Mca Applied Heat 2017

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MONDAY, 17 JULY 2017

1315 - 1615 hrs

Examination paper inserts:

Notes for the guidance of candidates:

1. Non-programmable calculators may be used.

2. All formulae used must be stated and the method of working and ALL intermediate
steps must be made clear in the answer.

Materials to be supplied by examination centres:

Candidates examination workbook

Graph paper
‘Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids’ by Mayhew & Rogers (5th edition)

Attempt SIX questions only.

All questions carry equal marks.

Marks for each part question are shown in brackets.

1. In a reversible cycle 1.5 kg of air is heated at constant volume, from a pressure

and temperature of 1 bar and 25°C respectively to a pressure of 7 bar. It is then
isothermally expanded to the original pressure and finally it is cooled at constant
pressure to the initial volume.

(a) Sketch the cycle on Pressure-Volume and Temperature-specific entropy

diagrams. (4)

(b) Calculate EACH of the following:

(i) the net work transfer; (4)

(ii) the thermal efficiency for the cycle; (3)

(iii) the efficiency of a Carnot cycle operating between the same

temperature limits. (3)

(c) Sketch the Carnot cycle on a Temperature-specific entropy diagram. (2)

Note: for air cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK and cv = 0.718 kJ/kgK

2. Air enters an open cycle gas turbine at an atmospheric temperature and pressure
of 15ºC and 1.013 bar respectively. The compressor operates on a pressure ratio
of 8.5:1 with an isentropic efficiency of 0.78.

The temperature of the gas leaving the combustion chamber is 925ºC and it
expands through the turbine to atmosphere with an isentropic efficiency of 0.83.
The net power output of the plant is 1800 kW.
The mass flow of fuel may be ignored.

(a) Sketch the cycle on a Temperature-specific entropy diagram. (2)

(b) Calculate EACH of the following:

(i) the temperature at the end of compression; (3)

(ii) the temperature at the end of expansion; (3)

(iii) the mass flow rate of air through the plant; (3)

(iv) thermal efficiency; (3)

(v) the work ratio. (2)

Note: for air cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK and cv = 0.718 kJ/kgK

3. A fuel of mass analysis 84% carbon and 16% hydrogen is completely burned in air.

The dry flue gas analysis shows that they contain 14% CO2 by volume. (8)

(a) Determine the air supply in molar volumes for 100 kg of fuel.

(b) Calculate EACH of the following:

(i) the air fuel ratio by mass; (4)

(ii) the percentage excess air by volume. (4)

Note: Relative atomic masses H =1, C =12, N =14, O =16

Air contains 21% oxygen by volume.
4. A bend of constant cross sectional area which turns the flow through 75° is
shown in Fig Q4.
It is fitted in a horizontal section of a 600 mm diameter fresh water cooling

The cooling system pressure at this point is 3 bar and the flow rate is 0.85 m3/s.
The pressure loss due to the bend is negligible.

Calculate EACH of the following:

(a) the net force acting on the axis ox; (8)

(b) the net force acting on the axis oy; (4)

(c) the magnitude of the resultant force acting on the bend; (2)

(d) the direction of the resultant force. (2)


75° o x

Fig Q4

5 Steam at a pressure and temperature of 40 bar and 400ºC respectively is
expanded in the nozzles of a two row velocity compounded impulse turbine to a
pressure of 15 bar.

The steam enters the first row of moving blades with an absolute velocity of
700 m/s.

The outlet angles from the nozzles, first row of moving blades, fixed blades and
the second row of moving blades are 18º, 21º, 26º and 35º respectively.

The blade velocity coefficient is 0.9 over each of the three rows of blades.

The turbine shaft speed is 3000 rev/min and the mean blade diameter is
750 mm.

(a) Determine the condition of the steam leaving the nozzles. (5)

(b) Draw the velocity diagram for each row to a scale of 1 mm = 5 m/s. (8)

(c) Determine the diagram efficiency; (3)

6. A vapour compression refrigeration cycle using Ammonia has compressor suction

and discharge pressures of 3.413 bar and 11.67 bar respectively. The vapour
enters the compressor in a dry saturated state and leaves at a temperature
of 105ºC.

The liquid refrigerant has 4 K of sub-cooling at entry to the expansion valve.

(a) Sketch the cycle on Pressure-specific enthalpy and Temperature-specific

entropy diagrams.
(b) Determine EACH of the following:

(i) the percentage of dry vapour entering the evaporator; (3)

(ii) the specific work done; (3)

(iii) the coefficient of performance; (2)

(iv) the isentropic efficiency of the compressor. (4)

7. An exhaust gas economiser has a total of 60 tubes in a single pass, counterflow

Each tube has an inner diameter of 20 mm, wall thickness 2.4 mm and a length
of 3 m.

