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A1.00-1.50XL (A20-30XL) [C203]

PART NO. 1482607 630 SRM 794

• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly
fastened, and that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and
chains have the capacity to support the weight of the load.

• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.

• Wear safety glasses.

• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair

on electric lift trucks.

• Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.

• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.

• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.

• Use the correct tools for the job.

• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.

• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.

• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.

• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.

• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.

• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.

• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!

Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
Master Drive Unit (ZF) Table of Contents


General ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Top Section Housing ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Transmission Housing ................................................................................................................................... 1
Repair ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Disassemble ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Top Section Housing.................................................................................................................................. 3
Transmission Housing............................................................................................................................... 6
Assemble ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Installing Spiral Bevel Pinion Shaft ........................................................................................................ 8
Measuring Bearing Movement in Bevel Pinion Shaft............................................................................. 10
Assembly of Helical Gear .......................................................................................................................... 11
Assembling Crown Gear and Wheel Shaft............................................................................................... 11
Assembling Transmission Housing Cover ............................................................................................... 13
Assembling Input Motor Pinion Gear ...................................................................................................... 13
Inspecting Top Section Housing ............................................................................................................... 13
Measuring Pivoting Bearing Movement .................................................................................................. 14
Installing Top Section Housing................................................................................................................. 14
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Tooth Contact Pattern Adjustment ................................................................................................................... 16
Changing Transmission Oil............................................................................................................................... 17
Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................................. 18

This section is for the following models:

A1.00-1.50XL (A20-30XL) [C203]



630 SRM 794 Description

This service manual provides a description of and • Taper roller bearings
the removal, disassembly, assembly, and installation • Wheel shaft
procedures for the parts of the ZF GOTHA GMBH,
model GK25LD, master drive unit (MDU). The trac- NOTE: Some A1.00-1.50XL (A20-30XL) units come
tion motor and steering repair procedures are in sep- equipped with a Kordel MDU. See the Kordel Mas-
arate service manuals. This service manual focuses ter Drive Unit 630 SRM 795.
on the main parts of the MDU, which are:
The two types of MDUs used in the manufacture of
• Top section housing
this lift truck do have some minor mechanical differ-
• Transmission housing
ences, but are similar in form, fit, and function. How-
• Centering ring
ever, when repairing or replacing parts on the MDU,
• Input motor pinion gear
do not use parts from one model of MDU on the other
• Helical gear set
• Spiral bevel pinion shaft and crown gear set

The MDU is a steered drive that utilizes bevel and truck frame. On the flange of the top section housing,
helical gears in order to propel the lift truck. The there are two end stops and a stop plate. The two end
MDU has two ratio stages: stops on the chain tread and the stop plate connected
• Motor pinion and first gear position with the centering ring are required for the steering
• Bevel gear set with helical gear and steering pinion lock.

The MDU consists of a ground bevel gear set forming Steering is performed by the steering control unit.
the crown wheel and pinion which drives the wheel See service manual Steering Control Unit 1600
shaft. A further reduction occurs between the motor SRM 797 for more information about this function.
pinion gear and the first helical gear, which in turn The steering control unit uses a combination of a hy-
drives the crown wheel and pinion. draulic motor, chain, and gear set to turn the lift
truck in all directions.
The MDU is composed of two main components: the
top section housing and the transmission housing. TRANSMISSION HOUSING
See Figure 1.
The transmission housing contains several roller
TOP SECTION HOUSING bearings, the spiral bevel pinion shaft and crown
gear set, and the wheel axle shaft. There is a small
The top section housing sits on top of the transmis- pinion gear on the input motor pinion armature
sion housing, and covers and protects the input motor shaft. This gear turns a larger gear on the spiral
pinion gear, helical gear, and bearings. The centering bevel pinion shaft in the MDU. The spiral bevel
ring is a part of the top section housing. The center- pinion turns a spiral bevel gear on the axle to turn
ing ring acts as a mounting platform for attaching the the drive wheel.
traction motor to the MDU and the MDU to the lift

Repair 630 SRM 794



Figure 1. Master Drive Unit With Traction Motor Attached

REMOVE 4. Disconnect and remove the battery. Use the bat-
tery removal procedure described in service man-
1. Move the steering wheel so the drive wheel is in ual Periodic Maintenance 8000 SRM 798.
position for straight travel.
5. Remove the overhead guard. See service manual
2. Open the front hood panel. the Frame 100 SRM 793 for information on how
to remove the overhead guard.
3. Remove the rear hood panel.

