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Thermodynamic Optimization of Bottoming Cycle

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Energy 147 (2018) 36e50

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Thermodynamic efficiency improvement of combined cycle power

plant's bottom cycle based on organic working fluids
Stjepko Katuli 
c*, Mislav Cehil, Daniel Rolph Schneider
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Ivana Lucica 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents thermodynamic optimization of a bottom cycle which uses water and organic fluids
Received 10 June 2017 as working fluids. The heat recovery steam generator is modeled with regard to different pressure levels,
Received in revised form including the reheat of first pressure level, the configurations of heat-exchangers network where heat
4 January 2018
can be exchanged between flue gas and working fluids. Water is chosen as the working fluid of the first
Accepted 4 January 2018
pressure level while an organic fluid for the second pressure level. Thermodynamic optimization of
efficiency of the bottom cycle was conducted considering the variables of the heat-exchangers' inside the
heat recovery steam generator HRSG and the operating parameters of working fluid of each pressure
Heat-exchangers network
level and reheat. A genetic algorithm and a gradient optimization method were used with the ther-
Heat recovery steam generator modynamic model implanted in Matlab. It is shown that by using parallel and serial configurations of
Organic cycle heat-exchangers and water in the first level pressure and organic working fluids in the second pressure
Steam cycle level a better thermodynamic efficiency of the bottom cycle can be achieved.
Thermodynamic optimization © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction energy use and to decrease CO2 emissions [3]. Particularly inter-
esting is the increase of the CCPP thermodynamic efficiency (hCCPP )
The consumption of fossil energy sources is still far greater than by proper arrangement of heat-exchangers' layout in HRSG, proper
the energy consumption from renewable energy sources. As an selection of number of pressure levels, adequate selection of
example, the total consumption of primary energy sources in the working fluids and operating parameters in order to increase
United States [1] is showing that oil, natural gas and coal are the thermodynamic efficiency of steam turbine part of the power plant
most used primary energy sources, and the average annual increase (hST ). By finding optimum values of previously mentioned vari-
in oil consumption is about 1.5%, in coal 3.24% and in natural gas ables, for the same amount of generated electricity less fuel would
more than 4% in the period from 2000 to 2011. The generation of be consumed and therefore less greenhouse gases would be pro-
electrical energy from the fossil energy sources is also far greater duced. According to the scientific literature review, research of
compared to generation from renewable energy sources. The pro- increasing hCCPP can be roughly divided into three categories:
jections of consumption of primary energy sources for electricity
generation in the United States [2] show their increasing tendency, a) research of increasing the thermodynamic efficiency of both the
and natural gas will be the most used for electricity generation with top cycle (hGT ) and bottom cycle (hST ) [4],
the total share of around 35% by the 2040. These data indicate that b) research of increasing hCCPP by simultaneously increasing the
the generation of electricity using combined cycle power plants thermodynamic efficiency of both cycles (top and bottom) [5],
(CCPP) will continue to increase in the future. c) research of organic fluids and their impact on hST [6].
The need to improve the thermodynamic efficiency of the CCPP
is emerging as one of the measures to increase energy efficiency Higher inlet temperatures, at the gas turbine inlet, resulted in
and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Generally speaking, waste higher hGT [7]. Modern steam-turbine power plants, which are part
heat recovery and utilization represents opportunity to reduce total of the CCPP, use water at lower pressure levels, which somewhat
reduced negative effect of a pinch point. The problem of using
water in the lower pressure levels is that water at lower heat source
temperatures has low hSC because, in that case, operating param-
* Corresponding author.
eters (pressure and temperature) are also low. By introducing the
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Katuli

