Thyssenkrupp Elevator Destination Selection Control DSC Fact Sheet 2017-08 PDF

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Destination Selection Control (DSC)

Fact Sheet DSC

Faster to your destination with the DSC Destination Selection Control

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke

Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2

Product benefits
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

Next Level Performance Next Comfort

ƒƒ Highly efficient passenger transportation ƒƒ User-friendly touchscreen for call input
ƒƒ Can be retrofitted for many thyssenkrupp and display at the entrance and in the
elevator control systems elevator car
ƒƒ Easy operability
Next Level Innovation
ƒƒ Collection of passengers with the same Next Level Design
destination ƒƒ Flexible design of the display content
ƒƒ Reduction in total travel duration due to ƒƒ Graphical representation of the assigned
fewer stops elevator
ƒƒ Unambiguous car assignment ƒƒ Installation options of the input screen
ƒƒ No other inputs in the elevator car are can be selected as desired
ƒƒ Short waiting periods
ƒƒ Short times to destination Basic concept
ƒƒ Up to 30% enhancement of handling The thyssenkrupp DSC Destination Selec-
capacity tion Control uses progressive destina-
ƒƒ Significant growth in productivity in office tion call management to provide elevator
buildings during peak time systems with the possibility for effective
ƒƒ Continuously growing range of special transportation.
functions This can increase the conveying capacity.
In turn, this results in a remarkable time
Next Level Safety saving, simultaneously enhancing the DSC deployment
ƒƒ Integration of additional information is economic efficiency of buildings. Example of a terminal

possible (e.g. building information)

ƒƒ Optionally, function codes can be pre- The recommended building type for the
switched and identification systems such Destination Selection Control system are
as card readers can be connected office buildings, hotels as well as public
ƒƒ Access codes for certain landings buildings. The most suitable are buildings
with a closed user group.

The Destination Selection Control is opti- We thus contribute to optimising building
mised for the building traffic situation in functions and reducing the operating and
order to increase the handling capacity energy costs.
with high traffic volume and/or to gener-
ate as few runs as possible with low traf-
fic volume.

2 Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2

Basic concept
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)


Input of the destination landing User friendliness Modern technology

In an overall comparison with a conven- User-friendly touchscreens or numerical The thyssenkrupp Destination Selection
tional elevator control system, selecting keypads are offered for call input. This Control (DSC) is based on the latest micro-
the destination at the Destination Selection enables simple operation and a high de- processor technology with decentralised
Control (DSC) involves not only entering gree of acceptance among elevator users. data-processing. By means of CAN bus
the desired direction of travel but also of technology, all components are securely
the exact destination landing of the Growth in productivity networked.
passenger. The deployment of the DSC control system
can achieve an increase in the handling Versatile deployment options
Assignment of the elevator car capacity of up to 30% compared to con- The thyssenkrupp Destination Selec-
The passenger enters their destination ventional group controllers. In particular, tion Control (DSC) with remote diagnosis
landing even before entering the elevator this means increased productivity in office capability can be deployed in conjunction
car on a control terminal. On the base of buildings. with practically all kinds of drive: from the
this information, the DSC can select the machine-room-less traction elevator all the
elevator in the group that is most suitable Possibilities for modernisation way to high-performance systems.
for each run in order to convey each pas- The DSC control system is also ideally suit-
senger to their destination as quickly as able - without complex modifications - for
possible. This avoids unnecessary jostling modernisation projects. A large number of
and uncertainties regarding the choice of Destination Selection Controls are already
elevator. in use both in Germany and abroad.

Conventional control system: Destination Selection Control (DSC): Method used by the Destination
ƒƒ The user does not know how long they ƒƒ The user is immediately assigned an Selection Control (DSC)
still have to wait elevator Performance-optimised transport of the
ƒƒ It is unclear which elevator is to be used ƒƒ The time to destination is shortened passengers in the case of a group with 3
ƒƒ There are many intermediate stops ƒƒ The number of intermediate stops is elevators

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Higher performance for groups of elevators
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

Step 1: selection of the destination

landing Do not use the elevator in the case of fire!

The passenger enters their destination Please select your

destination floor
at a terminal in the landing, in response
to which the most favourable elevator is
calculated and assigned.

