water soluble (145); conversion to ammo-
ble with solutions of levulose 10% in saline solution. niated glycyrrhizin, the fully ammoniated salt, results in a
more water-soluble compound (127).
Sweetness Stability (pH, heat):
Glycyrrhizin is reasonably stable at elevated temperatures
Potency: Pw2 = 1.3, Pw5 = 1.3, Pw,o = 1.3, where Pw2, Pws, (127). Ammoniated glycyrrhizin precipitates at pH levels be-
and Pw,0 are the potencies in water at a sweetness equivalent to low 4.5.
2%0 sucrose, 5% sucrose and 10% sucrose, respectively (65). Degradation route, in vivo:
Relative: Glycyrrhizin is hydrolyzed by human intestinal flora to
The relative sweetness is dependent on temperature which af- glycyrrhetic acid which is absorbed from the small intestine in
fects the mutarotational behavior of fructose. Sweetness is greater that form (209). Glycyrrhetic acid binds to plasma protein,
at 20°C than 80°C. Pure crystals have maxiumum sweetness be- enters the enterohepatic circulation, and is almost completely
cause they have not undergone mutarotation in solution. metabolized (88). Both glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetic acid have
Typical concentration (range): mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid properties because they
possess chemical structures that resemble steroids (209). Thus,
glycyrrhizin can affect electrolyte metabolism and result in
15" retention of sodium.


i 10'
Potency: Pw2 -- 252, Pw5 = 109, Pw~ = 14, where Pw2,
Pw5, and Pw7 are the potencies in water at a sweetness equiva-
lent to 2% sucrose, 5%0 sucrose and 7% sucrose, respectively
Typical concentration (range):
0 5 10 Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent
Concentration (%1 (65).

Temporal properties: Pure Glycyrrhiza Extract, USNF

Liquorice Liquid Extract, B.P.
Deglycyrrhizinised Liquorice Extract, B.P.
15 M o n o a m m o n l u m Glycyrrhlztnate MagnaSweet (Wisconsin)
Ammoniated glycyrrhizin
Regulatory status:
0 Ammoniated glycyrrhizin is listed as GRAS (generally
regarded as safe) by the United States Food and Drug Ad-
ministration (FDA) when used as a natural flavoring agent
(127). It is not approved for use as a sugar substitute at
this time (215).
0 -
0 I000 2000 3000 History
ConcentraUon Ippm]
Glycyrrhizin (glycyrrhizic acid) is extracted from the rhi-
Glycyrrhizin has a slow onset of sweetness and a long
zomes and roots of the plant Glycyrrhlza glabra which means
aftertaste (127). The AT (appearance time) is 16 s compared
"sweet root" in Greek. Glycyrrhtza glabra, better known as
with AT = 4 s for sucrose. The ET (extinction time) is 69 s
liquorice, is a wild perennial herb that grows in deep sandy,
compared to 14 s for sucrose. Ammoniated glycyrrhizin
fertilized soil near water. Different varieties of Glycyrrhiza
has similar hedonic properties to glycyrrhizin. It has a very
glabra are grown in Southern Europe, North Africa, and West
slow onset of sweetness which subsequently lingers very
and Central Asia. Both Glycyrrhiza glabra and glycyrrhizin
strongly (127).
itself have been used for centuries as a crude drug (209).
Limits of Use
Dose restrictions:
The Ministry of Health in Japan has issued the caution Physical and Chemical
that glycyrrhizin use should be less than 200 mg/day when
used in drug formulations (127). The widespread use of glycyr-
Chemical category: carbohydrate
rhizin and ammoniated glycyrrhizin by humans has been re-
lated to cases of pseudoaldosteronism with symptoms of hy-
Molecular formula: C~2H~O.
pertension, edema, sodium retention, and mild potassium
Molecular weight: 346.34
diuresis (127).
Molecular structure:
Physiological and toxicological effects:
Glycyrrhizin and liquorice possess pharmacological prop-
erties including anti-inflammatory and anti-cariogenic effects.
Glycyrrhizin inhibits dental plaque formation by cariogenic CH2OH CH2OH
bacteria and protects enamel from demineralization due to its
antiglycolytic coating and buffering capacities (209). Glycyr-
H Jl~m=~O H H .L~~ O H
rhizin and liquorice have also been used to treat oral ulcers,
herpetic lesions, bronchitis, and coughs (127,209). High intake
has been related to hypokalemia, hyperprolactinemia (209),
and pseudoaldosteronism manifested as hypertension, edema,
sodium retention, and potassium diuresis (127). H OH H OH
Current Use
Source(s): Solubility:
Natural, extracted from the plant Glycyrrhiza glabra. "Very soluble" (66)
Commercial products and concentration(s): Stability (pH, heat):
In its natural form, glycyrrhizin is present in the plant in Like the other polyalcohols, due to the absence of free
yields of 6-1407o w/w as a mixture of various metallic salts carbonyl groups, maltitol does not undergo Maillard reactions
(127,145). Commercial extraction and purification follows es- to produce caramel-colored species in the presence of proteins
tablished procedures (127). In 1987 glycyrrhizin extract had (66,163). Maltitol is more heat stable and more resistant to
almost a 3007o share of the high-potency sweetener market in microbial degradation than maltose. Maltitol is moderately
Japan, being widely used for flavoring and sweetening food, hygroscopic (66).
beverages, medicines, cosmetics and tobacco (127). Liquorice Degradation route, in vivo:
is the British Adopted Name. Mahitol is hydrolyzed by disaccharidases in the gastrointes-
Frequency/advantages: tinal tract to yield free glucose and sorbitol. The glucose,
Ammoniated glycyrrhizin is used as a flavorant, flavor which digestibility studies show accounts for about 50°70 of an
modifier, and foaming agent in confectionery and dessert ingested dose, (10,247) is slowly formed and rapidly absorbed,
items and in carbonated beverages with pH above 4.5. It is as seen by a relatively fiat blood glucose curve and slow insulin
used at a concentration of 30-300 ppm to enhance the flavor response (10,247). The sorbitol portion is incompletely ab-
of cocoa and chocolate-flavored products. sorbed; the absorbed portion being oxidized to fructose,
Availability (manufacturers): which is further metabolized as fructose-l-phosphate indepen-
Glycyrrhiza Fluidextract, USNF dent of insulin (10).

Sweetness Molecular structure:

Potency: Pw2 = 0.73, P.s = 0.72, P.75 = 0.71, where

Pw2, P~s, and P.7 5 are the potencies in water at a sweetness CH20H t
equivalent to 2070 sucrose, 5070 sucrose and 7.507o sucrose, re-
spectively (65). HO-C-H
Typical concentration (range):
Maltltol H-(~-OH

Solubility: 220 g/l in water (67)