630 SRM 794 Repair

6. Put a pan under the MDU drain plug and re- hands, arms, head, or legs between parts in
move the drain plug. After oil has completely this area.
drained, install the drain plug. Tighten the plug
to 22 N•m (195 lbf in). Refer to Changing Trans- WARNING
mission Oil in this manual for information on
If the MDU falls, it can cause a serious injury.
how to drain and fill MDU oil.
Secure the MDU with a lifting device to hold it
in a vertical position.
The counterweight is very heavy. Make sure 13. Hold the MDU, and raise the lift truck frame so
the sling, chain, eyebolts, and crane or lifting the MDU is free. Lower the MDU to the floor,
device have the capacity to lift the counter- and remove it from under the lift truck. Lower
weight. the lift truck frame back onto the blocks.

7. Remove the counterweight. Refer to service man- DISASSEMBLE

ual the Frame 100 SRM 793 for instructions on
how to remove the counterweight. Top Section Housing
8. Put blocks under the lift truck frame to remove 1. Remove the wheel nuts and the wheel.
the MDU from the truck. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Oper- 2. Remove the socket head bolts and screws on the
ating Manual or Periodic Maintenance 8000 bottom side of the transmission housing. See
SRM 798. Step A in Figure 2.

3. Remove the socket head bolts found on the inside

WARNING of the top section housing. See Step B in Figure 2.
The traction motor is heavy. Secure it with a
lifting device when removing it from the lift 4. Remove the two socket head bolts, nuts, and
truck. washers shown in Steps B and C in Figure 2.

9. Remove the bolts and lockwashers that fasten NOTE: There are two end stops and a stop plate on
the traction motor to the centering ring and top the top section housing flange. Remove and replace
section housing of the MDU. Lift the motor and these parts only if they are damaged.
set it out of the way. Do not damage the spline
NOTE: The top section housing can only be replaced
on the motor shaft. See Figure 2 and Figure 3.
as a unit. The centering ring may be reused.
10. Remove the bolts that hold the MDU in place to
5. Remove the top section housing (8, Figure 3) from
the frame.
the transmission housing (45).
11. Remove the steering chain and chain tensioner.
6. Remove the centering ring (1) from the top sec-
12. Put a sling under the lift truck frame on the side tion housing. See Figure 3.
of the MDU that faces toward the front of the
7. Inspect the breather valve (3), lube fitting (15),
truck. Make sure the lifting device and sling are
and pins (14) in the top section housing These
rated to lift approximately 450 kg (1000 lb).
parts should only be removed and replaced if they
are damaged.
There are close clearances underneath the 8. Inspect the circlip (16) and replace if necessary.
lift truck when removing the MDU. Never put

Repair 630 SRM 794


Figure 2. Removing Top Section Housing

630 SRM 794 Repair

Figure 3. Master Drive Unit

Repair 630 SRM 794

Legend for Figure 3

10. NUT 34. SEAL
11. SEAL 35. PLUG
12. PLUG 36. RING
13. SCREW (8) 37. HEX HEAD BOLT (15)
17. COVER 41. SHIMS (4)
20. SHIM 44. BOLT (5)

Transmission Housing NOTE: Inspect the seal (34) after removing the lower
ball bearing (48). Remove the seal only if it is dam-
aged. Removal of the seal will destroy it. Use a new
CAUTION seal during assembly.
During removal, do not damage the teeth on
the input motor pinion gear. Damage may 5. Extract the lower ball bearing from the bore hole
cause excessive running noises in the MDU. in the transmission housing. Remove the seal
(34) if damaged.
1. To remove the input motor pinion gear (22) from
the transmission housing (45), pry the cover as- 6. Press the ring (19), upper ball bearing (21), and
sembly (17) out of the bearing bore along with shim (20) out of the cover assembly. (17). Remove
the ring (19), upper ball bearing (21), O-ring (18), the O-ring (18) from the slot on the cover and
and shim (20). See Figure 3. discard it.

