Everyday Oracle DBA - Chapter 5 - Database Down Bring It Back Alive
Everyday Oracle DBA - Chapter 5 - Database Down Bring It Back Alive
Everyday Oracle DBA - Chapter 5 - Database Down Bring It Back Alive
Database Down!
Bring It Back Alive!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005 4:45:21 PM
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Database Down
While it really doesn’t happen often, there are times when your database
does crash and burn and you find yourself looking at a SQL prompt that says
a shared memory realm doesn’t exist or that Oracle is unavailable. Of course,
this is when you’re lucky enough to find out that the database is down before
your users do. When they find out first, you find yourself scrambling to answer
questions while furiously typing and misspelling words that you know you
know how to spell (like sqlplus, or sysdba). I’m a pro at consistently misspelling
“select” any time I find myself under pressure, either from me trying to get
things back under control as quickly as possible or due to those dozen pairs
of manager eyes boring into the back of my head.
The most important thing when confronted with a down database is to
get it back up and running. Then afterward, you need to figure out how, if
possible, to keep it from happening again.
The first thing to do is check the alert logs. See if anything jumps out at you
as a reason for the database being down. For example, did one of the DBAs
in your shop do maintenance last night and forget to bring the database
back up? Not that this would ever happen, but just for grins check and see if
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the end of the alert logs might show this is the case. Of course, if someone
with just the wrong access decided to go out and kill a bunch of background
processes, maybe because they seemed to be taking a lot of the resources on
the box, and it was too late at night to bother the DBA with stuff like that,
there won’t be anything in the alert log or, at best, not much of one.
If there’s nothing glaring in the alert log that tells you something horrible
happened (like someone deleted a bunch of data files or maybe all of the
control files are gone) simply try restarting the database. You might be
surprised. Whatever caused the database to crash might turn out to be a
simple and transient thing, and your database will be revived simply by
using the startup command.
The most important thing to users and to management is getting the database
restarted. However, sometimes a restart will wipe out important information,
including evidence of what happened, and you won’t be able to find out
what happened. Try to at least dump out the contents (if possible) of some of
the v$ views to help in your analysis before restarting. Once the database is
accessible, you can worry about getting to the root of the problem (sometimes
referred to by cranky upper management as Root Cause Analysis, or RCA).
If It Doesn’t Start
Okay, you’ve tried the simplest and most straightforward solution—simply
restarting the database—but it didn’t start. Now what?
Well, you start what could arguably be seen as the fun part of being a DBA
(if you’re a truly warped individual, which I am, and if you enjoy a real
challenge). You have to try to figure out why it isn’t starting (hopefully as
quickly as possible) and get it back up and running.
If It Doesn’t Stop
Yeah, sometimes the database gets stuck … up. Not only stuck in the up
position, but since “stuck up” implies that you were trying to shut down the
database, no one can now connect to it because a database shutdown is in
It’s normal for shutdown to sometimes gets stuck, that’s a given. Since
“normal” implies you’re willing to wait for all connections to disconnect, there
have to be connections out there waiting for someone to do something. The
solution? Kill off all sessions connected to shutdown immediate or (gulp) do
a shutdown abort.
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Okay, so that’s no big deal, right? Sure, but what happens when shutdown
immediate gets stuck? The emn0 background process sometimes forgets it’s
running, goes to sleep, and just won’t wake up. Sometimes Oracle weirds
out and refuses to be cooperative for some other reason.
If shutdown immediate gets stuck, there are only two ways to bring down
the database. One is to kill –9 on Unix, or kill Task Manager in Windows.
This is usually used only as a last resort, or by overly anxious operators with
just a little too much knowledge. The other is shutdown abort. Yes, this is a
valid way of shutting down the database. Of course, so is pulling the power
plug or pressing the reset button, but Oracle will assure you that it’s a valid
shutdown method. It still makes my stomach knot, but I’ve actually done it.
Of course, I start up as soon as the database is down and then perform
shutdown immediate again so the shutdown is in as stable a state as possible.