0360-5442/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50 37

complex HRSG configurations to a power plant, it became neces- efficiency was not mentioned. Cehil et al. [19] presented a novel
sary to use advanced optimization methods, which made possible method for determining optimal heat-exchanger layouts for HRSG.
to find optimal operating parameters of the HRSG depending on the The method considers all possible heat-exchanger layouts, of each
objective function. Manassaldi et al. [8] made superstructure that pressure level, both in serial and parallel arrangement and water
embeds different alternative HRSG configurations. The objective was working fluid. The maximum hST was set as the objective
functions were a) The total net power generation, b) total heat function. Bianchi et al. [20] focused on an innovative strategy to
transfer area. It can be concluded from the paper that the layout of improve waste heat conversion through the integration of a con-
the heat exchangers was not an optimization variable handled by ventional waste-to-heat power plant with a gas turbine. Authors
the optimization algorithm. The proposed configurations did not carried out parametric analysis of the effect of the discharged heat,
have. Authors did not use parallel heat-exchanger's accommoda- from a gas turbine, on the steam mass flow production in a steam
tion which is also less complex configuration and therefore optimal generator. They concluded that this conventional waste-to-heat
solution cannot be found. Also, and it is not clear why flue gas power plant provides power output increase up to 80% compared
temperature at the HRSG outlet (stack temperature) is so high. By to mid-size reference case.
using an optimal layout for the heat exchanger, the optimal oper- Recently, there is a growing interest in exergoeconomic opti-
ating parameter of stack temperature should be between 60 and mization of power plant operation, especially of cogeneration
70  C. Mehrgoo et al. [9] have shown how to simultaneously systems [21], systems with renewable energy sources [22] and
optimize the operating and geometric design parameters of the thermal power plants with coal as the primary fuel source [23].
HRSG by using the constructal theory. The objective function was Nadir et al. [24] conducted thermo-economic optimization of
the total entropy generation. Author's did not optimize heat-ex- different HRSG configurations for gas turbine outlet temperatures
changer's layout. Zhang et al. [10] optimized operation of HRSG ranging from 350  C to 650  C. The obtained results were used to
coupled with external heat-exchangers. HRSG was divided into elaborate correlation between net present value and gas turbine
several sub-units. The position of the heat exchanger was deter- outlet temperature, flue gas mass flow rate, electricity selling price
mined by binary variables. That means that the position of the and number of pressure levels of HRSG. Petrakopoulou et al. [25]
heat-exchanger can be (if it exist) only at an advanced determined conducted a comprehensive exergy analysis to determine the
location. Also, location of evaporator was fixed which is certain potential benefits of using the system with triple pressure HRSG.
limitation if optimal solution wants to be found. The mass flow rate Carapelluci and Giordano [26] compared two methods for opti-
of the first pressure level can be determined using the mass and mizing the operating parameters of CCPP: a) minimizing the cost
energy equilibrium equations so that it is not clear why it was per unit of generated electricity and b) minimizing the objective
selected as an optimization variable. Proposed HRSG configurations function which represents exergoeconomic losses associated with
do not have heat-exchanger's in their mutual parallel position inefficiencies of thermodynamic processes. Optimization was
which proved to be disadvantage if optimal thermodynamic effi- performed for different configurations of HRSG (different number
ciency of a plant wants to be obtained. Li et al. [11] presented a of pressure levels), different gas turbines and different fuel prices.
method for waste heat utilization. Objective function was the net Bakhshmand et al. [27] conducted exergoeconomic analysis and
power output. Different cycle configurations were evaluated, in optimization of CCPP with triple-pressure HRSG and with a
addition working fluid selection among the organic fluids was reheater. The objective function was the total cost rate of the power
performed. The optimization of heat-exchanger's layout was not in plant. Once again, authors did not optimize heat-exchanger's
the scope of their work. The results indicate that the regenerative layout. Sharma and Singh [28] performed exergy analysis of dual-
organic transcritical cycle produces the maximum power output at pressure HRSG. Different physical parameters of HRSG such as fin
source temperatures up to about 500  C. Nadir and Ghenaiet [12] height, fin density and fin thickness were varied for analyzing
compared three different HRSG configurations operating at exhaust exergy efficiency at different operating pressures. Authors also
gas temperature from 350  C to 650  C. The optimization variables presented in Ref. [29] exergy analysis of dual-pressure HRSG for
were operating parameters (pressure, temperature) but not the varying dead states. Particular sections of the HRSG having
heat-exchanger's layout. In their paper stack temperature was 96  C maximum exergy losses have been located. Naemi et al. [30]
which is too high compared to well optimized heat-exchanger's performed thermodynamic and thermoeconomic analysis of dual-
layout and operating parameters. Valdes et al. [13] optimized the pressure HRSG coupled with gas turbine in order to achieve
combined cycle with multi pressure HRSG using the cost of optimum operating parameters. Heat-exchanger's were only in
production per unit of generated electricity and annual cash flow as serial arrangement.
an objective function. Bassily [14]] conducted numerical cost opti- A power plant with a gas turbine in the top cycle generally has
mization and irreversibility analysis of CCPP with triple pressure water as working fluid in the bottom cycle because water has good
HRSG. Operating parameters and the irreversibilities of the com- physical and thermodynamic properties at high temperatures and
ponents were analyzed. Koch et al. [15] applied an evolutionary is easily accessible. In systems in which the heat source is at lower
algorithm to the minimization of the product cost of CCPP. Authors temperatures, it is possible to use other working fluids such as a
analyzed CCPP with two-pressure HRSG with a reheater. Authors mixture of water and ammonia in a process known as the Kalina
concluded that exergy is closely related to the economic value of an cycle [6]. Generally, it can be said that at lower heat source
energy carrier. Valdes and Rapun [16] presented a method for the temperatures organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is an alternative to the
optimization of the HRSG based on the application of influence water in the CCPP's bottom cycle because it has better thermody-
coefficients. Authors concluded that application of influence namic properties [31]. Marrero et al. [32] conducted optimization of
coefficients to the thermal system design permits better under- a combined triple power cycle (gas-steam-ammonia). They
standing of the effects of the modifications in the variables of these concluded that the ammonia bottoming cycle provides a more
systems. Katovicz and Bart [17] optimized HRSG with three efficient thermal matching for the triple cycle HRSG than the HRSG
pressure levels and a reheater, analyzing influence of the fuel price of a conventional combined cycle. Carcasci et al. [33] have inves-
on the optimum operating parameters. The objective function was tigated the impact of the working fluid such as: toluene, benzene,
the net present value of investment. Xiang et al. [18] reported that cyclohexane and cyclopentane selection on utilization of flue gas
today's hST reaches thermodynamic efficiency of 39.2%. The meth- heat at the gas heat from a turbine outlet. HRSG had only one
odology which they applied for calculating thermodynamic pressure level. Chacartegui et al. [34] investigated the use of
38 S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50

toluene and cyclohexane in the CCPP's bottom cycle of two CCPP Table 2
configurations with different, commercially available, gas turbines. Optimization constraints.