2. Turn the cover assembly over and pry the pinion 7. Remove the transmission housing cover (46).
gear out of the cover assembly.

3. Remove the helical gear hexagon nut (23) from CAUTION

the bevel pinion shaft (29), and discard it. Do not damage wheel shaft during removal
from transmission housing.
NOTE: The helical gear hexagon nut can only be used
once. 8. To remove the wheel shaft (38) and crown gear
(29), hold the wheel shaft in place and remove the
4. Using a wheel puller, remove the helical gear (24) hex head bolt (31) from the crown gear. Remove
from the bevel pinion shaft. the disc (30) from the wheel shaft.

630 SRM 794 Repair

NOTE: During the disassembly of the wheel shaft, 13. Press off the taper roller bearing (33) and shim
the sealing ring (39) on the wheel shaft can be dam- (32) from the bevel pinion shaft.
aged and should always be replaced.
14. Remove the taper roller bearing outer rings,
9. Remove the wheel shaft and crown gear from the shims, and radial shaft seal. See Figure 4.
transmission housing.
15. Remove the thread protective shield (49) from
NOTE: If the taper roller bearings (28 and 40) from the adhesive point on the housing neck and dis-
the crown gear and wheel shaft are to be reused, use card it.
a puller tool to remove them. Protect wheel stud
threads against damage during removal of bearing

10. Remove the bearing inner rings (42) from the

wheel shaft and crown gear.

11. To replace the taper roller bearings (28 and 40),

the following steps are required:

a. Cut open bearing cage and remove the


b. Remove the bearing inner ring by pulling it

over the bearing collar.

c. Remove sealing ring (39) from the wheel


Use caution when removing the bevel pinion
shaft. The bevel pinion shaft must not be dam-
aged during removal.

12. Remove the spiral bevel pinion shaft (29). Re-

move the taper roller bearing (25) and shim (26),
which is press fit, from the bearing bore hole on 1. BEARING OUTER RINGS
top of the transmission housing. 2. SHIMS
CAUTION Figure 4. Bearing Outer Rings and Shims
Keep bearing outer rings with their respec- Location
tive bearing inner rings. Keep all shim sets
together for correct location and installation
during assembly. Do not reuse damaged shim

Repair 630 SRM 794

ASSEMBLE the contact pattern and the torsional backlash of the

crown gear.
Installing Spiral Bevel Pinion Shaft
Determine shim thickness and the correct adjust-
The bevel gear set, which consists of a bevel gear ment of the bevel pinion shaft as follows. See
shaft and bevel gear, is manufactured with certain Figure 5.
installation dimensions. These dimensions must
be adhered to when reassembling the bevel pinion 1. Place measuring bush D into the housing bore-
shaft into the MDU. The correct adjustment of the hole and measure dimension F.
bevel pinion shaft is required for an exact setting of



Figure 5. Spiral Bevel Pinion Installation

630 SRM 794 Repair

2. Determine housing dimension E from the follow-

ing equation.

E=L F + d/2

L = Length of the measuring bush D. Dimension
marked on it is 77.50 mm (3.05 in.).
F = Difference in dimension from bearing seat di-
ameter to front face measuring bush D
d/2 = Measure of housing borehole

NOTE: Factory setting of the installation dimension

with a tolerance of +0 mm is marked on the bevel
pinion shaft.

3. Calculate the thickness of the shim rings as fol-

lows. See Figure 5.