Special function Information

Step 2: elevator assignment

The assigned elevator is immediately dis- Please take lift C
played to the passenger. The display helps
the user to find 'their' elevator quickly.
The user goes to the assigned elevator.
Depending on the setting, the image only
remains on the screen for a short time or
for a few seconds. The call entry screen
then appears again.

Step 3: waiting

The passenger waits in front of the elevator

assigned to them.

Step 4: run to destination landing

No more signals for movement are entered
in the elevator car. Now only the assigned
destination landings and the direction of
travel to the next level position indicator
(recommended) are displayed. The eleva-
tor has fewer intermediate stops, enabling
the passenger to reach their destination
more quickly.

Positioning of the DSC terminal

Terminal at the entrance

4 Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2

Optimised conveying performance
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

waiting time
Wartezeit (s) (s)
The advantages of the Destination
Selection Control (DSC) are particularly 100
Wartezeit (s)
noticeable during the peak office hours in 90
buildings. It reduces the waiting time and 80 90
time to destination of the passengers to the 70 80
highest degree. Where a Destination Selec- DS C70
tion Control (DSC) is deployed, more runs 60
at high speed can be completed, as the 50
number of intermediate stops is reduced. 40
30 30
In summary, the Destination Selection
20 20
Control (DSC) uses an intelligent call man-
agement system to increase the handling 10 10

capacity of groups of elevators. 0

Periode 1 Periode 2 Periode 3 Periode 4 Periode 5 Periode 6 Periode 7
Periode 1 Periode 2 Periode 3 Periode 4 Periode 5 Periode 6 Periode 7
10 % 11 % 12 % 13 % 14 % 15 % 16 % 17 %
10 % 11 % 12 % 13 % 14 % 15 % 16 % 17 %
Arrival rates ofder
Periode / Ankunftsrate passengers per
Passagiere pro5 5
Comparison between conventional TCM control system and the /Destination
Periode Ankunftsrate Selection Control
der Passagiere (DSC)
pro 5 min

Planning recommendation
To optimise the selection of options, we would like to provide you with planning recommendations for some sample applications.

Regular users that do not change Public area - Public area -

(office building etc.) continuously changing users special case: hospital
ƒƒ Next level display in each elevator car (hotel etc.) ƒƒ Next level display in each elevator car
ƒƒ Numerical keypad or touchscreen ƒƒ Next level display in each elevator car ƒƒ Touchscreen (e.g. 5.7") with numerical
ƒƒ Direction arrows at each entrance ƒƒ Touchscreen - simpler operation keypad
ƒƒ Position indicator above / beside the main ƒƒ Position indicator above / beside the main
Semi-public area - entrance (direction arrows, location, next entrance (direction arrows, location, next
(school, university etc.) destination landing) destination landing)
ƒƒ Next level display in each elevator car ƒƒ Direction arrows at each entrance ƒƒ Direction arrows at each entrance
ƒƒ Touchscreen - simpler operation
ƒƒ Position indicator above / beside the main
entrance (direction arrows, location, next
destination landing) Recommended / possible display size
ƒƒ Direction arrows at each entrance
5.7" 10.4" 15"

0 – 20   
Number of

20 – 40 –  
>40 –  

 recommended
 possible
– not recommended / not possible

Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2 5

Numerical keypad - description
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