HRSG consisted of only one pressure level. The authors used a Constraint Explanation
commercially available simulation software Thermoflow GT Pro. Tfg;in  Twf ;out  DTpp to satisfy pinch point temperature
Hettiarachchi et al. [35] presented economic results which show x  xmin anywhere during expansion e water
the influence of working fluid selection on the investment costs. and organic fluid
Four different organic fluids were selected as working fluids. The Tfg;out  Tfg;min minimal allowed temperature at
HRSG outlet e flue gas
authors conclude that the cost of heat-exchangers is by far the most
p < pcrit 0 eco ¼ 1p  pcrit 0 eco ¼ 0 criterion for number of economizers
dominant in the total cost of the investment. Toffolo et al. [36] pcond  prh  p1:pressure level constraint to the reheater pressure
presented a method that improves the selection of organic fluids, in Trh;in  T 0 ¼ f ðprh Þ 1. Pressure level expansion cannot be
Rankine cycle systems, taking into account several criteria at a time. into wet region
The method is applied to comparatively assess the performance of
isobutane and R134a, in the temperature interval between 130  C
and 180  C. The results show that the optimal cycle configuration is selection is essential in order to find HRSG configuration
in most cases subcritical for isobutane and supercritical recuper- which enables finding optimal hST and therefore optimal hCCPP . A
ated for R134a. Song et al. [37] modeled dual-loop ORC system thermodynamic model which has enabled finding optimal HRSG
which utilizes waste heat of a diesel engine. High temperature loop heat exchangers' layout (heat-exchangers of each pressure level can
uses water as a working fluid and low temperature loop uses be in their mutual parallel and/or serial position), optimal working
organic fluid. Yang et al. [38] investigated thermodynamic and parameters, while using organic working fluids in lower pressure
economic performances optimization for an ORC system recovering levels, is described in this paper.
the waste heat of exhaust gas from a diesel engine. Organic fluids
that were used were R1234ze, R245fa, R600, and R600a. The results
2. Thermodynamic model
showed that the maximum thermodynamic efficiency was
obtained while using R1234ze.
Assuming that the fuel is brought only to a gas turbine part of
Performance of a feed pump used in organic Rankine cycles was
CCPP and that there is no additional combustion in HRSG, hCCPP is
the topic of many scientific papers. Landelle et al. [39] investigated
calculated as
reciprocating pump running with an organic fluid, which was
R134a. They concluded that the use of a variable speed drive results PGT þ PST
in losses of nearly 20% of the initial consumption and that the hCCPP ¼ (2.1)
reciprocating pumps have an excellent volumetric efficiency even
at a high load. Also, pump should operate above its cavitation limit Power generated in the gas turbine cycle (PGT) represents net
which reduces ORC thermal efficiency. Richardson [40] investigated generated power. Also, power generated in the steam turbine cycle
thermodynamic performance of new thermofluidic feed pumps for (PST) represents net generated power. hGT and hST are calculated as
organic Rankine cycle applications.
By thorough literature survey of papers published in a range of hGT ¼ (2.2)
top energy journals, especially in the past four years, it has not been FGT
found that any of the authors carried out optimization of HRSG
configuration which, beside water in high pressure level integrates PST
hST ¼ (2.3)
organic fluids in lower pressure levels. FGT;out
Simultaneous optimization of HRSG heat-exchangers layout and
optimization of operating parameters of each pressure level was where
carried out. The objective function of optimization is maximization
of hST (Equation (2.15); the optimization variables shown in Table 4) FGT;out ¼ FGT $ð1  hGT Þ (2.4)
i.e. to utilize flue gas heat, which enters HRSG, and convert it, as
It should be noted that in the real process heat flux entering the
much as possible, to electrical energy. Input data are given in
HRSG is lower than FGT;out because there are certain heat losses
Table 1 and optimization constraints are given in Table 2. Simul-
between the gas turbine outlet and the HRSG inlet. These heat
taneous optimization and appropriate organic working fluids
losses are neglected because temperature of a heat flux entering
HRSG was input variable (chosen in advance). From the Equations
Table 1 (2.3) and (2.4) expression (2.5) is obtained
Input data.
Variable Value hST ¼ (2.5)
FGT $ð1  hGT Þ

Tfg,in, C 600, 800
Tsuper,max,  C: Substituting Equations (2.2) and (2.5) into Equation (2.1)
acetone 276 expression (2.6) is obtained.
trichlorofluoromethane 349
water 600, 800 hGT $FGT þ hST $FGT $ð1  hGT Þ
Twf,in,  C 26.5 hCCPP ¼ (2.6)
Tenv,  C 15 FGT
Tcond,  C 25
Tfg,min,  C 27 i.e.
ht, % [] 90
hel$hmec, % 98 hCCPP ¼ hGT þ hST $ð1  hGT Þ (2.7)
hpum, % 84
g, % 0.5 The thermodynamic model describes the operation of the
xmin 0.8 steam-turbine part of CCPP where steam turbine cycle is repre-
qm,fg, kg/s 1
sented by Rankine cycle. The power plant, in its basic form, consists
S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50 39

of a HRSG (exchanged heat flux from 2 to 3 and from 4 to 5), a steam

turbine (expansion from 3 to 4 and from 5 to 6), a condenser
(driven away heat flux from 6 to 1) and feedwater pump (from 1 to
2). Heat flux exchanged between flue gas and working fluid can be
calculated as

Fex ¼ qm;wf $½ðh3  h2 Þ þ ðh5  h4 Þ (2.8)

Heat flux driven away in the condenser can be calculated as

Faway ¼ qm;wf $ðh6  h1 Þ (2.9)

The resulting net electrical power in the steam turbine is

PST ¼ qm;wf $½ðh3  h4 Þ þ ðh5  h6 Þ$hel $hmec  Ppum (2.10)

where the power required for the feedwater pump drive is calcu-
lated as

Ppum ¼ qm;wf $ðh2  h1 Þ (2.11)

It is important to emphasize that enthalpies h4, h6 and h2

represent real and not isentropic enthalpies at the turbine and
pump outlet. These enthalpies have been calculated using turbine
and pump isentropic efficiencies. hSC represents the degree of
conversion of heat flux, entering by flue gas to the HRSG, into
electrical power (2.13). It depends on the flue gas inlet temperature.

hSC ¼ (2.12)

hSC ¼   (2.13)
qm;fg $ hfg;in  hfg;out

Since hST depends on hSC and hHRSG (2.14), that means that hST
will be lower at lower inlet temperatures of flue gas (2.15) Fig. 1. Schematic of bottom cycle of a CCPP.

