Advanced Engineering Knowledge (PE) Knowledge of Standardised Practices (EA) Knowledge of Technology (ET)

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Advanced Engineering Knowledge (PE) Knowledge of Standardised

Practices (EA) Knowledge of Technology (ET)

• Develop and apply current research papers to inform and shape perceptions of engineering
possibilities to meet [client] needs.
• Apply advanced theory-based knowledge of engineering fundamentals and the forefront of a
practice area to the delivery of engineering projects, systems and programs (including
• Use mathematical, numerical and computational tools pertinent to the engineering discipline to
predict technical, commercial, environmental and social performance.
• Apply the principles and theories of engineering science and mathematics to help make accurate
performance predictions, including predicting failure.
• Apply engineering fundamentals and logic to the development and operation of complex financial,
commercial or managerial systems

During the last three and half years, I worked as a senior planning engineer and shadowing the project
manager in a supervision consultant to monitor and control the execution of educational buildings. The
contractor submitted a claim for extension on time, I reviewed it and finalized with the client but some of the
events in the claim were still opened and not finalized, I agreed with the client to make it as interim extension
of time, the contractor agreed for the entitlement f\but he did not accept to submit a revised clause 14 program
to comply with the condition of contract since it is not final and interim. The problem occurred when the
contractor submitted a new claim for new events and the client insisted to not study it before having a revised
clause 14 for the previous extension and update it to apply the time impact analysis methods and the
contractor insisted to submit impacted as planned method since the reject to submit the clause 14 program.
I conducted a meeting with the client and contractor and explained to them the different methods for extension
of time evaluation as detailed in the AACEI recommended practice No.29R-03 for the forensic schedule
analysis. I referred to tables no 4 and 5 in the recommended practice to compare the required data for each
method and how to choose the method based on the analysis objectives. Finally, I recommend to apply
method no 3.8 (collapsed as built) which requires only the as-built information and it was available from the
project daily records and weekly and monthly reports. Accordingly, I prepared my analysis and finalize it with
the client and contractor and the issued the extension of time.
At the beginning of the project, I reviewed the contract document and propose to apply a KPI system for the
evaluation of the project performance. I prepared the KPI dashboard and measurement system and order to
reduce the effort needed to keep it update monthly I developed an excel spreadsheet which includes one
entry worksheet and it generates all the KPI gauges chart directly, currently, I am working on a VBA
programming to extract all data from the Primavera XER file directly. In managing the project time schedule,
I used the Rib iTwo 4d scheduling software in the new college of engineering and college of pharmacy, this
tools enable the 4D simulation and tracking for the progress at site at the same time it facilitates the
coordination with our quantity surveyor to review and approve the contractor monthly interim payment.

In the new student affairs, I checked the prepared geotechnical report provided by the designer and found
that he did …..of boreholes. I discussed it with our structural engineer and highlight that according to the
British standard BS …the no of boreholes should be……………. And our area is ……………….so we need
to add …… of boreholes. I told him that the contractor scope include a clause
Local knowledge
• Apply accepted local technical literature and engineering practices and locally applied international
• Take into account local environmental plans, conditions, constraints and opportunities.
• When appropriate, apply and incorporate engineering knowledge embodied in standards, design
guides, product datasheets, existing products and designs in order to produce reliable and
economic results in a timely manner.
• Keep yourself informed about new and emerging technologies, techniques, products, materials,
theories and science relevant to your practice areas.
• Apply Australian knowledge and practices, including unwritten engineering knowledge in the area
of engineering

During the last three and half years, I worked as a senior planning engineer and shadowing the project
manager in a supervision consultant to monitor and control the execution of educational buildings. To review
and approve the execution plan and time schedule, I have my own historical data for the productivity rate
which I have collected during the last 12 years working in Qatar. I am aware of the major obstacles and
potential risk for the construction project in Qatar. Actually the estimated productivity rate for the concrete
formwork and shuttering were different from one contractor to another, for that I requested the construction
manager to provide me with the data sheet and catalogues for the proposed scaffolding system by each
contractor, I reviewed it technically and cheeked the recommended manpower and productivity rate for each
system. In addition to that, I request the contractor to provide me with some historical records from their
previous project and the actually achieved productivity and talked with our structural engineer to know his
feedback based on his visit to other projects during the prequalification process for each supplier. I am always
keeping my self-updated by reading the articles on the construction manager website related to the CIOB as
I am already MCIOB and reading the Engineering Australia magazine received by mails.