ƒƒ Rugged design Functional description

ƒƒ Optional EN 81-70 conformity When a user approaches the numerical
ƒƒ Low-cost variant keypad, he or she is greeted with the text
ƒƒ Simple operation "Enter the floor".
ƒƒ Can be individually adapted The destination to which the user would
like to travel is entered by pressing a but-
ton, or two buttons in quick succession
The numerical keypad is a control device for a two-digit landing number. Visual ac-
used for operating the elevator system by knowledgement (only during operation) is
means of buttons arranged on a panel. The provided by a surrounding red LED lighting
request for operation and the instruction to ring and acoustically with a beep tone.
use the elevators are made on an integral
LCD display. The arrangement and design The entered landing is shown in the display
of the control elements comply with the EN positioned above the buttons.
81-70 standard (suitable for the disabled). The texts are available in the languages
German, English, French, Spanish and
Design Russian. Other languages are available on
The LC display has a blue background on request.
which the texts are shown in grey lettering.
The backlit area of the display is 50 x 30 The landing entered is shown in the display
mm and the font size is 6 or 12 mm. The directly after entry of the destination
display is on four or two lines, depending landing. After indication of the destination
on the font size. landing, the display indication changes and
shows the elevator to be used.
The operating element (e.g. type MT42) are The entered destination floor is then ap-
square short-stroke buttons with rounded proached without an further operation of
corners and a matt pearl button plate (28 operating elements in the elevator car.
x 28 mm). The designation (0, 1, ..., 9)
and symbols (*, wheelchair) are stamped Intermediate stops are possible if further
directly into the button plate, making them users have been assigned to the same
haptic (suitable for the disabled) and very elevator. A position indicator in the elevator
rugged. For the numerical keypad, other car landing shows the landing to which the
buttons with a separate cover plate can elevator is currently moving.
also be used.
EN 81-70 conformity
With the innovative solution of the numeri- To comply with the EN 81-70 standard, the
cal keypad, the traditional design has been verbal announcements at the terminal and
continued and simultaneously combined in the elevator car as well as buttons must
with new technology. be selected with haptic lettering.
One advantage in particular is the design
suitable for the disabled. The numerical
keypad is a low-cost variant that convinces
with its design and simple operation.

6 Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2

Numerical keypad - housing versions
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

1. Surface housing 2. Sub-surface housing

A wedge-shaped housing mounted on the For installation in the masonry sealed by a
masonry. Except for a hole for cable feed cover plate fit flush to the wall.
through, no structural opening is needed
in the wall, which makes it ideal for retrofit-
ting during modernisations.

Cover plate: Cover plate:

Shape rectangular, Shape rectangular, approx. 195 x 325 mm,
approx. 195 x 325 mm, in stainless steel, stainless steel grain 220,
grain 220, flush-fitted protective glass. flush-fitted protective glass

Housing: Housing:
Shape rectangular, approx. Shape rectangular,
(W x H x Dtop x Dbottom) approx. (W x H x D) 135 x 303 x 70 mm,
195 x 314 x 30 x 115 mm, galvanised steel plate,
angle of inclination of cover plate approx. mounting of cover plate with recessed
15°, steel plate powder coated RAL 9006, hexagon socket bolts
mounting of cover plate with recessed
hexagon socket bolts


















Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2 52,30 7

Numerical keypad - additional functions
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

Star button
Regardless of the landing where the user is
currently positioned, an elevator is assigned
that travels to the main landing (in which the
building exit is located) when the star button
is pressed. The button is disabled in the
main landing.

Button for the disabled

Pressing the wheelchair button activates
the function for the "disabled". The func-
tion extends the door-open time in those
landings where the wheelchair button was
pressed as well as in the selected destina-
tion landing.
The user can now select the desired landing
using the landing button. The optional ver-
bal announcement in the terminal informs
the user with the announcement "Take the
elevator on the left" or "Take the elevator
on the right".

On arrival of the elevator car in the landing,

the verbal announcement in the car operat-
ing panel is "Door opening", in response
to which the user can enter the elevator
car. While the elevator is moving, the
designations of the landings are output in
verbal announcements. In the destination
landing, the verbal announcement for the
user is the landing designation and "Door

When the car door closes again, the disa-

bled function is switched off. Then, only
the landing announcements are output.
Optionally, the announcement texts of
the disabled function can also be output

Direct call button (optional)

Up to three additional buttons are possible,
enabling direct call requests to a landing. Minus button
These buttons are required for non-numer- It is possible to use this button to select a
ical landing designations (e.g. B1). story located below the ground floor, for
An extension of the cover plate can be example -1.
implemented as a modification for the
wall-mounted or sub-surface versions.
Customer-specific special functions are
to be agreed explicitly with thyssenkrupp