F ex
hHRSG ¼   (2.14)
qm;fg $ hfg;in  hfg;Tenv pressure level, reheating pressure, superheating temperature of
each pressure level and working fluid mass flow rate of each
pressure level (except working fluid flow rate of the first pressure
hST ¼ hHRSG $hSC (2.15)
level). Procedure of how does genetic algorithm (Matlab Optimi-
HRSG has two pressure levels. Of each pressure level heat- zation Toolbox R2015a) work is given in Appendix A. Working fluid
exchangers can be in their mutual parallel and serial arrange- flow rate of first pressure level is calculated from the heat balance
ment. In thermodynamic model each pressure level, including equation. Each pressure level has its own steam turbine because
reheating, is represented by one row of exchangers which com- not all pressure levels have the same working fluid. Pressure drop of
prises of several exchangers arranged in series. An example of such the working fluid and flue gas is neglected because they depend
HRSG is shown in Fig. 1. The default number of possible serial on the geometric characteristics of the HRSG and are somewhat
exchangers in each pressure level is 6, which proved to be a suffi- independent of the heat-exchangers’ arrangement. Pressure drop
cient number for unlimited optimization. Optimization was also of the flue gas can be reduced by increasing the cross-section of the
conducted for HRSG with 8 serial exchangers in each pressure level. HRSG, as this reduces the velocity of the flue gases. Pressure drop of
In that case optimization results were same as in case with 6 heat the working fluid can be reduced by increasing the number of
exchangers and optimization process was about 30% more time parallel tubes in each heat-exchanger.
consuming because number of optimization variables increased. Flue gas inlet temperature (Tfg,in) of 600  C has been chosen
Heat-exchangers are represented by economizer, evaporator, according to [41] while temperature of 800  C has been chosen
superheater and reheater. Figs. 2 and 3 show possible (among other arbitrary in order to see does hST difference between HRSG with
possible) layouts of heat exchangers inside HRSG with two pressure organic fluid in second pressure level and with water in second
levels (Fig. 2) and two pressure levels with reheater (Fig. 3). It can pressure level increases with increase of Tfg,in. Maximal allowed
be seen that in Fig. 2 heat exchangers, of first and second pressure superheating temperature (Tsuper,max) of acetone and R11 was
level, are only in serial mutual accommodation but they can also be limited by NIST Transport Properties Database calculator
in parallel position if optimization algorithm decides so. Fig. 3 (REFPROP) which was used for calculating thermodynamic prop-
shows that some of the heat-exchangers are in mutual parallel erties of working fluids. Temperatures Twf,in, Tenv, Tcond, Tfg,min have
position and some are in mutual serial position. been chosen arbitrary. Efficiencies ht, hel$hmec and hpum have been
The genetic algorithm, which is a part of Matlab Optimization chosen according to [5]. Heat losses due to radiation (g) have been
Toolbox R2015a, was used for determining exchanged heat flow in chosen according to [42] and minimally allowed moisture content
each heat-exchanger of each pressure level, pressure of each (xmin) according to [43].
40 S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50

Fig. 2. Schematic of serial accommodation of heat-exchangers.

Fig. 3. Schematic of mixed serial and parallel accommodation of heat-exchangers inside HRSG.

The composition of fuel (natural gas) is given in Table 3. Specific a higher investment costs. Pinch point, within the HRSG, is caused
net calorific value of fuel is LHV ¼ 41.57 MJ/kg and is l ¼ 3. The list by a change in the specific heat capacity of the working fluid. The
of optimization variables in case of a dual pressure HRSG with a HRSG could utilize flue gas heat flux maximally if flue gas was
reheater is given in Table 4. cooled to the inlet temperature of a working fluid. Flue gas cannot
Pinch point is defined as the minimum temperature difference be cooled to the working fluid inlet temperature because of pinch
between flue gas and the working fluid (Fig. 4). Pinch point can point phenomenon. By selection of operating parameters, such as
occur inside economizer or at the economizer outlet i.e. at the pressure and temperature, and appropriate heat-exchangers'
evaporator inlet. Generally, it can be said that, for smaller values of layout, flue gas temperature at the HRSG outlet can be controlled.
pinch point utilization of the flue gas heat flux is better. Lower The assumption that the pinch point occurs only at the evapo-
values of pinch point result in greater heat-exchanger size, and thus rator inlet is not true. Specific heat capacity of the working fluid,
approaching saturation temperature, changes faster (increases) as
operating pressure increases. To find a position of pinch point,
Table 3 inside the HRSG, it is necessary to know the temperature profile of
Fuel composition. working fluid and flue gas and the value of pinch point. Pinch point
Component Vol, % value can be determined in advance (thermodynamic optimization)
or it can be optimization variable (exergoeconomic optimization).
Methane (CH4) 85.0
Ethane (C2H6) 5.0 In order to find the temperature profile of working fluid and flue
Propane (C3H8) 3.0 gas, each heat-exchanger, of each pressure level and reheater, was
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 3.5 divided into 200 segments. This way, accurate temperature profiles
Nitrogen (N2) 3.5 can be calculated in each heat-exchanger and thus the exact
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) 0.0
location of pinch point can be found. The temperature profile of
S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50 41

Table 4
Optimization variables for dual pressure HRSG with a reheater.

v (1) e v (5) proportion of heat flux exchanged between flue gas and working fluid in each heat-exchanger, first pressure level
v (6) position of evaporator in heat-exchangers network, first pressure level
v (7) e v (11) proportion of heat flux exchanged between flue gas and working fluid in each heat exchanger, second pressure level
v (12) position of evaporator in heat-exchangers network, second pressure level
v (13) fresh steam pressure, first pressure level
v (14) fresh steam/vapor pressure, second pressure level
v (15) superheating temperature, first pressure level
v (16) superheating temperature, second pressure level
v (17) ratio of second pressure level fluid mass flow and first pressure level fluid mass flow
v (18) e v (22) proportion of heat flux exchanged between flue gas and working fluid in each heat-exchanger, reheater
v (23) position of reheater in heat-exchangers network
v (24) reheat pressure
v (25) reheat temperature

direction from the flue gas inlet towards the flue gas outlet
from the HRSG (opposite to the calculation of a working fluid
temperature profile). Each segment of the heat-exchanger is
indicated by j.