One of the major local risks is the delay in handing over process especially for the civil defence and as a
mitigation response, I always consider at least three months for these processes which are quite reasonable
based on the previously completed project. Also, I discussed the testing and commission procedure with the
mechanical and electrical engineer and talked with our stakeholder officer to understand all process required
for building a connection with the governmental utilities to ensure that it a\has been considered in the
execution plan.

In 2013, I was working in James cubit consultancy firm in Qatar, in a design project of the multipurpose sports
hall, I worked closely with our architectural and structural engineer and supervise the specification engineer
during the writing of the specification. The project was rated as five stars building under the Global
Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) which is applied in Qatar. I conducted several types of research
and meeting with the local suppliers to make sure that the specified material will match the required
sustainability criteria. The geotechnical report show that we will need to includer dewatering scope in the
construction tender document, for that I checked Qatar Construction Specification (QCS) and visited the
governmental authority for the drainage network to get the nearest point which can be used to discharge the
ground water and all their requirement including all chemical test for the water, The discharge point location
was a cross an existing roads, so I collected all information from the road and traffic department about the
road crossing and traffic diversion procedure and regulation to make sure that the scope of the construction
contract is clear and avoid any potential claims after awarding the contract.
15. Creativity and innovation
• apply your knowledge of materials and physical and abstract objects to work out how to rearrange
them so they perform the required function
• • develop the most effective ways to create value for sponsors, clients, end users and investors in
products, projects, processes or systems that have agreed aesthetics, level of performance or
• • select and use fundamental principles to meet requirements economically, possibly reusing or
modifying existing componentry
• • develop concepts to meet requirements and specify, document, build, test, verify, validate,
measure and monitor engineering products or processes
• • review opportunities in work portfolio for enhancing products, processes, systems and services,
assesses viability and initiate actions
• • apply the benefits of continuous technical change and innovation to enhance the outcomes
• • apply and advance research-based education practice to course design, delivery and assessment

During the last three and half years, I worked as a senior planning engineer and shadowing the project
manager in a supervision consultant to monitor and control the execution of educational buildings. The new
college of engineering and pharmacy started in 2014 and the 4D and 5D BIM (Building information modelling)
were specified to be done by Rib iTwo software. The Rib iTwo software was mainly for the 5D but for 4D it
has some limited futures and a little bit complex. In 2016, when I informed that we are going to issue a new
tender for the new student affairs I talked with the design project manager and explain to him that other
software such as Synchro have more feature in the 4D which allow detecting the clashes in the construction
activities and it is more economical. So, I advised him to include it in the tender document instead of Rib iTwo
for the 4D scheduling and to consider the required training to be provided for the contractor staff and our
staff. Currently, we are preparing for the applying of Synchro in the new student affair since it already starts
in October 2017.

In the new college of engineering, the roof of the building was designed as a green roof and consider a normal
system of concrete planters and soil to be used for the planting on the roof. During the construction, the
contractor proposed another system called Daku green roofing which eliminates the needs for soil. After
checking the system and discuss it with the project manager and the structural engineer, the project manager
agreed to recommend it to the client as it more economic and the structural load is less on the building.