The feed water enters the tubes at a temperature of 90ºC and leaves at 106ºC.

The exhaust gas enters the shell at a rate of 47 tonne/hour and temperature of
350ºC, it leaves at a temperature of 280ºC.

The heat lost to the surroundings is negligible.

Calculate EACH of the following:

(a) the rate of heat transfer; (2)

(b) the mean velocity of the feed water in the tubes; (5)

(c) the log mean temperature difference; (4)

(d) the overall heat transfer coefficient, based on the tube outer surface area. (5)

Note: for feed water c = 4.2 kJ/kgK and density 1000 kg/m3
for exhaust gas cp = 1.1 kJ/kgK

8. A single acting, two stage reciprocating air compressor, takes in air at a pressure
and temperature of 0.95 bar and 15ºC respectively and delivers it at 30 bar.

The low pressure cylinder has a bore of 300 mm and a stroke of 450 mm with a
volumetric efficiency of 82%.

The air enters the second stage at a pressure and temperature of 6 bar and 25ºC

The compressor speed is 200 rev/min.

The index of compression and expansion in both stages is 1.3.

(a) Sketch the process on a Pressure-Volume diagram. (2)

(b) Calculate EACH of the following:

(i) the compressor power; (4)

(ii) the heat removed in the inter-cooler; (4)

(iii) the heat removed by the cooling water in the low and high pressure
cylinders. (6)

Note: for air R = 0.287 kJ/kgK cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK

9. In a mixture of methane (CH4) and air there are three volumes of oxygen to one
volume of methane.

The mixture is isentropically compressed through a volume ratio of five to one

from initial conditions of 1 bar and 102ºC.

Calculate EACH of the following:

(a) the gravimetric analysis of the mixture; (4)

(b) the molecular mass of the mixture; (2)

(c) the adiabatic index of the mixture; (4)

(d) the work done per unit mass of the mixture. (6)

The universal gas constant = 8.3145 kJ/kmolK.
For each constituent gas the values of cp at 375 K are:
Oxygen = 0.934 kJ/kg, Methane = 2.442 kJ/kgK,
Nitrogen = 1.042 kJ/kgK .
Atomic mass relationships: H =1, C = 12, N = 14, O = 16.
Air contains 21% oxygen by volume.
SUBJECT: 040-32-Applied Heat

DATE: 17th July 2017

General Comments on Examination Paper

Candidates should: Read the whole question carefully paying particular attention to the units given.
Produce a solution based on given data and what has been asked.
Take care when answering questions they are “confident” with. Stating the correct formula but
leaving out data on the next step and calculating an incorrect answer from correct data was common.
Read what they have written eg ((1.4-1)1.4)1.4 or 1.
General Comments of Specific Examination Questions
Q1. The P-v diagrams were usually good but the T-s diagrams poor, the Carnot cycle forms a
rectangle but the vapour dome does not apply to a gas. Using the diagram numbers in the equations
would eliminate many errors, for example the isothermal process was 2-3 not 1-2. Many confused
Q2. Many candidates did not read the question. Adding the information given to the diagram would
have eliminated many errors particularly when using the isentropic efficiency formula.
Net work output = Turbine work – Compressor work.
Q3. Mass m = Amount n x Molecular mass M. The % CO2 gives the toatl DRY gas (Wet gas
contains H2O, dry gas does not). Convert fuel to Kmols. Use total DFG to obtain excess O2 and N2 in
terms of O2 supplied and solve in oxygen balance.
Q4. Few attempts. This is an application of the momentum equation in 2D. F = q(C). The back
pressure oposes the inlet pressure.
Q5. Many produced good vector diagrams but also calculated values! Some confused absolute and
relative velocities Nozzle exit velocity was given, this was used to otain the enthalpy at exit and
hence superheat. The velocity cannot increase across an impulse blade.
The symbol for fluid velocity is “C”.
Q6.The concept of a dryness fraction being the fraction of dry vapour escaped many, while others
were unable to convert a fraction to a percentage. An expansion valve is a throttle with an isenthalpic
process not isentropic. Refrigeration effect is a heat tranfer not work transfer. There is no need to
interpolate small differences eg s=5.419 may be taken as 5.417. Isentropic efficiency of the
compressor is based on work (enthalpy change) not heat (entropy change).
Q7. Steam conditions were given allowing heat transfer to be obtained, this could then be used to
obtain the cooling flow mhfg(steam) = mcpT(water). Many confused cross-sectional area (flow)
with surface area ( heat transfer), the tube length only aplies to the latter. Log mean temperature
difference units are Kelvin. Many forgot about the number of tubes.
Q8 The diagrams were poor but the calculations in the main were good although they displayed
many “careless” errors. Parts bii and biii required the aplication of the SFEE not the NFEE.
The pressure ratios were not equal neither was there perfect intercooling. Absolute temperatures are
required for calculations. The compression processes were polytropic not isentropic.
Q9.Few attempts, however for volumes read kmols. 3 volumes of oxygen comes with 11.286
volumes of nitrogen . Also mass = n x M, M = total mass total kmols. Cp mixture=(mcp)