8 Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2

TFT display - description
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

ƒ Simple use The versions are available in stainless

ƒ Can be individually adapted steel, grain 220, but can be painted
ƒ High-quality manufacture individually in any RAL shade. The display
version can also be individually adapted to
The convenient use of the touchscreens as the customers need. The design surfaces
well as the clear and dynamic design com- as well as the display sizes are available in
ply with a standard and can be customised the versions 5.7 inches, 10.4 inches and
to customer preferences. The standard 15.0 inches.
housing with the TFT display is offered in Clearly arranged graphical interfaces en-
two variants: as a surface housing and as sure intuitive operation of the touchpanels.
a column. The design, user interface and construc-
tion of the terminal can be adapted indi-
The column is approx. 1200 mm high, vidually to the peculiarities of the building
making it optimal for every user. Optionally and style specifications.
many customer requirements can be real-
ized: eg logo as screen printing, disabled Numerous special applications such as
button, additional cut-out and mounting identification systems or networking with
for loudspeakers, etc. entry control systems expand the DSC
range of performance.

DSC terminal with TFT display (10.4 inch), in Surface housing, version 10.4 inches
versions for surface mounting, for submerged
installation or in a column

Column, version 10.4 inches

Column, version with 15.0 Zoll

Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2 9

TFT display - versions
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)
Touch-it Cevipro 5.7 TFT (OEM Thyssen)


5.7-inch TFT display 10.4-inch TFT display 15.0-inch display

Touch-it Ceviro 10.4 TFT (OEM Thyssen)
With / without touch function With / without
Datasheet 
touch function  With / Cevipro
Touch-it without15touch function
TFT (OEM Thyssen)

Diagonal: 14.5 cm  Diagonal: 26.4 cm Diagonal:
Datasheet  38.1 cm

320 x 240 pixels, 16 million colours 640 x 480 pixels, 16 million colours 1024 x 768 pixels, 16 million


Touch-it Cevipro 15 TFT (OEM Thyssen)

OEM Thyssen) 

Touch-it Ceviro 10.4 TFT (OEM Thyssen)


 
Front View (mm) 
Front View (mm)

Front view 5.7 inches Front view 10.4 inches Front view 15.0 inches Page 3 / 5
 Page 3 / 5
Front View (mm) Page 3 / 5

41.5  42
 
 
 

Side view Side view 
 Side view
5.7 inches 10.4 inches 15.0 inches Page 4 / 5

Page 4 / 5

10 Webcode 2082 / DSC

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TFT display - operating elements at the entrance
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

1. Surface housing 2. Column

The housing is made of stainless steel, The columns are very elegant in design,
grain 220, but can be individually painted with bevelled user interface.
in any RAL shade. It is wedge-shaped and The assembly is ideally done on the raw
can be place on the masonry, making it floor, also in order to be able to conceal the
ideally suitable for retrofitting in the case of supply lines concealed.
5.7" housing: 10,4" front view The shape is rectangular and the angle of
Shape rectangular, inclination of cover plate is 60° and 35°,
approx. (W x H x D top x D bottom) 10.4" front view respectively, relactive to the vertical.
approx. 200 x 180 x 39 x 78.5 mm,
angle of inclination, cover plate approx. 14°

10.4" housing:
Shape rectangular,
approx. (W x H x D top x D bottom)
approx. 310 x 248 x 35 x 89 mm,
angle of inclination, cover plate approx. 14°

15" housing:
Shape rectangular,
approx. (W x H x D top x D bottom)
approx. 380 x 330 x 25 x 97 mm,
angle of inclination, cover plate approx. 14° 10,4" side view front view of the column side view of the column


10.4" side view









5.7" front view 10,4" front view Aushängbar

5.7" front view 15" front view


bis 125mm
von 25mm

bis 125mm
von 25mm

251 251

408 408
480 480

This column has already been implemented

for numerous projects and is designed with
tested dimensions. Depending on customer
requirements, the dimensions can be
adapted in the individual project.