Stability (pH, heat):
O~ TI ~ T !
0 10 20 Moderately hygroscopic (188); more heat stable than corre-
Concentration (%1 sponding mono- and disaccharides (67); stable to sterilization
by autoclaving or filtration
Degradation route, in vivo:
Mannitol and sorbitol have common metabolic pathways;
Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent both are slowly absorbed by passive diffusion through the
(65). intestinal lumen. There are two different pathways for manni-
tol utilization: i) oxidation to D-fructose by the enzyme manni-
tol dehydrogenase in the liver, and ii) indirect metabolism
Current Use by intestinal flora via fermentative degradation (60,67). The
D-fructose is metabolized by the fructose-l-phosphate path-
Source(s): way to pyruvate or to glucose and glycogen, depending on the
Maltitol is prepared commercially by hydrogenation of metabolic state of the individual (67).
corn syrup that has a high maltose content. This maltose is Because mannitol is a poor substrate for enzymatic degra-
the product of enzymatic hydrolysis of starch. Purification dation, a significant portion of the ingested dose is excreted
and concentration of the hydrogenated syrup yields crystalline in the urine (60). Studies suggest that approximately 50°?0
maltitol in the proportion of 90-99% with the remainder being of the ingested dose is utilized by the body, due to its incom-
small amounts of sorbitol and hydrogenated trisaccharides plete metabolism and incomplete reabsorption by the kidney.
(10). It is produced in substantial quantities only in Japan at Mannitol has a caloric value of 2 cal/g, the majority of this
the present time (66). being secondary to the indirect metabolism by microbial fer-
Commercial products and concentration(s): mentation (60).
Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratories pioneered the pro-
cess of hydrogenation of maltose to produce maltitol and li-
censes the patent to Town Chemical Industry, Co., Ltd., an Sweetness
affiliate of Mitsubishi, Tokyo, Japan and to ANIC and their
subsidiary Melida, Sp.A, Milan, Italy. Town produces and Potency: Pw2 = 0.55, Pw5 = 0.64, P~0 = 0.67, where P,2,
markets crystalline maltitol and maltitol syrup under various P~s, and P , J0are the potency in water at a sweetness equivalent to
brand names and is limited to specific geographic regions, 2°70 sucrose, 5070sucrose, and 10% sucrose, respectively.
which include Japan and the United States. The license re- Typical concentration (range):
stricts ANIC to marketing in Europe (163).
Availability (manufacturers):
Malbit TM by ANIC/Melida Mannitol
AmaltyTM and MabitTM by Towa Chemical Industry Co, Ltd. 12"

Htstory 10"

Maltitol was developed in Japan and has been used there c-
since about 1964 (163). o


Phystcal and Chemical
0 2 4 S 8 10 12 14 16
Chemical category: carbohydrate Concentration (%)
Molecular formula: C6H~406 (188)
Molecular weight: 182.2 (188) Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent.

Ltmits of Use nyl]phenyl 2-O- ( 6-deoxy-t~-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-/3-D-glucopy-

ranoside (188)
Dose restrictions: Molecular formula: C28H36OI5(188)
Mannitol is permitted as a food additive pending further Molecular weight: 612.6 (188)
study. Any food product containing mannitol that could con- Molecular structure:
ceivably result in the ingestion of more than 20 g in one day is
required to be labeled with the statement "Excess consumption
may have a laxative effect" (60). In the United States it has
interim food additive status and use levels may not exceed the
following: Pressed mints 98o70, hard candies 5o70, cough drops
5%, chewing gum 31°/0, soft candies 40°70, confections and
frostings 8%, nonstandardized jams and jellies 15%, and oth-
ers 2.50/0 (67).
Physiological and toxicological effects:
Mannitol is only slowly fermented by oral microorganisms,
thus decreasing the acidification of plaque, making it signifi-
cantly less cariogenic than sucrose (60). Further study is neces- ONON
sary to understand the mechanisms and significance of the
effect of enhanced mineral absorption by the polyols (60). Solubility:
8.1 x 10 -4 M in distilled water at room temperature; 0.50
Current Use g/l increasing to approximately 653 g/1 at 80°C; sodium and
Source(s): (natural, synthetic, both) calcium salts of neohesperidin dihydrochalcone have a solubility
Mannitol is widely distributed in plants, including the exu- greater than 1 g/mi (109).
date from the ash tree, seaweeds, and mushrooms. It is com- Stability (pH, heat):
mercially prepared by the hydrogenation of sugar, which Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone is resistant to hydrolysis at
yields a mixture of sorbitol and mannitol from which the man- pH values above 2. In aqueous solutions stored for years at
nitol readily crystallizes due to its lower solubility and can room temperature and exposed to light, there is little change in
thus be separated (67). sweetness although some yellowing may occur (109).
Commercial products and concentration(s): Degradation route, in vivo:
Mannitol is used as a dusting powder and anticaking agent The metabolism of neohesperidin dihydrochalcone is similar
because of its nonhygroscopic nature. Manuitol is adminis- to that of other flavonoids and is brought about predominantly
tered intravenously as a 15-25% solution as an osmotic diure- by the intestinal microflora. During metabolism there is cleavage
tic in acute renal failure, to reduce intracranial pressure, to between the substituted phloroglucinl A-ring and the adjacent
reduce intraocular pressure, and to promote excretion of toxic carbonyl group to yield a series of C3-C6 acids derived from the
substances (188). B ring. The metabolic fate of the A ring is not well understood.
Frequency/advantages: Thin-layer chromatograms suggest that the metabolites from
Mannitol is widely used in food manufacture in the US. neohesperidin and neohesperidin dihydrochalcone are similar
In a recent survey of excipients in pharmaceutic antibiotic (109).
preparations, mannitol was used in 7.7% of them, either alone
or in combination with sucrose a n d / o r saccharin (132). It is Sweetness
used more commonly in chewable tablets than in liquid syrups
or suspensions. Information on the quantity of specific excipi- Potency: Pw2 = 1470, Pw5 = 906, Pw75 = 434, where Pw2,
ents is rarely provided by the drug manufacturer due to pro- Pws, and Pw75 are the potencies in water at a.sweetness equivalent
prietary exclusion, but surveys of sweetener use in pharmaceu- to 2o70 sucrose, 5o70 sucrose, and 7.5% sucrose, respectively (65).
ticals for pediatric use found mannitol used in the following Relative:
ratios in chewable antibiotic tablets: sucrose : mannitol : sac- Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone is approximately 1800 times
charin 215 : 169 : 1 and 6.25 : 73 : 1 and mannitol : saccharin more potent than sucrose by weight at or near threshold. As the
171 : 1 (104). concentration increases to the intensity of 8.5°70 sucrose, it is
Regulatory status: only 200-340 times more potent than sucrose (109).
The regulations governing the use of mannitol vary in dif- Typical concentration (range):
ferent countries, some listing it as sweetener and others only
as a food additive. The regulations as described by countries
include: South Africa and United States, permitted sweetener;
15- Neohcsperldin Dihydrochalcone
United Kingdom and Federal Republic of Germany, permitted
except where standard prohibits use but not listed as sweet-
ener; Belgium, Denmark, Australia, Greece, Spain, Sweden
and Switzerland, listed as sweetener and permitted in certain
~ 10'

food stuffs only; France, Canada, and Japan, listed as food

additive only; and Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Nor-
way, not described (67).


Concentration (ppm)
Physical and Chemical
Chemical category: dihydrochalcone glucoside Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent
3,5-Dihydroxy-4- [3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl) propio- (65).

Temporal properties: Molecular formula: C6I--II2NO3SNa (188)

Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone (NHDC) has a slow onset Molecular weight: 201.2 (188)
of sweetness with a lingering aftertaste which has been de- Molecular structure:
scribed as having a menthol or licorice-like quality. Mixture
of neohesperidin dihydrochalcone with/3-gluconolactone may
overcome some of the initial lag in sweetness perception (109).