Where: Figure 6. Shims Installation on Bevel Pinion

B = Installation dimension of bevel pinion shaft is Shaft Bearing
100 mm (3.9 in.).
T = Bearing width. See Figure 5. NOTE: Fill the sealing and taper roller bearing with
Shell Alvania R3 grease, only after it has been prop-
NOTE: The tolerance range for the bevel pinion shaft erly adjusted.
bearing is +0.05 mm (0.02 in.).
8. Install sealing ring (39) and bearing inner ring
NOTE: Do not reuse damaged shim rings. Replace (42) onto the wheel shaft (38).
with new shim rings.
9. Press bearing inner ring onto the crown gear.
4. Assemble shim pack by combining shims of var-
ious thicknesses as determined in above steps. 10. Press shim (27) onto bearing (28) seat.
Place shims (32) into the bearing seat. See Fig-
11. Press fit the taper bearing (33) onto the bevel
ure 6.
pinion shaft.
5. Install bearing outer ring into the bearing seat in
12. Check and adjust bearing preload on input
the housing. See Figure 4 and Figure 6.
pinion gear. Bearing preload range is 0.02 to
0.07 mm (0.0008 to 0.0028 in.). Add or subtract
CAUTION shims to obtain the correct bearing preload level.
The radial shaft seal between the taper roller
bearings and the thread protective shield can 13. Install the spiral bevel pinion shaft into trans-
only be pressed in after the bearing has been mission housing.
adjusted. See Figure 4. a. Lubricate cage and space between rollers and
6. Place the shims (41) for the wheel shaft bearing shims with transmission oil.
into the bearing (40) seat. See Figure 4. b. Insert assembled bevel pinion shaft from the
7. Install the bearing outer ring (43) of the wheel bottom into the housing, and apply a slight
shaft bearing into the bearing bore. See Figure 4. preload to the bearing shims in the housing.

Repair 630 SRM 794

Measuring Bearing Movement in Bevel S = 0.08 mm is measured on the bearing.

Pinion Shaft Z = 0.7 mm + 0.08 mm = 0.78 mm.

Determine the thickness of the shims that are placed Add 0.02 mm to dimension Z, so that a bearing
in the bevel pinion shaft as follows. See Figure 3, preload from 0.02 mm to 0.07 mm is set.
Figure 4, and Figure 7. Z = 0.78 mm + 0.02 mm = 0.80 mm

1. Dimension C = Distance from the collar of the This achieves a bearing preload of 0.07 mm.
bevel pinion shaft to contact bearing outer ring.
3. Assemble shim pack by combining shims of var-
2. Dimension S = Distance from plane face of bear- ious thicknesses as determined in above steps.
ing outer ring to plane face of bearing inner ring. Place shims (26) into the bearing seat.

Calculate the shim thickness as follows: 4. Press the taper roller bearing (25) onto bevel pin-
ion shaft.
5. Install bearing inner ring onto the bevel pinion
The shim ring thickness corresponds with the thick- shaft.
ness of Z. For example:
C = 0.7 mm is the measurement on the housing
and shaft.

NOTE: Z = C + S.