qm;k $Dhk
hfg ðj þ 1Þ ¼ hfg ðjÞ  (2.19)

Tfg ðj þ 1Þ ¼ f hfg ðj þ 1Þ (2.20)

qm;k $Dhk
Ffg ðj þ 1Þ ¼ Ffg ðjÞ þ (2.21)

Equation (2.19) is used for determining enthalpy of a flue gas in

heat-exchanger segment. Product qm;k $Dhk represents total
exchanged heat, in each heat-exchanger segment, between flue gas
Fig. 4. Position of a pinch point inside economizer. and a working fluids. The function between flue gas temperature
and enthalpy (2.20) is calculated by using the function written in
Matlab, which is part of a described thermodynamic model. Total
working fluid and flue gas within the HRSG can be determined by exchanged heat of the flue gas in each segment of a heat-exchanger
solving the following equations: is given by Equation (2.21). Illustration of determining enthalpy,
temperature and exchanged heat of a working fluid and flue gas in a
a) The equations are used for determining the temperature profile heat-exchanger is given in Fig. 5. The mass flow of the working fluid
of working fluid of ith pressure level and heat flux delivered to in pressure levels different from the first pressure level is deter-
the working fluid. Temperature profile is calculated in the mined by the optimization algorithm. The mass flow of a working
direction from the flue gas outlet towards the flue gas inlet to fluid in first pressure level is calculated by using “fzero” function, in
the HRSG. Each segment of the heat-exchanger is indicated by j. a way that temperature profiles of flue gas and working fluid in
each pressure level are calculated and after that, the program finds
hwf;i ðj þ 1Þ ¼ hwf ;i ðjÞ þ Dhi (2.16) minimal temperature difference (2.22) between those temperature
profiles (pinch point), which has to be equal to the temperature
  difference imposed by the model before the process of optimization
Twf;i ðj þ 1Þ ¼ f hwf ;i ðj þ 1Þ; pwf ;i (2.17) (2.23) (thermodynamic optimization).

DTpp;i ¼ Tfg;i  Twf ;i (2.22)

Fwf ;i ðj þ 1Þ ¼ Fwf ;i ðjÞ þ Dhi $qm;i (2.18)
Specific enthalpy in each segment of a heat-exchanger (2.16) is min DTpp;i ¼ DTpp;imposed (2.23)
calculated and then the temperature at the boundary of each
segment (2.17). Specific enthalpy increment in heat-exchanger
segment of each pressure level (i) is given by variable Dhi which
is determined by optimization algorithm. The temperature of 3. Results
working fluid is given as a function of operating pressure and
enthalpy and can be calculated using REFPROP. Absolute exchanged Thermodynamic optimization was conducted for a steam-
heat of a working fluid in each heat-exchanger segment is calcu- turbine power plant with dual pressure (2 PL) HRSG and dual
lated by Equation (2.18). pressure HRSG with a reheater (2 PL þ RH). A detailed analysis was
conducted for dual pressure HRSG with a reheater for the flue gas
b) The equations are used for determining the temperature profile inlet temperature of 600  C. The results for the dual pressure HRSG
of flue gas and heat flux exchanged with the working fluid with a reheater for the flue gas inlet temperature of 800  C are
and the environment. Temperature profile is calculated in the given in Table 5 and results for dual pressure HRSG without a
42 S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50

working fluid flue gas

n (n-1) (n-2) 3 2 1 1 2 3 (n-2) (n-1) n

Twf,1(n) Twf,1(n-1) Tfg(1)


b qm, k hk
Tfg(3) htot
1 g rad
Twf,1(n-2) k 1

flue flue flue


gas gas gas
+ h1 + h1 + h1 + h1 - htot - htot - htot - htot

Twf,1(3) Tfg(n-1)

wf,1(n) wf,1(n-1) wf,1(n-2) wf,1(2) wf,1(2) wf,1(1) fg(1) fg(2) fg(3) fg(n-2) fg(n-1) fg(n)

Heat flux Heat flux

Fig. 5. Illustration of determining enthalpy, temperature and exchanged heat of a working fluid and flue gas in a heat-exchanger.

Table 5
Results of thermodynamic optimization of dual pressure HRSG with a reheater, Tfg,in ¼ 800  C.

Variable Value

working fluid water acetone R11

pressure level 1st 2nd reheater 1st 2nd reheater 1st 2nd reheater

ɳSC, % 45.88 44.45 46.11 25.39 46.06 23.27

DTpp  C 0 0.6 0 0.03 0 0.27
p, bar 607.14 590.85 40.46 785.68 71.6 144.31 693.3 109.7 72.82
pcond, bar 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.31 0.03 1.06
x 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.91 0.8 0.97
Tsuper,  C 789.7 765.7 341.18 799 264.46 519.97 799 256.69 417.27
qm, kg/s 0.226 0.001 0.226 0.22 0.062 0.22 0.223 0.149
Фeco, kW 457.8 1.69 451.5 38.09 455.1 29.91
Фeva, kW 0 0 0 0 0 0
Фsuper, kW 372.1 1.32 3.8 344.5 2.74 25.69 362 5.05 11.46
Фshare,% 99.19 0.36 0.45 92.29 4.73 2.98 94.62 4.05 1.33
PST,tot, kW 398.7 1.39 399.2 11.03 399.8 9.43
Ppum,tot, kW 16.14 0.058 20.32 0.666 18.2 1.301
Ptot, kW 382.5 1.33 378.9 10.36 381.6 8.13
Tfg,out,  C 52.68 27.82 26.86
ɳST,tot, % 42.85 43.46 43.51
ɳSC,tot, % 45.88 45.13 45.14
ɳHRSG, % 93.41 96.29 96.4

