I Am Sam
I Am Sam
I Am Sam
I am Sam
I am Sam (2001) is a movie that presents a social discourse and cultural disability
disclosure. The movie is based on a mentally challenged father (Sam) who is determined to have
custody of his daughter (Lucy). The movie has been recognized for a long time as suitable
representation of mental disabilities in parenthood. Through various cultural models, Sam has
been used to represent various views. In this movie, he fits as a disabled person, within social
paradigms. Through the Movie, a cultural model is suitable in the evaluation of traditional
acuities of disabilities.
Sam is a single father with a developmental disability. His wife abandoned him and his
daughter Lucy. This brought about many limitations despite his well adjustment. His well
adjustment earned him friends who were able to help him take care of Lucy. Annie is one of such
people who helped in caring for Lucy. Despite the care and love that Sam extends to Lucy, she
faces challenges of being teased at school for having a father with mental retardation. She takes
home all the embarrassment and never believes that she is more rationally forward thinking than
her father.
Sam is eventually separated from Lucy by a social worker who showed up in Lucy’s
birthday. She only allowed Sam to see Lucy two times a week. Sam gets a lawyer, Rita, who
decides to help him. In the process, Sam becomes instrumental in solving Rita’s marital problems
and the relationship she had with her son. Sam loses the case because he could not take care of
his daughter, according to the judge. Lucy settles in a foster home where she continually attempts
to run away from with no success. Lucy is later returned home to her father and plans are made
Throughout this movie, the plot displays themes of social aversion and glorification
deliberately. In the past, the movie has received mixed reactions and critics have failed to take
sides. In terms of its thematic exposition, the movie has brought out the themes clearly. People
with disability are perceived negatively in society. This is because they are seen to be a bother to
Disability studies have proposed models that analyze the reactions that society exhibits to
disability. Medical and social models can be distinguished from the way they define the
disturbance and how society reacts to them. Based on the medical model, the disability is
perceived from the cause. This means that the physiological cause of the disability makes it
cultural views. This perspective is actually the traditional understanding of disability. This can be
seen when Sam keeps off from the society when he is denied custody of his daughter. This can be
Sam literally calls himself an outcast because he believes he is a trouble maker who
brings problems to others in society. He believes that he adds little value to society. His
usefulness could be portrayed if he became Lucy’s care giver and father, but this dream is
shattered when she is handed over to a foster family. However, Sam bases his character in both
I am Sam presents concrete ideologies about disability. The way the society views Sam is
actually the way Sam views himself, in some instances. His esteem reveals that, despite his
disability, he can make judgements about what is right and wrong. He has a sound mind and can
actually deduce his needs. His decision to see a lawyer to help in fighting custody of his daughter
is a clear indication that his rational dimension of thought was straight. The movie, therefore,
succeeds in presenting the various ways people with disability reason, and how they perceive
In terms of social perspectives, I am Sam does not present a solid impression of how
people with disability should be treated in society. Being disabled, according to Taylor &
Francis (2009), calls for social support and motivation. Sam’s daughter was taken away from him
because of the thought that he could not take care of her. However, the reverse happens when he
Issues in this movie have been brought out through the two models mentioned earlier.
These include the social model and the medical model (Riley, 2005). The social model,
overcomes the medical model in this movie. Rita wins the case in the end and ensures Sam has
his daughter in his custody. Symbolism has been used in the movie to show how events unfold
but the main theme of disability; a social acceptance and conflict resolution are articulated well.
Production components of the movie have been used to draw attention to various issues
raised by the two models proposed. Sam’s disability has been transformed into an opportunity for
compensation. This then turns out to be a story of transformation from disability to ability.
Nelson, J. (Director). 2001. I am Sam [Motion picture]. United States: New Line
Productions, Inc.
Riley, C. 2005. Disability and the media: Prescriptions for change. Hanover, NH: University
Wilson, J. and Lewiecki-Wilson, C. (2001). Disability, rhetoric, and the body. In Wilson, J. and
Taylor, & Francis. (2009). Tensions, perspectives and themes in disability studies. Scandinavian