Limits of Use

Dose restrictions:
The EEC has developed a directive that specifies the ac-
ceptable maximum level of sweeteners that may be used as
food additives in ready-for-use products to give specific foods
a sweet taste. For neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, designated
E 959 in the directive, the foods and levels include nonalco- Solubility:
holic drinks 30 and 50 mg/l, desserts 50 mg/kg, edible ices 50 1 g/5 ml of water
mg/kg, fruit 50 mg/kg, confectioneries 100 and 400 mg/kg, 1 g/250 ml of alcohol
and alcoholic drinks 10 and 20 mg/1 (46). NHDC has also 1 g/25 ml of propylene glycol (188)
been recommended for use in pharmaceuticals, especially to Stability (pH, heat):
mask the bitter taste of the drugs. The Scientific Committee Solutions are stable to heat, light and air throughout the
for Food of the European Committee gave NHDC an ADI of pH range of 2-10 (24,242).
5 mg/kg body weight in 1987 (109). The ADI is the amount Degradation route, in vivo:
of a food additive that can be taken dally in the diet over a The breakdown of sodium cyclamate does not provide any
lifetime without risk. calories. Sodium and calcium cyclamate and cyclamic acid are
Physiological and toxicological effects: incompletely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract; some
NHDC has an estimated caloric value of not more than 2 cyclamate is excreted in the urine. About 25070 of a human
cal/g. population may convert cyclamates to cyclohexylamine which
Rats kept on a 10% diet of NHDC for 11 mo exhibited is then excreted in the urine. The conversion results from the
growth inhibition and increased testes weight relative to body action of microflora on the nonabsorbed cyclamate in the
weight. A 5070 diet also showed reduced growth rate but no intestinal tract rather than metabolism by human cells (24).
carcinogenicity in rats. In dogs fed a diet of approximately 6070 The amount of cyclohexylamine converted varies greatly be-
NHDC, liver and thyroid weights were elevated and thyroid tween individuals from <0.1°70 to a maximum of 60070
hypertrophy and hyperplasia were found. Testicular atrophy (25,188).
and degeneration also occurred in several of these animals Known incompatabilities:
(109). Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone is not mutagenic ac- Sodium cyclamate is incompatible with nitrites in acid solu-
cording to the Ames test. tion and has limited compatibility with potassium salts (188).
Current Use
Flavanones, in the presence of alkali, undergo a ring- Potency: Pw2 = 26, Pw5 = 32, Pw~o = 18 where Pw2 is
opening reaction that produces chalcones. Catalytic reduction the potency in water at a sweetness equivalent to 2070 sucrose,
of chalcones yields dihydrochalcones (109). P,,5 equivalent to 507o sucrose and Pwm equivalent to 10% su-
Regulatory status: crose (65).
Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone has not been approved by Typical concentration (range):
the FDA for use in the US because additional toxicological
tests are needed. Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone is approved
Sodium Cyclamate
for use in chewing gum and some beverages in Belgium. Its
use throughout the European Community is currently pending
approval of the EC directive on sweeteners for use in food-
stuffs (109). ~ I0 ¸

The sweetening properties of dihydrochalcones were dis-
covered by Horowitz and Gentili over 30 years ago (109). Both 0 t t t
naringin and neohesperidin dihydrochalcone were synthesized 0 2500 5000 7500 I0000
from bitter citrus flavonones and found to have sweet tastes. Concentration {ppm|
Neohesperidin has been extracted from Seville oranges and
converted to neohesperidin dihydrochalcone (109).
Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent
Temporal properties:
Physical and Chemical
A bitter taste becomes noticeable as the concentration of
Chemical category: sulfamate cyclamate in the formulation approaches 0.507o (188). Sweet-
sodium cyclohexylsulfamate (188) ness of cyclamate builds more slowly to a maximal level and

persists longer than does that of sucrose (24). The taste of chewable tablets (24). Cyclamates have a low solid content at
cyclamate is very compatible with fruit flavors (24). The off- a desirable sweetness level which makes a suspension more
tastes begin at a slightly lower concentration for calcium cycla- fluid and reduces caking. Cyclamate disintegrates rapidly in
mate than for sodium cyclamate (24). tablet form (24).
The actual relative sweetness varies with pH and product
Limits of Use type. A mixture of cyclamate: saccharin in a ratio of 10:1
was popular during the 1960s. Mixtures of cyclamate and sac-
Dose restrictions:
charin are synergistic and produce sweetness levels that are
The Expert Committee of Food Additives of F A O / W H O
10-20°70 higher than would be expected based on the levels of
established an ADI of 11 mg/kg body weight in 1985 (7).
the individual components (24). Patents have recently been
The following table shows the results of laboratory tests to
filed that indicate cyclamate has potential in combination with
determine the LDs0 of sodium cyclamate when dosed by differ-
other sweeteners, including aspartame and acesulfame-K (24).
ent routes to different animals.
Availability (manufacturers):
Abbott Laboratories
animal route LDs0 (25) Numerous manufacturers in Korea
mouse oral 10-17 g/kg Regulatory status:
mouse intraperitoneal 7.1-12 g/kg Sodium cyclamate is available as a table-top sweetener or
mouse intravenous 4-4.8 g/kg for use in foods and beverages in over 40 countries, including
rat oral 12-17.5 g/kg Canada (24,25). It has been approved by the EEC Scientific
rat intraperitoneal 6 g/kg Committee for Food and by the Joint Expert Committee on
Food Additives of F A O / W H O . It has been allocated a tempo-
rat intravenous 3.5 g/kg
rary ADI of 11 mg/kg body weight. It is presently permitted
hamster oral 10-12 gm/kg
for use in Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Spain, and
Germany. It may not be used in any drugs, other than those
Cyclohexylamine, a metabolic product of cyclamates, has
with approved new drug applications, or in any foods (includ-
an oral LDs0 of 156-614 mg/kg in rats; this metabolite is hence
ing beverages) that are intended for use in the United States
more toxic than cyclamates and this toxicity limits the use of
the sweetener (24).
The EEC has developed a directive which specifies the ac-
ceptable maximum level of sweeteners that may be used as
food additives in ready-for-use commercial products to give Sodium cyclamate was synthesized in 1937 by Sveda who
specific foods a sweet taste. For cyclamic acid and its sodium accidentally discovered that it has a sweet taste (8,25). Cycla-
and calcium salts, designated E 952 in this directive, the food mates were first introduced in tablet form as a table-top sweet-
categories and levels are nonalcoholic drinks 400 mg/l, des- ener for use by diabetics by Abbott Laboratories in the United
serts 250 mg/kg, breakfast cereals 250 mg/kg, edible ices 400 States in 1951 (24,25,45). After enactment of the Food Addi-
mg/kg, fruit 1000 mg/kg, fruit preparations 250 mg/kg, con- tive Amendment in 1958, sodium and calcium cyclamate were
fectionery items 1000 mg/kg, sugar-free chewing gum 3000 classified as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) by the US
mg/kg, bakery products 1700 mg/kg, alcoholic drinks 350 FDA. Mixtures of cyclamate and saccharin (10: 1) subse-
mg/1, and special diet formulas/supplements 400 and 1000 quently became popular in the US during the 1960s (25). In
mg/kg (24). The EEC has designated a temporary ADI of 11 the UK, cyclamate was allowed in soft drinks under the 1964
for cyclamate. Soft Drink Regulations (242).
Physiological and toxicological effects: In 1966, it was reported that cyclamates could be metabo-
Photosensitive dermatitis has been reported. Softening of lized by intestinal bacteria to cyclohexylamine (129). In 1968,
the stools and diarrhea are common side effects of cyclamate an interim report from the National Academy of Sciences
ingestion; this laxative action is due to a change in the osmotic concluded from new animal studies that unrestricted use of
activity of the unabsorbed fraction of cyclamate salts in the cyclamate was not warranted (86). Approval for its use was
gastrointestinal tract (24,25). Cyclohexylamine in the diet is withdrawn in the US when it was removed from the GRAS
known to produce testicular atrophy, reduced body weight list in 1969 (215). In 1970, a long-term study in rats was pub-
gain, and hyperactivity in rats (24,45). It may also raise blood fished that reported an increased incidence of bladder tumors
pressure in susceptible individuals (24). A report issued by compared to controls in animals fed mixtures of sodium cycla-
a National Academy of Sciences National Research Council mate and sodium saccharin (10 : 1) and cyclohexylamine (179).
Committee in 1985 concluded that cyclamate by itself is not This finding led to the ban of cyclamates as a food additive in
carcinogenic; however, cyclamate may be a co-carcinogen be- many countries, including the US. In 1982, Abbott Labora-
cause cyclamate-saccharin mixtures increase the risk of blad- tories repetitioned for approval for its use (215).
der cancer (24,86,167). Also see the section on calcium cycla-