reheater are given in Table 6. The optimization of single pressure working fluid of first pressure level was water. Fig. 1 shows a steam-
HRSG would be trivial and therefore not interesting for the opti- turbine power plant with dual pressure HRSG and a reheater.
mizing of heat-exchangers' layout. It should be noted that in the
thermodynamic optimization pressures of a working fluid achieved 3.1. Results of thermodynamic optimization with water as a
very high values (somewhere over 700 bar) and that the imposed working fluid in second pressure level and Tfg,in ¼ 600  C
pinch temperature was 0  C, which are not realistic for practical (2 PL þ RH)
use. The results of thermodynamic efficiency obtained by exer-
goeconomic optimization (thermoeconomic optimization) can be Superheating temperature of first pressure level is 592  C and of
compared to those obtained by the thermodynamic optimization. reheating 375  C (T-s diagram, Fig. 6). It can be seen that the
Comparing those results it can be seen how inefficient is a real reheating temperature has not reached the temperature of fresh
power plant compared to the theoretical power system. Working steam superheating. The optimization algorithm has chosen this
fluids used in second pressure level were water, acetone and pressure in first pressure level and a temperature of reheating,
trichlorofluoromethane (R11). In every HRSG the configuration although there is probably a solution with lower pressure in the
S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50 43

Table 6
Results of thermodynamic optimization of dual pressure HRSG without a reheater, Tfg,in ¼ 600  C and Tfg,in ¼ 800  C.

Variable Value

Tfg,in 600  C 800  C

working fluid water acetone R11 water acetone R11

pressure level 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd

ɳSC, % 41.07 26.93 41.06 25.35 41.08 25.01 44.89 44.97 45 25.37 45.01 22.95
DTpp,  C 0 0.01 0.02 0 0.01 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0
p, bar 241.4 9.58 238.1 67.68 241.4 180.3 707.8 693 719.9 67.4 677.8 197.2
pcond, bar 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.307 0.032 1.06 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.307 0.032 1.06
x 0.8 0.81 0.8 0.91 0.8 1.04 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.91 0.81 0.94
Tsuper,  C 598.6 197.3 599 261.3 599 297.6 792.3 797 798.8 261.2 799 271.9
qm, kg/s 0.151 0.027 0.149 0.182 0.151 0.444 0.231 0.0003 0.229 0.037 0.227 0.132
Фeco, kW 297.9 17.3 295.6 112.3 298.1 91.1 471.7 0.549 468.1 22.7 462.5 27.2
Фeva, kW 0 54.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Фsuper, kW 209.8 1.32 209 8.09 210 25.14 367.7 0.435 367.8 1.67 370.4 3.5
Фshare, % 87.4 12.6 80.7 19.3 81.4 18.6 99.9 0.1 97.2 2.8 96.4 3.6
PST,tot, kW 212.9 19.7 211.4 32.37 213 35.43 396.1 0.464 395.5 6.55 392.9 9.12
Ppum,tot, kW 4.32 0.03 4.23 1.86 4.33 6.35 19.24 0.022 19.4 0.374 18.1 2.07
Ptot, kW 208.6 19.7 207.2 30.51 208.7 29.08 376.9 0.442 376.1 6.18 374.8 7.06
Tfg,out,  C 70.28 27.85 28.5 49.07 30.05 26.78
ɳST,tot, % 34.7 36.17 36.19 42.12 42.68 42.63
ɳSC,tot, % 39.29 38.03 38.09 44.89 44.45 44.22
ɳHRSG, % 88.4 95.12 95.01 93.82 96.03 96.41

Fig. 6. T-s diagram of a working cycle e dual pressure HRSG (water in second pressure level) with a reheater, Tfg,in ¼ 600  C.

first pressure level and higher temperature of reheating, which

gives a very similar value of thermodynamic efficiency. It should
also be noted that the expansion in the turbine of the first pressure
level reached the line of dry-saturated steam. There is a possibility
that better optimization result would be obtained if expansion
entered in the region of wet steam, but one of the boundary con-
ditions, imposed in the thermodynamic model, was that if HRSG
has a reheater, then expansion of the first pressure level turbine
cannot enter wet steam region because that would additionally
complicate the optimization process. Also, if expansion in the
turbine of the first pressure level entered wet steam region, then a
new pinch point would occur (isothermal process), which would
act negatively on the cooling of the flue gases. The mass flow of the
first pressure level, which is 0.147 kg/s, is slightly smaller than in
configurations without a reheater. This is a result of introduction of
a reheater which takes over part of the flue gas heat flux which, in
case of HRSG without a reheater, was taken over by a mass flow of
first pressure level. It can be seen in the T-Ф diagram (Fig. 7, x-axis
represents total heat flux which exchanged flue gas) that reheating
process starts at a temperature which is lower than the Fig. 7. T-Ф diagram of a working cycle e dual pressure HRSG (water in second pressure
level) with a reheater, Tfg,in ¼ 600  C.
44 S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50

Fig. 8. T-Ф diagram of each pressure level and reheater (water in second pressure level), Tfg,in ¼ 600  C.