The prefix is usually the three characters preceding the hyphen in the
error that’s displayed (perhaps ORA, MSG, PLS, or something else) while the
number part of the command is the number to the right of the hyphen. For
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example, did the dreaded ORA-00600 appear in your alert log? If so, you
might be able to get more information by running the following command:
In this case, as you can see next, the information you get back will
probably be less than useful, as ORA-00600 can cover many different kinds
of errors, but you can still get some idea of how the command works and
the format of the output, although to allow it to fit within the confines of the
book, I had to take liberties with a couple of the line breaks.
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from the perspective of someone who really doesn’t have much of a life—
not that I find reading code to be a fun pastime, you understand).
#!perl –w
#Perl script in Windows simulating the Oracle oerr utility in Unix
#I assume you installed Perl for Windows on
#the same machine you installed
#Oracle Documentation. This script should be run by oerr.bat.
#See the following URL.
#This script is published as freeware at
#(C) Copyright 2000,2004 Yong Huang ([email protected])
#Please modify $dir, $colon and select $fsp, and $lsp.
#On your computer, open the Oracle Documentation homepage with
#a Web browser
#and find the error message page. E.g. for Version 8.1, it may be
#Oracle8i Server -> Oracle8i Error Messages (in section References).
#Find the URL for the message page
#(if it's in an HTML frame, View Frame Info
#in Netscape, Properties in IE). Take the string before
# "\TOC.HTM". Follow my
#format below. E.g., on my machine, the URL for error message
#Table of Contents
#page is
# for 9.2 Enterprise Ed
# file:///C:/ora9idoc/server.920/a96525/toc.htm
# C:\ora9idoc\server.920\a96525\toc.htm in IE
#$dir shown next should use "/" not "\", no "/" at the end
#(Additional work is needed if you use 8.1.5 documentation)
#For Oracle8i only. Ignore this paragraph if your doc is > 8i.
#Let's say you look up ORA-00600. Click it. If you see
# ORA-00600 internal error code...
#please leave the above line commented out
#so $colon will not be set.
#For very old versions, you may see
# ORA-00600: internal error code...
#then uncomment $colon=":".
#Error message toc.htm page searches individual error message files.
#We need to
#collect all those file names. $fsp is the file search pattern.
#If Oracle8i (except 8.1.5), use this
#$fsp='CLASS="TitleTOC"><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><A
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#If Oracle 9i, use this
$fsp='class="TitleTOC"><a href="([^.]+\.htm)';
#If Oracle 10g, use this
#$fsp='<h2><a href="([^.]+\.htm)';
#In each error message file, we identify the line that has
#$code you intend to
#search for e.g. ORA-01555. Different versions have different
#HTML markup. Pick
#a line search pattern below for your version.
#$lsp="<STRONG>"; #if Oracle 8i (except 8.1.5)
$lsp="<strong>"; #if Oracle 9i
#$lsp="^<dt>.*?"; #if Oracle 10g
##### No need to modify beyond this line. #####
##### But hacking is welcome. #####
if ($#ARGV!=1)
{ print "Usage: oerr facility errornumber
where facility is case-insensitive and not limited to ORA
Please open oerr.pl with a text editor and modify
#\$dir if you haven't done so
Example: oerr ora 18\n";
exit 1;
open TOC, "$dir/toc.htm" or die "Can't open toc.htm: $!";
while (<TOC>)
{ if (/$fsp/)
{ $allfile{$1}=1 if defined $1;
#use hash to ensure uniqueness
#Last version uses array which contains some
# filenames more than once
#That's very bad when running against Ver. 7.3.4 Documentation
#push @allfile,$1 if defined $1;
close TOC;
$facility=uc $ARGV[0];
$code=$facility."-".(sprintf "%05d",$ARGV[1]);
#e.g. ORA-00600, IMP-000001
#05/21/00 note: Found another inconsistency in Oracle doc:
#Image Data Cartridge
#Error Messages use "," instead of ":" after facility-errorno,
#e.g. "IMG-00001,"
#This is the only one I find that uses anything other than ":".