Figure 7. Measuring Bearing Movement

630 SRM 794 Repair

6. Install bearing outer ring onto the bearing seat. point 2 is added or removed, the other pair of shims
See Figure 4. at bearing point 1 has to be either added or removed.
For location of the shims and bearing points, see Fig-
7. Install the lower ball bearing (48) and seal (34) ure 3 and Figure 8.
into the input pinion gear bore hole on top of the
transmission housing (45). See Figure 3. NOTE: After adjusting the bearing preload, checking
it is not possible. Bearing movement should not be
Assembly of Helical Gear measurable. However, the wheel shaft must be able
to be rotated by hand.
1. Push the helical gear (24) onto the bevel pinion
shaft spline. See Figure 3. NOTE: After setting the bearing preload, check the
torsional backlash again. If the bearing friction
torque or the torsional backlash are outside their
required bearing ranges, a new adjustment is re-
Do not damage the helical gear when tighten- quired. Obtain the final value by either adding or
ing the hexagon nut that fastens the helical removing shim rings.
gear to the bevel pinion shaft.
1. Determine the shim thickness before installing
NOTE: Always use a new hexagon nut. Peen the nut the wheel shaft (38) into the transmission hous-
after contact pattern check. ing. Use several sizes of shims to obtain the min-
2. Place the hexagon nut (23) on the helical gear imum bearing movement of 0.02 mm.
and tighten to 150 N•m (111 lbf ft). 2. Install the shims into the bearing seat of the
transmission housing.
In order to check the adjusted bearing preload,
the following steps may have to be made sev-
eral times. Use caution when performing these
steps. A direct checking of the adjusted bear-
ing preload is not possible. However, the bevel
pinion shaft must have the ability to be rotated
by hand.

3. Press bevel pinion shaft down by hand and rotate

it several times in order to align the taper rollers
in the bearing rings.

4. Position dial gauge and set the indicator to zero.

5. Mark the position of the dial gauge on the helical


6. Using two assembly levers, press the bevel pin-

ion shaft upward and read the bearing movement
on the dial gauge. There must not be any mea-
surable bearing movement.
Assembling Crown Gear and Wheel Shaft 3. BEARING POINT 2
NOTE: During the adjustment of the torsional back- Figure 8. Shims Location
lash of the wheel shaft, if one pair of shims at bearing

Repair 630 SRM 794

3. Place the wheel shaft in the transmission hous- 6. Apply a thin layer of Loctite 270 onto the surface
ing and measure the bearing preload on the of the inner teeth (hub splines) of the crown gear.
wheel shaft as follows. See Figure 9. Lubricate the sealing ring (39) and taper roller
bearing (40) on the wheel shaft with Shell Alva-
nia R3 grease.

7. Install wheel shaft into the crown gear teeth.

8. Bolt together the crown gear and wheel shaft.

Tighten the bolt to 245 N•m (181 lbf ft).

9. Measure and adjust the torsional backlash on the

crown gear by adding or removing shims. Tor-
sional backlash on the crown gear must be be-
tween 0.03 mm and 0.11 mm. See Figure 10.

Figure 9. Measuring Bearing Preload on Wheel


a. Press the wheel shaft down by hand and ro-

tate it several times to align the taper rollers
in the bearing rings.

b. Place a dial gauge on the wheel shaft and

move the dial gauge indicator to zero.

c. Mark the position of the dial gauge on the

wheel shaft.

d. Use two levers to lift the wheel shaft up-

ward and read the bearing play on the dial
gauge. The required bearing preload is 0.05
to 0.10 mm (0.002 to 0.004 in.).
CAUTION Figure 10. Measuring Torsional Backlash on
Replace the radial shaft seal on the wheel shaft Crown Gear
during assembly.
a. Block the bevel pinion shaft against torsion
NOTE: Install the radial shaft seal between the taper with a wood wedge.
roller bearings in the transmission housing, only af-
ter the bearing preload for the wheel shaft has been b. Position a dial gauge so the sensor touches a
determined. See Figure 4. tooth.

NOTE: The installation dimension for the radial c. Move the spiral bevel gear in the direction
shaft seal is 3.0 [+0.05 to 0.0] mm (0.12 [+0.002 to away from the sensor of the dial gauge.
0.0] in.).
d. Adjust the dial gauge for a zero reading.
4. Remove wheel shaft from the transmission hous-
e. Move the gear toward the dial indicator and
read the backlash. The backlash must be
5. Apply a thin layer of Loctite™ 574 to the outer between 0.03 mm to 0.11 mm. If the backlash
diameter of the radial shaft seal. Install radial is too much, the bevel gear must move toward
shaft seal into transmission housing. the pinion. If the backlash is not enough, the
gear must move away.
NOTE: Apply Loctite only to the inner teeth of the
crown gear.