5.7" side view 10,4" side view

Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2 11

TFT display - indicator elements at the entrance
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

For the indicator elements at the en- 2. T

 FT - indicator elements above the
trance, you have a choice between our door
standard indicators and the TFT indica- The housing is made of stainless steel,
tor elements. grain 220, but can be individually paint-
ed in any RAL shade. It is wedge-shaped
1. Standard indicator elements above and can be place on the masonry, mak-
the door ing it ideally suitable for retrofitting in 5.7 " display
the case of modernisations.
LCD Blue Line, shape: oval or angular,
approx. (W outer x W inner x H x D ) 5.7" housing:
approx. 280 x 243 x 110 x 72 mm, Shape rectangular,
LCD position indicator and direction approx. (W x H x D top x D bottom)
indicator. Installation in the entrance area approx. 200 x 180 x 39 x 78.5 mm,
above the landing door (including gong). angle of inclination, cover plate approx. 14°
Version: LCD, blue-white, blue background, 10.4" front view
white lettering. Installation in the entrance: 10.4" housing:
flush-fitted protective glass. Cover plate Shape rectangular,
made of stainless steel grain 220 (in ac- approx. (W x H x D top x D bottom)
cordance with EN 81-70). approx. 310 x 248 x 35 x 89 mm,
angle of inclination, cover plate approx. 14°

15" housing:
Shape rectangular,
approx. (W x H x D top x D bottom)
approx. 380 x 330 x 25 x 97 mm,
angle of inclination, cover plate approx. 14°

10.4" side view

Favorit: shape: oval or angular,

approx. (W outer x W inner x H x D )
approx. 280 x 243 x 110 x 72 mm,
LED position and direction indicator (red 5.7" front view
LED dot matrix display). Additionally a
gong can be installed in the indicator box. 15" front view
Cover plate made of stainless steel grain

5.7" side view 15" side view

12 Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2

TFT display - indicator elements in the elevator car
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

You have the possibility to use TFT TFT display, 10.4 inches TFT display, 15 inches
displays in the elevator car. However, the
width and depth must be borne in mind Size of display Size of display
for both the cover plate and the basic WxHxD WxHxD
body of the car operating panel. 274 x 262 x 39.5 mm and/or 355 x 282 x 42.0 mm
Standard indicators are of course possi- 274 x 224 x 39.5 mm without tabs / clips no tabs / clips present
ble, but we recommend deployment of a
TFT display with the 'Next Level' display Width of car operating panel with horizon- Width of car operating panel with
so that the passenger is informed of the tal installation position: horizontal installation position:
next destinations to be approached. ƒƒ at least 320 mm ƒƒ at least 380 mm
ƒƒ Connections at top ƒƒ Connections at top

TFT display, 5.7 inches Width of car operating panel with vertical Width of car operating panel with verti-
installation position: cal installation position:
Size of display: • at least 280 mm • at least 300 mm
WxHxD • Connections on the right • Connections on the right
176 x 188 x 41.5 mm and/or
176 x 150 x 41.5 mm without tabs / clips

Width of car operating panel with horizon-

tal installation position:
ƒƒ at least 205 mm
ƒƒ Connections at top

Width of car operating panel with vertical

installation position:
ƒƒ at least 205 mm
ƒƒ Connections on the right
Next Level indicator

Display texts on the TFT display

Standard texts Display text

Special travel SPECIAL TRAVEL

Collective fault signal ELEVATOR MALFUNCTION


Out of service OUT OF SERVICE





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TFT display - additional functions
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

Temporary or permanent language Text announcement Using the elevator with a wheelchair
change: An announcement device is possible in Various possible entries can activate the
The texts of the terminals are in the conjunction with the numerical keypad or disabled function:
following languages: Arabic, Chinese, a touchscreen housing. However, it is a
German, English, French, Russian, technically autonomous system. Additional Destination call input via the wheelchair
Spanish. Other languages are available systems must therefore be analysed and button
on request. Temporary or permanent requested separately. The user activates the wheelchair button
language switching can be implemented. and then enters the destination landing.
Connectivity to access control systems The door opening and travel times are thus
Access control systems are connected automatically adapted.
via a standardised, serielle interface. This
allows a direct dialing of the destination Please select your destination floor