Current Use Physical and Chemical

Source(s): Chemical category: N-sulfonyl amide
Sodium cyclamate is synthetic. 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one- 1,1-dioxide, Na salt (31);
Commercial products and concentration(s): 2,3-dihydro-3-oxobenzisosulfonazole, Na salt (31);
Sucaryl Sodium, Sucrosa, Assugrin dihydrate of sodium salt of 1,2 benzisothiazolin-3-one-l, 1-
Frequency/advantages: dioxide (188)
Sodium cyclamate can be used to mask the bitterness and Molecular formula: C~H4NNaO3S; C~H4NNaO3S •2H20
unpalatable tastes of drugs, especially liquid formulations and Molecular weight: 241.2 (188)

Molecular structure: Limits of Use

Dose restrictions:
O In the US the FDA has recommended that dally intake
should not exceed 1 g (188). The 28th Report of the Joint
F A O / W H O Expert Committee on Food Additives gave an
e eNa estimated temporary acceptable ADI for saccharin, including
its calcium, potassium and sodium salts, of up to 2.5 mg/kg
body weight. In 1969, the ADI had been 15 mg/kg.
2 The EEC has proposed a directive which specifies the ac-
ceptable maximum level of sweeteners that may be used as
food additives to give specific foods a sweet taste. For saccha-
Solubility: rin and its No, K, and Ca salts, label designation E 954, these
1 g / l . 2 ml water (31) foods and levels are nonalcoholic drinks 80 mg/1, desserts 100
1 g/50 ml alcohol (31) mg/kg, breakfast cereals 100mg/kg, edible ices 100 mg/kg,
Stability (pH, heat): fruit 100-200 mg/kg, confectionery items 200-1200 mg/kg,
Solutions of sodium saccharin are stable to pasteurization bakery products 170 mg/kg, fish 160 mg/kg, vegetables 160
but will undergo temperature-dependent, slow hydrolysis at mg/kg, alcoholic drinks 80 mg/l, sauces 100-320 mg/kg, and
low pH (242). The hydrolysis products are 2-sulfobenzoic acid special diet items 80-500mg/kg (46).
and 2-sul famoylbenzoic acid (161 ). Physiological and toxicological effects:
Degradation route, in vivo: Sodium saccharin has low acute toxicity: LDs0 (oral rat)
Saccharin is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal = 14,200 mg/kg. High dose rat studies in a sensitive strain
tract with almost all being excreted unchanged in the urine have suggested adverse effects including bladder cancer. How-
within 24-48 h (188). Because it is not metabolized, it provides ever, a review panel which studied the safety issues related to
no calories. saccharin in 1983 concluded that the biochemical and physio-
Known incompatabilities: logical changes, including bladder tumors, which occur in rat
Saccharin is compatible with other soft-drink components at high doses do not occur in humans under normal patterns
(242). of use. A large bioassay conducted by the International Re-
search Development Corporation (IRDC) in Mattawan, MI
Sweetness found that in rat, the lowest statistically significant incidence
Potency: Pw2 = 510, Pw5 = 444, PwTs = 247 where Pw2, of bladder tumors was at 3070 of the rats diet (equivalent to
Pws, and Pw75 are the potencies in water at a sweetness equiva- 750 cans of soft drink per day over a lifetime). The tumors in
lent to 2070 sucrose, 5% sucrose, and 7.5070 sucrose, respec- rat appear to be species- and organ-specific (161). Epidemio-
ttvely (65). logic studies in diabetics support these findings. No increased
Typical concentration (range): risk of cancer (including bladder cancers) has been found in
diabetics who consumed saccharin for extended periods (161).
Sodium Saccharin Saccharin is noncariogenic (242).
Current Use

~ 10'

Source(s): synthetic
Toluene is treated with chlorosulfonic acid which yields
the ortho- and para-toluenesulfonyl chlorides. Upon further
treatment with ammonia, the corresponding toluenesulfon-

..t! t amides are formed. The ortho form is separated from the para
form and is oxidized to ortho-sulfamoylbenzoic acid which
cyclizes to saccharin when heated (161).
0 250 500 750 1000 Commercial products and concentration(s):
Concentration (ppm) Saccharin Sodium Tablets (U.S.P.)
Saccharin Sodium Oral Solution (U.S.P.)
Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent Saccharin Solution (B.P.C. 1954)
(65). Saccharin Tablets (B.P.C. 1973)
Temporal properties: According to the EC guidelines of 1991, saccharin is per-
A bitter, metallic, and astringent aftertaste is detectable by mitted for use in nonalcoholic beverages, desserts, breakfast
about 25070 of the population in products with a saccharin cereals, ice cream, fruits, confectioneries, bakery products,
concentration over 0.01070. This aftertaste increases at higher and alcoholic beverages. Approved maximum limits are 50
concentrations. This characteristic taste is inherent in the sac- ppm in nonalcoholic beverages comparable to a sweetness pro-
charin molecule and not attributable to impurities. Various vided by 2°70 sucrose and 100 ppm in desserts to compare to
additives have been used in an attempt to mask this aftertaste, sweetness provided by 307o sucrose (173).
including sucrose, lactose, and tartrates. Saccharin has been Frequency/advantages:
combined most successfully with other high-potency sweeten- Sodium saccharin is most commonly used in soft drinks,
ers and with sugar substitutes. Examples are saccharin with dessert mixes, yogurt, and as a table-top sweetener.
cyclamate 1 : 10, saccharin with fructose 0.75 : 100, and sac- Availability (manufacturers):
charin with aspartame 1 : 1 (7,242). The temporal profile of Various brand names and manufacturers in France
saccharin is similar to sucrose. The AT (appearance time) is 4 Cumberland Packing Corp. (US)
s and the ET (extinction time) is 14 s (126). PCM Spec (Ohio)