630 SRM 794 Repair

f. Correct the direction of the spiral bevel gear the input pinion gear. Damage may cause ex-
by adding or removing shims under the bear- cessive running noises in the MDU.
ing cup. See Figure 8 for location of the
shims. 2. Install the input motor pinion gear (22) onto the
bearing seat of the lower ball bearing.
10. Check the bearing friction torque on the crown
gear as follows: 3. Press the upper ball bearing (21) onto the input
pinion gear.
NOTE: A new adjustment is required if the bearing
friction torque is beyond the required range. The NOTE: Do not damage the sealing lip of the ring (19)
range is 0.05 mm to 0.10 mm. during assembly of the cover.

a. Rotate the wheel shaft several times to align 4. Assemble the cover (17) before installing it onto
the taper rollers in the bearing rings. There the input pinion gear as follows. See Figure 3.
cannot be any bearing movement during this
a. Apply a thin layer of grease to the ring lip
check. However, the wheel shaft must be
(19). Turn the cover over and install the ring.
able to be rotated by hand.
b. Install the shim (20) into the cover.
b. Adjust the bearing friction to a range of 9 to
12 N•m (80 to 106 lbf in). NOTE: Use a new O-ring when assembling the cover.

Assembling Transmission Housing Cover c. Coat the O-ring with transmission oil and
install it onto the cover.
CAUTION 5. Install the completed cover onto the input pinion
When installing the transmission housing gear shaft.
cover, if tapped holes are drilled through the
housing, the fastening bolts must be sealed 6. Insert the circlip (16) into the bore hole of the top
completely with Loctite. section housing (8).

Install the transmission housing cover. See Figure 3. Inspecting Top Section Housing
Apply a layer of Loctite 574 onto the plane face of
the housing. Apply one drop of Loctite 243 onto the
threads of the fastening bolts. Tighten the bolts to CAUTION
9.5 N•m (84 lbf in). The top section housing can only be replaced
as a unit.
Assembling Input Motor Pinion Gear
The following signs indicate that the top section
NOTE: The parts in Step 1 are installed in the top housing needs to be replaced.
section housing only if they were removed because
1. The peened cover disc on the pivoted bearing is
of defects during the disassembly stage. Use new
loose. See Figure 3.
replacement parts.
2. The pivoting bearing is difficult to rotate or is
1. Install the breather valve (3, Figure 3), lube fit-
ting (15), and pins (14).
3. The cage segments or balls are damaged.
4. The maximum bearing movement is too high.
Do not damage the teeth on the input pinion
gear and the helical gear during installation of

Repair 630 SRM 794

Measuring Pivoting Bearing Movement so the pins (14) in the transmission housing are
positioned in the fitting bores of the top section.
NOTE: The maximum bearing movement of the piv-
oting bearing is 0.03 mm. See Figure 3 and Figure 11. 2. Insert and tighten the two socket head bolts,
nuts, and washers shown in Steps B and C in
1. Check pivoting bearing (47, Figure 3) in the top Figure 2.
section housing (8) as follows:
3. Place in the top section housing, and tighten the
socket head bolts shown in Step B in Figure 2.

4. Insert and tighten the socket head bolts that go

on the bottom side of the transmission housing.
See Step A in Figure 2.

NOTE: The axial movement of the ball bearing in the

input pinion gear has a minimum range of 0.1 mm to
0.4 mm. When checking, the bearing movement has
to be measurable.

5. Check the axial movement of the input pinion

shaft in the top section housing as follows:

a. Rotate the wheel shaft several times.