1315 - 1615 hrs

Examination paper inserts:

Notes for the guidance of candidates:

1. Non-programmable calculators may be used.

2. All formulae used must be stated and the method of working and ALL intermediate
steps must be made clear in the answer.

Materials to be supplied by examination centres:

Candidates examination workbook

Graph paper
‘Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids’ by Mayhew & Rogers (5th edition)

Attempt SIX questions only.

All questions carry equal marks.

Marks for each part question are shown in brackets.

1. A mass of 0.2 kg of helium is compressed reversibly in a cylinder according to the

law pVn = constant.

The initial pressure and temperature are 1.01 bar and 25ºC respectively.

The final pressure and temperature are 9.5 bar and 213ºC respectively.

(a) Sketch the process on Pressure-Volume and Temperature-specific entropy

diagrams. (4)

(b) Calculate EACH of the following:

(i) the index of compression; (2)

(ii) the work transfer; (2)

(iii) the heat transfer; (2)

(iv) the change in entropy. (6)

Note: for helium cv = 3.116 kJ/kgK, R = 2.077 kJ/kgK

2. In an air standard diesel cycle, the volume at the end of heat supply is 1.8 times
the volume at the beginning of the heat supply.

The temperature at the beginning of compression is 300 K and at the end of

expansion it is 678.6 K.
The thermal efficiency is 66.9%.

(a) Sketch the cycle on Pressure-Volume and Temperature-specific entropy

diagrams. (4)

(b) Calculate EACH of the following for 1 kg of air:

(i) the heat supply; (6)

(ii) the network output; (2)

(iii) the maximum cycle temperature; (2)

(iv) the volume compression ratio. (2)

Note: for air γ = 1.4 and cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK

3. A gaseous fuel has the following volumetric analysis: 44% H2, 28% CH4, 12% CO,
14% N2, 2% O2.

The dry volumetric analysis of the combustion products is 9.39% CO2, 86.76% N2,
3.85% O2.

(a) Determine the full combustion equation in kmols per kmol of fuel. (10)

(b) Calculate EACH of the following:

(i) the percentage excess air supplied; (2)

(ii) the mass analysis of the wet exhaust gas. (4)

Note: Relative atomic masses C = 12, H = 1, O= 16, N = 14

Air contains 21% oxygen by volume.
4. An ideal steam reheat cycle operates between pressure of
40 bar and 40 millibar, with a superheat temperature of 400ºC. The first
expansion is carried out to the point where the steam is dry saturated. The
steam is then reheated at constant pressure to the original superheat
There is 6 K sub-cooling in the condenser and the feed pump work cannot be

(a) Sketch the cycle on a Temperature- specific entropy diagram. (4)

(b) Determine EACH of the following:

(i) the quality of the steam entering the condenser; (4)

(ii) the cycle efficiency; (5)

(iii) the specific steam consumption. (3)

5. The steam condition at a stage in a 50% reaction turbine is 0.16 bar and
0.95 dry. The speed of rotation is 3600 rev/min with a mass flow rate of
36 tonne/hour. At these conditions the stage develops a power of 1000 kW. The
moving blade exit angle is 18º and the axial velocity of the steam is 80% of the
blade velocity at the mean radius.

(a) Sketch the velocity vector diagram for the stage and identify the whirl
velocities at inlet and exit. (3)

(b) Calculate EACH of the following:

(i) the mean diameter of the blade ring; (6)

(ii) the blade height; (3)

(iii) the diagram efficiency. (4)

6. A reverse heat engine operates on the reverse Carnot cycle.

The working fluid is R134a and the cycle operates between temperature limits of
-5ºC and +40ºC.

(a) Sketch the cycle on a Temperature-specific entropy diagram indicating the

network. (4)

(b) Calculate EACH of the following:

(i) the dryness fraction at the beginning of compression; (3)

(ii) the heat removed per kg of fluid from the low temperature reservoir; (3)

(iii) the heat rejected per kg of fluid to the high temperature reservoir; (2)

(iv) the cycle network input; (2)

(v) the cycle co-efficient of performance. (2)

7. The flow rate of lubricating oil to an engine is measured using a vertical venturi

The venturi meter has an inlet diameter of 150 mm and the throat, which is
200 mm above the inlet, has a diameter of 100 mm.