Regulatory status: see History. tures with a melting point of 96-97°C (67). It is stable to
sterilization by autoclaving (188). Sorbitol is more heat stable
History than the corresponding mono- and disaccharides and is more
Saccharin was accidentally synthesized by the American resistant to microbial degradation than the sugars (67). It does
chemist Constantine Fahlberg, and its potential as a sweeten- not caramelize due to the absence of free carbonyl groups
ing agent was rapidly utilized commercially (see Ref. 160 for (67).
a review of history). Degradation route, in vivo:
Saccharin, as well as the sodium and calcium salts of sac- Sorbitol is slowly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
charin, were first listed as GRAS in 1959; ammonium saccha- by passive diffusion. Part is oxidized, mainly in the liver, to
rin was added in 1961. In 1972, the F D A removed saccharin fructose, catalyzed by sorbitol dehydrogenase (67,188,245).
and its salts from the GRAS list based on questions of safety The fructose is then converted to fructose-l-phosphate, cata-
raised by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) lyzed by fructokinase in a step that is not dependent on or
study (228). However, continued food use was regulated under regulated by insulin. The fructose-l-phosphate is metabolized
an interim food additive regulation (see Ref. 86 for review.) in the liver to dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceralde-
In 1977, the F D A proposed revocation of the interim food hyde. The dihydroxyacetone phosphate is metabolized either
additive regulation and recommended a ban on saccharin use to pyruvate or to glucose and glycogen, depending on the
except as a nonprescription, single-ingredient drug, because metabolic state of the person (67). Some sorbitol can undergo
there was evidence that is was a weak carcinogen producing direct conversion to glucose in the presence of the enzyme
bladder tumors in rats (6). The proposed ban was based on the aldose reductase (67,245). The portion that reaches the distal
Delaney Anticancer Clause which specifies that a carcinogenic intestine is partially or completely fermented by the intestinal
food additive cannot be found as safe under the 1958 Food flora to short-chain volatile fatty acids which are then ab-
Additives Amendment to the 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and sorbed from the gut and metabolized (245). The presence of
Cosmetic Act passed by Congress (see Ref. 25 for review). sorbitol in the small intestine can result in osmotic diarrhea,
Congress intervened and passed the Saccharin Study and La- especially in large amounts.
beling Act (SSLA) (231), which prohibited the FDA from ban-
ning saccharin for use in food, drugs, or cosmetics for 18 too. Sweetness
SSLA directed further study of toxicity and carcinogenicity of Potency: P.5 = 0.82, P.1o = 0.53, where P.5, and P.1o are
saccharin by the Secretary of the Department of Health and the potencies in water at a sweetness equivalent to 3% sucrose,
Human Services (DHHS). In addition, it was stipulated that the 5070 sucrose, and 10°7o sucrose, respectively.
following warning statement must appear on the label of food Typical concentration (range):
products: "USE OF THIS PRODUCT MAY BE HAZARD- Sorbitol is used as a vehicle for oral and topical liquids at
OUS TO YOUR HEALTH. THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS 25-90070 and as a diluent for injectables below 10-25°70 (188).
SACCHARIN W H I C H HAS BEEN DETERMINED TO In a recent survey of excipients in 91 pharmaceutic antibi-
CAUSE CANCER IN LABORATORY A N I M A L S . " The otic preparations, sorbitol was found to be used in 7.7070. It
SSLA has been extended four times since it was passed in was present as the single sweetener or in combination with
1977. sucrose a n d / o r saccharin in the liquid formulations of five
antibiotics. Information on quantities of sweeteners is not
readily available, but a search by Hill et al. (104) indicated use
Physical and Chemical of sorbitol in the following ratio: sucrose : sorbitol : saccharin
Chemical category: carbohydrate 500 : 70 : 1 in sulfamethoxazole 200 mg-trimethoprim 40 mg/
Molecular formula: C6HI406 (188) 5ml combination suspension (104). Sorbitol was also a sweet-
Molecular weight: 182.2 (188) ener in liquid respiratory preparations, iron supplementation
Molecular structure: liquids, and an H2-receptor antagonist liquid, either alone
or in combination with sucrose, saccharin, or invert sugar.
Quantity levels revealed diverse ratios: sorbitol:saccharin
400 : 1, 133 : 1,867 : 1, and 140 : 1; with sucrose : sorbitol the
ratios were 3.2 : 1, 1.2 : 1, and 8.6 : 1 with various drug entities
- -OH (104).
- -OH 18,

m-OH 16 ~

Solubility: Sorbitol is very soluble in water:

235 g/100 g water at 25°C (67) 6
220 g/100 g water at 20°C (19)
It is more soluble than sucrose in water (1 I).
It is slightly soluble in acetic acid, alcohol and methylalco-
hol (188).
1o 20 3o ,'o
Stability (pH, heat):
Sorbitol is very hygroscopic. It is stable at high tempera- Concentration (%)

Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent. Sorbitol Solution 70% (B.P.)
Limits of Use Sorbitol is used extensively in food, primarily baked goods,
frozen dairy products, soft candy and chewing gum as a bulk
sweetening agent and for its humectant properties as a sof-
Dose restrictions: tener and texturizer. It is used in combination with saccharin
Sorbitol has a designation of GRAS, generally regarded as to decrease the bitter taste of the latter. Sorbitol is a sugar
safe, by the US FDA. If consumption of a sorbitol-containing substitute in food items for diabetics (188).
food is likely to result in daily ingestion of more than 50 g, Sorbitol is used as an excipient in pharmaceutical prepara-
the label must contain the statement "Excess consumption tions for its unreactive nature (e.g., with amino acids), nonfer-
may have a laxative effect" (60). mentability, lower cariogenicity and viscosity (19).
Sorbitol may be used in food at levels not to exceed Good There is interest in the use of sorbitol as a sweetener in
Manufacturing Practices, which currently have the following dentifrice products because it is much less cariogenic than
maximum levels: 99o7o for hard candy and cough drops, 75o70 sucrose due to its slow fermentation by oral microorganisms.
for chewing gum, 980-/0 for soft candy, 300-/0 for jams and This results in lower acidity of the plaque melieu that dissolves
jellies (nonstandardized), 170-/0 for baked goods and baking dental enamel calcium and phosphate, which eventually re-
mixes, and 120-/0for other foods (67). sults in cavities (19,60,245). There also may be decreased ad-
The EEC has proposed a directive that specifies the accept- hesiveness of the microbial cells due to decreased formation
able maximum level of sweeteners that may be used as food of insoluble glucans that contribute to the matrix of microor-
additives to give specific foods a sweet taste. Sorbitol, desig- ganisms (60).
nated E 420, may be used in all foodstuffs, excluding water- Availability (manufacturers):
based flavoured nonalcoholic drinks, at a maximum level of Numerous international sources under proprietary names
quantum satis (46). It has become increasingly accepted that Regulatory status:
sugar alcohols have a lower caloric value than sucrose and Sorbitol has a designation of GRAS by the US FDA.
glucose due to their incomplete absorption and metabolism. The Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives designated
A caloric value of 2.4 kcal/g was allocated for all sugar alco- an ADI of "not specified" in 1982 (10).
hols in a recent Directive of the Council of the European Sorbitol is permitted in various countries with some legisla-
Community (10). tive or regulatory limitations. It is listed as a permitted sweet-
Physiological and toxicological effects: ener in Japan, South Africa, Sweden, and the United States.
Studies show that sorbitol can increase the absorption of It is not listed as a sweetener but is permitted, except when
minerals from the intestinal tract, specifically calcium and standard prohibits use, in UK and Federal Republic of Ger-
iron. Mechanisms of action and clinical significance of such many. It is listed as a sweetener but permitted only in certain
effects require further study (60). foodstuffs in Belgium, Denmark, Australia, Finland, Greece,
Sorbitol has been tested in multigenerational studies in Norway, Spain, and Switzerland. It is listed as a food additive
rats, mice, hamsters, and rabbits and no teratogenic or micro- only in France, Italy, Netherlands, Brazil, and Canada, and is
scopic abnormalities were found (245). not described in Austria (67).
There is disagreement on the advisability of dietary substi-
tution of sorbitol for sucrose and other quickly absorbed car-
bohydrates in the diabetic patient. Opponents argue that sor- History
bitol is capable of being converted to glucose and eventually
requires insulin for its metabolism. Also, the accumulation of Sorbitol was first isolated in 1872 from the berries of the
sorbitol intracellularly causes local edema and contributes to mountain ash tree by French chemist Joseph Brussingault.
the development of diabetic complications, such as cataracts Sorbitol is widely distributed in nature (67). Originally listed
and polyneuritis. The proponents' research indicates that, al- as GRAS in 1959, sorbitol was used at a maximum level of
though glucose is produced in sorbitol metabolism, there is 7°-/0 in foods for special dietary use. In 1961 its category of
such a delay that hyperglycemia is insignificant compared to use was changed to nutrient and /or dietary supplement. It
the metabolism of other carbohydrates (67). was also regulated as a food additive for use as a stabilizer
and nutrient sweetener with a maximum of 15 g/serving or 40
Current Use g/day; labeling was required to warn of laxative effects at
higher intake (86). After comprehensive safety review by the
Source(s): natural Select Committee on GRAS Substances in 1974, the FDA af-
Sorbitol is found in significant amounts in many fruits firmed sorbitol as GRAS for a large number of technical ef-
such as cherries and other stone fruits, (67,79) but it is not fects and specified maximum levels in various foods (86).
economically feasible to extract sorbitol commercially.
Sorbitol is prepared commercially by hydrogenation of glu-
cose at high hydrogen pressure (70-140 atm) at 120-160°C STEVIOSIDE
with Raney nickel as a catalyst (67). When sucrose is the raw
material, sorbitol (75°/o) and mannitol (250"/0) are produced
simultaneously by the hydrogenation of the invert sugar (67). Physical and Chem:cal
Commercial products and concentration(s):
Sorbitol Solution (U.S.P.) an aqueous solution containing Chemical category: diterpene glycoside
not less than 64070 w/w of sorbitol (188) 13 - [(2 - O-/3 - D glucopyranosyl- c~- D- glucopyranosyl)oxy]