Figure 11. Measuring Pivoting Bearing b. Position a dial gauge at a right angle onto the
plane face of the input pinion. Move the dial
a. Insert three eye bolts into the outer ring of indicator to zero.
the pivoting bearing. Rotate the pivoting
bearing several times. c. Mark the position of the dial gauge on the
plane face.
b. Insert three dial gauges into the remaining
holes on the pivoting bearing and move the d. Press the input pinion upward and down-
dial indicators to zero. ward, and read the axial bearing movement
on the dial gauge. Axial bearing movement
c. Mark the position of each dial gauge on the must be between 0.1 and 0.4 mm.
pivoting bearing.
6. Bolt the centering ring (1) onto the pivoting bear-
d. Pull the pivoting bearing upwards with a pull ing (47).
force of 50 kg (110 lb). Rotate the pivoting
bearing several times so it ends up at the po- NOTE: On the flange of the top section housing are
sition that was marked in the previous step. two end stops and a stop plate used for the steering
Read the dial gauges. The maximum bearing lock. During the removal stage, these parts should
movement must not exceed 0.03 mm. only be removed and replaced if they are damaged. If
new parts need to be installed, follow the steps out-
Installing Top Section Housing lined below. Also, see Steering System 1600 SRM
NOTE: The plane faces of the transmission housing
and the top section housing must be clean and free of 7. Screw the two final stops onto the chain tread.
grease prior to assembling the sections together.
8. Place the lock plate into the groove in the cen-
1. Apply Loctite 574 to the sealing surface of the tering ring and fasten it to the pivoting bearing.
top section housing (8, Figure 3). Place top sec- Tighten screws to 80 N•m (59 lbf ft).
tion housing onto the transmission housing (45)

630 SRM 794 Repair

INSTALL 3. Once both sets of holes are aligned, join the MDU
to the frame by inserting and tightening the bolts
1. Use a crane and chain or sling with a capacity through the top of the frame. Tighten to 80 N•m
rating of 450 kg (1000 lb) to lift the frame. Lift (59 lbf ft).
the frame for clearance to slide the MDU under
the frame. See Figure 3. 4. Place the traction motor on the MDU so the holes
on the motor flange line up with the holes on
the inside of the cover ring. Insert the bolts and
tighten to 23 N•m (203 lbf in).
If the MDU falls, it can cause a serious injury.
Secure the MDU with a lifting device to hold it 5. Install the steering chain and chain tensioner.
in a vertical position. See service manual Steering System 1600 SRM
796 for more information on steering system re-
2. Hold the MDU in the vertical position through pair, installation, and adjustments.
the hole in the plate on the truck frame. Raise
the frame and remove the blocks. Lower the
frame and align the six bolt holes on the top sec-
tion housing (centering ring) and the frame.

Tooth Contact Pattern Adjustment 630 SRM 794

Tooth Contact Pattern Adjustment

NOTE: Most of the adjustments are done during as- pattern on the crown gear can be done after the as-
sembly of the MDU. Adjustment of the teeth contact sembly of the MDU. To adjust the teeth contact pat-
tern, see Table 1.

Table 1. Tooth Contact Pattern

Correct Contact Pattern Step 1. Apply a colored dye or

grease to approximately 12 of the
teeth of the spiral bevel gear.
Step 2. Apply a small friction load
to the edge of the gear so the gear
does not turn easily. Rotate the gear
one revolution by turning the large
gear on the spiral bevel pinion.
Step 3. Check the tooth contact
pattern on the spiral bevel gear.
Make sure the pattern is checked
on the side of the tooth where the
pinion teeth apply the force.
Wrong Contact Pattern
Tip Contact If the pattern shows the bevel pinion
is too far from the center of the bevel
gear, adjustment in the direction
of the arrows is necessary. Adjust
the thickness of the shim sets as
described in the assembly procedure.

Base Contact If the pattern shows the bevel pinion

is too close to the center of the bevel
gear, adjustment in the direction
of the arrows is necessary. Adjust
the thickness of the shim sets as
described in the assembly procedure.