temperature at which pinch point of first pressure level occurs. 3.2. Results of thermodynamic optimization with acetone as a
Usually, reheating process starts at the temperatures which are working fluid in second pressure level and Tfg,in ¼ 600  C
above the temperature at which pinch point of first pressure level (2 PL þ RH)
occurs and probably this optimization result is not global optimum,
but also, as it turned out during the optimization, there are several In this case, working fluid in second pressure level is acetone.
combinations of operating parameters that give very similar results Superheating temperature of first pressure level and of reheating is
of the thermodynamic efficiency. T-Ф diagrams for each pressure 598  C. Working pressure of first pressure level is 518 bar, which is
level and reheater are shown in Fig. 8. considerably higher than in 3.1. This is because the temperature of
As shown in Ref. [44], by not introducing the second pressure reheating is almost at its allowed maximum of 600  C. The moisture
level to the single pressure HRSG with a reheater, temperature of content at the reheater's steam turbine outlet is x ¼ 0.88. If working
the flue gas at the HRSG outlet would be around 200  C. This pressure of the first pressure level was lower than 518 bar then, the
justifies the introduction of the second pressure. The pressure of moisture content at the reheater's steam turbine outlet would be
second pressure level is 11.61 bar and superheating temperature is higher than x ¼ 0.88, which would affect hSC . As it can be seen from
212  C. Working fluid mass flow is 0.019 kg/s. The moisture con- the Fig. 9, hSC decreases with a decrease of moisture content at the
tent at the turbine outlet is almost minimally allowed and its steam turbine outlet. The moisture content at the reheater's outlet
value is x ¼ 0.81. By introduction of the second pressure level flue is affected by superheating temperature and by decreasing this
gas at the HRSG outlet was cooled to 81.13  C. In this case, tem- temperature, the moisture content decreases. It has to be empha-
perature of the flue gas at the HRSG outlet is higher than in dual sized that values greater than 1 do not actually represent moisture
pressure HRSG without a reheater. This is because introduction of content (moisture content is defined between 0 and 1), but only
a reheater necessarily reduces working fluid mass flow of first show that expansion in the turbine was into saturated steam
pressure level, so that there is less working fluid mass flow below region.
the pinch point temperature of first pressure level which results in The optimization algorithm is trying to find a combination of
higher outlet temperature. The pressure of the second pressure pressure of the first pressure level, reheater's superheating tem-
level is somewhat higher than in case of HRSG without a reheater perature and moisture content at the steam turbine outlet, what
and therefore hSC is higher too, but on the contrary, hHRSG is will ensure maximum thermodynamic efficiency of the steam-
slightly lower. By conducted optimization the compromise turbine plant. The pressure of reheating is 70.4 bar. Working fluid
between hSC and hHRSG , according to the Equation (2.15), is found mass flow of the first pressure level, and therefore also of reheating,
which resulting in hST ¼ 35.35% and a total exchanged heat flux of is 0.122 kg/s which is slightly less than in the configuration without
569.7 kW. reheater due to the introduction of a reheater, as explained in 3.1. As
S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50 45

Fig. 11. T-Ф diagram of a working cycle e dual pressure HRSG (acetone in second
pressure level) with a reheater, Tfg,in ¼ 600  C.

Fig. 9. Thermodynamic efficiency of a steam cycle as a function of superheating

temperature and moisture content and fraction hhh
at the turbine outlet (water as a
working fluid). the second pressure level is 24.95%, which is less than in 4.1
(27.79%). However, hST is higher (37.24%), which is the consequence
of high hHRSG (94.75%), in contrast to hHRSG in 4.1 (86.69%). Total
exchanged heat flux is 622.6 kW.
it can be seen from the T-Ф diagram (Figs. 11 and 12), temperature
profiles of working fluid of the first pressure level and a reheater 3.3. Results of thermodynamic optimization with R11 as a working
almost adhere to the temperature profile of flue gas, which is an fluid in second pressure level and Tfg,in ¼ 600  C (2 PL þ RH)
indicator of good utilization of the flue gas heat.
Working pressure of the second pressure level is 46.4 bar which In this case, a working fluid in the second pressure level is R11.
is very close to the critical pressure. It can be seen from the T-s The working pressure of the first pressure level is 469 bar and of
diagram (Fig. 10) that second pressure level does not have a reheating 51.9 bar. The superheating temperature of the first pres-
superheater, but acetone enters turbine as dry superheated vapor. sure level is 596  C and of reheating 581  C. The working fluid mass
The temperature at the turbine inlet is 234.5  C, which corresponds flow rate of the first pressure level is 0.124 kg/s. The moisture
to the saturation temperature at 46.4 bar. The moisture content at content at the turbine outlet of a reheater is x ¼ 0.89. As it can be
the turbine outlet is x ¼ 0.91. As seen in the T-s diagram, turbine seen from the T-s diagram (Fig. 13) expansion in the high-pressure
expansion line touches line x ¼ 0.8 which suggests that, in this case, turbine of the first pressure level reached the line of dry-saturated
for a given working pressure of 46.4 bar, maximum possible steam. Pinch point of the first pressure level occurs at a tempera-
moisture content at the turbine outlet is achieved. The mass flow ture of about 385  C and the working fluid of the second pressure
rate of acetone is 0.225 kg/s. In this case, as in 4.1, the heat of the level utilizes the heat of the flue gas below this temperature, as it
flue gas is utilized at temperatures below pinch point occurrence of can be seen in the T-Ф diagram (Figs. 14 and 15). hSC of the first
first pressure level (390  C). The flue gas at the HRSG outlet has a pressure level is 43.51% and is almost the same as in 4.2.
temperature of 30.15  C, which is for 50  C lower than in the case Operating parameters of the second pressure level are 272.13  C
where water was working fluid in the second pressure level. hSC of and 145 bar. Operating pressure in this case is supercritical. The

Fig. 10. T-s diagram of a working cycle e dual pressure HRSG (acetone in second pressure level) with a reheater, Tfg,in ¼ 600  C.
46 S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50

Fig. 12. T-Ф diagram of each pressure level and reheater (acetone in second pressure level), Tfg,in ¼ 600  C.

Fig. 13. T-s diagram of a working cycle e dual pressure HRSG (R11) in second pressure level) with a reheater, Tfg,in ¼ 600  C.

mass flow of R11 is 0.554 kg/s. The moisture content at the turbine is shown on T-Ф diagram that the change in temperature of the
outlet is x ¼ 0.98. In Fig. 16 it can be seen that the maximum hSC , for working fluid of the second pressure level, in the region of total
a superheating temperature of 272.13  C, is achieved if vapor at the exchanged heat flux from 170 kW to 310 kW, is practically negli-
turbine outlet is in the superheated region. As with Fig. 9, in Fig. 16 gible, so the superheater of the second pressure level, in that region,
values greater than 1 do not actually represent moisture content, can be omitted. Total exchanged heat flux of flue gas is 622.2 kW. In
but only show that expansion in the turbine was into saturated Table 9 optimization results are shown.
vapor region. Superheated vapor at the turbine outlet can be ach-
ieved by reducing the operating pressure of R11, but reducing the 4. Conclusion
operating pressure increases flue gas temperature at the HRSG
outlet (Fig. 17) and thus hHRSG decreases. The optimization algo- As it can be seen from this analysis, the optimal solution consists
rithm was trying to find a compromise between the hSC and hHRSG . It of a compromise between the hSC and hHRSG . Objective function was
S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50 47

Fig. 14. T-Ф diagram of a working cycle e dual pressure HRSG (R11 in second pressure
level) with a reheater, Tfg,in ¼ 600  C.