Sorbitol intravenous infusion (B.P.) Sorbitol injection. A kaur- 16-en- 18-oic acid/3-D-glucopyranosyl ester (31)
sterile solution of sorbitol for parenteral use in water for injec- Molecular formula: C38 H~o O~8
tion. Molecular weight: 804.9

Molecular structure: similar to sucrose (4 s); however, the extinction time (ET) is
22 s which is far greater than the ET for sucrose which is 14 s
(126). Stevioside also exhibits some bitterness (128). Stevioside
is synergistic with glycyrrhizin, aspartame, calcium cyclamate,
and acesulfame-K (128),

Limits o f Use
Physiological and toxicological effects:
There has been a long history of exposure to Stevia rebau-
diana in Paraguay. However, a related compound, steviol, the

~ =CM~I
aglycone obtained on enzymatic hydrolysis of stevioside, has
raised safety concerns even though no data exists that steviol
is produced in vivo in humans. Steviol is an inhibitor of oxida-
tive phosphorylation and is mutagenic following activation
O~ ~,0 with liver microsomes (126). Steviol has been shown to be a
by-product of stevioside in metabolic studies in the rat (128).
Rodents dosed with Stevia rebaudiana extracts also exhibit
reduced spermatogenesis, medullary cell proliferation in the
adrenal glands, inflammatory lesions in the trachea and lungs,
and pigmentation and increased hematogenesis of the spleen
(128). It may also have hypotensive effects.
Current Use
Sparingly soluble in water, 9300 ppm in water (72). Slightly
soluble in alcohol (31). Source(s): natural, extracted from the leaves of yerba
Stability (pH, heat): dulce, Stevia rebaudiana
Stevioside is stable at 100°C when maintained in solution
at pH ranging from 3 to 9. It decomposes at pH values of 10 SUCRALOSE
and greater (128).
Degradation route, in vivo: Physical and Chemical
In rat, most of an orally administered dose of stevioside is Chemical category: carbohydrate
degraded by intestinal flora to steviol, steviobioside and glu- 1,6-dichloro-1,6-dideoxy-/3-D-fructo fur anosyl-4-chloro-4-de-
cose which are then absorbed in the cecum. Glucose is then oxy-(x-D-galactopyranoside(3 I)
metabolized and excreted as CO2 and water. Steviol is conju- l',4,6'-trichlorogalactosucrose (3 I)
gated in the liver and excreted in the bile. Stevioside is also Molecular formula: CI2I-IIgCI3Os(31)
excreted unchanged in the feces (128). Metabolism in humans Molecular weight: 397.64 (31)
Molecular structure:
has not been investigated to date (128).

Sweetness CH = OH
CH zCl O H
Potency: Pw2 = 193, P,5 = 120, P,75 = 59, where Pw2,
Pws, and P,75 are the potencies in water at a sweetness equiva-
lent to 2070 sucrose, 5°70 sucrose, and 7.5°70 sucrose, respec- I I O I ]
tively (65). H OH OH H
Typical concentration (range):
The solubility of sucralose in water ranges from 28.3 g/100
Stevioslde rnl at 20°C to 66 g/100 ml at 60°C. Its solubility in ethanol
ranges from 9.5 g/100 ml at 2°C to 18.9 g/100 ml at 60°C (159).

~ 10"

Stability (pH, heat):
Sucralose is stable in aqueous solutions with no measurable
loss after one year of storage at pH 4.0, 6.0, and 7.5. At pH
3.0, there is less than 4°70 loss of sucralose after one year of
storage. Sucrnlose is not susceptible to enzymatic hydrolysis
(215). Sucralose is more stable to heat and acid than sugar, and
0 does not break down under high heat conditions used for baked
0 500 I000 xs'oo goods (107).
Concentration Ippm) Degradalion route, in vivo:
Sucralose does not hydrolyze or dechlorinate following inges-
tion in human, rat, mouse, dog, or rabbit (159). It does not
Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent provide any calories (18).
(65). Known ineompatabilities:
Temporal properties: Sucralose has a good compatibility prof'de (242). The reactiv-
The AT (appearance time) for stevioside is 6 s which is ity of sucralose as a 1.0070 solution was evaluated with 0.1070