#If you need
#"oerr img [errono]", better comment out the line
# $colon=":" which may
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There are, of course, other versions of this kind of utility, but I really like
the way this one was written and the perspective Yong takes regarding his
The oerr won’t actually tell you what caused the error in most cases and
won’t likely provide you with information on how to fix the problem, but at
3 A.M. when you’re freezing in the server room trying to get out to OTN
(http://otn.oracle.com) or Tahiti (http://tahiti.oracle.com) and can’t, it’s a
handy little tool to have. I don’t know about you, but for the life of me I
can’t remember the difference between an ORA-12345 and an ORA-01234
without a little help. For what it’s worth, oerr says ORA-12345 indicates a
lack of CREATE SESSION privileges, while ORA-01234 indicates someone is
trying to end the online backup of a file that is busy.
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ITar is a word that can strike fear into the heart of the most fearless DBA.
An ITar is the Internet trouble action request, your personal help line to
someone in Oracle Support. But there are times when Metalink can be your
best friend. What, you may ask, is Metalink? Metalink is the online support
venue for Oracle licenced users. You access it at http://metalink.oracle.com
and you need to have a valid CSI number (your service number) in order to
aquire an account. Believe it or not, there are people who have to support
Oracle databases without the luxury of having their own CSI number and
therefore without access to Metalink.
These can seem like a lot of trouble, but they can be worth their weight
in gold if just one of your issues gets resolved in a reasonable amount of
time (as compared with your struggling to figure out something on your own).
The analysts who get assigned to your ITars have an internal knowledge base
at their fingertips from which they can draw nuggets of wisdom that would
often take you an eternity to stumble upon yourself in your troubleshooting.
Metalink really is a very good resource for troubleshooting your database
issues. They have a search facility that provides you with answers or ways to
think through issues. Forums are also available where you can post questions
and issues, and talk with others who’ve experienced similar problems. Often
Oracle employees monitor these forums and answer questions if they don’t
believe that support’s intervention is warranted. Of course, if you have truly
unique situations and you’re posting questions that are so complex and
unusual that no one else could possibly have the same issue, the question is
usually met with dead silence or the suggestion that you log an ITar.
Note 166650.1 from Metalink offers valuable information on how best to
work with Oracle support. I highly recommend that while trying to resolve
an issue yourself, you should log an ITar. This way not only will you have
someone helping you defuse the situation, but you’ll be able to maintain a
running dialog of what you’ve tried and what Oracle suggested so that the
next time you find yourself in a similar situation, you’ll have a starting point
to fall back on.
It’s important to note that Metalink is a wonderful tool, but it’s a little
quirky. Putting too many phrases into the search criteria will cause you to
not get back any hits, even though the general search is for any of the words.
Also, when you’re creating an ITar, it’s important that you know exactly
where your cursor is if you’re considering using the backspace key on your
keyboard. If your cursor is in the wrong place and you backspace, you’ve
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just lost all your hard work and will have to enter information into the form
again from scratch. I hate typing, and more than anything I hate having to
retype something I already typed in.
Something else to remember: include as much information in your ITar
as you can. This will provide the analyst with the background she needs to
start working on your problem. Don’t think something is relevant? Don’t be
too sure.
Remember, you’ve been the one pulling your hair out; your support
analyst has no way of knowing what you know. He or she hasn’t been the
one staring at your screen for hours, poring over log and trace files, trying
and failing at every turn. Explain the problem the way you might to your
mother or the way you might explain exactly what you want your child to
do—again, include lots of details, in writing, so both of you know what
you’re talking about. If you have doubts about whether or not you’ve given
enough detail, have your favorite trusted developer or systems analyst look
at your explanation of the situation and see if they can make heads or tails
of it from your description. The analyst who gets assigned your issue isn’t
familiar with everything you’ve tried or with the details of your systems; give
all the details you can.
Your analyst can weed out the information he doesn’t need as you go,
and it’s less frustrating for you if you put it in to begin with than to have to
update a severity-one ITar with requested information when your database is
still not functional. And don’t be afraid to make your ITar a severity one if
you have a down database that’s impacting your business adversely. Support
frowns on too many severity-one ITars for test or development databases,
but if it is impacting your ability to move up code to production that’s needed
for your business, or it’s keeping you from fixing a production database so it
doesn’t crash, they’re usually very understanding.