During my work in James Cubitt in 2012 and 2013, a contracting company appointed our office as their design
consultant in a tender for sports hall. The main challenge was the allowed duration of design and construction.
After researchers I proposed to our architectural engineer to consider the TFE material instead of using the
steel structure and standing seam roofing in order to reduce the construction time. I collected all technical
data about the TFE and contacted the supplier in UAE to get all data related to the sunlight and heat
transmission also, the cost for supplying and installing of this material. Also, I told them to consider the
lightweight block (aerated concrete) instead of the ordinary concrete masonry unit to increase the productivity
and also to ensure the sustainability of the specified material which was part of our submittal for the
sustainability rating system in Qatar called GSAS(Global Sustainability Assessment System). The same
contractor assigned us a prepare a new design for his main office building refurbishment and to consider the
minimum disturbance since the building was already occupied. I proposed to the designer to use a modern
technology called snap tile which was available in Qatar by Italian supplier and allow to install the new tiles
for the whole floor during the night shift and out of the employee working hours.
• evaluate ongoing projects, products and processes to identify and diagnose performance
deficiencies, impending or actual failures, and propose remedies and solutions
• • monitor and evaluate product, project, process or system against whole of life criteria (cost,
quality, safety, reliability, maintenance, aesthetics, fitness for purpose and social and
environmental impact and decommissioning)
• • determine criteria for evaluating a design solution and address designer obligations for work
health and safety
• • undertake and report design verification (e.g. of pressure equipment) to required standard
• • set or adopt criteria for evaluation and review and evaluate the effectiveness of engineering
• • evaluate product, project, process or systems outcomes against the original specification or
design brief
• • diagnose performance deficiencies, conceive and design remedial measures and predict
performance of modified systems
• • evaluate product, project, process or systems outcomes for constructability and maintainability as
input to future design improvement
• • assess and use technical information and statistics correctly to ensure that opportunities are
based on sound evidence
• • engage in periodic review and continuous improvement of educational programs and courses
During the last three and half years, I worked as a senior planning engineer and shadowing the project
manager in a supervision consultant to monitor and control the execution of educational buildings. The
execution program for the new college of engineering divided the excavation into four packages, I checked
the sequence and confirmed with the contractor planning team to give priority to zone no 2 and 3 as it contains
two big concrete water tanks which will need more activities for water leakage testing and waterproofing.
During my site tour, I found that contractor construction team is not following the planned sequence and most
of the excavation work was concentrated in zone 1 and 4 as it were easier, and they wanted to start the
casting of the footing to show some kind of progress which I considered as a misleading progress. I conducted
a meeting with our project manager and the contractor project manager, I show presented the program and
the importance of expediting the work in zone 2 and 3. Later on, in the steel fixing for the footing, I noticed
that there only one allocated area for steel bar unloading and the rebar distribution at the site was done by
manually the labour because the tower crane was still not yet fixed. I conducted another meeting with the
contractor project manager and explain to him the delay in the progress due to this issue, I asked him to
allocate another two points for the steel bar unloading to reduce the handling and transportation distance.
Moreover, I told him that he must rent at least two mobile cranes for this stage until he completes the
installation of tower cranes. Also, I requested our safety manager to check the driving license and the
maintenance certificate of the rented mobile crane by the contractor before allowing them to work at the site.
In the monthly progress report, I highlighted the recovered delay due to the effective implementation of the
proposed solution.

During my work in James Cubitt, as an assistant project manager, I was responsible to evaluate the concept
designs prepared by our architect from the constructability point of view and develop the initial construction
budget to compare it with the client feasibility study and time and cost objectives. I was involved in a project
to design a new branch for a public school, I reviewed the project brief provide by the client engineering
department and the contract was mentioning the need to consider the end user requirement. So I arranged
several meetings with the end user to collect their requirement in the new building and to understand the
problem in the currently occupied building. After these meeting the I found that the collected requirement is
going beyond the provided ProJet brief and even cannot be accommodated d in the targeted plot area. I
started to evaluate the collected requirement and conducted value management workshop with our designer
and client engineering team to prioritize the requirement evaluate it from the perspective of reliability,
aesthetics and fitness for purpose also to eliminate the unnecessary then I concluded the result of workshop
and prepared a list of final agreed requirement and send it to the client to get his final approval.

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