concentrations of niacinamide, monosodium glutamate, hydro- position on the fructose moiety) (159). This is achieved as fol-
gen peroxide, sodium metabisulfite, acetaldehyde, ethyl acet- lows: First, the primary alcohols of sucrose are blocked with
oacetate, or ferric chloride. The resulting data demonstrate that trityl chloride and the remaining alcohol groups are protected
sucralose is relatively inactive chemically. Interactions between with acetate. Next, the trityl protecting groups are removed and
sucralose and any other food components are unlikely (159). an acetate group is caused to migrate from the 4-position to the
6-position. Then the exposed alcohol groups are chlorinated.
Sweetness Finally, synthesis of sucralose is achieved by removal of the
acetate groups (158).
Potency: Pw2 = 614, P,5 = 636, P , t0 = 385 where Pw2, Pws, Commercial products and concentration(s):
and Pwt0 are the potencies in water at a sweetness equivalent to The Food Additive Petition submitted to the US FDA by
2070 sucrose, 50/0 sucrose, and 10°70 sucrose, respectively (65). McNeil Specialty Products Co. in 1987 was for the following
Typical concentration (range) application categories: baked goods and baking mixes, beverages
Typical use levels range from 50 to 2000 ppm. and beverage bases, chewing gum, coffee and tea, confections
and frostings, dairy products analogs, fats and oils (salad dress-
Sucralose ings), frozen dairy desserts and mixes, fruits and water ices,
157 gelatins and puddings, jams and jellies, milk products, processed
fruits and fruit juices, sugar substitutes, and sweet sauces, top-
g pings, and syrups (155).
I0 Frequency/advantages:
Sucralose is not currently approved in the US. It is approved
in Canada and is used as a table-top sweetener.
5 Availability (manufacturers):
Redpath Specialty Products, Toronto, Canada
0 ---- -'" =1
- .
McNeil Specialty Products, Inc. a subsidiary of Johnson &
0 250 500 750 1000 Johnson, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA Vending approval
Coneealtrat/on (ppm) in the US and currently marketed as Splenda 'M in Canada)
Tate and Lyle PLC, London, UK (pending approval)
Regulatory status:
Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent Sucralose is currently not approved by the FDA, but the Food
(65). Additive Petition was filed in 1987. The F A O / W H O JECFA
Temporal properties: granted an ADI of 15 mg/kg/day in June 1990 (88). Sucralose
Sucralose has a good quality sweetness with no unpleasant was approved by the Health Protection Branch in Canada with
aftertaste (8,242). The sweetness time/intensity profile indicates permission for use in 13 categories as of September 1991. The EEC
that sucralose has a slower rate of sweetness decay than sucrose lists sucralose as not toxicologicallyacceptable (159).
(159). The temporal properties of sweetness, onset, and lingering
are similar to those of aspartame (158). History
During the 1970s, a program to develop new chemical enti-
Limits of Use
ties from sugar was established at T a t e & Lyle. During this
Dose restrictions: not yet determined program, it was found that selective halogenation of sucrose
Taste saturation: The sweetness of sucralose does not increase greatly enhanced sweetness potency (110). Of the halogenated
beyond 16070 sucrose (65). sugars, sucralose (1,6 - dichioro - 1 , 6 - dideoxy-/3- D - fructofur-
Physiological and toxicological effects: anosyl-4-chloro-4-deoxy-t~-D-galactopyranoside)was ultimately
Sucralose is not acutely toxic, with an LDso > 16 g/kg in selected for development and commercialization.
mice and > 10 g/kg in the rat. It has no known mutagenic,
teratogenic, carcinogenic, or neurotoxic activity and has no SUCROSE
known effect on reproductive performance. No adverse effects
applicable to man were observed in long-term sucralose studies Physical and Chemical
in the mouse, the rat, and the dog at dose levels which are 700 Chemical category: carbohydrate
(rat) and 400 (dog) times, respectively, the projected maximal Molecular formula: C,2H2201~
mean dally human consumption of sucralose. However, under Molecular weight: 342.3 (31)
slow breakdown which can occur especially at low pH (4070 per Molecular structure:
year), two monosaccharides are produced. One (l,6-dichloro-
1,6-dideoxyfructose) is mutagenic in in vitro assays and cova-
lently attaches to tissue macromolecules including DNA. The
c oH
projected maximal mean daily human intake of sucralose is 100
mg or 2.3 mg/kg at the 90th percentile of projected intake level
(92). Sucralose is also noncariogeuic (159).
The WHO JECFA recommended a temporary ADI level of
0-15 mg/kg/day in June 1990 (88). 2OH
Current Use I-I OH OHi-I
Source(s): Solubility:
Sucralose is synthesized from sucrose by replacement of three 1 g/0.5 ml water at 25°C (31,188)
hydroxyl groups with chlorine atoms at the 4-,1 '- and 6 ' - posi- Can be prepared as unsaturated, saturated and supersatu-
tions (the 4-position on the galactose moiety and the 1- and 6- rated solutions

Stability (pH, heat): Current Use

Sucrose has good stability at room temperature and moder-
ate relative humidity. It absorbs up to 1070 moisture which Source(s): natural
makes its subject to microbial attack. Sucrose has a melting For commercial quantities, sucrose is extracted from sugar
point of 186°C. Dry sugar melts when heated above 160°C, cane and sugar beets. It is used as a sweetening agent and
resulting in caramelization. demulcent, lozenge base, tablet coating, and for syrup solu-
Degradation route, in vivo: tions.
Sucrose is hydrolyzed in the small intestine by sucrase to Commercial products and concentration(s):
glucose and fructose, which are then absorbed; sucrose is ex- Syrup (U.S.N.F.) sucrose 85070 w/v in water
creted unchanged in the urine when given intravenously (188).
Known incompatabilities: THAUMATIN
Potential contaminant trace heavy metals are incompatibile
with ascorbic acid; contamination with sulfite can cause color Physical and Chemical
changes in coated tablets when the sucrose is used as an excip-
ient. Chemical category: several distinct proteins
Molecular formula: protein
Sweetness Molecular weight: T~ = 22,209 (99), T2 = 22,293
Molecular structure: protein
Typical concentration (range): Thaumatin is extremely soluble in water. It has good solu-
Cola-type beverages are sweetened to approximately 10070 bility in aqueous alcohols, propylene glycol and in higher alco-
sucrose (242). The response curve is linear by definition within hols such as sorbitol (99).
the concentration limit of 15070(65). Stability (pH, heat):
The Talin protein (thaumatin) molecule is most stable to
Sucrose heat between pH 2.7 and 6.0, with an optimum around 2.8-
15' 3.0. At higher pH values, Talin protein becomes less stable to
heat but at ambient temperatures is stable at pH up to 8-9.
It can be pasteurized or sterilized at ultrahigh temperatures.
Because Talin protein stability is enhanced at lower pH levels,
it can be heated at 100 ° for several hours without sweetness
I0' ~o loss, thus making it suitable for typical soft drinks, which
ig have pH2.8 -3.5 (99).
Known incompatabilities: The thaumatin molecule has an
overall positive ionic charge that allows it to form salts or polymers
with suitably shaped, negatively charged ingredients such as food
5' gums and synthetic colors. This interaction can result in molecular
aggregation, dimerization, polymerization, reduction in sweet
taste or actual precipitation. The thaumatin molecule can ionically
bond to synthetic colors having sulfonate groups; the interaction
0 is strongly dependent on concentration, pH, and temperature (99).
0 5 I0 15 Research efforts to make thaumatin more compatible have re-
sulted in co-drying thaumatin with 6-20 parts of gum arabic or
Concentration (%)
other weakly acidic polymer. The resulting bulkier product also
has the added advantage of being denser and more easily handled
and mixed (99).
Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent
(65). Sweetness
Temporal properties:
Sucrose is used as the comparison standard for expert taste Potency: Pw2 = 22,500, Pw5 = 14,200, Pw75 = 278 where
panels. Sucrose is described as having a pure, clean sweetness Pw2 is the potency in water at a sweetness equivalent to 2070
with few perceived secondary attributes, such as bitterness and sucrose, Pw5 equivalent to 5070 sucrose and Pw75 equivalent to
astringency. Its sweetness time-intensity profile indicates a 7.5070 sucrose (65).
quick perception of sweetness and a sharp cut-off, (230) with Typical concentration (range):
an appearance time (AT) of 4 s and an extinction time (ET) of
14 s (126).
Limits of Use

Dose restrictions:
Sucrose must be administered with care to diabetics. The
~ I0" X


primary health concerns with the ingestion of sucrose are ex-

cessive calories and tooth decay. Sucrose is also contraindi-
cated in patients with fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose
malabsorption syndrome, or sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.
Physiological and toxicological effects:
n** I.
4O 6O
LDs0 is 35 + 7 g/kg males and 29.7 g/kg in females Concentration {ppm)

Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent seeds inside the fruit was known by natives for many centu-
(65). ries; it was used before sugar cane was introduced into West
Temporal properties: Africa (99).
Talin's flavor profile indicates a delay in perceiving the
sweetness, a slow buildup to maximum intensity, and a long,
lingering sweet aftertaste without any unpleasant aftertaste
Physical and Chemical
Chemical category: carbohydrate
Limits of Use
Molecular formula: C5I-II205
Dose restrictions: Thaumatin was assigned an ADI of "not Molecular weight: 152.15 (31)
specified" in the 29th Report of the Joint F A O / W H O Expert
Molecular structure:
Committee on Food Additives in 1986.
Current Use