Fig. 16. Thermodynamic efficiency of a cycle as a function of superheating tempera-

ture, moisture content and fraction hhh
at the turbine outlet (R11 as a working fluid).

maximization of hST so there is optimal correlation between hHRSG

and hSC that gives optimal hST . This is why it is said that solution
consists of compromise between hHRSG and hSC . Optimization economizer, disables better utilization of flue gas heat. In order to
algorithm does not recognize hHRSG and hSC separately but opti- additionally reduce negative effect of pinch point occurrence,
mizes only objective function (hST ). High hSC does not guarantee a together with the heat-exchangers' layout which is determined by
high hST . Therefore, it is necessary to find operating parameters of the optimization algorithm, organic working fluids are used in
all pressure levels and heat-exchangers' layout which will give lower pressure levels. Comparing constraint variables, given
maximum possible hST . Pinch point, which occurs mostly inside the in Table 2, and comparing them with their values, presented in

Fig. 15. T-Ф diagram of each pressure level and reheater (R11 in second pressure level), Tfg,in ¼ 600  C.
48 S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50

Table 8
Results of thermodynamic optimization with acetone as a working fluid in second
pressure level and Tfg,in ¼ 600  C (2 PL þ RH).

Variable Value

Tfg,in 600  C

working fluid acetone

pressure level 1st 2nd reheater

ɳSC, % 43.75 24.95

DTpp  C 0.00 0.12
p, bar 518.30 46.40 70.45
pcond, bar 0.03 0.31
x 0.88 0.91
Tsuper,  C 598.30 234.58 597.51
qm, kg/s 0.122 0.225 0.122
Фeco, kW 245.3 129.8
Фeva, kW 0.00 13.84
Фsuper, kW 127.8 3.70 102.2
Фshare,% 59.92 23.67 16.41
PST,tot, kW 215.3 38.35
Ppum,tot, kW 7.43 1.57
Fig. 17. Temperature difference between a working fluid and flue gas at the HRSG Ptot, kW 207.9 36.77
outlet as a function of superheating temperature, operation pressure and pinch point Tfg,out,  C 30.15
temperature (DTpp ¼ 0  C) e R11 as a working fluid. ɳST,tot, % 37.24
ɳSC,tot, % 39.30
ɳHRSG, % 94.75
Tables 5e9, it can be seen for which values of constraint variables
optimum solution was found. Optimum solutions were found in the
vicinity of the boundary of constraints DTpp and Tfg,out. Values of Table 9
other constraints were not all ways on the boundary. Results of thermodynamic optimization with R11 as a working fluid in the second
The optimization results show that from the thermodynamical pressure level and Tfg,in ¼ 600  C (2 PL þ RH).
point of view the use of acetone and R11 in lower pressure levels, Variable Value
for the same operating conditions, has an advantage over the water
Tfg,in 600  C
i.e. by using acetone and R11 higher hST can be achieved. According
working fluid R11
to the obtained results it can be concluded that:
pressure level 1st 2nd reheater
a) By using acetone, in a case of Tfg,in ¼ 600  C, and R11 and by ɳSC, % 43.51 23.73
enabling optimization algorithm to determine heat-ex- DTpp  C 0.00 0.08
changers' layout, it is possible to achieve higher hST and p, bar 469.20 145.36 51.59
therefore higher hCCPP. pcond, bar 0.03 1.06
x 0.89 0.98
b) Higher hST can be achieved at higher temperatures of the flue Tsuper,  C 595.79 272.13 581.07
gas at the HRSG inlet. qm, kg/s 0.124 0.554 0.124
Фeco, kW 249.5 112.2
Фeva, kW 0.00 0.00
Фsuper, kW 136.5 21.36 102.8
Фshare,% 62.02 21.47 16.51
Table 7 PST,tot, kW 219.6 38.11
Results of thermodynamic optimization with water as a working fluid in second Ppum,tot, kW 6.88 6.39
pressure level and Tfg,in ¼ 600  C (2 PL þ RH). Ptot, kW 212.7 31.71
Variable Value Tfg,out,  C 30.25
ɳST,tot, % 37.20
Tfg,in 600  C ɳSC,tot, % 39.26
ɳHRSG, % 94.74
working fluid water

pressure level 1st 2nd reheater

ɳSC, % 42.12 27.79 c) hST differences between power plant when considering
DTpp  C 0.47 0
p, bar 402.93 11.61 40.56
acetone or R11 and water, at lower pressure levels, decrease
pcond, bar 0.03 0.03 as temperature of the flue gas at the HRSG inlet increases.
x 0.82 0.81 d) Achieving only high hSC and not hHRSG , is not enough for
Tsuper,  C 591.6 212.52 375.7 achieving high hST , but it is necessary to find a compromise
qm, kg/s 0.147 0.019 0.147
between them.
Фeco, kW 294.2 13.25
Фeva, kW 0 38.81
Фsuper, kW 171.5 1.3 50.66 Appendix A
Фshare,% 81.74 9.37 8.89
PST,tot, kW 224.5 14.86
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ɳSC,tot, % 40.78 2. The algorithm then creates a sequence of new populations. At
ɳHRSG, % 86.69
each step, the algorithm uses the individuals in the current
S. Katulic et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 36e50 49

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