A differential pressure gauge connected to the inlet and throat gives a reading
of 5 kN/m2.

The venturi has a coefficient of discharge of 0.95 and the relative density of the
oil is 0.82.

Calculate EACH of the following:

(a) the net increase in kinetic energy for 1 kg of oil; (8)

(b) the velocity of the oil at the venturi meter inlet; (5)

(c) the mass flow rate of oil in tonne per hour. (3)
8. The overall pressure ratio in a two stage, single acting reciprocating air
compressor designed for minimum work is 12.25:1.

At the beginning of the compression stroke the LP cylinder contains 0.0234 kg of

air at a pressure and temperature of 1.013 bar and 25ºC respectively.

The polytropic index for all the expansion and compression processes is 1.28.

The clearance volume in both stages is 4% of their respective swept volumes.

The stroke of each stage is 300 mm and the speed is 320 rev/min.

(a) Sketch the processes on a pressure-Volume diagram indicating ALL the

volumes. (3)

(b) Calculate EACH of the following:

(i) the volumetric efficiency of each stage; (3)

(ii) the cylinder bore of each stage; (6)

(iii) the total indicated power. (4)

Note: for air R = 0.287 kJ/kgK

9. Superheated steam at a pressure and temperature of 10 bar 350ºC respectively

enters a convergent divergent nozzle with negligible velocity.

The steam expands isentropically to a throat pressure of 3 bar and exits the
nozzle at a pressure of 0.2 bar.

The enthalpy drop from the throat to the exit is 209.367 kJ.

The mass flow of steam is 1.713 tonne/hour.

Calculate EACH of the following:

(a) the diameter of the nozzle at the throat; (5)

(b) the diameter of the nozzle at exit; (6)

(c) the isentropic efficiency of the divergent section. (5)

SUBJECT: 040-32-Applied Heat

DATE: 27th March 2017

General Comments on Examination Paper

Candidates should: Read the whole question carefully paying particular attention to the units given.
Produce a solution based on given data and what has been asked. Apply the given units and use
them to confirm the correct equation and expected outcome. For example mcp = kg x kJ/kgK = kJ/K
not kg, kJ or kJ/kg. Take care when using a calculator.
General Comments of Specific Examination Questions
Q1. The P-v diagrams were usually good but the T-s diagrams poor. Common errors indicate that
numerous candidates were unable to relate the diagrams to the processes in the calculations.
Heat was confused with entropy and internal energy, for a polytropic process Q  W + U
Q2. Many candidates could not identify the beginning of compression and the end of expansion.
Temperature difference was used as heat supply and rejection, many did not realise fluid temperature
increases during heat addition.
Q3. The question stated a “volumetric analysis” and % volume is the same as %kmol. Many did not
account for the oxygen and nitrogen in the fuel while others assumed the CO remained unchanged
despite there being no CO in the exhaust gas. Wet gas contains H2O, dry gas does not.
Q4. The diagrams were variable, few showed the superheat temperature above the critical and the
first expansion on the dry saturated vapour line, undercooling was rarely shown and the expansion
lines should be vertical. When using tables there is no need to interpolate values that are a few Joules
different in this case 6.769 may be taken as 6.761 a difference of 0.12%. Common errors include
missing out feed pump work and not including the reheater in the heat supplied.
Q5.Candidates using symbols such as x,y z to identify velocity components made significantly more
trig errors than those producing a correctly labelled diagram. Many did not use sin, cos and tan
correctly to obtain the whirl velocities in terms of the blade velocity.
The symbol for fluid velocity is “C”.
Q6.The diagrams were poor and inaccurate. Some confused a heat engine with a heat pump. Most
candidates produced calculations based on enthalpy however expansion was isentropic and h 3 did
not equal h4. A simpler solution based on Q = TS and W = QS – QR reduced the work content.
Q7. An application of the Bernoulli equation. The few attempting this question produced good
solutions marred by careless mathematical and calculation errors. fluid velocity symbol “C”.
Q8.Many candidates produced a poor diagram not showing the volumes as required. Many confused
the total volume with the induced volume, V1 = Vs + Vc. Many assumed that it was single stage or
the second stage bore would be the same as the first stage. m3/s m2 will not give m, the stroke was
given not mean piston speed.
Q9. Only the convergent section was isentropic the throat being 3 bar 200C (only 11 J difference
in specific entropy). Many failed to use the throat velocity when applying the SFEE to the divergent
section. The isentropic efficiency only applied to the divergent section.

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