Inner Contact If the pattern shows the bevel pinion

is too close to the center of the bevel
pinion, adjustment in the direction
of the arrows is necessary. Adjust
the shim sets at the spiral bevel
gear as described in the assembly
Outer Contact If the pattern shows the bevel pinion
is too far from the center of the bevel
pinion, adjustment in the direction
of the arrows is necessary. Adjust
the shim sets at the spiral bevel
gear as described in the assembly

630 SRM 794 Changing Transmission Oil

Changing Transmission Oil

level is achieved when it is level with the lip of
WARNING the oil inlet hole. During filling, make sure that
After a long period of operation, transmission air does not become trapped within the transmis-
oil becomes very hot. Use heat-resistant gloves sion. Trapped air can be removed by turning the
to protect against serious burns and other in- wheel shaft.
7. Insert the oil inlet screw together with a new seal
The MDU assembly has one oil compartment. See ring into the oil inlet hole and tighten to 22 N•m
Figure 12. It is recommended that after 500 hours (195 lbf in).
of initial operation, the oil be changed. After the ini-
tial service, the oil needs to checked and changed af-
ter every 2000 hours of operation. The amount of
oil used is 4.2 liter (4.4 qt). Access to the filler in-
let screw is gained by removing the tow pin from its
slot on the counterweight. Turn the MDU counter-
clockwise until the inlet screw and hole become visi-
ble through the tow pin slot. To drain and change the
gear oil, do the following:

1. Remove the inlet screw.

2. Position a suitable oil catch container under-

neath the oil outlet screw. The container must
have a capacity of at least 5 liter (5.3 qt).

3. Remove the oil outlet screw and seal ring.

4. Allow the gear oil to fully drain for at least 5 min-


5. Clean magnet on the oil outlet screw and reinsert 1. INLET SEAL RING 3. OUTLET SEAL
the screw with a new seal ring. Tighten the screw 2. INLET SCREW RING
to 22 N•m (195 lbf in).
Figure 12. MDU Lubrication
6. Fill the MDU with new gear oil. A small hand
pump may be needed to feed the oil in under pres-
sure due to the viscosity of the oil. The correct oil

Troubleshooting 630 SRM 794



Oil leakage on gear shaft. Radial shaft seal damaged or not in- Remove gear shaft and install new
stalled properly. radial shaft seal.

Channel on gear shaft damaged. Remove and inspect gear shaft.

Reuse and rework if possible.

Oil leakage on oil filler or oil Dirt between sealing ring and hous- Clean sealing ring and housing.
drain plug. ing.

Old sealing ring was used. Replace with new sealing ring.

Bolts not tightened to required Tighten bolts to the required torque

torque specifications. specifications.

Oil leakage between the Seal faces not sealed or are uneven. Apply Loctite™ 574 onto seal faces.
transmission housing and
top section housing.

Cylinder pin(s) has burrs. Replace with new cylinder pin(s).

Bolts not tightened to torque specifi- Tighten bolts to the required torque
cations. specifications.

Oil leakage on top section Bolts not tightened to torque specifi- Tighten bolts to the required torque
housing. cations. specifications.

Housing cover is not sealed properly. Apply Loctite 574 to housing cover.

Beating noise at the spur Teeth on input motor pinion and/or Replace damaged gear(s).
gear stage. helical gear are damaged.

Ringing noise. Spur gear stage running without oil. Check oil level. Refill as needed.

Grinding noise. Bearing preload or backlash not cor- Inspect and make correct adjust-
rectly adjusted. ments.

630 SRM 794 Troubleshooting


Pivoting bearing is difficult Cover disc is loose and dirt has en- Replace pivoting bearing.
to rotate or backlash is mea- tered into the bearing.

Cage segments are damaged. Replace pivoting bearing.

Plastic deformation of balls or ball Replace pivoting bearing.


Bearing is not lubricated. Lubricate pivoting bearing.

Grease not distributed evenly. Rotate pivoting bearing several times

by hand.

Oil leakage in the top section Too much transmission oil. Check oil level.
housing in the spur gear area

Defective O-ring on seal. Replace with new O-ring.

Breather valve is damaged. Replace breather valve.























630 SRM 794 5/00 Printed in United Kingdom

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