There are two other notes relevant to ITar creation that are very handy to
have as reference material. Note 280603.1 tells you how to close an ITar (or
service request). Yes, always close a service request. If you don’t, it will
remain in your analyst’s queue until she gets frustrated and soft closes it for
you for lack of attention. If you know what fixed the issue, put the resolution
in the verbiage of why you closed it. This will help the analyst help the next
guy who has a similar problem, and it will also be in the ITar so you can
retrieve the information later if you find yourself looking at the same issue
again. Note 235444.1 provides you with much needed information on how
to prepare information and systems for a test case with Oracle support.
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pump and not just a lack of antifreeze. While Note 120817.1 isn’t necessarily
designed with the average DBA in mind (it is, after all, entitled “Oracle
Applications Welcome Basket”), it has very relevant information in it that
you can use—most particularly in this case: how and when to escalate an
As an aside, ITars are no longer just a way of having troubles taken care
of or having questions answered. They’re now the mode of choice to request
from Oracle, whether concerning an enhancement of the database or one of
the products and applications surrounding it. While it seems like it’s taking
human-to-human communication a step further out of the Oracle Support
equation, it does allow you to be very specific and have a written record
you can use to determine what your enhancement request is doing.
So what tools are available to you to help determine what’s causing all your
heartache? What can you use to tell you why your bright shiny database
went belly up? This section will give you some places to look, as well as
some places you might not have thought about.
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log to something like alert<sid>.date so you can easily find, near the bottom
of the file, the error condition when you go looking for it. In this way, you
not only keep your alert logs at a reasonable size, you have easy access to
the error condition. Running this little script every minute or every ten
minutes or every hour will allow you to catch many error conditions either
before they crash your database or very near the time of the crash. They
don’t require that the database be up and functional at the time.
Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM), which has gotten more and more
useful over the past few releases and is now more of a tool than just a pointy
clicky way to do your job, can also be set up to alert you whenever there
are error conditions occurring in your database, or whenever your database
is down. Sometimes these features are short circuited by the fact that the
database has indeed crashed, but at least they can be set up to monitor
crashes and you will (lucky dog that you are) be the first to know that your
database is down.
Database Monitoring
OEM is also a useful tool for just monitoring the database. You can set it up
to alert you when your data files are getting low and when you’re in danger
of your application crashing because either it can’t get to the database or the
database won’t let it process information. While many of these issues aren’t
exactly database down, they can appear to be to your user community.
You may be able to see that the database is, indeed, up, but your users
might be reporting that they cannot access the database. This means that the
database is down as far as they’re concerned. If the database isn’t responding
to requests, if the listener just isn’t listening, and web listeners are not
listening or Oracle Names or LDAP servers are not responding the way they
should, then in effect the database is down.
Whatever you use to monitor, it needs to be able to determine if the
archive log destination directory is filling up. It should be able to determine if
objects are getting close to their maximum number of extents or to their maximum
available size on disk. Has the maximum number of user connections been
reached? While with the use of locally managed tablespaces this should
never be an issue, there are still organizations running with dictionary-
managed tablespaces because someone somewhere heard about a case
where locally managed tablespaces performed worse than dictionary managed.
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If you want to see if your issues are connected to free space in the
tablespaces of your database, you can set up this script to run automatically
(or on command) to check space issues.
select tbs.tablespace_name,
tot.bytes/1024 total_bytes,
tot.bytes/1024-sum(nvl(fre.bytes,0))/1024 bytes_used,
sum(nvl(fre.bytes,0))/1024 free_space,
(1-sum(nvl(fre.bytes,0))/tot.bytes)*100 pct,
greatest((1-sum(nvl(fre.bytes,0))/tot.bytes)*100, 90),
90, '', '*') pct_warn
from dba_free_space fre,
(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes
from dba_data_files
group by tablespace_name) tot,
dba_tablespaces tbs
where tot.tablespace_name = tbs.tablespace_name
and fre.tablespace_name(+) = tbs.tablespace_name
group by tbs.tablespace_name, tot.bytes/1024, tot.bytes
order by 5, 1 ;
This script will show you all tablespaces, their free space, used space,
and available space, flagging those tablespaces that have less than 90
percent free space with an asterisk in the last column. While this doesn’t
bring anything back, it can help you keep the database from going down to
begin with.