Source(s): ----Oil
Thaumatin is a natural product from the fruit of Thauma-
tococcus daniellii, a plant that grows abundantly in the rain
forest belt of West Africa, primarily in Ghana, Ivory Coast, HO---
Togo, and Sierra Leone. After the fruit is collected, the arils
are removed, frozen and transported to the UK for processing.
- -- OH
The details of the extraction and purification process are pro-
prietary, but basically, a solely aqueous extraction process
using filtration and ultrafiltration are used (99).
The Unilever Research Laboratorium of The Netherlands CH2OH
has undertaken to produce Talin protein or its constituent
proteins through genetic engineering. They have two patents Solubility:
for the recombinant DNA production of thaumatin and pre- 169 g/100 g water (11)
prothaumatin. This technology is not yet applicable to pro- 1.2 g/100 g ethanol solution (31)
duction quantities (99). Less soluble than sucrose (11).
Commercial products and concentration(s): Used in chew- Stability (pH, heat):
ing gum in the US and Europe. Stable at 120 ° and under normal food processing condi-
Availability (manufacturers): Trade name: Talin tions with no caramelization, caramelization occurs if heated
Regulatory status: for several minutes near boiling point of 216°C (760 mmHg)
Talin has been permitted as a natural protein in Japan since (11).
1979, with recommended codes of practice and specification/ Degradation route, in vivo:
analysis published by the Japanese Food Additive Federation. Xylitol, like other polyols, is slowly absorbed from the
A petition for its use in medicines is under consideration. intestine because there is no specific transport system for facil-
In the UK, the Talin protein has been listed as a safe excipi- itated transport. After ingestion, approximately one-third of
ent in medicines when accompanied by the appropriate prod- the ingested portion of xylitol is absorbed and enters the liver,
uct license as determined by the UK Committee on the Safety where it is metabolized via the glucuronate-pentose phosphate
of Medicines in 1981. In 1982 the Food Additive and Contami- cycle. The remainder of xylitol reaches the distal gut where it
nants Committee agreed to regulate Talin protein as a sweet- undergoes indirect metabolism via extensive fermentation by
ener. The Sweeteners in Food Regulations took effect in 1983 intestinal flora, yielding gas (H2, CH4, and COz) plus short-
permitting the use of Talin protein in foods, drinks, and di- chain volatile fatty acids which are subsequently absorbed
etary products with the sole exception of baby foods (99). In from the gut. In the liver, xylitol is converted to D-xylulose
the United States the Flavor Extract Manufacturers Associa- and then to fructose-6-phosphate without requiring insulin;
tion (FEMA) has designated Talin protein as GRAS (generally insulin is necessary for utilization and storage of the glucose
regarded as safe) as a flavor adjunct in chewing gum (99). formed from further metabolism (11,188).
The F A O / W H O JECFA set specifications in 1983; in 1985 Known incompatabilities:
they agreed it was safe for food use and designated at ADI of Xylitol cannot be used in products requiring yeast as a
"not specified" in its 29th Report. Petitions are pending in leavening agent because it inhibits growth and fermentative
various other countries for use of Talin protein as a flavor properties of yeast (1 I).
enhancer and sweetener.
Potency: Pw5 = 0.97, PwJo = 0.77, where Pws, and Pw~0are
The sweetness of the red, pyramid-shaped fruit of the trop- the potencies in water at a sweetness equivalent to 507o sucrose,
ical plant was first described in the literature by British physi- and 10°7o sucrose, respectively.
cian-amateur botanist W.F. Daniell in 1855. John Joseph Ben- Relative:
nett, F.R.S. first classified the plant as from the species Xylitol is considered to he isosweet with sucrose (11). All
Phrynium danielli but it was later classified as Thaumatococ- other sugar alcohols are less sweet than sucrose.
cus. No doubt the extreme sweetness of the fleshy top to the Typical concentration (range):

Xylitol has been used in an aspartame:xylitol mixture Current Use

2.4 : 97.6 to provide a taste more like that of sucrose and to
improve the stability of aspartame (7). Source(s):

Xylitol is produced synthetically by chemical conversion of

Xylitol xylan which has been extracted from birchwood, almond
shells, straw, corn cobs, or wastes from the pulp and paper
16, industries. Xylan is first hydrolyzed to xylose which is then
14, hydrogenated to xylitol in the presence of a nickel catalyst
Commercial products and concentration(s):
10, Xylitol is used as a sweetener in noncariogenic confection-
8 ely such as chewing gum, candies, chocolate and gum drops,
and in foods for diabetics. It is also used in pharmaceutical
preparations, including tablets, throat lozenges, multivitamin
4 tablets, cough syrup, and toothpaste (1 I).
2 Eutrit, Klinit, and Kylit all are products in Japan.
o 5 i"0 I~ 20 25 Xylitol is more chemically inert than sucrose and thus phar-
Concentration (%) maceutical preparations made with xylitol have good shelf life
because they neither ferment nor mold. Xylitol is a good car-
rier for tablets because of its low melting point (92-96°C).
Response indicates sucrose sweetness equivalent in percent. Solid dispersions of some drugs with xylitol showed a faster
Temporal properties: release than micronized drugs. Xylitol is also used in paren-
There is a cooling effect when crystalline xylitol is dissolved teral nutrition because it has little effect on insulin and thus
in the mouth because there is loss of heat when sugar alcohols does not suppress lipolysis (11).
are dissolved in water. This cooling effect is not perceived in Availability (manufacturers):
products in which xylitol is already dissolved (11). Xylitol has Xylitol Injection (Jap.P) a sterile solution of xylitol in Wa-
a lower viscosity than maltitol (11). ter for Injection
Xylotin Company
Limits of Use Regulatory status:
The JECFA assigned an ADI of "not specified" in its 27th
Dose restrictions: report in 1983. This is a favorable designation. The proposed
Doses larger than 50 g can cause osmotic diarrhea (249). directive from the EEC specifies acceptable maximum levels
Physiological and toxicological effects: of sweeteners that may be used as food additives to give spe-
There is the suggestion that sugar alcohols have a lower cific foods a sweet taste. For xylitol, label designation E 967,
caloric value than sucrose and glucose due to their incomplete the proposed level is quantum satis (46). In the United States,
absorption and metabolism. A caloric value of 2.4 kcal/g was it is approved as a food additive for special dietary or nutri-
allocated for all sugar alcohols in a recent Directive of the tional uses as long as the amount used does not exceed that
Council of the European Community (l 0). needed to produce the intended effect (60). It is approved
Xylitol is not fermented by most oral microorganisms and for pharmaceutical use in many countries, including Austria,
plaque pH is not reduced upon exposure to xylitol (11). Xylitol Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal,
is generally considered noncariogenic and may be anticario- Spain, Japan, and Switzerland. However, it is not approved
genic. Under certain conditions, it reduces the cariogenic po- for pharmaceutical use in the US or UK (11).
tential of sucrose (60). The possible anticariogenic effects are
produced by several processes, including inhibition of acid History
formation from glucose by Steptococcus mutans (I 1).
Xylitol taken orally does not increase blood glucose or insulin Xylitol is found naturally in small amounts in a variety
levels, probably because conversion of xylitol to glucose is very of fruits and vegetables. It is also formed naturally in the
slow (11). It may effect mineral absorption and utilization (60). body as an intermediate in glucose metabolism through the
Xylitol has been found to have low acute toxicity by all glucuronate cycle in the liver (11,31). It was first syn-
routes of administration. It is not embryotoxic, teratogenic, thesized and described by Emil Fischer and his associates in
mutagenic, or clastogenic (11). 1891 (11).

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