Separation Process Principles Third Edition
Separation Process Principles Third Edition
Separation Process Principles Third Edition
Abstract Vapor-liquid phase equilibrium data of tertpentanol in carbon dioxide were measured at temperatures of
313.4, 323.4, 333.5 and 343.5 K and in the pressure range of 4.56―11.44 MPa. The phase equilibium apparatus used
in the work was a variable-volume high-pressure cell. The experimental data were reasonably correlated with
Peng-Robinson equation of state(PR-EOS) together with van der Waals-2 two-parameter mixing rules. Henry’s Law
constants and partial molar volumes of CO2 at infinite dilution were estimated with Krichevsky-Kasarnovsky equa-
tion, and Henry’s Law constants increase with increasing temperature, however, partial molar volumes of CO2 at in-
finite dilution are negative whose magnitudes decrease with temperature. Partial molar volumes of CO2 and tertpen-
tanol in liquid phase at equilibrium were calculated.
Keywords Carbon dioxide; Tertpentanol; Phase equilibrium; Henry’s Law constant; Partial molar volume
Article ID 1005-9040(2011)-04-678-05
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
Received November 17, 2010; accepted March 4, 2011.
Supported by the Youth Key Teacher Foundation of Henan Educational Committee, China(No.2010GGJS-162).
No.4 WANG Lin et al. 679
equilibrium cell. The inner diameter of the cell is 22.12 mm. volume by capillary and needle-type valve. After the desorption
The maximum operating temperature and pressure of the appa- tank was evacuated, carbon dioxide was desorbed to the de-
ratus are 423 K with an accuracy of 0.1 K and 20 MPa with an sorption tank very slowly until the pressure of the tank didn’t
accuracy of 0.01 MPa, respectively. The pressure in the cell is change. The amount of CO2 in each phase was determined by
generated via the pressurization of the piston driven by a measuring the corresponding pressure variation in the desorp-
hand-pump. The equilibrium pressure in the cell is measured by tion tank. The mass of tertpentanol was equal to the sample
a CYB-20S differential pressure gauge which is calibrated with mass minus CO2 mass. The content of water in tertpentanol was
a standard pressure gauge; cell temperature is controlled by a detected with gas chromatography, and the O-rings were re-
ZCY-15B digit constant temperature encircling liquid bath placed when the content of water was over 0.5%. The molar
controller and measured by a calibrated thermocouple. The fractions in two phases were calculated.
motion distance of the piston is measured with a NS-YB05C- The volume of the sample was calculated by the product
A-I-0-0-1 displacement meter with an accuracy of 0.01 mm, of the known inner diameter of the cell and the distance
which is confirmed with a standard micrometer. A magnetic between the positions of the piston before and after taking the
stirrer which is driven by a pneumatic drive pump is used for sample. The densities of the vapor and liquid phases were
mixing the fluid in the cell. The reliability of measurement was obtained via dividing the appropriate mass by the volume of
tested by comparation with the published data of an ethanol+ each phase. Finally, the molar volumes of the vapor and liquid
CO2 system[16]. phases were obtained from sampling volume and the composi-
The reproductivity of the composition results was verified
by several measurenents under the same pressure and tempera-
ture. Vapor and liquid phase compositions were found repro-
ducible with a molar fraction of ±0.0008 and ±0.0010.
The corresponding isothermal pressure-composition dia- liquid phase decreases as the pressure increases. In the course
grams are drawn in Fig.3. Meanwhile, the reported values in of approaching to critical pressure, subtle change of pressure
the literature[11] are also drawn in Fig.3. As can be seen from can cause the noticeable variation of densities of vapor and
Fig.3, the experimental data in the work at 313.4 K are in good liquid phases.
agreement with those reported by Lee et al.[11] at 313.2 K. The
experimental results also show that the solubility of CO2 in
tertpentanol increase with pressure.