But tablespaces don’t just run out of free space. Sometimes there’s
sufficient free space in the tablespace, but you could be nearing the
maximum usable number of extents available to the object if you’re using
dictionary-managed tablespaces. You’ll want to watch numbers as they
decrease in this case because once the available number of extents reaches
0, you’ll begin to get errors in your application, and users will notice and
start complaining.
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SUM(fre.bytes/1024) free_space,
COUNT(*) num_free,
MAX(fre.bytes/1024) largest,
/*AVG(fre.bytes/1024) avg_size,*/
NVL(mni.max_next_extent,&block_size))/1024 grt_extent,
fre.bytes), fre.bytes,
NVL(mni.max_next_extent,&block_size))),0)) min_usable
dba_free_space fre,
(SELECT tab.tablespace_name,
MAX(tab.next_extent) max_next_extent
FROM dba_tables tab
GROUP BY tab.tablespace_name) mnt,
(SELECT idx.tablespace_name,
MAX(idx.next_extent) max_next_extent
FROM dba_indexes idx
GROUP BY idx.tablespace_name) mni
fre.tablespace_name = mnt.tablespace_name(+) and
fre.tablespace_name = mni.tablespace_name(+)
ORDER BY 6 desc,1 ;
The output from either of these scripts can easily be parsed using a shell
script, or Perl, and scheduled using cron. If you don’t rely on Oracle Enterprise
Manager to automate the monitoring of your database, and you’re running
on a UNIX operating system, cron is a good way to automate monitoring.
Another critical part of monitoring is at the file system level. One of the
most important file systems to monitor is the archive log destination. Another,
depending on how diligent you are with cleanup, is the directory into which
the logs are written. The following is a simple script you can use to monitor
a file system (in this case called /archives) that sends you an e-mail whenever
the file system reaches 90 percent full:
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Another simple script to run, this one to make sure your database is up
and running, employs the time-honored tradition of using GREP to see if
background processes are running.
Okay, now, consider that you’re going to start receiving information on
crashes, space, and other monitoring information. What will you do with it?
You can just react to the information when it comes, and then go on with
your day-to-day activity, or you could start to compile this information,
along with the steps you took to alleviate the condition. You can build
yourself a maintenance schema for each instance, or create a central
instance and into that repository store all of the situation that you come up
against and what you did to rectify the situation. In this way, you can have a
running history of not only what’s happened in the database, but an affidavit
that shows users and clients that you’re both proactive as well as reactive,
and that you do have a clue what’s been going on in your database.
Panic Mode
Panic mode is not a place where you want to be. Let’s say you’ve tried to
restart the database and found you can’t simply start it with the startup.
Now what? What if someone dropped a data file or a whole tablespace
without your knowing it? What happens if your users have production
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Problem Resolution
Okay, so you have a problem. Since you’re the DBA, they’ll at some point
expect you to resolve it—which means someone is going to know you exist.
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Keep in mind though, the faster the resolution, the less people who’ll ever
know there was a problem.
No Oracle Connectivity
Okay, so you can connect from the server prompt on the database server,
but the users can’t seem to connect. Perform some obvious steps first. Check
the log files for your connectivity (Net8, SQL Net, name du jour). Ensure
your environmental variables are set and inherited by the connection
running the listener. These kinds of errors are almost always caused by a
misconfiguration in the user’s environment.
Use Sql*Plus both from your client computer and at the server level to
connect to the database with a valid user ID and password as well as the
service name. Make sure no one has suddenly decided they needed to
update their own version of the client software. Sometimes installing a new
version, regardless of reason or version, can cause brand-new issues.
Sometimes the issue concerns an incompatibility between two versions of
the client software installed on the same computer, while sometimes
versions of tnsnames.ora and other configuration files have gotten overlaid
by the software. Either way, it’s always because the installation of the
software has messed something up and the user is often very reticent to fess
up to having changed anything. Have them check their PATH variables as
well. Sometimes something has gotten updated, changed, or deleted that
used to be in the PATH when the user was last able to connect.