dial call.
In order to be able to keep the system as
flexible as possible, the administration
of authorisations must take place on the
construction site. Only one single target
stop can be deposited per admission card.
In this case, the destination floor can be
Blind and partially blind elevator users: approached independently of the respec-
Destination landing input via counting tive starting station.
With the counting function, a verbal an- Special functions Key-operated switch
nouncement of the landings is issued. For ƒƒ Cleaning function There is a key-operated switch at the input
as long as the disabled button is pressed, ƒƒ Liftscreen terminal. The user activates the disabled
a verbal announcement counts up the ƒƒ Position indicator function by operating the key-operated
landings automatically from the first land- ƒƒ Special travel group switch. They then enter the destina-
ing to the last landing. The landing last ƒƒ Special travel single elevator tion landing at the input terminal, which
announced on releasing the button is then ƒƒ Special function for persons with leads to assignment of the corresponding
selected. special needs elevator. The verbal announcement in the
ƒƒ Many other order-specific terminal informs the user which elevator
The counting function provides more pos- special travel options are possible they are to use.
sibilities when designing the terminal, as
haptic operating elements are not required Button activates the disabled function
and therefore the deployment of the TFT The user activates disabled travel by
display in conjunction with the disabled means of the button. The verbal an-
function is possible. nouncement automatically counts up the
landings available in the button. The land-
ing last announced on releasing the button
is selected. The verbal announcement in
the terminal informs the user which eleva-
tor they are to use.

14 Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2

TFT display - examples of interface designs
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

Various interface designs can be selected. These can be individually adapted to the building.

1. Normal operation 2. Assignment screen 3. Position indicator in the elevator car

The user selects the desired destination The assigned elevator is displayed. (optional)
landing, in response to which the optimal The next destinations to be approached
elevator is calculated and assigned. by the elevator are shown on the position

Design Classical:

Please take lift 3

Infor- Special
mation function

Design Elegant:

Please select your destination floor

Please take lift 3

Design Modern:

Do not use the elevator in the case of fire!

Please take lift C
Please select your
destination floor

Special function Information back

Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2 15

TFT display - examples of interface designs
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

interface designs

thyssenkrupp implements
your individual customer

16 Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2

DSC booster
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

ƒ Connection of DSC functions and con- Structure

ventional control system The DSC booster is integrated in the TCM
ƒ Optimisation of the up peak group controller. A number of destination
ƒ Architectural freedom selection terminals are placed in the main 4
ƒ Simple operation landing and in other important landings.
There are conventional operating ele-
TCM with DSC booster is the combination ments on the remaining fl oors. The usual 3
of conventional control systems with the operating panel is installed in the eleva-
functions of a Destination Selection tor cars, but this has no function in the
Control (DSC) (in the main landing). booster landing. 2
A complete overview of the entire traffic The direct assignment of the correspond-
situation enables each individual control ing elevator by the of the DSC booster
system to optimise handling of the incom- after call input in the main landing ex- 1
ing calls and commands. ploits the advantages of the Destination
This progressive call management system Selection Control (grouping) in the main
results in the most effective transport landing. This in turn means that a much
control for a conventional TCM group greater number of persons compared to a
controller. conventional group of elevators is distrib- Lobby
The improved performance results in a uted from the main landing in the building.
significant time gain for the passenger. In-
novative technology in the call input Option
system significantly enhances the Blocking car call input until the first land-
entrance area of the elevator systems. ing requested by an external call
The possibility for installation in any hous- is reached.
ing provides the maximum architectural
freedom – functionally simple, sophisticat-
edly elegant or adapted to the fittings and
Number of conveyed
persons in the main

furnishings of the foyer. er

Simple operation with graphical user o ntr
guidance leads to rapid assignment of an te rg

os er
on tr oll
elevator and thus the greatest possible Cb
o roup c
n ti onal g
DS C onve
acceptance among users.

Operation Time
In the main landing, the desired
destination landing is entered at the desti-
nation selection terminal and the elevator
to be used is assigned immediately. On the
other floors, operation is conventional. The
elevator is called (direction-sensitive) using
the call button at the entrance and the
destination landing is entered at the car
operation panel in the elevator car.

Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2 17

Overview of the options
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)


1. On the default screen, the SF button
Control elements
is pressed
In the elevator car
2. C ode for special function is entered
Mechanical button for each landing  ¡ l ¡
on the numerical keypad
Touchscreen (Car Operation Panel) 5.7", 10.4", 15" ¡ ¡ ¡ 3. Open special travel screen
at entrance 4. Call request
5.7", 10.4", 15" touchscreen ¡ l l 5. Call is assigned to a shaft or 'landing
Numerical keypad l – ¡ blocked' appears.
Display elements NB: in the case of TWINs ®, it can be
In the elevator car (Next Level) that an elevator car is blocked by the
5.7", 10.4", 15" with car call acknowledgement indicator ¡ ¡ ¡ special travel of another elevator car.
At the entrance (standard indicators) 6. E
 xisting destination selection calls
Blue Line, red dot matrix ¡ ¡ ¡ are carried out, then the elevator
At the entrance (TFT displays) car is made available for the special
5.7", 10.4", 15" with car call acknowledgement indicator ¡ ¡ ¡ travel
Housing 7. Special travel is executed
Wall-mounted l l l
Sub-surface ¡ – – ** Cleaning function:
Column – ¡ ¡ 1. On the default screen, the SF button

Interface designs is pressed

Standard l l l 2. C ode for special function is entered

on the numerical keypad
Customer-specific – ¡ ¡
3. Open cleaning function screen
Standard functions
4. Selection of the elevator car
Simple special travel * ¡ l l
5. Elevator car comes to the landing in
Cleaning function** ¡ l l
which the code was entered, is taken
Automatic calling via code card *** ¡ ¡ ¡
out of the group and opens the door
One entrance side or offset / dual entrance on same landing ¡ l l 6. O
 pen / close button remains active
Additional functions  (inner door cleaning)
Selective front and rear entrances – l l 7. A
 fter cleaning, the function must be
Dynamic Group Controller (DGC) l – l switched off again at the terminal
Zoning: division of the building into zones (only available for TWIN®) ¡ – ¡
Entry control  *** Code card:

For a user group by means of a voltage free contact at the terminal ¡ ¡ ¡ 1. A serial interface is required
2. A single destination floor can be
For a number of user groups (≤ 16 landings), by means of voltage free
¡ ¡ ¡ deposited for each entitlement card
contacts at the terminal, shaft or machine room
3. The destination floor can be
For a number of user groups (> 16 landings), by means of serial
¡ ¡ ¡ approached independently of the
interface in the elevator control system
starting station
Energy saving function

Reduction of the active shafts in low-traffic periods ¡ – ¡

Dimming / darkening after an adjustable time – ¡ ¡

Suitable for the disabled
Based on DIN 81-70
– l l
(wheelchair button on touchscreen)
Compliance with DIN 81-70
¡ ¡ ¡
(haptic buttons, verbal announcement inside / outside)

Standard l Option ¡ unavailable –

18 Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2

International references
Fact Sheet Destination Selection Control (DSC)

Other references

ƒƒ Qipco Office Tower (Tornado Tower),

ƒƒ Raine Square, Perth, Australia
ƒƒ Rabobank, Utrecht, The Netherlands
ƒƒ Palais Quartier (MyZeil), Frankfurt,
ƒƒ European Central Bank, Frankfurt,
Germany BMW High-rise, Munich, Germany
ƒƒ Federation Tower, Moscow, Russia
ƒƒ Mercury Tower, Moscow, Russia
ƒƒ Maintriangel, Frankfurt, Germany
ƒƒ Dalian Bayshore Hotel, China
ƒƒ Altra Sede, Milan, Italy
ƒƒ Ropemaker Place, London,
United Kingdom
ƒƒ New Stock Exchange, Frankfurt,
Germany St. Botolphs House London, United Kingdom
ƒƒ Skyline Tower, Munich, Germany
ƒƒ London Wall 125, London,
United Kingdom
ƒƒ CMA Tower Riad, Saudi Arabia Litex Tower Sofia, Bulgaria
ƒƒ Dong Won, Korea
ƒƒ Castellana, Spain
ƒƒ Beijing Olympic Tower, China
ƒƒ Lot 2, 3, 11, Russia
ƒƒ Litex Tower Sofia, Bulgaria

thyssenkrupp Headquarters, Essen, Germany

University of Stuttgart, Germany London Wall 125 London, United Kingdom

Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2 19


Presented by

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Bernhäuser Straße 45 • 73765 Neuhausen a.d.F. • Germany
Telephone +49 (0) 7158 12-0 • Telefax +49 (0) 7158 12-2585 • [email protected]

The individual details given in this publication are deemed to be warranted characteristics,
insofar as such are confirmed in writing in each individual case.

20 Webcode 2082 / DSC / 08.2017_V1.2

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