Tnsping <sid> from the database server, and then do it again from a
client machine. Ping the database server from a client machine. Telnet from
the client machine to the database server. Even if you can’t log in, as long as
there are no errors returned from the telnet attempt, there’s little chance there
aren’t any network connectivity issues from where you are to the server.
Now have the users who are raising issues do the same thing.
Start the listener. At worst, you’ll find that the listener is already running.
At best, you’ll discover the listener is down and that restarting it will fix the
Database Links
One of the most aggravating issues that DBAs work with are database links
that just don’t seem to work. Sometimes they’re user-defined database links
that used to work but that now have all of a sudden stopped, or they are
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database links that users are trying to define that simply won’t work as they
should. One common problem with database errors is when you think you
should be connecting just fine, but you start getting ORA-12154. Often, this
is caused by the user misunderstanding which configuration files are being
used and assuming that the local version of the file is what’s currently
employed. When a client issues a database link connection command, the
address is not resolved on the client; it’s resolved on the server that the
connected user’s session is connected to.
For example, let’s assume that the client has the following in their
tnsnames.ora file:
the link is likely to fail and will need to have its definition changed to USING
DEVLDB. If there is a tnsnames.ora file on the server, it should either be in
the %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin directory, or a symbolic link to
the file should be located there. If one doesn’t exist there, copy one to the
directory and modify it so it contains the appropriate entries.
Verify the information on the link from the DBA views.
If all else fails, rename the sqlnet.ora file on the client. If that doesn’t
work, try renaming the one on the server. Double-check the entries in the
tnsnames.ora file. If you’re still getting nowhere, and the database link still
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fails, try pretending that the tnsnames file doesn’t exist anywhere and build
the tnsnames entry into the database link itself.
By defining the database link in this manner, you’ll not only be sure
about what user ID and password the link will connect as, but you can be
certain about what server definition will be used for the connection and
what entries are on any given tier (since the person defining the link likely
won’t be the only one using it) and that the link will function.
Oracle Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) is a set of scripts, customized to
each platform, that are designed to provide information on the overall
Oracle environment and assist Oracle Support with problem diagnosis.
While Oracle Support encourages the use of RDA as a means of
gathering information so they can debug issues, it can help you in the same
regard. Use of this tool greatly reduces ITar resolution time by minimizing
the number of requests from Oracle Support Services for more information.
If for no other reason, it’s a beneficial tool that should be used whenever
possible prior to opening an ITar, and as a way of debugging an issue yourself.
For a list of all available RDA versions and platforms, please see Note
175853.1 on Metalink. Currently, it’s supported on VMS, Windows, Solaris,
HP-UX, Tru64, AIX, SuSE, and Red Hat Linux. Naturally, it can be adapted
to other platforms with only a little tinkering. Errors will indicate utilities that
aren’t supported on different platforms.
RDA collects useful information for overall system configuration as well
as data that’s useful for corrective issues related to the following products:
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Test Cases
Okay, so maybe you need to provide Oracle with a test case or maybe you
just want to have a place where you can re-create the database so you can
figure out why things broke.
Cloning is a good way to not only provide test cases on cleansed data
but also to help you fix the problems in a production-like test bed.
Copy the code tree for the database binaries along with the data files and
all data associated with the database to a different location or a different
server. Own them as another user so you can be sure you don’t have any
way to mess up your other databases. Change the values in $ORACLE_
HOME/rdbms/lib/config.c to reflect the new owner of the binaries and relink
the Oracle binaries to work in the new location.
relink all
If you’re on the same server, you’ll need to rename the database. If you’re
on a different server, you could start monkeying around, but feel free to
leave the database name the same. I, personally, am never that confident
and always change the name to something outlandish so that I know beyond
a shadow of a doubt where I am at the time.
Recovering from disasters isn’t much different than recovering from any
backup. Practice when it comes to the art of recovery is important. Clone
your production database to a backup location and use it as a practice arena
so you can practice fixing things as they break. Having your own private
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playground is often one of the best tools a DBA has. If you can break a
database in every way imaginable (or better yet, have someone else think up
ways to break it), and then recover or restart or do whatever is called for in
the given situation, you’ll better know what to look for the next time your
database goes down.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005 4:52:51 PM